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maiuowrites · 11 months ago
There's a rumor spreading...
A rumor to which will endanger my life.
Not just mine, but those who work below me, as well...
I'm not fond of lies spreading, but I have my ways of dealing with misjift cowards trying to derail the trust I worked hard into this annoying existence I was brought into.
The rumor is that I have been having a relationship with my Second Commander...
Whoever brought that up will be found and brought to my own hands of Justice. They better HoPe I don't find them... For my works are legendary in this world.
Ribba the Rabbit; Though affectionately called that by family, makes me somewhat regretful I allowed her to join the stats of these beings I command.
Oddly an aloof and dimwitted female rabbit monsters with the mindset of a toddler on the best of days; Always smiling and laughing where she can, constantly getting my Soldiers riled up and playing along with her games... Ribba has even gotten my brother into her antics, but that isn't as shocking with my brothers records.
However, besides the obvious downfalls of her personality, there are some good qualities to her.. The only few saving graces to being in this pandemonium world of ours.
Ribba's speed and hindsight of not needing to see where she strikes an enemy; Able to deal either deathly wounds or just an ounce of their life; Has gained her the nickname "Brisk Lapin".
Having another pair of hands to do that is a feature; Something not many of the others can do. Otherwise, I wouldn't have her in my quadrants to begin with...
Another is how she can keep the HoPe of the others alive. Her ability to be almost carefree and flowing with many creatures down here have easily broken up many fights. She says she doesn't have patience's, just plenty of experience when her toddler siblings would fight... Her tactics are that of a Mother, but it works. Annoyingly so.
But there is something odd with my Second Commander... I have noticed her ears will twitch first to others when they speak to her; But I suspect it's a power stance which I can admire.
Noticed the things others wouldn't with her paws; how she will tap certain items like tables with items on them and slightly hover her fingers until she reached the desired item in question. Or how she fumbles and makes it look like she's a clumsy rabbit...
Whether it's to have others guess her techniques and wonder how she got into my army's ranks or there is actually something wrong with her is still a secret I will be finding out on a later date.
For now; How could I possibly have any connection to a creature who is so opposite to myself in ways of personality? She doesn't even strike fear into others. She doesn't growl, doesn't yell, and takes those who yell at her rather than standing up for herself...
... But I saw that if it's for those under her; She stands up and shows a different side to that-... Disgustingly sweet side.
They have written in terms of how she strikes fear into those who have harmed her section. Issuing in some deaths, which from the aspects of the situation; Were unavoidable.
Perhaps-... The Judge wasn't wrong when they assigned her to being the new Second Commander.
Why would I care though?
She's just a rabbit monster; The shortest breed there is, as well. Normally used in the Parlor of Muffet's as prostitute's, somehow missed the memo & joined the ranks...
Perhaps that is why such a rumor is spreading...
It's a good thing I just found the deceitful imbecile, brave enough to run their mouth with me right behind him.
Time to show them not to mess with the Black Executioner.
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