#Sale of The Los Angeles Dodgers
thenewdemocratus · 1 year
The Nation:Dave Zirin: Taking Back The Los Angeles Dodgers?'
The Nation: Opinion: Dave Zirin: Taking Back The Los Angeles Dodgers? This post was originally posted at FRS Daily Journal on WordPress I’m not a Socialist in any form, even though I do read The Nation Magazine and I’m in favor of a limited safety Net. Limited form of a safety net being the key words there. But as a Liberal I’m also not a big fan of centralized power, whether it comes from the…
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gucciwins · 5 months
harry brings his girlfriend home to meet his family but it does not go as planned
word count: 5896
a/n: enjoy this story inspired by a lovely anon. happy reading, my sweet friends 💜
Y/N was nervous. 
She squeezed Harry’s hand, trying to ground herself, but it seemed to transport her to the first time they met at the diner down the street from her apartment. 
Going to university in Los Angeles wasn’t glamorous, not when she had endless bills to pay to keep a roof over her head. She had gone to Martha’s Cakes, a small diner ten minutes from her apartment that served the best hot chocolate. The food was good too but the hot chocolate is what she ordered each visit without fail. It’s a place she’d eat when Y/N had a bit of extra to spend on herself. Instead of buying herself new shoes, or another jelly cat bag charm (Otto, the sausage dog, went everywhere with her) she decided on eating a good meal that didn’t consist of ramen or buttered noodles. She came here when she needed a pick me up or simply wanted to have a nice conversation. It was a late Tuesday in the Spring. Where the sun took longer to come down, allowing her extra time at the bar to do assignments and chat with Antonio about the best produce sales. Y/N had her head down working on an essay due two weeks from now. It was based on one of Los Angeles buildings; it could be based on the oldest church to the Dodger Stadium. Y/N decided on the Avila Adobe residence. Known as the oldest standing residence in the City of Los Angeles. Olvera St. was a famous street and was filled with history. It was one of her favorite places to walk through. 
As she was looking through photos, taking notes of significant dates, a patron sat next to her. Y/N didn’t bother seeing who it was, simply scooting her scattered papers closer to her, tucking a few under her laptop. 
“It’s not bothering me.” A man spoke. 
It startled Y/N only because he had a deep British voice. It felt odd to be hearing in such an unknown area. 
“Darla would throw coffee on it if she saw I was bothering a customer.” 
“I said it’s okay.” 
Y/N laughs. “She would say it wasn’t.” 
It seems the man lets it drop as he has nothing to reply. Y/N keeps up with updating her notes as she hears the man order a stack of the lemon poppy pancakes. Those were her favorite, Y/N would get them when she was having a bad day because it would without a fail make her smile. Y/N worked in silence over the next half hour when she felt the need to step to the restroom. Y/N did not want to pack up. Usually she asks a staff member to watch her items, but the diner seemed to be a bit busier. She looked around and her eyes landed on the pancake guy who had his headphones on. She hated bothering people, but he looked kind enough. 
Y/N tapped next to his plate to get his attention. It worked because in seconds he slipped off his headphones and had turned his whole body to look at her. It gave her the chance to look at him fully for the first time. He had a buzz cut, and it looked really good. He had slight stubble, but what captured her attention were his bright jade eyes. It felt like he was staring deep into her soul.
“Do–uh–Would you please watch my stuff? I have to use the ladies’ room.”
“Course. Guard it with my life.” 
Y/N thanked him and hurried away. When she came back, the man had slightly shifted over, his eyes staring intently at the dark screen of her laptop. 
“Thank you,” she shot him a smile. Waking up her screen and getting back to her assignment, except she couldn’t get the man out of her head. 
The dimples were something she focused on when he smiled, telling her it was no problem. Then his green eyes were so beautiful she felt she had seen them before. Though she could swear she had never met him before. She did have a weird feeling she had seen him before. Once it hit eight o’clock, Y/N knew it was time to call it. Y/N had her rough draft ready and could continue tomorrow. For now, she’d walk home and take a bath to wash away today’s day. 
Y/N was packing up and could see the green-eyed gentleman was too. She would hate herself if she didn’t ask him where she knew him from, if she knew him. Y/N had her bag strapped on her shoulder and turned to him for the last time. 
“Excuse me, sir?”
He turned, as if he was waiting to hear from her. “Yes?” 
“How do I know you?” 
The man’s smile dropped. He looked confused, so she didn’t know him. 
“Don’t think we’ve met, until today, Y/N.”
Y/N’s frown deepens. “I didn’t tell you my name.”
He pointed to her bag. She looks down at the red stitching displaying her name. Well, now she looked dumb. Of course, he could read. “You look familiar to me. Sorry if that’s weird.”
The guy clears his throat, shaking his head. “I get that a lot.” 
That’s odd, Y/N thought. 
“I feel like I know you,” she tried one last time. 
“Promise we don’t know each other. I would remember someone as beautiful as you.” 
Y/N’s jaw dropped (not literally), but her face felt warm. Fuck, she was not expecting this turn of event. “Ha, uh. I want to say me too, but uh, there’s something familiar about you.” 
Harry chuckles as if he knows something she doesn’t. 
“Can I walk you out?” He asks. 
She nods. He leaves a large tip and follows her to the exit. Y/N ways to Sonia, who shoots her thumbs up, but Y/N has no idea why. Y/N and the man linger outside the door, waiting to see who makes the first move. 
“Well, uh, can I have your Instagram?” Y/N asks, not knowing if asking for his number was too forward. At least this way she could stalk him for a bit. 
“Oh, I don’t use that. I can give you my number,” he counters. 
Y/N perks up. “That works.” She hands him her phone where she watches his hands type in his phone number into her contacts. He hands her back her phone, and she looks at the newly added contact. 
Harry S. 
It seemed that’s all she needed for her to connect the dots. She lifts her head up and Harry has a flushed face. He didn’t look away from her, almost waiting to see what she’d say. 
Y/N not sure how to break the silence. “Harry Sanchez?” 
Harry laughs, and it’s all the confirmation Y/N needs. “More like Styles.” 
Did she fuck up her chances? She feels like she didn’t. She got his number. 
“What can I use your number for?” She asks, wanting to double check. He still wants her to have it.
“Hopefully for us to plan a date.” 
“Even after this,” she points between them as if to explain what they know just happened. 
“I’d like to see where it could go.” 
“Shit, uh. Well–I’m free Thursday.” Harry smirks, making her want to crawl in a hole because now she feels desperate. “I’m going to leave.”
Harry stops her by grabbing her hand. “I think Thursday is perfect. Are you up for a sunset dinner by the beach?” 
“Sounds perfect,” she promised him. 
“Good. Thursday it is.”
Now she is standing in front of his childhood home, about to meet his mother and older sister. Y/N had spoken to his mother, Anne, on the phone a few times, but his sister was always busy when Harry tried to pass her the phone. Harry promised her it would go well, but she feared the worst. Their story was genuine but to others could sound fabricated but come on, no one knows Martha’s cakes, it’s not even on Yelp. It’s a place once stumbled upon and then shares the magic with people in their life. 
Harry said he felt like coffee and walked for a while until he saw people walk out. The smell of coffee is what drew him in, but the pretty girl he sat next to had him stay for hours. It’s something he shared months down the line. Y/N and Harry had now been together for nine months. Because of her Master’s Y/N had no time to travel. Harry visited home often, but Y/N couldn’t drop everything she was doing to go with him. He understood, but she felt his family wouldn’t. Harry met her dad and twin brothers six months into dating because they lived down in San Diego, only a two-hour drive from them. While Harry’s family lived an ocean away and she refused for him to pay for her flight to London. On top of that, she had classes and exams to worry about that did not allow her to hop on a flight for a week. Thankfully, she made it through the winter semester and had a few weeks off from her internship before going back for her last semester. Y/N knew graduation was just around the corner, and thankfully, had little debt to pay off.
