ankleglue · 1 year
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Takumi and Saiha from Sexmens! Trying sooo hard to develop a toonier style while also not succumbing to same face syndrome, but I'm happy with this! (The honses are doodles from earlier this year, I thought it would be fun to include them)
I do not remember anything about this manga (I also used google translate bc there's no English translation so I was struggling ok, laugh at me) but I loooove Shō Futamata's art and character designs, major inspo. They're also the creator of Nanbaka which I highly recommend if you're looking for a silly yet really cool anime!
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autumnbrambleagain · 9 months
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going through caves of qud with a companion who actually like, comments on what's happening throughout the game makes it feel so much more alive tbh (ignore spelling error this mod is for us alone so like okay we didn't spell check it that perfectly)
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i get to put in a ton of inside references to their dumb running storyline from all the dumb things they've been through too outside of qud
it might be fun to like,
modd an annaface or suir companion into the game and give them running commentary on all the questlines ?
when i finish writing proselytize i fully intend on putting saiha and the brambled pass and the daughters of nafpor in as a mod
we've been modding games a long time this seems pretty do-able ive seen other people put up settlement mods we just need to know the rules of the system and it shouldn't be impossible idk
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wildmin · 1 year
“Sparki?” “Yeah?” “You called me another name once… when you were sick.”
Mome directed her gaze down to the yellow pikmin sitting beside her, “Did you know another purple pikmin before you met us?”
Sparki winced internally at the direct and accurate statement. Mome was so quiet and easygoing, they forgot that she could be so perceptive.
“Y-yes. I did”
The other pikmin sat and waited patiently for more.
Sparki sighed and continued. Mome was trustworthy. She would understand.
“Saihas was like, my teacher, my mentor. He showed me how to be a wild pikmin.”
Sparki thought back to how those huge violet hands showed them how to wield a spear. “We’ll need to find a smaller one for you, the ideal stick is both a weapon and a support.” He had said, humming and searching the ground.
He had taught them about the changing seasons, the best overnight resting places, how to find nectar, the behaviors of different predators…
Sparki blinked back to the current situation. “And then one day in winter I just woke up and he was gone.”
“Just gone?” Mome whispered.
“There were footprints in the snow but they just ended. I don’t know what happened” Sparki shook their head.
 “I’m sorry.” Mome replied. She knows that her friend doesn’t want pity though, “But it’s thanks to Saihas’ teaching that we’re all here and safe now.”
They both looked across the clearing, Roska seemed to be telling Zin and Loomden a story.
“I guess so. I never thought about it that way.”
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monstersmade · 5 months
//i was thinking a lot on how interesting it was that the remnants dont overall have swords. Kadaj's souba seems to be a saiha blade which I'll go into in another post but the Velvet Nightmares are gunblades that don't function as blades and the Dualhound is a gauntlet
and as i was thinking on it, and theyre also missing another iconic piece of Sephiroth's design - which is his hair. Sephiroth's big gravity defining bangs - when kadaj and yazoo have very flat hair that falls in their face, and Loz's is entirely different. Yaz has long hair with piece sitting down past his shoulders but Sephiroth's long front pieces are part of his bangs and come from in front of his ears, Yaz's come from the length in the back pulled forward
and then ofc the wing, which the remnant designs allude to but dont have
it just fascinates me how much they dont look like sephiroth
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Thamud and 'Ad people denied the Qari'ah
Qariah literally means the striking one. Qar is to strike one thing upon another so severely as to produce a noise.
The means of God's destruction of Thamud include a thunderbolt, a storm, a shout, and an earthquake. The shout, which is an extremely loud sound, might have caused the earthquake, according to certain scholars.
"Saiha صَّيْحَةُ " means shout or scream.
طاغية  : [overpowering [blast.
