sexysilverstrider · 5 months
just know that takukamu and sakumarx are my sleeper agents the second i got those two idiot men and paired them with their queens itll be like 9 years ago again
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theeeveetamer · 4 years
What are your top five ships?
I’m just gonna do Fire Emblem because thinking of every ship I’ve ever shipped is a lot of work:
1) Leokumi because even after all these years these little nerdy bastards still make me smile.
2) Dimidue because I apparently really like big men being soft. Honestly not really a ship I would typically go for so this one kinda surprised me.
3) Sylvix because I am a sucker for childhood friends hooking up, shy tsun getting with an experienced older man, and for their aesthetic. 
4) Sakumarx (I think that’s their ship name? Sakura/Xander) because honestly I just think they’re adorable together.
5) Markumi because the only thing better than Takumi fucking a pretty blonde boy is Takumi fucking the pretty blonde boy’s older brother that is also quite pretty and blonde.
Oh and special shoutout to Dimiduthus because damn it’s some good shit.
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umbralstars · 4 years
Oh, the eternal struggle of loving Xander/Sakura and Shiro/Siegbert at the same time.
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fieryfafarfanfics · 6 years
Childish Devotion
 Honestly, one would think she would be used to magic by now.
 But alas, the sight of her lover in his young teen merely left the Hoshidan princess agape like a fool.
 Pretty pink eyes blinked once, twice, thrice before she shook her head until dizziness spread. “I…” Words were a wheeze at a single breath. The moment blue smoke had disappeared from her line of vision, one shock came after another before she could register her feelings properly.
 Marx – one who was now in the form of a 12-year old – stared confusingly at his surroundings. Confusion turned to caution. Caution turned to fear. “Where…” His voice – a voice that was the exact opposite of his usually deep tone – broke the heavy silence. One hand nervously ruffled the ends of his golden locks. The other started to subconsciously grasp the side of his tunic.
 None answered his question. But a laugh did fill in the horrifying situation.
 “Oops,” was all Henry could muster.
 Finally Sakura gaze snapped towards the dark mage. “‘Oops’?” she repeated, tone heavy with bafflement. “‘Oops’?!” Another wheeze popped her plump lips. She gaped at Henry, then at the nervous child, then back at the still laughing dark mage. “Excuse me?!”
 “Sorry, sorry!” His laughter didn’t sound sorry. “I just—ahaha!” Once again, cackles followed suit. Out of all the magical hijinks he had done before, this one certainly amused him the most.
 Unfortunately, this did not amuse the princess at all.
 “Henry!” Again she snapped, face flushed to the tips, though now out of sheer anger and shock instead of embarrassment. Quickly realizing that she had her staff gripped tightly in one hand, Sakura started to lift the weapon. Disregarding the full shock in the young Marx’s eyes, the Hoshidan princess was ready to whack at the wheezing dark mage.
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Finally he stopped, mouth exhaling the last bits of his laughter. “I truly am, Princess Sakura.” Wiping a single tear from his left eye, Henry stood up straight. Both hands raised to his eye level in defence. Sharp teeth bit the insides of his mouth, holding back a wider smile in hopes that he wouldn’t offend her any further.
 Once she felt that Henry had truly stopped enjoying himself, she lowered her staff down. “Now…” Face still filled with crimson kisses. “About—” Eyes glanced at the shivering child next to them. “I…Please change him back.”
 “Can’t do.”
 Gods, he is worse than Azama, Sakura thought as she raised her staff again.
 “Wait—no! What I mean is—!” Immediately Henry raised his hands again out of defence. Sliding one foot backwards, he flashed a cheeky, apologetic grin. “I can’t do it now. I don’t have the right ingredients for it!” Hands waved left and right in frantic movements. As timid as the princess was, Henry soon realized that she was just as feisty as Olivia.
 Ah, his dear, sweet Olivia.
 Focus, Henry! Quickly reality fell upon him. “I can change him back, but it might take a while.” Another step taken backwards. Sakura seemed like she wasn’t lowering her staff anytime soon, and Henry had already conjured up his telepathy spell in his mind.
 “…How a while?”
 The little spell stopped in its tracks when he heard her question.
 “How…a while?” Again she repeated. Staff once again lowered to her side, Sakura took a deep, long breath. She isn’t an angry person, per say. But she does get easily flustered when things catch her off guard.
 And right now, this caught her way off guard.
 “Mmm, maybe a few days? Weeks?”
 Strawberry pink eyes were wide as they could be at his approximation. “Weeks?!” Gods, her voice had been raising more times than usual today. “I—are the ingredients that hard to find?!”
 She was amazed to see the man laughing so joyfully at this. “It is a tricky spell, so it needs trickier ingredients.” Grey eyes peeked at the young prince who was now standing a few feet away from them. Apparently, they soon realized that due to their little banter, Marx had scooted far back out of fear.
