#San Diego State Cheer Team
crinkled-emotions · 10 months
Day 13: "You and me. Now."
Ship: Hangman x OC (Sav)
Take a shot every time I put a character in trouble with their significant other
Team I fuckin hate Christmas in the city people are straight up awful. I'm outta here to hug my dog and see a kangaroo in the bushes
(that sounds like a euphemism)
(I swear it wasn't)
(did anyone else see that photo with Glen wearing glasses?? Send help that was hot)
I've written day 13 and 14, but then I'm heading for 15 and potentially 16 by the end of the day because I am actually leaving the city tomorrow to be with my family for the holiday break!
Savannah was on a mission. Straight through the group of aviators standing at the collection point and into Jake’s arms, reaching up to kiss him. He didn’t even hesitate, brushing his thumb over her hip. They separated and Savannah glanced over her shoulder to watch the others find their families. Shifting slightly she saw Coyote scoop up his daughter when the little girl walked to him. The look of surprise on his face told her it was the first time he’d seen her walk. She felt Jake’s hand on her back and turned back to hug him again.
“You okay?” She murmured. He smiled into her shoulder.
“Happy to be back with you.”
“Nerd,” Savannah snorted, “but I’m glad too.”
“Hey Bagman, we’re going to hang out at Coyote’s once everyone’s had a nap. You down?”
Savannah turned in her husband’s arms, eyebrow raised when Phoenix walked past them. Jake hummed, running a hand down Savannah’s back to check with her.
“What do you think, baby? Wanna go get drunk?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Jake nodded at Phoenix and she grinned.
“See you there.”
“Starts at seven!” Coyote called. Everyone cheered.
Savannah didn’t usually go and meet Jake when he got off a carrier in another state, but something told her this one was different. He’d been radio silent until the day before and she’d taken the first flight from Texas to San Diego to see him. By the time they got back to the hotel he was subtly yawning and Savannah felt like she’d been wired for almost twenty-four hours. They took one look at each other and stripped off, collapsing on the bed. Savannah went to set an alarm but Jake stopped her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“C’mon; let’s just sleep. If we sleep till ten it’s no big deal.”
“What about tomorrow morning?”
“I’ll be starving and I might be in trouble with my CO for missing debrief but at least we’ll be well rested.”
Savannah hummed.
“Let’s not get you into any more trouble than usual. Go to sleep, Seresin.”
Jake flopped on to his back and Savannah sat up beside him. As much as he could pretty much fall asleep anywhere at this point, Savannah hadn’t quite adjusted to the Navy life and sometimes she needed a moment to just be grateful he was back and a-okay save a couple bruises on his chest and back. When Jake rolled on to his side he put a hand on her leg and she squeezed it before reaching for her book. Knowing her, she’d be out before she finished the chapter.
Somewhere during the night Savannah found herself separated from Jake and joining Rooster at the bonfire. She didn’t know him all that well, having met and married Jake in the time they weren’t friends, but something told her he was an alright guy.
“Bagman told you, huh?”
“Told me what?”
“Look; I’m really sorry. I already apologised to him, but-“
Savannah frowned. She scooted forward on her seat, flicking Rooster’s knee.
“What are you talking about?”
His eyes widened; he put his beer down and cleared his throat.
“Hangman and I... we stopped being friends years ago but he said something I had no idea he knew about and I flew off the handles.”
Savannah’s head shot up, dread building in her stomach.
“What did he say?”
“It’s not important, I-“
“-what did he say, Bradshaw- wait. Did you punch him?”
“I may have... uh. Yeah, I tried to- I wasn’t thinking... damn, Savannah, I’m sorry.”
“What did he say that was so fucking awful?”
“The man who’s been our commanding officer for this detachment flew with my father... they had an accident when I was two and my dad... didn’t make it. I don’t like it being shared around, y’know, sometimes I tell people and they think I got into the Navy as a nepo baby.”
“I’m confused.”
“Your husband broadcasted it to our squad and I guess I stopped thinking.”
Savannah sucked in a breath. Finally, she stood and took his beer.
“I hope you can go home and tell your wife that. Now excuse me, I have to go deal with mine.”
She stormed off, leaving Rooster with his brows furrowed.
“Hangman... isn’t a... hm.”
He shrugged.
“Hangman the wife. Well, if he wants he will.”
“You and me. Now.”
Jake whipped around when he felt Savannah tug at the end of his shirt, frowning when she gestured toward a quieter corner of Javy’s backyard.
“Everything okay, baby?”
“Now, Jake.”
He handed his beer to his best friend, letting his wife lead him away from the group. The first thing she did was gently turn his head from side to side, inspecting his face for any marks or bruises remaining from Rooster’s attempt. Then she put her hands on her hips.
“Tell me what you said to Rooster.”
“Did you seriously bring up his dad? I know you can be an asshole at work but fuck me, that is straight up awful!”
“-did you even think for a fucking second that you could trigger him? Rooster is a ball of anxiety buried under his super cool exterior at the best of times! Why do you think he’s here right now, not halfway back to Virginia Beach? He could be home, with his wife and kids-“
“-he nearly fucking wasn’t!”
Savannah’s lips pressed together, snapped shut in surprise. Jake took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair.
“You didn’t see him during training, Sav. He was getting through the course but he was so slow. If he flew like that in the mission... god, I wasn’t going to be the one to tell Dee. Or his kids.”
