#Samuel francois
edithshead · 1 year
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from Pantomime Lily Stewart by Amanda Charchian for Numéro #193, May 2018
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mosssik · 1 year
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Miranda Kerr photographed by Mariano Vivanco, styled by Samuel François
“Elle US” June 2010
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transistoradio · 1 year
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Oedipus and the Sphinx by 1) Francois-Xavier Fabre, 2) Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 3) Gustave Moreau, 4) Gustave Moreau, 5) Charles Ricketts, 6) John McKirdy Duncan, 7) Niels Skovgaard, and 4) Samuele Gaudio.
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ancestorsalive · 2 years
SCHEIDT - Ludi Musici by L’Achéron & François Joubert-Caillet - Recordin...
Track played: "Canzon super O Nachbar Roland" 
Video direction: Philippe de Magnée 
Samuel Scheidt was one of the most complete composers of his generation. Organist, he composed sacred music and instrumental music that is at a crossroads, combining the Lutheran polyphonic tradition and all the influences of Italian music and the style of Monteverdi. The dances and fantasies contained in his Ludi Musici (1621) do not avoid this mixture of styles, being both the legacy of late-Renaissance models and the reflection of the new virtuosity initiated by the Italians. These pieces are indeed intended for viola da gamba, which still enjoyed considerable success in Germany at that time. 
 Visit l'Achéron's website: www.lacheron.com 
Played in this video: Samuel SCHEIDT, Canzona super O nachbar Roland
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funstealer · 10 months
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Asia Argento by Jean Baptiste Mondino Numero Magazine - August 2005 Fashion editor Samuel Francois Make up Karim Rahman Hair Stephane Lancien
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serialadoptersbracket · 3 months
Round 2, Match 61: Phoenix Wright vs. The Dragonborn
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Submitted kids:
Phoenix Wright: Confirmed: Pearl Fey, Trucy Wright (Arguably: Maya Fey, Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes)
The Dragonborn: Alesan, Blaise, Lucia, Sofie, Runa Fair-Shield, Hroar, Samuel, and Francois Beaufort are all the official adoption candidates. Theoretically, though, Dragonborn can adopt any kid in Skyrim as long as their caregivers are dead.
Propaganda under the cut!
Phoenix Wright:
1. “his mentor dies leaving behind her teenage sister hes like 'my sister now' teenage sister's aunt is arrested, and her 9yo cousin needs looking after 'say no more' dudes entire career comes crashing down around him at the same time a dude abandons his daughter 'looks like i have a reason to live now'”
2. “Tired old man (he’s 35) single lawyer dad of two other lawyers and a famous magician. Absolutely unhinged but appears Normal™️. Constantly embarrasses himself and is routinely assaulted and verbally abused in court but wins all his cases anyway (and he only forged evidence like twice!). Runs his own law firm (possible front for adopting more children?) and has 100% faith in his kids and his clients (two categories that overlap wayyyy too often, he and his family are constantly being framed for murder). He has a dumb hairstyle and no one ever lets him forget it. Phoenix has eaten glass before and would probably do so again. He has also survived falling from a 40-foot burning bridge into an ice-cold river, being the victim of a hit-and-run, and nearly being executed by a foreign government twice. Plus he’s bisexual and suffers from gay angst disease. Phoenix Wright is God’s favorite and he should be yours too!”
3. “Phoenix legally adopted Trucy and has just been taking kids without parents into his law agency ever since. Also if you consider him and Edgeworth to be together, then Edgeworth also essentially adopted Kay Faraday, so that's another one right there.”
4. “He's a lawyer. He adopts a little sister after her sister (his boss) dies. His client runs out on him so he does the logical thing and adopts the daughter he left behind even as his life falls apart. He meets her biological brother and manipulates him into joining his found family. I have no idea how he met teenage Lawyer Athena but that's his daughter now too.”
(Mod note: Full propaganda list coming soon!)
The Dragonborn:
“Dragonborn can adopt any two children - begging street urchins, orphans suffering an Annie-like predicament, any child they decide to relieve from their caregivers. And while it isn’t canon, there are mods to remove the “only two kids” limit. As a playable character, Dragonborn is a reflection of the desires and values of those that control them. Therefore, they reflect the tendency to serially adopt from “serial adopter” players: they take kids off the streets, assassinate the cruel orphanage boss so they adopt the children there, they might even kill the abusive Lemkil to give Sissel and Britte a better home. (And in a modded playthrough, they remove the adoption limit so they don’t have to choose between all the sympathetic children they want to shelter in their many houses; seriously that limit sucks when you have multiple children’s rooms that go empty.)”
