runic-raptor · 4 days
yeah, sorry i exhibited symptoms of the disorder i told you i have. it will happen again because i have that disorder and will continue having it. hope this helps!! 🫶🫶🫶
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runic-raptor · 8 days
Oh yeah, you're totally right. Idk, somehow I had it in my head it only took 4 months to Mars.
Yeah, we're gonna be waiting on thia news for a while
It wrinkles my brain that Jupiter’s moon Europa has oceans that are sixty miles deep, while Earth’s oceans only reach seven miles deep at most. I’m willing to bet good money that there’s life in Europa’s oceans. Like five bucks. You hear me, NASA? I bet you five bucks that there’s life on Europa… Now that there’s money and reputation on the line, I bet they send a mission there real quick.
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runic-raptor · 8 days
top 5 things people should know about sex
sex doesn't ever have to involve penetration or even genitalia if you don't want it to.
the lack of an orgasm isn't necessarily a sign that the sex was bad, and the presence of one isn't a guarantee that the sex was good or even wanted.
wanting or needing any kind of aides during sex - vibrators, other toys, more lube, pillows to prop up parts of your body, etc - is totally fine and doesn't mean that anyone isn't "good enough" as they are.
there's no guaranteed trick to make yourself a better sexual partner except for subjecting yourself to the mortifying ordeal of being known and just talking to your partner(s).
statistically speaking whatever you think is weird about your own body or sexual proclivities is probably pretty average.
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runic-raptor · 8 days
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runic-raptor · 8 days
so, little vent under the cut
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runic-raptor · 10 days
And then several months to actually get there, and get data backs, so sit tight a bit longer.
It wrinkles my brain that Jupiter’s moon Europa has oceans that are sixty miles deep, while Earth’s oceans only reach seven miles deep at most. I’m willing to bet good money that there’s life in Europa’s oceans. Like five bucks. You hear me, NASA? I bet you five bucks that there’s life on Europa… Now that there’s money and reputation on the line, I bet they send a mission there real quick.
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runic-raptor · 11 days
Genetics are wild.
So we are waiting on DNA results on this baby because his color is just a lil questionable. So I'm gonna share pictures of the sire and dam along with "their" baby and yall gonna say "You ARE the father." or "You are NOT the father" and when we get results back I'll let yall know. Sire- (Sired by a grey stallion, and a chestnut mare with a history of bays, blacks, and chestnuts only in his pedigree.)
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Dam- (Sired by a black tobiano out of a sorrel mare. No sabino or roan in either pedigree, only spots and blacks and bays in hers)
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THE BABY- ^that's also him nursing in above picture
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His owner insists she brought her stallion to the farm to collect, was directly handed the semen, and it went right into the mare.
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runic-raptor · 11 days
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I literally cannot express to you how important it is to never touch a wild animal that you can’t definitively identify
(That is NOT a scarlet king it’s a venomous coral snake that very politely allowed this person to live)
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runic-raptor · 11 days
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runic-raptor · 11 days
at this point angry bigot gamer boys are living in fully alternate realities constructed in their discord servers because I just saw a guy on Twitter say with oooonnneee hundred percent sincerity “they mean it when they say go woke, go broke. that’s why baldur’s gate 3 flopped” & a bunch of his followers were agreeing with him.
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runic-raptor · 11 days
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this came to me in a vision
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runic-raptor · 15 days
The problem, as always, is starting that scary hour.
Once I get moving, Imalready usually determined to get everything done in one go. It's like carrying all the groceries inside in one go.
"I'm already in pain, so let's just strongman this inside, grunting and groaning and whining the whole way, but then it's over and I can collapse into a heap and cry a little."
I started a task Tuesday that I couldn't finish because I didn't realize it would get dark so quick (broken headlights, don't tell the cops), so I ran to Walmart like I said I would. But turns out my card was expired, so after panicking at the register for 15 minutes, I drove home and then BACK to walmart to get the other card. I felt like ceying the whole way, but I didn't want to go through all that again, so I just suffered through.
And then I forgot cat food, but lets not think about that now.
The tricky part for me is starting it in the first place. The got stove analogy really is my favorite.
