#Sanders Side
always-anxious612 · 1 year
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I can't draw children for the life of me, but I'm using these two as test subjects until I get better because I love them.
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
dance with me, till the end of love~
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doodledaf · 9 months
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Days 8-14 of Egotober, posted to Tumblr on the actual day :)
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sloth-21 · 1 month
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A fun Virgil inspired scrapbook page
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ax3-e0ns · 2 years
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This is my third attempt at uploading this one piece and having it appear in the search, I no longer have any clever way to explore Janus wearing Firefighter trousers.
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rainbowskittle · 1 year
I hope he makes a video of the sides reacting to Thomas being gay.
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glacierruler · 1 year
Janus's character sheet/background
Taglist: @hyperfixated-homo @cutebisexualmess @prince-rowan-of-the-forest Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed
Ships: eventual anaroceit, eventual intrulogical, preestablished roceit.
CWs: fantasy religion
Wanted to be part snake ever since he was a young boy, and made a deal with the goddess of nature, Rae, at the age of 15. Some nobles view this as a curse, but it's really a blessing. Whenever he gets the chance he prays to Rae, thanking them for giving him his scales.
Lacks balance because one eye is a snake eye. Uses a Cane when walking, but is usually on his horse, outside the palace, which helps him balance. Even if he's just leaning against her. Rouisha is the horse's name
Is the guard to and dating the Crown Prince Roman. When the Crown Prince is sent on an adventure so is he. Making sure the prince is safe is his top priority.
However he is rather stuck up in nature, and will do almost anything to keep his noble title. While he does believe that he should give his respect to those above him in status, just like those below Janus should give him respect, it can be lost. Sometimes rather easily. It's hard to gain his respect back. (I swear some of this changes as he goes on adventures, this is just how he is rn) He is also very vengeful if you hurt him or someone he loves.
Janus is a ranger and is 5'0
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 19
Feel free to ask questions! :)
Virgil / Patton / Logan / Roman / Remus
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dillydallydove · 1 year
ok this clip was after Thomas’ recent advertisement. I think its remus. Some people think it’s orange side. Idk?
Like why would the first time we hear the orange side be in an ADVERTISEMENT. and not like, at the end of an actual episode? Idk man i hope it’s remus and Thomas is just off his game. Like is he really going to officially introduce an new character in an 2 minute advertisement?
@softestvirgil (cause ik u were taking about it)
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amoonrising · 1 year
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Thomas Sanders portrait
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plant-dragon · 3 months
Sanders Sides: Remus
I feel like Remus is the type of guy to not really suck on his staw but just like bite it as hard as he can while holding eye contact scarily well with you the whole time
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queenmoxiety · 7 months
NEW ERA (sorta)
I'm thinking of changing my url to something unrelated to fandoms, due to not really being interested in Sanders sides anymore, I haven't really paid much attention to the sides since the Working through intrusive thought episode, I did recently watch the Aside short out of curiosity which made me see how dry the fandom has gotten. I have been running this blog for about the past 6 years and didn't start posting until 2 years of having it, alot have changed the fandom I mostly posted for has died out or left deactivated accounts,
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ash-is-kool · 1 year
Just got back into the sanders side fandom and it hit hard...
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
Fascinating, fics tagged dissection;
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It's not all of them but the rest are also (1).
Some make since, others well...
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amazon-me-bitches · 10 months
you ever drive your spouse crazy bc you want to gush over Sanders Sides but they don't bc they are indifferent to normal about them but your deranged?
anyway if anyone wants to gush about theories sanders side or Roleslaying related im here.
-I'll get the conversations going.... The orange side is anger and Logan is going to be posessed by him. when Nico cheats on/dumps/ghosts Thomas Roman is going to LOSE HIS MARBLES.
-Ryker and the Bard king were a couple and Roman of Reston is about to find out he is somehow a Bard prince. also Roman/Youngblood/Noise are all so in love its sickening (=
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sloth-21 · 17 days
Saw this community post on Tomas Sanders YouTube and What does this mean?!!
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soysaucevictim · 1 year
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Alright, here's the Begotten!Twins' dad, Vic.
He's a delight - never mind what Logan thinks of this man and Remus, in particular. He will pull a Maes Hughes on you about his kids.
(Dude is a veterinarian. He started college/etc. shortly after the twins were born, as a bit of trivia.)
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