 Ah, he reminded him so much of his dear son now.
 “But rest assured, Princess Sakura.” Resolution now planted in his mind, Henry huffed in confidence and pride. “I’ll get those ingredients and reverse the spell!” As fun as this was, he knew he would be scolded severely by Olivia and the Summoner.
 Making the Summoner angry was bad enough. Making Olivia angry was…downright devastating.
 He loved seeing the dancer’s cute angry face. He hated seeing her give him the cold shoulder afterwards.
 “I promise you, princess!” That fear only thickened his resolve. One hand placed on his stomach, he gave a little bow. “I’ll start collecting them immediately!” A sneaky smile curled the corners of his lips. The sight only itched doubt in her heart. “In the meantime, I supposed you wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on the young prince?”
 Judging by the glint in Henry’s eye, Sakura knew she had no other choice.
 “I…” Once again she gazed at the Nohrian prince – who was now hiding behind a pillar. The beat of her heart quickened. Her lungs felt heavy all of a sudden.
 This was not going to be easy, she feared.
 But alas, with a heavy breath slipping past her mouth, Sakura groaned, “Okay…”
 Turns out, the moment news of their eldest brother being turned into a young boy got caught by the Nohrian siblings, they accepted it…surprisingly well.
 Elise was over the moon at the thought of her big brother being younger than her. She brought him around the castle and played with him as if she had found a new best friend. As startled as Marx was when he got ‘pounced’ by the youngest Nohrian princess, he adapted quite well and slowly laughed and talked to her. Granted, Elise did most of the talking and laughing, but it was soon obvious to see Marx being comfortable to be around a ray of sunshine.
 He had different feelings about the other Nohrian princess, however.
 The second Camilla found out about Marx’s tiny little curse, she practically squealed—whether it was in shock or joy, none of them knew even to this day. The eldest Nohrian royal practically cooed over the child like an overbearing mother. She made sure Marx ate well, slept well. It amazed everyone when Camilla gave Marx a cape she had sewn all by herself in a matter of two days. The young prince was embarrassed at best, terrified at worst. But in time – maybe due to the fact that he felt a sense of security and love from her since he knew her the longest – even he got used to Camilla’s scarily loving personality.
 He sometimes hid from her when he felt too much, though.
 Kamui was just as loving, albeit a bit more bearable than the eldest sister. Absolutely filled with joy that she had another younger sibling, the dragon brought Marx around, whether it was in the Askrian town market or on top of the prettiest hill. At first, Marx literally coughed himself breathlessly to know that he had a sibling who could turn into a dragon. After a few minutes of reassuring him that Kamui wasn’t dangerous – and to make him get out of his own room – Marx slowly warmed up to his bubbly temporary big sister. Though afraid of talking to people, he was proven not of afraid of heights every time Kamui took him to the skies.
 Leon was the most shocked, but also the most calm. While his sisters were fawning over the timid boy, the brother seemed indifferent, even chastised his siblings for making a fool out of the poor first prince.
 Well, at first at least.
 It only took him a day when the Summoner found Leon and Marx reading happily in the Askrian library. Marx sat closely to the now big brother, eyes gleaming like stars over every new information from Leon. Showers of praises and compliments smoothed easily out of Marx’s mouth, and only a fool could be blinded at the sight of Leon beaming in unfiltered joy.
 Even the Hoshidan royals and Azura accepted Marx’s shocking news quite well. As days passed by like a breeze, Marx was treated like a dear little brother by everyone. Ryouma showed a few Hoshidan moves to the young prince in their harmless sparring sessions. Hinoka gave Marx a few tips on how to talk to strangers. Some of her advices worked. Some – like the one where she said to talk to the Grimas for better boost of confidence – left the poor prince crying back into his room.
 Azura taught Marx how to swim, though ‘taught’ was the keyword which unfortunately ended in failure. Azura didn’t know whether to be concerned or impressed at Marx’s amazing failure at floating. After lecturing Henry for a full hour, Laslow brought Marx around to talk to people as his practice buddy. Pieri taught Marx how to cook, which then sometimes resulted with Laslow snatching Marx away before the poor prince could see the creepily bubbly knight slaughter an innocent animal for a feast.
 Even Takumi pitched in on the bonding. Secretly revelling on the fact that he wasn’t the only one with anxiety issues, Takumi kept Marx company whenever the young boy felt anxious. Oh how could Takumi ever forget when Marx called him ‘The Bravest and Greatest Archer’ he had ever seen. Even when the Nohrian prince would be back to normal soon, Takumi knew those words were honest from his heart.
 Lastly, Siegbert was the one to accept the reality as a whole. To know that the younger version of his father had gotten even younger? It took Shinonome and Soleil to make sure that the prince didn’t jump into a well as he thought this was just some silly dream.