As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the awful cry
Aad destroyed by:
صَرۡصَرٍ screaming
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ruttotohtori · 1 month
Näin unta, joka alko sillee, et olin just heränny ja oli vapaapäivä. Tien toisella puolella asuvan naapurin tontin tien puoleisella rajalla oli siinä unessa iso puu, joka kuumina kesäpäivinä varjosti mukavasti meiän pihaa. Se naapuri oli kuitenki jostain syystä päättäny hankkiutua eroon siitä puusta ja oli vuokrannu nosturin ja oli useemman metrin korkeudessa katkomassa sen puun oksia moottorisahalla. Irti sahatut oksat oli pitkin tietä haittaamassa kävelijöitten ja pyöräilijöitten kulkua ja esti kokonaa tän kadun asukkaita kulkemasta autoillaan siitä meiän talojen välistä.Joku naapuri oli kuulemma jo soittanu poliisit ja ne oli kyl käyny siinä, mut naapuri oli sanonu niille, et se talo o vaa niitten perheen kesämökki ja ne asuu muualla ni toi meiän kotikatu o vaa niitten mökkitie ni ne poliisit ei sit voinu tehä asialle mitään (ilmeisesti mökkitien tukkiminen isoilla oksilla on sallittua ku jos se talo ois niitten koti ni sit ne poliisit ois voinu käskeä sitä lopettamaan sen touhun).
Mä halusin laittaa yhtee ryhmäkeskusteluu jotai kuvaa tai videoo sen naapurin tekemisistä mut e halunnu, et se naapuri näkee, et mä kuvaan sitä, ni päätin kiertää meiän talon ympäri meiän aidan luo ja sit kuvata siitä. Siinä unessa meiän talon ja pensasaidan väline alue oli paljon pitempi ja leveämpi.
Sit ku mä olin kiertäny pihan tien puoleiselle osalle, ni mä huomasin, et siinä meiän aidan vieressä, MEIÄN PIHAN PUOLELLA, on rivissä ties kuinka monta sähköpotkulautaa. Niitä vihreitä, mitä voi vuokrata. Ilmeisesti joku kaupungin työntekijä keränny ne siihe. Ja sit siel niitten potkulautojen seassa oli viel yks isokokonen, neljän jalan varassa seisova kulmikas, metallinvärinen pömpeli, jonka ovessa oli joku teksti, jota e enää muista. Menin kattoo, et mikä se oikee o. Se oli joku wanha vekotin, joka automaattisesti annostelee ruuan naudalle. Sen oli joku tuonu siihe et jos joku haluu sen itellee ni sen voi sit ottaa siitä ilmaseks. Iskä oli ikkunas ja pienempi ikkuna oli auki ni mä koitin siitä huikata sille, et mitä siihe meiän pihalle o oikee tuotu, mut ku se naapuri ukko päristeli vieläki sitä moottorisahaansa ni ei se sit oikee kuullu mitää, vaiks olin iha siin ikkunan kohal huutaas.
Ja sit viel meiän portista marssi sisää jotai tyyppejä kännykät käsissä vuokraamaa niitä vitun potkulautoja. Mä koitin selittää niille, et tää on meiän piha ja yksityisaluetta, mut eihä ne mitää kuunnellu... ja saiha siin ainaki pari potkulautaa helvettii siit meiän pihast... mut jumalauta ku mä olin vihane.... nii vihane, et heräsin ja sit oli pakko kattoa YouTubesta joku hauska Danny Gonzalezin video ennen ku pystyin jatkaa nukkumista...