Harry held her tight as he led her up the steps. Y/N was walking slower, trying to prolong the introduction. In her mind, she hoped she was simply psyching herself out and that things actually went well with Harry’s family. That they accepted her because they could see how much she loved him. 
“You ready, Lovie?” Harry flashed her a dimpled grin.
Truthfully, she wanted to say no, but Y/N couldn’t do that to him. Not when he was bouncing with excitement. “Ready.” She confirmed. 
Harry gave two loud knocks and then opened the front door. Y/N stood behind him as he rushed to embrace his mother. Anne was a sweet woman, much shorter than Harry, but by the tight embrace she held Harry, Y/N could tell she was strong. 
Anne gave Harry two big kisses, one on each cheek, before turning her attention to Y/N. 
“Y/N!” Anne cheered. She said it with so much delight, it surprised Y/N. 
In a matter of seconds, someone tightly wrapped Y/N in a hug, which she quickly reciprocated. “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Twist.” 
Anne waved her off. “Call me Anne, my dear.” 
“Anne,” Y/N repeated.
“Now come in and tell me all about the trip. Did he trick you into going to that fancy lounge where you get free food?” Y/N giggled because Harry indeed took her to a fancy lounge when he said he was taking her to get a smoothie. 
Y/N spared a smile at Harry, but it was quick to fall when Y/N met another pair of eyes in the kitchen, looking at her with an intense stare. It dropped quickly because her attention shifted to Harry. Y/N focused back on Anne, trying to brush off the moment as something she imagined. 
Y/N tried her best to ignore the pit forming in her stomach. There was no need to worry. Harry talked about wonderful things about his family. She was in safe hands. At least that’s what she kept reminding herself.
Y/N didn’t feel welcome. Anne was a gem, but Gemma was cold and looked bored whenever Y/N said a word. Y/N wondered if Harry picked up on it. He hadn’t said a word. Harry was home and had no time to deal with Y/N’s insecurities. She had to be reading into Gemma, not liking her. Harry spoke the world of his older sister. He said she was his best friend, someone whose opinion he valued. Fear struck her. If Gemma didn’t like her after this visit, she knew that as soon as she got on that plane to go home, Harry would be breaking up with her. At least she’d had several hours to cry about on the plane pathetically.  
“There’s no way she didn’t know who you were,” Gemma scoffed, unbelieving of their story. 
Harry brushed off her comment as if she said nothing. “Gem, I was bald.” 
“Your face didn’t change.”
Harry sighs, “no, but you did a double take when I showed up to your doorstep to show you.” 
Gemma frowns, knowing he was right. “Whatever, you were all over twitter.” 
Harry is beginning to pick up on his sister’s defense and knows to drop it but will be picking it up with her later. “Anyway. Sitting next to each other, she asked me to watch her stuff when she had to use the restroom.”
“To look you up,” Gemma coughs.
Y/N fidgets in her chair, wanting to be anywhere but here. Harry continues with his story. “She thanked me and went back to her work. Before she left, Y/N asked if we knew each other, but I told her we didn’t. I wouldn’t forget someone as beautiful as her.” 
“Charming,” Anne gloats. “My charming boy.” 
Harry finished the story, stating it was meant to be. He had loved spending the time in Los Angeles getting to see the city through Y/N’s eyes. It’s a city she’s been living in for a couple of years. There was a lot for her to share with him. Harry had taken a liking to her favorite coffee shop. It had a design resembling a greenhouse and filled with plants, mainly featuring dried lavender. Truthfully, he spent a lot of time there because it was Y/N’s preferred place to study because it never got busy. Y/N called it her hidden gem. 
“I’ve never been happier,” Harry shares. Y/N beams at his words but can’t help glancing at Gemma, who can’t help but look sick to her stomach at hearing this news.
Dinner passed dreadfully slowly. Y/N comments when she needs to but honestly hopes to disappear for the night soon, no longer wanting to burden Gemma with her presence. While Anne showed Y/N where she could freshen up, Harry stayed downstairs to share a nightcap with his sister. 
Anne comes back to join them, but Gemma bites her tongue until their mother bids them goodnight. Harry gives his mother a tight embrace, commenting on how much he missed her. Gemma was happy her younger brother was home. 
“Are you happy, Harry?” Gemma breaks the silence that had fallen between them.
Harry sighs, “never been happier.” 
Gemma frowns, because she believes him. “I-I-nevermind.” 
Harry frowns because Gemma is never someone to stop herself from saying what’s on her mind. “Hey,” he places his hand on top of hers. “It’s me. Your annoying younger brother, you can tell me anything.” 
She removes her hand from under his and places them on her lap. “I don’t think she’s right for you.”
Harry sits back, surprised. “Sorry?”
“It’s clear she’s after something.” 
He’s having a hard time believing his sister. “Like what?”
“Your money.” 
“Is that all I’m good for?” He asks, baffled. 
“No. That’s why I’m telling you. She’s after one thing.” 
“How would you know?”
“Come on,” Gemma scoffs. “She goes to a prestigious school with a cost that no one could afford. It’s clear she wants you to pay for it.” 
“Gemma, I met her during her last year.”
“Debt doesn’t go away overnight,” she fights back. “She’ll get you to pay off her loans and leave you.”
Harry’s anger is overwhelming him. 
“You don’t even know her. Yet you say bad things about her.” It shuts Gemma up, and he uses that to his advantage and walks away.
“We saw the donation you made,” Gemma comments before he can make it up the stairs. 
He turns back, trying his best to swallow down his anger. “If you would have asked me, you would know it’s for the music program. I did that for several universities if you would have taken the time to do a bit more research. It grants them a scholarship, plus pays for room and board.” 
Gemma has no response. Harry is now standing in front of her and Gemma is nervous. She had never seen her brother this upset. 
“What I do with my money is my problem. If she wanted me to send her money for a new car, I would. If she wanted me to buy her a piece of land, I would do it in a blink of an eye. If Y/N asked me to give her every last dime in my account, I would do it without a second thought because I love her. I love her and she loves me. You know, five minutes is not enough to judge her. I do not have to tell you of her financial issues, but I will so you can go home tonight and sleep knowing how upset I am with you. Y/N received the presidential scholarship covering her tuition for the three years she was there. Y/N has applied to hundreds of scholarships to cover her book fees, and has to take on an unpaid internship while working 40 hours a week to cover her rent. Y/N has not accepted a single dime from me for her school because she has gotten this far without me. Y/N only lets me pay for her seven dollar coffee every other day. Y/N would rather give every last dollar to me if I needed it instead of keeping it for herself. Y/N still sends money to her twin brothers for new shoes, or new backpacks, because she loves her family.” 
Harry is near tears but keeps going. “I love Y/N. You might not, maybe you never will, but that girl has been the best thing to happen to me. I’ve never been more cared for and loved since she entered my life. So please, don’t bother coming back tomorrow or the rest of the week unless you have an apology for her.”
Y/N is grateful Harry’s room connects to the bathroom because, while she finished getting ready, she thought she would ask Harry for a cup of water and instead stumbled upon a conversation she shouldn’t have. Y/N tries her best to swallow her tears, but it’s no use. They’re more powerful than her. They stream down and Y/N decides to lie in bed, hoping by the time Harry comes in, she’s fast asleep. Y/N isn’t sure how much time has passed, but her tears have dried up and she’s as still as a rock when she hears Harry come in. She wants to tell him that she’s not worth defending if it means he’s messing up his relationship with his sister.
She hears him get ready for bed. Y/N knows he’s folding his clothes and placing them on the chair. He’s meticulous about his night-time routine. He crawls into bed next to her. Y/N tries her best to steal her breathing to make it seem like she’s sleeping, but Harry knows her too well. He scoots right behind her, his hand sliding over her hips and settling on her stomach, right by the scar she got on her eight birthday when she fell off her bike. Harry rubs the lifted skin, where she got four stitches. 
Y/N lets out a deep breath, working up the courage to say something, but her throat is closed. She relaxes against him. All her tears dried up. She is beginning to feel better now that she’s with him. A kiss to her temple has her heart slowing down. This is what it is to be protected. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N croaks out when she feels like enough time has passed. 
