#Safari Ramadan
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bogorexpose · 10 months ago
Gelar Safari Ramadan, Management PTPN 1 Regional 6 Kunjungi Seluruh Kebun dan PKS
LANGSA – Management PTPN 1 Regional 6 melaksanakan kegiatan Safari Ramadan 1445 H/2024 yang diisi dengan pemberian santunan anak yatim, memberikan bantuan untuk rumah ibadah, tausiyah dan berbuka puasa bersama serta sholat Maghrib berjamaah. Adapun jadwal Safari Ramadan Tahun 1445 H / 2024 M mulai 18 Maret s/d 1 April 2024, akan mengunjungi seluruh Kebun Unit dan PKS di wilayah kerja PTPN I…
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hargo-news · 11 months ago
Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo Safari Ramadan dan Serahkan Bantuan di Masjid Al-Furqon
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Universitas Bina Mandiri (UBM) Gorontalo berbagi kebahagiaan dengan memberikan bantuan di Masjid Al-Furqon Tilongkabila, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Sabtu (23/03/2024). Bantuan yang diserahkan saat Safari Ramadan tersebut, yakni berupa sejumlah alat yang akan digunakan untuk membersihkan Masjid serta uang tunai untuk pembangunan masjid tersebut. “Hari ini kami menggelar…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 11 months ago
Safari Ramadan di Marisa, Sekda Iskandar Serahkan 100 Paket Bantuan Kaum Duafa
Kabardaerah.or.id, Pohuwato – Hari keempat Safari Ramadan Pemda Pohuwato berada di Kecamatan Marisa dan Kecamatan Duhiadaa, khusus Tim III yang dipimpin Sekretaris Daerah, Iskandar Datau melakukan buka puasa bersama di Masjid Al-Ikhlas, Desa Marisa Selatan, Kecamatan Marisa, Jum’at, (22/03/2024). Hadir pada kegiatan itu Asisten Administrasi Umum, Mahyudin Ahmad, pimpinan OPD, Koordinator TKB,…
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gosulsel · 2 years ago
Adnan Sebut Peringatan Nuzulul Qur'an Momentum Membumikan Al-Qur’an - Gosulsel
GOWA, GOSULSEL.COM — Salah satu keistimewaan dalam Bulan Suci Ramadan yakni terdapat Malam Nuzulul Qur'an atau peristiwa malam turunnya Al-Qur'an. Sebagai cara untuk mengamalkan peringatan tersebut, Pemerintah Kabupaten Gowa melaksanakan tarawih bersama masyarakat di Masjid Istiqlal Desa P...
#MalamNuzululQurAn #PemkabGowa #SafariRamadan
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kbanews · 2 years ago
Disambut Ribuan Santri, AHY: Ponpes Benteng NKRI dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
JAKARTA | KBA – Memasuki hari ke-8 di bulan suci Ramadan 1444H ini, Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) disambut meriah oleh ribuan santri dan pengurus pesantren saat mengunjungi Pondok Pesantren Roudlotul Ulum, Kabupaten Bandung Barat (KBB), Kamis sore, 30 Maret 2023. Massa menyemut dan berdesak-desakan menyambut kehadiran AHY yang didampingi istrinya Annisa Pohan Yudhoyono…
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waspadadotid · 11 months ago
Tim Safari Ramadan Kunjungi 22 Masjid
IDI CUT (Waspada): Setelah bermusyawarah dengan seluruh unsur dan terbentuk dalam Surat Keputusan (SK), akhirnya Tim Safari Ramadan Kecamatan Darul Aman Tahun 1445 Hijriyah/2024 Masehi, akhirnya mengunjungi 22 masjid se-Darul Aman, Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Rombongan berkisar antara 15-20 orang dibagi dalam lima tim. “Setiap malam lima serentak mengunjungi lima masjid. Alhamdulillah kita sudah…
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tourismguideqatar · 11 months ago
Ramadan Reflections: Exploring Qatar's Spiritual Side in 2024
Ramadan approaches, Qatar emerges as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment and cultural richness. Amidst the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, the essence of Ramadan pervades every corner, offering a unique opportunity for residents and visitors alike to delve into the spiritual side of Qatar. With its vibrant mix of traditions, rituals, and community gatherings, Ramadan in Qatar is a truly transformative experience.
