#Sal Greco
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incamminoblog · 2 months ago
padre Fernando Armellini"Vale chi si fa servo, non chi prevale"
XXV Domenica del Tempo Ordinario (Anno B) Liturgia: Sap 2, 12.17-20; Sal 53; Gc 3, 16-4, 3; Mc 9, 30-37 Chi è innamorato è sempre “fuori di sé dalla gioia”. Esce da se stesso, si dimentica perché prova un impulso incontenibile a incontrare l’altro. Anche l’esperienza mistica dell’estasi, dal verbo greco existánai, significa essere fuori di sé e rapiti in Dio. Chi ama non può rimanere in se…
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day0one · 10 months ago
BREAKING: Roger Stone RECORDED Directing Cop To Abduct Bob Mueller's Deputy.
Roger Stone was recorded on tape directing NYPD officer Sal Greco to abduct and punish a prosecutor in the Mueller probe. Sen. Nina Turner, John Iadarola, and Jackson White discuss on The Young Turks.
"Infamous political operative Roger Stone was recorded on tape telling an associate to “abduct” and “punish” a prosecutor who led the case against him as part of the Mueller probe.
In December 2020, one month after Donald Trump’s defeat to Joe Biden, Stone was working on an effort to overturn the election. In audio from that time reviewed exclusively by Mediaite, Stone can be heard at his Florida condo speaking with Sal Greco, who was an NYPD officer and served as security for Stone. (Greco would, months later, be fired by the NYPD over his ties to Stone, who he was with during the Jan. 6 riot.)"
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deblala · 2 years ago
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mypickleoperapeanut · 2 years ago
"In Libreria"
Venerdì 17 alle ore 17.00, presso la libreria Salvemini in Piazza Salvemini, Elena Tempestini ha presentato il libro di Emiliano Bonifetto “Esoterico Quotidiano”.
Elena Tempestini nella sua introduzione ha sottolineato, come afferma l’autore, che molte parole nascono in un posto ma poi, cammina cammina, si ritrovano in un altro e quasi nessuno ricorda più da dove erano partite.
Esattamente ciò che è accaduto alla parola “esoterico”.
È interessante verificare, come il temine esoterico, ricercandolo su Google, compaia con una serie di significati che vanno dal “destinato a una stretta cerchia di iniziati, per estensione misterioso, oscuro” al “detto dell’insegnamento riservato dagli antichi filosofi greci ai soli discepoli” al “proprio di una dottrina occulta, misteriosofico”, fino al “incomprensibile (o quasi) ai più”.
Solo cercando più a fondo la sua etimologia si scopre il suo significato originario, derivato dal greco antico, che è semplicemente “interiore”….
La domanda che nasce spontanea è che se effettivamente ci sia un “aspetto interiore” nella nostra realtà quotidiana, alcuni ne sono convinti, altri sono in bilico se credere o meno,molti altri non si pongono il quesito.
Partendo dal significato delle parole, la bella e interessante presentazione, sull'onda dei capitoli del libro, ha stimolato un interessantissimo dibattito che ha coinvolto i numerosi presenti alla Libreria Salvemini: Centro Culturale, Attività Olistiche, Esoterismo
Riccardo Rescio Firenze 18 febbraio 2023
Libreria Salvemini: Centro Culturale, Attività Olistiche, Esoterismo
Mauro Marrani
Italia&friends Toscana Italia&friends I&f Arte Cultura Attualità Etpress Comunication
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years ago
Torino, 113 milioni per la qualità urbana
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Torino, 113 milioni per la qualità urbana. Il sindaco di Torino Stefano Lo Russo è intervenuto nella seduta del 21 novembre 2022 della Prima Commissione, presieduta da Anna Borasi (PD) per illustrare i progetti dei Piani Integrati Urbani (Più) finanziati dal Pnrr alla Città Metropolitana di Torino, per favorire l'inclusione di tutte e tutti. Si tratta di 223 milioni di euro di finanziamenti, di cui 113 a Torino, che fanno parte della Missione 5 - Componente 2 del Pnrr. I 113 milioni finanzieranno complessivamente 36 progetti tematici a Torino, che partono dalle biblioteche di quartiere e riguardano tutta la città, da nord a sud - ha spiegato il sindaco. I lavori dovranno essere aggiudicati entro il 30 luglio 2023, il 30% di avanzamento lavori (sal) è previsto entro il 30 settembre 2024, mentre la conclusione entro il 30 giugno 2026. Sono stati chiesti anche altri 18 milioni di euro per gli aumenti dei costi. Si tratta di interventi di manutenzione, ma anche per favorire inclusione e protagonismo di cittadine e cittadini, per incrementare la qualità urbana di Torino. Quattro