#Sadao Miyamoto
foxspeterpan · 2 years
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Anon Academy Chapter 3
//Even though this blog is over and done with. I want to keep this going here just so that all the chapters are together.
//Anyway, for the people that have been following it so far hope you enjoy it.
“So…that’s the situation…” Sly murmured. Daisuke had explained everything to the class the next day, though there were rather varied reactions. “Something’s amiss. Why would Mr Kamisaka want to challenge us in the first place? It must be more than just a friendly competition.”
“Okay. What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Junpei scowled.
 “I’m not really sure about Kamisaka-kun, since I’ve never met the guy. But that Miyamoto-san is super rude, like, for real!” Mage added. “She said all of us weren’t important to the school, like, who the hell does she think she is?!”
 “Th-that attorney was really scary…like…scarier than Oya-chan…” Sadao twiddled with his thumbs.
 “Ibuka-san, the prosecutor…I could relate to her cold demeanour on a very personal level.” Maemi nodded, writing notes down. “Nakahara-kun, on the other hand, definitely needed someone to teach him a lesson.”
 “I’ve never met anyone from the 79-A class, so I wouldn’t know.” Rock shrugged. “But by the sounds of it, they don’t seem like a very peaceful bunch.”
 “Nagata-kun’s sister seemed pretty nice, but I still get the same reaction from my danger sense as I do for the others…” Dragonous informed them. “I don’t get it though. Nagata-kun has such a gentle aura, but his sister-“
“Hey!” Ryuu gritted his teeth. “Don’t you talk about my family like that! Your ‘danger sense’ or whatever must be messed up or something! Onee-san isn’t dangerous at all!”
 “Being protective of your family is admirable, but don’t let things like that blind you from what might possibly, on the off-chance, be fact. That’s a fatal move, Mr Nagata.” Sly warned. “That said, we’ve only met eight of the 79-A class roster.”
 “Nine.” Oceanis corrected. “I ran into a little girl yesterday, Arisa Suzuki.”
 “Ms Suzuki. The Ultimate Artist.” Daisuke nodded.
 “Huh? What are you talking about? Isn’t Oceanis-san the Ultimate Artist?” Rina tilted her head a little. Everyone looked over at the brunette, who was simply staring at the wall, not wanting to make eye contact with the others.
 Daisuke thought for a moment, before hitting a point of realisation. “Ah…I see. The education board must have accepted you under a fake talent before they enrolled the real Ultimate Artist.”
 “That’s right, yeah…” Oceanis mumbled, straightening up. “The truth is…I’m actually enrolled here at the Ultimate Spirit Medium.” There was a silence lingering in the air as Oceanis turned to the rest of them. “W-well, at least say something, geez!”
-Oceanis. Ultimate Spirit Medium-
 “What can we really say to that?” Rina mumbled.
 “Sh-she’s right…b-but then again, i-it’s not st-strange to have t-talents like that wh-when you talk about H-Hope’s Peak…” Emi countered. “I-if anything, a w-w-weird talent make you f-f-fit in more…”
 “She’s got a point!” Dragonous smiled. “Welcome to the weird talent club! You can join me and Sly-kun!”
 “Just when did I get thrown into this little group?” Sly questioned. “That’s not the point right now. Is it? We should be discussing what we’re going to do about this situation we’re in.” There was a collective murmur of agreement. “Whilst Ms Oceanis’ talent reveal is important, for now we need to decide on what to do about this competition.”
 “Why don’t we just do it?” Junpei shrugged. “Come on, it’ll be fun. I get that Sly-kun is suspicious of the proposal, but what can they really do? It’s just a competition where we show off our talents. Plus it’s against the advanced class, imagine what it would mean if we won that!”
 “Yokozawa-kun has a point.” Rina smiled. “I think it could be fun-“
“I’m totally one-hundred percent against this idea!” Karma suddenly exclaimed, standing up from her seat. “This is a really bad idea! Not a good idea at all!”
“I agree with Ms Graves.” Sly mumbled in agreement. “Something is very off.”
 “I don’t know about you, but I want to wipe the smirk off of that Miyamoto’s face…” Mage scowled. “I’m not gonna sit by when she’s insulting every single one of us! It’s unforgivable!”
