#Sam consistency was all thank to Jared
jarpadswalker · 11 months
The most ridiculous story line I ever saw was Dean locking Michael Dean in his head ...It was so ridiculous..clearly they tried to rehash S6 storyline of Death putting a barrier between Sam's thought and he'll Sam's thoughts but here is an issue, Death putting a barrier in Sam head made sense coz Sam was fighting with his own thoughts and hell memories. He was hallucinating Lucifer, he wasn't their for real. But with Dean there was no diety/ stronger force that put "barrier" freezer in Dean case to stop Michael...Most imp writer missed the point that Sam was hallucinating Lucifer while Dean was possessed by Michael, he wasn't hallucinating Michael..Michael was actual their trying to take control. So the whole Locking Michael in freezer arc was hilariously bad. you could see how lazy the writer were that they didn't bother to find logic before rehashing previous work forget thinking of something original.
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lol-jackles · 5 months
I’d love to get your take on this post. I don’t agree with it. Supernatural was about Sam’s hero journey which the finale completes the arc established over the 15 seasons.
Why is it difficult for people to see the basic and timeless story construct?
Supernatural is Sam Winchester's Hero Journey, it's all here in the "Hero Journey" tag. Dean Winchester is a very popular character, the awesome sauce but not the main course, which I explained in the "Support Protagonist" tag.
Link. Here I had thought Will viewed the finale through Destiel-rose-colored glasses but it turned out he was interpreting it through BiBro-stanning-lens. And Will's proof that SPN is just as much as about Dean as it is about Sam is, wait for it, "Dean was given a myth arc"', as in singular.... out of 15 seasons. Did he mean season 10? Because according to Jensen, season 10 was a “rare Dean centric storyline” and how "Dean's rarely in this position of being the focal point of the general story's motivation," (X). Is Will disregarding Jensen's own words?
Will: "you can't remove one brother without the whole thing falling apart."
True you can't remove Sam, otherwise there is no story. Once Jared planned to leave SPN, WB canceled the series. Remove Dean and with some minor tweaking, SPN will mostly still be the same (X) but it probably wouldn't have lasted 15 seasons. It would be more like Buffy with 7 seasons. (X)
Will: Sam returned to the ordinary world and got a wife and child because it did it for Dean.
Actually Dean gave his blessing and permission for Sam to return to the ordinary life he always wanted for himself. It's why season 15 clumsily shoehorned "Drag Me Away" episode just a few weeks from the finale to remind the audience that Sam wanted out of the hunting life since he was a kid. Yes Sam went to hell for Dean but it was unquestionable that Sam also did it to save the world. It set Sam apart from Dean's motive for going to hell which was only to save Sam, he didn't care about the world.
Will: "everything Sam did was for Dean".
Yes, by giving up his own desire for an ordinary life so that Dean wouldn't be alone. Sam told Charlie back in season 9 that he only stayed in the hunting life because he loved Dean. But that's not enough for AA stans and even some Bibro stans because they may have realized that Dean and the hunting world is the "belly of the beast" that every protagonist enters as part of their hero journey arc, which goes against their personal biases or agendas.
Will's Anon was only talking up to Return of the Jedi in their Star Wars analogy and Sam never became a witch and he never "used his powers". Holy smoke that was the whole point of depowering Sam after season 5 so that he doesn't end up an ex dues machina! Or am I mis-reading Will's writing and he was actually talking about Sam's power in the first 5 seasons?? Regardless, Sam is NOT a witch, what the heck is Will smoking???
Will, listen to me carefully: Luke's hero journey goal was to become a Jedi. Sam's hero journey goal was to return to the ordinary world. It was never supposed to be a one-to-one comparison, Kripke never said that.
Now we come to Will's streaming value argument by using the 2023 chart to "prove" that the Carry On finale isn't driving equal watch time for each season. How is that supposed to even make sense? Will is ignoring the very basic human nature of simply tiring out from watching so many episodes. The rate of decreasing viewership from season to season is fairly consistent. Unlike hellers, the general viewers will start with the first season and gradually peter out.
A bad series finale will kill the popularity of the show and gets memory-holed. A disappointing series finale will put a big question mark in the rewatch value. "Carry On" finale did none of this because it made narrative sense, as Jensen said when he paraphrased what Kripke told him.
See my "Carry On finale is awesome and here's bunch of reasons why" tag.
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pagannatural · 7 months
1.21 Salvation
-John finally, after some 22 years, lets his sons in on his plans and shows them everything he’s got on the demon that killed their mom and Jess.
-John is such a good character. I’m not really interested in liking or disliking him, I just love his part in this story. He reacted to an unimaginable situation in a human way. Who among us can say, really, how we would parent two small children if our wife was brutally murdered on the ceiling by a demon who then burned down our entire house? John truly thought the whole world was a war zone so he made his kids soldiers rather than getting them to safety. To understand John you have to understand that Safe and Normal as concepts were destroyed for him. He wanted to protect his boys so badly that he tried to prepare them and toughen them and train them but he also wanted to shield them so he hid as much as he could from them. He taught them that people were dying and they were responsible for stopping it. He put all of that on their way-too-young shoulders all while refusing to trust them or let them in.
Under all that pressure, Sam and Dean created their own world, their bubble of safety with each other. They give each what they need in the most vital and fundamental sense, nourishing each other in a hostile environment. They share something that no one else could ever understand.
So thanks, John.
-“It’s not your problem, it’s our problem” is an objectively kind and supportive thing to say so I’m proud of Dean for managing to shout it angrily at Sam. Such passion such energy
-Sam looks like a little kid this whole scene where Dean and John are arguing about parenting him. Dean stands up to John again and defends himself. He’s Sam’s daddy now (sorry)
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-John tells Sam “I want you to go to school, I want Dean to have a home” which is hilarious to me because it implies that he thinks of Dean as a homeless man (which he is).
Dean glances at Sam when John says this and then hangs his head. Sam is his home. And he feels responsible for Sam leaving school (which he is).
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-In the car Sam tells Dean “I want to thank you” but the you comes out as “ya”. This happens another time when Sam tells Dean “I still love you” (or something close to that) in s5e11. It’s unusual for Sam. He doesn’t ya his you’s regularly at the end of a sentence. Jared and Jensen both have typical midwestern accents on the show. Jared intentionally changes his speech pattern when he’s possessed, so that words like “wasn’t” or “doesn’t” are enunciated when normally Sam pronounces it like “wud’n” or “dud’n” with a very soft “d.”
Point being, something is causing Sam to shy off of saying these things and making them sound too serious so he says “I want to thank ya” which sounds more casual. When he’s lost in emotion (like later when he throws Dean against a wall and says “don’t you say that”), he enunciates his you’s. I think this is unintentional of Sam and intentional of Jared. Sam’s trying not to scare Dean off or sound too confessional- he’s seen how Dean reacts to that.
-Sam says “even when I couldn’t count on anyone”
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Dean gave him consistency and safety and the knowledge that he was always loved. Dean’s his sanctuary.
-Dean says the house is “burning to the ground, it’s suicide”
“I don’t care” “I do”
Sam is reckless. He has a safe place to land, so he often acts without really thinking through the consequences, and Dean is always there for him. This is the THIRD house fire Dean has protected Sam from. Interesting that Sam asked Jessica, his Dean replacement, “what would I do without you?” in ep1 and she said “crash and burn.” Actually that’s what you would do without Dean :)
-Sam says killing the demon is “all we’ve ever cared about” he doesn’t realize that Dean has always cared more about him than about revenge or justice or whatever else. Dean would rather have Sam. Wild that Sam doesn’t know he’s Dean’s top priority yet. I wonder if he knew that pre-Stanford?
-Sam gets angry when Dean says they can’t bring Jessica or their mom back. It mirrors Dean slamming Sam against the wall in ep1 when he told Dean their mom is never coming back. Sam’s anger melts as soon as Dean speaks and he ends up just kind of grasping Dean’s shirt and pressing into him with this desperate look on his face. They look at each other’s mouths.
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-Dean is accepting of Sam grabbing him and throwing him against a wall, just like Sam handles it in s2 when Dean punches him in the face. They have no normal way to express how intensely they feel about each other so it comes out as violence or care when one is injured. Love and need and pain are inextricable between them- they love each other in ways that are painful. So they just submit to each other like Yes, finally something that feels strong enough. It’s like it’s soothing to express and receive each other’s needs, even as pain. It has to come out somehow.
-Dean says that the three of them are all he has and “sometimes I feel like I’m barely holding it together” Dean doesn’t let himself fall apart, and he wants to fall apart with Sam here, begging Sam to be careful with his life, to understand that he needs Sam. He’s saying Please don’t get hurt, I need you, I’m falling apart.
Sam could kiss him right now. Dean’s not holding it together enough to try pushing Sam away or protecting him from their feelings.
-Dean says “without you and dad, I-” and I think that Dean obviously loves and cares about John but the real issue is that he couldn’t say “without you, I-” on network television because they would have just made out. The mention of their dad brings Sam back to himself. He turns away from Dean and lets go of him with what looks like some effort. Dean looks lost and he’s also still tilting his head up with his lips parted looking like Sam didn’t kiss him. Sam asks him to call John.
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-This parallels when Dean told Sam to call Sarah in 1x19. Dean calls even though he’s still emotionally involved in the conversation with Sam and didn’t finish what he was saying. He’s just admitted something that was difficult for him, and Sam reacted by pulling away, distancing himself, exactly as Dean did when Sam admitted Jessica isn’t the main reason he’s not interested in anyone.
I’m a John-would-kill-Dean truther if he found out about anything untoward going on between his boys, so the mention of their Dad and the fact that he’s in danger would absolutely make Sam force himself away from Dean.
This specific dynamic of Sam pleading with Dean for something and Dean surrendering brokenly to Sam in a Please give it to me Please just take it loop where neither is willing to act makes me want to chew on my own ribcage.
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What is your top five episodes of Supernatural?
Hey there! Thanks for sending me your ask!
So, I have a really hard time answering this question since I haven’t actually ever sat down and chosen an overall top 5. I even have a hard time coming up with one favorite episode of a season, or even favorite season order, never mind narrowing down to top 5 episodes. I could probably give you my top 5 episodes of each season (maybe even top 3) with reasonable confidence, lol. My favorites do change sometimes depending on a rewatch or how I’m feeling at the time.
Still, I’ll give answering this ask a try. I'm going to go with the top episodes that come to my mind right now, which are all always among my faves. These aren’t all episodes that I consider to be technically the best, but ones that I consistently enjoy for the majority of the episode, I skip no (or almost no) parts when I watch it, and that I don’t really get tired of on rewatching, so ones I enjoy most.
I don't know if you’re actually interested in my reasons, or only curious about which episodes, so I’ll just make a quick note for each.
**EDIT** I’m so sorry, I literally couldn’t narrow it down. Here are my Top 10 Instead. 🤷‍♀️ . Episodes are under the cut since this got long.
My Top 10 (as of today and in no particular order):
1) Scarecrow (1x11) - Sam and Dean have their first brother "break up" and basically spend the episode pining. Intro to Meg. Creepy monster.
2) Tall Tales (2x15) - I literally put this episode on when I go to bed. It’s funny, low angst, unique in its storytelling style and the brothers having a prolonged bitch-fest while Bobby is exasperated is amusing to me.
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3) What is and What Should Never Be (2x20) - Heartbreaking, AU done right (I’m looking at you pointedly, Season 13), showing how important being close to Sam is to Dean, Preppy Law-school Sam, Marry, Jessica
4) A Very Supernatural Christmas (3x8) - the monsters hit the exact right tone and are really amusing, the end scene with the brothers doing Christmas is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Their silent communication is fantastic.
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5) Mystery Spot (3x11) - the shift in tones from light to dark, "six months later," ridiculous deaths, unhinged Sam
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6) When the Levee Breaks / Lucifer Rising (4x21-22)- so angsty and painful, but in a good way (yeah, I cheated with 2 episodes, but they go together).
7) The Point of No Return (5x18) - Sam has so much faith in Dean, and Dean can’t bear letting Sam down, Adam, other characters' reactions to the boys ⬇️
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8) The Man Who Knew Too Much (6x22) - Jared is frigging awesome at playing 3 versions of Sam. Concerned Dean. Interesting setup
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9) Sacrifice (8x23) - the whole episode, but especially the church scenes: Sam and Crowley, but especially Sam and Dean. The acting from both Js is just … chef's 😘
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10) Red Meat (11x17) - Sam is a badass. Dean is Romeo. Unhinged excellence. (This is also an great episode to come after Safe House which I also really like.)
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Okay, so I'm still missing a bunch of episodes that I love, or have parts that I might like more than the ones listed above, but some I left out because they make me too sad or there are long portions I tend to skip on rewatches.
Thanks again for your ask. I hope I didn’t give you way more than you wanted.
What are your top 5 ( or 10)?
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youchangedmedean · 3 years
Why Dean’s Heaven Outfit is so Cursed
You may have seen my previous post about why Dean’s outfit in heaven is so cursed, but since then I have spotted even more.
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According to Jared at the Virtual Con after 15x20 aired when asked ‘Were any lines added or ad libbed by you two [Jared and Jensen]?’ (starts at 29:28 timestamp)
... So, when we’re on that bridge and uh, and Dean says, “Heya Sammy” and then it cuts to Sam, and I’m dressed like, as best I could, like uh like the pilot with Dean, y’know. ...
So from this, we know that Sam on the bridge in 15x20 was supposed to be dressed like the pilot. I infer that Dean was also supposed to be dressed like the pilot but based on the wording it’s possible that’s not what he meant. As soon as we got BTS pics from the last day on set however, we all pointed out that they were dressed like the pilot but there is a difference.
So what did Dean wear in the pilot? He had on 2 different outfits. First a dark jacket and a red shirt.
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After Dean gets covered in mud, he changes into a denim shirt and John’s leather jacket.
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Another thing to note is that both Sam and Dean wear sneakers in the pilot. No boots for Dean.
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So it looks like for Dean in 15x20, the heaven outfit is based on outfit 1 with the dark jacket, plain red shirt and jeans.
Dean consistently has plain red shirts through the seasons and continues to wear the dark jacket until 9x03 so I would bet that the very jacket was sitting in storage until s15.
Something to note is that while Sam is in a virtually identical outfit in 15x20 and the pilot, Dean is not. They must have had to source Sam’s outfit specifically for this. Sam does wear a hoodie and a beige jacket in later seasons so they could have built it out of Sam’s wardrobe but they chose not to. He does not wear these exact clothes at any other point in the series apart from in Heaven. Dean’s Heaven outfit is just made out of his clothing from later in the series. They both wore sneakers in the pilot but in Heaven Dean still has his boots while Sam is wearing sneakers.
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If I was building Dean’s heaven outfit out of later seasons outfits, I would have chosen his plain red shirt (note: this is not the Demon!Dean/MoC!Dean shirt, it is a different one).
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By the later seasons, Dean doesn’t actually wear dark dark jackets much. His only black jacket in s15 was this denim one which he has had since 10x04:
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But the wardrobe department decided not to go for these and instead decided on cursed items instead.
So what was Dean wearing in Heaven?
The Shirt
Now this shirt is just plain cursed. This is only seen at 2 other points in the whole series, and it was a new one for s15. 
We first see it in 15x04 Atomic Monsters for the Chuck AU where Lucifer!Sam kills Dean. Directed by Mr Jensen Ackles himself.
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Thanks to him, we also get a good look at the shirt
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So this is the first time we ever see this shirt and its for a Chuck AU where Sam kills Dean.
The second time we see it, its in 15x13 and this is another cursed appearance. It is worn by Huntercorp!Dean while pretending to be our Dean in the bunker.
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And why was Huntercorp!Dean there at all? Because Chuck was destroying worlds.
When AU!Dean leaves the bunker, there is an exchange that is a bit cursed.
Huntercorp!DEAN: Oh, uh, you think we could keep the flannel shirts?
So the shirt actually gets a mention by Huntercorp!Dean.
What we see here is that this shirt is NEVER worn by our Dean. It is worn by a Chuck AU Dean and Huntercorp!Dean fleeing a world Chuck had destroyed while pretending to be our Dean.
We never see our Dean wear this shit until Heaven which seems like an odd choice.
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Dean also doesn’t normally wear red and black plaid shirt. In fact, the previous one he had has an interesting history as pointed out by @wigglebox​ when we were discussing it.
It is first seen in 12x21 and he continues to wear it into 12x23 when Dean has to go into Mary’s mind.
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We then see it again and for the last time in 13x16 Scoobynatural.
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Both of these episodes are sort of AU episodes where he’s venturing into another character’s mind or heading into Scooby-Doo world.
So both Dean’s black and red plaid shirts have a cursed history relating things not being real and for this specific shirt, AUs. They could have chosen a plain red shirt almost identical to the pilot but they chose not to.