sono gli obiettivi dei Piani: culture, accessibilità, inclusione e partecipazione. "Si tratta di integrare la città fisica con le persone" - ha precisato Stefano Lo Russo. "Verrà favorita la digitalizzazione delle biblioteche - hanno spiegato gli Uffici comunali- e verrà potenziato il servizio Bibliobus, con l'acquisto di nuovi mezzi di trasporto per avere ulteriori presidi culturali in città". È prevista la manutenzione di centri di protagonismo giovanili e di spazi sociali. Particolare attenzione verrà data all'abbattimento di barriere architettoniche e anche alle zone verdi esterne alle biblioteche, alle aree mercatali e agli impianti sportivi (tra cui lo stadio Primo Nebiolo). In via Foligno 10 verrà creata una nuova casa di accoglienza sociale e saranno riqualificati anche alcuni edifici scolastici. Nel dibattito in Commissione, la consigliera Alice Ravinale (Sinistra Ecologista) ha chiesto di approfondire il tema dell'accompagnamento alla progettazione degli interventi, per favorire il coinvolgimento della cittadinanza e delle Circoscrizioni. Ludovica Cioria (PD) vorrebbe avere notizie sulla possibile riapertura della sede anagrafica in passato ospitata all'interno della biblioteca Carluccio. Caterina Greco (PD) vorrebbe ragionare su nuovi modelli di gestione delle biblioteche, Lorenza Patriarca (PD) sul rapporto con il sistema scolastico cittadino e metropolitano e Tiziana Ciampolini (Torino Domani) sugli effetti durevoli degli interventi. Pierlucio Firrao (Torino Bellissima) ha sollecitato interventi sulla Biblioteca Geisser. Giusto progettare per tempo, ma serve valorizzare il futuro coinvolgimento della cittadinanza nella fruizione delle biblioteche, secondo Alberto Saluzzo (PD). Nadia Conticelli (PD) ha chiesto maggiori informazioni sugli interventi infrastrutturali nelle biblioteche, che devono essere un'occasione per lavorare di più con i giovani e le reti di associazioni e per incrementare l'orario di apertura degli spazi. Ragioniamo sulle aree su cui occorre intervenire maggiormente per favorire l'inclusione - ha suggerito Luca Pidello (PD).... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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vitos-pink-shirt · 2 years ago
Getting to know you Tumblr game
Copy prompts and tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better!!
I was tagged by @vomagari, @we-dont-talk-about-sal, and @joexvito :) I think it'll be fun!
favorite color: I really like any greens, but mostly earthy greens or teal-greens
currently reading: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, and I'm trying to get into To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini, I just haven't sat down to do it yet lol
last song: Me and Bobby McGee by Kris Kristofferson
last series: I love Letterkenny, I rewatch those episodes a lot, but the last series I watched was it's spin-off, Shoresy
last movie: @joexvito I also just watched Goodfellas XD
sweet/savory/spicy: Sweeeet lol I just have a horrible horrible sweet tooth its almost not funny
currently working on: Uuuuuh a few, but specifically I've been working the most on a fic about Joe and Henry at El Greco's after the Sidney Pen incident, and Joe finds out about the first time Henry came to El Greco's. It's a lot of angst at this point lol but just something sweet between Henry and Joe.
And I have a few just short sweet ideas that I have yet to type up based on some of my previous posts, like Joe realizing Vito kept his shirt, or Joe teaching Vito to fight lol
tagging: @henrysfedora @bettycanavosio @tommytranselo @eddie-scarpa-lived @a-case-of-the-ace @samtrapani @swiftcola @joe-golden-retriever-energy @empirebae
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xiasgone · 3 years ago
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***before proceeding with the post I want to say I know that Sicily has historically been under control by various groups including the Greeks, meaning that many Sicilians have Greek heritage to some extent and, this isn’t something super unique to Sal, but this post is just meant to highlight Sal’s heritage, the history of where his family came from, and how it somewhat ties into his present-day interests. Alright? Alright! Let’s GO! ✌🏾
Sal’s Greek roots come from his grandmother. The first hint of her family’s origins comes from her maiden name, Calogero, which, while is a surname many Southern Italians have, emerges from the Greek name Kalogeros. In fact, there are various Greek family names based on Calogero/Kalogeros including Kalogeropoulos, Kalogerogiannis, and Kalogeromikhalis. 
