happy-beeeps · 3 years
Buzzcut Season Ch. 4
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Ch. 4-All that glitters
WC: 5.4k (longest section yet!)
Rating: idk vaguely mature?
Warnings: Swearing (canon and noncanon), alcohol, teeny tiny small angst and violence
* * *
“You don’t mind, right?”
“Why would I ever mind?”
“Well I don’t know! I’m being polite!” “Princess, I think it’d be weirder if I was upset, right?” Rex said, you could practically see him rolling his eyes at you through the comm as you got ready for a night out with some friends. It felt like ages since you really saw them, and this was your first time back with them since Mandalore. You were excited to see everyone, excited to drink, and excited to be seen. Afterall, you were neck in neck for your favorite gossip mag MoreCore’s best dressed socialite. You finished the last touches to your makeup, and stepped back to admire your work. Iridescent glitter streaked along your cheeks and into your hair, and you wore a tiny deep navy dress that ended just along the top of your thighs. You hated to admit it, but it was just so fun to be carefree here, as much as you loved working with Padme, you were quite comfortable with life in the public eye.
And with the finishing touch of silver starred stilettos, you were definitely being named best dressed.
* * *
The club you were headed to was called the “Glimmering Lotus,” and Jil and the two other girls you ran with were standing outside. You didn’t recognize the woman standing next to Jil. She was pretty, most definitely Pantoran, and wore her light pink hair long down her back. She was striking next to Jil’s tall, green frame, and she currently had wrapped her lekku in a light golden fibre. “There’s our girl!” She shouted as you stepped out of the speeder. Cams that had been turned off suddenly flashed in your direction as you and the four women went inside the club, everyone desperate to get an image of the most photographed socialites on Coruscant.
“I’ve met someone.” Whispered Jil as she linked arms with you walking in. Your eyes widened in shock and you shot her a devilish grin. You raised your eyebrows and gestured your head to the Pantoran in front of you, “our new friend?”
“Boa Obidyas. We met at that holofilm premiere you missed.” Your group was led towards a cushioned booth near the center of the club, on the upper level and she continued “She’s very sweet. We’ve been seeing each other for two months now?” You smiled at her and then chatted with Boa and the other two, Mora and Carana, before you ordered your first round of drinks.
An hour later you were leaning on Boa’s arm as you spun around on the dance floor with your friends. “I’m glad you’re ok.” Jil said, sidling up to you and Boa and passing each of you another drink. “So am I. I’m just happy to be back.” you slurred. The air in the club felt warm, tight. It really was good to be back. The lights flickered around the room, bouncing off the opulence and the glass and the wealthy people, this was who you were. Where did you start drifting. The answer hit you in the ribs as the song ended, and slipped into a slower tune you could recall from a quiet night in your apartment. The memory dripped in and out of your drunken consciousness…
“Careful princess, you’re still healing.”
“But I love this song!” You swung your arms around Rex’s neck, and he chuckled while pulling you in. The suns hung low in the sky and cast an orange glow throughout your apartment, refracting off the half drank glasses of white wine and the white radio currently humming a soft, jazzy song. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” 
You’re brought back to reality by your friends pulling you off the floor as couples began to twirl, and the buzz on your wrist. A message from Fives flashed on the screen. Boys and I are going to 79’s, got back early, not sure when I’ll get to you. Come meet us, Cap would love the surprise. You shot a glance at Boa and Jil, sipping their drinks and gazing into each other's eyes. Jil looked up for a moment and noticed your expression, “Is this about that man?”
“Who?” you asked with feigned surprise. She shook her head and rolled her eyes before standing to hug you goodbye, “the man I know you’ve been hiding away with that you won’t introduce us to. We’re just about done here, go meet him.” She kissed your cheek and you gave Boa a quick hug before finding Mora and Carana at the bar and excusing yourself. Already out the door. You messaged back, sliding into a yellow taxi-speeder as you sped off towards the outskirts of Coruscant.
* * *
“Hey pretty lady!” Fives yelled the moment you exited the cab. Your entrance attracted the attention of a few other men standing outside, drinking from bottles and loudly clapping each other on the back. “Well well who do we have here!” yelled one, an officer by the looks of the grey cap on his head. “Knock it off, she’s too high class for your bunch,” he said, throwing an arm around your shoulder while you walked in, “she rolls with the 501st.” You smiled at the sentiment and leaned your head back on his shoulder “Where’s the Captain?” you asked sweetly, and he rolled his eyes at the question. “Someone’s eager today, how much have you had to drink?” 
“Not quite enough, how about I get us both a shot?”
“Now THAT I like the sound of!” The two of you walked over to the bar, where you ordered yourself a shot of some glittering silver liquid, and Fives the dark brown drink you had seen Rex order before. “Glad to be back?” You asked, passing him the small glass. “Oh absolutely. Cap seemed to hurry us along, can’t imagine why?” he said, laughing as the two of you clinked glasses. You took the shot easily, and dipped your head back as you took it, colliding with a plastoid chestplate. You squinted in confusion until a blue and white wrist gauntlet leaned against your arm on the bar. You turned around to see Rex’s surprised face, and Fives spoke before he said anything, “Look who decided to meet up with us! I just figured she’d be out, and you know the boys haven’t seen her.”
“Oh sure, I’m sure you were eager to message her.” He said, voice dripping in sarcasm.
“I mean, you know if any of the 501st comms me, I’ll always answer,” you responded, sending him an overly sweet smile. Fives got up, and ordered another round to be brought back to their booth, “we’ll I’ll let you chat, I’ll be back with the boys.” You stood up and turned to face him, grabbing his wrist in the process. You traced over the tally marks, noticing the new lines likely scratched in on the way home. You thought about the last time you talked about these, about the rules you chose to break. He seemed to sense your thought and placed a hand over yours, “I think you bring out the worst in me sometimes.”
“Oh? And why is that?”
“Because,” he said, looping his arm around your waist and guiding you towards the table, leaning in close to your ear, “you make me love to break the rules.”