 “I have to go against this as well.” Dragonous shook her head. “I can just tell that this is a bad idea…” One by one, everyone had casted their votes, a few were indecisive, but ultimately…
 “So it’s a split decision.” Daisuke placed a finger to his chin. “It will be troublesome to try and decide this peacefully…for now, we should leave this as it is. If anyone changes their mind, you should inform me as soon as possible. Even if some of you see the proposition of a competition between the classes as suspicious, we can’t leave it without a decision. It would be rude to the 79-A class.”
 Everyone collectively nodded to Daisuke’s words. Without warning, the door to the classroom was thrown open, Orochi and another girl in a black knit-cap cap walked into the class. “Hello~ everyone~” Orochi smiled sweetly. “I was wondering if you had made a choice yet…?”
 “Ah...Kamisaka-kun…are you sure we should have just barged in like this…?” The girl behind him asked.
-Tadako Nozara. Ultimate Figure Skater-
 “Eh…? Its fine, Nozara-chan! It’s not like they were gonna be doing anything important anyways!” That comment earned a few annoyed glares from around the room. “So…? What’s the verdict?” Daisuke paused before clearing his throat.
 “Unfortunately, it’s a split decision. We don’t have an answer for you yet…”
 “Aw, really…?” Orochi pouted. “That’s a little disappointing…oh! Nobody was against it because of the cultural festival, right? I was going to plan around it, if that was your concern.” He was met with a room full of confused looks. “You never heard…? Hope’s Peak are going to be doing their first ever cultural festival! It’ll be the first time the campus will be opened up to the general public. They’re hoping to find more local talent with this, so all the classes are being asked to treat like it any normal cultural festival.”
 “Ah yes, I was actually going to tell them all about that today.” Daisuke nodded. “Headmaster Kirigiri needed us to decide on what to do for the festival. It’s essential we partake in this, for the sake of the school.”
 “What are your class doing then…?” Sadao asked.
 “Kamisaka-kun convinced us all to turn our class into a haunted house. With the Ultimate Tailor and the Ultimate Prop Designer, it should be a pretty successful idea!” Tadako smiled. “But it really sucks that you guys haven’t come to a decision for the competition. Everyone in our class was totally in favour of the idea.”
 “Because Mr Kamisaka proposed it?” Sly guessed. Tadako seemed almost hesitant to answer the question but put on a smile and nodded. “How interesting…almost like he’s the boss of the 79-A class.”
 “Boss…? I wouldn’t saw that.” Orochi shrugged. “I’m just a very convincing person. I learned it from someone who specialises in being very persuasive, I guess.” He laughed a little, though there was slight unease at his comment. “Though it doesn’t really matter, does it? If you guys don’t want to do it then there’s nothing that can be done.”
 “We’ll let you know if something changes.” Daisuke nodded towards the two. Tadako sighed and linked arms with Orochi.
 “Let’s go then, Teshima-kun needed our help with something anyways…” Orochi frowned at this, scratching the back of his head, mimicking Tadako’s sigh. “Move it, Kamisaka-kun.” The figure skater pouted, dragging him out the classroom, closing the sliding door behind them. Mage let out a loud sigh and slumped onto her desk.
 “This is so annoying…first the class challenge and now a cultural festival…?” The baker groaned. “I don’t even know what you���re supposed to do at one of those! I really should have studied about this sort of stuff before I came here.”
 “You’re not the only one though, so don’t worry.” Dragonous assured her. “Right, Karma…?” The secret agent didn’t respond, her head was looking down at her desk, her cap tipped so nobody could see her face. “Uh…Karma…?”
 “A-ah!” She looked up, noticing that everyone was looking at her. She took a few seconds before laughing a little, scratching the back of her head. “Sorry, homeslice…what were you saying again…?” Dragonous frowned at this, letting out a small sigh.
 “But let’s move on for now.” Yuuki announced. “For now we should focus on the cultural festival, right?”
 “Hmm…” Maemi tapped her chin in thought. “If this were a harem anime then the most logical choice would be a cosplay café.” A few of the others let out some snickers at this. “Is there something wrong with what I said, Okanaya-kun?”
 “Oh, no, no.” The tour guide grinned. “Come on though. This ain’t one of your harem mangas, Watanabe. You should try thinking up an idea everyone would actually want to do.” The girl glared back at him.