Savannah watched him for a moment. Finally, she reached for his hand.
“You were scared.”
“No, I was terrified.”
“Whatever you said to him wasn’t okay, and you know that is not the way to tell him you’re worried about him, but... Jake, look at me.”
As much as he was exasperated, he was also doing his best impression of a kicked puppy.
“I’m glad he’s okay, I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m really glad your face is okay. I kind of like it.”
That made him snort, and he reached for her hand.
“I already told him I was sorry, we talked it out on the transport flight. We’re cool.”
“I can’t believe how fucking bitchy you two can be... c’mere.”
She pushed off her back foot, straight into Jake’s arms. His shoulders relaxed and Savannah gave him a little tap on the back.
“Still mean.”
“I know.”
“Why didn’t you just talk to him?”
“I was scared it wasn’t goin’ to work.”
“Not talking to me.”
“You may have deserved that, honey.”
“Stop bein’ the voice of reason.”
They separated, Jake kissing her nose. Savannah brushed a hand over his cheek, then subtly tilted her head toward the back gate.
“We should... get some sleep.”
“Totally; debrief and then the flight home, we’re gonna be... uh, busy.”
The pair exchanged a look, then took off to make hasty goodbyes.
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polikszena · 1 year
Title: Beginner friendly
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Characters: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Beau "Cyclone" Simpson, Maggie "Letdown" Miller(OC)
Relationships: Rooster x OC
Rating: General
Summary: One night at the club La Cubanita, Rooster spots an unexpected guest.
Notes: Okay, this is really random, because I wrote half of this on my way home from last week's dance party and finished it later. This is a small additional chapter to a Top Gun-fic of mine, For a little bit of sunshine.
Beginner friendly
"I've got you a drink. You looked like you'd need one," Rooster said when Maggie joined him at the bar. Her cheeks were rosy, her lips curled up and sweat was glowing on her collarbone. She was wearing a flowy blue top with a pair of skinny jeans and her dancing shoes.
"Thank you," she said, beaming at him.
"They're keeping you busy tonight," he stated.
"As expected," she said, "since I told my groups there would be more beginner friendly songs in this party. And beforehand I convinced Jackie to play more beginner friendly songs," she added, throwing a glance at the DJ. "At least they dare to ask me for a dance. Cheers," she raised her glass.
Rooster raised his own and they both drank while watching the couples on the dance floor until something made the aviator choke on his beer.
"Holy shit," he mumbled.
"What is it? A dreadful outfit?" Maggie wondered.
"Worse," he said, leaning forward to take a closer look. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him, and it was just a lookalike as he wasn't the only tall and well-built, dark-haired fifty-something in San Diego. But it was dedinitely him, dancing with a woman in a dress with printed roses on it. "Cyclone."
Surprisingly, Maggie's face lit up.
"Where?" she wondered, her eyes now searching for the vice admiral.
"Two o'clock, with the woman in a dress with roses," he told her.
"That's Mrs Cyclone," she said when she spotted them in the crowd.
Rooster nodded his head and they both started watching the older aviator. It felt so odd to see him like this: wearing his civilian clothes, in a club in San Diego, dancing salsa.
"He's a bit stiff, isn't he?" Rooster said as Cyclone led his wife back to the open position, concentrating to keep the beat. He could see his mouth moving as he was probably counting out loud: one, two, three, five, six seven.
"He's still a beginner" Maggie pointed out. "We've all been there."
"I know, but it's kind of nice to know that there is something I'm at a more advanced level than him," he admitted. "It's like finding out that your Math teacher roots for the same team as you and it makes you see him more like an actual human being."
"Or start doubting your sports choices," Maggie said.
"Or that."
About two songs later, Vice Admiral Beau "Cyclone" Simpson led his wife off the floor and when they spotted Maggie at the bar, they decided to join her. They didn't even seem to notice Rooster next to her. A grin broke out on the dance instructor's face, being genuinely happy to see them, but at the same time she felt a little awkward as in the class they were on a first name basis with everyone by default, while he was Rooster's superior.
"I'm so glad you could come!" she said, deciding not to say any names.
"Good evening, Sir," Rooster greeted him with a nod, and Maggie noticed that he had straightened his back a little more.
"Lieutenant," Cyclone turned to the aviator with a smile. "I didn't know you danced as well."
"For quite a few years now," Rooster said. "Although I havent' been doing it very often until recently," he added, throwing a glance at Maggie who smiled at him.
"Well, let me introduce you to my wife, Barbara," the vice admiral said. "Honey, this is Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, one of the aviators who succeeded in our latest mission."
"I've heard a lot about you," Mrs Cyclone smiled at the young man. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Actually, I came to ask Maggie for a dance," Cyclone said. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."
"Not at all," Maggie said.
"In that case, may I have this dance?" the aviator asked, and when she said yes, he led her to the dance floor.
As much as he wanted to see Cyclone with Maggie, Rooster found it awkward to stay alone at the bar with the vice admiral's wife, so instead, he turned to her:
"May I, Mrs Simpson?" he asked, holding out his hand to her.
"Yes," the woman said, " and please, call me Barbara," she added as they walked to the dance floor.
