daddycest-hub · 7 months
4th - You... are... Missing... OUT!!! ;) LOTS of TV Series AND Movies FREE to Watch as long as you can stand the Adds! ;) Wanna know my TOP Recs with MEGA Hungks? ;)
Sure, why not? Can you tell me the plots too so I can see if I'm actually interested?
Also are we still doing priest!Samxdaughter? The last time you talked you said you just needed time for creative juices for that and we haven't even touched on it in a while....
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thewnchstrs · 6 years
Fifteen Going on Thirty
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Pairing: SamXdaughter!reader
Disclaimers: minor mentions of sex
Word Count: 945
Feedback keeps the oneshots coming!
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Sam had wished he were dreaming.
Y/N had mentioned during small talk that the sink in her bathroom wasn’t draining like it was supposed to, so Sam, being the super dad he wanted to be, took it upon himself to fix it for her. However, now he was faced with the sight in front of him: a box of condoms, taped to the ceiling of his daughter’s cabinet, under her sink.
A part of Sam wanted to close the cabinet doors, walk away and never have to face the issue again, the thought of his daughter, with a boy, like that, was enough to make the blood from Sam’s face drain. She was fifteen. She was still, in Sam’s eyes, just a kid.
Reluctantly, and knowing he had to, Sam ripped the taped box from the cabinet, just touching it making him want to crawl into himself. Anger began to boil deep in the depths of Sam’s belly as he tossed the box of condoms around in his hands. Y/N wasn’t getting out of this one.
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Forks and knives scraped against the glass plates during dinner, Dean scooping the food into his mouth quickly.
“Don’t forget to breathe, Dean,” Y/N laughed as she watched her uncle, her eyebrows high on her forehead.
Sam rolled the peas around on his plate with his fork, finding it hard to come up with an appetite at a time like this. He felt Y/N’s eyes on him, making him look up from his plate.
“What’s wrong with you? You haven’t said a word,” she said, taking a bite of her mashed potatoes. Sam wanted to shake his head. The fact she was acting as if she weren’t hiding something from him made him even angrier. 
“It’s probably that time of the month,” Dean teased, pointing his fork at his brother.
“That’s not funny,” Y/N said, shaking her head. 
“What?” Dean asked defensively. “It was just a joke!”
Sam didn’t trust himself to speak as he pushed away from the table, the chair screeching loudly against the floor, but even the loud interruption couldn’t pull the two from their argument.
Quickly, anger pushing him onward, Sam snatched the box of condoms from on top of the fridge and threw them down onto the table, instantly silencing Dean and Y/N.
Dean stopped mid-chew, hi eyes bounced from the box on the table and up to his brother in confusion. But Y/N’s face instantly drained of color at the familiar cardboard. She kept her eyes downcast, making a conscientious decision not to look either of them in the eye.
“What’s that?” Dean asked slowly, his voice low. Sam didn’t answer him, his arms crossed over his chest as his gazed burned a hole into his daughter’s skull.
“Care to explain, Y/N?” Sam asked, his teeth grazing over his bottom lip. 
Y/N slowly placed her fork on the table, her hands coming to rest in her lap. Her heart raced a million miles a minute. She should’ve known it would come to this sooner or later, “I...I was just trying to be safe?”
Sam had to stop himself from bursting out into hysterics, suppressing everything but a bitter scoff. Dean, who was just now catching on to the conversation slowly stood from his seat, plate in hand.
“I’ll give you two some privacy- I’m just- I’m gonna go.” Dean said, stumbling over his words as he hastily backed out of the kitchen, leaving Sam and Y/N alone. The silence between them like a vice, gripping the air around them in a fist.
“You’re fifteen, Y/N,” Sam began, resting his knuckles on on the table top, his head hanging between his shoulders. “How long has this been going on, and, and with who?!” As far as Sam was concerned, he hadn’t heard of anybody Y/N was seeing.
Y/N shifted in her seat, “His name’s Tony, and he’s a really good guy-”
“Is he, Y/N?” Sam asked, looking up at his daughter now who was finally looking him in the eye. “Is he really that great if he’s been pressuring you to have sex with him?!”