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adroitextrusion · 7 months
Multi-Layer Blown Film in Mizoram
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Adroit Extrusion Manufactures, Exports, and Supplies Multi Layer Blown Film in Mizoram. Our ISO 9001:2015 certification highlights our dedication to delivering tailored solutions globally and maintaining exceptional quality across all operations. We are well-known for our devotion to quality and specialize in co-extruded blown film lines with a variety of configurations, including monolayer, ABA, two-layer, three-layer, five-layer, and seven-layer setups. Types of Multi-Layer Blow Film Machines: 7/5 Layer Barrier 5 Layer POD 3 Layer Blown Film Plant The Multilayer blown film technique is the apex of film production, co-extruding multiple polymer resin layers for a composite film. Our Multilayer Blown Film Lines are highly adaptable, creating multiple layers with unique polymer compositions, each contributing distinct characteristics. This versatility produces films with varied qualities like strength, flexibility, barrier performance, and heat resistance. The Innoflex Multilayer co-extrusion blown film lines offer diverse configurations, including three-layer non-IBC and IBC machines, for a wide range of films. Our 7-layer blown film line features a modern Cylindrical Spiral Die with short polymer flow passageways, minimizing dwell time and polymer degradation for heat-sensitive materials. Our five-layer line ensures premium polymers on the exterior and cost-effective materials on the interior, meeting industry standards and customer specifications with competitive advantages over traditional three-layer options. Adroit Extrusion is a Supplier of Multi Layer Blown Film in Mizoram serving locations such as Aizawl, Lunglei, Bairable, Champhai, Darlawn, Kolasib, Saitual, Saiha. For further details and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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daastane-musafir · 1 year
7 Days Itinerary to Mizoram
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7 Days Itinerary to Mizoram
Day 1: Aizawl Arrive in Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram, and spend the day exploring the city. Visit the Mizoram State Museum, the Solomon's Temple, and the Aizawl Zoological Park.
Day 2: Champhai Take a scenic drive to Champhai, a picturesque town located on the Indo-Myanmar border. Visit the Rih Dil Lake, which is considered sacred by the Mizos, and the quaint village of Murlen.
Day 3: Lunglei Head to Lunglei, the second-largest town in Mizoram. Visit the Lunglei Cultural Centre to learn about the state's rich cultural heritage, and explore the town's bazaars.
Day 4: Saiha Travel to Saiha, a small town located on the banks of the Palak lake. Take a boat ride on the lake, visit the Palak Wildlife Sanctuary, and enjoy a peaceful evening by the lake.
Day 5: Phawngpui Drive to Phawngpui, the highest peak in Mizoram. Trek to the peak and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and hills. Spend the night at a local homestay.
Day 6: Serchhip Head to Serchhip, a town known for its beautiful landscapes and traditional handicrafts. Visit the Vantawng Falls, the second-highest waterfall in Mizoram, and shop for souvenirs at the local markets.
Day 7: Aizawl Return to Aizawl and spend the day exploring the city's vibrant markets and trying out the local cuisine. In the evening, catch a traditional Mizo dance performance at the Aizawl Cultural Centre.
How many days are enough for Mizoram?
The number of days needed to explore Mizoram depends on your travel preferences and the places you want to visit. Ideally, a minimum of 5-7 days would be required to cover some of the major destinations in Mizoram like Aizawl, Champhai, Lunglei, Saiha, and Phawngpui. However, if you have more time, you can explore more offbeat destinations in Mizoram and get a deeper insight into the local culture and traditions.
Which month is best for Mizoram?
The best time to visit Mizoram is between October and March, which is the winter season in the region. During this time, the weather is pleasant with clear skies, and the temperature ranges between 10-20 degrees Celsius, making it ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing. The monsoon season in Mizoram lasts from June to September, and the region receives heavy rainfall during this time, which can cause landslides and disrupt travel plans. Therefore, it is best to avoid visiting Mizoram during the monsoon season.
What is very famous in Mizoram?
Mizoram is known for its unique culture, picturesque landscapes, and delicious cuisine. Here are some things that are famous in Mizoram:
Bamboo and cane products: Mizoram is known for its skilled artisans who make beautiful handicrafts using bamboo and cane. These include baskets, hats, furniture, and other decorative items.
Cheraw Dance: Cheraw is a traditional dance form of Mizoram, in which men and women dance in pairs by clapping bamboo sticks. It is performed on various occasions, including weddings and festivals.
Mizoram food: Mizoram cuisine is known for its simplicity and use of fresh ingredients. Some of the popular dishes include Bai, Vawksa Rep, Chamthong, and Koat Pitha.
Phawngpui: Phawngpui is the highest peak in Mizoram and is famous for its beautiful trekking trails and stunning views of the surrounding valleys.