 Like Leon, he warmed up to his father fast, though.
 “Father is so cute…” Siegbert cooed quietly as he watched Marx swing a wooden sword. “I can’t believe Father used to be like…that.” Upon realizing his own actions, shame knocked the future child on the head. He knew Sakura was a timid person, so it wouldn’t be a surprise that he inherited her shy personality. He knew Marx was once a secluded child as well. But ever since he saw his father as someone so bold and intimidating when he appeared into the past, Siegbert sometimes couldn’t believe the childhood Marx went through.
 Needless to say, he now did.
 “Prince Siegbert!”
 The squeaky voice of his father’s dropped Siegbert back to reality. “Y-Yes?” Quickly he stood up, purple eyes blinked in stupor at the child waving enthusiastically.
 Marx jogged towards him, his smile sheepish and excited. “Can you…um…” Swirls of red kissed each cheek. “Can you…t-train with me?” The tip of the wooden sword tapped gently to the ground. Gaze breaking away from the tall prince, Marx started to fumble with the grip of the weapon.
 Siegbert could feel an arrow pierce right through his heart at the sight.
 “Sure!” His face was red as well. “I’d love to, Fa—Prince Marx!” He knew he should feel awful for treating his father like a child.
 Then again, he went through so much as a child, so he decided to conclude this as his little reward.
 It had been nearly two weeks since the spell happened. Thankfully, after getting an update from Henry, Marx would soon be back to his usual self tomorrow. Only the Gods knew how relieved Sakura felt to know that everything would be back to normal.
 That was to say, she wasn’t actually unhappy about the little curse.
 Shock still enveloped her. But over the past few days, Sakura adapted to Marx’s young version quite well. Maybe it was the amusement of seeing him being more flustered than her. Maybe it was the pure joy she felt to see his and her siblings bonding over his young version. Her heart warmed at such innocence that bloomed inside the Nohrian prince. While Sakura had seen Marx at his softest when he was in his actual age, to see this shy, timid boy trying his best only made her heart burst anew.
 Ah, she was truly amazed to see this many sides of him.
 “Um, P-Princess Sakura…?”
 Reality dawned upon her at the soft voice. Pink eyes blinked back to clear vision, seeing nothing but the young prince fumbling before her. “Oh!” Back straightened nicely, a beautiful smile graced her lips. “What’s the matter, Prince Marx?”
 He didn’t reply immediately.
 Knowing full well how he felt, Sakura tipped her head slightly. “Is everything alright, Prince Marx?” The angelic smile never gone from her face, Sakura leaned an inch closer. “You can always talk to me, you know.”
 Gods, she found it so funny that their roles had been reversed.
 She saw him take a deep breath. She bit back a chuckle.
 “I…” He could do this, he could do this, he chanted inwardly. “I wanted to give you…” Hands trembling behind his back, Marx puffed out another fistful of air. “I—here.” Unable to bear it any longer, his right hand swerved by his side and towards her.
 Her shoulders flinched at the hand positioned in front of her face. Pupils dilated at the sight of the item in his grasp. “Oh!” Both hands clasped her gaping mouth. Gaze fixed on the flower crown, then on him, then back on the crown, Sakura clasped her fingers together in silent question.
 He could do this. He could do this!
 “I—for you.” Bluntly he put it, face now burned as the sun above. “I uh… I want…” A gulp slid down a suddenly dry throat. “W-Want to thank…you…for all you’ve done so far.” His right and started to shake, so he opted to hold the crown with both hands.
 Unfortunately, now his whole body shook.
 Her reaction was still a gape and a gaze, and this wasn’t good for the child’s heart.
 “I uh—!” Purple eyes forced themselves downwards. “I…m-made it…” Vision started to split into two. “For you…”
 Silence still lingered, and tears started to fill in the poor boy’s eyes—
 “I—love it!”
 Tears blinked into shocked oblivion at the answer.
 Quickly he directed his attention at her. It wasn’t a mistake; that was absolute joy in her sparkling eyes.
 “Oh wow!” Left fingers tracing over her lower lip, Sakura emitted another gleeful giggle. “This is amazing, Marx!” Truly she was in awe. Though Marx had done some many things for her when he was in his actual age, not once had he stitched and gifted her a flower crown before.
 She was absolutely grateful at everything he had done for her in the past, of course, but this took the cake.
 To see such beauty radiating from her. To witness such bliss overflowing from the breath-taking princess, Marx couldn’t help the growing, shaking smile. “R-Really?”
 A nod was given. “Really!” Laughter was melody in his ears. “I love it so much, Prince Marx!”
 Ah, to feel his heart bursting from his chest.
 “Then…” His nerves started to act up again at the thought of his next actions. “If it’s okay with you, can I…can I wear it on you?”