You squished into the booth between Kix and Jesse, Rex sitting opposite you with Fives and Tup. The boys were currently recounting the latest mission, and you were listening as intently as you could, leaning your chin on your fingers. Kix was tuned in to his datapad, as he often was, either reading the tabloids or some sappy romance novel you had downloaded for him. The early days of your friendship were often spent with you forcing him to watch your holodramas, and you nearly burst with excitement the first time he asked for recommendations. He had since become inseparable from it. You looked over his shoulder to see him scrolling through the latest post from MoreCore, and were not entirely surprised to see your face on the screen. “Boys look! It’s our girl!” He said, passing the datapad around. At least it was a flattering picture, you thought, you were smiling and waving at the people around, hair still blowing from the wind from the speeder. “Coruscant’s most eligible bachelorette takes the town for a night out with party-girl friends, details on her look on page 5!” Jesse read, and Rex nearly choked on his drink. “Let me see that!” he said, reaching across the table. “Hmph, only page five?” You wondered aloud, and Kix laughed. “That is a nice dress!” Tup said, trying to deflect from the Captain’s frustration. “Thanks Tup. I’m sure they’re just saying that because Jil’s relationship just went public,” you reached over and snatched the datapad back from him, “come on Cap, you look like you could use a dance.” 
You shimmied out from around the booth and grabbed his hand, the rest of the men tried very hard to not send suggestive winks your way. “It’s moments like this when I wish we could run away,” you said as you walked out towards the floor, blending in amongst the crowd of troopers and their dance partners. “Why? You’re very much in your element here.” he said, releasing your hand while you spun on your hell. The light shone off the shimmery fabric and sent sparkles around the floor, but you imagined 79’s had seen worse, as it was already littered with cocktail napkins and various straws. “I know, but I know it bothers you.”
“It doesn’t bother me, it’s my fault.”
“Don’t say that, don’t make it out to be like you chose this.”
“You know, I have this buddy, on Saleucami, it’s not really your kind of place but, maybe one day he could help us out.” You smiled and spun back in his arms, leaning your head on his chest for just a moment and swaying, taking solace in the anonymity of the crowd of his brothers. If no one looked hard enough, he wasn’t Rex and you weren’t you, you were just two more lost lovers waiting for the war to end to make their move.
* * *
The two of you headed home shortly after, Fives having been getting cozy with a black haired girl you had seen around the bar before, and the rest of them ordering more drinks than either of you intended to finish. You hailed the cab and quickly sped home, careful to be quiet going up the elevator and down the hall, trying your hardest to smother your laughs and drunken stupor. To your surprise, you weren’t alone at the door to your apartment, a somewhat familiar face had beat you there.
“Captain Tars? What are you doing here?”
“M’lady, you mother sent me to be of service tonight, I’ll be watching the door.” Rex stiffened beside you, but you weren’t sure if it was from the fear of being caught, or the other Captain’s presence. “That’s strange, I’m in charge of security detail for our lady, and the GAR is overseeing it.” He said, taking a step towards the other man. Getting up close, Rex had a good bit of height on him, and wore his battle years well. Tars stood slightly shorter, and kept his black hair slicked back, much too pretty to be a seasoned war veteran.
“Well, her mother, being essentially the highest governing body on Lyra, probably supersedes the GAR.”
“Well she herself works in the senate, as her own woman, thereby extending to the Republic, so this isn’t your jurisdiction.” He reached around Tars to punch in his code to your door, holding it open for you as you walked in. “I brought her home safely. You can go rest up, I’ll be managing security here, as per usual. You have a nice night now, Lieutenant.”
“It’s Captain, and thanks for your leave. I will.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” he said, clicking the door shut behind him. The moment the door was closed, and Rex was sure Tars was down the hall, he spun towards you. “So, who's that?”
“I honestly forgot he existed, my mother sent him while you were gone, my dad didn’t know about it either, that’s so strange.”
“Yeah, I don’t trust that damn womprat.” You rolled your eyes before leading him to the barstools near your island. You leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek, before pouring the two of you glasses of water. “He’s not been around much. I don’t know why he was lurking like that.”
“Hmph,” he groaned, drinking his water in fast gulps. He set the empty glass down in front of you as you sipped yours, leaning back into the counter behind you. “I don’t like all these people trying to get in the way of what I’ve been fighting for.”
“Which is?” you asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively as you sipped at the drink. “You, and your safety.”
You gulped a little bit under the intensity of his stare, and felt heat creep up your cheeks, which you were sure were burning a bright pink. “Rex, I’ve always been yours. Since the second I stepped off that transport.” He smiled, and walked over to where you were standing, clearly satisfied by your response.
* * *
He placed both arms on either side of you as you finished the last sip of water, eyes never leaving him as they filled with a burning intensity you hadn’t quite seen in him before. Alcohol was making him bold. Alcohol was making you bold. “Thirsty?” He said, leaning closer and closer to you, you could smell the liquor on his breath, but he didn’t seem to be as drunk as earlier, if anything he was more confident. You hummed in response before dropping his gaze, suddenly feeling a warm desire bloom in your tummy. He leaned in closer, hesitating for a moment before closing the gap between the two of you, his mouth hungrily on yours. His hands began to find their way onto your thighs, at first drawing lazy circles and then suddenly grabbing them. His mouth dipped lazily to your neck, giving you sloppy kisses up and down your jaw. Your head leaned back towards the cabinet and your mouth dropped open, letting out a soft moan. As if taking this as encouragement, Rex pulled up for a moment, placing one hand on the side of your head. “I, I don’t wanna push you princess. I want you to be ready.”
“Rex I am, I want this, I want you, I’m just nervous,”
“I’ll be gentle,” he murmured, stroking soft lines on your cheek. “I’ve never done this before, I didn’t have an unsupervised date until I was 19. This is all new to me, but I know I want it, and I know I want you.”
“Just say when it’s too much. I’ll be gentle.” You smiled and shook your head, giving him a small kiss, “Just stop talking Rex.” He laughed in response before placing both his hands on the undersides of your thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze before hoisting you up around his hips. You could feel him pressing against you then, and you wrapped your legs tighter to feel the pressure deepen. He kissed you again, slower but with more desire, as he began to walk you towards the bedroom. Your hands were wrapped up behind his neck, playing with the short tufts of blonde hair. He took a few more steps before the light in the room was replaced with the darkness of your bedroom and the pink light from the sign across the way. He carefully laid you back on the bed, before pulling himself on top of you. 
“So pretty, love seeing my princess in blue.” He murmured, hands winding up the short blue skirt of your dress. Your hands were fast at work trying to unclip the plastoid armor that covered him, something had done before. You were however, sober and carefully preparing for bed, not drunk moments away from fucking. Kriff this was hard. “I like wearing blue because it makes me think of you,” you whispered, finally unclipining the pauldron and pulling it over his head. He looked down at you and smiled before working at the rest of his armor. He pulled back from the kisses he was leaving on your neck and smiled, brushing your hair sweetly. “I love you.” He got up and stood next to the bed, silhouetted by the night sky as he unclipped pieces of the shell he wore. He looked beautiful like this, moments away from becoming your Rex. “I love you too , pretty boy.” He turned back to you and smiled, “Just saying that, you’re the pretty one.” 