The Jacket
Dean has this jacket for a long time. He has a blue one and a black one. This black jacket has been around since s9 and gets worn a fair bit. On the whole, it doesn’t have a very happy history, its first worn for Kevin’s funeral in 9x10 and is worn after Claire is bitten by a Werewolf in 12x16.
However, the most notable thing about this jacket is what should have been it’s demise.
Dean is wearing it in 13x23 when he fights Lucifer and AU!Michael takes over his body.
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At the end of the episode, we see that Michael has changed dean’s clothes and presumably ditched them somewhere.
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Dean comes back at the end of 14x02 wearing Michael’s clothes. He arrives back at the bunker in 14x03 and changes into Dean clothes but is missing his watch for the whole episode, presumably because Michael ditched it. The denim shirt Dean wears in 13x23 is never seen again (yes, I have watched s14 and s15 just to check and have spreadsheets for Dean’s outfits!). His boots are back in 14x03 but I suppose you could argue he had multiple pairs.
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We are left to assume that the jacket is also gone (and it really should be gone) but it makes a miraculous reappearance in 14x13 Lebanon.
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Now this episode is an odd episode. They get their Dad back by messing up time, Cas doesn’t know them until they reset it back again. The shirt in this episode is also notable and I will write a post on it soon. So again, we have part of Dean’s heaven outfit connecting to alternative timelines where it really shouldn’t be at all.
This jacket appears at just one other point in s15. Now if you had to pick the most cursed of cursed times to put it where would you put it on Dean?
The Vamp Chuck future in 15x09 where Sam and Dean die as vampires.
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So this jacket should have disappeared in 13x23 but reappears for an episode where time is altered in 14x13 and when Chuck is showing Sam the future in 15x09 if they ‘win’ and they die as vampires. Dean is then killed on a vampire hunt in 15x20 and ends up wearing this jacket in Heaven. Cool, cool.
This jacket becomes connected to our Dean but in altered timelines and worlds while the shirt is connected to alternative Deans. Both the shirt and the jacket have direct connections to Chuck.
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So we see Dean in Heaven wearing this cursed outfit drinking cursed El Sol beer with the same cursed monkey from 14x13 Lebanon (see above, it was in the roadhouse too).
This is not an outfit that screams happy. This is not an outfit that screams Sam and Dean won. This is an outfit that seems to scream Chuck won. 
I guess we’ll just have to wait until Jackles manages to get a continuation...
One final odd thing to note. We all remember Jensen’s video posted before the finale when he was dressing up as Dean for the last time “at least for now”. Well he wasn’t actually wearing the outfit Dean wore in Heaven although all the Heaven scenes were shot on the last day of filming, the 10th of September.
He was wearing the Heaven plaid shirt, but not the Heaven Jacket. It was Dean’s black denim jacket I pointed out earlier. If you look it has seams that the Heaven Jacket doesn’t and the pocket flaps are a different shape.
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I have gone through all the Heaven scenes and he is wearing the Heaven jacket in all of them. But I can’t think of a reason why on a hot day in September when Jensen is getting changed into costume he would have a different one of Dean’s jackets on over the shirt he needs to wear for the scenes.
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fangurk · 4 years
She’s Always There (Paul Lahote x Reader)
Y/n: Your Name
Y/l/n: Your Last Name
Y/n/n: Your Nickname
Y/e/c: Your Eye Color
Y/h/c: Your Hair Color
Prompt Given To Me By @ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhh.tumblr.com: hey!! so the reason I'm messaging is because I wanted to request something but can't fit it all into an ask lmao. anyways could i please request a Paul Lahote x reader where the reader has been super close to the whole pack for years and has been Paul's imprint but doesn't know it (bc Sam thought it would be best to keep u away from it all) and they decide to finally tell you about being shapeshifters and being Paul's imprint and you're so mad about them not telling u earlier and there's a huge argument and they and Paul tries to calm you down but you say stuff like 'leave me alone' and things like that and it sounds like you're rejecting him/the bond in ur angry breakdown. anyways Paul is heartbroken and can't get out of bed or eat or anything so the guys finally convince you to come back bc they and Paul need you and it's just the reader cuddling with him and getting him out of bed to take a shower and eat and he realizes that you're not going anywhere and it's just like healing the imprint bond? sorry for this WALL of text, I've just had this idea stuck in my head for a while lol. if you don't want to do it, that's completely fine!! thank you for your time ♡
ok so my guy,, bc this fic has been stuck in my head for a bit, some scenes have developed? so idk i hope this isn't too much, but if u do write it, would u be willing to add like some angst to it, obvi, and maybe a scene/part lol where when the reader tries to get him to shower (bc the misinterpreted rejection made him like super depressed and he just felt low about himself) he won't shower, because he doesn't want to come out and the reader is gone. so either they shower together (not smutty just angst&fluff) or she sits like in the bathroom while he showers LOL. and when he feels a bit better, they go down to eat and he's touching some part of her at all times. if this is too much to like,, include then that's a-okay. i just need to get this OUT of my MIND ugh lmao!/!
Reader Gender: Female
Summary: The Reader has been friends with most of the pack members for her whole life. Which is why, after months of silence and strange changes, she was willing to let them back into her life— until she finds out she’s been told lies that leave her in danger, of course. After a big freak out and two weeks of avoiding them, the boys come begging for her help; it turns out that Paul has some wolf-y claim on her, and whatever she said to him has left him worse for wear...
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Nudity, Angst, and Cursing.
A/n: this is literally like a whole novel I’m so sorry I got carried away. this is kinda based on a lot of fics I read where the imprint has the potential to really hurt people and I named Paul’s dad.
Word Count: 2.9k+
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“The legends are real!?”
Y/n Y/l/n hasn’t ever been so disturbed in her entire life.
After weeks of radio silence, Sam Uley’s little ‘gang’, mostly consisting of people she’d known since childhood, had slowly trickled back into her life. What started as a grocery run with Paul or a movie with Jared had turned into big bonfire parties including Jacob Black and his gaggle.
But that was months ago. Months. And now, as she sits by a fire, surrounded on either side by them, they decide to tell her their little secret?
“Y/n.” Sam says as she abruptly stands, eyes stern and hand raised placatingly.
His actions only served to upset her more and her skin bristles with irritation. Sam was acting as if she, a human surrounded by shape shifters, was the unstable one. As if she could do any damage to things built to kill vampires.
“Don’t you dare, Sam.” She clenches her fists, glaring right back at him. “It’s been months- months- and you’re telling me now?”
“It’s not exactly an easy thing to bring up.” He reasons, voice a little less demanding. “We all wanted to be sure that you were ready to know.”
“Ready?!” Y/n laughs mirthlessly, y/e/c eyes wide with disbelief, “When was I supposed to be ready Sam? W-when one of you gored me? When a cold one ripped me apart?”
Her hands shake as she puts them on her forehead, blinking back tears. Growing up all she’d ever heard were stories of humans getting dragged into fights between wolf and vampire, and she couldn’t bring herself to look Emily in the eye because it was suddenly apparent that wolves alone could hurt people too.
It was so bad, whatever happened to Emily, that they said a bear mauled her— Y/n didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“It’s not like that, Y/n/n.” Embry chimes in, reaching out to grab his friend's arm.
She yanks her body out of the way and gathers her belongings quickly.
“What is it like then, Call?” She holds her bag to her heaving chest, “because it seems to me that you all have the ability to turn into giant, slobbery freaks that are built for killing vampires and, after completely dropping me for weeks, you decided to keep it secret from me for months. Did it even occur to you that I would’ve been better off knowing right off the bat?!”
No one says anything. Eight shifters and two of their girlfriends sit there, just staring at her like she was speaking a different language.
“You know,” Y/n has to clear her throat to steady her wavering voice, “had you guys really been souped-up on drugs like everyone says, maybe I could’ve handled the lying. But my life was clearly potentially in danger, and you let me hang around without saying anything. I- God I don’t want to see you people right now.”
She leaves with that, stepping over logs and storming back down the beach with determination. Faintly over the roar of her heartbeat, she can hear someone scrambling to stand behind her.
“Wait!— shit, sorry-” Paul grunts, jogging to catch up with her- “Y/n-“
With an unusual gentleness, his warm hand wrapped around her forearm. For a moment, deep in the back of her mind, a foreign feeling tells her to stop, to listen; but that small voice is quickly smothered by the rational part of her brain, and she wrenches her arm from his grip.
“Don’t touch me!” She snaps, lowering her voice, “Leave me alone- I need to be alone.”
Paul stands there, dumbstruck, an unreadable look in his eyes as she walks away. And he’d continue to stand there, looking like a kicked puppy long after her retreating form became a blur amongst the darkness of the beach.
“Paul?” Sam is hesitant, hand hovering over the younger boy’s shoulder a minute before he touches him, “You okay?”
Shrugging his leader’s arm off his shoulder, Paul sighs. “No...I...I’m just gonna head home.”
Instead of going in the directions of the cars, the wolf stalks off toward the woods; Emily stands from her seat, wrapping her sweater more around herself as she watches Paul leave. Concern is written all over her features.
“He’ll be fine, Em,” He pulls her in for a hug, “it’ll all work out eventually.”
Y/n does a good job of avoiding them for a while.
She turns her phone off a few days in and avoids going to First Beach, even when Washington gets a rare, warm summer feel. Books that have sat long forgotten on her shelves get read and TV shows she’s always meant to catch up on get watched; it’s boring and she runs out of options, at one point thinking of dying her hair y/f/c just to spice things up, but it allows her to think. (Or at least it allows this strange little voice in the back of her head to tell her that she needs to go back to them.)
The next time she sees any of the boys is exactly two weeks after the bonfire incident.
She’s curled up on her couch, picking at some of the Clearwaters’ fish fry and barely watching an episode of ANTM, when a fist comes banging down on her door. Turning off the TV, she tiptoes to the window, peeking under the curtain as carefully as she can.
As she expected, Jared Cameron and Embry Call are on her porch, the former standing in front of her door with his hip cocked, the other rooting around in her mother’s plants for something. Cringing, she hopes if she’s quiet enough that they’ll just go away.
Her front door opens within minutes, however, and she realizes her hoping is fruitless.
Should’ve known you can’t hide from wolves, she can’t help but think bitterly.
“Y/n?” Jared calls out through the house, “we know you’re here.”
“Yeah, and you guys should probably move your spare key,” Embry tacks on, flicking the light switch to the living room up, “I've known you forever and it’s still in the same place.”
From her spot by the window, the y/h/c haired girl glares at the two boys, arms crossed over her chest. Embry gives her a lopsided grin and holds the key out to her, his bud plopping down on the couch and pulling her abandoned plate into his lap.
Y/n extends a hand to take the key.
“Has it really been in the same place?” She sounds a little more defeated than she’d like.
“Yeah, it’s always been in your mother’s cornflower pot.”
“That’s...kinda sad.” She wrinkles her nose, pocketing the key with the intention to hide it better later, “but uh, I’ve been ignoring you for two weeks for a reason. Peacefully breaking into my house kinda furthers my need for space.”
Embry scratches the back of his neck.
“Well,” He says, “we need you to come back, man. Paul won’t talk to anyone- Sam doesn’t know if he’s eating, and he won’t even get out of bed for patrol! He needs his imprint-”
“His what?” She cocks her head to the side and Jared snorts from the couch.
“She left before we got there, nimrod,” Jared mocks through a mouthful of food, “she doesn’t know what an imprint is.”
He lets out an indignant “Hey!” as Y/n walks by, snatching her plate back from him on her way to the kitchen. Embry chases after her, a grumpy Jared jumping up from the couch to follow.
“You’re his imprint— you’re basically his soulmate!”
“Really?” She says warily, sealing the fish and putting it back in the fridge.
Both boys nod clumsily.
“You remember a few weeks ago when you saw each other for the first time again and he kinda just stood there like an idiot while you talked?”
“Yeah? Oh!-” She brings her hands up to her mouth, brows furrowed as she recalls.
It was exactly Jared had said. She and Paul had seen one another for the first time in a long time and the minute her y/e/c eyes looked into his, it was like he’d been struck dumb.
Embry gives her an encouraging look, “An imprint is...It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like… gravity moves… suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. When you snapped at him last week he thought you were rejecting him….”
A part of her thought about how absurd it was that he knew that whole speech. But the bigger part of her came to a realization that made her stomach churn.
“So he's all depressed… because… of me?” She whispers, leaning back on the counter.
Embry, always a rather sympathetic person, opens his mouth to comfort her, but Jared cuts him off.
“Basically. So are you going to come with us so we can help Paul or are you going to continue being petty?”
In any other circumstance, Y/n probably would’ve thrown something at her for calling her petty. She felt she was completely justified in her actions. A part of her wonders if she can really believe them— they’d spent months lying to her after all. But a larger part thinks about Paul, curled up in his bed, slowly desecrating because he thinks she rejected him.
If it were really all some ploy to get her to listen to them, then she’d at least be the person who chose the well-being of her friend over a petty disagreement.
“I’m coming.” She affirms, pushing herself off the counter, and letting the boys lead her to the car.
Jared and Embry drop her off in front of the Lahote household. They tell her something but she can’t really hear them over her heartbeat, she doesn’t even know they’re gone until it’s too late to turn back.
Getting into the house wasn’t the hard part. Paul’s father, Cyrus, had been leaving as she arrived, and, after he watched her stare at the house with a fearful expression for a few minutes, he happily let her in. The hard part was willing her legs to take her up the stairs to Paul’s room, and then it was opening his bedroom door.
Y/n has known Paul since they were eight, but she was afraid of him until they were eleven. He wasn’t mean, per se, but his anger made him do mean things; she wasn’t entirely happy with puberty and it’s monthly gifts, but whatever it did to make her suddenly un-afraid of him she was grateful for. But now, standing in front of his bedroom door, she had a nagging fear that Paul would revert to that eight year old boy who threw lunch boxes and twisted arms behind backs until people cried.
The door creaks slightly as she struggles to push it open.
His room is almost completely dark except for the light coming from the hallway behind her. Trash and dirty clothes have formed a compact layer on his bedroom floor, foot sized holes leading up to the twin sized bed in the corner. On the bed, amongst the blankets she’s sure he doesn’t need, is Paul— or at least, a Paul sized lump.
As gross as it is, she’s kind of relieved he’s been eating.
“Paul?” She whispers tentatively, stepping toward the bed.
The lump flinches and turns toward her.
If the room and the description of his state weren’t heartbreaking enough, his voice definitely was. Hollow, rough, and small, everything it never was, everything Paul wasn’t.
“Is that you?”
“Yeah...it’s me..”
She carefully steps over to the bed, and Paul slowly sits up, pushing his blankets to the side. There’s a beat of silence as she stands between his legs, his reluctant hands coming to rest on her waist after a minute. Y/n let’s him have another to gather his thoughts.
“You really came…” Tears well up in his eyes and loops his arms around her back.
She runs a hand through his hair. “I did, and I’m so sorry, if I had known—”
Paul nuzzles her stomach, “S’fine, you didn’t know, and you’re here now.”
There’s a sort of cute, euphoria lacing his voice and he’s visibly much more relaxed.
“Just don’t ever say that again…”
“I won’t, I promise.”
She’s surprised when he manhandles her into his lap, but she doesn’t really mind. He’s warm and strangely familiar and something about it just— clicks.
“When was the last time you spent, I dunno, a minute or two out of your room?” Y/n asks softly, y/e/c eyes glancing about the room.
The shifter’s only response is a shrug, too busy nosing around her neck with vigor. When he finds a certain spot, it makes her squeak, and this seems to excite him like a puppy finding out its favorite toy makes noise.
“You need to bathe, eat something substantial,” She intertwines their fingers, “and the...pack...they’re really worried about you— are you even listening to me?”
He looks up at her then and flashes her a sheepish smile, answering her question. Pursing her lips, she pulls his arms from around her.
“C’mon, Paul.” She stands up and takes his hand. “We’re gonna get you cleaned up.”
She moves toward the door, urging him forward, only to be jerked to a stop as he stays put. He looks a little distressed when she turns back to him, brows furrowed, almost like he’s in pain.
He grunts, jaw clenched as the cogs turn in his head. Y/n cocks her head and reaches out for his other hand. It felt like some sort of supernatural intuition, one she’ll blame on the imprint and ask Emily about later.
“Paul, hon, why won’t you come shower?”
“I’m afraid you'll leave,” He says bashfully, “it’s stupid, I know, but part of me is afraid you’ll leave while I’m in the shower.”
Y/n couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken at his confession. Paul was part wolf, and part of being part wolf was imprinting— she almost wishes she’d have stayed long enough to listen, or been able to focus as the boys debriefed her on the ride over because only being able to speculate how much she’d actually hurt him was eating her alive. He wouldn’t even shower, something he desperately needed to do, because of what she’d said.
Taking a deep breath, she barely registers the words she’s about to say.
“I’ll wait with you, I’ll sit on the toilet, you’ll see me there.”