“He’s not pressuring me to do anything, dad!” Y/N nearly shouted, beating down his accusations about Tony before he could get to the punchline. “I wanted this.”
Sam ran his hands over his face, shaking his head, “Do you know how dangerous this is, Y/N? What the consequences of sex are?”
“Tony doesn’t have any diseases, he said he’s never been with anyone but me before,” Y/N said, making her dad laugh for the first time now.
“Oh, he told you that?”
“Grow up, Y/N! It’s not just that! Condoms are not a full proof plan, condoms break, condoms expire. You could get pregnant! Do you really want that for yourself?”
Y/N ran her thumb over her hand, “No-”
“I don’t want you seeing him anymore, Y/N.”
Y/N whipped her head up to him, “You can’t do that.”
“Oh, I can,” Sam said, grabbing their plates and scraping the food into the trash. Y/N quickly stood from the table.
“That��s not fair. You don’t even know him and you’re judging him based off of this?! He’s my boyfriend and I love him-”
Sam slammed the plates into the sink, the glass shattering, instantly quieting Y/N’s pleas. He gripped the edge of the counter, staring his daughter down. If looks could kill, she’d be on her death bed.
“You’re not going to see him again. And that’s final.”
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Forever Tag List
@spnbaby-67 | @octo-cow52 | @wholelottajackles | @luciferslucille | @anti-social-club | @search-bar | @winchesternco | @mellorine-paprika | @thepocketshoelace | @jaremish | @the-salty-asian | @chelsea072498 | @the-hufflepuff-hunter | @robynannemackenzie-blog
Want to be notified every time I post a Sam fic? Let me know my sending me an ask to be added to the Sam Tag List!
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sophisticated-angel · 7 years
May I vote for the Samxdaughter!reader one?
Cupid and Psyche - Soulless!Sam: 1
Cupid and Psyche - Endverse!Dean: 3
Sam x Daughter!Reader: 3
(P.S. I’m thinking I’ll stop taking votes sometime on Saturday. Also, if you are unfamiliar with the Cupid and Psyche story, I highly recommend listening to the “Myths and Legands” podcast, episode 23, or you can read it here)
Read the summaries here and cast a vote!
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maribricklove · 6 years
My new series introduction...
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Imagine being a hunter and the daughter of Sam Winchester, but in a freak hunting accident, you’re transported to another universe, a universe where you were never born. Very cautiously, you try to get home while not getting attached to this family, but what kind of trouble will you get into with the man who in all terms is your father but knows nothing about you? How will this Sam respond to a daughter he never thought he could have and how much trouble you've gone through to get where you are now?
Sam x daughter!reader, Dean x niece!reader, (honorable mentions of characters throughout the series)
I promised to introduce a new series, and I have delivered. I’ve been thinking about this one ever since season 12 finale with all the alternate universe stuff, and I’m really excited to start posting chapters. Let me know what you guys think. 
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thewnchstrs · 6 years
It’s a Two-Way Street
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Pairing: SamXdaughter!reader, DeanXniece!reader
Disclaimers: mentions of blood
Word Count: 1.8K
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Sam, for the most part, had an extraordinary memory. He could recall a chapter of a lore book he’d read nearly three years ago while also remembering the parts of the text he highlighted. He could tell you the make and model of the three guns in their weapons bag, currently resting forgotten in the corner of the trunk of the Impala.
Sam could tell you in precise detail every second of every minute that happened the day his daughter was born. The sterile smell of the hospital room, the way the bed sheets seemed to crinkle in stiffness every time his wife shifted uncomfortably in the bed. He could draw the image of his daughter, coming into the world shrieking as she was held up high in the hands of the doctor who delivered her. 
However, it was a two way street where he also remembered some things he would much rather forget. Jessica on the ceiling, flames licking greedily up the plaster walls. And the hellhounds, blood, so much blood surrounding his lifeless brother. The image of his daughter as she looked to him, her doe-like eyes now pools of black.