He pulled his shirt over his head and placed one leg in between yours, the heat you felt earlier suddenly becoming too much to bear. You sat up a little, and placed his hands along the zipper on your back. He pulled the zipper down, and you shimmied out of the blue shiny thing. Leaving you bare aside from the lacy panties you currently wore. The breath caught in his throat, and you remembered him not looking your way the last time you changed. “Shit, you’re so beautiful.” He said, and you blushed at him cursing in basic. He leaned down towards you, palming your breast and slowly massaging your nipple. He kissed your lips, then your jaw, then down your chest before placing his lips around your breast, and the way his mouth moved you were certain there’d be marks. His hands busied themselves by unhooking the band of your panties, sliding them slowly down your leg. The warmth bloomed once again, and you felt a slick feeling between you. In a moment, you felt a pressure, and he had inserted two fingers into your heat, pumping in and out in slow, controlled movements. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you gasped out a soft moan. “Kriff… ok that’s good.” You hummed. This is the farthest you had ever gone with a date, a particularly eager boy from the court back home when the two of you had one two many glasses of champagne. “Yeah princess? Already so wet for me.” 
“I, I want you, let me feel you.” He hummed back and slowly pulled his hands away, your walls contracting at the sudden lack of pressure. “Tell me when it’s too much, wanna be gentle,” he said. Pulling the band of his blacks down, his cock began to peak out, already hard. You reached for it, tracing fingertips over the pink head, precum already dripping out. He discarded the offending pants across the room, and you leaned back along your pillows, bracing yourself for what you had heard.
 Jil had described it as an intense pain, and cited it as the reason she preferred to date and have sex with women, among the many numerous benefits she had given you. You had walked in on Carana and a young bartender in a club on a lower level once, she was sitting on a bathroom counter, and almost looked bored. She had mouthed to you “buy me a drink?” as her blonde bob cut bounced in the mirror. The boy she was with didn’t even look up. She recounted later that she was in fact bored, but that he looked hungry and she was hungrier, so it worked out. These all had seemed unappealing to you, but then again, Rex was one of the first men you met on Coruscant, so that didn’t leave you with much desire for anyone else. It all felt so comically different than now, hair splayed out along your satin pillows, starlight twinkling off Rex’s blonde hair. He was giving you soft kisses, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. He reached along the night stand for something before you grabbed his forearm, “I have an implant. Don’t bother.” He smiled at this and placed one more lazy swipe between your legs, still aching for him and becoming uncomfortably wet. “I’ll go slow.” He said, and you locked eyes with him as you felt the first push. Your mouth gasped, head slipping back as your eyes shut. You were shocked that they didn’t close in a grimace, but more out of bliss. It was tight, sure, but he felt so good. You couldn’t believe you waited this long. He continued to push more of his length into you, walls expanding even more. It was becoming more pronounced, the pressure, but never painful. “All the way?” he asked and you rolled your head to the side. “Mhm, wanna feel all of you.” This encouragement did the trick, and he pushed farther, fully sheathing himself inside of you. He let you sit like this for a moment, before slowly pumping in and out, walls tightening around him with each movement. You gasped his name out as he began to speed up, tracing your nails up and down his back as his strokes began to increase in speed. He found a good rhythm, and began finding anywhere he could to place his hands, settling on massaging the small bundle of nerves at the top of your heat. Expletives and moans began filling the air, and a pornographic wet sound echoed across your walls. Suddenly, everything fell into place, the rhythm of his cock pumping into you, the circling on your clit, even his breath and kisses on your mouth. You opened your mouth into his to let out a load moan, his name ringing out as you began to see white, your walls clenching around his length as you felt the heat climax. Your dropped your head back and fell into your first orgasam. Rex released soon after, and you felt new heat drip into you as his strokes slowed to a stop. He laid there for just a moment, before brushing your hair off your sweat streaked forehead. “Was that good?”
You laughed at this reaction, suddenly seeming so nervous, “Of course it was.” You gave him a soft kiss before leaning back onto your bed, filled with bliss. He got up and you watched him walk to your bathroom and fumble around a bit before coming back with one of his old towels, seemingly soaked in water. He carefully traced it along your inner thighs, warm water soothing an ache you didn’t quite realize. “I’m gonna take care of you forever,” he sighed after tossing the towel in the laundry pile, climbing back into your bed. You tucked yourself into your covers before leaning into his warm chest. “I think I’d like that please.”
* * *
The lights in the room remained off, and you leaned over to the nightstand to turn on the shades, concealing the room from the rest of the world, leaving you two in nothing but silk sheets and the warm embrace of each other, your heartbeats bouncing off one another the only sound in the room.
* * *
There's a ringing in your ears. It won't stop, tapping at your brain like an angry insect and waking you from the restful sleep you had been in just a moment before. Is this a side effect from the accident? You think for a second while you squint your eyes open cautiously. Stop being stupid, you think again as your eyes focus on the bright white light of your com blinking on and off. You contemplate leaving it, but then again, anyone trying to reach you this hard at this hour clearly needs attention, and you glance back at the sleeping figure behind you before tearing yourself from Rex’s arms. When did you two even fall asleep? How long were you out? Always a light sleeper, he grumbles, and you suspect he’s been awake the entire ringing. “Just answer it now so you can hurry back,” he mumbles, loosening his grip on your hip and kissing your shoulder blade. “Be back soon, I’m going to take it in the dining area.” You bend to the ground to pick up the silk robe you had neglected to put on much earlier in the night, and blush a bit as you trace parts of your skin he had felt hours before. The ache in your legs has mostly subsided, and the only remnants of the night are some small red lines along his back and a few purple kisses along your breastbone. Throwing on a silk night dress under the robe, you make yourself decent, fluffing your hair and tying the robe tight. Whoever is trying to reach you this late clearly has something urgent.
“I’m sorry to wake you sweetheart, but your mother insisted we talk about this now.” Your father says, his holo pacing nervously around the kitchen. You’ve never been more thankful for the foresight to change, and you pretend not to notice your mother’s glowering in the corner of the Lyran throne room. “Dad, you know what time it is on Coruscant, this seriously couldn’t have waited till morning?”
“You know what time it is on Lyra. Or have you forgotten your home so soon?” your mother starts, walking towards your father. She looks as if she’s been waiting for this call, headpiece framing her face and you can practically feel the thick velvet of her gown through the call. “You’ve been away too long.”