And true to her word, Y/n does sit on the toilet while Paul showers, reading the information on soap bottles to distract herself from the fact that he was there next to her, very naked. Occasionally he asks her what she’s doing, and she reads the ingredients out loud to the best of her ability, and he laughs a little— she tries to hide her smile, but she was too happy he was laughing.
She closes her eyes when he gets out, letting him dry himself off and pull on some clean shorts. He throws the wet towel at her when he’s done, eliciting a “Hey!” that makes him laugh again.
Now that he’s clean, the two of them descend into his quiet house. Y/n navigates the kitchen, her wolf attached to her hip and being less than helpful, and makes them both something to eat— he doesn’t do much more than stand behind her, wrapped around her, making her life more difficult.
“I’m so happy you came back.” He says, watching her work.
“I was always going to.” Y/n responds, her voice sure and steady.
They talk as they eat, sitting across from one another at the too big table in the Lahote household. Talk about how this was going to work, admitting feelings that always lingered, and everything in between; she hooks her leg around his, watching him scarf down his meal with a wrinkled nose and fondness glittering in her y/e/c eyes.
He’s...gross...but he’s hers, she’s kind of stuck with him.
A date is planned. An actual date.
Paul promises to take her to the local diner (and to wear a shirt, for once.)
“I’ve been saving up for something like this.”
“Yeah, and you can get that dessert you like.”
Y/n laughs softly, but heat spreads up her neck and settles in her ears and cheeks. It’d been a long time since that had been her favorite food, but it was the thought that counted...
When Cyrus Lahote returns from work later that night his son and the Y/l/n girl are awkwardly situated on his couch— him on his back, snoring, her lying on top of him, face tucked into his neck, also fast asleep. The older man turns off the TV and tosses a blanket over the pair, ascending up the stairs with a smile on his face.
Y/n Y/l/n was trustworthy. She’s always there when Paul is in a rut too big for him to handle...
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spneveryseason · 3 years
Results of the Ultimate Supernatural Survey (Part 1 of 5): Favorite and Least Favorite Characters, Eras, Seasons, and Season One Episodes
Hello everyone! As you may remember, a while back I posted a survey to try to find out favorite characters, eras, seasons, and episodes of Supernatural. Thank you so much to everyone who responded! I read and appreciated all the comments that you guys left as well. I’ve now compiled all your responses into charts, and since tumblr only allows ten images per post I will have to make this 5 different parts. Let’s see how this all plays out and see what the results show us about favorites and least favorites on the show!
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Pretty straightforward here. Sam wins pretty strongly, followed by Dean and then Cas. Team Free Will got a lion’s share of the votes, with character like Jack, Crowley, Rowena, Bobby, Claire, Charlie, and Kevin also getting several votes each. The write ins mostly consisted of the archangels, Jo, Benny, Chuck, and one for Death.
There can be several reasons why Sam won this so cleanly: firstly, the respondents. This survey found its way to Sam stans first, and thus they were able to disseminate them amongst themselves. So it’s possible that this portion of fandom were the most represented here. However, it is also possible that it found its way to destiel fandom, whose favorite character is evenly split between the two people in their fandoms. So this decreases the chances of each to come out on top amongst other stans of either character who don’t ship Destiel. At least, that’s a theory I’m suggesting, but there’s no way to know really.
Some of your comments about this topic include:
Sam Winchester is, and by far, the most beautiful character in modern television
Sam Winchester. Need I say more
Choosing between Dean and Cas is almost impossible but it’s Cas’s birthday today so that nudged him forward in my ranking
Cas, Dean, and Sam are awesome
Idk I just love Sam centric episodes
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki did all the good job
Idc about the rest I’m sorry I’m here to defend Cas
for a lot of my least favourite episodes it’s not that i think they are bad, it’s just that sam isn’t in them enough
every episode focusing on sam or dean: good; every episode focusing on some too big overarching plot or other characters: bad
I enjoy the show most when it’s focused on Sam and Dean and their relationship, especially when Sam and Dean are in a good place/not fighting. Episodes where they barely interact with each other, or aren’t the focus of the episode, I tend not to like so much.
I prefer episodes that focus on Sam and Dean.
the angel was gay
I don't like how the show treats POC. Billie (and so many others) deserved better!! Jack is pretty much the only part of the Dabb era that I consistently enjoyed.
Apparently all my favorite episodes are the funny ones or Sam suffering so idk what that says about me
Ending was garbage, Cas is everything
In any case, according to this survey Sam is the most popular character on Supernatural.
Next are the least favorite characters, which you can find here:
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This chart may look a little bit different than the others, and this is because I made it myself as this question was a write in question. I figured that most people were likely to choose from team free will as a favorite character, but least favorite characters encompassed many many more options and so would require write ins. I was right, as you can see here.
Cas takes top spot here as the least favorite character on the show, followed by Lucifer, John, then Ketch. Metatron, Jack, Claire, Mary, and Dean also got several votes each. This result was surprising to me personally, so I sat thinking on it for a bit. The conclusion I’ve come to is the people who hate Cas are pretty united in their hatred of him, while the people who love him don’t have an equivalent character to choose to counteract it. So those votes were spread around, leading Cas to receive the most for least favorite character. At least that’s my theory on the matter.
Here are your comments:
Cas should’ve stayed dead in season 7
Angels nearly ruined the show
I fast forward most side character storylines that are not directly connected to Sam and Dean. Like Nick. Or most of Cass.
They should have never brought Lucifer back.
Any episode with Castiel in it is a waste of screen time 🤷‍♀️
They ruined Castiel's character pandering to a small but loud section of fans and I don't understand it as from what I saw on the show Dean and Cas both treated each other like shit. IDK…
I hate Jack so much I think he’s a terrible character and the writer’s poor attempt of saving the show by having an uwu cinnamon roll character the fans can cream their pants over as opposed to looking good and hard and the shitty plot lines and terrible script
The series finale stunk! Jack is a terrible character.
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When it comes to era, the consensus is pretty clear: Kripke era reigns supreme. It’s followed by Carver, which is closely then followed by Gamble and then Dabb.
Generally I think Kripke era is really well liked for a consistent and tight storytelling style, and a clear sense of plot and direction. It also contains some pretty popular story arcs and introduced some popular characters (Sam, Dean, and Cas). Nostalgia also probably played a role in this.
Your comments on this are below:
I've watched and rewatched the first 7 seasons, and only watched in passing the rest of the show, not super invested. I loved the gritty Kripke era, before plot armor protected the brothers and we were legit worried about their safety.
I don't like very much after season 5 :(
Sorry but i literally haven't watched past s5, ive only watched a couple of eps here and there.
this was fun but also i do not like thinking abt late seasons spn.....show ended in season 5 imo <3!!
It’s hard to pick least favorite episodes for the earlier seasons cuz there weren’t any episodes that I actually disliked
the first 5 seasons ,,, it was so hard to pick just one favorite ;-;
This confirmed that s1-5 is my favorite, because I barely remembered any episode names from s6-15 except my favorites lol
episodes from S1-5 I have almost all favorites. episodes s3-14 I have almost all the unpopular. thank you for your work
It's hard to pick a favorite era because there's something I like about all of them. When the show focused on the brothers, it was at it's best no matter what season it was in.
Tough to pick a favorite era and season. Some had best/most stand alone episodes, others had best overall arc.
this was hard cuz i barely remember s 1 through 10
If you didn’t watch the first 3 season, your opinion of the show doesn’t matter
S1 to S5 peaked and are the best seasons arigato
I’ve only gotten through 5 seasons
Some of the early seasons I just had to pick an episode I don’t remember bc I don’t remember hating a single one
It's hard for me to pick a favorite "era" as my favorite seasons overall are 11, 5, 4 and 14.
Next is the least favorite era:
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The consensus is a little less strong than favorite era, but it’s pretty conclusive nevertheless: Dabb era is the one that is most disliked. Next is Gamble, followed by Carver, and then Kripke which received very few votes.
Dabb era is generally disliked for various reasons from my experience. Some people dislike what he did with the characters and plot directions. Others dislike the ending he crafted for the show. Some more don’t like the way he approached the technical aspects of storytelling. In any case, this opinion is not exclusive to a single niche of fandom and was an unsurprising result.
Here are your comments on least favorites eras:
There are worse arcs and storylines than episodes. I can generally find SOMETHING I like in every episode. But some storylines make me feel violent towards the writers.
This was stressful. So many of my favorite episodes are not the episodes I consider to be the best episodes. Also I literally don’t remember most of s9-13 and didn’t watch the last two
fuck dabb
Hard choice for worst era between Carver and Dabb. I chose Carver for worst because I thought the drop in quality between season 7 and 8 was the highest.
Dabb and Gamble were great writers; showrunners, not so much.
Giving accurate favorites is so impossible with this show. What's my opinion on Gamble if I really enjoyed S6 but hated S7? Dabb had great writers and episodes and terrible overarching plots. Carver I probably enjoyed the most but the storytelling leaves much to be desired. What episodes do I love because of context vs the episodes themselves? Do I even remember what happened in the episodes I didn't like enough to choose a least favorite?
Fuck the finale. Any ep without cas becomes instantly better with cas. Bedlund my beloved. Buckleming can't do MOTW but some of their plot eps are good (taxi driver, the bad seed). Andrew dabb knew dean was bi and wanted to live and then he killed him and for that i demand compensation.
I have only watched seasons 1-8 and 15 so far, so I left 9-14 blank. I said Carver era is my least favourite because, while I personally have not seen the episodes, I have been in the fandom since 2013 and am aware of all the overarching plot-points and some of the smaller episode stories that happened since then. Fuck the mark of cain arc.
Fuck the Dabb era
This was so hard!! I could do tier-sorting, but I rarely have most/least faves. And it rarely sorts by season, and *definitely* not by Era -- for ex, I love most of 8 and 11, but 9 & 10 are probably my least-favorite. Gamble Era was super-forgettable on first viewing, and now I love it.
ngl my answers on the dabb era are hella inconclusive bc i don't remember them at all. no emotional connection or care for the dabb era except some s11 stuff.. lovely survey though!
Was tempted to list Kripke as least favorite era for a hot second ngl
god, i hate the carver era. thanks for the survey though!! this was fun!!
About "least favorite era": I liked season 4 and 5 (and parts of season 3), but season 1 and 2 weren't great and haven't aged too well
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The first five seasons dominated this list. The top answer was season 2, followed closely by season 5, then season 4, then season 1. Season 8 takes fifth spot, and season 3 is sixth.
This echoes the question above about eras, as it seems that the kripke era did the best with regards to favorite season. When it comes to season 2 specifically, people generally like the overall storyline, the premiere and the finale, and also it’s individual standalone eps. So this result doesn’t surprise me much. It also follows with the assumed demographic of the respondents, as most people chose Sam as their favorite character and season 2 tends to be popular with Sam stans. Season 5 is also popular for similar reasons, and Cas stans seem to be big fans of season 4. Season 8 is also unsurprising as the most popular mid to late season as it generally tended to be liked by fans from all niches.
Here are your comments for favorite season:
Seasons 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 13 were the hard to pick a fav ep for bc there were so many I liked. seasons 7, 14, and 15 were hard to pick a fav ep bc there were so few i liked.
season seven is great actually
S2, 4 and 11 have the best episodes.
S2 supremacy babey!!!
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Least favorite seasons were a little more varied, but they tended to rely on mid to late seasons for their numbers. The least favorite season is season 15, followed by season 7, season 10, season 12, then season 14.
I don’t think this one is a huge surprise either. People disliked season 15 for several reasons, a particularly significant one being the finale. Even for those who like the finale, the generally poor second half of the season would bring the rest of it down considerably. Seasons 7 and 10 are generally considered to be poor storytelling, and seasons 12 and 14 have unpopular season arcs.
Commets for least favorite season:
late seasons episodes are bad and forgettable so my least fave for 9-15 might change bc there were so many eps i hated or just didn’t care enough abt to remember
I never watched the last 2.5 seasons (aside from the finale!!)
I hate all of season 9 and 10, so those favorite episodes are rather the least hated.
Struggled a lot to choose answers in seasons 9-14 because I barely remember half of them. I finished rewatching s14 two weeks ago and I still couldn't identify 3/4 of episodes, and the ones I could are... fine... but not noteworthy.
Ranking the later seasons is just a game of "what did i hate the least?” tbh
Season 15 was very bad but it had it's moments, S10 was irredeemably bad.
After about season 8 I really don’t remember individual episodes, just general feelings about the seasons (bad)
Season 11-15 are so forgettable
the late seasons blur together too much especially season 12 that was a hard question
Seasons 9 and 10 were the worst by a mile.
Season One Episodes
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For season one, 1x12 Faith is a pretty solid favorite, followed by 1x01 Pilot, and then 1x15 The Benders. Also doing well were 1x22 Devil’s Trap, 1x05 Bloody Mary, 1x06 Skin, 1x09 Home, 1x11 Scarecrow, and 1x03 Dead in the Water.
This is an interesting mix of things with, in my mind, a very clear emotional center: Dean episodes. Faith is generally considered one of the strongest spn episodes of all time, but the rest of these also have Dean and his emotional journey as a main focus. The exceptions are probably Bloody Mary and Home, but Home especially still has some significant Dean moments. Of course, some of them are more equally distributed amongst the brothers (Pilot, Devil’s Trap, Scarecrow, a bit of The Benders) but I think it’s fair to say people enjoyed season 1 Dean a lot.
Your comments on favorite season 1 episodes below:
Bugs isn’t that bad
Bugs is an underrated episode
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A clear winner here: 1x08 Bugs is the least popular episode of season 1. A distant second is 1x13 Route 666, with 1x07 Hook Man, 1x04 Phantom Traveller, and 1x03 Dead in the Water also pulling in some numbers.
This result is also not a surprise: this episode is infamous among both fans as well as production and cast for being difficult to film and awkward to experience. There are moments that are racist, and others that didn’t age very well. It’s positives seem to be completely overwhelmed by its negatives, especially with regard to its larger reputation in fandom. Route 666 has similar issues in terms of structure, setup, and elements that aged poorly (again, concerning racism). Cassie seems well liked enough as a character but does not seem to save the episode’s reputation. Hook Man and Phantom Traveller seem to be fairly forgettable, but Dead in the Water is a surprise, especially since it also did very well as one of the favorite season 1 episodes. This may be because people didn’t enjoy the overall plot or thought it also aged poorly.
Here are your comments for least favorite season 1 episodes:
Bugs is a close second for least favourite and most of season 14 as well. But this was a great poll! Loved it!!
If you have any questions about any details of these parts specifically let me know!
Next part is going to be episodes from season 2-season 5! Keep an eye out
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
I readily admit I'm a Jensen fan first and foremost and I sometimes let my bias get in the way of my objectifity so I wanted to thank you because you treat J2 equally and the same goes for the fandom and that's helped me to look at my own behavior. I think all sides like to think they are the good fans when they are roughly the same with sensible and toxic people (although I'll never like Misha, he's thrown both J's under the bus for his own gain too many times and the same goes to his fans).
I do my best to look at all the angles and try to see past my biases and immediate knee jerk reactions before I publicly react. Not always as entirely successfully as I would like, but I do make a point to try.
However, for the most part it's pretty easy for me with J2. I also lean primarily towards Jensen first, but we have all these years and years of them both being friends and professionals and good to fans. Not to mention that in the vast majority of cases, the things fans are reading into their words or actions and getting upset over? Don't actually make much sense. Speaking of Misha, for example? tightening his grip on his shrinking fanbase that's only interested in one thing (D/C) and who they can blame for not getting that one thing (Jared)? It makes sense as a strategy that he can capitalize on to consistently pretend to be victimized by Jared and creepily obsessed with Jensen. The minions and hellers eat that shit right up and go sign up for GISH/attend his panels/buy Stands crap hoping for more.
Even if J2 hated each other's guts, though? Which I really don't believe is the case, but let's play what if? It wouldn't actually make sense for either one to slag off the other. Their obsessed stans have already had to spend years coming to terms with the fact that they're friends, so they'd just be losing the part of their audience (and their brand) that's based out of being part of the duos of Sam&Dean and J2. No matter how much anyone crows about Walker or The Boys, that's still what they're primarily known for. Even in terms of their solo careers, it doesn't make sense to napalm those bridges for no reason instead of just quietly taking other paths. But stans gotta stan.
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laf-outloud · 3 years
Ok, as someone who watches an unhealthy amount of CW shows, genuinely I don't understand people who hate on Jensen, Jared, or Misha for being bad actors. Because they are ALL bad actors, THAT'S why they're on a CW show. I love Supernatural, I love all three of them, but their acting skills are mediocre at best. And that's okay! I enjoy watching CW shows because they're melodramatic and fun without taking themselves too seriously. CW shows are like higher budget soap operas, you know exactly what caliber of acting and writing you're getting. I've just been thinking about this for awhile and wanted to ask fans and antis from all sides about this. While in anon, of course, because I DO NOT need this fandom coming for me. But I looked through your blog and you seemed nice and respectful enough. So, why do you see Misha as a bad actor compared to Jensen and Jared? And let me be clear, I don't hate Jensen, Jared, or Misha. I love all three of them and want them all to have successful careers post-SPN. So this isn't me attacking you for being anti-Misha. You just seemed like someone who might have a polite response to this question.