Beau "Cyclone" Simpson was visibly nervous as they started to dance which surprised Maggie a little, knowing how confident the aviator was at his job, on the other hand, she knew how nerve-wracking it was for a beginner to ask the teacher for a dance. When they would have to lead steps to someone way more experienced than him and there would not be anyone to tell them what the next step would be. She tried to be at ease with him, pretending she hadn’t noticed his mistakes and just enjoying the dance, hoping that it would make him feel more relaxed. However, after he led her a perfect coca cola turn (something they learned in their last class), a wide grin broke out on Maggie’s face - she couldn’t help it. Seeing her changed expression, the aviator startled a little.
“Sorry if I messed it up,” he said.
“No, you didn’t,” Maggie assured him. “It was actually great. That’s why I was smiling.”
Poor man, she thought to herself, this must have been extremely hard for him. Not only dancing with his teacher as a beginner but having his subordinate witnessing all of it. It must have been excruciating for him. Still, he asked for a detailed review of his performance once the song ended. He came here to practice after all.
“Lieutenant Bradshaw is an amazing dancer,” Barbara Simpson told her husband when he and Maggie joined them at the bar. She was glowing, with an ear-to-ear smile on her face, just like any woman after a good dance.
“It seems you’re a man of many talents,” the vice admiral stated.
“And even more practice, Sir,” Rooster said. “Would you like to see it?”
Cyclone raised a brow at the question, but then he smiled and nodded his head.
Then the mustached aviator turned to Maggie and asked her for a dance. He couldn’t hide his smug smile as he led her back to the floor, ready to show his superior how to dance salsa.
“For a moment I thought you’d ask him to dance,” Maggie admitted as they returned to the floor.
“I think he did, too,” Rooster said with a chuckle.
“Just don’t intimidate him too much,” she told him when they stood into position.
“Maybe a little bit,” Rooster said and began to lead.
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NWSL season is right around the corner, so if you’re new to my page let’s do a little reset before the season starts!
Players I will consistently lose my shit over because I love them and will be elated if they do anything and devastated if they get hurt: Emily “Frat Daddy Jr” Sonnett, Rosie always, Andi “Sunshine” Sullivan, Baby T Davidson, LYNN WILLIAMS, Kelley “Frat Daddy” O’Hara, Kristie “Krotchita” Mewis, Trinity “Dawg Junior” Rodman
My favorite teams, judge at will: OL Reign, KC BABY, Spirit trio (only cheering for Andi, Sanchez and Trin), Gotham mostly for Kelley reasons
Onto some fun predictions!
Way too early prediction for this season’s championship game: OL Reign v. San Diego Wave
Top of the Table: KC current, OL Reign
Bottom of the Table: North Carolina Courage, Washington Spirit
Dark Horses: Houston Dash, Orlando Pride
I am also here to just state who I think is hot, so there’s that all season to look forward to. And things will get even more chaotic during the World Cup so feel free to stick around and drop your season predictions in my inbox if you’re feeling so inclined 😊
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winchesterhills · 6 days
Welcoming Atmosphere
Are you searching for pet-friendly studio apartments in Temecula Valley? Solana Winchester Hills has you covered with its welcoming atmosphere for both residents and their furry friends. This community offers a dedicated pet spa, perfect for pampering pets after a day of play. For outdoor adventures, the on-site dog park provides a safe space for pets to run and socialize with others. Families will also appreciate the tot lot, designed for children to enjoy safe and fun playtime. With studio, 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom homes available, Solana Winchester Hills is ideal for those who want a comfortable living environment that accommodates pets and promotes a vibrant community lifestyle.
The Geography of Temecula, California
Temecula, California, is located in Southern California, between Los Angeles and San Diego. It sits in a valley surrounded by beautiful hills and mountains, giving the area scenic views. The city is known for its rolling vineyards and wide-open spaces, especially in the Temecula Valley Wine Country. The Santa Ana Mountains are to the west, and the Palomar Mountain Range is to the southeast. Temecula is also close to the Pacific Ocean, so it enjoys a mild, Mediterranean climate. The Temecula Creek and Murrieta Creek run through the area, which sometimes flow into the Santa Margarita River. This unique geography makes Temecula a great spot for outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and wine tasting.
Wilson Creek Winery in Temecula, CA
Wilson Creek Winery is one of the most popular wineries in Temecula Valley, known for its beautiful setting and welcoming atmosphere. It’s a family-owned winery that offers a wide range of wines, including its famous almond champagne, which many visitors love. The winery has a large tasting room where guests can try different wines, and the outdoor area is perfect for picnics and relaxing with friends and family. There’s also a restaurant on-site that serves delicious food to pair with their wines. Wilson Creek is a favorite spot for weddings, events, and live music. Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or just looking for a fun day out, Wilson Creek Winery offers a warm and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Chaparral Dominates Temecula Valley, Keeping Perfect Football Season Alive
High school football is popular because it brings communities together, gives students a chance to showcase their skills, and creates a sense of pride and excitement. People love cheering for their local teams, and Friday night games are often big events where families and friends gather. In Temecula, Chaparral High School’s football team is said to be dominating this season, keeping their perfect record alive. The team is playing well, working hard, and staying undefeated, which has made them a top contender in the area. Their success not only makes their school proud but also boosts school spirit and excitement throughout the community. High school football is more than just a game; it’s about teamwork, dedication, and local pride.