“I think I’ll know when my work here is done. I’m busy with the senate, making relationships with other systems, is that not my true purpose here?” you say, gnawing on the inside of your cheek. “Yes, yes, and you’re doing amazing at it, but” your father begins, before your mother responds. “You seem to be forgetting the relationships I have been forging for you here.”  She taps at something on her datapad and in a moment, your screen lights up with a message from her. It’s an image of a young man, with pale skin and bright red hair. He has the signature mark of Lyran nobility tattooed on the corner of his forehead, just like your father. You recognize this man. “Thainn? Thainn Mos? What about him?”
“His family is being rather gracious, and they’ve offered quite the dowry and then some for this arrangement.”
Arrangement. Suddenly everything makes sense. Your father’s initial request to come home after Mandalore. Your mother’s security team. They had been priming you from the start to come back to Lyra, to follow your path and create yet another power marriage. “You cannot be serious. I, I haven’t even begun to think about this, I mean, my entrance was three years ago, it’s so common of the other noblewomen to wait five years to be married, Jil just met her partner a few months ago, and she met her here, on Coruscant!”
“I didn’t ask what a casino-girl from Canto Bight was doing, did I?”
“Zassa, Jil has been nothing but kind to our daughter, don’t put this on her.” Your father turned from your mother and looked at you. How early can you get here? We should discuss this in person.” You opened your mouth to speak but your mother stepped in, “I have paged Captain Tars. He’s on his way to collect you. Pack lightly. I’m sure we have more suitable gowns for you here anyway.” she said, before ending the call. Once again, you were alone. Except this time, you were furious. Grateful that you enabled the muffling into the door of the bedroom, you were certain Rex had not heard anything from the call. I can’t tell him. You thought. Walking towards your office, you went ahead and powered up CeeDee. “Please start gathering my travel supplies. Apparently, I’m going home.”
“What? You’ve gotta be kidding me. I know I said only wake me for serious stuff but come on-”
“CeeDee, I am really not in the mood right now just,” you sighed exasperatedly, throwing your hands into your hair, “please get my stuff.”
“Whoa whoa, doll, what’s wrong?” You threw down the datapad in response, storming to the kitchen. You opened your fridge to grab a pitcher of water, and began rummaging through your cabinets for a glass. CeeDee picked up the datapad and nearly dropped it at the touch. “Dank ferric! They’re doing it NOW?”
“We’re discussing it the moment I get there.”
“But, when was the last time you even spoke to Thainn?”
“Before his father revealed he was a sepretist sympathizer.”
“Why? Surely there’s better options?”
You spun around at this, bursting more than you intended to, “of course there’s better options! I had dozens of suitors back home, kriff, I have the best option in my bed right now!” You yelled, accidentally shattering the glass you hadbeen holding in your hand for a drink in your outburst. You looked down at your bleeding hand as CeeDee grumbled over to vacuum it up. At that sound, Rex came in through the door. “You know muffle doesn’t work on volume.” He joked, tipping around the broken glass on the floor. He looked so good right now you wanted to cry, his pants hanging low on his hips and sleep still partially clouding his eyes. He tenderly grabbed your hand and reached for the med kit you kept in a drawer. “I’m sorry to have woken you.” You murmured as he placed the bacta and bandage around your hand. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or not?” He whispered, bringing your chin up to have your eyes meet. “No I don’t think I am.” you mumbled, pulling yourself from his gaze and heading towards the bedroom. “I’m leaving, I need to go to Lyra. It’s an emergency.” You pushed out, cussing yourself out under your breath as you threw things into the bag CeeDee had already been preparing. “Wait, go? Right now, at this moment? We have to talk about this.”
“No, Rex, we don’t. I need to go.”
“Well then I’m coming with you,” he said, catching your wrist as you spun around to face him. “Rex, I-”
“Just let me go with you. It’s quite literally my entire job.”
“You don’t understand, it’s not that I don’t want you to, I just can’t.” At that moment, CeeDee entered the room, “My lady, Captain Tars is in the living room.” Rex turned back to you, nostrils flaring a bit with annoyance, “Oh I see.”
“Rex do not start,”
“So this, this bishwag Tars gets to come with and I can’t?”
“It’s my mother’s orders. You forget, for all intents and purposes you’re not here right now.”
“But for all reality I am, and I don’t trust him.” “Unfortunately this isn’t a matter of trust, but of custom on my planet.” “Fine,” he said, watching CeeDee carry the rest of your things out front, “I’ll let myself out after you leave. Have fun playing princess.” He huffed before storming out of the room, careful to avoid the living room while he waited for you to leave. CeeDee entered the room while you changed into a simple blue traveling gown and pulled a loose scarf around your head, “If you want my calculations, I don’t think that could’ve gone worse?” 
* * *
It felt surreal to be back on Lyra, and you could tell you weren’t as accustomed to it as the last time you were here. The cold air bit your cheeks an uncomfortable pink, and the snow fell softly on the quartz lined streets. As used to Coruscant you had become, you missed the simple beauty of your home. Your mother was there at the dock to greet you as Captain Tars and CeeDee stayed aboard the ship. “Darling, welcome home.” She said walking towards you, catching your elbows as she went in for a kiss on each cheek. Her breath felt cold and unfamiliar on your skin, and you cursed yourself for not wearing a thicker wrap. She picked at the fabric of your gown before shaking her head. “I was right, Coruscant has changed you. You would’ve known better.” She said before making a motion to Captain Tars, now standing beside you. Suddenly, there’s a prick at your side and legs begin to feel heavy, vision falling in and out. “Don’t be so naive.” Your mother murmurs as you fall to the ground, vision fading into total darkness. 
Not me forgetting to tag @literallydontlook my beloved. If anyone wants to be added to the tag list, shoot me a message :)
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Obi-wan Kenobi coming to Mustafar to save you from Darth Vader:
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neon-junkie · 3 years
Imagine Crosshair being lovesick.
Imagine Crosshair catching himself thinking about you during any and every hour of the day.
Imagine Crosshair spending his quiet time looking into topics that you enjoy.
Imagine Crosshair getting bored on a mission whilst he’s set up, ready to snipe, only to draw both of your initials in the dirt, surrounded by a heart.
Imagine Crosshair denying his crush over and over, especially when the others tease him about it, and getting grumpy afterwards.
Imagine Crosshair instantly snapping out of his grumpy mood the second you appear, even if you’re not talking to him, you’re just there.
Imagine Crosshair staying up at night to question if he really does have feelings for you, and if such feelings are okay, considering how he’s been raised.
Imagine Crosshair looking out for you, especially when an enemy is on your tail, only to be wiped out by a single blast from said sniper.
Imagine Crosshair turning a deep shade of red whenever you compliment him, give him gifts, praise his work, and so forth.