First off, watching tv is only unhealthy if it interferes with your daily life! LOL! (And thank you for thinking I'm nice and respectful - I try - most days).
In regards to bad acting, I'm no expert (my acting experience consists of business voice-overs and one line in my Junior High Christmas play), so what I share will be based on how I perceive things, certainly not from how an acting coach or director would see things.
I have to disagree with calling television actors/soap actors straight up bad. I think acting is relative and quality can be based on our expectations. I don't expect network tv actors to wow me like movie actors, but I do expect them to tell me a story without pulling me out of it by bad acting. What do I mean by this? If I'm watching a scene for the first time and an actor does something that makes me think, "Ouch, that line fell flat," or "What kind of acting decision was that?" then I'm no longer thinking about the scene or the character, I'm thinking about the actor instead. That's what I think of as bad acting.
As for J2M - I've put that below the break.
Speaking of noticing acting choices in a scene, the reason I refer to Misha as a bad actor is because he's the one on SPN that pulled me out of the story the most, and it didn't happen right away. I feel like he did a goo job with Castiel S4-6 as well as Castiel's return to form in S14's Lebanon when he had to play S4 Castiel again. I especially appreciated his nuance when he started to understand humanity and felt more like a fish out of water. It's his acting in the later seasons, particularly when he would play a separate character that I would full on cringe while watching it.
Bad examples include Casifer, The Empty, and AU German Nazi Cas. With Casifer, he actually practiced doing Mark P.'s version of Lucifer, except he was basing it off of Hallucifer, which was Sam's mind's interpretation. The real Lucifer was much more subtle and felt like a truly powerful being. In fact, Jared's Lucifer in 5.04 and at the end of S5 (and S15 dream sequences) was understated. I could feel the malevolence behind this all-powerful being. Casifer came off as a parody of what Lucifer should be, simply because Misha tried too hard. He lost the subtlety required to create that commanding presence. I was no longer watching Sam and Lucifer, I was watching Sam and Misha playing Lucifer.
His other characters, mentioned above, also felt like over-the-top caricatures. Jared and Jensen have proven with Lucifer, Michael, Gadreel, Demon Dean, etc. that you don't need to ham it up to inhabit a different character.
As for Nazi Cas? That was just an offensive choice by Misha that the directors let him get away with. There was no reason for Cas, the angel, who only showed up in recent years for the apocalypse to be German. It perpetuated the stereotype all Germans are Nazis, and therefore the villains.
And finally, Castiel's goodbye scene. I understand it was Misha's last scene, and there's certain to be some character bleed, but there was so much bleeding, I thought he was going to need a transplant. Cas' voice was gone, his stoicism, his posture, Cas just disappeared, and in his place was the actor.
I know those are the extreme examples from Misha, and I think he did fine with his other scenes later in the series, but he certainly wasn't helped by writers who didn't know what to do with him and had him standing around a lot of the time.
Anyway, I hope what I've said made some sense. I appreciate that your willing to seek out different opinions. If you get responses from other fans, I'd be interested to see how we differ.
P.S. If it helps, I also don't like Jared's acting choice in Walker when Cordell gets nervous. He's getting better about it, but his speech pattern takes on a staccato style, which can be annoying once you notice it.
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since0202 · 3 years
Taking Time—Twenty Two
The pack doesn't keep secrets
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You know that feeling you get when you know someone is looking at you? The hair on the back of your neck might stand up if it’s bad, or it echoes like someone calling your name in the back of your head if it’s good. I’ve experienced both. Oddly enough, both feelings were with the same person. I always find both feelings to be exciting. Maybe that’s me being too optimistic, but whether the feeling is good or bad, I always want to turn and meet whoever or whatever is looking at me. So I can face them without surprise and have a fighting chance.
Maya and Paul walked hand in hand through the clearing in front of Emily and Paul’s house. Maya could already hear the raucous laughter and talking within that filled her with excitement. She felt immediately at home here almost as much as when she was at Paul’s house. When she pulled open the screen door, Paul’s hand on her lower back, she was greeted with a chorus of hoots and hellos.
“Finally! God can we eat now that the drama queens are here?!” Brady Fuller bemoaned.
“Drama queens?!” Maya said aghast.
“Yeah, you! Will they? Won’t they? Oh no! He’s a wolf! Wait, nevermind, it’s fine!” Brady mocked in an exaggerated voice that made Maya laugh. “I’m kidddddding,” he followed up pulling Maya into a hug that she returned with a warm smile.
Paul let Maya pull out of his grasp as she bounded over to Keye and Becks who were helping Collin, Jared, and Emily gather things in the kitchen to take out to the backyard that was surrounded by dripping green foliage. Paul had already been pulled into conversation with Sam, his eyes darting to Maya every once and awhile as if she was going to disappear or something.
“Thank god you’re here, these hot-bodied buttheads won’t shut up about food,” Keye said, grabbing and balancing three plates of food.
“Sorry, sorry. Woke up late.” Maya said, giving Emily a gentle smile.
After they had successfully laid out the spread on the long wooden patio table that seemed too grand for a bungalow down by the beach, they all tucked in around it.
“Where’s the new girl?” Becks whispered as she slid in next to Jeremy who was already playing a hand-slapping game with Embry Call. Maya glanced around and couldn’t find Seth. She looked across the table at Keye who shrugged.
“I don’t think she’s here yet. Seth isn’t here either,” Maya noticed. Paul sank down next to Maya and kissed her cheek absently. “Where’s the new imprint?” she asked him quietly. He did the same thing Maya did and looked around then replied.
“Not sure. Seth said he’d be here.” He took a sip from his water glass and then leaned into Maya, his lips close to her ear as he said, “You look very nice by the way.” He gave her a wolfish grin and she pulled back and gave him a laugh. She wasn’t exactly dressed up, but this was Paul after all. Maya had put on whatever she had left over at Paul’s accidentally which consisted of her light jean shorts that she rolled up a little and a grey heather racerback halter that was cropped at her midriff. She snagged one of Paul’s blue and white long-sleeved button up plaid shirts and wrapped it around her waist in case the weather changed. Her long silky black hair was down her back in messy waves. She placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in to gently kiss him which he returned happily.
“Blegh, imprints,” Embry said from a few seats down.
“Speaking of,” Quil replied. Maya and Paul pulled apart and looked over their shoulders at the couple entering the backyard. A chorus of hi’s and hello’s rang out from the group and Seth, beaming, was holding the hand of a bright eyed blonde who smiled at everyone, her eyes filled with nervous energy.
“She’s…” Becks started confused.
“White,” Keye finished. Maya spun around and looked at Keye with wide eyes.
“Jesus, Keye, chill,” she said as Paul laughed.
“Sorry!” Keye said, “I just thought imprinting was like a….tribe-only thing.” She had a point.
Seth brought the woman over and they sat down near the front of the table. Maya peered around Paul to get a better look at her. She was beautiful—with long blonde hair and pouty pink lips that stretched over a bright white smile. Her face was dotted delicately with peachy freckles and she filled out her white and blue sundress with an hourglass figure. Maya found herself weirdly fascinated with the new imprint, mostly because Maya had previously been the first imprint in years according to Emily. And now, there were two only months apart.
Sam cleared his throat at the head of the table and everyone quieted down to look toward him. He stood up, true patriarch of his wild family, and raised his glass.
“We’re here to welcome a new member to our family today—Sadie Corbella. Welcome Sadie!” He raised his glass and everyone said the name ‘Sadie’ in joyful unison. She blushed and leaned into Seth a little who was grinning from ear to ear. “And, we’re here to celebrate Jeremy, Maya, Becks, and Keye graduating from the tribal school tomorrow. Congratulations and we’re all here for you in whatever you do next!”
Some pounded on the table as a form of applause while others hooted and whistled in celebration. Paul leaned in and kissed Maya’s cheek. She glowed in the warm May sun.
“Dig in!” Emily shouted and suddenly there was a mad scramble for the piles of food on the table.
“This is like the wildest live action game of Hungry Hungry Hippos I’ve ever seen,” Keye said, trying to snag a hot dog from a plate. Maya laughed and scooped some potato salad for herself as Paul dropped a hamburger on her plate.
“Work with a buddy to get your share of the food,” Becks said from across the table. Jeremy and Becks were mirroring Paul and Maya’s efforts to fill each other’s plates. Once they'd all settled in to eat, conversation started freely around the table, laughter rising and falling.
“Maya, have you decided where you’re officially going this fall?” Kim asked from across the table amongst the other conversations happening around her. Maya automatically looked at Paul but he seemed at ease.
“Uhh, not yet. My pros and cons lists are getting a little too long for my liking at this point. But, yeah I need to decide that soon,” Maya responded.
“It’s probably going to be Columbia though right?” Becks said.
“Why do you say that?” Jared asked, interested now.
“Because of the great science program,” Becks replied, she motioned toward Maya. "Science nerd."
“Oh! What are you planning to study?” Kim leaned it now. Maya smiled, happy to be questioned about something she was so excited about.
“Well, I was on the fence, but I really think I’m leaning either into the Engineering program or the Biological Sciences Program.”
“Wow!” Kim breathed, “What are you hoping to do in the future? Sorry, I know that’s a huge question.”
“That’s kind of up in the air too. Engineering opens up a lot of possibilities, but there’s some great jobs I could do with a biology focus. There’s some really cool environmental engineering happening around the world right now, so maybe that?” Kim nodded and Maya felt Paul’s hand on her thigh now. She looked over at him and he gave her a reassuring smile.
After lunch, Maya beelined it with Keye and Becks in tow to meet Sadie officially. She had already been bombarded by one side of the table and now it was their turn. Maya was mostly curious about how it happened and how they seemingly fell into step. The imprint had to have happened recently, but they already seemed so at ease with one another. Seth had excused himself to talk to Quil and Embry and Maya walked up to Sadie with a great big smile.
“Hey! I’m Maya,” she held out her hand and Sadie took it happily. “This is Becks and Keye.” They also smiled and waved.
“Oh, you guys are graduating! Congrats!” she said. Maya nodded. “So are all of you...imprints too?” she said the word uncertain, still trying to get the hang of this new life that had probably just been thrust upon her.
“Ah, no, just me.” Maya said. “Paul Lahote imprinted on me back in January.” She pointed Paul out to her who was standing and talking seriously with Sam and Jared about something. He glanced at her and waved to the group of women. “And Becks is dating Jeremy. And Keye is hooking up with Collin.”
“Off and on,” Keye dismissed. Sadie laughed and nodded. “So how did you and Seth meet?” Keye interjected.
“Oh, umm, we both go to the community college about an hour outside of the reservation. We met on campus randomly and...I guess the rest just kind of decided itself,” she breathed, clearly happy with the turn of events. Maya was not confused per se, but she was a little curious. That’s it? Whoosh and it was all rainbows? Maybe she and Paul had been fighting the imprint. Maya could feel herself prickling with what she thought might be jealousy at how easy it had been for Seth and Sadie.
The four women made their way to some adirondack chairs that circled around an unlit fire pit. They had been handed drinks after they sat down by Brady who was making the rounds and offering way too many winks. Despite the pang of jealousy that Maya felt at Sadie’s lack of hesitance easing into the imprint, she was really starting to like her. When Seth finally descended to take her back, she and Maya exchanged numbers.
Maya spotted Kim just inside the house in the kitchen and she made her way to her. She was cleaning up some dishes and Maya squeezed in to help.
“Hey! I needed to ask you something,” Maya said in a quiet voice. Kim looked at her sideways and gave her a wary smile.
“Okay, shoot.”
“Um, I was wondering if I could make an appointment with you at the hospital?” Maya said slowly looking around in hopes that they wouldn’t be overheard. Kim’s eyes went wide suddenly.
“Oh my god are you pregnant?!” she said a little too loud. Maya put her finger to her lips and frantically shushed her. Outside there was a chorus of laughter and Maya groaned.
“No!” she returned, full volume now. They were probably going to hear her anyway so she spoke at normal volume now, “I was going to see you about getting on birth control.”
“Oh! Yeah of course! When do you want to come in?" Kim giggled a little.
“Uhhh, the day after tomorrow?” Maya said hopeful. Kim nodded.
“Yeah! That works. I’ll text you what time.” Maya breathed a sigh of relief and as they finished the dishes, the sounds of goading grew louder outside. “They really shouldn’t tease Paul like that.” Kim sighed. As they walked toward the doorway, the sounds of laughter boomed across the backyard. Maya was already pink in the face when she descended the back porch steps, her eyes connecting with Paul’s as he gave her a reassuring look. And then...
“Oooooooh,” a taunting sound came from Embry, Quil, and Jared. The kind you hear coming from a little kid when another kid is in trouble with a teacher. Paul’s eyes shot to them quickly, his face stone, a calm facade with a storm brewing underneath. Maya hesitated, suddenly anxious.
“Someone call the police, we got an old creep staring at high school girls,” Quil teased.
“I bet he’s into weird bondage too,” Jared said and laughed. Maya went bright red now. She knew they were teasing him but normally she wasn't here for the teasing.
“Guys, stop. He’s clearly got some sort of reverse Oedipal complex,” Embry said. Paul was nearly foaming at the mouth now.
“I said knock it off.” He said through gritted teeth, glancing over at Maya and realizing she was starting to get uncomfortable.
“Oooooh,” the three replied. Sam stood off to the side, his arms crossed, seemingly unphased, his eyes watching the situation. Seth looked over curiously from across the lawn, Sadie on his arm. Jeremy and Becks had their eyes glued to the situation, enthralled. And Keye and Collin were...missing. Hmm.
“I’ve still got my basketball uniform from high school. If I put that on, do I need to be worried about you giving me the business?” Quil taunted.
“Is the joke that he’s some sort of creep for imprinting on Maya because she’s in high school?” Becks asked Jeremy. He shook his head.
“It’s all they’ve got,” he dismissed, slightly amused. “They’re just trying to get a rise out of him.”
Paul was pushing on Quil’s chest now. Maya was startled just by the sound of their immense bodies connecting so roughly. Kim had pulled Jared off to the side and was shaking her head at him, annoyed.
“How many feet away from a high school do you have to be before you get a stiffy?” Quil jibbed. Paul lunged and both of tham and Quil and Embry took off running toward the woods, laughing. Paul followed, shaking visibly as Maya stood with her mouth open watching them disappear into the trees.
“What the fuck,” she breathed.
“Don’t mind them, they just like to poke fun at each other over imprints. Plus, Paul’s been a little too calm and collected lately on rounds so they were probably just trying to pick a fight with him.” Emily said, suddenly next to her with a hand on her arm. Maya looked at her, still in mild shock as the sound of snaps and snarls could be heard off in the forest.
The men eventually returned a half an hour later, without shirts and looking a little scuffed up. They were all smiles now, panting and pushing each other playfully coupled in light laughter. Maya was confused—ten minutes ago Paul looked like he was about to kill them and now, he was grabbing Embry around the neck with his arm to pull him into a headlock and give him a noogie.
Paul broke away from them and came over to Maya who was sipping iced tea and leaning against a post on the porch. He jogged up to her and immediately circled her waist in his arms. Before she had a second to respond, his lips were on hers. He tasted like the forest and Maya, wrapped one arm around his neck, pushing her lips back onto his before pulling away and saying.
“What the hell was that?”
Paul smirked and tilted his head to the side nodding toward the pack, “They’re just wannabe bullies.”
“Who make fun of you for dating me?” She said, still confused but leaning into the joke.
“No, who make fun of me for being in love with you,” he said, his voice an added heat to the summer sun. He leaned down to kiss her lips softly again and then said, “Come on.” He steered her into the house, his hands guiding her by her hips.
“Where are we going?” she laughed, setting her iced tea down on the table. Maya was starting to feel that feverish need pulse from him, the one that always needed to claim her. He didn’t respond, but gently pushed her along down the hallway and when they came to the end of the hallway, Paul reached out to open the closed door to their left. He shuffled her inside and closed the door behind them.
“Paul, what—?” Maya said. They were in the spare bathroom she realized and in one movement, Paul had lifted her up onto the counter and brought his needy lips to hers, his hands cupping her face. His mouth was hot, wanting, crushing. Maya rested her hands gently on the sides of his abdomen. His hands drifted down to her hips now, his fingers making quick work of the button on her shorts. “Paul, what are you doing?” Maya said between heated breaths, surprise coloring her voice.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He slid her shorts and underwear down and pushed her legs open, his fingers pulling at her needy and quick. This wasn’t like their most recent times in his bedroom, this was fevered, rushed, demanded. Maya closed her eyes at his touch, her mouth falling open in a soft moan. His other hand unfastened his jeans and he pulled himself out, lowering his mouth to her neck now.