Harry pulls her tight against him. It fills her with ease. “How much did you hear?”
Y/N shakes her head. “I don’t want you to argue with your family.” 
“It’s only my sister,” he defends.
“She’s an important person in your life. You’ve always specified that.” 
Harry sighs. He leaves a kiss behind Y/N’s ear. “You are important to me, too.”
“You don’t need to be fighting. It’s not necessary.” 
“It is when she needs a wack to her head.” 
“Harry,” Y/N drags out. “I don’t want you burning bridges.”
Harry understood where she was coming from, but Y/N was not seeing how it affected him as well. “We’ll be fine. She’s my sister. We’ll talk in a few days. All this will be in the past.”
Y/N freezes, feeling as if someone dropped a cold bucket of water on her. If Harry believes everything will be alright with his sister, that means he sees himself forgiving her for what she said but also means he would be getting rid of the problem. Her. 
Harry was going to be breaking up with her. This started her tears to fall again, only this time she couldn���t keep quiet. They were pouring out of her at a quick rate. He was quick to sit up bringing Y/N with him.
“Hey, hey,” Harry cooed. “What happened? What did I do?”
“Y-y-you,” she stuttered. Nothing was coming out. 
He would not rush her. Instead, he shifted her to straddle his lap. Y/N tucked her head into his neck. Hary felt his neck dampen with tears. He pressed soft kisses to her hair, whispering “I love you,” hoping it would be enough to calm her. He snaked a hand under her night shirt softly running his nails up and down her back. Y/N curled in closer at the action. His sweet girl was feeling overwhelmed, and he felt awful because he wasn’t being helpful. 
Y/N pulled away. Her eyes were puffy and tears streaming down her cheeks. Harry still thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her hands moved from her side up to his neck, she settled them on his cheek. She caressed his face, calming him down. He hadn’t realized how overwhelmed he was, but it’s clear Y/N could see what he needed even in her moments of sadness. 
“I don’t want to lose you,” Y/N voiced. “I love you. I love you so much.”
Harry frowned. No one had said anything about him leaving. He would never dream of walking away from her. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“But Gemma–”
He cuts her off. “Gemma doesn’t know you like I do. She is looking out for me and I know she meant no harm, but she went about all this wrong. She decided to judge us, judge you before getting to know you.”
Y/N did no wrong. She was nothing Gemma accused her of. Y/N knew that, of course she did, but Y/N hoped to impress his family, not make them upset. 
“I know you, Lovie. My mum knows you. Mostly, you know yourself. Your character speaks for you and it has never been anything but kind and loving.”
Harry’s words slowly begin to mend her heart.
“I love you, Harry.” 
He connects his lips with hers in a loving kiss. “I love you so much.” 
Y/N falls asleep to Harry’s voice as he sings her to sleep. It’s a lullaby he says his mum would sing when he had a nightmare. While Y/N didn’t know how tomorrow would go, she was happy to have Harry at her side.
The morning passed slowly between the three of them. They shared stories with Anne, Harry, catching her up on his upcoming plans. Y/N talked about her looming graduation and told Anne about her thesis project. Anne promised to make the trip for her graduation, something Harry couldn’t stop gloating about how she was top of her class on her way to graduate summa cum laude. Y/N had stepped outside wanting to enjoy all the open land Anne had. The cats happily roamed around Y/N as she settled in the grass. Y/N thought of her dad at home and what he’d have to say about the situation. He’d probably tell her to run while she could, but Y/N knew Harry was her person. Y/N laid down, closed her eyes and took in all the surrounding noise. She heard birds chirping, a purring in the distance and the rush of the wind hitting the wind chimes. It was perfect. 
There was a loud band that had Y/N sitting up in a hurry. She looked back and realized it was the back door. Anne had stepped out, Y/N could see Harry in the kitchen, hands moving rapidly, and she knew he wasn’t alone. Anne sat not to Y/N, neither of them saying a word. 
“My daughter owes you an apology.” 
She stops Y/N. “No, I raised her better than that. I’m not sure when she got so protective, but it’s clearly not for the best. Harry is nearing 30 he doesn’t need his sister looking out for him. While I’m glad they have each other, this was unnecessary. It caused a lot of hurt that should have never existed.” 
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to talk to her if you’re not comfortable.”
Y/N didn’t know how to feel. She dreaded talking to Gemma, but Y/N knew she’d feel worse if she went home and never talked this out with her. “I’m willing. I-I might need time to forgive her.” 
Anne squeezed Y/N’s hand. “That’s perfectly alright. Now tell me about these brothers of yours.” 
Y/N spent the rest of the evening with Anne, forgetting about her problems. It isn’t until Harry called them both in for dinner that they realized they spent hours outside. 
Harry greeted her with a kiss.
Dinner went off without a hitch, the three of them sharing all kinds of stories. Mostly Harry interrupting Anne to tell her a new story about Y/N he remembered. Harry that night promised he was alright with Gemma. He was feeling hurt. Assured her he loved her, but needed time to move past it. 
Y/N woke up early the next morning and decided to go on a walk along the river. Harry told her it felt never ending. They had walked it once every day, but today she went alone, letting Harry sleep in but also have that extra time with Anne. As Y/N walked, she thought of her brothers and how they would love to be throwing rocks in the river. Y/N was sure one of them would even fall in on accident. The weather would pique her dad’s interest. He was a sunshine man. She was sure the gloomy weather would be too much for him to handle. 
Two hours later, Y/N came back and was taken aback by Gemma’s presence on the front steps of the house, holding a thermal mug. 
“Hi,” Y/N greeted. 
“Morning, nice walk?” Gemma asked. 
Small talk. It was safe. “Mhm, Harry showed me the trail he liked to walk on.” 
“Mmm…coffee?” Gemma offered.
“Uh, I’m okay,” Y/N rejected.
Gemma looked dejected, but continued on. “Do-Is it okay if we talk?”
Y/N nodded. “Sure.” 
Y/N approached Gemma sitting on the opposite end of the same step. She wouldn’t be the first to talk, but it looked like Gemma was figuring out her words. 
“I’m sorry” are Gemma’s first words. “I’m sorry talking about you behind your back, even more sorry that you overheard.” Gemma looks sincere, and Y/N nods for her to continue. “I love Harry. He’s the best brother, and a person in general. He cares so much that I fear he’s gotten screwed over so much in life because he trusts with his heart and not his head.”
Y/N frowns, because that’s one of the things she loves most about Harry. How welcoming he is with his kind nature and how much love he spreads every day whether it’s through his music or holding the door open for a stranger. It all adds up to show that he’s a person full of love.
“Those are his mistakes to make. His own hurt to go through. Life isn’t all sunshine.” Y/N tells her. 
Gemma sighs heavily. “I know. Sometimes I feel like he’s still the same kid who cried when I would go out without him.”
“That hasn’t been him for a long time.” 
“I know.”
It’s clear Gemma has something deeper than she has to figure out and talk with Harry about, but it seems that’s a bridge she’ll cross when she is ready. 
“I love Harry. I think we have a wonderful relationship.” Y/N knows Gemma might not want to hear this, but it is important he does. “Harry loves communication. I swear we’ve never had an argument that didn’t end in us making up. He gives me my space but makes sure to be near. I’m reminded of his love every second of every day, whether he’s with me or not. I’m not sure if I make him feel loved every minute, but I do my best to remind him in my actions and words. I’m big on writing notes. He’s received a few love letters. I’m sure he’d show you if you asked.” Gemma tries her best to hide her surprise, but it’s written all over her face. “I’ve only heard wonderful stories about you, Gemma. I’m sure they’re all true, but I know Harry thought we might become friends.” Y/N pauses. “Even if that doesn’t happen, I do want you to know I respect you. For however long I’m around, I know that I respect you, even if it might take some time for me to trust you.” 
Gemma has tears running down her face. “I’m sorry. I never provided you with an opportunity. I’m not sure why I didn’t. I am really sorry. Meeting the family is always hard, and I fucking ruined it.” 