 “I think it would be pretty fun!” Sadao announced. “We can dress up as our favourite anime characters, right?! I could dress up as Natsu from Fairy Tail!”
 “You’re way too excited about this. Do you even know how to make a cosplay outfit?” Toson asked.
 “No…but Wata-chan can help me with that!” The hypnotist smiled. “She’s super good with anime characters, so she must have some idea of how to make a good cosplay!”
 “Then…are we doing a cosplay café…? I didn’t think Japanese classes would actually do stuff like that. I thought it was like…some kind of common joke in anime…” Mage frowned. “I’m not sure how I would be able to help out in something like that. I don’t know any character I could dress up as.”
 “Well, you probably won’t have to.” Rock chimed in. “You’d be behind the scenes cooking the whole time, right? Then you can just leave it to whoever’s serving. It could be interesting though, getting to cosplay.”
 “Is this seriously what we’re doing?” Sly didn’t seem too on board with the idea, yet at the same time didn’t have any objections. “I suppose if it’s what everyone wants to do then I can’t really argue against it.”
 “Sp-speak for y-yourself…” Emi frowned. “Wh-wh-why would I w-want to c-c-cosplay as anyone…?” Maemi stared at the music critic for a few seconds and closed her eyes. “Wh-what…?”
 “Chouko-san, you would be perfect for the role of Misaki from ‘Another’. You have a degree of shyness to your personality, have red eyes, and don’t tend to over-socialise with the rest of the class. You could be the perfect recreation of an iconic character.” Maemi nodded to herself.
 “Wh-wh-what is this?! S-s-some k-kind of r-r-roasting?!” Emi turned away staring out the window.
 “Then, I suppose we shall take it to a vote.” Daisuke closed his eyes for a moment. A cosplay café could prove difficult to some, but it seemed doable. “All those in favour of a cosplay café, raise your hand.” Eleven hands were raised. Emi, Rina, Sly, Kobo, and Junpei all kept their hands down. “Well…it’s an overall majority, so I suppose we shall be proceeding with the cosplay café idea.”
 “Great…” Junpei slumped in his seat. “If I have to cosplay as someone, can we just not make it a stand-out kind of character? I don’t want to look flashy and ridiculous.”
 “I’ll take care of everyone’s assigned characters. Worry not, Yokozawa-kun.” Maemi pushed her glasses up, an uncommon smirk present. “I’ll pick out characters that perfectly suit everyone! Kirishima-san! Your skills as a taxidermist will be of great help, since you know all about stitches and sewing!”
 “Th-that’s true, but-“
 “No arguments! We all must participate to make this a success! I’ll have you help me with the dividing of labour, Okanaya-kun! As a tour guide, you must have helped somewhat the workloads and creating shift timetables!”
 “I guess…” Kobo frowned.
 “Sly-kun, we’ll need you to put on a show to help attract customers!” Maemi pointed to the assassin in the corner of the classroom. “As the Ultimate Assassin, I’m sure you can think of some kind of routine that could help bring people in!”
 “My talent isn’t for parlour tricks…” Sly sighed. “However, if it’s what everyone wishes, then I can’t say no. I’ll think of something.”
 “Excellent! Now, Yokozawa-kun, and Chouko-san, I need you both to use your internet fame to promote the café before the cultural festival begins. You both run blogs that millions read, so it will be essential to our success!”
 “Is that a good idea?” Junpei asked. “I mean, if we get too many people, then we’d be overworking whoever is in the kitchen.”
 “Good point…then, Chouko-san will create flyers for the café, and Yokozawa-kun will distribute them on the day whilst in costume! It will surely attract a bearable amount of customers!” Maemi nodded to herself.
 “H-hold up, by myself?! That’s a lot of faith to put into a guy that has nearly zero presence.” Junpei argued. Maemi’s eyes seemed to glint for a moment. “Wh…what is it…?”
 “A guy that has nearly zero presence…at least that takes care of who you’ll be dressed as! Junpei Yokozawa shall become Tetsuya Kuroko from Kuroko no Basuke!” The mangaka pointed fiercely at the confused blond. “Another character that has a serious lack of presence! It’s a perfect plan!”