I gave myself a panic attack a couple weeks ago because I tried to force myself to play an online game with my friends. A game I wanted to play. With friends I wanted to play with. But my body decided that was worse than torture so i broke down crying and had a panic attack instead.
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I thought it would be an hour of listening to screaming and looking at pictures of draculas, but it was so much for frightening than fathomed
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runic-raptor · 15 days
Yeaaaaaaaah. The insurance I used to have actually used to cover some trans stuff, but then the world doubled down on transphobia and they stopped covering it. They stopped covering it right around the time I would have been eligible.
Hence, I notice a possible lump and go straight to the doctor! (Coming from a person who thought they were having a heart attack and refused to go to the ER. Twice, though, the second time I did actually go in after the pain lasted several days and prevented me from working. Then I got fired for leaving work. Fuck I love the USAmerican un-healthcare system)
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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runic-raptor · 15 days
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So the prototypes got a little...
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runic-raptor · 17 days
Please? I'm sock of having average luck for ages, one moment of mildly good luck, and then getting a massive wave of bad luck that undoes not only the good luck, but the ages of good luck.
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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runic-raptor · 17 days
A lot of people are claiming that their stance only includes grammer fixing type AI, which I call bull on.
First of all, see above. Computers can not replace a person proofreading your work.
Second of all, oh no, you can't afford an editor? If only there were *communities centered around helping fellow writers learn and grow their writing*. Ah, if only we had something like that. /sarcasm
Third of all, their sponsor is NOT just a basic grammar fixing AI. I skimmed their website for features, and it will spit out entirely new suggestions to "fix" your writing. A lot of it is grammar and tone checking like grammarly, sure. But it also tries to paraphrase your work, adds in entirely new sentences where it sees fit, or will reword whatever you feed into it. Thats still generative AI as far as I can tell?
Fourthly! The way they phrase their defense of AI does not make it sound like they're only defending it for purposes like editing. Sure, they mention it at the end of a lot of their bullet points, but everything before that is written in this intentionally vague corporate manner that feels like it's meant to be possible to be interpreted in either way so that when someone on either side complains about it, they can claim that's not what they meant. It really feels like they're besting around the bush about what they're suggesting AI be used for until the final sentence. And only then do they give a (more "acceptable") example of how one might use AI to help those *poor unfortunate* poors and disabled. /sarcasm
Which yeah, I find their excuse to be INCREDIBLY ableist and classist. Again, it's not like we have communities built around helping other writers out or anything?????
Also, here's a fun coincidence. Apologies for any strange typos in this reply - or any of my posts really... Because whatever stupid "spellcheck" google has on their keyboard, has apparently decided it doesn't actually need to check my spelling (and doesn't even bother to underline egregious spelling errors like "9ther," "og," or "3ven.") and instead underlines pretty much everything else with very, uh, *interesting* suggestions about how I should fix my grammar.
So a lot of the time, embarrassing spelling errors get posted unnoticed, until finally I can see the block of text without a dozen underlined sentences distracting me from the actual fucking errors in the text.
One of the paragraphs above it wanted me to start a sentence with a comma between EACH of the first three words. It wants to put commas in weird places. It suggests different words that make no sense in context.
I have turned off every "advanced intelligence" option I can find in the keyboard settings. Still no spellcheck. Still get weird grammar suggestions. It's infuriating and why I uninstalled this keyboard for several months and replaced it with one from like 2018. (Had to switch back because it did not have most of the emojis I use. If you have any modern suggestions that don't suck, let me know).
Anyway, rant over because I have to go to work now. (Wanted to correct to, "Anyway, I rant over now," btw)
I do not understand the people defending this and claiming, "no, thats not what they meant!" and then posting the WORST quote from NaNoWriMo's statement.
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runic-raptor · 19 days
Caraway has discovered his purpose in life, and that is Being Petted.
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He will hiss and then he will chirp and the moment you touch him the joyous writhing begins. His reason for existing is "receive love"
Strange to think that 2 days ago he was probably some utterly feral little barn cat who hid in a car engine, was kidnapped by a giant monster and then a different set of giants started grooming him and feeding him by hand and he was warm and safe and full.
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