Imagine Crosshair eventually caving and confessing his love for you, all whilst his emotions are in overdrive, and he’s on the verge of tears because he can’t handle his feelings any more.
Imagine Crosshair being lovesick.
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🛑 WARNINGS: Spoilers to The Phantom Menace. 🛑
✨ requested by: @sazafraz​​
✨ Pairing: Gray Jedi!Maul x OC
✨ Summary: Maul returns to Norella after a journey of self-discovery, having kept in contact with her through their Force Dyad.
✨ Solari Says: You’ll recognize this plot, Saz, because it is one we’ve talked over before on Discord. I hope it brings you as much soft as I hope. <3 For those who do not know, Norella is the Empress of a system called Lucent Prime, a fan-made kingdom that @sazafraz​ has thought of and told me all about. Also, Maul had only been stabbed. Not bisected. Know this, before moving forward.
✨ Prompt(s) -
Kunzite - experiencing unconditional love.
gif credit: to the OP.
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Norella’s eyes bore into the bustling city outside of her quarters window. Her drapes were pulled apart just so that she could thoroughly observe everything that was occurring--for any sort of signs that she could possibly receive. She remained hopeful, passionately hopeful that he would find himself back on her planet once more.
She missed Maul. Her heart ached every time that they would see each other, as clear as she saw the structures that were sprouted out of the ground below--all without the physical presence that she so craved. Her hands crossed behind her back, letting out a heavy sigh as she turned slowly to finally go perform the duties she was set.
Heron, her assistant and father figure since her parents’ passing, had his arms folded behind his back properly and bowed when Norella had moved her attention to him.
“What is on our agenda today, Heron?” she asked quietly, her posture professional but her eyes just hinting at her small bit of sadness.
“Nothing out of the ordinary today, my lady,” he answered honestly, straightening out.
“Good... I do not think I can handle something out of the ordinary,” she responded, her eyes averting downwards.
It was like a switch flipped, the parental side of Heron beginning to peer through the cracks of formality. “Is there something troubling you, Norella? You seem... off balance.”
The charm of Lucent Prime was that Norella and her direct assistants were all force-sensitive. As much as it made the Empress feel more at home, it also made things much more difficult in terms of stowing emotions.
Heron had been privy to Norella’s growing feelings for Maul. She had been responsible for him when he was found, stowed away on a supply ship headed for her planet after his battle with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was injured, barely hanging on through the sheer anger and vengeance he had stored inside. She had helped him regain himself, and during this time they had discovered the Force had directly connected them.
He began to calm down. He became less angry, less fueled by vengeance, the longer he stayed in her care on Lucent Prime. When he processed that he had been abandoned by his prior Sith master, he had decided to leave Lucent Prime in order to discover what his life was meant for. He wanted to figure out what he wanted for himself, if he wanted to build something after he had realized that no one from his past life was coming back.
It had been months now. After he had made his presence known for almost three months time, he had promptly disappeared.
She could not fault him for wanting to pave his own way, it was something that she knew he desired. A life of hatred, a life of abandonment, was something that would have drove him mad should he linger on it for longer.
She was happy to get any update she could. Little by little, she could see him change. His posture, the way that he spoke, began to change.
“I miss him,” she says simply, knowing Heron would understand.
“I know you do, my lady,” Heron responded, his eyes much softer than they had been before. “I’m sure that he will reach out to you again, in time. For now, we must focus on the task at hand.”
Norella nods her head a bit solemnly, before beginning to walk beside Heron out of her quarters. The door shut behind her, she lets out a soft exhale as they traverse the massive halls. The clicking of her heels echoed in the empty halls, as her mind began to wander during their short trip to the throne room.
When she was about to begin her ascent up the three steps leading to her throne, she pauses. There was a shift in the air, a breach in the Force that she just felt stir in her stomach. However, as sudden as it was, there was a familiar warmth that accompanied it. She places her hand over her heart in response to it, feeling it begin to pick up it’s drumming in her chest.
She turns, her eyes much more lively as they searched in the throne room--as if he were going to barge through the door. She hears his ship fly overhead through the walls, lifting up her skirt slightly so that she may begin to move quickly.
She begins her running, her heels clacking on the floor. Her guards tried to step and stop her to due her sudden movements, but Heron raises a hand for them to stop. And they do, pausing in their tracks and watching as their Empress moved as fast as her garb would allow.
She charges through a blast door that opened up, causing the warmth of the sun to leak through and crash against her skin. She winces a little due to the sudden light change, but her eyes quickly adjust to the ship that had made its home on the landing bay.
The doors hissed open, and she could feel her heartbeat rise the lower it got to touching the bay floor. When it gently clattered, she began to approach it slowly.
She could see the beginnings of his dark boots stepping down, making her heart race just a little more. More of him began to reveal itself as he descended down the ramp. He had his dark robes on, his hood up and over his horns and tattooed skin. He paused when his eyes rested on Norella, and she could feel his content coursing through his veins through their dyad.
She picks up her skirt again, speed-walking towards him. As she drew closer, she could see the difference in his tunics that lay against his form. They were black, with intricate designs that only shown when the light hit against it. They were beautiful, and they suit him much more than the simple black that he had worn when she met him.
“Maul,” she greeted, smiling sweetly when she got close enough. She wanted to hug him, pull him close so that she could receive the physical affection she so craved.
“Empress Norella,” he greeted back, bowing in formality when she addressed him.
“I... I wasn’t sure that you would be returning,” she admitted, attempting to swallow the feelings that she could feel boiling between them.
She could feel that he missed her, just as much as she did him. That he was also starved of affection that he so craved, hungry for her presence. She watched him closely, on his body language that gave away her assumption. And if she payed enough attention, she would begin to notice more differences with him.
He gazed into her eyes, and she felt entrapped by the blue that he had. Something about the way it contrasted against his red and black skin drew Norella closer and closer to him, finding it harder to look away. “To be quite honest, I wasn’t sure if I was to return when I had left here, but... I found myself thinking of you. Often. So I reached out to you.”
“I... appreciated that, you know. I enjoyed seeing your progression, your face,” she folded her arms behind her, averting her eyes downward.
She could hear Maul step closer and closer to her, and soon his body was only about a foot from hers. She looked up at him once more, a little surprised to see his soft expression as he studied her. He felt as if it had been years, even though it was only months, and seeing her beauty in front of him was almost surreal.
Like he had been dreaming.
They didn’t need to say anything to each other, in terms of their feelings. Their dyad made it impossible for them to hide the swelling love that they felt boiling in their chests. It was almost overwhelming, as Maul reached up and placed a hand at her cheek.