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audreyslists · 9 months
French Painters (part one)
Masterlist of French painters and my favorite artwork from them. PM me for suggestions.
-- Paul Cezanne, (1839-1906), romanticism, modern art, cubism, impressionism, post-impressionism
-- Paul Gauguin, (1848-1903), post-impressionism, modern art, symbolism, primitivism. synthetism
-- Gustave Courbet, (1819-1877), realism
-- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (1864-1901), post-impressionism, art nouveau
-- Gustave Moreau, (1826-1898), symbolism, modern art
-- Camille Pissarro, (1830-1903), impressionism, post-impressionism, neo-impressionism
-- Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, (1780-1867), neoclassicism, orientalism
-- Philippe de Champaigne, (1602-1674), baroque
-- Frederic Bazille, (1841-1870), impressionism
-- Gustave Caillebotte, (1848-1894), impressionism, realism
-- Francois Boucher, (1703-1770), rococo
-- Pierre Brissaud
-- Sophie Blum-Lazarus
-- Pierre Bobot
-- Pierre-Nicolas Brisset
– Etienne Buffet
– Louis Braquaval
– Suzanne Duchamp
– Claude Monet
– Pierre-Auguste Renoir
– Henri Matisse
– Georges Braque
– Rosa Bonheur
– Nicolas Poussin
– Louis-Francois Aubry
– Theodore Gericault
– Etienne Allegrain
– William-Adolphe Bouguereau
– Frederic Samuel Cordey
– Jean de Botton
– Felic Auguste Clement
– Cecile Bart
– Renee Aspe
– Pierre Puvis de Chavannes
– Pierre Auguste Cot
– Edgar Degas
– Eduoard Manet
– Eugene Delacroix
– Jacques-Louis David
– Georges Seurat
– Berthe Morisot
– Joseph Apoux
– Charles Angrand
– Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
– Jean-Honoré Fragonard
– Lydia Corbett
– Louis Emile Benassit
-- Joseph Crepin (1875-1948), spiritualism, art brut
-- Roger de la Corbiere, (1893-1974), seascape
-- Thomas Couture, (1815-1879), academic art
-- Jean Simeon Chardin, (1699-1799), rococo, baroque, realism.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Object Name: Lasiren and Ezili of the Waters
Artist: Samuel Francois
Place of Origin: Haiti
Date/Era: 1999
Medium/Materials: Cardboard, sequins, beads, glitter, plastic dolls, wigs
Fowler Museum
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On October 29th 1740 James Boswell, the biographer, diarist and travel writer was born in Edinburgh.
Boswell is best known for the biography he wrote of one of his contemporaries, the English literary figure Samuel Johnson, which is commonly said to be the greatest biography written in the English language.
The son of Lord Auchinleck, Boswell matriculated in 1753 to study at the city’s University. In 1759 his father sent him to Glasgow, where he attended the classes of Adam Smith and others, but he tired of student life and fled to London on 1 March 1760. He became a lawyer, a writer and, and most famously the biographer of the aforementioned Samuel Johnson.
He first met Johnson on 16 May 1763 at Tom Davies Bookshop in Russell Street. It was the start of a lifelong friendship, with eventually Johnson calling him ‘Bozzy’.
By all accounts Bozzy was a handsome fellow, with an engaging character and great deal of charm evident in the portrait by George Willison attached to this post, painted during the early summer of 1765 when Boswell was in his mid twenties.
By outstandingly gatecrashing himself into literary circles James Boswell managed to introduce himself, during extended travels on the continent from 1763 – 1766, to two of the eighteenth centuries, and history’s most important civil liberty protagonists.
They were a dynamic duo, the self styled wit Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet), and political philosopher, educationist and author Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
James Boswell returned to England from his Grand Tour in February 1766 accompanied by Rousseau’s mistress. Three years later he married his cousin Margaret Montgomerie with whom he had six children.
In 1773 Boswell and Johnson shared a tour of the Hebrides. Boswell published an account of their journey in 1785, including a description of Johnson merrily swinging a broadsword and wearing traditional Scottish garb. Boswell brought Corsican nationalist Pasquali Paoli and the Polish ambassador Count Burzynski to visit Glasgow University. They were greeted by several professors and a large crowd of spectators, and toured the printing works and the Academy of Art with the University printers Robert and Andrew Foulis. They stopped off in Glasgow on their return, and stayed at the Saracen’s Head Inn near the University, which is still trading to this day.