Link to maps
Wilson Creek Winery 35960 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, United States Continue to Rancho California Rd 21 sec (289 ft) Continue on Rancho California Rd to Temecula 17 min (9.1 mi) Continue on Ynez Rd. Drive to Temecula Center Dr 4 min (1.4 mi) Solana Winchester Hills 41100 Temecula Center Dr, Temecula, CA 92591, United States
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epacer · 2 months
Local News
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New opportunities for students at Crawford High School
Crawford High School threw a grand kick off ceremony Monday morning for it's first day back to school.
Cheerleaders lined up to welcome their classmates back, the Junior ROTC led a morning ceremony with the pledge of allegiance, and school leaders gave speeches to set a positive tone for the new year.
Principal Dr. Reashon Villery and senior student leaders discussed new opportunities for students to make the most of the year ahead.
Jannelle Garcia, a senior and president of the student government, as well as captain of the cheer team, said she and her team were planning many new events for the school's social calendar over the summer.
"We haven't had a couple of Spring Fling dances in a couple of years, so we really want to push that because we also wanted to one last year," Garcia said.
Garcia said she's aiming to end her last year at Crawford High School on a high note, and she hopes her class doesn't let "senioritis" take over.
Dr. Villery also shared some exciting, new programs at Crawford High.
"One of the first programs we would like students to participate in is our PE Swim program. As a result of a tragedy a couple years ago, one of our students drowned, and we wanted to turn that tragedy into triumph," Villery said.
Villery said the PE Swim program will teach water safety and lifeguard skills, so students can go on and try to attain Junior Lifeguard jobs in the future.
Additionally, Villery announced the introduction of an EMT program. "We found that a lot of our male students expressed an interest in becoming a paramedic after high school," she said.
There will also be more opportunities for students who want to pursue a career as an attorney one day. Villery said the school is continuing its law program where the students can learn about the legal system in a classroom-courtroom setting.
"Our goal is to merge what the students are learning in law with our restorative justice practices, and how to help students resolve conflicts," Villery said.
Superintendent Lamont Jackson addressed cell phone use with students Monday morning.
In light of the Los Angeles Unified School District's recent ban on cellphones, Jackson said there are no plans for San Diego Unified to follow in their footsteps, as long as the students adhere to the policies of their teachers and their schools.
He also encouraged students to be mindful of their mental wellness and to use their phones in moderation.
Across the district, San Diego Unified said it is also extending its PrimeTime after-school program, which is now being offered at every elementary school. The program partners with community groups to offer activities for TK through 8th-grade students
The district is also growing its middle school sports program, and its Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) program which provides play-based learning for four-year-olds.
"We are continuing to grow our TK program. San Diego Unified has really led the state in making TK available for all four-year-olds, irrespective of your birthday. This year we're expecting close to 5,000 TK students," said Shana Hazen, president of the San Diego Unified School Board.
Hazen said there are still opening left for the UTK and encouraged parents interested in enrolling their four-year-olds to contact their local school for more information. *Reposted article from 10 News by Dani Miskell on August 12, 2024
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pacificbeachgym · 3 months
From Beginner to All-Star: How to Become a Cheerleader with No Experience and Limited Flexibility
Cheerleading is a fun and exciting sport that anyone can join, even if you have no experience or limited flexibility. At pacificbeachallstargyms.com, we believe everyone has the potential to become an all-star cheerleader. Here's how you can get started.
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Find the Right Cheerleading Classes in San Diego
First, you need to find the best cheerleading classes in San Diego. Look for classes that welcome beginners and focus on building skills from the ground up. At Pacific Beach All-Star Gyms, we offer beginner-friendly classes that teach you the basics, like jumps, stunts, and dance routines. Our experienced coaches will guide you through each step, ensuring you feel confident and supported.
Join Cheer Gyms in San Diego
Joining a cheer gym is a great way to immerse yourself in the cheerleading world. Cheer gyms in San Diego provide a supportive environment where you can train and improve your skills. At Pacific Beach All-Star Gyms, we have state-of-the-art facilities and a welcoming community. You'll have access to the best equipment and resources to help you grow as a cheerleader.
Look for All-Star Cheer Gyms Near Me
When you're ready to take your skills to the next level, search for "all-star cheer gyms near me." All-star cheerleading is a competitive level of cheer that involves more advanced skills and routines. Our gym, Pacific Beach All-Star Gyms, offers all-star cheer programs designed for athletes of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, our programs will help you reach your full potential.
Work on Your Flexibility
Even if you start with limited flexibility, you can improve over time. Our classes include flexibility training to help you become more limber and agile. Stretching exercises, yoga, and consistent practice will gradually increase your flexibility. Remember, everyone progresses at their own pace, so be patient with yourself.
Stay Committed and Have Fun
The most important part of becoming an all-star cheerleader is to stay committed and enjoy the process. Cheerleading is a team sport that builds friendships and fosters a sense of community. At Pacific Beach All-Star Gyms, we emphasize the importance of teamwork, dedication, and having fun.
If you're in San Diego and looking to start your cheerleading journey, visit us at pacificbeachallstargyms.com. Our cheerleading classes in San Diego are perfect for beginners, and our cheer gym provides everything you need to succeed. Join us today and discover the joy of cheerleading!