 “Putting Yokozawa-kun as a sports anime character…” Rock looked Junpei up and down. “I’m not sure how well that’ll go…”
 “If you have something to say, then say it!” Junpei flushed, knowing just how small his build was. “That’s the basketball anime, right…? If I wore that then…” His voice trailed off. “…urgh, fine. I don’t really have a choice.”
 “Great to have you on the same page as the rest of us!” Maemi pushed her glasses up again. “I’ll make sure this café is a success, so please place your faith in me!”
 “Don’t you guys feel like Watanabe-san is taking this way more serious than it needs to be…?” Rock asked Emi and Rina. “I mean, a cosplay café is right up her ally since she’s pretty much a textbook otaku when she actually talks about anime. Even then…”
 “I-i-it’s ridiculous…” Emi mumbled, fiddling with her headphones. “Wh-why should we b-be expected to d-d-do this…?”
 “I mean…it might be fun, right…? Maybe we’re judging it a little too early. I was mostly worried about being able to help, but if Watanabe-san is right, then I won’t have to worry about not being useless. I can help create the costumes! I’m actually looking forward to it!”
 “A cosplay café…” A male’s voice came from the end of the hallway, just outside the 79-A class were three students. The one who spoke was a short boy with neatly cut lilac hair, a textbook shoved under his arm. “Is that what the lower class could really come up with…? Honestly, the 79-C class is pathetic.”
 “Eh…?” Rock raised an eyebrow. “And just who the hell are you three? Well…members of the 79-A class, I’m guessing.”
 “So you’re Fujioka-kun…?” The boy chuckled. “Not much to you, is there? Horiyuno Ashida is my name, if you have to know.”
-Horiyuno Ashida. Ultimate Historian-
 “Ciao, my young’uns!” A girl with a sparkling smile and glistening blonde hair waved to Emi, Rock, and Rina. “Kono-chan’s name is Kono!”
-Hama Kono. Ultimate Biologist-
 “Ah, Kirishima-chan! Kono-chan’s wanted to talk to you forever! The Ultimate Taxidermist and the Ultimate Biologist! Think about all the animals we could talk about together forever, and ever! Kono-chan gets all giddy inside just thinking about it, don’t you, Kirishima-chan?”
 “U-um, that’s…” Rina seemed rather caught off guard by the girl’s rather upbeat and eccentric personality. “…u-ug…”
 “Oi, Kono-chan doesn’t like waiting for a response, you dumb bitch. Hurry up and give me a fucking answer.” Her personality and demeanour suddenly shifted, a hateful glare now being pointed at Rina.
 “Kono-san’s like that, unfortunately.” The final boy, a short brunet sighed. “I believe in a more elegant tone though…I’m Kojiro Teshima.”
-Kojiro Teshima. Ultimate Sax Player-
 Emi’s eyes seemed to widen almost instantly upon hearing his name. “T-Teshima-san…? Th-th-then you’re th-that elusive saxophone pl-player I k-keep hearing about…”
 “Elusive…?” Rina asked.
 “I’ve heard of him as well.” Rock nodded. “His performances have never been caught on camera, people just get too mesmerised by his music. My guess is that because of it, Chouko-san has never been able to hear his music. Which must be frustrating for someone like the Ultimate Music Critic.”
 “Of course, with that Hope’s Peak scout, he was able to track me down very easily.” Kojiro admitted. “Honestly, after years of being so hard to come by, he manages to find within a single work day. Like all my hard work was for nothing.”
 “What do you all want anyway?” Rock folded his arms. “I doubt you just came to chat to us.”
 “Kono-chan ain’t likin’ that tone yer using, bastard!” The biologist growled. “Ya better learn some fuckin’ respect otherwise Kono-chan’ll knock yer teeth in.”
 “Again, apologies about her.” Horiyuno smirked. “More to the point, we came along here to convince you three to agree to the class competition. Everyone in our class is for it because we all have someone we want to face off against in your class. Kono-san wants to go up against Kirishima-san. Teshima-kun wants to go up against Chouko-san, and I…would love it if you would go up against me, Fujioka-kun.”
 “Eh? The historian of all people wants to go up against the songwriter?” Rock eyes narrowed with suspicion. “You’re definitely up to something. If you think I’m going to agree to that, then it’s a no-go.”