Another indicator of his heritage lay in his grandmother’s birthplace, Catania. Founded in 729 BC, what is now known as Catania was occupied by Greek settlers from Naxos. And while Catania would undergo eventual Roman rule by 263 BC, Catania would be a spot of ancient legends such as the story of the Cyclops. 
The home of Sal’s grandmother, Aci Trezza, is noted to have three tall sea stacks located offshore. According to local legend, these sea stacks were the stones thrown at the legendary Greek king, Odysseus, by the Cyclops. 
Ultimately, the islands are referred to as the "isole dei ciclopi" meaning islands of the Cyclops. Like many people in modern time, Sal possesses an interest towards Greco-Roman stories. However, it’s never been a fleeting interest for him. Sal is incredibly passionate to the point of reading as many translated tales he can get his hands on in the 90s, decorating his house with busts of the Gods and a few paintings depicting pivotal moments too. He also strives to learn the language, but it’s a bit hard due to his lack of focus.  His favorite demigod is Hercules (Herakles), one of his favorite films is Jason and the Argonauts (opposed to millennial Sal who is one of those guys who like 300). Millennial Sal in particular owns a collectible action figure of Heracles - non Disney-ified. Dark-haired, this version of the demigod wears his lion skin and wields a club. He’s Sal’s favorite figure.
Millennial Sal has many tattoos on him and none of them reflect Italian culture or even Italian-American pop culture. Instead, he sports symbols relevant to ancient Greece. When Eve meets him for the first time (for Eve & Sal meet differently as modern-day 20-somethings) she does not know whether he’s Italian or Greek. 
His name is saying one thing, but the ink on his body is saying otherwise.
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incamminoblog · 6 months ago
Padre Paolo Berti “Prendete, questo è il mio corpo...Questo è il mio sangue...”
Santissimo Corpo e Sangue di Cristo (Anno B)  (02/06/2024)Liturgia: Es 24, 3-8; Sal 115; Eb 9, 11-15; Mc 14, 12-16.22-26 Visto che spessissimo parliamo di Vecchio Testamento e di Nuovo Testamento sarà bene sapere che cosa si intende dire con tali espressioni. La parola testamento venne introdotta nel linguaggio biblico dalla traduzione dei libri Veterotestamentari in greco (la traduzione dei…
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biiscione · 4 years ago
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          Cursed, it seemed Dante was, to HASSLE with the man he had learned was, by blood, his father. It wasn’t all so terrible, he supposed, for it was ( initially unknowingly ) through him that Dante meets his wife: a lanky English woman who was an inch or so taller than him, with a heavy - brow and calloused hands. The nature of Don Puleo’s relationship with his wife was not revealed to Dante until well into their marriage, which caused a bit of tension               Alas, that is a story for another day.           Maya and Dante meet directly after the First World War, at his carpentry workshop where he once was apprentice, now owner. She commissions him for a sideboard, a buffet table, with a greco - roman motif; it’s a gift for her father, a high - ranking member of the English Royal Navy, stationed in Cairo. The commission takes about six weeks and she agrees, stating that she’d be accompanying the commissioned work to Cairo when it was done. Maya keeps a keen eye on Dante and the commission ( she spent a lot of money on it, after all ), spending time at his shop weekly then daily. Then she sees him in the market, at a saint’s parade                It seemed they couldn’t escape one another. When the work is done and the six weeks are up, the sideboard makes it to Egypt and she does not. Maya is too busy getting married to that seemingly unsuspecting, quiet carpenter she met just two months prior.          They were expecting their first child within the year. A healthy baby girl is their eldest! They have three more children over the course of five years and their last two come in the ‘twilight’ years of their prime.