Mizo Hnam: Mizo Hnam is a traditional attire worn by women in Mizoram. It is made of intricately woven fabric and is known for its vibrant colors and unique designs.
How much does Aizawl tour cost?
The cost of an Aizawl tour can vary depending on various factors such as the duration of the trip, mode of transportation, accommodation, and activities planned. Here is an approximate breakdown of the costs involved:
Accommodation: The cost of accommodation in Aizawl can vary from budget guesthouses to luxury hotels, with prices starting from around INR 800 to INR 5000 per night.
Transportation: The cost of transportation can vary depending on your mode of travel. Taxis and private cars are available for hire, and prices can range from INR 1500 to INR 4000 per day. Public transport options like buses and shared taxis are cheaper but can be crowded.
Food: The cost of food in Aizawl can vary depending on your preferences. Local street food is available at very reasonable prices, while restaurants can be more expensive with prices ranging from INR 200 to INR 1000 per meal.
Activities: The cost of activities can vary depending on what you choose to do. Entry fees to museums, parks, and other attractions can range from INR 20 to INR 100 per person, while trekking and adventure activities can cost upwards of INR 1000.
Overall, a 3-4 day trip to Aizawl can cost anywhere between INR 10,000 to INR 25,000 per person, depending on the above factors.
Is Mizoram costly?
Compared to other tourist destinations in India, Mizoram can be considered moderately priced. The cost of food, accommodation, and transport is generally lower in Mizoram compared to other popular tourist destinations. However, the cost of traveling to Mizoram can be higher due to its remote location and limited transport options.
The cost of accommodation in Mizoram can vary depending on the type of hotel or guesthouse you choose. Budget accommodations can cost anywhere from INR 500 to INR 2000 per night, while mid-range to luxury hotels can cost upwards of INR 3000 per night.
Food in Mizoram is quite affordable, with local street food options available at very reasonable prices. Restaurant prices can vary depending on the location and type of food, but a meal can cost anywhere from INR 200 to INR 1000.
Transportation costs in Mizoram can be higher than other states due to the limited transport options. Private taxis and cars are the most convenient way to travel around Mizoram, but they can be more expensive. Public transport like buses and shared taxis are more affordable but can be crowded.
Overall, Mizoram can be considered affordable for travelers who are willing to explore and discover the local culture and traditions. However, the cost of traveling to Mizoram can be higher due to the remote location and limited transport options.
What is the best time to visit Aizawl?
The best time to visit Aizawl is between October and March when the weather is pleasant and dry. The temperature during this time ranges from 10°C to 20°C, making it ideal for outdoor activities like sightseeing and trekking. The skies are clear during this time, and you can enjoy stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys.
The monsoon season in Aizawl lasts from June to September, and the region receives heavy rainfall during this time. The rains can cause landslides and disrupt travel plans, making it less favorable for tourists to visit during this time.
April and May are also good months to visit Aizawl as the weather is mild, and the hills are covered with blooming rhododendrons and other wildflowers. However, it is important to note that April and May are peak summer months, and the temperature can rise up to 30°C, which can be uncomfortable for some travelers.
What is the best thing to buy in Mizoram?
Mizoram is known for its unique handicrafts made from bamboo and cane. Here are some of the best things to buy in Mizoram:
Bamboo and cane products: Mizoram is famous for its skilled artisans who make beautiful handicrafts using bamboo and cane. These include baskets, hats, furniture, and other decorative items. These make great souvenirs and gifts to take back home.
Mizo Hnam: Mizo Hnam is the traditional attire worn by women in Mizoram. It is made of intricately woven fabric and is known for its vibrant colors and unique designs. You can buy Mizo Hnam at local markets in Aizawl.
Handloom textiles: Mizoram is known for its handwoven textiles made from cotton and silk. You can find a variety of shawls, stoles, and sarongs in local markets across the state.
Black pottery: Black pottery is a unique craft of the Hnahthial district in Mizoram. The pottery is made using traditional methods and is known for its durability and rustic beauty.