“It’s not okay, but we’ll give it time. Time heals.” 
“Thank you for hearing me out.” Gemma tells her gratefully. 
Y/N smiles. “Are you joining us for breakfast? Harry promised to make lemon ricotta pancakes.” 
“I’d like that. I’ll head in soon. I want to finish my coffee.” 
Y/N heads inside, where she finds Harry at the stove wearing an apron. She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. 
“Morning, pretty girl.” 
Gemma looked dejected, but continued on. “Do-Is it okay if we talk?”
Y/N nodded. “Sure.” 
Y/N approached Gemma sitting on the opposite end of the same step. She wouldn’t be the first to talk, but it looked like Gemma was figuring out her words. 
“I’m sorry” are Gemma’s first words. “I’m sorry talking about you behind your back, even more sorry that you overheard.” Gemma looks sincere, and Y/N nods for her to continue. “I love Harry. He’s the best brother, and a person in general. He cares so much that I fear he’s gotten screwed over so much in life because he trusts with his heart and not his head.”
Y/N frowns, because that’s one of the things she loves most about Harry. How welcoming he is with his kind nature and how much love he spreads every day whether it’s through his music or holding the door open for a stranger. It all adds up to show that he’s a person full of love.
“Those are his mistakes to make. His own hurt to go through. Life isn’t all sunshine.” Y/N tells her. 
Gemma sighs heavily. “I know. Sometimes I feel like he’s still the same kid who cried when I would go out without him.”
“That hasn’t been him for a long time.” 
“I know.”
It’s clear Gemma has something deeper than she has to figure out and talk with Harry about, but it seems that’s a bridge she’ll cross when she is ready. 
“I love Harry. I think we have a wonderful relationship.” Y/N knows Gemma might not want to hear this, but it is important he does. “Harry loves communication. I swear we’ve never had an argument that didn’t end in us making up. He gives me my space but makes sure to be near. I’m reminded of his love every second of every day, whether he’s with me or not. I’m not sure if I make him feel loved every minute, but I do my best to remind him in my actions and words. I’m big on writing notes. He’s received a few love letters. I’m sure he’d show you if you asked.” Gemma tries her best to hide her surprise, but it’s written all over her face. “I’ve only heard wonderful stories about you, Gemma. I’m sure they’re all true, but I know Harry thought we might become friends.” Y/N pauses. “Even if that doesn’t happen, I do want you to know I respect you. For however long I’m around, I know that I respect you, even if it might take some time for me to trust you.” 
Gemma has tears running down her face. “I’m sorry. I never provided you with an opportunity. I’m not sure why I didn’t. I am really sorry. Meeting the family is always hard, and I fucking ruined it.” 
“It’s not okay, but we’ll give it time. Time heals.” 
“Thank you for hearing me out.” Gemma tells her gratefully. 
Y/N smiles. “Are you joining us for breakfast? Harry promised to make lemon ricotta pancakes.” 
“I’d like that. I’ll head in soon. I want to finish my coffee.” 
Y/N heads inside, where she finds Harry at the stove wearing an apron. She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. 
“Morning, pretty girl.” 
“Hi, Harry. I love you.” 
Y/N knows he’s grinning. “I love you too. Even if you left me alone this morning.” 
“I couldn’t sleep,” she defends. “You always told me a morning walk here cleared your head.” 
“And did it?” 
“Mmm…like magic.” 
“Are you okay, Lovie?” Harry turns off the stove. He turns around, setting his hands on Y/N’s waist. His hair makes her laugh as she sees it sticking in different directions. 
“We talked. She apologized. Promise I’m okay. It still hurts, but I’ll try my best to forgive her for you.” 
Harry tuts his tongue. “No, honey.” Y/N tilts her head, confused. “You don’t have to do this for me.” 
“But she’s your–”
“She’s my sister, but that doesn’t mean you have to change how you feel about me. I promise I am with you. She made a mistake, and I’ll forgive her but at my own time. You take your time as well.”
Y/N feels overwhelmed all over again because she really did get lucky with Harry. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more, my love. So much more.” 
Harry gives her a kiss. A promise that everything will be alright.
thank you for reading my beautiful friends! let me know your favorite parts
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shakira-fan-page · 4 months
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Shakira is headlining the “Bésame Mucho” music festival at Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles on December 21st.
Tickets go on sale this Friday.
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argumentl · 1 year
The Freedom of Expression: Vol 17 - Visit to Fussa.
(*In summary form because I feel this would be clearer to read than a transcript this time*)
They start by commenting on how good the weather is, and mentioned that the previous day was really rainy.
Joe points out the tower visible in the opening shot with the words 'AIR FORCE' on it, and jokes that they are in California, but then admits that they are actually in Fussa City, just outside the Yakota American military base. Specifically, they are at the famous Base Side Street, which runs along the National Route 16.
Joe explains that Base Side Street is a stretch of shopping zone that runs for about 1km, and contains many American style shops and restaurants, such as vintage clothes stores, army goods stores etc. Its often named Tokyo's America, where you can get a feel of America even while you are in Tokyo.
Joe then explains that in a recent members only video, they had been discussing ideas about how to spend Golden Week, and Joe had suggested going to Fussa to rumage in the vintage clothes stores. (*Golden Week is the name of the week of national holidays in May*)
Kaoru said he had actually prefered Tasai's suggestion of going to Hawaii, but since they didn't have the buget for that, Joe's suggestion won.
They explain that although this isn't going to be a live broadcast in the true sense, they intend to record continuously, and then broadcast the footage without editing on the 28th, so Joe warns the other two to watch what they say. Kaoru says Joe is the one who needs to watch what he says (*laughs at this*)
Kaoru says he goes to vintage/second hand clothes shops quite regularly.
Joe then says they should absorb the atmosphere of America while they are in this area, and even speak lots of English. (to which Kaoru points out Joe has only used Japanese the whole time).
Tasai reveals he has a bit of spending money given to them by Dwango (*the company who own niconama*) , and they decide to use it to buy a present to give away to one viewer. This adventure will also be a nice treat for those who don't have any trips planned for Golden Week.
As Joe reads out the show info, a helicopter flies overhead, then Tasai mentions that the three of them will be able to watch the broadcast with everyone else when it airs, slightly to their embarrassment.
They get started with the mission by heading into the store in front of them, 'ragFreak'.
Joe jokes that the first thing Tasai looked at was the sale items.
Tasai comments that this store looks like it might stock his size.
Joe says its been quite a few years since he last went shopping for vintage/second hand clothes, although he doesn't really know why.
Kaoru finds a rare addidas jacket with the logo upside down, and the words 'ALT Dimension' on the back, but this item is way out of their budget. Joe suggests a tshirt might be cheaper, and then warns the others that if they start browsing too seriously, the conversion will dry up. This is no good for the broadcast, so 'start talking!'.
Kaoru finds a Los Angeles Dodgers tshirt featuring the player Nomo Hideo, and then Joe then points him in the direction of the black band tshirts.
Tasai reminds them that if they buy a tshirt here, that will already be the end of the broadcast. Joe complains that Dwango should have given them enough money to get food aswell. Always thinking about money, he jokes his name is actually Joe Kanemizo. (kane=money)
Joe finds a few army goods, fitting to the area, and then asks Kaoru if there are particular items he wants to get hold of this year. Kaoru says he is interested in getting a kind of blouson style jacket, and points out the type of thing he likes. He wants it for when the weather starts to get cold again later in the year. Joe asks if he has any preference for material or color, but Kaoru laughs that he is not that serious about it.
Then they take a look at the expensive vintage tshirts in the glass case. For example, the Nirvana shirt costing ¥49,500. Kaoru also notices a Reservoir Dogs shirt for ¥50,000, and says he actually has a shirt the same as the Metallica shirt in the case. Joe tells him to sell it, and take them out for drinks with the proceeds 😆
Joe asks the store owner to open the case and let them have a closer look. The owner explains that all the tshirts in the case are items which customers have sold to him, not Americans but Japanese customers. Joe comments that Americans wouldn't understand this type of shirt being sold for so much.
