#Sadaqa Jariya project
Help Build A Mega ICU Department | One Nation
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jameaalkauthar · 2 months
Sadaqa Jariya: Supporting Education and Community Growth
Sadaqa Jariya plays a pivotal role in supporting educational initiatives, providing sustainable funding for institutions like Islamic High School for Girls, libraries, and training programs. This ongoing charity ensures continuous access to educational resources for future generations, fostering a culture of learning and empowerment within the community. By investing in educational projects such as Islamic High School for Girls, donors create a lasting impact that benefits individuals and communities alike. Sadaqa Jariya not only enhances the quality of education but also helps break the cycle of poverty, as educated individuals contribute positively to society. Engaging in Sadaqa Jariya for education leaves a profound legacy of knowledge and opportunity for years to come.
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alwaysblueglitter · 3 years
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Sadaqa Jariya Project
Stichting Al Karim heeft een prachtig doel op het oog. Wij gaan namelijk een Koran school bouwen in Afghanistan waar gemiddeld 250 meisjes gratis lessen kunnen volgen, geheel met de aanleg van sanitaire voorzieningen en een waterput inshaAllah!
Door de armoede en oorlog in Afghanistan zijn er  veel scholen in verval geraakt. Voor deze meisjes is de behoefte om kennis te vergaren groter dan ooit. Daarom zijn wij op zoek naar mensen zoals jij! Dit is de perfecte kans om bij te dragen aan het verspreiden van kennis over de Koran.
Het steunen van dit project is een vorm van liefdadigheid die zal blijven bestaan. Zelfs na de dood kun je genieten van de vruchten die je hiermee hebt geplukt. Mede dankzij jou zullen vele meisjes toch toegang kunnen krijgen tot deze vorm van islamitisch onderwijs.
Wellicht zorg jij met jouw bijdrage aan de waterput ervoor dat duizenden mensen, dieren en ook planten toegang zullen krijgen tot het meest belangrijke om te overleven. De beloning in het hiernamaals zal groot zijn, InshaAllah.
Met Allah’s wil en jullie hulp is de bouw van de Koran school mogelijk! Help jij mee om €20.000,- op te halen? ❤️
De profeet ﷺ heeft gezegd: “Als een persoon sterft, eindigen al hun daden behalve drie: een voortdurende liefdadigheid, kennis en een kind dat voor hem bidt.”
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pooma-islam · 3 years
A true (good practicing) Muslim or Muslimah will spend his or her money in the following ways:
1. Sadaqa - For the sake of Allah. Sadaqa multiplies the wealth, it keeps us away from harm, danger and punishment of the grave. If done properly, sadaqa jariya keeps sending rewards even after death.
2. Family - The Prophet says the best place to spend is on family. If you spend on your family, you get the reward of sadaqa. Spending on family has many benefits. It strengthens love and respect. It prevents family members especially wife and children from stealing, begging and lacking in general. Being nice to them makes one a good Muslim as mentioned by Al-Bukhari.
3. Orphans - No one receives more attention in the Qur’an like the orphans. Allah stresses their status and the benefit of helping them. Find at least one or two orphans in your family or neighbourhood, support their education, health care, feeding, anything. The benefits are: your children will be taken care of by Allah when you pass away. You will never lack in terms of wealth. And lastly, Jannah is a guarantee for you as long as you die a Muslim.
4. Projects - People who spend on projects such as masjid are the best among us. Bcos as they build masjids and schools, Allah is building mansion for them in Jannah. Don't put your money on luxury cars, lavish mansions etc. Its ok to acquire things, but do not be extravagant. Allah does not like those who spend excessively on worldly things. Such projects will be sadaqa jariya for you.
5. Donations and sponsorship - a lot of people are poor, they lack in every way. Such are people we should take care of, not prostitutes or hoodlums. Allah ta'alah loves people who love the poor among them. When you make such people happy, Allah is pleased with you too. And Allah loves those who help others. In the day of judgement, such people get intercession through the Prophet PBUH.
May Allah bless us with wealth and money to spend on his way. May Allah not give us money that will mislead us or stop us from worshipping Allah. Amin ya rabb.
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maryamibrahimsblog · 3 years
*A true (good practicing) Muslim or Muslimah will spend his or her money in the following ways:*
1. Sadaqa - For the sake of Allah. Sadaqa multiplies the wealth, it keeps us away from harm, danger and punishment of the grave. If done properly, sadaqa jariya keeps sending rewards even after death.