The Significance of Ramadan in Qatar
Ramadan holds immense significance in the hearts and minds of Qatar's residents. Beyond its religious connotations, it serves as a time for reflection, self-discipline, and communal harmony. As the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Ramadan marks the period when the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslims observe fasting from dawn to sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other worldly desires as a means of spiritual purification and growth.
Embracing Tradition with Ramadan Offers 2024
In 2024, Qatar welcomes Ramadan with open arms, offering an array of special promotions and Ramadan offers to enhance the spiritual experience for all. Whether it's discounted rates for iftar meals at renowned restaurants, exclusive deals on traditional attire, or special packages for cultural events, the Ramadan offers of 2024 aim to make this sacred month even more memorable for residents and visitors.
Experience Qatar: Elevating Ramadan Celebrations
Experience Qatar, a leading provider of cultural and experiential tours, is at the forefront of offering unique Ramadan experiences in 2024. With a deep understanding of Qatar's heritage and traditions, they curate immersive journeys that allow participants to explore the spiritual side of the country during this holy month.
Ramadan Offer 2024: Suhoor Buffet Cruise Experience
One of the highlights of Company Experience Qatar's Ramadan offerings in 2024 is the Suhoor Buffet Cruise Experience. Set against the backdrop of Doha's glittering skyline and tranquil waters, this exclusive cruise offers a blend of culinary delights, cultural entertainment, and spiritual reflection.
Participants embark on a journey of gastronomic indulgence as they savor a sumptuous suhoor buffet featuring an array of traditional Qatari delicacies and international favorites. From savory pastries and succulent grilled meats to refreshing beverages and decadent desserts, the menu is designed to tantalize the taste buds and nourish the soul.
As guests dine under the stars, they are serenaded by live performances of traditional music and poetry, creating an ambiance of tranquility and spiritual elevation. Amidst the serene surroundings of the Arabian Gulf, participants have the opportunity to engage in moments of introspection, gratitude, and prayer, connecting with the deeper meaning of Ramadan.
Cultural Insights and Spiritual Reflections
In addition to culinary delights and entertainment, the Suhoor Buffet Cruise Experience by Experience Qatar offers participants valuable insights into Qatari culture and spirituality. Knowledgeable guides provide commentary on the significance of Ramadan customs and traditions, shedding light on the practices that define this sacred month.
Through storytelling, poetry recitations, and interactive discussions, guests gain a deeper appreciation for the values of compassion, empathy, and community that are central to Ramadan. They also learn about the rich history of Qatar, its enduring traditions, and the role of Islam in shaping its identity.
Creating Lasting Memories
As the Suhoor Buffet Cruise Experience draws to a close, participants are left with memories that will last a lifetime. Against the backdrop of a glowing horizon and the gentle lapping of waves, they have experienced the true essence of Ramadan in Qatar – a harmonious blend of spirituality, culture, and hospitality.
With its unwavering commitment to providing exceptional Ramadan experiences, Experience Qatar invites residents and visitors to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment in 2024. Through its diverse range of offerings, the company aims to foster deeper connections with Qatar's heritage and traditions, leaving participants inspired, uplifted, desert safari and enriched by the spirit of Ramadan.
Conclusion Ramadan in Qatar is a time of profound significance, where spirituality intertwines with culture, tradition, and community. The Ramadan Offer 2024 by Experience Qatar, particularly the Suhoor Buffet Cruise Experience, exemplifies the essence of this holy month, offering participants a transformative journey of reflection, connection, and celebration.