Kaoru gets out the Nirvana shirt and comments that the bigger the size, the bigger the price usually. Tasai asks him if he likes a bigger size or a close fitting size. Kaoru says he likes bigger, but its a shame about the price.
Joe points out a tshirt for ¥60,000, which he thinks is Sonic Youth, but is actually the expensive brand Saint Michael. Tasai and Kaoru like the damage effect it has. Kaoru also gets out the Reservoir Dogs shirt, which is a vintage shirt made in the movie's original release era. Joe then tells Kaoru to try on some sunglasses, but Kaoru replies, 'Haha, no'.
Kaoru spots some WAKO MARIA shirts on the bottom shelf. Kaoru is very familiar with this brand, but Tasai seems to have never heard of it, asking 'Is this a brand?'. Kaoru tells him that its a Japanese brand and is even currently holding an exhibition.
On his way past, Kaoru spots a Supreme Akira shirt for ¥70,000, and Joe spots a sparkly shirt that looks like something the celebrity Mikawa Kenichi would wear. He tells Kaoru to try it, but Kaoru laughs, saying he is ok, but Joe should try it instead. Joe says it would just make him look like a Kansai granny as usual.
Kaoru comments on how much fun he is having just looking at all the stuff.
Joe spots his fave brand, Comme de garcons, specifically Undercover × Comme de garcons items. Kaoru feels nostalgia seeing these.
Tasai says he is actually looking for something to buy for himself too, so Kaoru points out some dungarees to match Joe's. Joe gives him a hat and a tshirt to complete the look, and Kaoru aproves. There is some suggestion this combo makes Tasai look like the comedian Ishi chan (Ishizuka Hidehiko), with Joe and Kaoru repeating his famous catchphrase 'maiyu〜'. Then they talk about finding a new look for Tasai, and wonder what they could pick for him. Kaoru suggests some leather jackets for him. Tasai says the sleeves would be too tight on his arms...his arms are too muscley.
At the suggestion to move on to another shop, Joe repeats today's missions: 1) Find a present for a viewer, and 2) Find an outfit for Tasai. He hands Tasai a red shirt to try, which Kaoru says suits him. To the surprise of the others, Tasai quite likes it, and considers buying it. The others laugh that it would not work to just cut the filming here.
Joe suggests a scarf for Tasai to make him look like a rich guy.
They leave the store, expessing the desire to come back again in private to do more shopping.
Kaoru tells Joe that its the first time for him to ever visit Fussa, and then Joe starts to explain that he has actually been inside the American base before, at the invitation of a freind. He says that everything inside the base is exactly like it would be in America (dollars are even used), the supermarkets etc are completely American.
Passing a regular local Chinese restaurant on the street, Kaoru is reminded of American style diners. Joe continues that a lot of the staff on the base are Americans, and most of the restaurants on base only have English menus.
Kaoru asks if personel on the base are allowed out into Japanese land to get fried chicken from Family Mart (they are passing Family Mart at that moment), to which Joe replied that they are definitely allowed, and the nightlife area around Fussa station is often teeming with American soldiers at weekends.
Kaoru points out how the soldiers work in American territory, but get to enjoy their private life in Japanese territory, which is really cheap for them, given the current exchange rate.
Tasai points to something within the base which he thinks looks like a rocket. The others mock him for thinking the Americans would put a rocket so close to the wall of the base.
Kaoru asks Joe if all the cars in the base have American number plates. Joe tells him that they have special base 'Y' plates, but they are still subject to Japanese shaken/車検 car inspections.
Joe points out the entrance to the base, explaining that base personel need only thier ID to get in and out, but visitors like Joe have to be either with someone from the base, or have a special invitation letter etc (At least they did when he went in).
Tasai spots Yakota High School over the fence of the base, and then suggests going into a saftey/work gear store that they happen to be passing by.
Passing this store by, Joe says that compared to 20 years ago when he often used to come to Fussa, he feels like the number of stores has reduced. There used to be tailors and stuff, especially one store where the musician Kiyoshiro (Imawano) used to get his suits made.
Joe continues on to explain that a lot of American style houses were originally built around the base, as well as businesses to cater to the base. This area since became a desirable place to live, with musicians such as Hosono Haruomi from Yellow Magic Orchestra having lived there. Tasai comments that this is a bit like the city of Koza in Okinawa.
They pass a fancy looking furniture store, and Joe explains that the group who made all these stores with 'Demode' in the name, are the same ones who made a certain chinese restaurant which he knows of. This company has used the old American buildings and renovated them into new shops and restaurants.
They consider stopping at 'Demode Diner' for a drink and a bite to eat, but decide it would be impractical to sit down and order food, given the time contraints of the broadcast.
While Kaoru has a quick look at the menu, Joe realises he has talked so much he has forgotten which point in his notes he should be at, and tries to find the right page. The menu on the wall is full of burgers and other American food, not practical to walk and eat with.
Joe says that they should try to take some photos with an American essence while they are there. He suggests putting the tag 'I went to America' with the photos. A staff member hands him a phone with which to take the pics.
Kaoru points out some scenery over the fence of the base, and takes a photo of it. Lost in the atmosphere of America, they are suddenly pulled back to Japanese reality by a couple of bicycles heading straight past where they are standing.
They come up to a store called 'Marks' with a metal grate front, and Joe tells Tasai to pose like an American gangster infront of it. They can obscure his face with mosiac pixels later for grater effect. Joe loves this pic of Tasai, claiming 'TFOE finally made it to America!!'
Joe has his turn to pose for a photo, and upon seeing the photo which Kaoru took of him, says 'Look, Im in America!', causing the others to laugh. Joe is very impressed with how 'American' Fussa actually is. He notices that even the signs in the parking lot are written in English, and states again about how the soldiers spend a lot of time in the neighborhood on weekends. A lot of the staff in stores in Fussa also speak English.
Joe mentions that usually once a year the base opens its gates for a festival where all local residents are free to go inside the base and have a look around.
Joe also says that there is a certain American heavy metal band which comes to play concerts on the base sometimes, not as part of a Japan tour. They just play at the base and then return home.
They stop opposite the open gate no.5 of the base to finish the free half of the broadcast. Kaoru wonders if they would get caught if they just ran through the open gate now. Joe says they probably would, but dares Tasai to do it all the same. (*laughing at this*)
Joe states that they will continue looking for a present in the second half, and then reads out the usual show info. Kaoru announces that he is mid tour, and it seems to be going well so far. Joe says he intends to attend the Haneda dates.
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gearbloomstore6868 · 9 days
Official MLB Los Angeles Dodgers Childhood Cancer Awareness Night t shirt
Official MLB Los Angeles Dodgers Childhood Cancer Awareness Night t shirt I would suggest that spending more often than not leads to the Official MLB Los Angeles Dodgers Childhood Cancer Awareness Night t shirt of wealth, either by paying for goods expected to be sold right away, or in anticipation of sales in the future Either way, for the most part those things sold will not be produced or cared for if someone wasn’t going to buy them. Whether perishable items, most of which help preserve some more durable form of wealth, like human capital, for instance. Or durable forms of wealth are produced that will last beyond the current time period. It is the “spending” that encourages the increased production and preservation of wealth. So whether you spend it or not, in terms of money you will have the same amount of money at the end of the given time period. which we can refer to as savings.
HOMEPAGE: https://gearbloom.com/
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tfgadgets · 23 days
Decoy (!) delivers strike for 1st pitch, then Ohtani homers, swipes 2 bags - MLB.com
Decoy (!) delivers strike for 1st pitch, then Ohtani homers, swipes 2 bags  MLB.com Shohei Ohtani bobblehead night: Dodgers star makes MLB history after catching first pitch from his dog  Yahoo Sports Ohtani, dog share spotlight on bobblehead night  ESPN Shohei Ohtani bobblehead night Part 2: Gold figurines pop up for sale online for thousands  FOX 11 Los Angeles Long lines surround Dodger…
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kdubya80 · 26 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Los Angeles Dodgers MLB Blue White New Era The Golfer Snapback Trucker Hat New.