“Do you have a condom?” she breathed as he pulled his hand away and started rubbing against her with his tip.
“I’ll pull out,” he said low, biting into her shoulder and causing her to cry out at the shot of excitement that rippled through her.
“That sounds like a really bad idea,” she said softly, he pulled his face up to hers and as he pushed his way into her anyway he said,
“Trust me.” Maya held onto his shoulders as she felt her entire body awash with warmth.
This was definitely not like the other times. Paul’s eyes were fiercely playful. As he pumped into her at a rough pace, she kept her eyes on his, desperate for that look that claimed her. His wide hands gripped her hips possessively, pushing and pulling her to him. When she let out a whimper of pleasure, a low growl sounded in his throat and he lowered his head to kiss her lips—Maya relished in the forest that bloomed in her mouth. She started to chant his name as she approached her release. Her hand gripped the back of his neck tightly and he moaned low into her ear. Maya could feel him getting close and as she reached her edge, releasing in a shudder, she whispered frantically, “Pull out, pull out!”
“Not yet,” he said through gritted teeth as he increased his speed and Maya couldn’t help but let out loud moans that definitely echoed around them. “Fuck!” he said suddenly and then Maya felt him pull out quickly as he came across her thigh on her hip. He let out a sigh of release before pressing his lips to hers. Her hands were tangled in his hair and when she pulled back between panting breaths she said,
“What was that?” Paul gave her a grin that pulled at her heart as leaned over to get some toilet paper to clean her off.
“Ah, just needed you I guess,” he said nonchalantly and Maya felt winded by his honesty. As they both got dressed, there was a knock on the door that made Maya’s eyes go wide.
“Can you guys hurry up? There are people who actually need to use the bathroom, you know?” It was Brady and Maya clamped a hand over her mouth so as not to laugh. Paul didn’t seem bothered. Once she had her shorts up and fastened, Paul opened the door and with a playful smile, he said “Sorry" to Brady.
He grabbed Maya’s hand and pulled her behind him and back down the hallway as she giggled, not even embarrassed as Paul looked back at her with a smile so big she thought she’d faint from happiness.
“Maya! Let’s go!” her mom called from downstairs.
“Mom! Graduation doesn’t start for another hour. We’re fine!” Maya yelled back.
“I have to be there early, My!” The frustration was building in her voice. Maya could just picture her mom at the bottom of the stairs, her dad standing next to her with his hands in his pockets.
“Then go! I’ll have Paul pick me up,” Maya already had her phone out and had been texting him throughout the morning, her heart fluttering every time a new message from him popped up.
“Maya, no! Come on!” Her mother said firmly. Maya groaned and finished her final girl, brushing her long black hair out as it fanned around her face in gorgeous loose curls. She darted around her room, gathering some things to throw in her small black purse. She slipped on her black red bottom shoes she bought in Santa Monica and threw on the gold bangle bracelets Jeremy gave her on the opposite wrist that Paul's beaded bracelet rested on. She gave herself one last look in the mirror, gathered her cap and gown and hurried down the stairs to her mother’s chiding.
Maya’s graduation was held in the wide gymnasium of her high school. When she arrived, there were a few people there since it was so early. Maya disappeared into the locker rooms to wait for her friends to arrive.
When Becks and Keye showed up, they squealed in excitement. This was it. Keye dug through Maya’s purse for lip gloss and the girls took turns preening the other so that their caps hung perfectly on their carefully done hair.
“That dress is honestly amazing,” Becks said, looking at the tightly fitted green dress that hugged Maya’s body. The keyhole under her chest peeked some very delicate under cleavage that you didn’t notice unless you were staring. Maya adjusted the thin straps across her shoulders, so delicate they looked like they could be snapped easily. As they donned their gowns, the announcements and procession starting in the gymnasium, they stood in a circle and held hands.
“I love you guys,” Maya said in a rush of excitement.
“LINE UP!” the assistant principal yelled through the locker rooms.
“On to the next, right?” Keye said, tears coming to her eyes.
“Ew, are you crying?” Becks joked as she sniffled, her face tinged red. Maya let out a laugh and Keye shook her head.
“This is a big moment! Fuck you! I’ve known you two my whole life and now it feels like something is ending. I’m emotional,” Keye said, tears running down her cheeks.
“But your highlight,” Maya said, gently. Keye let out a laugh now and pressed the back of her hand to her cheeks.
The girls wiggled into line, Maya in front, reaching behind her to hold Becks’ hand and Keye in the back holding Becks’ other hand.
When Maya was called to the stage, draped in her honors cords and sash a huge raucous booming of whoops and yells filled the auditorium. She looked out into the crowd and saw her mother waving with her whole body, her father clapping, and Paul, surrounded by the entire pack, making so much noise, she thought everyone around them might clamp their hands over their ears. She beamed, her eyes connecting with Paul’s for a moment before she took her diploma, shook the principal’s hand and made her way off stage.
Four years of hard work for just a crescendo of applause and a rush of excitement and now, it was over. Now, the real work started.
After the ceremony ended, Maya’s family—her whole family—made their way over to her. Her mother crushed her in a hug and her dad kissed her cheek. Maya threw herself into Paul’s arms and he planted a kiss on her cheek before pulling back to hand her the biggest bouquet of flowers she’d ever seen in her life.
“Congratulations, My,” he said, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Thank you,” she beamed up at him, so filled with warmth and happiness that she thought she might explode. Just as he leaned down to kiss her, she was scooped up into hug after hug from each member of the pack, twirling her around, and hyping her up.
Once everyone had cleared out of the gymnasium, they made their way to the community center down by the beach for the summer revival party. Paul and Maya walked hand in hand and she was somewhat amused to see the surprised faces of her community as they looked at the pair together. She realized now that this was the first time they had seen Paul and her together as a couple out in public. They’d only been around the pack like this. She gripped his hand tighter and he looked down at her with a questioning look. She just smiled and shook her head.
The summer revival party was like a traditional bonfire gathering on steroids. There was food and drinks and lights and music. The arrangements that Keye, Becks, and Maya had created were proudly displayed on the tables. The big wide doors opened up onto a sandy patio that tapered off onto the beach.
Maya quickly got lost in the atmosphere of celebration, letting herself be pulled around the room to dance, talk, and drink to one another. Paul dipped in and out of her presence, letting her enjoy this last hurrah with her classmates on her own. He took her onto the dance floor more than once for an excuse to pull her close and wound his arms around her possessively to put themselves on display for everyone—the council included.
As the night wore on, Maya noticed that the pack members were slowly disappearing in groups. Her eyes careened around the room for Paul and when she saw him conferring with Jeremy, she waved to get his attention and gave him a questioning look. He patted Jeremy on the shoulder and made his way to Maya, eyes down. When he reached her, he nodded to her friends and pulled Maya away from them quickly.
“How much have you had to drink tonight?” the question wasn’t accusing, just curious.
“Not much, why? Is everything okay?” she could feel the tension in his body.
“Were you planning on coming home tonight?” It always gave Maya a little thrill when he vaguely referred to his home as just ‘home’, as if to imply that it was also hers.
“I mean, I was going to, but if you don’t—” she was interrupted by him saying quickly,
“No, no I want you too, I just want to make sure you have a ride. If I give you the keys to my forerunner, can you drive it back to the house and I’ll meet you there a little bit later?” His eyes were looking toward the door every now and again and Maya couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.
“Sure, but what—?” Maya started again, but he kissed her forehead and dug in his pocket handing her the keys quickly.
“I’ll fill you in when I get home. Not too late, okay? And straight home,” he ordered.
“Paul!” Maya called after him as he jogged toward the door to meet Jeremy before they disappeared into the cool night air. What was that?
Next > >
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vamphunting · 3 years
Hi! Your post about the Dabb-related nightmare made me curious to hear your thoughts regarding his era. What worked, what didn’t, what you liked, any general musings, etc? I myself was only able to get through a handful of episodes before dropping, and everything I’ve heard about it makes me want to cry (these general plots...no) but there are 4 seasons worth of content and my inner completionist is consistently torturing me lol. I think, I remember you mentioning that you skipped through s15, was it all unwatchable or is there any merit to going through s12-15 from your perspective?
Hi! thanks for the ask :)
Yeah Dabb era is hard for me to watch. I had started playing this game where I would reward myself with an episode from the early seasons if I could at least get through most of a Dabb era episode and honestly that incentive stopped working for season 15 because I just couldn't get through it.
The writing primarily is the reason why Dabb era sucks so much for me. Sam and Dean are reduced to one to two traits (that then get exaggerated) while every other element of their characterization is ignored. Plot lines aren't compelling and too poorly written to be compelling even if I didn't like them (compared to the plot in season 7, which is campy and bad but at least written well enough to be watchable, what even was Apocalypse world?)
One thing I appreciate Dabb era for is giving us more Sam and Dean content. I love that we get to see them as middle aged men. Even when plot lines suck complete ass one thing that is reliable are the brother moments at the end of the episode. Jared and Jensen tried their absolute hardest with the writing given to them, and I am so glad they spoke up and changed what they could because the writers were not doing their jobs.
I like season 14a because its like a worse written version of season 5 for Dean which was interesting, especially to watch Sam struggle with his possession. Season 12 is second best because I liked at least 1/2 of the episodes, but when I tried to watch the season straight through I gave up. Season 13 has 4* fully good episodes (only a few scene skips), every other good thing are scenes you have to skip around entire episodes to get to, and season 15 also has 4 good episodes.
If you plan on finishing the later seasons I would recommend reading the transcripts first to decide whether or not an episode is worth it to watch. I was able to skip the Azmodeus plot line entirely because I read the episode first and knew which ones were worth my time.
*13.08, 13.11, 13.12, 13.15, 15.05, 15.11, 15.14, 15.20
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Not only were we deprived of a great Sam/cas storyline bc of destiel but we also missed out on the cute friendship of Jared and Misha. I dont even like Misha but i could watch him and Jared take the piss out of each other at cons all day long lol
You know, whenever these two are together, they seem so lighthearted. They joke with each other, make fun of each other, prank each other, and, like you said, I could watch them for a long, long time and laugh a lot while doing it.
But Destihellers created this whole narrative of "if Jared does A, it's a crime. But if Misha does A, it's a fun joke!" that is just so hypocritical. Misha can do basically anything and he's the fun guy, the sweetest baby. But if Jared does it, he's a monster, he had the worst possible intentions. The double standards annoy the hell out of me.
About Sam and Cass, it's just plain pathetic what they did with their relationship.
The thing is: I love Dean. He is my second favorite character. But he was never the best friend for Castiel.
Let me make things clear here: I don't think Castiel is a poor baby, an innocent angel. He made mistakes, big mistakes, and there were times in which Dean, and Sam, deserved to be furious with him.
But whenever Cass needed help, whenever he needed reassurance, he couldn't go to Dean.
Sam would always welcome him, though. Sam is the one that consistently treats Castiel well. Sam's is patient, he trusts and respects Castiel, he listens, he  comforts, and they could bond on so many things.
But they don't.
On the contrary, Castiel fluctuates between "nothing is worth losing you" and ha! Joke's on you, I don't care about Sam. I mean, he canonically stopped talking to Sam because he had a fight with Dean. He broke Sam's wall to stop Dean. He released Lucifer, after everything Sam sacrificed, and the had the balls to act like the Winchesters were also at fault. I could go on and on and on.
And this is, at least partly, because of Destiel. Or rather, because of destihellers. For them, Cass must be Dean's, Cass can't have other significant, long lasting relationships. Everything Cass does has to be about Dean.
And the writers were too afraid to go against that. I'll give them this: sometimes they tried. But they didn't commit to it: Meg died, Hannah left, then betrayed  Castiel, then died. Jack is probably the only exception for that, because, so far (and I just finished ep. 15x12) he is the only consistent, long lasting, significant relationship Castiel has that the show takes the time to develop on screen. Because, yes, the show tell us that Sam is one of Cass' best friends, but they don't actually develop that statement.
Not even Claire was safe from that, his vessel's daughter. Did they interact after S10? I'm middle of rewatching SPN and watching S12 to S15 for the first time, and I don't remember their interactions outside the two or three episodes Claire appeared in S10.
The other part is, of course, the writers' inconsistent characterization and the way they seemed lost with what to do with Cass sometimes. So, whenever they didn't know what to do, they stuck with this cycle: (1) Cass trust the wrong people -> (2) Cass makes a mistake (usually when he tries to fix things by himself) -> (3) Cass' self-confidence gets really low -> (4) Cass tries to make up for his previous mistakes -> go back to (1).
In short, anon, Castiel deserved better, Sam deserved better and Jared deserves so much better. And yes, destihellers are a very big reason for this.
Thanks for the ask and sorry it took me this long to answer it <3
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haddocknumber3 · 3 years
Why the Supernatural Finale was Bad and Misguided
(This is the script I wrote for a video essay I uploaded to Youtube so that’s why there are lines across the page at points because it was broken up into sections that I could record individually)
The Finale of Supernatural was bad.
There, I said it. Now I know the finale was pretty divisive and there’s a lot of people who really loved it and that’s absolutely okay. I do understand most of the viewpoints that have been made to defend the finale. First though, I want to give a brief history of me and the show.
I started watching Supernatural in Feb 2019 when a friend recommended it to me. Like so many other people who have fallen in love with the show, once I started watching I couldn’t stop. I absolutely loved it and luckily I started watching at the perfect time because I was able to watch the final season live with everyone else which is an experience I will always cherish, regardless of my opinions towards the finale.
When 15x19 was released, I was on holiday and while I thought of waiting till I got home to watch it along with the finale, I decided to jump into it. Sadly, I was a little underwhelmed going into it because I saw a minor spoiler on Rob Benedict’s Instagram with him posing with Jared, Jensen and Alex saying “That’s it for me. What a ride. Thank you again to this amazing cast, crew, and group of writers past and present. And to the best fans in the world. My life is forever changed.”
Regardless of that though, I still really enjoyed the episode. It felt rushed but I was still really satisfied with it and I was pumped to see where the final episode would take things…
In the week leading up to the final episode, I deleted all social media and stayed away from anything that could possibly provide spoilers for the finale. I was so damn excited. I was just as excited about the finale of SPN as I was about Endgame the year prior, which I’ll also be doing a video on soon. So when I finally got home from holiday I jumped straight on the CW website and watched the finale.
Guess what? I absolutely loved it. I couldn’t have asked for a better finale. I cried my eyes out and I had never felt that level of heartache towards any piece of media ever, besides maybe Schindler's List and Life is Beautiful. But as the final scene played, I sat back with incredible satisfaction. I was so sad but so happy at the same time. However when I started reading the reviews I was taken aback by the negativity towards the finale. I genuinely didn’t understand and took the stance of ‘Oh these people just don’t understand the show they're watching and they just didn’t get it.”
Yeah…I was one of those people. I read into a few reasons why people didn’t like the finale and I sort of understood their stance, but I still remained firm with my opinion. However, over the last few months my opinion had begun to change.
It’s now May 2021 as I’m writing this and I can firmly say that the finale of Supernatural is bad. Actually, it’s really bad. 
Not only have I now changed my opinion on 15x19 which I now consider to be a good, but not that great penultimate episode, but I genuinely believe that this finale, 15x20, destroyed the progress of 15 seasons worth of character development and story for a simple and misguided finale. In this video I’ll be breaking down why that is, and an ending of my own that would hopefully satisfy all fans. Here’s how to flush 15 years and 15 seasons of television down the drain:
 Title card: ‘Thematic Inconsistencies’
A REALLY great video by Media Buzzkill called ‘The Fiction of Free Will: A Supernatural Video Essay’ breaks down the final episode along with the final season exceptionally well and I’ll link that video in the description because they go really in depth with the concept of meta and how it fits into the show’s narrative and man, I keep re-watching it because it’s brilliant and an almost perfect summary of my feelings towards the finale.
The thematic inconsistencies present in the finale are quite astounding to be frank because the penultimate episode was the perfect way to set up the final episode, simply with the thematic question of: What do Sam and Dean do once the story is over? What do they really want out of life now that they have finally escaped the hamster wheel.
By the end of 15x19, there are a few thematic through lines that are present that should have been followed through on in the finale in order to make a satisfying conclusion to the story:
-        The concept of freedom for the Winchesters and what that means for both of them as individuals. (I’ll talk more about this during the character section of the video as I’ve got a lot to say about it and I want to talk about other things first.)
-        Family don’t end in blood (this is made clear by the extensive and frankly amazing montage at the end.)
-        Meta narrative
Thematically, it’s clear from the Season 14 finale that the final season was going to be focusing on the brilliant meta narrative that the show had already been toying with for over a decade, ever since Chuck was originally introduced.