Days after, he’d still be able to run the next hour in his head like a movie projected on a pull down screen. He remembered black spots in his vision, gasping for air as he clawed at his throat, his seven year old daughter smirking in front of him as she clenched her fist tighter and tighter as if she had her hands wrapped around his windpipe. He could hear the blood rushing through his ears trying its hardest to get enough oxygen to the brain. He remembered feeling like he’d failed her, that the one thing he’d always promised wouldn’t happen, did. He failed Y/N’s mom, and if he had one more chance he’d kill the son of a bitch who dared possess his daughter-
And then there was air filling his lungs so quickly as his lungs opened up like flowers to the sunlight. He saw Dean, restraining Y/N as she kicked and screamed, her nails dragging across his arms. In an instant, he ran out of the room down the hallway as Sam gasped for air again, gulping it down greedily as he leaned back against the wall of his daughter’s bedroom where he’d come to talk to her about why she’d been so distant.
He struggled to his feet, making his way to the hallway where he heard shouting down by the dungeon. Three voices all screeching unintelligible things as he ran toward them, the voices becoming louder and louder with each step he took.
Skidding to stop himself from passing the dungeon, he ran inside the already propped open doors to see Dean and Cas struggling to tie Y/N to a chair in the middle of the Devil’s Trap painted on the floor. Just the sight of it making him freeze in his tracks. Cas held Y/N, trying desperately to keep her arms at her side as Dean tied her feet to each leg of the chair to no avail as she continuously tried kicking him in the face. The sound of Cas’ voice was the only thing that pulled him out of the fear he stood in.
“SAM!” Cas yelled over the commotion, meeting Sam’s eyes. Immediately, he jumped into action next to Dean, pulling Y/N leg down to tie it to the chair before moving on to her arms. 
The three of them stood back, examining their work as Y/N sat, panting as she clenched and unclenched her fists as if she’d break through at any minute.
“We need to talk,” Dean whispered to Sam before leading him out of the dungeon, Sam continuously shooting looks to his daughter over his shoulder.
They stood in the doorway of the room, Dean glancing from his brother to his niece, his arms folded over his chest. “How did it happen?”
Sam wish he knew. Wish he could give his brother along with himself an answer as to what could have gone so horribly wrong for this to happen. She doesn’t go on hunts with them, they barely let her have sleepovers at friends house in fear of something getting to her. 
“Something had to have gotten inside, but how? I mean, this place is warded against any kind of demon out there and- hey,” Dean said, punching his brother in the shoulder when he realized he hadn’t heard a word he just said. Sam’s head snapped to Dean. 
Sam shook his head, swallowing past the lump in his throat, “I’m sorry, it’s just- what do we do?”
Dean knew Sam wasn’t going to like it. Hell, he didn’t like it. “We have to exorcise her-”
“I know, alright?” Dean began, the fear practically radiating off of Sam. “She’ll be okay. And I know it’s scary as hell but we can’t let that thing squat any longer. We need to get it out of her.”
Sam’s chest tightened at the thought of it. He knew what the exorcisms did to people, how bad they hurt them. Hell, he knew how bad it hurt and one wrong move could blow it all to hell.
“Just do it fast.”
Sam followed his brother back into the room as the three of them made a sort of triangle around her, watching her from each angle as she laughed darkly up at them. “So, the team have a game plan?”
Her voice was unlike any he’d ever heard before, making chills run up and down Sam’s spine like nails on a chalkboard. 
“Yeah. We do.” Dean tightened the rope against her wrists and ankles and as he stood again, began reciting the incantation from memory, “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.”
Y/N’s hands began to clench into fists again, her body tensing at the words Dean said. Sweat formed at her hairline, her body heavily rising and falling as the demon inside of her struggled to hold on.
Sam and Cas watched on in pain at the small girl. They’d never exorcised someone so young they had no idea the effects it would have on her.
Y/N began to laugh, a guttural laugh that nobody would expect out of a seven year old. She threw her head back, laughing, “You think this is going to work on me?”
“Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolicaadjuramus te.Cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare.”
Y/N flinched again, her body beginning to shake violently as the chair she sat in was thrown rapidly around the Devil’s Trap but never leaving the circle. She screamed in pain at the incantation. Sam made a move toward her but Cas threw his hand out in front of him.
“This isn’t your daughter,” Cas reminded him. Sam clenched his jaw but stood his ground, the sight tearing him apart.
“Vade, Satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.” Dean continued, having to nearly scream the words over Y/N’s cries of pain. Dean had to push himself to keep going. He knew it meant the exorcism was working, “Humiliare sub potenti manu dei, contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine, quem inferi tremunt.”
The screaming was becoming so loud it felt as if it were shaking the room, the light bulbs above them flickered on and off. They shot looks to each other, this had never happened before.
“I could use some help here!” Dean shouted to Sam and Cas as they both joined in on the exorcism together.
“Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire te rogamus, audi nos. Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos!”
They watched in horror as Y/N broke free of her constraints, the rope falling to the floor as she stood from the chair before falling to her knees as they finished the exorcism, “Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo. Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutem et fortitudinem plebi Suae. Benedictus deus. Gloria patri!”
As if on cue as they uttered out the last word of the exorcism, Y/N’s head shot backwards, her face to the ceiling as a raging plume of black smoke raced toward it. The lights above them shattered and plunged them into darkness except the one just above Y/N’s head where they could see that the smoke seemed to have gone on forever, pouring out of her mouth for what felt like an eternity. Y/N’s body convulsing as it did until there was nothing left but silence, a small girl crumpled in the middle of the floor, and three men rushing toward her.
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Y/N, for the most part, looked nothing like her father. Her nose, her lips, her hair, her smile, were all her mother’s. She even inherited her mom’s Y/E/C eyes, but if there was one thing she got from Sam, it was his memory. 
That was why, before she woke up, Cas gently laid two fingers atop her forehead, clearing away the memories of the past hour. Sam would have to live with what he’d seen, but it didn’t mean Y/N would.
“Thank you, Cas.” Sam smiled up to him from where he sat at the edge of Y/N’s bed. 
“It’s the least I could do.” 
Dean came back into the room, cold rag in hand as he lightly placed it over her forehead, sighing as he noticed how pale she still was, “C’mon, pretty girl. Don’t leave us hangin’.”
When Y/N didn’t even stir, they all watched and waited patiently. They knew she’d be okay, but waiting was always the hardest part. Usually, it takes time after an exorcism for someone to begin to feel better. It takes an unimaginable toll on a body, especially one as small as Y/N’s. For most people, time was what it took.
Sam ran a hand over her hair, “We’re all here, Y/N. All you’ve gotta do it open those eyes. We’re here, Y/N.”
Sometimes, however, all it takes is a little reassurance that everything would be okay.
Sam knew she was coming to her senses when her hand twitched against his, her eyes moved slowly behind her eyelids as they parted open, her long eyelashes batting over and over again as she looked up at them.
“Dad?” She whimpered out, a hand over her ribcage. 
“There she is,” Sam smiled. Dean and Cas running to her side to meet her. 
“What happened?” She mumbled, her eyes bouncing between them.
“Took a nasty fall on that bike of yours,” Dean said without missing a beat. You got pretty banged up...but doctor Dean says you’re expected to make a full recovery.”
“Is my bike okay?” She asked, making the three of them smile at her concern for her bike more than herself.
“I’ll be sure to heal your bike for you.” Cas said, easing her worries. Sam smiled at his daughter, pushing away the events of earlier and made a promise to himself to remember these moments above all things. 
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Forever Tag List
@octo-cow52​ | @luciferslucille​ | @spnbaby-67​ | @search-bar​ | @anti-social-club​ | @mellorine-paprika​ | @thepocketshoelace​ | @jaremish​ | @the-salty-asian​
Want to be notified when I post a Sam fic? Let me know by sending me an ask to be added to the Sam Tag List!
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