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princejohnii · 4 months
Los Angeles Dodgers For Sale
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perfectionts-virgo · 4 months
Walking down the street, finally meeting up with my best friends.....
"Hey Best !!!" Sky Loud making everybody in the parking lot looking our way
"Girl you're hella loud for no reason" Will said riled his eyes
"Anyways best you look good as fuck" she said ignored will
"Thanks where Tiana ?" I asked them
"I'm here" she walked next to me " I had to find some lip gloss"
Well me and will been friends since middle school, Tiana joined in the seventh grade than we went to high school here comes sky ass joined the group it's been four of us... not really but we're closer than our other friends...
"Okay let's go because I just cause a scene" sky said looking back at her phone
"Yeah because they still looking at us" will replied shaking his head
"Okay let's go" I said start walking ahead
"Damn sky always being extra" Tiana said jokely
"Okay guys I get it" sky replied dryly
We finally made it to the mall looking around... making our way down the elevator, seeing The New High end urban store that open.
"I hope they got the Ugg FUNKETTE I wanted" sky said with a hopeful look on her face
Walking pass of a group of niggas that we all no well of, The L.I.O.N Crew one of which tiana was lowkey having a cupcake phase with one of the member "boo"
"Tiana I know you not walking pass and not say anything ?" He said looking at her
All she kept walking in the store with following behind,
"Girl I know you didn't ignored "Boo" ?" Will said looking at her making a face
"Y'all don't worry about that nigga" she replied blankly
"Okay sounds good to me" sky turned around with a smile "I'm about go shopping"
We all shook our heads
"Damn Shame" Will said walking to the clothing area
"Tiana they got them" Sky said loud enough I could here her
So I'm standing by myself, walking to the shoe area looking for Air Jordan 1 Low GS and Air Jordan 1 low, looking around finally found them...
"excuse me" I said to the girl who works there
"Yes May I help you ?" She replied with a nice smile
"Do you have these in size 8 ?" I asked
"And a these for a 14 ?" A deep voice said handing her the Yeezy slides
"Let me check these for y'all sizes" she replied walking to the back
I turned around to see the man of the hour " Ty" the leader of the L.I.O.NS... standing in his glory wearing his red Los Angeles Dodgers hat with a white t-shirt and black sweatpants to top it all off red & white bape sneakers with his chain and Rolex... Whew he looking Good.
"Wassup Kev" he said with a smirk
"Hi ty" I replied playfully rolling my eyes
Looking at the other sneakers on the display feeling him staring at me.
"Take a picture it will last longer" I said Still looking at some bape sneakers
"You got a smart ass mouth" he replied
Making me turn to face, seeing him licking his lips mentally fighting myself to blush in front of him
"And who going to do about it ?" I asked looking at him up and down turning back at the shoes
"Man that mouth will get you in trouble" he replied shaking his head
Before he could say anything Else the girl came back with Five Sneakers Boxes... making me look at her confused
"Here you're 8" she said handing me my two Jordan boxes
"Yours 14s" she handed the two Jordan boxes and yeezy box
"Thanks" we said in union
Making my way to the register feeling him behind me, I move up alittle seeing him standing next to me... looking at him confused turn to face the cashier..
"That's all it cost $250.89" she said looking at me
Grabbing my wallet from my pocket til ty start talking.
"We're all together" he said wrapping his arm over my shoulder moving closer to me.
"Okay so the price is $850" she said
He handing her the money, I just looked at him turned to face the cashier..
"Y'all want separate bags or no ?" She asked
Before I could say anything
"Nah we good" he replied with a smile, turned a gave me a look made me hot.
"Kev I found the uggs and some bomb pieces" sky said looking at her shopping bag with a smile
"They got a good sale" Will replied similar Skye
I'm just standing there awkwardly... looking like I'm in trouble
"Oh hey ty" Skye said with a below a whisper
"Sup ty" Will said look even more awkward than I am
"Sup y'all" he replied with a chuckle probably knowing that he kinda made things weird
"Where Tiana at ?" I asked
Here come Tiana with a shopping bag with tall ass Boo following behind her like a lost puppy.
"Hey y'all" she looked at everybody but boo "ready to go ? I'm starving"
"Yeah" I replied nodding my head
"Yes I don't want to wait for those long ass lines at the food court" Will said
"I lowkey want the lemonade but I'm not waiting in those lines" she said shaking her head
Walking out the sliding doors making our way to the parking lot we hear a argument...
"What going on over there ?" One of the ty friends said
"It look like it's getting serious" Will said looking towards the confrontation
Then out of nowhere we heard gunshot rings and screams, everybody ran I mean everybody left the parking lot.
I'm not even looking back I turned the corner, I suddenly stop someone bump into me, I turned around seeing Ty with the bag with our shoes in his hand.
"Where everybody?" I asked looking at him with concern
"The guys text" looking down at me "everybody okay they in there cars"
"Okay let me text will" I replied looking down my phone texting the group chat
"Did you drive here ?" He asked
"No uber" I replied looking back at him
"I can't let you wait for a ride the block hot right now" he said looking at me
"Alright" I said because I don't have enough energy to go back and forth with him
We walked to his All black 2021 BMW, he open the passenger seat for me...
"Thanks" I said sitting down
He closed the door walking to the driver seat, putting on my seatbelt looked up seeing him putting on his seatbelt I got distracted looking at his side profile...
"You want to go back home ?" He asked continue looking forward
"No" I replied
"Okay" he said
I hope This Day End In A Good Way
"Okay I see y'all Tomorrow" I said walking to my car
Getting in the driver seat putting my seatbelt on, putting my key in the ignition turning on the car ari Lennox playing softly in the background...
I'm driving the road making my way home, seeing i need gas... pulling in the closest gas station. Parked my car next to a pump.
Getting out walking pass group of niggas trying to holler at this young girl looking scaredy out of her life, I did something that will make her night..
"Hey girl I been calling you" I said the girl looked at me confused
"I been calling you about the dinner party my sister been planning" I said she slowly nodding her head
"Oh my bad I been busy" she replied walk closer to me
"Oh okay my sis trying to find out you coming" I said turn my head seeing the niggas facing away from us
Making our to the sliding door, walking in
"Thank you so much" she said with a smile
"No problem" giving her a sly smile "when you walk to your car act like you talking on the phone pls"
"Okay thanks again" she replied walking away
I turned around walking to the cashier paying for my gas, grabbing my change walking to my car seeing the niggas talking to each other or females but one poke out to me he kept staring at me.
I press the button and put the pump looking around the neighborhood, when I tell you I'm in the hood... then I felt someone kept staring, I took the pump out, put everything back together turn around to see the same fine ass brown skin boy.
I got in the driver seat and put my seatbelt on, turn my car back on.
.........................30 Minutes Later.......................
I pulled up in my garage turned my car off taking my key out the ignition getting out the car, closing the garage making way inside the house.
Turning on the kitchen light, opening the refrigerator to grab a nice cold bottle water turned the light off walking up the stairs to my room.
Going to my bathroom doing my night routine, walking back in my room turned on the tv playing Harry Porter Marathon, walked my closet grabbing underwear my pajamas.. turning on the faucet on to make water hot... I was getting things together til I seen the more starting to fog up I undress and hopped in the shower.