 “You misunderstand.” Horiyuno shook his head. “I hear you write your…ahem…’songs’…on real life experiences. So, I wanted to put it to the test. I wanted you to write a song about a historical moment in time, and if you somehow manage to be completely historically correct, then you would win. That doesn’t sound too hard, does it?”
 “…there’s definitely a catch to that kind of challenge.” Rock said.
 “Of course not.” He shrugged. “…okay, there’s one condition.”
 “Which is…?” Rock seemed weary.
 “You have to work on this song with Akiko Sugiyama from class 79-B. You know what her talent is, right…?” Horiyuno grinned. “She’s an Ultimate Songwriter, just like you.”
 “Ah! Kono-chan loves Susu’s songs! They’re so pure! So adorable.” She glared at Rock. “Unlike the gross crude lyrics that asshole decides to churn out. Gross, absolutely vile!” The biologist gagged.
 “We had to listen to one of your songs once, I had to play the sax for quite a while just to help everyone recover.” Kojiro grinned. “Honestly, what do you think you’re playing?”
 “It’s up to the listener whether they like it or not. I don’t really care if you don’t like my music, considering my fans are like a cult, it must mean my lyrics have some kind of charm to them that people can’t deny.”
 “S-s-something like that…” Emi murmured.
 “If that’s what you wish to believe, then so be it. But those are my conditions, refuse and you lose your spot in the games, and if your team needed just one win in order to win the whole thing…remember that it would have been your chance to truly stick to me.” Horiyuno waved as he walked off with Hama and Kojiro.
 “…what are you gonna do, Fujioka-kun…?” Rina asked.
 “I guess we gotta go see Sugiyama-san, huh?” Rock sighed. “Geez, this is really gonna be a pain…”
 “Wh-why’s that…? Do y-y-you and Sugiyama-san h-have a history…?” Emi raised an eyebrow. “It b-better not t-turn out to be a-anything weird.”
 “We just wrote on a song together a while ago. It’s actually the song that got us accepted into Hope’s Peak…because we co-wrote it, we both got given the title of Ultimate Songwriter. That’s why there are two of us. It isn’t like Oceanis-san being the Ultimate Spirit Medium. But that’s in the past, right? Let’s go talk to Sugiyama and ask about everything.”
 “Wow, a class challenge. I never realised that classes were allowed to that, maybe I should request to challenge the 77-B or 77-A class.” A boy with dark blue hair walked along the hallway with Yuuki. “So, Yuuki, how have you been settling into your class the past month?”
 “I’m fine, you always concern about me Nii-san. You’ll get wrinkles if you keep that up. I’ve explored abandoned temples and ruins, and you’re worried about my social skills. Incroyable!” Yuuki chuckled. “I’ve got charisma to spare, which you helped give me, remember?”
 “Yes, yes, I understand. I suppose I just want to be a good older brother.”
-Taro Kurosaki. Ultimate Actor-
 “So, how is the student council treating you?” Yuuki smirked. “Kamii-chan is doing well, right? I haven’t heard how you two are doing in a while. Usually you can’t stop yammering on about the girl. Must be what it’s like to be hopelessly in love with someone.”
 “Tsubasa is fine, our anniversary is coming up soon now that I think about it.” Taro put a finger to his chin. “I wonder what I should get her as a gift…” He shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll think of something wonderful to give her. For now, let’s talk about the challenge. I can’t believe they expect to beat you so easily…I know you better than anyone. A member of the Kurosaki family doesn’t give into challenges. You’ll win with no problems, I’m confident in that.”
 “Is that so, huh?!” The brothers looked onward to see a girl with wild grey hair, one eye was green whilst the other was a grey-blue. She was wearing a tank-top under her school blazer and seemed to be wearing trousers rather than the school skirt along with a pair of army boots. She also had a pair of goggles covering her eyes. “You better watch it, buckaroo, my class isn’t some old school pushover, got it?!”
 “A member of Kamisaka-kun’s class then…?” Yuuki smirked. “And would you care to introduce yourself. My name is Kurosaki. Yuuki Kurosaki. This here is my brother, Taro.”
 “Kurosaki, eh…?” The girl straightened up, shoving her hands into her pockets. “Name’s Yae. Yae Kamii.”