For much of James Boswell’s life his father despaired of him. He didn’t follow his father’s profession and practice law, preferring his writing above all. However he did became 9th Laird of Auchinleck, but in the end his years of enjoying the good life finally caught up with him.
Not many people have a word named after them, to be ‘Boswellian’ means to be a constant companion and observer. Another noted Scotsman, Arthur Conan Doyle honoured his fellow countryman and writer Boswell in his works. His celebrated detective Sherlock Holmes said ‘that talent instantly recognizes genius’ and referred to his own cherished companion and observer, Dr Watson, as ‘my Boswell’.
After Johnson’s death in 1784, Boswell moved to London to try his luck at the English Bar, which proved even less successful than his career in Scotland. In 1792 Boswell lobbied the Home Secretary to help gain royal pardons for four Botany Bay escapees including Mary Bryant. He also offered to stand for Parliament but failed to get the necessary support, and he spent the final years of his life writing his Life of Samuel Johnson. During this time his health began to fail due to venereal disease and his years of drinking. Boswell died in London in 1795.
Boswell’s remains were interred in the crypt of the Boswell family mausoleum in what is now the old Auchinleck Kirkyard in Ayrshire. The mausoleum is attached to the old Auchinleck Kirk.
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boldlycrookedsalad · 5 months
Literary Canon (from kissgrammar)
The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version [At a minimum, the books of Genesis, Exodus, Job, Psalms, from the Old Testament; Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Apocalypse from the New.] Whether or not you are Christian is irrelevant. The civilization in which we live is based on and permeated by the ideas and values expressed in this book. Understanding our civilization, the world in which we live, is probably impossible without having read -- and thought about -- at least the most famous books in the Bible. Historically, the King James Version is considered the most artistic, and thus has probably had the most literary influence.
Homer, The Iliad
Homer, The Odyssey
Sophocles, Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex)
Sophocles, Antigone
Plato, The Republic, especially "The Myth of the Cave"
Ovid, Metamorphoses
Saint Augustine, The Confessions
Dante, The Divine Comedy
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Giambattista Vico, Principles of a New Science
Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
Romeo and Juliet
King Lear
John Donne, "Holy Sonnet XIV"
John Donne, "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
Andrew Marvell, "To His Coy Mistress"
John Milton, Paradise Lost
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels
A Modest Proposal
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Michel de Montaigne, Essays, especially "Of Experience"
Francois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel
Moliere, The Misanthrope
Blaise Pascal, Pensees
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile
Voltaire, Candide
Erasmus, In Praise of Folly
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, Parts One & Two
Honore de Balzac, Old Goriot (also translated as Pere Goriot)
Stendhal, The Red and the Black
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Emile Zola, Germinal
Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Lord Byron, Don Juan
John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
Robert Browning, "My Last Duchess"
Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist
A Tale Of Two Cities
Hard Times
A Christmas Carol
Matthew Arnold, "Dover Beach"
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
Francis Thompson, "The Hound of Heaven"
Samuel Butler, Erewhon
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
George Eliot- Silas Marner
Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
The Will To Power
The Birth of Tragedy
On the Genealogy of Morals
Alexander Pushkin - Eugene Onegin
The Bronze Horseman
Nikolai Gogol -The Overcoat
Dead Souls
Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time
Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons
Fyodor Dostoevsky -Notes From the Underground
Crime and Punishment
Leo Tolstoy -The Death of Ivan Ilych
War and Peace
Anton Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard
James Fenimore Cooper, The Deerslayer
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays
Emily Dickinson - "Because I Could Not Stop For Death"
"The Tint I Cannot Take"
"There's a Certain Slant of Light"
Walt Whitman  - "Song of Myself"
"The Sleepers"
"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"
"As I Ebbed With The Ocean of Life"
"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking"
"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd"
Nathaniel Hawthorne - Young Goodman Brown
The Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Edgar Allen Poe - "The Raven"
The Cask of Amontillado
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Kate Chopin -The Story of An Hour
The Awakening
Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage
Henry James
Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Luigi Pirandello
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
ARRAS, France — 
A man of Chechen origin who was under surveillance by French security services over suspected Islamic radicalization stabbed a teacher to death at his former high school and wounded three other people Friday in northern France, authorities said.
France raised its threat alert to its highest level, and the attack was being investigated by anti-terrorism prosecutors amid soaring global tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas. It also happened almost three years after another teacher, Samuel Paty, was beheaded by a radicalized Chechen near a Paris area school.