 Even in this age, Marx truly knew how to take her breath away.
 “Oh!” was all she mustered. “O-Oh!” was all she flustered before nodding again, this time quite quickly than usual.
 The two now a blushing mess, Sakura leaned a bit down. Utterly ecstatic that this was truly happening, Marx held a breath before stepping one foot forward. He gingerly placed the flower crown atop her head. As swift as lightning he stepped back, breath then taken out of his lungs to see his gift on her.
 God, she truly was an angel.
 Mildly unaware of his admiration over her, Sakura traced her fingers towards the pink and purple petals. “It’s lovely…” Her voice softened, laced with love and delight at the darling gift. Unable to bring herself to look at him for a moment – Gods, she felt silly – Sakura cupped her warm cheek.
 “Um, Princess Sakura…”
 For a moment, she could hear his deep, warm voice.
 Patting herself back to reality, she looked at the still fumbling prince. Gods, he’s adorable. No matter which version he was, he would always be adorable in her eyes.
 Without waiting for her verbal response, Marx exhaled quickly through an open mouth. “I—the crown is more than a gift.”
 Confusion was obvious in her expression. Marx knew there was no turning back. So remembering every single advice from Hinoka, Laslow, and Takumi, the young prince braved himself and looked into the eyes of an angel.
 “The…The crown is a promise!” he exclaimed nervously. “I—w-when I get older, I want to marry you, Princess Sakura!”
 Well, no matter what age Marx was, he definitely knew how to knock the wind out of her lungs.
 Shock was obvious now, and he didn’t stop. “Please wait for me! I’ll p-prove—” Damn it! “—to you that I will be the bravest, strongest prince for you!” Both hands curled to little fists. “I’m going to protect you and my brother and sisters! I want you to be my princess when that time comes! Just you watch!��
 In all honesty, what would Sakura say in this situation? Would she laugh? Cry? Hide behind a pillar? Though their feelings were mutual and Marx technically had proposed in the past, to hear such innocent exuberance truly left her at wit’s end.
 Minutes felt like hours, and before Marx could think about running away himself, he instead froze in place to see such a mesmerizing smile.
 A laugh followed suit, and this made his heart race faster.
 “Alright…” Pink lips pursed tightly. Face now as red as Hinoka’s hair. Trembling fingers cupped together on her lap. Adorable giggles bubbled like songs in the air. “I’ll wait then…”
 To hear his vow being returned in kind, Marx felt like jumping in the air.
 Now he felt like hiding in the earth.
 The day after his little proposal, Henry finally finished the spell and turned him back to normal. Everyone was collectively relieved, just as they were collectively disappointed. The Nohrian siblings openly declared how they missed cooing over their ‘little’ brother. The Hoshidan siblings now used the little incident as either blackmail or a form of tease in order to see Marx fluster.
 But nothing could make him agitate even more than his situation with Sakura.
 Because the only side-effect of the spell, the second he transformed back into adult, was that he remembered everything.
 It didn’t help that Sakura started wearing that flower crown whenever he saw her.
 “Hello, dear!”
 Her voice was soft, bubbly, always beaming with love she had for him. But for the moment, her voice was also the reason he couldn’t face her properly without dying in unbearable shame.
 “H-Hello…” Purple eyes twitching at the need to glance at her, Marx instead just opted to slap his face shut with both hands. “Hello, my love…”
 Sakura knew she was a bit mean to be doing this to him. She knew Marx should deserve a break, at least from her of all people.
 But hey, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; it was never so often to see her beloved being completely embarrassed. It was cute.
 Palms cupped together and placed on her trembling smile, she stood before him. “Is something wrong, my bravest and strongest prince?” She held back a giggle to hear a loud, stifled groan.
 “Very funny, my queen…”
 Giggles turned into laughter.
 He was cute indeed.
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Sakumarx headcannon
Sakura wants to confess to her crush (silas) and to aid her into her journey to confess she asks xander to help her, despite xander having a deep love for her he helps her anyways and just wants her to be happy.
Once she finds the courage to confess she gets rejected and silas tells her that he likes someone else. She then runs to xander crying and in turn he tells her how much he meant to her, at this point sakura realizes that the person who she loved the most was right in front of her.
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maidofstars · 7 years
i haven't touched fea or fef in such a long time but ?? i suddenly have the urge to play it again for my ships lmao?
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periwinkquills · 8 years
Chimes of Happiness
    “I love you…” A ripple of sweet, melodic giggles rang within the area of their room. Her slightly vibrating body pressed against his chest as she covered her mouth cutely with her small hand. Each time he would declare those three words to her, she’d reply with her beautiful laughter. That laughter had the power to relieve him of his troubles, to lift his spirits, and overall, make him realize just how happy he was with her.