She leaned into his ginger touch, the aspect of it almost feeling imaginary. Something that she had craved for so long, and finally able to receive it. Nothing that they experienced through their dyad could surmount to the moment that they were in now.
So he leaned in, his blue eyes much more gentle than she had ever seen them. She knew what he was trying to do, and frankly hurried for their lips to meet in the middle. To describe their kiss would be a cliché, but she was half inclined to agree with them; there were butterflies in her stomach, fireworks setting off between the two of them. Whatever it may be, she felt it amplified by the Force--by their dyad.
And when they reluctantly pulled away, he brought her in close so his arms wrapped around her. His palm held the back of her head, so her temple was placed against his chest. She hummed in content, her arms raveling around him as she relished in the attention she had finally been able to receive.
“I take it this means you’re staying...” she said, her voice a low mutter as she almost drowned in the feelings she had.
“I realized on my journey, that I couldn’t see myself anywhere else,” he admitted, his thumb brushing against her white hair.
And she smiled.
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Here, I’ll Heal You: Rey x Reader
Summary: While training in the forest on Ajan Kloss, Rey injures you. Rey, feeling terrible, realizes she can make it up to you by healing you.   
Characters: Rey x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k words
Warnings: None, aside from mentions of an injury.
A/N: Based on the previous story, and my head-canon of learning Force healing with Rey, I wanted to make this piece on my inspiration from these two works! I hope you enjoy it!
Feedback is always welcome and is appreciated if you choose to give it! 
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“Rey! Stop!” 
You were trying to get your girlfriend to stop meandering around the forest floor, but of course it was no use - she was in a training trance. Her footwork was remarkable for a quick learner to the Force, but you felt your vibro-blades could persist faster than her lightsaber. You had thought wrong. With each swift movement of your feet, your balance was placed proportionally opposite to hers, giving you less time to calculate your next move than she had. 
Her saber ran into the ground, heating the soil as it skimmed the forest floor too quickly to dodge its next motion - moving towards you. Because Rey was wearing her helmet to block her vision, it was evident she hadn’t realized her own anger was beginning to fuel her further and faster. 
She was too focused. Her movements were precise and efficient, swinging left, then right, and continuing upward in a repetitive motion. As the blade swung from the ground upwards towards you, you were quick to try and move. However, you felt the heat flash across your skin momentarily as the blade made contact with your tunic, prodding your newly exposed flesh to turn dark in color momentarily. You fell backwards, your feet skimming the ground faster than you could find balance and it was painful. The feeling of the heat singeing your skin did not let up as the moments passed. You had landed harshly on the ground, the thud of your movement the only indication to Rey how hard she had struck you. 
“No.. oh no… no!” 
Her next movements were a blur to you. You couldn’t make out the feeling of her hands touching your face so gently you were uncertain they were truly there. Her fingers ghosted across your cheeks gingerly. It was the pain, the uncertainty, and the hardship of rectifying her mistake which made her certain she would do her diligence to not let it happen again. You winced as she tried to pull you closer to her to examine your wound. Although the blade had struck you, the heat made it cauterize, but it was no less harmful to your nerves. 
“Love, can you hear me? Oh no… I am so sorry, love. I’m so sorry.” 
With each new passage of momentary time, Rey was quick to place a kiss between your forehead, your nose, and your lips in the hopes you would wake up. 
“Please wake up, please.” 
Her words cut through the silence sharper than the pain. She was in pain, all because you were. You tried to open your eyes, but your lids felt heavy. The impact of the rock-laden ground had surely not allowed you a soft landing, and your head was making up for it. Rey began to breathe in and breathe out. She remembered the way Leia had helped to teach her the calmness of the Force, and allowed her a moment’s notice to take in your breathing and your soft features, aside from the injury. It was one of the only moments she had time to do so. Now, she was certain she wouldn’t take it for granted. 
“What have I done?” 
Hot liquid began to form at the corners of her eyes, and pain wrangled itself in her voice. Her words began to cut through the silence, but in ways, they stopped partly before they could be spoken aloud. You could feel the pressure around your body being held close to her, and the warmth of her exposed skin to yours around her sleeveless tunic. The way her fingers brushed against your cheeks and the tears began to fall silently from her eyes, landing on the bridge of your nose as she placed a careful kiss on your forehead. Although you felt weary, the sensations of her physical affection were not going unnoticed. You were weak, but you began to lift your arms to hold her closer to you. 
“Oh, you’re okay, you’re okay,” she whispered in your ear, rocking you in her embrace. It was so kind, and so gentle; it was so her. You loved her for this, for the way her kindness would radiate around her in situations where anything went wrong. Now, she was showing this to you once more. 
“I’m okay, it’s okay,” you managed to whisper back to her, although your voice was weak from the shock of landing hard.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you. I should never have put the helmet on. I shouldn’t have done that-”
“Rey… don’t think like that,” you said to her calmly. 
You wanted to get the point across to her that no matter how focused she had become, you still loved her, and cared for her deeply. 
“I was too focused, I was too… angry.”
“Anger is valid, Rey, especially during this time,” you told her.
“I… I think I can help you feel better,” she noted. 
You were skeptical, however, as she laid her hand on the injury you held before her. You felt a slight pressure begin to form where the injury had occurred, and the pressure had begun to grow. From a slight tingle in the beginning, the pressure was becoming more pronounced the more you noticed her focus returning. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, before letting out her deep breath as the pain dissipated slightly from your body. You saw the way her brows furrowed, the way her lips twitched in a moment of anticipation, and the way she seemed to smile as what you noticed next came true: the pain was disappearing quickly, replaced by the pressurized sensation dissipating the larger Rey smiled. 
“There,” Rey said, looking you deeply in the eyes. 
You smiled thoughtfully as you looked down to where the injury had been, but a scar was now wrapped around the tightly-bound skin and no abrasion was spotted. 
“You… healed me?”
“It’s the least I can do,” Rey stated. 
Her words were kind, and you knew she meant them wholeheartedly. 
“Thank you, Rey.”
“With everything in me, I will do my best to look out for you next time.” 
“Rey, it’s okay. Sometimes, accidents do happen, and we can learn from them.”
“I know, but I need to get my anger in check.”
“Rey, I love you, and feeling stress, especially now, is okay. Please,” you told her, kissing her softly, “know that I will always love you, no matter what.”
“I love you too. I will always love you, in injury and health.”
“In injury and health,” you promised her, and you knew you both would always keep this promise.    