I Hope Something Different will occur
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 5.3 (after 1940)
1942 – World War II: Japanese naval troops invade Tulagi Island in the Solomon Islands during the first part of Operation Mo that results in the Battle of the Coral Sea between Japanese forces and forces from the United States and Australia. 1945 – World War II: Sinking of the prison ships Cap Arcona, Thielbek and Deutschland by the Royal Air Force in Lübeck Bay. 1947 – New post-war Japanese constitution goes into effect. 1948 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Shelley v. Kraemer that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks and other minorities are legally unenforceable. 1951 – London's Royal Festival Hall opens with the Festival of Britain. 1951 – The United States Senate Committee on Armed Services and United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations begin their closed door hearings into the relief of Douglas MacArthur by U.S. President Harry Truman. 1952 – Lieutenant Colonels Joseph O. Fletcher and William P. Benedict of the United States land a plane at the North Pole. 1952 – The Kentucky Derby is televised nationally for the first time, on the CBS network. 1953 – Two men are rescued from a semitrailer that crashed over the side of the Pit River Bridge before it fell into the Sacramento River. Amateur photographer Virginia Schau photographs "Rescue on Pit River Bridge", the first and only winning submission for the Pulitzer Prize for Photography to have been taken by a woman. 1957 – Walter O'Malley, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, agrees to move the team from Brooklyn to Los Angeles. 1963 – The police force in Birmingham, Alabama switches tactics and responds with violent force to stop the "Birmingham campaign" protesters. Images of the violent suppression are transmitted worldwide, bringing new-found attention to the civil rights movement. 1968 – Eighty-five people are killed when Braniff International Airways Flight 352 crashes near Dawson, Texas. 1971 – Erich Honecker becomes First Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, remaining in power until 1989. 1978 – The first unsolicited bulk commercial email (which would later become known as "spam") is sent by a Digital Equipment Corporation marketing representative to every ARPANET address on the west coast of the United States. 1979 – Margaret Thatcher wins the United Kingdom general election. The following day, she becomes the first female British Prime Minister. 1986 – Twenty-one people are killed and forty-one are injured after a bomb explodes on Air Lanka Flight 512 at Colombo airport in Sri Lanka. 1987 – A crash by Bobby Allison at the Talladega Superspeedway, Alabama fencing at the start-finish line would lead NASCAR to develop the restrictor plate for the following season both at Daytona International Speedway and Talladega. 1999 – The southwestern portion of Oklahoma City is devastated by an F5 tornado, killing forty-five people, injuring 665, and causing $1 billion in damage. The tornado is one of 66 from the 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak. This tornado also produces the highest wind speed ever recorded, measured at 301 +/- 20 mph (484 +/- 32 km/h). In meteorology, the term “May 3” is synonymous with the F5 tornado. 1999 – Infiltration of Pakistani soldiers on Indian side results in the Kargil War. 2000 – The sport of geocaching begins, with the first cache placed and the coordinates from a GPS posted on Usenet. 2001 – The United States loses its seat on the U.N. Human Rights Commission for the first time since the commission was formed in 1947. 2006 – Armavia Flight 967 crashes into the Black Sea near Sochi International Airport in Sochi, Russia, killing 113 people. 2007 – The three-year-old British girl Madeleine McCann disappears in Praia da Luz, Portugal, starting "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history". 2015 – Two gunmen launch an attempted attack on an anti-Islam event in Garland, Texas, which was held in response to the Charlie Hebdo shooting.
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superdad71 · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball ⚾️ Cards.
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popradar · 8 months
DodgerFest: The Official 2024 Season Kickoff Celebration on Feb. 3
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It's (almost) time for Dodger baseball.
With spring training's first game coming up on Feb. 22, the Dodgers are holding a kickoff celebration in Chavez Ravine on Saturday, Feb. 3 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
DodgerFest features live entertainment, ballpark food and drinks, behind-the-scenes experiences and an intro to the newest Dodgers. The Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation (LADF) will have its yard sale with shirts, hats and other apparel for sale. LADF will also sell Mystery Bags containing autographed baseballs, jerseys and photos.
For the first time, fans will also be treated to the DodgerFest stage show — a 90-minute stage presentation featuring interviews with new Dodgers Shohei Ohtani and Tyler Glasnow as well as drop-in visits from veteran players such as Freddie Freeman, Mookie Betts, Joe Kelly, Dave Roberts and others.
The first round of tickets ($10) sold-out quickly, but there's another round going on sale. The member and premium VIP experience presale starts tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan. 24) at 10 a.m.
There's a limit of four tickets per email address. And the event is subject to cancellation for inclement weather.
—Christine N. Ziemba
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tsportsday · 9 months
Shohei Ohtani's new No. 17 jersey with the Los Angeles Dodgers took less than two days to set a new sales record for Fanatics. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)Shohei Ohtani has yet to be introduced by the Los Angeles Dodgers, let alone play a game, and he's already breaking records. ... Well, at least his jersey is.On Wednesday, Major League Baseball announced that Ohtani's new No. 17 jersey with the Dodgers broke Fanatics' record for the highest sales within the first 48 hours of its release. Previous top sellers included soccer stars Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, among others.Fanatics officially released the jersey for pre-order on Monday afternoon, starting at $134.99 for the men's home replica jersey, while a limited player jersey will cost a customer $174.99.Shohei Ohtani breaks Fanatics record for the highest sales within the first 48 hours of a jersey releaseHe beat jersey drops for Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and others pic.twitter.com/myijZ7TveN— MLB (@MLB) December 13, 2023Ohtani was able to sport the number he played with as a member of the Los Angeles Angels thanks to fellow pitcher Joe Kelly conceding No. 17 and switching to No. 99.On Saturday, Ohtani announced on Instagram that he was signing with the Dodgers. In the days that followed, it was revealed that the two-way superstar was signing the largest deal in North American sports history when he inked a 10-year, $700-million contract.Thanks to the deferrals in his deal, though, Ohtani will make $2 million annually over the life of his contract. The deferrals will kick in in 2034, when the Dodgers will begin to pay him $68 million a year.The two-time American League MVP is expected to spend his first season with the Dodgers as the team's designated hitter, and will pitch again in 2025. The idea being to give him additional time to heal from the elbow procedure he underwent in 2023 to repair a torn UCL.Ohtani finished last season hitting .304, 44 home runs and 95 RBIs. On the mound, he had a 3.14 ERA, 167 strikeouts and issued 55 walks in 132 innings pitched. By signing Ohtani, the Dodgers became the new favorite to win the World Series ahead of the Atlanta Braves.This article contains affilate links; if you click such a link and make a purchase, we may earn a commission.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Former baseball MVP Steve Garvey joined the race Tuesday to succeed the late California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, giving Republicans a splash of star quality on the ballot in a heavily Democratic state where the GOP hasn’t won a Senate race in 35 years.
Garvey, 74, launched his campaign with a video lush with baseball imagery that recalled his career as a perennial All-Star who played for the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres. It also signaled he would lean toward the political center in a party dominated by former President Donald Trump, the leading GOP presidential candidate who could share the ballot with Garvey next year.
“I never played for Democrats or Republicans or independents. I played for all of you,” Garvey said in the video, in which he also alluded to problems vexing the state from homelessness to crime. “It’s going to be a common sense campaign.”
In an interview, Garvey said he voted for Trump in the past but had not settled on a pick in the unfolding 2024 presidential contest. He did not answer directly when asked if he considered himself part of the Trump wing of the GOP. Trump lost California in landslides in 2016 and 2020, though he had support from millions of Republican and conservative-leaning voters in the state.
“I’m running the Steve Garvey campaign,” he said. “We need to bring people together again.”
Garvey’s entrance into a race gives Republicans a recognized name to many Californians, even though he may be unknown to millions of younger voters. He played his last major league game in 1987 after an 18-year major league career, and he was National League MVP in 1974.
Still, he will face the challenges of any first-time candidate: raising millions of dollars for TV advertising and building an organization to turn out voters in a field of candidates that already includes Democratic U.S. Reps. Katie Porter, Adam Schiff and Barbara Lee. The race could be further complicated if Sen. Laphonza Butler, whom Gov. Gavin Newsom recently appointed to the seat following Feinstein’s death, chooses to run.
He struck a series of familiar Republican positions, including calling for temporarily closing the border with Mexico, at a time when polls indicate widespread frustration with President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration. He was critical of the state’s push to ban the sale of most new gas-powered cars by 2035, saying “that’s not realistic.”
On abortion, an issue Democrats hope will galvanize the party’s base after the Supreme Court last year overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Garvey said he does not support a nationwide abortion ban.