-Yae Kamii. Ultimate Trap Specialist-
 “Kamii-san then…” Yuuki and Taro both paused. “W-wait…that family name is…” Taro’s eyes slowly widened.
 “Yae-chan!” A charming voice came from behind Yae. Down the hallway came a girl with light greenish hair was seeming to glide in the air as she ran up to the ground. “I’ve been looking for you, but I was quite literally shocked when I tried to knock on your room.”
 “Oh, Onee-chan.” Yae frowned. “Totally apologise for that and all. I forget that I was working on some new trinkets and stuff, must have forgotten to de-arm that one, I guess.”
 “You call that a trinket…? I nearly passed out.” The girl sighed before looking over to the brothers. Her gentle face seemed to light up instantly as her eyes laid on Taro. “Ah! Taro!”
 “T-Tsubasa…” Taro seemed quickly shaken up. “Y…you never mentioned you had a sister in the same grade as Yuuki.”
 “Oh my, I apologise for that. It must have slipped my mind when we were discussing your brother. I hope you can forgive me for my forgetfulness.”
-Tsubasa Kamii. Ultimate Poet-
 “Ah, don’t worry about it. I’ll always find it in my heart to forgive you.” The two linked hands, their foreheads resting against each other. “For what kind of lover would I be if I could not overlook a small flaw in a near-perfect being?”
 “Oh, Taro!”
 “Oh, brother.” Yae rolled her eyes. “I might actually puke, this is so stupidly sweet. You two are council members, but I bet you’re so busy being mesmerised by each other that you can’t focus on your duties.”
 “We are like a modern Romeo and Juliet, but we also know to keep focused on our duties as well.” Taro assured.
 “Yeah, well Romeo and Juliet both died, so get over yourselves. You’re probably just like most teens couples, and send nudes to each other.”
 “Y-Yae-chan!” Tsubasa’s face flushed. “D-do not suggest such asinine things! Taro nor I would ever do something as…p-perverted as that! Taro is a much more considerate man. A truly compassionate companion that compliments my personality well. There is nobody in the world that could suit me better.”
 “Damn, Nii-san, better now let this one scamper off. Probably won’t find anyone so head-over-hells for you.” Yuuki winked playfully. “Ah, Fraulein Yae Kamii? You said you were a member of Herr Kamisaka’s class, ja?”
 “You better believe it! I’m the Ultimate Trap Specialist, ain’t nobody in this dang world better than me at setting up traps and encasing my enemies in them! I’m a true bona-fide prodigy!” Yae smirked. “Which is why I challenge you for the class challenge!”
 “It’s Yuuki-kun’s class that you’re challenging?” Tsubasa seemed surprised.
 “So you didn’t know either, huh…?” Taro laughed a little. “Looks like our troublesome siblings have been keeping us out of the loop in their own lives. Who knows…maybe Yuuki actually has a girlfriend and never told me…?”
 “Who says it has to be a girlfriend? Plenty of cute guys in my class.” Yuuki laughed.
 “S-so open!” Yae took a step back. “I c-can’t compete with someone like him…urk! You seriously piss me off, you hear me?! I ain’t planning on losing to some sleazy dirty Indiana Jones wannabe! Ya’ll are gonna get some of my worst traps I’ve ever made! That’ll show you, buckaroo! A Kamii doesn’t give into challenges.”
 “Funny, the Kurosaki family have the same thought process.” Yuuki looked down at the short girl.
 Taro and Tsubasa exchanged nervous glances. “No matter the outcome of their rivalry…it won’t affect how we are with each, will it…?” Taro asked, clear worry coming through in his voice. Tsubasa leaned against him, her head placed on his shoulder.
 “Of course not. Our love couldn’t be broken even by the most powerful of conflicts.” Tsubasa promised.
 “Geez, get a room…” Yae gagged.
 Sly walked along the hallways of the schools alongside Karma who seemed to be chatting away at him with intense passion. Though he wanted to listen to what she was saying to him, Karma’s words were flying out of her mouth at such an intense rate he couldn’t make out any clear words.
 “And then-“
 “Ms Graves.” Sly cut the agent off. His eyes glanced back. “…come out, or I’ll strike.” Sly turned to the empty hallway.
 “…dang!” A girl’s voice exclaimed as she was pushed out into view by a boy. “Geez, Kuji-kun, you said they wouldn’t notice at this distance! Some help you are!”