    “Xander…!” she squeaked, feeling his soft lips rest along the side of her left cheek. Sakura’s hand slipped over her soft lips, covering what was her elegant smile – that smile, which was the root of his happiness.
    The Nohrian royal felt a smile arising, and he hid it within her soft cheek. His arms hugged her small body protectively in between his legs. And in another hushed tone, he whispered, “I love you so much, my queen…” Chuu… He planted a single, gentle kiss atop her cheek, eyelids closed, basking in the comfort of having his beautiful wife in his arms. Never did he think that he would have time for such peaceful, lively feelings, and especially did not think that it would have been with her, out of all people. She showed him how to enjoy the smaller things in life, to relax, to smile, and to love.
    The next few words that left her pink lips made his heart thump wildly in his chest in uttermost glee. “I love y-you too, Xander…”
    He didn’t think he could ever be so happy and at peace, but Sakura had proved him otherwise.
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sexysilverstrider · 6 years
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siegbert finally gives in and joins the fun
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
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So, uh, I’m pretty sure I didn’t post this. Finished it like a month ago and I think I completely blanked on posting it.
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fieryfafarfanfics · 6 years
Failed Embarrassment
 “Are you ever going to look at me, my love?”  Marx bites back his laughter to see the vigorous shake of her head.  Palms still pressed to her face, Sakura whines meekly. “I-It’s just…um…” Words are left as short, chirpy breaths. The heat in her face burns brighter. The slim shape of her fingers tremble slightly at the imagery of what she saw a few minutes ago.  Gods, when the time comes where they’re actually married. Sakura knows damn well she’ll see even more.  …  ……  Okay, scratch that. The new thought is not helping her in the least to calm down.
 Once again, his laughter radiates the air around them. “Sakura…” His voice, albeit deep and husky, never fails to pump her heart to its maximum velocity. Standing perfectly still in front of the Nohrian prince, Sakura peeps a tiny whine again. If Marx didn’t have any form of self-composure, he had already swept his future queen off her feet and kissed her silly.  His smile grows wider. As embarrassed as he is to be standing before her while wearing nothing but a pair of Nohrian swimming trunks, amusement mostly occupies his mind at the reaction of his beloved. “If you do not look at me, my love, I will have to result to drastic measures.” Carefully he leans down to meet her gaze. Smile ever present and now shaped to a cheeky grin, the first prince tilts his head slightly.  One second passes by. Two seconds pass by.  Finally, all Marx can see is the cute peek given by the separation of her index and middle fingers.  Gods, give him strength. Everything she does only makes him fall for her even more.  He still has some self-composure. Trust him, he does.  Chup!  “M-M-Marx!”  But alas, he is only a man. Hands now gently holding her wrist, Marx places another kiss to the top of her head. “Given up yet, my queen?” The grin he bestows is kind, sly, ever filled with love he eternally holds for her.  And by Gods, this is killing the Hoshidan princess.  “That’s cheating!” Warmth now trailed straight to the tips of her ears, Sakura finally drops her hands. Her lower lip juts, pretty pink lips shine just as enticingly without her even trying.  Chup!  And, well, that obviously earns her another ‘attack’.  Strawberry pink eyes now as wide as they could be, Sakura gapes at the laughing lover. “Geez!” Mind now clouded by his face and actions instead of his bare chest, the petite princess gives his left shoulder a playful push. “Not fair!”  He will never get enough of her.  “It was the only way to get you to look at me, Sakura.” Cheeks burned brighter than the sun above, Marx pulls her right hand closer and places a soft, lingering kiss to the back of it.  She will never get enough of him.  “Gods, dear…” Lips trembling the widest smile possible, Sakura releases a heavy sigh before nudging her forehead against his.  It takes her a solid minute to realize she has already wrapped her arms around his neck.  Ah well, embarrassment be damned; Sakura giggles adorably to feel strong arms cosily wrapped around her waist.  He is so warm. END
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guktokki · 8 years
Preoccupied Thoughts (SakuMarx)
Cherry blossom trees and mint ointment were the first two smells that came to Xander’s mind when he awakened. Truth be told, he was never one to have much of an opinion when it came to scents, but recently he had found himself craving the two fragrances. Or more specifically, the person that was frequently attached to those two scents.
More slowly than usual, he busied himself with his armor and such, all the while thinking of pink hair and rosy lips. Tried as he might to shake the thoughts away, he found himself clinging to the image of his dreams tighter than he might have liked. Especially since he was going to be late to the next war council at this rate.
“This is not going my day, is it?” He muttered to himself, chuckling afterwards at himself. Never in his life had ever thought that he would be one of those love struck buffoons Corrin and Elise would use to gush about in their romance novels.
It was all right though, Xander decided as he finished putting on his armor and making sure nothing was inside out.