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laresearchette · 4 months
Thursday, May 23, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR THE KARDASHIANS (Season 5, Premiere Episode)
IIHF MEN’S HOCKEY (TSN) 10:00am: Quarterfinal - Canada vs. Slovakia (TSN5) 10:00am: Quarterfinal - Switzerland vs. Germany (TSN) 2:00pm: Quarterfinal - United States vs. Czechia (TSN5) 10:00pm: Quarterfinal - Sweden vs. Finland
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 12:30pm: Mariners vs. Yankees (SN1) 6:00pm: Jays vs. Tigers (SN Now) 7:30pm: Orioles vs. White Sox
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN4) 8:00pm: Game 2 - Pacers vs. Celtics
THE BRIDGE (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE): After 12 days of intense labor and surprise twists, one team will be the first to construct and traverse their 1,000-foot bridge.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 8:00pm: Abstract Coffee Set and Rice Bowls
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:30pm: Game 1 - Oilers vs. Stars
LEGO MASTERS AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: Teams have 14 hours to create something that belongs on a LEGO cloud; one team is eliminated, and the remaining three will compete in the final.
PORTRAIT ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 9:00pm: Emma Bunton
NWSL SOCCER (TSN3) 10:00pm: Angel City vs. San Diego Wave
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bestshirtcanbuy · 6 months
Crown Royal Baseball Jersey Shirt
The Crown Royal Baseball Jersey Shirt is an exceptional gift for both men and women who love baseball, fashion, or simply appreciate unique and stylish clothing. This jersey shirt is a perfect blend of comfort, quality, and a touch of elegance that makes it a standout piece. Crafted with utmost precision using high-quality materials, this baseball jersey shirt exudes a sense of sophistication and luxury. The design incorporates the iconic Crown Royal logo on the front, instantly adding a royal touch to the garment. The logo is beautifully embroidered, ensuring durability and a polished finish. The shirt's classic baseball jersey silhouette with button-up closure showcases a timeless aesthetic that appeals to both genders. One of the most notable features of the Crown Royal Baseball Jersey Shirt is its versatility. It can be effortlessly styled to fit various occasions and personal preferences. For a casual and sporty look, pair it with a pair of jeans or shorts and sneakers. Alternatively, dress it up with tailored pants or a skirt and accessorize with statement jewelry or a chic belt. The possibilities are endless, making it a fantastic addition to anyone's wardrobe. Comfort is not compromised on this jersey shirt. It is made from high-quality, breathable fabric that ensures comfort throughout the day. Whether you're cheering at a live baseball game, attending a casual barbecue, or simply running errands, this shirt will keep you cool and comfortable. Its relaxed fit allows for easy movement, making it ideal for active individuals. The Crown Royal Baseball Jersey Shirt is also a versatile gift option for a wide range of occasions. Whether you're celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, or holidays, this shirt is a unique and thoughtful present for baseball enthusiasts, fashion lovers, or anyone who appreciates high-quality garments. Furthermore, this jersey shirt can be customized to create a truly personalized gift. Adding a name or special message to the back of the shirt allows you to make it even more meaningful and unique. This customization option makes it an exceptional gift for individuals who are passionate about their favorite baseball team or want to showcase their love for the sport in a distinctive way. In conclusion, the Crown Royal Baseball Jersey Shirt is a remarkable gift option suitable for both men and women. It combines comfort, style, and versatility, making it a standout piece in any wardrobe. With its timeless design and personalized customization options, this shirt truly stands out as a gift for everyone. Whether you're shopping for a baseball fan, fashion enthusiast, or someone who appreciates quality clothing, this shirt will undoubtedly be a cherished and memorable gift.
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Related : https://bestshirtcanbuy.tumblr.com/post/720282024349499392/san-diego-state-university-graduation-gifts-crocs
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homehyggellc · 8 months
Crystal Clear Views: The Ultimate Guide to Professional Window Cleaning in San Diego
When it comes to enhancing the beauty and comfort of your home in San Diego, one often overlooked aspect is the cleanliness of your Window Cleaning San Diego. Sparkling clean windows not only contribute to the aesthetics of your property but also allow natural light to flood in, creating a more inviting and cheerful atmosphere. If you're in search of top-notch window cleaning services in San Diego, look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of professional window cleaning and introduce you to the experts at My Home Hygge.
The Importance of Clean Windows:
Clean windows offer a myriad of benefits beyond aesthetics. They allow more sunlight to penetrate your home, brightening up interior spaces and reducing the need for artificial lighting. Additionally, well-maintained windows contribute to a healthier living environment by preventing the build-up of dust, mold, and other allergens. For businesses, clean windows can create a positive first impression, showcasing professionalism and attention to detail.
Why Choose Professional Window Cleaning:
While DIY window cleaning may seem like a cost-effective solution, it often falls short of achieving the desired results. Professional window cleaners, like the team at My Home Hygge, possess the expertise, specialized equipment, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions needed to tackle even the toughest grime and stains. Hiring professionals ensures a streak-free, spotless finish that enhances the overall appearance of your home or business.
Introducing My Home Hygge:
My Home Hygge is a leading provider of window cleaning services in San Diego. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, their team of skilled professionals goes above and beyond to deliver unparalleled results. Equipped with state-of-the-art tools and environmentally friendly cleaning products, My Home Hygge takes pride in transforming your windows into crystal clear, gleaming surfaces.