“You got too excited. Your footsteps were too loud, Sly-kun here was bound to pick up on it. Graves-san was too focused on her ramblings about Canadian foods that she missed getting to eat. It’s your fault, not mine.” The boy replied, pushing a hand through his purple-red hair.
 “That’s what you were talking about…?” Sly looked at Karma.
 “You weren’t listening?!” Karma yelled at him, puffing her cheeks out.
 “I tried to, trust me.” Sly folded his arms. “Anyways…who are you two…?” The assassin looked at the strangers that seemed to be stalking them.
 “Oh…right, I guess we haven’t told them who we are.” The tan skinned girl with black hair smiled widely at the two. “You can call me Kuniko! My full name is Kuniko Toru!”
 “T-the athlete?!” Karma exclaimed.
-Kuniko Toru. Ultimate Olympian-
 “Y-yeah, that’s right. They call me the Ultimate Olympian, but I’ve only ever competed in one event, so I don’t know how great of a title it is…I mean, the event was the heptathlon, so…maybe I can understand a little.” Despite the obvious skill it must have taken to win the event, her confidence seemed rather low.
 “And my name is Yoshi Kujikawa…I’ve taken an interest in you two, to put it simply.” The boy grinned. “What interesting specimens you are…”
-Yoshi Kujikawa. Ultimate Psychologist-
 “An interest? I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” Sly glared at the psychologist.
 “It’s perfectly justified actually. They call you the Ultimate Assassin, however I’ve never had such ease with reading somebody’s movements.”
 “I would watch that tongue of yours if I were you.” Sly warned. “I don’t take well to people insulting me, understand?”
 “Perfectly. You’re an easily irritable person from what I’ve seen, so of course I understand that you would get angry at my observations of you. But I’m afraid what I say is true, I intend to prove that in the class challenge.”
 “Class challenge…so you’re part of Kamisaka’s class.”
 “Dang, Kuji-kun, why did you tell them that?!” Kuniko pouted. “I wanted to tell Kar-chan first! I’ve always wanted to go up against some kind of government spy or agent or something, but Tam-kun from 79-B keeps turning me down!”
 “Going up against an Olympian…?” Karma thought about the idea. “That…could actually be kind of cool…but at the same time I’d be giving that Orochi what he wanted, and I hate the idea of doing that! Urgh! This is so conflicting, man!”
 “Don’t strain yourself.” Sly sighed.
 “Of course, we’ll leave you to figure it out yourselves. Just know I’m always looking forward to a match against you, Sly-kun. Though don’t think that just because you’re the Ultimate Assassin that it means you’ll always hit your mark.” Yoshi turned to walk off when a kunai hit the wall by his arm. “…oh…?” He looked back.
 “That was a warning shot. Don’t provoke me again.” Sly’s fist at his side was clenched tightly, clearly he was trying not to lash out at the boy.
 “…warning shot…? Is that what you call trying to hit the sleeve of my blazer and still missing…? Alright then, Sly-kun. I’ll play your game when we cross paths again…”
 “The 79-B class drove another homeroom teacher out…?” Ryotaro’s eyes widened. “What kind of class are they…? To have so many homeroom teachers in just over a month…what are they doing that’s batting them off so much? And not to mention that the homeroom teacher for 79-A also quit, didn’t he? Ah…this is a problem.”
 “I wouldn’t worry about it.” The other teacher grinned. “Those young pretties just haven’t be given the teacher that can truly draw out their perfectly gorgeous potential. I’m absolutely positive that they’ll find an amazing teacher for them both!”
-Richard. Hope’s Peak Health Teacher-
 “Is that so…?” Daisuke frowned. “I’m worried about this class challenge that the 79-A put forward. What should I do regarding it…?”
 “I’m not sure, but it won’t do to sit there and mope about it!” Seikatsu exclaimed. “Come on, Takai-sensei! You gotta get that charm we all know and love back into you! If you don’t step it up, then I’ll have to whip you!”
 “Th…that won’t be necessary, Suzumu-sensei.” Daisuke took a nervous sip of his coffee. The door to the staff room swung open abruptly, Koichi sauntering through with a proud smirk on his face. “Kizakura-sensei…? Did something happen?”
