#Sam and Van Helsing going up and up despite this meaning their possible death
immediatebreakfast · 11 months
Context to the Sam and Frodo comment.
Frodo wearing the Ring of power, the corrupting power of Sauron who made the ring is rendering Frodo more and more unable to move. But he must go up to the mountain and burn the ring in the lava there.
Sam who is his companion in the quest, literally carries him there when Frodo can't move.
So Van Helsing carrying Mina to the carriage is similar.
Oh, now with the context added it is a really similar premise of carrying someone who bears a burden greater than themselves.
What I do know about the ring is that tempts the person wearing it with promises of power, infinite riches and stuff like that. So, if Frodo is still wearing the ring without problems, and the only thing left is make him unable to move, then he must have a resilience that rivals Mina's with her carrying the mark of the Host on her forehead.
Good catch! I love when we can identify stuff like this between literary genres.
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writingwhywhywhy · 5 years
Derailed Chapter 7
To say the silence was awkward would be incorrect. There was a taste of the unknown mixed with reason, understanding, and sadness. You knew you had other options, and there would be little resistance from the people on this road trip with you. Part of you regrets calling anyone about the pregnancy. Part of you regretted choosing the backseat because Elijah and Dean had the opportunity to both sit in the back with you.
 "I need more information before anything is planned. Obviously they might be vampires due to Elijah or they could be something else. They might be human but not biological mine. If that's the case there could be two mothers involved. They may not want me around." You said hoping to clarify everything.
The next question you knew was coming. You were ready and prepared. You never wanted to answer it. When the question came, it felt like it came from everyone in the car despite Klaus asking. "So when were you going to tell us it was twins?"
"Well today after the results." You answered starting out the window at the landscapes passing by in a blur.
This quiet was new. It had anger, questioning, and understanding. You knew Dean and Elijah knew exactly why you had waited. That's why the next question came again from the front seat. "You had five days to tell anyone. Why didn't you?" Klaus asked angrily
You took a pause and a deep breath. "Because I thought it would be easier on the non father to have lost the opportunity for one child not two." You answered still focused on the road.
The next question caught you off guard and took your attention from the road. "Why did you call us at all?" Dean had asked
You were a bit stunned. You were prepared for any other question and you felt this answer was very obvious. You looked for the right words. They were no where in sight so you decided to open your mouth and speak anyway. "Look, I couldn't live with not telling you." You answered
"I am 100% sure you and the children would have been safer if we never knew." He retorted
"You know what Dean, you have claimed to know what would keep me safe since the day we met. You constantly try to make me stay behind like some little child in need of protection. I am a grown woman and a hunter." You snarled at him ready to tear him apart.
Luckily for Dean, Elijah had sat next to you. "Clam down." Elijah said
"Like a blo-" Dean started
"You finish that sentence Dean, I dare you." You said a bit more clam.
The car ride settled a bit after that. The boys switched off on driving. You wanted a shift but that was the one thing the four of them could agree on. "I am just as safe driving as riding." You mumbled from your permanent seat in the back
You were very relieved to arrive at the compound. It had a call of home about it. Once you saw Freya you ran to her. The two of you embraced. "I missed you. So did my fiance." Freya told you.
"Well I was planning on coming to the wedding." You said, knowing it was a lie and that Freya could tell, but with the emotion that you really had wanted to come.
"So for the tests I need to run, I just need Y/N." Freya said finally acknowledging the men still behind you.
You could almost feel Dean tense. He maybe here to get these things done but he still wasn't a massive fan of magic, especially considering how much death it could bring. You could almost see the four of them opening their mouths to protest Freya running the test without them there. So you linked your arms and said "Let's get this startled."
The two of you fled to her safe space for magic. The door was locked behind the two of you. "So what do you need from me first?" You asked Freya.
"Patience and a bit of time. Then a few drops of blood." Freya replied turning and pulling out spell books
"So how long do you think we can leave them down there before they start killing each other?" You joked
"Good news is Keelin should be getting off her shift at the hospital in about 10 minutes. So hopefully peace will rain until then." Freya said.
Luckily for everyone, they had decided to sit in complete silence. Keelin came home to the four of them just sitting. She ignored them to grab a shower and a nap. They ignored her also. You would think they could have processed everything already but they needed some more time.
Unable to check on them, you worried instead. You let your mind wander to the darkest parts. What would happen if the twins were Van Helsing and Dracula? How can you keep them from harming each other? Elijah and Klaus would have fights that made Dean and Sam's look like nothing but a shouting match. You had a bit of a temper also and you were stubborn as hell when it came to things that mattered. Would they tear each other apart?