The suspected attacker had been under surveillance since the summer on suspicion of Islamic radicalization, French intelligence services told The Associated Press. He was detained Thursday for questioning based on the monitoring of his phone calls in recent days, but investigators found no sign that he was preparing an attack, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said.
"There was a race against the clock. But there was no threat, no weapon, no indication. We did our our job seriously," Darmanin said on TF1 television. French intelligence suggested a link between the war in the Middle East and the suspect's decision to attack, the minister said.
The suspect, identified by prosecutors as Mohamed M., was reportedly refusing to speak to investigators. Several others also were in custody Friday, national counterterrorism prosecutor Jean-Francois Ricard said. Police said the suspect's younger brother was among those held for questioning.
President Emmanuel Macron said France had been "hit once again by the barbarity of Islamist terrorism."
"Nearly three years to the day after the assassination of Samuel Paty, terrorism has hit a school again and in a context that we're all aware of," Macron said at the site of the attack in Arras, a city 185 kilometers north of Paris.
A colleague and a fellow teacher identified the dead educator as Dominique Bernard, a French language teacher at the Gambetta-Carnot school, which enrolls students ages 11-18. The victim "stepped in and probably saved many lives" but two of the wounded — another teacher and a security guard — were fighting for theirs, according to Macron.
Authorities said the third person wounded worked as a cleaner at the school. The prosecutor said the alleged assailant was a former student there and repeatedly shouted "Allahu akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic during the attack.
Police officer Sliman Hamzi was one of the first on the scene. Hamzi said he was alerted by another officer, rushed to the school and saw a male victim lying on the ground outside the school and the attacker being taken away. He said the victim had his throat slit.
"I'm extremely shocked by what I saw," the officer said. "It was a horrible thing to see this poor man who was killed on the job by a lunatic."
The National Police force identified the suspect in the attack as a Russian national of Chechen origin who was born in 2003. The French intelligence services told the AP he had been closely watched since the summer with tails and telephone surveillance and was stopped as recently as Thursday for a police check that found no wrongdoing.
Friday's attack had echoes of Paty's slaying on Oct 16, 2020 — also a Friday — by an 18-year-old who had become radicalized. Like the suspect in Friday's stabbings, the earlier attacker had a Chechen background; police shot and killed him.
Martin Doussau, a philosophy teacher at Gambetta-Carnot, said the assailant was armed with two knives and appeared to be hunting specifically for a history teacher. Paty taught history and geography.
"I was chased by the attacker, who ... asked me if I teach history,'" said Doussau, who recounted how he barricaded himself behind a door until police used a stun gun to subdue the attacker. "When he turned around and asked me if I am a history teacher, I immediately thought of Samuel Paty."
The school went into lockdown, and some children were held inside classrooms for hours while distraught parents gathered outside.
"My husband was in tears. There were a lot of people crying, a lot in a state of panic," said Céline Bourgeois, whose 15-year-old son, Louis, was inside.
Prosecutors said they were considering charges of terror-related murder and attempted murder against the suspect.
Macron visited the school, stopping for a moment before the blanket-covered body of the teacher, which was in the parking lot in front of the school, then met with students.
He said police thwarted an "attempted attack" in another region of France after the teacher's fatal stabbing. He did not provide details, but the Interior Ministry said he was referring to a man armed with a knife arrested coming out of a prayer hall in the Yvelines region west of Paris. The man's motives weren't immediately clear, police said.
School attacks are rare in France, and the government asked authorities to heighten vigilance at all schools across the country.
The government also increased its threat alert to its highest level Friday, allowing for larger police and military deployments to protect the country. Darmanin said there was no specific threat that prompted the move, but cited calls by extremists to attack amid the Mideast war.
He said authorities have detained 12 people near schools or places of worship since the Hamas attack on Israel last Saturday, some of whom were armed and were preparing to attack. France has heightened security at hundreds of Jewish sites around the country this week.
The suspect's telephone conversations in recent days gave no indication of an impending attack, leading intelligence officers to conclude that the assailant decided suddenly on Friday to act, intelligence services told the AP.
The suspect's father was expelled from France in 2018 for radicalism, the interior minister said.
An older brother is serving a 5-year prison term for terror offences. He was convicted this year of involvement in a plot for an armed attack around the presidential Elysee Palace in Paris that was thwarted by the intelligence services. Other members of the radical Islamist group were also jailed for up to 15 years. He was the group's only Chechen.