 “You bet your ass that something happened! I, singlehandedly, just saved this entire school. I found the perfect teachers for class 79-A and 79-B. In fact, they’re so perfect, I’ve even impressed myself.” Koichi laughed heartily to himself. “In fact, Takai-kun, you might be a little shocked when you see just who I picked up. Let’s take this one at a time, alright…? For the 79-A class we have…!”
 “Hmm…?” Daisuke’s eyes wandered to the door as a man all too familiar walked into the staff room. Daisuke instantly rose from his seat out of shock. “Wh-what the…? Why is…”
 “Takai! Good to see you again! I see you went through with the teaching idea.”
-Yuichiro Okumura. Former Ultimate Mythologist-
 “Okumura-kun?! You’re going to be the teacher for 79-A?” Daisuke was uncharacteristically shocked by this fact. I thought you said you were going to become a writer? Why are you here in Tokyo…?”
 The mythologist grinned and pushed up a pair of glasses he seemed to gain since the last time the two saw each other. “Hey, man, writing a book takes a lot of planning and skill. I’ve got all the time in the world to write a book, but I never know when I might get to see my old bud again. You’re so busy with work that I never get to see you.”
 “You…came here just so you could see me again…?” Daisuke had to smile at the dedication Yuichiro had to his friends.
 “…well…” Yuichiro’s smiled faded. “That…wasn’t the only reason I came back…” He glanced back at the door. “Come on in…we all know that it’s long overdue…” Daisuke seemed to freeze when the figure walked into the room. It was like everything stopped. Time itself stopped.
 “Th…this can’t be…y-you’re…” Daisuke’s voice was shaking slightly.
 “Meet your other co-worker, and teacher of the 79-B class.” Koichi introduced.
 “…Takai-kun…good to see you once again.”
-Rogue Kimyona. Former Ultimate Artist-
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ogradyfilm · 4 years
Recently Viewed: Labyrinth of Cinema
After dragging my feet for several days (I’m not ashamed to admit that I found the three-hour running time to be somewhat intimidating), I finally took the plunge and rented Labyrinth of Cinema on the Japan Cuts website. Director Nobuhiko Obayashi (best known in the U.S. for the cult horror classic Hausu)—who lost his battle with cancer just a few months ago—probably knew that this would be his swan song, and he therefore approaches the dense subject matter with the vivacity and gusto of a man significantly younger than his eighty-two years.
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Set in an old-school cineplex that is scheduled to close its doors following one last movie marathon, the plot revolves around three audience members that are abruptly transported into the world beyond the silver screen (the precise mechanism behind this supernatural phenomenon remains ambiguous: Was it the work of a mischievous time traveler? Or was a sudden lightning strike the culprit?). What begins as a journey through Japan’s postwar film industry soon transitions into a sober (though not entirely self-serious) meditation on the country’s very real history of strife and bloodshed, from the Sengoku period to the bombing of Hiroshima. Traversing multiple diverse genres (including musicals, samurai epics, and wartime melodramas) and encountering a variety of notable historical figures (including Yasujiro Ozu, Sadao Yamanaka, Miyamoto Musashi, John Ford, and... Tarzan?), our protagonists experience a gradual spiritual transformation, learning from the mistakes of their nation’s past so that they might build a brighter future.
Obayashi’s humanist philosophy is about as subtle as his visual style, which makes absolutely no effort to conceal the artificiality of the setting (the rear projection and green screen effects couldn't possibly be more obvious)—and yet, surprisingly enough, that thematic transparency is actually his greatest strength. Labyrinth of Cinema is a gloriously disorienting, hypnotic, borderline avant-grade cinematic acid trip... but its relentlessly optimistic tone is what truly captured my imagination.
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theinformantspy · 7 years
Crazy For Me
Profile Drama: Crazy For Me (English title) Romaji: Kokoro ga Pokkito ne Japanese: 心がポキッとね Director: Rieko Miyamoto, Junichi Tsuzuki, Ryo Miyawaki Writer: Yoshikazu Okada Network: Fuji TV Episodes: 10 Release Date: April 8 – June 10, 2015 Runtime: Wednesday 22:00-22:54 TV Ratings: 6.6% (weekly average) Language: Japanese Country: Japan Plot Haruta Kojima (Sadao Abe) worked at a big company, but…
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