2. Family - The Prophet says the best place to spend is on family. If you spend on your family, you get the reward of sadaqa. Spending on family has many benefits. It strengthens love and respect. It prevents family members especially wife and children from stealing, begging and lacking in general. Being nice to them makes one a good Muslim as mentioned by Al-Bukhari.
3. Orphans - No one receives more attention in the Qur’an like the orphans. Allah stresses their status and the benefit of helping them. Find at least one or two orphans in your family or neighbourhood, support their education, health care, feeding, anything. The benefits are: your children will be taken care of by Allah when you pass away. You will never lack in terms of wealth. And lastly, Jannah is a guarantee for you as long as you die a Muslim.
4. Projects - People who spend on projects such as masjid are the best among us. Bcos as they build masjids and schools, Allah is building mansion for them in Jannah. Don't put your money on luxury cars, lavish mansions etc. Its ok to acquire things, but do not be extravagant. Allah does not like those who spend excessively on worldly things. Such projects will be sadaqa jariya for you.
5. Donations and sponsorship - a lot of people are poor, they lack in every way. Such are people we should take care of, not prostitutes or hoodlums. Allah ta'alah loves people who love the poor among them. When you make such people happy, Allah is pleased with you too. And Allah loves those who help others. In the day of judgement, such people get intercession through the Prophet PBUH.
May Allah bless us with wealth and money to spend on his way. May Allah not give us money that will mislead us or stop us from worshipping Allah. Amin ya rabb.
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nurulquran · 6 years
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االسلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
*NurulQuran Invites all to Join Hands in their Islamic Center Building Project - Khayran Kaseer*
Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference... Let's Make a Difference for Generations to Come...
*الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي بِنِعْمَتِهِ تَتِمُّ الصَّالِحَاتُ*
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you..
*We pray that Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala grant all the families for their generousity and accept from all. Aameen.* 💝
And we hope for your continued support and earn never ending Sadaqa-e-Jariya. 💎
Be a part of this Noble Cause & Invest in Akhirah
جزاكم الله خيرا كثيرا و احسن الجزا💐
We ask you all to pray for Nur Ul Quran’s success to
*Enlighten the hearts, homes and lives with the Light of Al Quran* 🤲
Team NurulQuran
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#Dawa men! One of amazing projects that hires and trains locals to visit hard to reach villages and invite them to Islam! Thousands of people have embraced Islam and said their Shahada because of this project! This also counts as an ongoing charity “Sadaqa Jariya” for you ☺️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B5EFXSnJ0VG/?igshid=13leywxxrn6aj
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📒 Ramadhan EXCLUSIVE Journals! Following the demand from our attendees, we are pleased to offer Ramadan Journals for adults and children. We have thought deeply about how to assist our brothers and sisters to be more productive this Ramadan. Furthermore, to awaken the same spirit, encouragement in children by engaging them at their level. Each day of Ramadan has been listed for you and your children to check off the checklist what acts you have done to the best of your ability.(See pictures) _________________________ 💸 JOURNAL COST: ▪ Adults £5.00 (excl. Delivery) ▪ Children £3.00 (excl. Delivery) This can be an ideal gift and a huge sadaqa e jariya for someone. _________________________ *HOW TO PLACE AN ORDER:* Place your order by text on following numbers: ▫ Bradford: 07949593970 ▫ Dewsbury & Batley 07828914535 ▫All other towns: 07884949945 Please clearly state: 1. full name 2. number of copies 3. payment method _________________________ BULK ORDERS We are happy to take bulk orders too. They will be collection *only* and available from Bradford & Batley. We would require *full payment* in advance to confirm the order and they need to be placed by *5th May 2018*. _________________________ NOTE: 📌 All proceed will be invested in *Sahabiyat Sisters* and *Little Ummatti* projects. 🏷 Organised by the students of Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed db
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jameaalkauthar · 4 months
Empower the Future by Utilizing Sadaqa Jariya to Provide Support for Jamea Islamic College for Girls
In Islam, the term "sadaqa jariya" refers to continuous almsgiving that benefits others and brings rewards to the giver even after they pass away. This type of altruism encompasses projects like constructing schools, supplying clean water, and aiding educational establishments.
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