In my opinion, this was the only direction for the show to go in during its final season as they would have been able to tie up all the loose ends the show had whilst making the season feel grand and conclusive. By doing this, it makes the entire show feel much tighter as a result. Why? Because, in retrospect it’s made very clear where the show is heading, and it also bolsters the concept of the meta narrative which then only really allows for one type of ending that would feel satisfying. That is; Sam and Dean defeating Chuck and gaining their freedom from the story.
Thematically this is pure genius, and it seemed like we were going to get that ending after all…  *sigh*
Sadly, in the finale, everything that had been set up beforehand was utterly destroyed in one single episode. Instead of leaning into the thematic question of; what do Sam and Dean want now that they’re out of the story, the finale goes the opposite route and has them continue hunting. The exact same thing that they have been doing all their lives. It also strays away from that thematic question by doing exactly what shouldn’t have happened. Thematically, the finale stated that even though Sam and Dean had defeated Chuck and overcome his story, they still ended up meeting the same fates that they had previously wanted or desired. However, that’s another thing entirely that I’ll go into a little later. 
Again though, the finale states that no matter what conflict you may overcome, no matter how hard you push to gain the freedom you never thought you could have, you will never achieve it because you're destined to the fate you previously desired/thought you deserved at the start of the story. This is genuinely the worst possible ending as it directly conflicts with the concept of the meta narrative that they had been building throughout the entire final season. 
A common defence of the finale that many people have given is that the show began with two brothers, so therefore the fact that it ended with the two brothers is narratively and thematically perfect. In some ways that is true and I’ll get into why that is later, but the way that was executed in the finale and how that concept was used, was terrible. 
The show did start with the two brothers, alone on the road hunting the evil supernatural beings of the world. In the beginning, the themes were pretty clear. Family and love will triumph over any evil, and nothing is stronger than family, hence the phrase “Family don’t end in blood”. These themes were presented narratively through the brother’s relationship and how far they would go for one another to protect each other, even sacrificing themselves. However, this ISN’T how the show should have ended. Yes, those themes are still relevant and should’ve remained consistent even until the final episode, but to say that it’s perfect for the brothers to start the show alone and end the show alone with the same mindset and thematic outlook as the beginning is ridiculous. 
To have the finale only centre around the brothers is a good idea, but the thematic choices along with the character’s fates was incredibly contradictory and awful to everything that had been set up before, but again I’m going to delve into this aspect a little bit later.
For the writers to revert the narrative of the final season back to the first season in the final episode is monumentally wrong and misguided. As a result of this, the final episode feels like a strange nostalgia trip, until you realise that it is an episode that literally belongs right in the middle of season 1. If Supernatural was only ever a 1 season show, then this finale would have been practically perfect. But it’s not. It’s a 15 year long show with characters that undergo incredibly difficult character struggles that allow them to change for the better. So for the ending to chuck them right back to where they started is frankly stupid and kind of insulting.
Title card: ‘Characters’
Before I dissect the characters of Sam and Dean and their role in the finale, I’m going to lay out a brief thought process that I’m going to use when analysing them. You may have heard this in other formats but if you haven’t then I’ll reiterate it here.
Most characters must have two things in order for a story to be strong, compelling, and satisfying. Those two things are WANTS and NEEDS. When a character wants something, that’s what drives their motivation throughout the story and what guides their decisions. It also affects how they relate and interact with other characters. 
A need is the thing the character must face and come to terms with, in order to complete their character arc and satisfy the requirements of the story.  By learning that what they want is either not achievable or goes against what’s truly important to them, they must satisfy that need for the benefit of themselves and the people around them. This makes for a satisfying and logical ending to the story as the character is no longer driven by something they want, but is driven by their need, depending on what it is.
Now, let’s go back to Supernatural shall we?
In the beginning of the show, Sam and Dean started off wanting separate things since they were individuals who had their own goals, aspirations, and motivations.
Sam wanted to live a normal life; go to college, meet a girl, get a job in law, and hopefully start a family of his own. This changed however at the end of the Pilot to Sam wanting revenge against the demon that killed Jess.
Dean wanted Sam back in the life of hunting with him as he didn’t want to go off to try and find their Dad alone. Dean also wanted to keep hunting as he felt like it was all he was good for and his only purpose in life. Also, its made quite clear during the first season that Dean has incredibly low self-worth. As pointed out in Castiel’s confession scene during 15x18, Dean thinks of himself as “destructive, angry, broken, “Daddy’s blunt instrument.” As a result of this, he’s made it clear that he wants to die. How does he WANT this to happen? Blaze of glory, going out on a hunt, dying bloody, the way he’s always thought he deserved, and due to his low self-worth, he has accepted that and come to terms with that fate, hence his macho manly man facade he puts on in front of people. That is what he wants at the beginning of the show. Even though he has died over and over again in gruesome ways, his permanent death was supposedly destined to be going out on a regular hunt, blaze of glory, saving people, hunting things, the family business. At least that’s what he thought he deserved…
However by the end of the series, he’s gained enough self-worth to realize that’s not what he wants anymore. *play the clip from season 1 where Dean talks about retiring on a beach* also *play the clip in 15x19 where Chuck calls Dean the ultimate killer and Dean responds with that’s not who I am”.
This is a really good penultimate stepping stone in terms of Dean’s character arc and how it wraps up because he has finally gained a proper sense of self-worth, not by defeating Chuck, but by realizing that who he truly is, and who he really wants to be isn’t dictated by the story that Chuck had written. 
Media Buzzkill mentions it in their video but something the final season really dropped the ball on was the parallel between John and Chuck; both abusive and neglectful fathers who tried to control their children’s lives. For Dean to finally overthrow Chuck and gain his freedom, thematically he could have gained his freedom from the path his father set him on ever since he was a young kid. But since the season didn’t lean into that parallel, this wasn’t officially a thing that was going on. However I still like to think of it that way. Back to the point though.
As a result of Dean gaining his freedom from Chuck and finally claiming his own autonomy, he is now able to complete his character arc as he has put aside his WANTS that he had at the beginning of the show (dying young on a hunt, always having to protect Sam no matter what the personal toll it takes on him) and fulfilled his NEED to achieve a status of self-worth and self-actualization in order to benefit himself and the people around him. Another point to affirm this is the fact that this couldn’t have happened without the meta story being involved. In my opinion this makes it all feel like a very logical, consistent and satisfying story for Dean. 
The reason why I mentioned this as the perfect penultimate stepping stone for Dean’s character arc is that the question raised at the end of 15x19 still hadn’t been answered yet: “What do Sam and Dean want now that the story is over and they’re free?” I also know what you're going to say. “But isn’t it all about wants and needs? If they’re free from the story then shouldn’t they need to learn something instead of just getting what they want?” You may have a point, however due to the fact that the show has surrounded itself in the concept of meta narratives, then this is where the wants and needs don’t necessarily apply. The reason is that the finale should have followed through on what Sam and Dean needed, which was, by the time the finale started, to figure out a life that was beyond the confines of the story.
I’m going to focus on Dean first because that’s the main thing I have an issue with in the finale, but I will talk about Sam afterwards.
By the time the finale started, Dean had finally fulfilled what he needed, which was a stable life that was beyond the story. He wasn’t dictated by some grand plan anymore and he finally had the freedom he deserved. Yes, he wanted this, but he also NEEDED to realize that in order for him to truly break the cycle and get off the hamster wheel, he needed to achieve a proper sense of self-actualization. If he wasn’t able to do this, then he truly would always have felt like he didn’t belong, even if he had gotten what he wanted (getting freedom from the story.) The reason why, is that after learning everything he had about Chuck, his manipulations, how Chuck had been controlling them their entire lives, for him to defeat Chuck, but remain in the status quo of what he’s always known, it would naturally cause him to feel unsatisfied with life and therefore would make us feel unsatisfied at the way the series ends… 
Yes, I know that his identity is tied to being a hunter. I’m all for that because yeah even though Chuck had been controlling them their entire lives Dean still loved hunting even towards the end. But for Dean to not even consider any other kind of life outside of “the life” is strange because it seemed like that was the only direction for the story to take…But no, he stays with the life and decides to continue hunting and serving the role that he had been placed in from the time he was born; saving people, hunting things, the family business. The role he had been forced into his whole life, destined for nothing more...
Back to the events of the finale…
Dean has continued hunting and he continues to live alone with Sam in the bunker. Yes, the pie scene was perfect. Well, not perfect, Sam bringing up Cas and Dean barely reacting and just sort of hand waving it was...a big yikes. But this video isn’t about Dean and Cas’ relationship (p.s I do support and like Destiel but I’m not going to delve into that in this video as people like Media Buzzkill have already done that really well in their own separate videos, which I’ll link in the description.)
When Dean and Sam go on that final hunt and Dean gets impaled on the rusty piece of rebar, it was random, out of nowhere and confusing. Some say that this was perfect because they weren’t being dictated by the story anymore and accidents can happen to anyone for any reason. That’s just a part of being human. Right. Okay. Well, yes that may be true that they aren’t invincible now, but my god does that spit in the face of everything the characters had fought for. To say that even after defeating Chuck, even after escaping the story that had been written for them, after 15 years of defying their destinies, A CORE THEME OF THE SHOW FROM THE BEGINNING OF SEASON 1, to say that Dean just ends up dying on a random hunt, alone, with only his brother by his side and no one else from the family that he and Sam had built over the years, and that despite his current needs, he is still ultimately rendered to be the self-destructive, suicidal-idealist, “daddy’s blunt instrument” that he was at the beginning of the show is incredibly disrespectful and in some cases quite dangerous to the viewers of the show who have suffered from mental health issues. Why? Because the finale, along with Dean’s death, states unintentionally that you will never break out of your cycle, you will never escape your original fate, you will never achieve freedom, you will never achieve happiness in life, and possibly the worst sentiment of the entire ordeal is that you can only find peace in death. 
What a fucking waste. What a disgusting travesty of a finale. My god. 
I understand the nostalgia behind it all. I get the nostalgic feelings of a classic Monster of the Week. When I originally saw the finale, I loved it, as I’ve previously stated in this video. I’m pretty much a nostalgia junkie, trust me, I can see it. I got all the references and little nods to the rest of the series like John’s journal, that random Jenny vampire chick, Dean’s love of pie, “I can’t do this alone, yes you can, well I don’t want to,” when Dean tells Sam that he stood outside his dorm for hours before the Pilot, Carry on My Wayward Son playing as Dean drives in heaven, Harvelles Roadhouse, OG Bobby, 
WAIT. HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE. Record stops (say that quieter)
When Sam brings up Cas and how he misses him at the Pie festival, Dean addresses it by saying “That pain is not gonna go away, right? But if we don’t keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing.”
I actually don’t know what the fuck happened, but the writers are not dumb...They knew Dean would be dying in this episode right? SO WHY HAVE HIM SAY THAT IF THEY DONT KEEP LIVING THEN ALL THAT SACRIFICE IS GONNA BE FOR NOTHING UNLESS THE WRITERS WANTED IT TO MEAN NOTHING. 
I...I have no words. This fucking ending man. OKay, sorry, let’s carry on with the video because I’m legitimately mad now and just want to get through this. 
To finish my point about Dean’s ending, he needed to leave the hunting life in one way or another. If he didn’t, and stayed in the life just like in the actual finale, then I have no doubt that he would begin to feel unsatisfied with life and eventually quit hunting at some point down the road. What I’m trying to say is the only logical ending for Dean Winchester, the man who’s entire identity is centered around hunting, needed to leave that life for something better. This wouldn’t have worked in a regular story where there wasn’t the concept of the meta narrative because if Dean just randomly decided to leave the life, even though he was already firmly a part of it then it would indeed be out of character for him. But since this is a meta story, Dean needed to achieve a sense of self-actualization that was beyond the story that had been written for him since he was born. Few, sorry, okay, onto Sam now. 
So I don’t have as much to say about Sam than I did with Dean but I still think that this was the wrong ending for him. It isn’t actually too bad if I’m being honest, but it is still regressive and quite similar to Dean’s ending in many ways sadly. But there’s a core idea at the centre of Sam’s ending that I do think was a good idea, but it’s buried under so much crap and nonsense that it was deformed into something misguided, even if the idea itself isn’t bad at all. I’ll start with that first. 
Sam being forced to witness his brother’s death is nothing new. But now that he is experiencing his supposedly final death, this causes him to leave the life entirely and go live an apple-pie life. It’s clear from this that he has finally learned to let go of his co-dependency issue with his brother. He has moved on. 
The idea of Sam letting go of his co-dependency with Dean is great and it’s something I’m going to use in my own ending that I’ll detail later in this video. However, this issue is that the decision to let go is forced upon him through Dean’s death. It’s not a choice Sam makes to move away from Dean and let each other live separate lives, therefore bringing forth their individuality which is something Dean desperately needed this whole time. By omitting Sam’s choice to let Dean go and live a separate life, he is robbed of his agency and therefore makes his ending feel unearned and forced upon him. You may say that this would be out of character and strange for the brothers to do. They love each other so therefore they have no reason to not be in each other’s lives. That is correct, but I didn’t mean that they aren’t in each other’s lives in some form, just that they are separated and living different lives than each other. I’ll go more into detail when I give my pitch for an ending. 
The next point I want to make about Sam’s ending is that he also regresses to what he previously wanted back in the early days of the show. Yes, I remember that he already lived a normal life back in Season 8 which could be evidence to support the idea that he still wanted that in Season 15. But no, that was almost half the entire length of the show ago. Sam has moved on from the idea of an apple pie life; living with a wife and kid, owning a home, having backyard barbecues, you get the picture.
How interesting would it have been if he actually decided to stay in the life in some way. Maybe not actually hunting, but working from the bunker and helping other hunters with lore or other aspects like that. Maybe Eileen is there too? Maybe they're working together as a couple, not hunting, but being a safe haven for hunters where they can access all the lore they could dream of and find safety there. Almost like an upgraded version of Harvelle’s Roadhouse. Just an idea, but that would’ve been much better than what we actually got. 
Title card: Stray thoughts
When you look at Season 15 alone, there's quite a lot of things the finale failed to conclude, address or clear up. 
Cas’ grace was failing
This could’ve been a really great plot point to play throughout the season because it would cause Cas to contemplate his uses and worth whilst stressing about the whole situation with Chuck as well as the Empty deal looming over him. But they didn’t address it at all. It just kinda...faded away and wasn’t brought up again. It wasn’t a massive thing but it would’ve been cool to see how that could’ve played out. 
Ruby asked Castiel to save her from the Empty (15x13)
The demons rising up against Rowena (15x13)
Dean doesn’t ask Jack to bring back Cas from the Empty (15x19)
Sam forgets about Eileen in 15x20
No closure for Dean and Castiel
We never see any of the side characters again who got Thanos snapped in 15x18
Jack’s explosion in the Empty made the Empty loud
Those are the main points that the final season and the finale failed to address and even though they are minor points in the grand pantheon of issues with the finale, they still add up for me and are quite frustrating to think about. 
Title card: My Ideal Finale
So, after all that I think I’ve made it pretty clear how I feel about the finale. There’s a few other points I wanted to make about the narrative of the final season as a whole in conjunction with the finale but I feel as if I’ve already said what I need to say. 
I’ve seen so many other people give their take on how the finale should’ve played out so now I want to give my version of events that would’ve given the show the proper send off it deserved, and the send off it was seemingly setting up.
My finale would start with the same hunt that happened in the real finale. However, the opening scene is them fighting the vampires. As they’re fighting, Sam is wounded and needs to be taken to hospital. After he’s treated there, they return to the bunker. Sam wakes up from a nap and talks with Dean. They talk about how that was a pretty close call. Dean mentions that it should probably be their last case. Sam looks confused, and doesn’t say anything. Dean seems hesitant to discuss the prospect of that being their last case but he begins anyway. He mentions that he feels as if he’s been given a chance at a new life now that they’ve defeated Chuck. He states that if he keeps doing the same old, same old, then he’s afraid that he’ll waste his chance at freedom. Sam understands but points out that if they don’t do this, then who does. Dean ponders this for a second, as he’s done so many times over his life. Should he continue to sacrifice his chance at happiness and freedom so other people can live safely? 
Obviously this question has popped up a lot throughout the show, and they’ve always chosen to stay with the life. Maybe hunting was a part of who they were, but they now had a chance to try something new. With Chuck not writing their story anymore, they get to write their own. Going wherever the story takes them. Finally free. 
After this scene, the pie scene from the actual finale happens pretty much exactly how it originally happened, except for a few changes of dialogue and the scene would be extended to incorporate a visit from Bobby and Eileen. When Sam brings up Cas, instead of Dean saying what he said in the actual finale, he would say something along the lines of this:
“Yeah, I miss him too.”
Sam notices Dean is looking quite sad and asks him what’s wrong. 
“He sacrificed himself for me.”