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glyhndzkr · 11 months ago
Bersama kesusahan ada ladang kebaikan
Sehari dibantu nuntunin motor rewel dua kali pagi dan sore tanpa pamrih, kalo bukan berkah ramadan ya apalagi
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Berawal sejak kemarin malam, karena indikator bensin motorku masi mati, sempet udah ngerasa, wah ketok e butuh belaian kasih sayang pertalite ki. Tapi karena mikirnya masih kuat sampe besok pagi pas berangkat koas, skip dulu pom nya. Tapi ndilalah pas pagi, udah sengaja narget pom sebelah SS dan nge skip pom solo safari, tiba tiba, njededetdet det... gas e mati 😅
Untung, sempet dapet info di daerah turun ke arah ISI ada pom kecil kecilan, dan bener. Langsung banting setir, belok di turunan deket kodim, sampe pojok belok kiri, nemu perempatan dan wah! indahnya pom kecil. Sampai akhirnya, pesona keindahannya meredup karena token listrik tokonya habis, mesin pomnya gabisa nyala, belaian kasih pertalite gabisa tersalurkan dengan baik. Subhanallah, indahnya jalan balik dan jalan terus yang naik semua. kuat kuat kaki tangan bro.
Tiba tiba ada mas2 datang dari arah ISI, mampir tokonya juga, beli ABC Kacang ijo, langsung minum. Subhanallah, indahnya menumpas dahaga di pagi ramadhan. Tapi, daripada bahas minumnya, mending minta tolong. Dan alhamdulillah masnya bersedia, bahkan dianter sampai ke Pomnya langsung.
Di lain waktu, sore, motor e adekku mogok. Pertanyaan e, kok iso wkwk ratau di servis ki. Tapi yah, daripada bertanya mending langsung ditodong, eh tolong. Mungkin emang ini saatnya terinspirasi oleh mas mas pagi tadi.
Berangkat berdua karo masku, ternyata tida semudah itu ferguso, dan singkat cerita ada mas mas hampirin ke samping, "kamu Galyh ya, aku yakin kita akan ketemu lagi besok" "saya laki mas" "di surga og mas" "oh ok mas". wkwk canda, ga harus jadi romantis agar menenangkan "mau kemana mas... yoh tak bantu nuntun" singkat cerita motor sampe rumah, dengan selamat, dan mas adekku cuma nonton sepanjang jalan.
Ada aja orang baik, jazaakumullah khayr mas mas penuntun sepeda motor, semoga bisa menuntun baik baik yang lain 🙏
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mamadkhalik · 11 months ago
Pulang jam 2 menyisakan waktu yang cukup panjang menuju ashar. Kuputuskan untuk melakukan kegiatan yang tak pernah sempat kulakukan karena aktivitas dakwah kesibukan duniawi, yaitu safari masjid.
Sore tadi berkesempatan mampir di Masjid Arafah, Ngruki, Sukoharjo.
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Jauh sebelum paham gerakan Islam, saya adalah orang yang termakan sterotipe bahwa tempat ini adalah kumpulan orang radikal, fanatik terhadap Islam. Buat yang belum tahu, daerah ini terkenal oleh salah satu tokoh yaitu Ustadz Abu Bakar Baasyir.
Iseng-iseng main dulu, akhirnya kecanduan main ke tempat ini. Lingkunganya seakan menambah ghiroh dalam berdakwah, masjidnya minimal punya menara besar, dan yang pasti sangat tempatnya bersih minimalis.
Sterotipe saya langsung runtuh, kumpulan radikal fanatik itu ternyata soal sudut pandang saja. Mungkin, kita saja yang belum mengenal sesama saudara.
Tentu, salah satu magnet kenapa rajin kesini adalah toko bukunya. Memang mayoritas buku-bukunya dari kelompok tertentu, namun saya melihat ada penambahan genre buku yang lebih beragam, mulai dari buku-buku tarbiyah, amaliyah aswaja, dan juga tokoh-tokoh HT yang kalau dirunut, antar harokah ini kadang bersebrangan paham.