It was all right, as long as it was because of her.
A knock on the door swept him away from his thoughts. He coughed, straightening the crown on his head before saying, “Enter.”
“Lord Xander? It’s me, Laslow. You’re late for the council.”
Xander sighed, briskly walking past Laslow, not waiting to see if he was following. “I know. Then let us hurry on.”
As he strode on, he heard his loyal retainer’s footsteps run to keep in step with him. Giggling softly, Laslow clapped Xander on the back in a friendly manner. “What’s with the clipped tone? Not that you’re not stern all the time, but you’re certainly NEVER late. What’s going on?”
Xander sighed languidly, shrugging his shoulders uncharacteristically. He never would have thought lethargy would be a side effect of lovesickness, but he is not exactly the most experienced person concerning the matter.
“I suppose it is because of the party the other day. Camilla had somehow managed to make me drink two drinks more than I should have.” He chuckled as the pair quickly neared the council room. Thoughts of the night before pass through his mind lazily, with images of a cherry blossom kimono and small pale hands in his own rough ones filling his conscience.
“Well, you certainly were abnormally less stiff than your normally very stiff self.” Laslow laughed, nudging his lord affectionately. The prince merely scoffed, offering him an equally friendly nudge.
“In fact, I would say that you were particularly comfortable with a certain Hoshidan princess, wouldn’t you say?” Laslow teased, earning him a small blush from the crown prince.
“What makes you say that, Laslow?” He asked, hiding his embarrassment as best as he could. It would not do well to enter the council room red-faced, considering the reputation he needed to uphold. Plus, there was a high chance that the very reason for his flustered state was behind the doors he now faced, and he could not help but wonder if he was being too obvious with his affections.
“I’m just joking milord! Although,” Laslow snickered, pushing the big oak doors casually. “Your defense is making me think twice about the joke.”
The pair strode into the room together, with Laslow going to join Odin and Selena. Xander normally would have made his retainer stand close to him, but he could not help but let his brown eyes find their way to rose-colored ones instead. It did not take long to find them, as he found that they were already staring right back at his. Sakura immediately shied away from his gaze, and fiddled with the staff she always carried around.
Her presence both calmed and panicked him, as he found she always somehow managed to do to him. He pushed these thoughts aside, quickly finding his place beside Ryoma. They nodded at each other cordially, and the meeting soon commenced.
As Ryoma was first to speak that day, Xander found his thoughts yet again floating to the beautiful maiden just seats away from him. His eyebrows raised as he found that right beside Sakura sat Laslow, and this was in no way a very good sign.
In fact, it was a very bad sign.
Laslow leaned closely to Sakura’s ear, and Xander could not help but grit his teeth at this. He knew Laslow would never do anything to Sakura, but these dastardly feelings were slowly turning his reasoning into mush. So instead, he watched quietly, and he was slightly put-off by the Cheshire smile on Laslow’s face. He saw as Sakura’s face suddenly turned bright red, with her gaze quickly snapping to his. He raised his eyebrows in question, but Sakura only tore her eyes off his and stared fixedly at the table.
Oh, this was very bad indeed.
He glared pointedly at Laslow, who had noticed the prince’s staring. Laslow only smirked, and gave him a cheerful thumbs up.
Maybe Peri had always been his favorite retainer after all.
“Xander? What do you think?” Ryoma’s voice cut through his thoughts, and Xander found himself in a corner. He had obviously not been listening, and this had honestly never happened to him before. He was always the most attentive of listeners, especially when it came to war meetings and Sakura speaking—
Sakura was speaking.
“Umm, big brother? M-may I speak first?” The young princess stuttered out, and at once everyone’s gaze was on her. Normally, Sakura never spoke openly in war meetings because speaking in front of a crowd would usually turn her into a stuttering mess.
Suddenly feeling the weight of everyone’s stares on her, she felt her face flush red. Her eyes trained themselves on Xander’s, and he gave her an encouraging nod and a smile.
“I-I believe that we should travel to Valla next week instead. Our troops are still heavily fatigued, and the other healers and I still need to fix them up before we can proceed.” She said meekly, but she was instantly encouraged by Elise’s agreement.
“Yeah, what Sakura said! We should wait a few more weeks because…” As Elise continued her say, Sakura slowly slouched back into her chair, immediately relieved that the spotlight was not on her anymore.
She looked back at Xander, and found his eyes gleaming with pride and thanks. He knew she did that because he had not been paying attention, but the fact that she had noticed was what struck him the most.
She overcame her fear for him.
Conversation came to a close a few hours later with no other incidents. Xander sighed tiredly, shrugging off the worried inquiries from Corrin about his health. Xander made his way immediately to the doors, ready to plow through his workload in the comfort of his room. Before he can, however, he found Laslow blocking the way, with Sakura in tow.