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monamourbladie-mb · 5 years
You Are My Brother - Revenge of the Sith Alternative Ending Fanfic (Obi Wan and Anakin)
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I wrote this on a whim, based off of the head canon where Obi Wan spared Anakin’s life instead of killing him. This is purely fanfiction and a completely different approach to the fight on Mustafar, so I hope you guys enjoy it! I was actually surprised by the amount of people that wanted me to post this. I hope it’s what you all had in mind :)
Warnings: Angst
Words: 1.8k
Plot: Anakin still has the choice to come back to the Light. With the help of Qui Gon Jin, Obi Wan has the strength to talk through with Anakin in hopes to bring him back. I’ll write a part 2 and maybe turn this into a miniseries if people really enjoy it :)
The loud, bubbling and scorching lava roared around Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker as they fought on the volcanic land of Mustafar. Master and fallen padawan, the two fought for different sides: Obi Wan, the Jedi; and Anakin, the Sith.
In Obi Wan’s mind, Anakin had fully converted to the Dark Side. But what he had not realized was that Anakin’s transformation was only beginning. He had not seen the breakdown Anakin had upon arriving to Mustafar, the severity of his murderous actions tearing him apart internally.
If Anakin could change back time and revert every murderous dead he had done, he would’ve done it in a heartbeat. But as Anakin fought for his life and for Padme’s, Obi Wan thought he was gone for good.
After a lengthy duel, the two stood still as Obi Wan twirled his saber, gripping it tightly, “I have failed you, Anakin,” he spoke darkly, disheartened by his own words, “I failed you.”
“I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over,” Anakin began, holding his lightsaber the same. Obi Wan was taken back by his words, “Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!”
“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” Anakin snapped back, glaring at him.
Obi Wan fell silent - the anger in his heart was threatening to boil over, to snap at him that he was truly lost - but the part in his heart that learned to forgive others, to help bring them to light spoke otherwise. In the back of his mind, he called upon his old Master for help. And, even though not even a second had passed, he felt him answer, “He is not lost.”
Obi Wan wavered, loosening his grip just slightly, “I can help you, Anakin. Prove to you that Palpatine truly is just using you!”
“A true Jedi would’ve struck his saber at me,” Anakin ignored his comment, “in an act of justice. So why haven’t you?”
“Because Qui Gon wouldn’t’ve,” Obi Wan replied simply. “Qui Gon believed in you and he knew that there was not a shred of darkness in you. You were led astray, Anakin. Let me save you. What did Palpatine promise that the Jedi could not fulfill?”
Anakin stopped short at the mention of his first Master, the one who did everything to make sure he was trained in the ways of the Jedi. Anakin’s gaze flicked from Obi Wan to behind them, noticing the lava fall growing closer by the second. Anakin turned his saber off, and nodded toward the rocky edge next to them, “As much as I’d hate to cut this short, we’ll both be melted if we don’t jump now.”
Obi Wan smiled very faintly at the out of place humor from Anakin, a small ray of hope that his brother was still in there.
He, too, shut his saber off and jumped with Anakin to the volcanic rocky landing, keeping a close distance from his old padawan just in case.
Anakin remained silent, dealing with such turmoil that he was afraid to answer. “He promised me a power,” he mumbled, “to save lives.”
“Who’s life would need to be saved? Anakin, death is a natural part of life, especially in war which we are still in!” Obi Wan replied, confused.
“Padme,” Anakin said simply, his voice cracked and broken as tears flooded his eyes. Then, it all made sense.
Though Obi Wan wasn’t specifically told by either of them, it made perfect sense now. Padme was pregnant, and she - to his knowledge - was not married. But seeing the hurt in Anakin’s eyes and the pain in his voice, he connected the dots.
Anakin and Padme were together - and she was pregnant with his child. Once again, Obi Wan felt his trust in Anakin shatter more knowing he broke the Jedi code again. But this was Anakin - the moody teenager who never followed rules no matter how dire they may have been. How could he not have known this earlier?
“Padme isn’t going to-“
“I was having dreams. Her screaming, crying for my help in labor,” Anakin started to shake softly, letting small sobs escape, “I can’t... I cant live without her. He promised - he promised...” Anakin looked down, his legs failing him as he had to stand on one knee, “he promised me a power. To save lives. This,” Anakin motioned to Mustafar, “all the bloodshed... all the horrible crimes i’ve committed... are all for her. So she can live to see another day. So that our child can live with both their parents. So that Padme can get the life she deserves.”
Anakin had just revealed his biggest secret, yet he did not care. His mind and heart was being ripped apart from the inside - one side the light, and the other the dark, both vying for his attention and full commitment at once. It was worse than any pain he had felt in a long, long time.
“I love her, Obi Wan. That’s why I’m willing to turn to the Dark to save her life.” Anakin looked down, crying freely now, “I don’t know what to do. I’m so conflicted.” Anakin looked up at him slowly, shaking softly as tears ran down his cheeks, his eyes a dark, dull blue, “Help me, my Master.”
Obi Wan stood looking down at his friend. His fist tightened, clenching his jaw. Could he forgive Anakin for all he did? For destroying the Order, and killing the younglings, and possibly more deaths he wasn’t aware of?
Without even knowing, Obi Wan out-stretched his hand towards Anakin, and he moved back in shock. Anakin looked at his hand as his eyes flickered from the rocky ground to his hand, almost in disbelief.
Obi Wan hadn’t moved his hand. Someone made him. Quickly, he glanced to the right of him and noticed a blue figure watching over them. Qui Gon Jin was watching them, and he nodded lowly, smiling very faintly.
He heard his voice as clearly as he saw Anakin, and he spoke certainly, “There is much conflict, but a strong will for good within him.”
Obi Wan glanced back to Anakin, and when Anakin had turned to the right to see what he was looking at, he saw nothing. Instead, his eyes widened when he felt Obi Wan’s hand on his shoulder.
Anakin looked up at him and he shifted his eyes to the floor in shame, “I don’t know who I am anymore, Master.”
“You are the boy that won the pod race,” Obi spoke softly, crouching down, “You are the boy that Qui Gon trusted more so than he did me.” Anakin’s lip quivered at the mention of him, “I failed both of you.”
“No, Anakin,” Obi Wan rose, “You failed yourself. You still have a choice.”
“But Padme-“
“-is fine,” Obi Wan sighed, “As soon as I found out, I brought her to a hospital to make sure she was in good health. And she is.”
Anakin opened his mouth to speak and Obi San rose his had to silence him, “and before you ask, I cleared her mind right after so the nurse had no recollection that the senator is pregnant.”