The older brother also was a former pupil at the high school targeted Friday, according to legal records from his trial earlier this year on terror-related charges. Investigation records show that during a school class in 2016 about freedom of expression, the older brother defended a terror attack in 2015 that killed 12 cartoonists at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
Friday's attack came amid heightened tensions around the world over Hamas' attack on southern Israel and Israel's blistering military response, which have killed hundreds of civilians on both sides.
Darmanin on Thursday ordered local authorities to ban all pro-Palestinian demonstrations amid a rise in antisemitic acts.
France is estimated to have the world's third-largest Jewish population after Israel and the U.S., as well as the largest Muslim population in Western Europe.
A moment of silence was held at the opening of a France-Netherlands soccer match Friday night to honor victims of the Israel-Hamas fighting and the slain teacher.
Macron said the school in Arras would reopen as soon as Saturday morning, and he urged the people of France to "stay united."
"The choice has been made not to give in to terror," he said. "We must not let anything divide us, and we must remember that schools and the transmission of knowledge are at the heart of this fight against ignorance."
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curvedswords · 1 year
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servants-hall · 9 months
All Creatures Great and Small - 4x01 Synopsis
From Radio Times:
Episode 1: Broodiness
Return of the drama, starring Nicholas Ralph and Samuel West. It is Spring 1940, and without Tristan, Skeldale House is busier than ever. James and Helen dream about the future, hoping that he won't be called up. And a chance encounter with young lad, Wesley Binks, leaves James worrying if his dog, Duke, is being mistreated
Siegfried Farnon Samuel West Mrs Audrey Hall Anna Madeley James Herriot Nicholas Ralph Helen Herriot Rachel Shenton Richard Carmody James Anthony-Rose Mrs Pumphrey Patricia Hodge Gerald Hammond Will Thorp Richard Alderson Tony Pitts Jenny Alderson Imogen Clawson Wesley Binks Billy Hickey Clifford Slavens Paul Hilton Granny Binks Pam Shaw Miss Harbottle Neve McIntosh Mr Dakin James Bolam Joe Coney Paul Bazely Maggie Mollie Winnard Jack Dodson Mark Smalley Mrs Stokes Susan Hilton Anne Chapman Cleo Sylvestre Grace Chapman Cat Simmons Francois Joseph May Private Biggs Olly Rhodes Ned Clough Paul Copley Sid Crabtree Ryan Hawley Elsie Crabtree Chloe Harris Marie Crabtree Matilda Kent RSPCA Officer Susan-Jayne Robinson Delivery Man Keith Hyland Government Clerk Chris Coniston
Director Andy Hay Executive producer Melissa Gallant Executive producer Colin Callender Writer Jamie Crichton Executive producer Ben Vanstone Executive producer Louise Pedersen Executive producer David Swetman Producer Yvonne Francas
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
Top four are from cities, the bottom four are from Honorhall! Kids with parents that are alive by the start of the game aren't counted but you can include them in tags if you want
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serialadoptersbracket · 5 months
Match 11, Round 1: The Dragonborn vs. Daud
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Submitted kids:
The Dragonborn: Alesan, Blaise, Lucia, Sofie, Runa Fair-Shield, Hroar, Samuel, and Francois Beaufort are all the official adoption candidates. Theoretically, though, Dragonborn can adopt any kid in Skyrim as long as their caregivers are dead.
Daud: Billie, Thomas, the rest of the whalers
Propaganda under the cut!
The Dragonborn:
Dragonborn can adopt any two children - begging street urchins, orphans suffering an Annie-like predicament, any child they decide to relieve from their caregivers. And while it isn’t canon, there are mods to remove the “only two kids” limit. As a playable character, Dragonborn is a reflection of the desires and values of those that control them. Therefore, they reflect the tendency to serially adopt from “serial adopter” players: they take kids off the streets, assassinate the cruel orphanage boss so they adopt the children there, they might even kill the abusive Lemkil to give Sissel and Britte a better home. (And in a modded playthrough, they remove the adoption limit so they don’t have to choose between all the sympathetic children they want to shelter in their many houses; seriously that limit sucks when you have multiple children’s rooms that go empty.)