"Well I have the answers but they don't make sense." Freya said after a few hours.
"What do you mean?" You asked
"I mean the way they came to be, shouldn't be the way they were created." Freya said
"Freya you are talking in riddles. Can you tell me what is going on plainly?" You asked
"They are yours. They aren't vampires." (You started to count this as a win) "But they are witches, and they were created with the help of magic." She said dismantling your win.
"So what was the source of the magic?" You asked
"You are the source." Freya replied
You started laughing. "Freya that has to be the best..." You swallowed the rest of the sentence once you saw the look in Freya's eyes.
There was a heartbeat. "How?" You asked the universe
"That's one of the points that doesn't make sense. You didn't will them into being, so how did they get here? And why are they both witches?" With that Freya added two more questions to the universe.
"Can you find any of those answers?" You asked
"That I need time to look for." Freya said
"You also probably need to rest. I think we all do. It's been a bit busy." You said acknowledging the tiredness you felt. "Plus I would like to talk to that fiance of yours. I might have to give her the talk. You know break Freya's heart and I break your face."
"That is going to terrify her." Freya said sarcastically
"I know." You chirped heading towards the main area of the compound.
"Keelin." You called
As you entered the area where the boys had camped, Keelin also walked in and repiled "Y/n"
"You know we never had the if you break her heart I beat you up talk. If you ever so much as make Freya cry, we are going to have it out." You said ignoring the impatient faces with questions.
"You terrify me so. I promise not to hurt Freya." Keelin said with sarcasm
"That's great, because she is my bestfriend. I would literally kill someone for her." You replied
"As lovely as this banter is, did we get any answers?" Niklaus asked angrily
"They were created with magic. They are mine and somehow they channeled or used me to flow the magic through. Freya is working on the source." You replied
"First I need some rest. I am pretty sure we all do." Freya said
That sent Dean and Sam to the car to grab their duffel bags, and Niklaus off to sulk. Elijah stopped you from going to far by grabbing your hand. "Your old duffel bag is still in my room, if you want to get into the shower right away." He politely mentioned.
"The one I left here almost a year ago. You should probably have thrown it out considering it has holy water in it." You said jokingly
His eyes met yours. You knew he couldn't throw out anything that had belonged to you. After you saw that in his eyes, a part of you needed to get as far away from him as possible. If he kept staring into your eyes, you would cave to your feelings and beg for him back. You could not and would not do that. "Great. Hopefully you don't mind if I use your shower." You said pulling your hand from his and bolting up the stairs.
He broke your heart and you don't want that again. You said to yourself. You found the duffel bag in the exact place you had left it a year ago. You randomly pulled out some clothes and took them with you to the bathroom. Inside the shower you found your hygiene products restocked like you had never left. You tried not to think about that too much as you washed as much of the day away as you could. As soon as you were done you threw on the clothes you had picked. You noticed they smelled fresher than they should have for sitting there for a year.
You went downstairs to figure out sleeping arrangements. Dean's voice carried to you on your way to him. "Grabbed your duffel bag from  the Impala. Elijah said you had left a few clo-" he stopped once he saw you.
He stared at you. Several emotions flickered across his face, affection and shock being two of them. You looked down. You had pulled out a tshirt you had stolen from Dean years ago, after the first time you slept with him. You cursed Elijah for keeping your bag and cursed him again for at least not throwing out your shirts from before. "I think that shirt belongs to me." Dean said with a flirty smile.
You started to go red. "Well it never had your name on it." You said trying to get your blush to go away.
Before Dean could respond, Elijah walked in. "Would you and Sam like separate rooms or would you like to share the same one?" Elijah asked ignoring anything else that might be going on.
"Together. Not ideal to sleep in a vampire's home, especially too far away from each other." Dean stated.
"Well having hunters under this roof is not something I thought I would live to see." Elijah replied
This was a very civilized conversation for the two of them and you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. Then it hit you, they were also waiting for another shoe to drop. Civil until the shoe did drop. Waiting for this to go crazy, just like everything else in their lives. But on some level that was just life, and most people enjoyed the moment instead of waiting for the ballon to pop. "I am going to take Haley's old room if that's okay?" You asked Elijah.
"Technically it's Kol's and I don't think he would mind." Elijah corrected you.
"If that's the case, I am going to hit the hay." You said grabbing your other duffel bag and heading upstairs.
You weren't sure you could handle this. You also didn't know what to do once you found the source of your pregnancy. You had a million things to figure out and a lot of things you didn't want to think about. You knew two facts. One you loved Elijah and two you also loved Dean. After today, you thought maybe they loved you back.
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