Tapi ya memang seperti itu Islam, adab, ilmu harus menjadi yang utama sebelum prasangka. Seminimal mungkin jangan sampai kita menjadi aktor persekusi atau usir mengusir. Urusan perbedaan, serahkan pada ahlinya, tugas kita adalah mengeratkan ukhuwah Islamiyah.
Kurang lebih begitu. Boleh sepakat boleh tidak.
Ngoresan, 03 Ramadan 1445 H.
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traveltricksblog · 10 months ago
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Solo Traveler's Dubai Diaries: Uncovering the Best Travel Packages & Tips-Tricks
Exploring Dubai Solo: A Wanderer's Paradise
Welcome, fellow solo travelers, to the vibrant city of Dubai! In this guide, we'll unravel the best travel packages tailored just for independent explorers like you. From safe accommodations to thrilling group tours and insider travel tips and tricks, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the dazzling emirate of Dubai.
Safe Sanctuaries: Accommodation Options
Dubai understands the unique needs of solo travelers, offering a range of accommodation options that prioritize safety, comfort, and convenience. Whether you prefer the social atmosphere of hostels or the privacy of solo traveler-friendly hotels, Dubai has something for everyone. Consider staying in areas like Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, or Jumeirah Beach Residence for easy access to attractions and a vibrant nightlife scene.
Group Tours Galore: Joining Fellow Explorers
Solo travel doesn't mean you have to explore Dubai alone. Joining group tours is a fantastic way to discover the city's highlights while connecting with fellow travelers. Opt for a desert safari adventure where you can ride camels, try sandboarding, and watch a mesmerizing sunset over the dunes. Alternatively, explore Dubai's cultural heritage with a guided tour of historic sites like the Al Fahidi Historic District and the Dubai Museum.
Networking Events for Solo Explorers
Dubai's bustling social scene offers numerous opportunities for solo travelers to meet new people and forge meaningful connections. Keep an eye out for networking events, workshops, and social gatherings tailored for travelers. Platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite often list upcoming events where you can mingle with locals and fellow adventurers, share travel tips, and perhaps even find a travel buddy for your next adventure.
Navigating Dubai Like a Pro: Insider Tips for Solo Explorers
Navigating Dubai may seem daunting at first, but with a few insider tips, you'll navigate the city like a pro. Invest in a rechargeable No l Card for hassle-free access to public transportation, including the metro, buses, and water taxis. Familiarize yourself with Dubai's cultural norms, such as dressing modestly in public places and respecting local customs during Ramadan. For hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path experiences, explore neighbourhoods like Al Quoz for its vibrant arts scene or Alserkal Avenue for galleries, cafes, and boutiques.
Embracing Solo Freedom: Customized Solo Travel Packages
If you crave a personalized solo travel experience, consider booking a customized solo travel packages designed specifically for independent explorers. These packages often include a mix of guided tours and free time to explore at your own pace. Choose from themed itineraries like adventure travel, wellness retreats, or foodie experiences tailored to your interests. Many tour operators also offer solo-friendly accommodations and activities, ensuring you have a seamless and enjoyable solo adventure in Dubai.
Solo Adventure Awaits
Dubai is a city of contrasts, where modern skyscrapers coexist with ancient traditions, offering solo travelers a rich tapestry of experiences to uncover. With the best travel packages designed for independent explorers, safe accommodations, exciting group tours, networking events, insider tips, and customized experiences, Dubai is indeed a wanderer's paradise. So, pack your bags, embrace the solo freedom, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of the Middle East!