Tea and spices: Mizoram is home to several tea and spice plantations, and you can find a variety of tea blends and spices in local markets. The tea is known for its unique flavor and aroma, while the spices like black pepper, cardamom, and cinnamon are of excellent quality.
Overall, shopping for traditional handicrafts and textiles in Mizoram is a unique experience and is highly recommended for travelers looking to explore the local culture and traditions.
Which is the most beautiful city in Mizoram?
Mizoram is a beautiful state with several charming cities and towns. However, Aizawl, the capital city of Mizoram, is considered the most beautiful city in the state.
Aizawl is nestled in the hills and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. The city has a unique charm with its winding roads, colorful buildings, and vibrant markets. Some of the popular attractions in Aizawl include the Mizoram State Museum, Solomon's Temple, and the Bara Bazar.
Apart from Aizawl, other beautiful cities and towns in Mizoram include Lunglei, Champhai, and Serchhip. These towns are known for their picturesque landscapes, serene atmosphere, and rich cultural heritage.
What is Mizoram main food?
The main food of Mizoram is rice, which is the staple food of the state. Rice is usually served with various dishes that include meat, fish, vegetables, and herbs. Here are some of the most popular dishes in Mizoram:
Bai: Bai is a traditional Mizo dish made with vegetables, meat or fish, and herbs. It is cooked in a bamboo shoot or banana leaf, which gives it a unique flavor.
Vawksa Rep: Vawksa Rep is a Mizo-style pork dish that is cooked with bamboo shoots, ginger, garlic, and other spices. It is usually served with rice and is a popular dish in Mizoram.
Koat Pitha: Koat Pitha is a popular Mizo snack made with rice flour, coconut, and jaggery. It is fried in oil and served with tea or coffee.
Sawhchiar: Sawhchiar is a sweet dish made with rice, jaggery, and coconut. It is a popular dessert in Mizoram and is usually served during festivals and special occasions.
Misa Mach Poora: Misa Mach Poora is a Mizo-style grilled fish dish. The fish is marinated in a mixture of spices and herbs and grilled over an open flame. It is a popular dish in Mizoram and is usually served with rice.
Overall, the cuisine of Mizoram is known for its unique flavors and use of local ingredients. If you're traveling to Mizoram, make sure to try some of these delicious dishes to get a taste of the local culture and traditions.
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getmeupsocial · 1 year
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kent-ro-service11 · 2 years
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Water Purifier Service in saiha:-kent ro service is the best ro water purifier service provider in saiha we have a professional technician call us @8506096743.
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kashmirmonitor · 2 years
How BRO used shredded plastic to construct road in Bhutan
How BRO used shredded plastic to construct road in Bhutan
Border Road Organisation (BRO) has used shredded plastic in resurfacing 4.5 km on Phuentsholing-Thimphu Road under Project Dantak in Bhutan. BRO has used the technology in It has been used in the resurfacing of the 5.22 km Hnahthial-Sangau-Saiha Road under Project Pushpak in Mizoram and the two km resurfacing of Hapoli-Sarli-Huri Road under Project Arunank in Arunachal Pradesh. Prime Minister…
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teenytraveler · 3 years
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My illustration for the @laboroflovezine! Featuring Tokiya and Ayaka - the tdmm kids, and Saiha - the bkcm boy! 
 Leftover sales close tomorrow so hurry up and snatch your goodies before it's too late~! 
STORE : http://laborsoflovezine.bigcartel.com
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monstersmade · 5 months
//anyway a saiha blade is a katana thats reforged because the original katana was damaged, and its considered a lesser blade than the original but still better than a completely destroyed blade
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Beloved comrades.
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faintwalker · 3 years
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It’s enough
that you are with me.
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bunny-j3st3r · 5 years
I like to think Saiha and Takumi defiantly got married but like it was unknown to anyone even Takumi’s sisters until one day someone is like to takumi “oh I think ur ring is cute” and he’s like “thanks, Saiha gave it to me on my wedding day”
and everyone fucking loses it because they’ve been married three years and no one knew
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