“The people of California have spoken … on abortion, and as their representative, I pledge to always uphold the voice of the people,” he said. When asked if he supported abortion rights, he added, “The people have spoken, and I will pledge to uphold that.”
As a Republican, he inevitably starts as a longshot. Democrats hold every statewide office and dominate the legislative and congressional delegations. Republicans — who are outnumbered about 2-to-1 by Democratic voters in the state — haven’t won a statewide race for any office since 2006.
California runs a primary that sends the two candidates with the most votes to the general election, regardless of political party. In California’s last two Senate races, GOP candidates performed so poorly that only Democrats appeared on the November ballot. The last Republican to win a Senate race in the state was in 1988.
However, given the large number of candidates who will divide the vote in the March 5 primary, it’s possible Garvey could slip into the November general election. He’d need to consolidate Republican and conservative voters behind his candidacy, and he has competition from attorney Eric Early, who previously has run unsuccessfully for state attorney general and Congress.
Garvey confirmed in June that he was considering entering the Senate race, and his candidacy was widely expected.
Garvey has flirted with the possibility of entering politics before, including after his retirement from baseball, when he teased a possible U.S. Senate run but never became a candidate.
In the interview, he said he was motivated to run this time by the “quality of life stress” that has spread throughout the state, and added his campaign would be anchored to reducing crime, improving education and working to lasso inflation and trim soaring gas prices.
He faulted long-running school closings during the pandemic for falling student test scores.
For young children, the extended school shutdowns “not only obstructed their pathways to learning, but to social interaction,” he said. “We’re behind in both of those areas.”
When Garvey confirmed in June he was considering the race, Early issued a statement saying the former baseball star “has more personal baggage than Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner,” an apparent reference to 1980s sex scandals that sullied Garvey’s reputation as “Mr. Clean,” a moniker that referred to his buttoned-down image from his Dodger days. At the time he admitted to having two children with women he wasn’t married to.
Asked about that period, Garvey said, “I think our life is a journey. I think there are chapters. Sure, I’ve gone through a difficult time here and there. I’ve learned from it. And I think I’ve been stronger.”
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razorroymatthews · 1 year
A Tale Of Two American Owners
Meet Todd Boehly. An American businessman and investor.
Back in May of 2022 Clearlake Capital along with Boehly finalized their takeover of English Premier League club Chelsea. And since then, Chelsea have spent more than $1 billion in player transfer fees. Boehly also owns 20% of the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball and part of the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks.
Now meet the Glazer family, the American owners of Manchester United football club of the English Premier League. Avram Glazer, Kevin Glazer, Bryan Glazer, Joel Glazer, Edward Glazer, and Darcie S. Glazer Kassewitz. The Glazer family has owned Manchester United since 2005. They've invested $2.5 billion in player transfer fees during this same time period. Additionally, the Glazer family also owns the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League.
The player transfer fees weigh clearly in favor of Chelsea football club. Could the Glazer family spend their money elsewhere? Perhaps the Glazer family use their money more wisely on things like revamping or refurbishing Old Trafford, the home stadium of Manchester United.
Since 2005 the Glazer family have spent an additional $124m on the historic Old Trafford. Now this may seem like a lot of money. But compare this to seven other Premier League clubs during the same time period. The $124m spent by the Glazer family is less than Tottenham ($1.9b), Manchester City ($536m), Liverpool ($338m), Brighton ($248m), Leicester ($194m), Brentford ($160m) and Arsenal ($155m).
No, this isn't where the money is going either. Should we take a closer look at the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League? Maybe the Glazer family is investing their wealth there?
In early 1996, the city of Tampa and Hillsborough County proposed the establishment of a "Community Investment Tax". This was a 30-year half-cent sales tax increase that would pay for various public improvements along with a new stadium for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Nope. Not here either. Where could the money be going?
On August 10, 2012 Manchester United became a publicly traded sports brand. But, this is to bring in cash to the club, right?
Yearly accounts released in September of 2022 showed dividends worth $42.7m were paid out in the year to June 2022, with the vast majority going to the Glazer family. And dividend payments totaling $197m in seven years prior.
Is it possible that Chelsea is simply more valuable than Manchester United? In 2022 Forbes valued Chelsea at $3.1b and Manchester United at $6b.
So how is it that Chelsea are able to out spend Manchester United? Is Todd Boehly really that much wealthier than the Glazer family? Forbes listed Boehly's value at $5.3b and the Glazer family at $4.9b
There simply isn't much disparity there. In time maybe we'll learn the secret to how one American owner is able to out-spend his counterpart. Time will tell.
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webnewsify1 · 1 year
Jonas brothers tour 2023: Tour Dates & Locations
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The Jonas Brothers are going on tour. Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas announced a 35-date North American tour on Tuesday (May 2) to support not only their upcoming album, The Album, but also four of their previous LPs released over their nearly 20-year career. Five Albums. One Night. is billed as the pop rock trio's most ambitious release to date. The Tour begins in August with two shows at New York City's Yankee Stadium. The band will then spend about two months touring the United States, including stops at Chicago's Wrigley Field, Arlington's Globe Life Field, and Los Angeles' Dodger Stadium, among others, as well as one show in Canada at Toronto's Rogers Centre. The Verified Fan presale, which begins next Tuesday (May 9), is the best opportunity for fans to secure in-demand tickets. Registration for the pre-sale is now open until Saturday (May 6), and those chosen will receive a special Verified Fan access code prior to the sale. The tour announcement comes just ten days before The Album, the Jonas Brothers' first album since 2019's Happiness Begins, is set to be released on May 12. The Tour has been in the works for Kevin, Joe, and Nick since February, when they performed a five-night run of intimate Broadway shows in New York. They played a different album each night, starting with their self-titled debut in 2007 and ending with the live debut of The Album. In April, the guys performed two sold-out shows at Yankee Stadium in New York, both of which included run-throughs of all five albums, which had previously been spread out over five nights on Broadway two months prior. According to Kevin, Joe, and Nick in an Instagram announcement video, this format will now be used on every night of The Tour. The Jo Bros' upcoming North American tour dates are listed below. Aug12 – Bronx, NY @ Yankee Stadium+ Aug 13 – Bronx, NY @ Yankee Stadium+ Aug 15 – Boston, MA @ TD Garden Aug 17 – Uncasville, CT @ Mohegan Sun Arena Aug 19 – Toronto, ON @ Rogers Centre Aug 22 — Indianapolis, IN @ Gainbridge Fieldhouse Aug 24 – Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena Aug 25 – Chicago, IL @ Wrigley Field* Aug 27 – St Louis, MO @ Enterprise Center Aug 30 – Arlington, TX @ Globe Life Field Sept 1 – Saint Paul, MN @ Minnesota State Fair^ Sept 3 – Austin, TX @ Moody Center Sept 6 – Phoenix, AZ @ Footprint Center Sept 8 – Las Vegas, NV @ MGM Grand Garden Arena Sept 9 – Los Angeles, CA @ Dodger Stadium Sept 11 – Sacramento, CA @ Golden 1 Center Sept 14 – Denver, CO @ Ball Arena Sept 16 – Omaha, NE @ CHI Health Center Sept 18 – Cleveland, OH @ Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse* Sept 21 – Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center* Sept 22 – Baltimore, MD @ Sept. Sept. CFG Bank Arena Sept 23 – Washington, DC @ Capital One Arena Sept 25 – Pittsburgh, PA @ PPG Paints Arena Sept 26 – Lexington, KY @ Rupp Arena Sept 28 – Raleigh, NC @ PNC Arena Sept 30 – Charlotte, NC @ Spectrum Center Oct 1 – Atlanta, GA @ State Farm Arena Oct 3 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center Oct 5 – San Antonio, TX @ AT&T Center Oct 7 – Houston, TX @ Toyota Center* Oct 9 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena Oct 10 – Columbia, SC @ Colonial Life Arena Oct 12 – Tampa, FL @ Amalie Arena Oct 13 – Orlando, FL @ Amway Center Oct 14 – Miami, FL @ Kaseya Center Read the full article
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