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hargo-news · 11 months ago
Masjid Diharap jadi Tempat Pembinaan Keagamaan
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Masjid diharap dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat pembinaan keagamaan untuk warga. Harapan ini sebagaimana disampaikan Bupati Bone Bolango, Merlan Uloli pada agenda safari Ramadan yang dirangkaikan dengan penyerahan hadiah lomba kemakmuran masjid tingkat Kabupaten di Masjid Al-Muhajirin Desa Talumopatu Kecamatan Tapa, Ahad (17/3/2024). “Selain untuk tempat ibadah, masjid juga…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 11 months ago
Pani Gold Project Gelar Safari Ramadhan, Bentuk Syiar Agama
Kabardaerah.or.id, Pohuwato – Pani Gold Project menyelenggarakan Safari Ramadhan ke sejumlah masjid di Kecamatan Buntulia dan Kecamatan Marisa, Kabupaten Pohuwato, dalam rangka syiar agama sekaligus silaturahmi dengan masyarakat Bumi Panua di Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1445 H. Kegiatan Safari Ramadhan ini dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan kecamatan, desa dan pengurus masjid setempat. External Affairs…
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ahmed-yasser88 · 2 years ago
Egypt's Historical Mosques to Visit During Ramadan
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Ramadan is a special time in the Islamic calendar, and Egypt is home to some of the most beautiful and historic mosques in the world. If you are willing to visit Egypt and enjoy Ramadan Ambiances you can check out Egypt Tours, they are offering well-prepared tours collections which you can choose what suits you according to your interests, budget and the days you want to spend, Egypt Travel Packages offers a diverse range of attractions for tourists interested in history and relaxation, including Egypt Nile Cruise Tours, desert adventures, and beach resorts along the Red Sea. There are many 2 and 4-star hotels suitable for budget tours, as well as luxurious 5-star resorts for those seeking a luxury vacation. Egypt Vacation Packages offer comfortable and luxurious hotels, such as the Marriot Mena House, and unique luxury tours to see all the sights in style. The 12-day luxury tour to Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Hurghada is an example of such a tour.
Here are some historic mosques you can visit in Egypt during Ramadan:
Al-Azhar Mosque: Located in the heart of Cairo, Al-Azhar Mosque is one of the oldest and most renowned Islamic institutions in the world. The mosque dates back to the 10th century, and its intricate architecture and stunning minarets make it a popular destination for visitors during Ramadan.
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Al-Hussein Mosque: Located in the heart of Cairo's historic Islamic district, Al-Hussein Mosque is a popular destination for visitors during Ramadan. The mosque dates back to the 12th century and is known for its beautiful ornate interiors and stunning courtyard.
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Al-Rifa'i Mosque: Located in Cairo's historic district, Al-Rifa'i Mosque is known for its stunning architecture and intricate tile work. The mosque dates back to the 19th century and is the final resting place of members of the Egyptian royal family.
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If you want to visit Al-Rifa'i Mosque along with other historical places you can check out Cairo Short Breaks packages,Cairo is a great destination for a short break, offering a mix of ancient sights and contemporary culture. There are options for those who cannot spend much time, such as Egypt classic tours with Covid19 safety measures. Activities include tours of Giza Pyramids and the Egyptian Museum, visiting the step pyramid of King Djoser in Saqqara, exploring Coptic Cairo's churches and synagogues, and Islamic Cairo's narrow alleys.
During Ramadan, these mosques often hold special prayers and events, making them even more special to visit during this time.
Egypt Day Tours, enjoy unforgettable day tours to explore the captivating nation of Egypt. The tours include visits to attractive archaeological sites, rich museums, stunning beaches, and luxury resorts. Tourists can also walk through old Cairo, visit historic sites such as Al-Muizz li-Din Allah, the oldest street in Egypt, Marsa Alam Day Tours, The tour offers an opportunity to enjoy the vast landscape and clean warm water all year round, as well as daily adventurous sports such as ATV quad bike safari trips in the desert. The tour also includes a breathtaking trip on the Glass Bottom Boat, which allows tourists to see the coral reef, as well as snorkeling trips and water sports.