No propaganda has been submitted for Daud
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ulkaralakbarova · 12 days
When a virus leaks from a top-secret facility, turning all resident researchers into ravenous zombies and their lab animals into mutated hounds from hell, the government sends in an elite military task force to contain the outbreak. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Alice: Milla Jovovich Rain Ocampo: Michelle Rodriguez Matt Addison: Eric Mabius Spence Parks: James Purefoy Chad Kaplan: Martin Crewes James “One” Shade: Colin Salmon J.D. Salinas: Pasquale Aleardi Dr. Lisa Addison: Heike Makatsch Mr. Grey: Ryan McCluskey Ms. Black: Indra Ové Mr. Red: Oscar Pearce Dr. Green: Anna Bolt Dr. Blue: Joseph May Dr. Brown: Robert Tannion Clarence: Jaymes Butler Mr. White: Stephen Billington Ms. Gold: Fiona Glascott Medic: Liz May Brice Commando 1: Torsten Jerabek Commando 2: Marc Logan-Black Red Queen: Michaela Dicker Dr. William Birkin (uncredited): Jason Isaacs Film Crew: Writer: Paul W. S. Anderson Producer: Jeremy Bolt Producer: Bernd Eichinger Producer: Samuel Hadida Camera Operator: David Johnson ADR Editor: Matt Grimes Casting: Robyn Ray Production Design: Richard Bridgland Casting: Suzanne Smith Editor: Alexander Berner Line Producer: Albert Botha Associate Producer: Mike Gabrawy Executive Producer: Victor Hadida Executive Producer: Daniel S. Kletzky Executive Producer: Robert Kulzer Executive Producer: Yoshiki Okamoto Co-Producer: Chris Symes Original Music Composer: Marco Beltrami Original Music Composer: Marilyn Manson Art Direction: Jörg Baumgarten Set Decoration: Penny Crawford Hairstylist: Björn Rehbein Hairstylist: Friderike Roessler Hairstylist: Valeska Schitthelm Makeup Artist: Christina Smith Art Department Coordinator: Ingeborg Heinemann Assistant Art Director: Anete Conrad Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects: Pauline Fowler Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects: Martin Gaskell Supervising Art Director: Tony Reading Construction Coordinator: Ulf Sturhann Carpenter: Philipp Hübner Location Scout: Marion Gerhardt Production Illustrator: Ravi Bansal Sculptor: Colin Jackman First Assistant Camera: Adam Quinn Steadicam Operator: Jörg Widmer Still Photographer: Rolf Konow Prosthetic Supervisor: Barrie Gower Additional Music: Tom Holkenborg Choreographer: Warnar Van Eeden Driver: Susen Jarmuske Makeup Effects: Andy Garner Post Production Supervisor: Christine Jahn Production Office Assistant: Mirjam Weber Property Master: Danny Hunter Set Medic: Frank Guhn Special Effects Supervisor: Gerd Nefzer Stunt Coordinator: Volkhart Buff Stunts: René Bellmann Technical Supervisor: John Kurlander Unit Production Manager: Silvia Tollmann Unit Publicist: Francois Frey Visual Effects Editor: Paul Elman Script Supervisor: Caroline Sax Color Timer: Andreas Lautil First Assistant Editor: Franziska Schmidt-Kärner Best Boy Electric: Udo Kowalczyk Electrician: David Reppen Gaffer: Edgar Auell Production Accountant: Helga Ploiner Production Coordinator: Sammi Davis Visual Effects Coordinator: Muriel Gérard Researcher: Ian Frost Boom Operator: Alois Unger Music Supervisor: Liz Gallacher Sound Designer: Marco Raab Sound Editor: Frank Casaretto Sound Mixer: Roland Winke Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Kranz Supervising Sound Editor: Stefan Busch 3D Supervisor: Phil Bignell Visual Effects Producer: Richard Yuricich Art Department Manager: Astrid Kühberger Software Engineer: John Charles Dolby Consultant: Norbert Zich Unit Manager: Esther Fischer Key Grip: Dieter Bähr Key Makeup Artist: Hasso von Hugo First Assistant Director: Jan Sebastian Ballhaus ADR Supervisor: Bjørn Ole Schroeder Draughtsman: Philip Elton Grip: Glenn König Animatronics Designer: Chris Coxon Second Assistant Director: Simon Emanuel Negative Cutter: Patricia Ferbeck ADR Voice Casting: Louis Elman Assistant Production Coordinator: Kerstin Biermann Casting Assistant: Natasha Ockrent Foley Editor: Noemi Hampel Costume Assistant: Claudia Maria Braun Costume Assistant: Elke Freitag Costume Assistant: Sparka Lee Hall Costume Assistant: Astrid Lafos Costume Assistant: Anette Tirler Negative Cutter: Renate Siegl Negative Cutter: Sandra Stier Animation: James Furlon...
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