Services Offered:
Residential Window Cleaning: My Home Hygge specializes in enhancing the curb appeal of homes by providing thorough and efficient window cleaning services. Whether you have a single-story residence or a multi-story home, their team is equipped to handle the job with precision.
Commercial Window Cleaning: Impress clients and create a positive work environment with sparkling clean windows. My Home Hygge caters to businesses of all sizes, offering customizable window cleaning solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.
Investing in professional Window Cleaning San Diego is a surefire way to elevate the aesthetics of your property and enjoy the many benefits of clean, clear windows. My Home Hygge stands out as the go-to choice for window cleaning services in San Diego, ensuring your windows are treated with the care and expertise they deserve. For more information and to schedule your next window cleaning appointment, visit https://myhomehygge.com/ today. Experience the joy of crystal clear views with My Home Hygge!
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Sun Room & Sports Team – TLA – Philadelphia, PA – October 8, 2023
On Sunday, TLA Philly welcomed Sun Room joined by Sports Team for an incredible show on their Fall Tour. The San Diego based band consists of lead vocalist Luke Asgian, guitarist Ashton Minnich, bassist Max Pinamonti, and are joined by drummer and friend Thomas Rhodes on this tour. After playing this same venue in March 2023 while opening for Inhaler, Sun Room delivered an incredible performance as they brought the sound of summer back to Philadelphia. 
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Up first to kick off the night was the London based band Sports Team! The English alternative rock band came out with a bang, immediately filling the venue with energy, passion, and incredible music. The connection between band members was clear, and their interactions and engagement with the crowd were fun to watch. Their set consisted of songs such as “The Game,” “Here It Comes Again,” “Dig!” and “The Drop.” Throughout their performance they consistently thanked the audience, sharing their excitement about performing in Philadelphia. The audience shared this enthusiasm, as they were off their feet and smiling widely throughout the entirety of Sports Team’s performance. 
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At around 9pm, the lights went low, and cheers rang throughout the room as Sun Room took the stage. They began their set with a groovy instrumental, before transitioning into their first few songs. They kicked off their set with “Just Yesterday,” “Crashed My Bike,” and their brand new single, “At Least I Tried.” From beginning to end, their performance was full of groovy bass lines, smooth guitar riffs, and powerful vocals as fans sang along to each and every word. Their set also consisted of quite a few unreleased songs, including “Sunset Blvd,” “Cut My Hair (Darling),” “Cherry,” “Kickin Rocks,” and “Can’t Explain.” They also performed a captivating cover of “Roadrunner” by The Modern Lovers.
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As their set continued, they interacted playfully with each other and the audience to keep them engaged. Bassist Max Pinamonti even took the time to show off his skills and recite the ABC’s backwards! Fans laughed and smiled as they carried on with songs “Kaden’s Van,” “Fun,” “Sunset Garage,” “Outta Their Minds,” and “Red Dress.” They finished with an encore of their song “Cadillac,” and stated how much they appreciated the Philadelphia crowd. Overall, Sun Room put on a captivating and engaging performance, with upbeat music guaranteed to get you off your feet. Be sure to stream their latest single “At Least I Tried” and keep an eye out for the release of their upcoming EP!
Emma Fox
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 10, 2023.
Photos by Emma Fox © 2023. All rights reserved.
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lotapix · 1 year
[phuong_display_title] Celebrate the San Diego State Aztecs' historic 2023 March Madness run with this commemorative National Champions tee! This super soft cotton shirt features bold text proclaiming "San Diego State Aztecs 2023 National Champions" to immortalize their incredible NCAA tournament victory. Whether you cheered them on in Houston or watched their rise at home, this tee is the perfect way for Aztecs fans to relive the unforgettable journey to the title. With its classic graphics and retro-inspired design, this instant collectible will let you rock your SDSU pride all year long. The clutch plays, resilient defense, and unbreakable team spirit will live forever thanks to this must-have championship shirt. So honor the team that made Aztecs history in 2023 and remember their remarkable run each time you wear this super cool National Champs tee! Go Aztecs! Get [phuong_display_title] Get [phuong_display_title] Features Experience supreme softness and comfort with our high quality cotton t-shirts. The cotton fabric has just the right amount of stretch for ease of movement whether lounging or active. These tees make thoughtful gifts for any special occasion - birthdays, Mother's Day, weddings, holidays and more. The tees can be machine washed cold and line dried. Do not bleach or dry clean. Iron at a low temperature to avoid damage. Our cotton t-shirts combine exceptional comfort with versatility to become a wardrobe staple.
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weiner-law · 1 year
San Dieguito Academy Stadium: For Athletics And Community
Nestled in the heart of San Diego, California, the San Dieguito Academy Stadium is a testament to the enduring spirit of sports, camaraderie, and community. This iconic stadium has become a focal point for athletic excellence and local pride. It achieves such achievements due to a rich history and state-of-the-art facilities. This article will delve into the stadium's significance on the sports and its community. 
San Dieguito Academy Stadium
The stadium in Encinitas, San Diego, CA, and is a vibrant hub for sports and community events. It is a focal point for various high school sporting competitions, including football, soccer, and track and field. 
Aside from that, its state-of-the-art facilities provide athletes with a dynamic environment to showcase their talents. On the other hand, spectators enjoy a comfortable experience. The stadium's well-maintained turf, modern seating arrangements, and state-of-the-arts audio-visual systems contribute to the overall enjoyment of events.