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Or if you are kind of person who admire antiquities and want to explore more about Egypt's history, Luxor day tours is the suitable tour for you Luxor is a city located in Upper Egypt that boasts a rich history and ancient ruins, having served as the capital of Egypt during the New Kingdom period. It is famous for some of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, including the Valley of the Kings, the Karnak Temple Complex, and the Luxor Temple. Luxor is sometimes referred to as the "world's greatest open-air museum" due to the abundance of well-preserved ancient monuments and tombs.
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The extensive coastline of Egypt, which stretches over two thousand kilometers along the Mediterranean and Red Sea. their services to take tourists from various harbors to enjoy Egypt luxury tours, such as the Giza pyramid tour and other choices in Cairo. So Egypt Shore Excursions is a great option to explore Egypt's ports, Alexandria is a city located on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. It served as the capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic dynasty and is home to notable attractions such as the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Citadel of Qaitbay, and Pompey's Pillar. The city also boasts beautiful beaches, parks, and gardens, making it a popular tourist destination. you can check out Alexandria Port Trips @cairo-top-tours
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gosulsel · 2 years ago
Tarawih di Bontonompo, Bupati Adnan Disambut Antusias Warga Setempat - Gosulsel
GOWA, GOSULSEL.COM — Kunjungan Bupati Gowa, Adnan Purichta Ichsan di Kecamatan Bontonompo untuk melakukan tarawih keliling disambut antusias masyarakat setempat. Hal itu terlihat saat orang nomor satu di Gowa itu mulai memasuki Masjid Nurul Jihad, Desa Barembeng, Kecamatan Bontonompo. M...
#PemkabGowa #SafariRamadan
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kbanews · 2 years ago
AHY Bantu UMKM di Cimahi, Tekankan Pentingnya Kurangi Pengangguran dan Kemiskinan
JAKARTA | KBA –  Melanjutkan rangkaian perjalanan Safari Ramadan, Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) mengunjungi Cimahi, Selasa, 28 Maret, 2023. Jalan darat menggunakan bus dari Jakarta, AHY disambut antusiasme warga. Di bulan yang penuh berkah ini, AHY dan Partai Demokrat berbagi dengan masyarakat kurang mampu. Secara simbolis AHY membagikan sepuluh gerobak untuk UMKM, 500…
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tourismcampaigns · 9 hours ago
Abu Dhabi Launches Ramadan 2025 Campaign: Ramadan at Ours
Abu Dhabi’s 2025 Ramadan campaign organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu) will be the first to reach broader international markets. Previous campaigns primarily focused on regional visitors, but this year, the initiative aims to attract a global audience to explore the emirate throughout the month.
Ramadan in Abu Dhabi offers cultural experiences and diverse culinary options. The campaign, “Ramadan at Ours,” invites both residents and international visitors to engage with local traditions and modern attractions during the holy month. A variety of activities and events will highlight the cultural heritage and hospitality of Abu Dhabi.
Throughout Ramadan, Abu Dhabi will host cultural performances, including traditional music, dance, and art exhibitions. These events provide visitors with an opportunity to learn about Emirati heritage and Ramadan traditions.
Night markets will offer local crafts, fashion, and regional cuisine, allowing visitors to engage with artisans and experience traditional Emirati dishes. Fireworks displays will take place on scheduled nights to enhance the festive atmosphere.
Outdoor activities such as desert safaris, dune bashing, and camel riding will be available. Retail outlets across the city will also feature promotions and discounts during the month.
Restaurants and hotels in Abu Dhabi will provide a variety of iftar buffets, featuring both traditional and international cuisine. These dining experiences aim to create a welcoming environment for both residents and visitors.
The “Ramadan at Ours” campaign underscores Abu Dhabi’s efforts to showcase its cultural heritage and offer engaging experiences for visitors during the holy month.
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