“It came out of nowhere. We were trapped and Billy was banging on the door trynna get in when he…he said that he made a deal.” 
A tear rolls down Dean’s face. Sam notices, and moves closer to Dean and looks at him with a classic empathetic look from Sam. 
Dean blinks a few times and wipes the tear away. 
“Ah, I’ll tell you later” said Dean, as he began to tuck into a pie from the box on his lap. 
Bobby then pulls up with Eileen. Sam and Dean go and greet them. They talk about Sam’s wound, Jack defeating Chuck and how he’s the new god, Sam and Eileen, who steps out of the car and Sam and her kiss. Bobby also asks what they’re going to do now that they’re free from Chuck. This leads into the question of whether or not they’re still going to continue hunting. Eileen looks inquisitive at the brothers too as she also wants to know what Sam wants now that Chuck has been defeated and he’s free. Sam says he wants to stay in the life and that he’s open to see what happens. Dean says that he’s not sure. Sam glances over at Dean, who notices but doesn’t look back. It’s clear to both Bobby and Eileen that this is a conversation that both brothers need to have in private before they could properly reveal anything to them. 
Bobby tells them that everyone is going to have a big get together in the town of Kansas at a pub the following afternoon. Sam and Dean agree that they’ll be there. While Bobby waves to them goodbye and gets in the car, Eileen gives Dean a look, indicating that she wants to talk to Sam alone. Dean obliges with a little smile. Eileen asks Sam if he’s feeling okay after the wound from the previous hunt (they would’ve already texted about it.) During this conversation, Eileen asks if he and Dean are okay but Sam says he’s not sure. She questions him a bit more and Sam reveals to her that Dean wants to quit the hunting life for good. She can tell by the look on Sam’s face that he’s bothered by this, but she can also see a slight hint of understanding too. She smiles at him warmly and places a hand on his cheek. They lock eyes. Sam begins to smile.
Dean is back in the driver’s seat of the Impala and is watching Sam and Eileen with a sad smile. He looks down at the drivers wheel and the smile fades. He closes his eyes and after a few seconds, he whispers “Jack? Hey man, hope the new job is treating you well” Dean smirks, but it fades quickly and his face resorts back to the grim look of...despair. “I know you said you wouldn’t be hands on, I get that, and I thank you. Another Chuck isn’t what we need right now. But...Cas, he didn’t deserve what he got. I didn’t ask you this before you left because everything was so crazy and we had just defeated Chuck you know, and I know it's only been a few weeks but, please, please can you bring him back. He didn’t deserve to die for…
Dean stops praying. He looks back to Sam and Eileen, who are still talking. Suddenly Jack appears next to Dean, just as a tear rolls down his face. 
Jack greets Dean in usual fashion. Dean looks surprised and shocked, but glad to see him. Jack tries to explain to Dean that he can’t meddle in the Empty’s affairs as they’ve already poked and prodded it enough. Dean refutes this point by reminding Jack of what Cas would do, what any of them would do if one of them was in the same position. They continue to discuss Cas and the Empty and how it could work, but by the end Jack doesn’t speak. Both of them sit in silence. 
After a while Jack turns to Dean and says “I’ll do what I can, but if it’s not possible then I’m sorry.” Dean nods his head but before Jack disappears, Jack says “Dean, I know it might be hard to understand right now but there is so much to be done in the universe. Things that have to be put right, Chuck messed up and now me and Amara have to balance things out. I know that sounds like I’m interfering but we aren’t. We are ensuring that things are allowed to be as they are, instead of them becoming something else. That’s why I have to leave this world very soon, I only have till tomorrow afternoon for me to try and get Cas back. After that, it will be a while before I can return, and even then I don’t know when exactly I’ll be back. I also can’t stay too long in the Empty either after what happened before. I still have to respect it’s power and the fact that I don’t have any real control over it. I’m sorry, Dean.” Jack disappears before Dean can say anything else. Just then, Dean notices Sam walking towards the Impala and wipes away the tears. As Sam sits down, he asks Dean if he’s okay, and Dean responds “Yeah, all good here.” They drive off. 
The next scene is Dean sitting in his room on his laptop, a few beers by the side of the bed. He looks toward his table on the other side of the room. A paper lies on top. Dean appears conflicted, but decides to go over and pick up the paper. We see it’s a job form. 
Sam is sitting down at the table in the library. He’s also on his laptop and seems very focused on something on screen. Suddenly he grabs his laptop and stands up. He walks through the bunker to the door of Dean’s room. He goes to knock but pauses. He looks back to the laptop, where we can see a news posting saying that three people have turned up dead with their throats ripped out. Sam and Dean both sigh at the same time (Sam would be seen sighing and then quickly cut to Dean sighing too.)
Dean grabs a pen and goes to write on the job form, just as Sam knocks on the door. They greet each other, and both are a little startled. Sam asks Dean what he’s doing and Dean briefly looks at the form, but ends up saying it's nothing. Sam tells him about the case he’s found and Dean’s face tenses, which Sam notices. 
“Or not, if you didn’t feel like it.” said Sam.
“No. No, it's fine” says Dean, who sighs, stands up and then asks where it is again. Once Sam finishes telling him, Dean looks back at the job form. 
“Sammy, I don’t think I’ll be going” says Dean
“Oh, okay, no worries, I’ll just call one of the other hunters” says Sam
“I don’t think I’ll be going on any more hunts.” Dean finally says. 
Sam doesn’t respond and is taken aback. Neither of them talk for a moment. (There would be a wide shot from inside the room, showing them standing still and silent.) 
Dean takes the job form from the table and hands it to Sam, who looks at it. He doesn’t take his eyes off it. 
“I applied a few days ago, and I’ve got an interview the day after tomorrow. But, it’s in Denver Colorado. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t know how you’d react” said Dean. 
“Dean, I...I mean, I’m happy for you. I am. It’s just...I don’t know, it’s a big thing you know. But I thought we were done keeping secrets from each other, I thought we were over that crap” said Sam. 
“This was different,”  said Dean plainly.
“How?” asks Sam. 
“Me, the guy who was destined to hunt till the day he dropped. You know this, that was who I was. Going out in a blaze of glory, bloody on a hunt” said Dean, “But now, everythings different. I realize now that...that isn’t who I am, and I can’t be destined for just that. If I was, then Chuck should’ve won. Because I’ll be damned if I let that be my ending. I’ve gotta write my own, and now with Chuck gone I finally have that chance. I can’t waste it Sammy.” As he says those last words, a few tears have fallen down his face. 
Sam ponders Dean’s words for a few seconds then asks. 
“What about me? What am I supposed to do?”
Dean doesn’t respond. 
*a soft rendition of the piano solo in Americana plays, similar to the one played in 15x18, but softer and less solumn*
Dean looks sad, but also confident in his decision. Sam looks uncertain. 
Sam says:
“I can’t do this alone”
Dean responds with a sad smile: 
“Yes you can”
Sam says: 
“Well i don’t want to”
Slowly, through facial expressions, Sam recognizes those words, and remembers that fateful night when Dean came to pick him up from college; when Dad was on a hunting trip, and he hadn’t been home in a few days. His face turns into a sad smile. A tear rolls down his face. Dean now has a tear underneath his eye too as he looks at Sam. 
Sam slowly hands back the job form to Dean (This would be a close up on the hand over process to emphasize the choice Sam is making through the motion of handing back Dean the job form) He puts his laptop down, and the two brothers hug. The two of them stand there together. The two have tears rolling down their cheeks. 
*piano solo ends*
*fade to black*
*fade in on the Impala outside the bunker*
Sam is leaning against it and is texting on his phone.
Text appears at the bottom of the screen saying its the next day
Dean exits the bunker and asks if Sam has got the address of the place where everyone is getting together and Dean confirms he does and that it's on the edge of town. He mentions that Bobby had been working on it for a while before the whole Chuck thing and he said that it was a surprise. Whatever that means.
As the brothers are driving into town, Sam asks what time the interview is and Dean says that it's at 9am the next day so he will have to leave that night if he’s going to get a good sleep and be up early the next day. The time at that point would be around 3pm. Dean then asks how he and Eileen are, and Sam says that they’re going good, but mentions that she was a bit shaken from being Thanos snapped (he wouldn’t actually say Thanos snapped but something like it.) 
The two sit in silence for a while, until Dean puts on the radio. ‘Back in Black’ starts playing. The two smile and look at each other, before turning back to the road. They continue driving. 
They finally reach the pub and get out of the Impala. As they stare at the exterior, a gentle rendition of the first section of Americana plays (the opening minute) but this time it’s slower and almost sounds distant, and wistful. The two brothers look at each other before approaching the door. Dean checks the time, and looks concerned. Before they can open the bar door themselves, Charlie opens it and looks gleefully at the two before embracing them both in a group hug. 
“I’ve been waiting for you guys!” says Charlie.
“Hey Charlie, how’s it hanging?” asks Dean
“Come have a look” she says with a smirk, before leading them inside. The bar is revealed to be one that resembles the old Harvelle’s Roadhouse. There is already a crowd of people, friendly faces and some unknown people. Sam and Dean reunite with a lot of fan favorite characters, however, Dean still looks slightly pensive. Sam takes notice of this and puts a hand on Dean’s shoulder. They look at each other just as the lights in the bar begin to dim and a piano solo starts playing. The song being played is the exact same version of Carry on My Wayward Son that was played in Season 10 Episode 5 titled Fan Fiction. This time, there isn’t any vocals, it’s just the piano solo. It continues until the part in the song where it would say “...don’t you cry no more”, then suddenly the doors open and Jack slowly walks through. The outside light shines through and is almost blinding to Sam and Dean who are covering their eyes with their hands. The music stops, and Jack steps aside to reveal someone. Dean lowers his arm and sees a friend standing before him. Someone who had been there for Dean through thick and thin. Someone who loved him no matter what Dean had though of himself. 
“Cas?” he murmurs, before running to him and embracing him with a tight hug. Jack closes the door and the light adjusts. Suddenly a male voice starts singing from the stage. Everyone but Dean and Cas look. The voice is the lead singer of Kansas, who begins singing the classic version of Carry On My Wayward Son. 
Dean and Cas lock eyes, and as the words “lay your weary head to rest, don’t you cry no more” are said, Dean and Cas place their foreheads together and smile while holding each other. Sam looks at them with a smile, just as Dean turns to him. The song kicks in at that moment with the instrumentals. Everyone is dancing now just as Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack all reunite together in one shot. They all sing along to the song with everyone else. It then cuts to different shots of them standing and laughing as well as interacting with other characters like Jody and Bobby or Eileen. In one of the shots, Sam and Eileen kiss and Dean looks at them with pride. The next shot is his hand, and someone else’s hand interlocks with his. It cuts back to Dean’s face smiling, as he turns to Cas, who is also smiling. 
When the song finally comes to a close, Sam and Dean are both standing out front. They are leaning against the Impala. 
“I guess that was one hell of a curtain call” says Dean.
“I wouldn’t call it that” says Sam with a chuckle.
“Even if this is the end for now, at least it’s our ending. Not Chuck’s, not anyone else’s” 
“Damn straight” 
Dean smiles, and checks his phone. From here, the exact same scene on the bridge at the end of the real finale would play out. But in this version, instead of walking up to the railing and looking out over a valley, Dean would hug Sam, then get in the Impala and begin driving off. The music would also be identical too. 
As the guitar riff is playing the main theme (like in the original scene, its when it cuts to a wide shot and pans out) It cuts to a close up of Dean and it slowly zooms into his face smiling with a tear in his eye, then it cuts to a medium shot of Sam standing tall and proud. Bobby, Cas, Jack, Eileen, Jody, Charlie, Donna, Garth, walk up next to him as the music rises. Then it cuts to an extremely wide shot from up above, showing the Impala driving away down the long road with the sunset in the distance as well as Sam and the rest of their family standing outside the bar watching Dean drive off. The End.
So that was my ideal finale. It’s not perfect by any means and there’s no massive final confrontation, and the emotional arcs could be more fleshed out and explored. Also, the explanation for how Jack convinced the Empty to give back Cas would also need to be explained but I didn’t want to give a massive exposition dump in this already long video. 
I hope you liked it and I hope that it was at least a bit more satisfying than the actual finale. 
To conclude, I genuinely believe that Supernatural had the opportunity to give it’s audience a revolutionary kind of conclusion. It had the chance to be one of the most satisfying endings to any TV show ever made. It had the chance to be something more...and yet, it utterly failed in everything it attempted and sadly destroyed 15 years of build up, progress, and intricate character development for a finale that squandered not only the limitless and amazing potential it had, but it also squandered many fan’s passion for the show itself. At least that’s how I feel. If the show had even ended on Episode 19, then it would’ve been an incredibly rushed and convoluted conclusion but it would’ve been satisfying and I’m sure in time the people who didn’t like the episode much would have eventually come around to it. 
But at the end of the day, if you liked or loved this finale then I am happy for you. Regardless of my feelings towards this finale, I know what it feels like to love a piece of media that most people hate. 
That’s me with HTTYD 3. But that’s a topic for another day. What I want to say is that if you do love this finale then all the power to you. While I personally hate it, that should not take away from your love towards it. 
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emmett-mchearty · 4 years
My Very Queer Wolf Pack Headcanons:
Trans man.
Likes to read for escapism. His favorite book is 'The Hobbit'
He was on the track team in high school and still likes to run in human form in the mornings.
Only child. Mama's boy af.
Secret passion for cooking which he may or may not have picked up from Emily.
Class Clown™ type consisting of dad jokes and vine references.
Best hugger award
Says "bro" and "dude" unironically
Likes to watch bugs bunny cartoons on saturday. It is his favorite routine and will not be interrupted.
Refuses to wear shoes. Its flip flops or nothing.
Learned to play the drums to release his anger.
If he roasts you, you will burn.
Sore loser, but working on being better at it. Is currently banned from monopoly.
Loyal. Will hide that body for you no questions asked.
Disaster bisexual
For my purposes, Quil is a cis girl.
Artist. Constantly doodling on everything. She got in trouble for drawing a 'mural' on the living room wall when she was 5.
Lost her left leg in an accident. She has a prosthetic leg that she decorates in washable marker so she always has a fresh canvas.
Vehemently hates modern art. Will fight you over it.
Big Gay™
Also a cis girl because I said so.
Her favorite subject is English and she wants to be a writer. She doesn't know if she wants to be a journalist or write a book, as long as she gets to put words on paper.
Dabbled in poetry. Had an Edgar Alan Poe phase.
Sleeps with her phone off. If you need something past 10pm that's on you.
Will not function before an entire pot of coffee.
Trans woman. Her whole family was loving and supportive, and Seth was thrilled he had a big sister to annoy now.
Wants to study to be a vet.
Surfs competitively and has a shelf of trophies
Works at a local animal shelter. She privately adopts and rehomes the pets that would get put down otherwise.
Very competetive. She and Paul race everywhere and it annoys everyone.
Ace/Aro. Love? Sex? Nah man, car parts and horror movies.
Learned how to fix cars from his mom, who learned from her dad. He works at the autobody shop his grandpa owns.
Surprisingly good singer. Loves jazz.
Dad friend energy
Late owl. Sometimes stays up till 6am working on his current project.
Looked at the gender options presented to them and politely said, "No thank you."
Has a tiktok and makes references that no one but Jacob understands.
New person? New friend.
Believes math is the root of all evil.
Picky eater. Hates peanut butter, fish, peas, radishes, pineapple, etc..
@leahclearwaterdefensesquad @sethrights @paulxlahotee @leahclearwaterqueen @embrycallsmuffin @seth-clearwater-stan
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peterstanslizzie · 3 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 2.10 (Working Girl)
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Lizzie unintentionally breaking the fourth wall
- Have we already established the fact that Lizzie (not Hilary) is a really bad actress? She tries to butter her parents up by giving them compliments to get them to kindly raise her allowance. But of course, they are able to see right through her and give her a big fat NO. Lizzie is fuming!
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Poor Miranda!
- The natural thing for Lizzie to do after this is to then vent to her friends at the Digital Bean. Miranda spots a ‘busboy wanted’ sign in the distance and tries to tell Lizzie that she could get a job to pay for her things. Lizzie is too busy in her rant to even notice what she’s trying to tell her but for some strange reason, when Gordo points it out to her instead, she suddenly pays attention and hears him out. Weird.
- Anyways, Lizzie easily gets the job and her first day is tomorrow. She thinks it’s going to be a piece of cake. Don’t jinx it Lizzie...
- The next morning, Lizzie announces her new job to her parents and they are taken aback because they didn’t expect her to get one all of a sudden. They are also worried that she’s taking on too many responsibilities and there might be too much on her plate. I think it’s safe to say they’re probably right. 
Lizzie Starts Her Job
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- We skip to Lizzie on her first day working at the Digital Bean and she quickly realizes there’s a lot to do as the new busboy. And it doesn’t help that her manager seems to be a total nightmare to work for. She’s so bossy! I would hate having a manager like her. 