Beyond sports, the venue hosts cultural events, concerts, and gatherings that foster community engagement. The strategic location makes it easily accessible to residents of San Diego and surrounding areas. So, it also contributes as an integral part of the region's social and recreational landscape.
Elevating Community Spirit And Sporting Excellence
Today, the stadium stands as a premier sporting venue, equipped with top-notch facilities that rival those of professional stadiums. It boasts a meticulously maintained turf field that can accommodate a variety of sports. Having enough seats that can accommodate thousands of passionate spectators creates an electrifying atmosphere that inspires athletes to perform at their best.
The stadium's facilities extend beyond the field, which is also equipped with modern locker rooms. These provide student-athletes with a comfortable and conducive environment to prepare and unwind. High-tech lighting systems ensure that games can be played well into the evening. It allows the community to come together and cheer on their favorite teams under the dazzling lights.
Fostering Community Unity
The stadium isn't just a place for sports, but also a cornerstone of community identity. On any games, the stadium buzzes with excitement as parents, students, alumni, and local residents gather to support their teams. The sight of team colors, spirited chants, and the aroma of concession evoke a sense of belonging and acceptance. Thus, fostering a unified community spirit.
Aside from its role as a sports venue, the stadium also hosts a wide range of events. Its versatility has transformed it into a hub of cultural and communal activities. It caters from school assemblies and graduation ceremonies to concerts and community festivals.
Youth Development And Inspiration
The stadium plays a vital role in shaping the aspirations of the youth in the region. Aspiring athletes step onto the field with dreams of victory, inspired by the legacy of those who have come before them. It serves as a reminder that hard work, dedication, and teamwork can lead to success both on and off the field.
Local youth leagues often have the privilege of using the stadium. Allowing young athletes to experience the thrill of playing in a professional-grade arena. Sports also instills a sense of pride and ambition that can propel them towards greater achievements in the future.
The Future Ahead
As the years roll on, the San Dieguito Academy Stadium stands poised to continue its legacy as a bastion of sports and community. The stadium got the commitment of the San Dieguito Union High School District and the unwavering support of the community. These ensure that it will remain a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.
With potential upgrades and innovations on the horizon, the stadium's facilities will continue to evolve. In this way, it provides athletes with the best resources to excel in their chosen disciplines. 
The San Dieguito in Encinitas, San Diego, CA, is more than just a physical structure. It is a testament to the power of sports and community to unite people. The stadium's journey reflects the dedication and passion of a community that values athleticism, camaraderie, and shared experiences. San Dieguito stands as an enduring symbol of unity and inspiration in the heart of San Diego.
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Weiner Law 12707 High Bluff Drive Ste. 125 San Diego CA, 92130 858-333-8844 WeinerLegacyLaw.com
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Fenty Beauty Reaches HBCU Campuses
This past weekend there was a Fenty Beauty pop-up at Howard University and Spelman College with shade matching and freebies. The same ‘Shade U’ pop-up will be going to University of Houston and San Diego State University next. In the past week, Fenty Beauty has also collaborated with 2 other HBCUs: Xavier University of Louisiana cheer team and Morehouse College cheer team to advertise the freestyle highlighter. Both posts have been Fenty and Ulta Beauty branded and highlight the Killawatt freestyle highlighter. Last month, Fenty Beauty also posted the majorettes from San Diego State University, highlighting the same product.
HBCU pride really showed in the comments, with many students and alumni praising Fenty Beauty for spotlighting their respective universities/colleges. Brand love and UGC was high on TikTok. Overall, sentiment skewed positive with many students hoping the beauty brand comes to their HBCU school next.
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Fun and Friendly Dentistry for Kids in Torrey Highlands
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When it comes to your child's dental health, it's important to find a dentist that is both experienced and friendly. Family Dental Care Torrey Highlands is an excellent choice for parents who want their children to have fun and stress-free dental appointments.
At Sunray Pediatric Dentistry, the staff understands that children can feel anxious about visiting the dentist. That's why they work hard to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. From the moment you step through the door, you'll be greeted by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The office is decorated in bright, cheerful colors that are sure to put a smile on your child's face.
childrens emergency dentist san diego
The Childrens Emergency Dentists in San Diego are highly trained and experienced in working with children of all ages. They know how to make dental appointments fun and engaging, so your child will be excited to come back for their next check-up. They use age-appropriate language and explain each step of the process in a way that is easy for children to understand.
One of the things that sets Sunray Pediatric Dentistry apart is their commitment to using the latest technology and techniques in pediatric dentistry. They offer a range of services, including preventative care, restorative dentistry, and emergency dental care. Their state-of-the-art equipment ensures that your child receives the best possible care.
In addition to their expertise in pediatric dentistry, the team at Sunray Pediatric Dentistry is also dedicated to building lasting relationships with their patients and their families. They take the time to get to know each child and understand their individual needs and concerns. This personal touch helps to create a comfortable and friendly environment that children love.
If you're looking for a dentist for your child in Torrey Highlands, Sunray Pediatric Dentistry is an excellent choice. With their fun and friendly approach to dental care, you can feel confident that your child will have a positive experience and develop good oral health habits that will last a lifetime. Contact them today to schedule an appointment for your child.