“Hey milord, what a coincidence! I was just telling Sakura about the beautiful cafés in Nohr. She really wants to go, by the way, so you should definitely take her. Also—“
“Laslow!! I did not say that!” Sakura exclaimed suddenly, slapping a hand on her mouth at her outburst.
While Laslow laughed, Xander could not help but blush at the thought of going out with Sakura. Alone. Together.
Xander cleared his throat. “Laslow, please do not tease the princess. Please go with Peri and head to the mess hall. You’re on food duty, are you not?” He said sternly, grabbing Sakura gently by the arm and putting her beside him. Sakura blushed scarlet at the contact, but stayed quietly squealing on the inside.
Laslow stared pointedly at the contact, but Xander did not falter in his hold. Laslow smirked, giving his lord a friendly salute.
“Au revoir, monsieur and mademoiselle! See you at dinner.” He said happily, before sneakily whispering into Sakura’s ears once again. Sakura gasped, cowering slightly behind Xander as Laslow went on his merry way.
Xander sighed (He’s been doing a lot, hasn’t he? Maybe Camilla was right—he needs a vacation.), not yet noticing he still had his hands on Sakura’s arm. The princess shyly tugs on his arm, and the prince instantly retracted his hand, apologetic.
“I am… sorry for my retainer. He is a bit…” He paused, not really knowing what to say now that they were perpetually alone. Everyone else had left, meaning that there was no place or reason to hide.
“Friendly?” She supplied, giggling nervously.
He laughed as well, because there was not really much else to do. Was he nervous? Yes. “Well, that is one way to put it, I suppose.”
They stood in awkward silence for a moment, before Xander remembered.
“Princess? I would like to thank you.”
“What for?” She asked.
“Well, I do not know how obvious I had been earlier, but you really saved me there. You have my thanks.” He said, hoping his words conveyed how much that moment meant to him.
“Oh! That? It was just that… I remembered all that advice you gave me about speaking, and I just though that I would try. I guess I’m not nearly ready enough for big audiences.” She laughed timidly, scratching her neck sheepishly.
“Do not be so hard on yourself. In fact, I think you did spectacularly.” He was not lying either. She did better than he did when he gave his first public address.
Sakura’s eyes lighted instantly. “R-really? Thank you very much! Your praise means so much to me.”
Xander nodded, smiling tenderly at the blushing girl. But as much as the moment was sweet, he also needed to know what Laslow whispered to her a while ago. After a moment of thinking, Xander finally raised enough courage to ask.
“If you do not mind me asking, Lady Sakura, but what did my ridiculous retainer tell you a while ago? You looked a bit flustered. I’m sorry if he said anything… perverse.”
If it was possible, Sakura’s face turned even brighter than her hair. “N-no! Nothing of the sort! W-well, we were talking about, er…”
Sakura paused, wringing her hands anxiously. Xander motioned for her to continue, encouraging the girl. “W-well, he was telling me about how nice it would be to go to the Hoshidan markets and taste the food there. Then he went on about going and how l-lovely it would be to go together.”
Xander’s eyes widened. His retainer really said that? Hiding his jealousy as best as he could, he gritted out, “And you replied?”
The princess shook her head quickly, raising her hands in defense. “Of course I said no! It would be most improper!” She squeaked, scared that Xander would think wrongly of her.
“And besides,” she muttered, her flustered state quickly dying down. She averted her gaze, trying to shake his eyes away from her mind.
“And besides what?” He whispered, his hand absently cupping her cheek. She struggled to hide her gasp, but kept her gaze away regardless.
“I… I would rather go with you.”
Both pairs of eyes widened at that, and Sakura promptly turned away, aiming for the door.
“I-I’m so sorry! Please excuse me!” She all but screamed, dashing out of the room as quickly as she could.
After a few more seconds of being dumbfounded, Xander finally called out, “Wait, Lady Sakura!” Xander rushed out, following the young princess.
Due to the princess having to carry a staff and her generally shorter legs, it took no time at all for Xander to catch up. He grabbed her arm gently yet again, and the princess stopped in her tracks.
There was silence, and Sakura swore she could hear a pin drop. They stood there, with Sakura still facing the corridor, unwilling to look him in the eye. That is, until Xander finally spoke.
“Did you mean that?” He said, his voice barely a whisper.
Turning slightly, she mumbled back a reply.
“Yes. With all my heart.”
With a touch like a feather, Xander slowly turned her body towards his, and found that her face was faintly pink, as he knew his was as well.
“Say it again.” He commanded.
“Yes,” she replied, her eyes brimming with emotion that no human language could supply. “I want to go with you. Xander.” she said, his name sounding more like a song more than a word. It was more than his name, as if all the unspoken feelings and thoughts were contained in that one word.