         Dante and Maya’s relationship has always been steady, like the constant babbling of a brook and not like the intemperate waters of the open sea. They have complimented each other well over the years, even as they’ve aged and ( somewhat ) changed. Even when life became more EVENTFUL for them when Dante becomes a capofamiglia, their roles in the household did not change. Maya, having always taken a role in business affairs when Dante was a carpenter, also ( secretly ) lends a hand in mafia affairs, breaking the silent but very known separation of BUSINESS and FAMILY. But Maya is good, and dare it be said, much more cut-throat than he. She becomes the great decider when his contemplation leads to indecision.          Fatherhood comes so easily to Dante. Luckily for him, he was raised by a wonderful example of how a father should be and act. Of course, Dante is much more temperate than Sal, the man who raised him, an energetic, out-spoken Sicilian, but the man loved him despite he not biologically being Dante’s father. Sal was hard - working, did what he could so his family was not left wanting. While not so cool - headed, he always was able to admit his mistakes, when he was wrong, when he was afraid or anxious. He taught Dante how to work through those feelings, through his own pain and rage, which was crucial when he found out the truth of his parenthood. Dante tries to do that with his own children, especially with his sons, as he’s already come to see, that a two of them don’t necessarily reflect their father’s cool collectivity.          Dante doesn’t yell nor does he strike his children when they misbehave (which was rare for the older three). He doesn’t have to. He’s mastered that cold, rage - filled gaze that chills someone to the bone. They are very good despite, perhaps, a few bouts of teenage angst, which could be quelled with a calm yet cold lecture from their father. The Battaglia household is quite cohesive and loving, a stark contrast to the chaos of life and work as a capofamiglia. Surely, Dante wouldn’t have it any other way.
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365 Days with Namor
Day 103
Sub-Mariner #29
by Sal Buscema
Cover Date: September 1970
Alright!  Some Greco-Roman wrestling!
Well, except for all the clothes they are wearing. ;p
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outweek30 · 5 years ago
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OutWeek crossword by Phil Greco, edited by Gabriel Rotello, OutWeek Magazine No. 7, August 7, 1989, p. 80.
Solution to be posted next week!
1. Star ________ 9. Marie's ______ 15. Part of GAA 16. Kindly 17. Navigational 18. Domain 19. "Tush scene" actor 20. Suck 22. Beatty in Deliverance 23. Maurice director 26. Except 28. Prin. med. ofcr. 31. Word with cat or kin 32. Comes forth 36. Debtor's note 37. Excess 39. Homosexual 40. Balls 42. Theater attendant 44. Opera satirist Russell 45. Anger 47. Wyatt ____ 49. ___ Heldenleben 50. Most insipid 52. Fr. monetary unit 53. Knight or Danson 54. "My ___ Sal" 55. Come 57. Not Larry or Curly 59. "A Boy Named ___" 60. Uptight one 65. Excite 68. Part of NGLTF 71. Carve 72. ________ House 73. Porn star Donovan, et. al. 74. Beaches
1. ____ serif 2. Winglike parts 3. Butt ____ 4. ____ bread 5. Greeting 6. Co. ending 7. US corp. 8. Lamprey catcher 9. Huntley 10. Drunk with Coke 11. Little devil 12. Documentary on gay Jean 13. Abt. 14. Gism 21. Yes 24. Prizes 25. Musical work 26. Kingsley from Maurice 27. Mongoose 28. Fire Island locale 29. Get atop 30. Craig Russell vehicle 33. The Dark ______ 34. Mr. Kovacs 35. _____ By Me 38. ___ works 41. Room, to Pasolini 43. Facility 46. K-Y, e.g. 48. _______ Iron 51. This side up (abbr.) 56. Sex organ 57. Not fem. 58. Whale flick 59. Backdrops 61. Fellini composer Nino ____ 62. Monad 63. Rendezvous 64. TV Tarzan and family 66. Rubber tree 67. Secret agent 69. Summer drink 70. ___ room
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col22promo · 6 years ago
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House: Delma Status: Uninfected Elite Specification: Trauma Therapy
This story starts with a birth— but not Kyffin’s. It is the birth of Guido Sal, a normal small-town Italian boy. He was the sort of boy any mother would be glad for her daughter to bring home. Gentle, well mannered, intelligent, and in possession of a wry, clever sense of humour, Guido had an easy life with loving parents and good friends. It became apparent in his adolescent years that he wasn’t the most ambitious sort, but still, a university degree isn’t everything. While the rest of his friends were leaving to study, settling down with their high school sweethearts and moving on with their lives, Guido remained at home with a dead-end job at the bank. He didn’t mind. The older locals often told him in morbid tones that if he didn’t get out soon, he never would— and be doomed to a routine life worthy of no note whatsoever. Days after his twenty fourth birthday, Guido did get out. It just wasn’t in the way that anyone would have expected.