- And it doesn’t get better from then on because Lizzie is starting to get paranoid about her friends making even the smallest mess in the café because she has to be the one to clean up after them. But you know what, who could blame her? Especially when you have these two around: 
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Can these two ever get a life?
- And unsurprisingly, Lizzie’s manager demands that she cleans up the spill when it’s so obvious that Kate and Claire were the ones who purposely caused it. Lizzie is now starting to feel regrets about taking this job.
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- The next day (which I’m assuming is a Saturday?), Sam notices Lizzie looking distraught about having to go to work and tells her she can always quit if she wants to. He also lets Lizzie know that she’s just a kid and the only responsibilities she should have is being a good student, a good friend and a good daughter. Now that’s really solid advice from Sam...and Jo (because she probably told him to convince Lizzie to quit)
Lizzie Quits After....3 Days?
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Lizzie’s better than me. I would’ve thrown that spoon right at his face lol
- During her shift that day, she’s dealing with a bunch of difficult customers, which, again, includes Kate and Claire. On top of that, her supervisor (whatever her name is) is just soooo not being understanding or thoughtful towards Lizzie.  
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Also, if I were Lizzie, I would’ve popped Claire in her forehead and quit my job afterwards. Lizzie could’ve gotten really hurt thanks to her. 
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That guy totally deserved that
- Lizzie has had enough and decides to give everyone who did her wrong a piece of her mind. I’m glad she manage to get that all out of her system but because of her rant, Lizzie gets fired from her role as busboy at the Digital Bean. But you know what? Good on her!
- After getting the pink slip, Lizzie comes home and tells her friends what just happened. She actually seems relieved that she doesn’t have to deal with the stress from her job anymore. Even just watching her work makes me feel stressed out. 
B-Plot: Miranda Doesn’t Like Breaking Young Boy’s Hearts
- Matt is currently feeling down in the dumps because he thinks that Melina doesn’t want to be friends with him anymore. Well, more like doesn’t like him anymore. He expresses this to his friend, Reggie, whom I don’t think we’ve been introduced to beforehand. 
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- It’s not so much that Melina doesn’t talk to him anymore. It’s more so that she hasn’t been getting Matt into any trouble recently. I mean, we all know that this weird relationship of theirs has pretty toxic tendencies. But she’s actually now focusing her attention on this other boy named Jared.
- Reggie suggests to Matt that he ask his sister, Lizzie for some advice as to why Melina has been treating him differently these days. Matt hesitates at first but he realizes that he really has no other choice. 
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This made me laugh so much. Matt literally insinuated that Jo isn’t a girl. I mean, she is a woman but I’m sure his mom more than qualifies.  
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- Matt then shows up at Lizzie’s job to tell her about his problem. But their conversation is cut short by Lizzie’s manager. She’s beginning to really annoy me. 
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It also doesn’t help that Lizzie can be quite clumsy sometimes...
- While Lizzie is busy being a total mess at work, Matt is lucky enough to be able to ask Miranda for advice instead since she is, indeed a girl. Miranda basically tells him that it’s Melina’s problem and how she isn’t able to realize how great of a kid Matt is. She also had to add that there are others girls who would be so lucky to go out with him. See how this is going?
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Look at Matt’s face; He totally just misunderstood Miranda’s intention in everything she just told him lol
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And now he’s gone full-blown stalker mode. Yikes!
- The next day, Lizzie, Miranda and Gordo come home from school to chill at Lizzie’s place but Matt uses this opportunity to give Miranda a ‘thank-you’ card:
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Oh my word. Miranda better run for the hills hahahaha. Also, does the music have to be THAT dramatic when she opens his card? LOL
- It’s one thing to have crushes but Matt takes it to a whole other level. I get that he’s like 11/12 but still...
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He’s also now calling her and sending her a bunch of balloons with his and her face on them. 
- On their three way call, Miranda is asking Gordo for his advice on how to gently turn Matt down. To my surprise, Miranda still doesn’t want to hurt Matt’s feelings and actually agrees to go on a bike-riding date with him. To be honest, if I were Miranda, it would also be hard for me to turn him down. I’m not exactly sure why. It must be the people pleaser in me...
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By the way, is it weird that I love Miranda’s outfit here? Very Avril Lavigne circa 2002.
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His smile...
- The next day, with Gordo’s support, Miranda tries to work up enough courage to reject Matt but before she could let it out, Melina marches into the living room  and confronts Miranda for ‘stealing her man’. Yikes, Miranda just got dissed by an 11 year old lmao. 
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Melina just proved to all of us that she likes Matt back. That’s sweet...in a twisted kind of way.
- Oh and just like how Gordo pointed out, it’s quite embarrassing that Miranda just got dumped by Matt of all people. Again, poor Miranda...
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- There’s also one last surprise for Miranda. Apparently Matt had a cake made for her that Lizzie has taken out of the fridge. And because of that, she has no other choice but to act like a pig and eat the frosting of the cake with her bare hands just to prevent Lizzie from seeing what’s written on the cake. I would have done the same thing lol.
Overall Thoughts
- I found this episode to be one the funniest Lizzie Mcguire episodes so far. I felt like almost every scene either made me slightly chuckle or laugh out loud. From Lizzie’s short stint at the Digital Bean as a busboy to Matt’s sudden crush on Miranda, I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish.
- Honestly speaking, had Matt been able to dial down the craziness in terms of ‘pursuing’ someone just like he did with Miranda, he actually knows how to be a pretty romantic kid. No wonder Melina likes controlling being around him. And seeing her confronting Miranda like that and basically telling her that she’s just a rebound was hilarious to watch. 
- Lizzie’s new job as the busboy was fascinating to watch because it’s the first time we see her working a job and taking on responsibilities outside the house and school. Even though she got fired, I can’t imagine anyone being able to put up with that bossy manager. Like if the busboy turnover rate is consistently high, surely that has something to do with the work environment and the people running the internet café, right? Or can they at least hire more busboys to spread out the workload? Solutions people!
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Happiness Begins
Part 19
Chapter Summary: Jared needs some time to come around to the idea of his best friend and his sister, but will he be able to get over all the lies? 
Warnings: Language, angst, descriptions of anxiety, a mild physical altercation
Word Count: 2.1K+
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Happy Sunday! First, I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of you still here with me. This past semester was a difficult one for a number of reasons. Until I started writing again, I hadn’t realized how much I truly missed these two and being in this little world I created. It was a truly therapeutic experience to get back to it. Also, I already have our sequel all outlined and ready to start. xoxo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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Jared was gone before she woke on Monday. Well, not technically before she woke as she didn’t actually sleep. The sound of the front door startled her before her alarm for the morning had gotten the chance to. She wasn’t surprised. Jared didn’t come out of his room the rest of the weekend. Only once for food and even then he just stockpiled what he could into his room.
This wasn’t exactly what she had expected, but again, it didn’t surprise her. After he had stormed out, she rolled out of bed and decided then to start her day. What difference did it make whether she got up now or stared at her ceiling for another half hour anyway? 
When Clif showed up with the car at his normal time, Jensen was already in the back seat. He smiled at her as she climbed in next to him, the corner of his mouth dropping when she shook her head at him. Jensen nodded his understanding.
Y/n stared out the window as the lights of the city flashed passed them, one hand on her chin as she chewed on the nail of her thumb. Jensen’s fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her hand to his face, kissing the back of her knuckles. She turned to face him, a weak smile on her lips.
“Take a breath.” Y/n did as she was told, breathing in deeply and holding it for a beat before letting it back out. A move she had perfected years ago when her anxiety first started to go from bad to worse.  She repeated the deep breath a few more times, allowing the action to help the stuttering in her chest slow down to a more bearable rate.
“It’s gonna be a long day.” She noted. Jensen nodded at her and linked his fingers with hers. There wasn’t much else to say between them. She had kept him up to date via text all weekend, so they were on the same page when it came to Jared. 
Friday, she had said all she could to her brother. If he couldn’t accept her apology, what else was she to do? They both knew they had messed up and the guilt that has settled in her chest was suffocating. At this point though, she wouldn’t take any of it back. Jensen was the light she hadn’t known she was missing. He was her safe place, the one person that somehow knew her better than she knew herself. There was nothing that could persuade her from giving that up. Maybe it was selfish, but after everything she figured it was her turn to be a little selfish. If Jared had been there to peer over their shoulders, who’s to say they would have been able to truly find each other. No, that was a risk she couldn’t take. 
They spent the rest of the ride in silence, neither knowing what would greet them when they reached set. With the tension in all of their relationships sure to be noticeable by everyone else, it was best that her and Jensen kept up their facade. The last thing either of them wanted was all their dirty laundry out for everyone to see, something they had come to an agreement on during their many conversations over the weekend. 
Jensen led her towards the makeup trailer as she trailed behind a step. Crew greeted them on their way like usual, a ‘good morning’ here and a nod of a head there. Y/n noted as they walked past the trailers that Jared’s was dark. This didn’t mean much as the set was a large space, and he could still be anywhere. She knew what time he left the apartment, but she couldn’t be sure when he actually arrived on the set, if he had yet done so at all.
Jensen stepped up and pulled open the door to the makeup trailer, allowing her to enter first. She was greeted by a warm smile from Trish as she peeked over Jared’s head. Jared’s body stiffened as he caught his sister's eye in the mirror. Neither of them said a thing, allowing a heaviness to blanket the inside of the trailer. Neither looked away from each other either, their looks of longing and sadness literally mirroring each other’s. They stayed that way for what felt like minutes when in reality it was less than thirty seconds. Just enough time for Jensen to enter behind her, his visage in the mirror stealing Jared’s attention. 
“Morning.” Trish broke the silence in the trailer as the door shut behind Jensen, who muttered a noncommittal response along with Y/n. Trish’s brow furrowed slightly, now picking up on the energy in the room, though she chose not to say anything. 
“It seems like the sun might actually be on our side today.” Y/n noted, trying to break the tension and pull Trish’s focus. They had an outside shoot, and originally the forecast had called for rain, switching at the last minute to partly cloudy. 
“As long as Jared here doesn’t sweat off all my hard work.” Trish teased as she leaned back to inspect her work. Jared’s clipped voice cut through the light conversation.
“Am I done?” Trish nodded, a soft ‘of course’ leaving her mouth. The poor woman had no idea what to make of the sudden mood shift in Jared. He jumped up from his chair and exited the trailer, the door slamming behind him. Y/n flinched at the noise and shared a quick, tense look with Jensen before Trish rounded on them, the furrow in her brow insisting on some answers.
“What’s up with him?” 
“I’m not exactly sure.” Y/n lied, the words tumbling out of her mouth like vomit. “I haven’t spoken to him at all today.” That part wasn't a lie, though she didn’t feel any better about it. The purse in Trish’s lips had Y/n’s heart rate picking up for a moment as she tried to assess if the woman believed her. Trish hummed under her breath, content for now not to ask anymore questions. She collected her things in silence, bidding Jensen and Y/n a goodbye in no time. Y/n let out the breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. 
“I can’t do this.” She hung her head as the tears returned. Never before did she think she could cry this much, and she already admits to being a crier. She had been so sure that her tear ducts would have run dry from how much they were being used. A sob shook her chest as she just let go in the presence of just Jensen.
“Hey, come here.” Jensen’s hands found her waist and pulled her to sit in his lap, her legs laying across his own. “Please, don’t cry. Jared just needs more time.” His thumbs wiped the streams flowing down her cheeks away, the action in vain as the salty liquid just kept coming. 
“I know, but I’m not sure how much longer I can handle this. I’ve never seen my brother like this and I just feel so damn guilty.” 
“I get it, I do. But honey, you’ve said your peace. What else can you do?” Jensen placed a soft kiss to her forehead. Her breathing was beginning to even out as she got control of her emotions, allowing the proximity of Jensen to ease her mind. At least, she knew that she was not alone in all of this. There was one person that could understand this feeling in her gut. A soft hiccup fell from her lips before she spoke again. 
“Beg for his forgiveness.” She suggested.
“If that’s really what you want to do, I’m here for you.” Jensen promised her, his eyes intent on hers as he made his promise known. A hint of a smirk appeared at the corner of his lips, offering her a view of her favorite dimple. He understood the hyperbole in her statement, something that she could never repay him for. Even still, she wasn’t completely opposed to the idea. It was just something to add to her list of the ways he had changed her life and view on the world.
The rest of their day consisted of much of the same. Jared was absent when he absolutely was not needed on the set. Though both of them still delivered Sam and Dean like they have been for the past fifteen years. Not that she doubted either of them. They were still professionals after all. The one big difference became their demeanor in between takes. 
Y/n could tell people were clearly suspicious of both of the men’s activity, it was written all over their faces. Though, not one of them chose to comment, much like their dear Trish. She wasn’t sure it would last. Someone was bound to open their mouth sooner or later. She was just surprised it came almost a week and a half later. 
Things had not gotten better in any sense of the word. Jared hadn’t said anything to either of them since the incident. Only interacting with Jensen when the script dictated so. It was the director who opened his mouth after the two men were struggling to connect for the first time in fifteen years. 
“Okay, what is up with you two?” The man came out from behind the camera, his ball cap low on his head as he yelled cut. He hadn’t been getting the performance out of the boys for the dramatic brother scene they were filming today, and he knew something was up. 
“Nothing.” Jared’s nostrils flared as he spoke, one of his little indicators that Y/n had picked up on growing up. He was annoyed and trying desperately to hide it. 
“Bullshit. You guys haven’t so much as said two words to each other this whole episode.” 
“It’s just stress. We are coming up on the end here and I think we are all getting a little emotional.” Jensen stepped up to offer an explanation. 
“I’ve known you both for years. I’ve seen you go through all sorts of things, and never before have I seen this coldness between the two of you.” 
“It’s nothing. I’m sorry. We will get it right.” Jensen promised. Though he didn’t seem convinced, the director left the two standing on stage and returned to his seat behind the camera. 
“I’m so sick of you.” Jared’s voice was soft, but Jensen heard it. 
“Excuse me?” He rounded on Jared.
“You heard me. You always think you know best. Nice cover story for Bill, didn’t want to tell him the real reason why I can’t even look at you?” Jared hissed. Jensen had no idea where this was coming from. Sure, he knew Jared was pissed, but he had never seen him act out like this. It was scaring him to be completely honest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would want our business spreading around the set. You know how gossip can travel, especially when it involves the leads.” Jensen shot back. Trish nudged Y/n’s shoulder when she noticed the heated exchange between the actors. Y/n whipped around to where she had indicated. From her spot, she couldn’t hear exactly what was happening, but it was a safe bet that it had to do with her.  
“I’m not the one that has anything to be ashamed about. I’m the victim here.” Jared shoved Jensen. The force wasn’t anything that the man could’ve done at his full strength, but it was enough for Jensen to stumble backwards on his feet. Jensen made no move to react, instead simply accepting the punishment that Jared was dealing out for him. 
It was what happened next that was a blur. Jensen’s lack of a reaction seemed to only piss Jared off more, and he moved to push Jensen harder this time. Jensen dodged the movement, ready this time, only for a swarm of crew members to step between them before things could escalate even further.
Y/n couldn’t focus on anything but the sound of her heart thrumming in her ears as the tears threatened to fall once again. The sounds of grumbled shouts from the director for everyone to take a thirty minute break sounded like she was underwater. Jared was pushed back from the set by someone with their hand against his shoulder. Jensen walked off on his own in the opposite direction. 
What did it feel like to be kicked in the gut? Right now she was sure the feeling in her abdomen was a close approximation. The two men she loved most in this world were at odds because of her. Panic, guilt and fear all swirled into one nauseating sensation. She just wanted the world to stop, if only for a few hours, so she could get her shit together. So she could figure out a way to fix all of this. She had to fix this.
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Part 20
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Forevers: @spn-impala​​ @22sarah08​​ @turtlepad​​ @callmekda​​ @chaldei​​ @hobby27​​ @cowboysnwinchesters​​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @pikabootoyouchu​​ @dawnie1988​​ @grease222​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @polina-93​​ @clarinette07​​ @moonlight-babeh​​ @suckerforfanfics​​ @witandnargles​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @geeksareunique​ @akshi8278​
Et Cetera: @jbbarnesgirl​ @hillface89​ @arses21434​ @thevelvetseries​ @sslater34​ @mrsirishboru​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @encounterthepast​ @facadeformyrealblog  @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @heartinmyhead1​ @1d-killed-me​ @samsgirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @woodworthti666​ @supraveng​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @heartsaved​ @know2grow​ @littlewhiterose​ @surprisinglysarah​ @stoneyggirl​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @thebookisbtr​ @youaremyfiveever​ @kalesrebellion​ @lilulo-12​ @winchester-fantasies​ @vicmc624​ @supernatural3002​ @winchester-writes​ 
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