In that moment, he realized that maybe the scent of cherry blossom trees and mint ointment was something he could get used to after all.
Laslow, Odin, and Selena watched from corner, all of them snickering at the awkwardness of it all.
“50 bucks says that they’ll kiss by the end of the month.”
“I say by the week. If I have anything to do with it.”
“My blood is ready for this epic romance!”
It’s about to get interesting all right.
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
Man, I really made the right choice in following you because we have the same taste in obscure rarepairs lmao. Anyway: Modern AU Leokumi showing up for Xander and Sakura’s wedding, and they get as far as the doorway when one of the people asks “Are you with the bride, or with the groom?” and they just look at each other like “ ... fuck”. They awkwardly hover at the doorway while Leo tries to text Xander and Takumi tries to get a hold of Sakura to ask them where they should be seated.
Yeah, someone got me into Sakura/Xander awhile back and it’s just too cute. Their supports are absolutely adorable, and all of the shenanigans you can do if Leokumi is also in effect are just too fun!
I also lowkey ship Takumi/Xander, if only because it would make Ryoma’s head implode, if anyone wants to talk to me about that, too.
And my god! They roll up and they’re just kind of like “Uh... Both?”
Then when they can’t get a hold of either of their siblings it turns into a very Leokumi-typical debate over which side they should sit on, featuring such arguments as “The bride is more important, so she probably wants me sitting on her side!” and “Xander arranged the seating, surely he would put us on his side!”
Only for Camilla to show up and inform them that:
1) the venue doesn’t divide seats into two sections, they’re just all in the middle
2) they got special seats at the front and center precisely because Xander and Sakura knew that they would argue over sitting on one side or the other.
3) They would both know that if they’d come to the rehearsal yesterday instead of staying up until 6 am watching History channel documentaries and then accidentally sleeping through it.
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
I know no one cares about this ship, but I was playing Heroes and Xander/Sakura is so adorable. Xander’s summer festival and Sakura’s halloween alts look like they’re going to a party together and it’s so fucking cute.
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sexysilverstrider · 7 years
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this is the most surreal joy i get to experience because after placing them in one team they fit every trope i ever love:
1. small wives that can pretty much wreck you even without their husbands help
2. giant husbands loom and glare deviously behind their small wives at anyone who dares hurt their precious flowers
3. both husbands are super strict and sometimes intimidating
4. the wives are literal sunshines who are one of the very few who could make the husbands swoon and smile the purest smile everyone has ever seen
5. both sakura and nowi are pretty much the perfect cure of marxs and freds stress
6. the husbands are in their Special Outfit and the wives arent
7. sakura frets over marx if hes ever hurt and is great at healing; fred frets over nowi if shes ever hurt and is great at first aid
8. one minute marx and fred look so stern and scary. the next minute they are blushing like teenage highschool boys when sakura holds marxs hand and nowi holds freds.
9. sakura got to learn something new and surprising about marx; she learns that marx was a very shy boy and still has stage fight sometimes too. nowi learns that frederick is super hardworking eventho his hard work is often gone completely unnoticed and yet sadly he doesnt mind.
10. both sakura and nowi had first bad impressions of marx and fred before they talked
11. their impressions of them changed when they learned more about them
12. (technically) both husbands have a horse
13. marx and fred are surely the type of passionate men who pamper and spoil their beloved
14. nowi cant swim; marx cant swim
15. they make my heart flutter
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sexysilverstrider · 7 years
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sexysilverstrider · 7 years
"its raining heavily and I GOT AN IDEA lets hope i stick to it lmao." Fafar, should I be scared for the poor pink princess?
Her hand was soft, small, warm, and most of all, very, very comforting.
“I love you…” The confession lulled as a breathy whisper, he kissed the back of her right hand. His own right hand cupped hers, fingers wonderfully laced like perfect puzzle pieces. Her back felt warm against his chest. Her breathing gently tickled the left side of his collarbone.
“Mmm…” she simply murmured, eyes still closed and slumber still singing its lullaby in her mind. Her left hand loosely brushed his arm that had wrapped around her stomach. Upon feeling his caress that had slowly brought her to sweet slumber in the first place, Sakura fidgeted just the slightest before releasing a slow, quiet sigh.
His smile was accompanied by the wild blush in his cheeks.
“I love you, my queen.” Her right hand still cupped by his own, Marx tilted his head slightly and kissed the right side of her head. His lips lingered there for a few, long seconds. Breathing then became slightly shaky from the sweet scent that had so often caught him in a trance. Chu, his lips traced down to the shell of her ear. Chu, his kisses peppered more and more until he stopped at the back of her hand.
She was soft, small, warm, and most of all, very, very comforting.
“I love you so much…” With one final kiss being given to the corner of her right eye, Marx finally joined her in a land of dreams.
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