He got out of the small town life, and directly into a big city prison. His crime: embezzling. Any large transaction at his job, a portion found its way into Guido’s personal bank account. He didn’t need the money. He didn’t want the money. But over the years Guido had found himself lending out more money than he had, always eager to help a friend. And would anyone really notice if two thousand pounds disappeared from a hundred thousand pound transaction? Although he was wracked with guilt for his thefts, Guido didn’t quite feel like a criminal. No more than Robin Hood had been at any rate. Some of his friends had hefty debts, and Kyffin was happy to help.
But people did notice, and by then the situation was irredeemable. With a reputation for being the guy with the money, his friends depended on him for a hundred quid here and there, for the price of their weekly groceries before their salaries were paid, for an anniversary gift for the wife. Unable to say no to anybody, Guido had siphoned off upwards of a hundred thousand pounds before a customer with a keen eye noted a handful of money missing from his bank account. Once he had alerted the authorities, it was a matter of days before Guido had gone to trial and been hidden away in prison.
He should have been suited to parole, and had he taken the opportunity he could certainly have gotten out early. But Guido was convinced that he didn’t deserve it and so each time he feared the guards were growing soft on him, he would start a fight or make a very poor attempt at breaking out. The inmate lifestyle didn’t suit him: the others were far tougher than he and Guido found himself being shoved to the ground both literally and metaphorically. He didn’t once speak out against it.
There were some that took pity on him. One or two con artists that recognized a useful ally in manipulation— not true friends, but they treated Guido kindly enough. There was one in particular, a fantastic mimic known as Mad Mack, that took a shine to Guido. And that is where Kyffin Greco was born. Mack built Guido up over the years, teaching him to impersonate those that were bigger and better, teaching him that the world owed him for his troubles. By the time Guido’s sentence was finished, Guido himself was dead. Instead there stood Kyffin: cocky, outgoing, and undeniably the owner of that confidence that gets people places.
Kyffin had tried his hand at many things, having become an uncanny mimic and excellent liar. What he was just before D-Day hit, just shy of a year after his release, was a therapist. He’d only been at it for some weeks, winging it as he went, but after much debate he’d decided that he wanted to be someone who could actually help people, and so his connections in prison helped him to get his new fraudulent documents in order. By the time D-Day hit, there was a sparse, but feasible file on young Kyffin Greco, PHD.
Stumbling upon Colony 22 by sheer dumb luck, he immediately saw it as an opportunity to offer his ‘services’. After his first few days, however, it became terrifyingly clear that therapy wasn’t easy. He hadn’t studied the human mind in his life, and so most nights he can be found up until the small hours, researching and learning. He’s a likeable man, sweet and never patronizing with his patients, but veiled by his kindness is the ever lingering fear that someone will find out that beneath the skin of Kyffin Greco lies the much more calloused soul of Guido Sal.
To this day, Kyffin still finds himself wondering what ever happened to Mad Mack, and if the man who’d given him new life, was surviving out there somewhere, or if he was among the millions dead. In the Games, Kyffin is easily underestimated due to the fact that he’s everybody’s best friend, but he can earn his team victory with clever tactics and keen manipulation.