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pacificbeachgym · 4 months
Master Cheerleading at the Leading Classes in San Diego
San Diego is famous for its beautiful beaches, dynamic culture, and top-tier cheerleading programs. Whether you're new to cheerleading or an experienced cheerleader, San Diego has some of the best classes and gyms to help you reach your goals. Let's explore why these cheer gyms in San Diego are perfect for mastering cheerleading. 
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Discover the Best Cheer Gyms in San Diego
San Diego is home to several high-quality cheer gyms that cater to all skill levels. These gyms provide a supportive environment where athletes can grow, learn, and excel. Here are a few reasons why these cheer gyms stand out:
1. State-of-the-Art Facilities
The leading cheer gyms in San Diego are equipped with the latest equipment and facilities designed to enhance your training experience. From spring floors to foam pits, these gyms have everything you need to practice safely and effectively.
2. Expert Coaching Staff
One of the hallmarks of a top-notch cheer gym is its coaching staff. San Diego's best cheer gyms boast highly experienced and certified coaches who are passionate about cheerleading. They offer personalized training programs to help you master stunts, tumbling, and routines.
3. Comprehensive Programs
Whether you're interested in competitive cheerleading or recreational classes, San Diego's cheer gyms offer a wide range of programs to suit your needs. These programs are designed to build strength, flexibility, and confidence while ensuring you have fun.
All Star Cheer Gym in San Diego
For those looking to take their cheerleading to the next level, San Diego's All Star cheer gyms are the perfect choice. All Star cheerleading is a highly competitive sport that combines elements of gymnastics, dance, and acrobatics. Here's why you should consider joining an All Star cheer gym in San Diego:
1. Competitive Edge
All Star cheer gyms focus on preparing athletes for competitions at local, national, and even international levels. This competitive edge pushes cheerleaders to perform at their best and continuously improve their skills.
2. Team Spirit
Joining an All Star cheer team means becoming part of a close-knit community. The camaraderie and team spirit fostered in these gyms create lasting friendships and a supportive network that extends beyond the gym.
3. Personal Development
All Star cheerleading is not just about physical prowess; it also emphasizes personal development. Athletes learn discipline, perseverance, and leadership skills that are valuable both on and off the mat.
Cheerleading Classes San Diego
San Diego offers a variety of cheerleading classes that cater to different age groups and skill levels. Whether you're a young child just starting or a teenager looking to refine your skills, you'll find the perfect class in San Diego.
1. Beginner Classes
Beginner classes are designed to introduce newcomers to the basics of cheerleading. These classes focus on fundamental skills like jumps, basic stunts, and cheer routines, providing a solid foundation for future growth.
2. Intermediate and Advanced Classes
For those with some experience, intermediate and advanced classes offer more challenging routines and techniques. These classes help cheerleaders build on their existing skills and prepare for higher levels of competition.
3. Specialized Training
Many cheer gyms in San Diego also offer specialized training in areas like tumbling, dance, and stunting. These focused sessions allow cheerleaders to hone specific skills and excel in their chosen areas.
Why San Diego is the Perfect Place for Cheerleading
San Diego's unique combination of excellent cheer gyms, expert coaches, and a supportive community makes it the ideal place to master cheerleading. The city's vibrant cheer scene ensures that there's always something new to learn and exciting opportunities to pursue.
1. Supportive Community
The cheerleading community in San Diego is welcoming and supportive. Athletes, coaches, and families come together to create an environment where everyone can thrive.
2. Year-Round Training
San Diego's mild climate allows for year-round training and outdoor practice sessions, providing cheerleaders with the flexibility to train whenever they want.
3. Exciting Competitions
San Diego hosts numerous cheerleading competitions and events, giving athletes plenty of opportunities to showcase their skills and gain valuable experience.
If you're looking to master cheerleading, San Diego's leading cheer gyms and classes offer the perfect environment to achieve your goals. With top-notch facilities, expert coaching, and a supportive community, you'll have everything you need to excel in this exciting sport. So, why wait? Join one of the premier cheer gyms in San Diego today and start your journey towards becoming an All Star cheerleader! For more information on cheerleading classes and gyms in San Diego, feel free to reach out and discover the perfect program for you.
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darklitany · 2 years
Today in intrusive memories:
When I was little I loved baseball cards. I'd collect the packs and chew the hard gum that splintered immediately into razors and meticulously put all of my cards into card holder binders. We lived in California so I was approximately 4-6 yrs old. What state I lived in at the time is one of the few footholds I have to tell how old I was. Anyway... that meant that our local team was The San Diego Padres and I wanted to go to a real game so badly. So they finally took me. They bought me a blue foam hand. We sat in our seats and started to watch the game. Behind us was a dude that my father struck up a conversation with as they were both drinking up the ball park beers. The game goes on and an exciting play happens and I start cheering. Drunk dude behind me starts laughing and says "That's the other team. You're cheering for the wrong team." Then he continued to laugh at me; a tiny 4-6 yr old girl child. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated. I took off my foam hand and started to cry. My parents neither noticed or cared. I told them I wanted to go home. I was ignored. When I do go home I put up my cards and stopped collecting baseball cards. I was never able to enjoy baseball the same. I have since gone back and watched other games but really is anything ever good after someone ruined your childlike enjoyment of it?
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