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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innocentamit · 3 years ago
"GUILT BY ASSOCIATION!" NYPD Cop Politically Persecuted for Befriending Roger Stone and Supporting President Trump
“GUILT BY ASSOCIATION!” NYPD Cop Politically Persecuted for Befriending Roger Stone and Supporting President Trump
Reminiscent of the federal political persecution of January 6th protesters that has swept the nation, the NYPD has taken it upon themselves to persecute one of their own. In a dreary trial room at 1 Police Plaza, Lower Manhattan, NYPD Police Officer Sal Greco is currently being tried in an internal Disciplinary Hearing for the crime of associating with Roger Stone. See our interview with Roger…
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deblala · 3 years ago
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gandaever · 3 years ago
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Recalibrating my Senatorial slate: 1 Rodante Marcoleta #43 2 Mark Villar #62 3 Harry Roque #54 4 Robin Padilla #49 5 Atty Larry Gadon #29 6 Gilbert 'Gibo' Teodoro, Jr. #57 7 Salvador "Sal Panalo” Panelo #50 8 Loren Legarda #40 9 JV Ejercito #22 10 Gringo Honasan #33 11 Herbert “Bistek” Bautista #8 12 Greco Belgica#9 For PARTYLIST: Abante Sambayanan #175 #SolidBBMSara #UniTeam #ProtectBBM #ProtectSara (at Bronx New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbfHeBbOIcg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beppebort · 3 years ago
Convertire... in più
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MichaelDavide Semeraro osb
Il Signore Gesù ci chiede una conversione del cuore che tocca le profondità della nostra intelligenza. Il santo viaggio che stiamo interiormente vivendo, per camminare e salire verso la Pasqua del Signore, ci chiede di elevare sempre di più i criteri di discernimento su cui rinnovare continuamente la nostra vita. L’invito del Signore Gesù è una spinta a lasciarci sempre più formare dal nostro incontro con lo sguardo trasformante del Padre, in cui ritroviamo la nostra più vera identità:
«Se voi, dunque, che siete cattivi , sapete dare cose buone ai vostri figli, quanto più il Padre vostro che è nei cieli darà cose buone a quelli che gliele chiedono» (Mt 7,11).
Il salmista mette sulla nostra bocca la parola più adatta per ringraziare e per prendere coscienza di questo continuo flusso di grazia che anima e assicura il flusso di vita che da Dio, continuamente, ci viene donato, per continuare a camminare in quello che potremmo definire il processo di recupero della nostra somiglianza filiale: «Nel giorno in cui ti ho invocato, mi hai risposto, hai accresciuto in me la forza» (Sal 137,3).
L’atteggiamento e le parole con cui Ester (Fratel MichaelDavide, La parabola di Ester. Con il male si scherza, San Paolo 2014) si rivolge al Signore suo Dio, per impetrare la sua misericordia a favore del popolo minacciato di morte, ci aiutano a imparare l’alfabeto della preghiera, senza il quale non possiamo scrivere una pagina di vita in cui si possa leggere un tratto di quella storia di misericordia e di amore che segna e sostiene lo stesso mistero della vita. Ester prima di tutto
«si prostrò a terra con le sue ancelle da mattina a sera» (Est 4,17p)
e solo poi gridò al Signore «Vieni in soccorso…» (4,17gg). Potremmo definire questo momento come il “Getsemani” di Ester la quale - per tre giorni - deve gestire e attraversare, consapevolmente e integralmente, la sua «angoscia». Il testo greco esplicita in modo psicologico l’angoscia della regina, mentre la tradizione ebraica ne affida l’evocazione al segno eloquente del digiuno, la cui cifra si può solo dedurre per contrasto da ciò che avviene dopo: «quando ebbe finito di pregare, ella si tolse gli abiti servili e si rivestì di quelli sontuosi».
La preghiera di Ester – nel testo ebraico – fa tutt’uno con il suo corpo e non ha bisogno di essere esplicitata ulteriormente. Ester sembra aver appreso in modo raffinato, alla scuola di Egai, a usare la grammatica del suo corpo come un vero e proprio mezzo di comunicazione con la propria interiorità e con il mondo circostante, usandone i vari linguaggi e miscelando sapientemente le diverse tonalità. Nei suoi gesti, che il testo greco esplicita in modo accurato, la regina Ester mostra di avere piena consapevolezza di non accordare a se stessa un valore speciale, tanto da rischiare la sua vita senza neanche sentire di avere, per questo, un particolare merito. La domanda del Signore Gesù e il suo camminare deciso verso la consumazione della sua Pasqua ci interrogano e ci atterrano:
«Chi di voi, al figlio che gli chiede un pane, darà una pietra?» (Mt 7,9).
Per avere il coraggio di una preghiera audace bisogna imitare Ester, che trova la forza e lo stile della sua preghiera «dai libri dei miei antenati» (4,17aa). Ester cerca le parole e i modi della preghiera, non è una temeraria, ma è una donna in ricerca, in cammino, in ascolto… una donna che sa tendere la mano della sua povertà fino a lasciarla riempire da Dio con una misura traboccante di passione e di compassione, di cui si fa canale per tutti.
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