Anakin looked down and sighed, “I will never be a Jedi again, Master. I will never be a Sith...” he paused, “I’m no longer welcome within the Force. Where else can I go? I belong nowhere. I might as well die here.”
“Don’t say such things,” Obi Wan snapped, and Anakin looked up at him in confusion. “The Jedi are broken. Right now, no one is welcome as a Jedi until the Counsel can be restored. And clearly, you are not apart of the Dark side, so you are not a Sith. You are Anakin Skywalker. You are to bring balance to the Force.”
“I can’t be the Chosen One,” Anakin hung his head down low, “the Chosen One wouldn’t’ve failed like I have.”
“You’re human, Anakin. You make the choice. I can only hope to persuade your conscious towards the right decision. But as you told me earlier... in your point of view, the Jedi are evil.”
Anakin stayed silent, and after a moment finally spoke, “They are not. I’m the evil one, not them.”
Obi Wan unhooked his lightsaber and set it down at his feet, “Rise, young one.”
Anakin noticed and set his down, too, standing up slowly, not having the courage to look him in the eye.
“You, young Skywalker, are not evil. You are easily influenced. You were influenced by Palpatine. He is the evil one here, not you, Ani.” Obi Wan rest his hands on his shoulders, his lips pursed. “You can still make the choice.”
Anakin looked down and broke again, a loud sob making his body shake softly, “How can I go back to the Light after everything I’ve done?”
“It won’t be easy, Anakin. But I will be right beside you helping you through it, alongside Padme.”
“Are you mad, Master?” Anakin asked weakly, still looking down.
“Thats very vague, Anakin,” he scoffed. “At?”
“The fact I married Padme in secret?”
Obi Wan smirked, “Now, I only knew you got her pregnant. I did not know you were married.”
Anakin’s face paled and he was glad he couldn’t see the nervousness in his eyes. “Look at me.”
Anakin looked up at him very cautiously, “I am not mad. I am disappointed, but not mad. I cant say I’m surprised, either. I had it in the back of my mind that you two would at least try and date, I just hadn’t expected... this.”
Anakin nodded lowly, letting out a heavy sigh, “I can’t live without her, Master. I have no will to live without her. I love her.”
Obi Wan pulled him into a hug unexpectedly. A hug between the pair was rare - especially as they grew older. But both of them knew that they were brothers deep down - and this simple gesture helped seal Anakin’s fate.
He knew his true story lied within the Jedi Order. With Obi Wan, and with Padme. And now, his child.
“You are my brother, Anakin,” Obi Wan closed his eyes as he clung to him, tears falling down his cheeks slowly, “I love you.”
Anakin was stunned. In all the years he had known Obi Wan, he had never, ever said that to him. No matter how much they fought, and how often Anakin disobeyed him, he truly loved him. He had just never said it, and nor had he.
“And I love you, my Master,” Anakin spoke softly, as if he couldn’t believe what he was saying. He hugged him tightly and for once, for that small moment, everything felt okay again.
Anakin was brought back to the light. All because Obi Wan gave him a chance to explain himself. Because of Obi Wan, Darth Vader was killed before he overthrew Anakin’s heart.
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lucifersbirthday · 10 years
Best Friends Boyfriend
"Oh no." I muttered as two familiar men walk into the bar. The shorter man talks with the bartender while the taller man finds a table, unfortunately, next to mine. I lower my head down and pull my hoodie up over my dyed blonde hair. My colored contacts are irritating my eyes but I will have to deal with them a little longer. I slowly close the top of the folder that I have been reading and swirl the JD whiskey in my glass. Shorty walks back towards the table with 4 El Sol beers in his hands, I’m not surprised that he didn’t get the bartenders number. The bottles clink when he sets them on the table, “Sammy, are you sure we are in the right place?” “Dean calm down. Why would Cas lie to us?” Shit, I need to get out of here right now. I stand up and grab my coat off of the back of the chair. Keeping my head down, I grab my folder and start to walk away. As I grip the door handle, “Miss? Are these your keys?” Closing my eyes trying to keep the tears down, I spin around and grab my keys from his hand without letting him see my face. I nod my head at him as I turn around, fixing to hightail it outside, when my hood is pulled down. Gasping, I spin around before realizing my action. Holding my breath, I look deep in his light brown eyes noticing that he seem similarity’s with the past. “What’s your name?” Sam demands causing me to bite my lip and glance around looking for an escape route. Suddenly the beer facets explode giving me my chance for escape. I rip Sams hand off of my shoulder and sprint out the back door. If I remember correctly, they would split up and try to trap me so instead of running out into the street, I climbed up the fire escape ladder making my way to the roof so I can watch but not be noticed. Per usual, I correctly remembered because seconds later Sam runs out the back door while Dean stands on the corner up against the wall of the only exit of this alley. I squat on the edge of the building, peering down at the brothers. I hear the faint sound of wings behind me, I glance over my shoulder to see Castiel wave at me before disappearing again. My eyes widen as I turn back around to the brothers just in time to see Cas appear in front of Dean. Clearing his throat, “Cas. We’ve talked about this.” Cas nods his head and steps back 3 feet. “So? Was that her?” Sam walks right up and starts questioning the poor Angel. I would almost feel bad for him if he didn’t do that to me 2 years ago. Silently sighing, I pull my gun out of the back of my pants and grip it in my right hand. “Yes that was her.” Cas answers him after interrogation. “Well? Where is she?” Dean exclaims. Cas just smirks at me before raising his hand and giving out my location. Standing up to my full height, I groan, “Why you dirty little snitch!” My British accent pouring out of my mouth. In a flash, Dean has his gun aimed at my head and vice versa. “Now, girlie, you’re gonna tell me why we were looking for you.” “I’m not going to do anything with that pointed at my face.” Speaking the truth, I point out the gun that’s in his hands. “What are you going to do about it? You shoot me, Cas will just heal me.” Dean smirks like he has me beat. Think again. Shrugging, “I know Cas will and I know that you won’t care if you get shot,” I re-aim the gun towards Sam, “but you never want to see little  Sammy get hurt. Am I right?” Watching the smirk fall off his face only builds mine. Sam finally speaks up, “I’ve seen you before…” He trails off as his eyes slide all over my face. Keeping my gun in place, I look at Cas who is still standing in the same spot with an emotionless face. “We really had to do this?” I whine at the Angel who just nods. Sighing in defeat, I lower my gun and place it in my jeans. I climb down from the roof and stand a few feet away from the brothers. “Sam, its been awhile since you’ve seen me.” Sam is looking deep into my, fake, green eyes. “I look different than college.” At this , lights up with recognition, he walks towards me after telling his brother to lower the gun and that I’m cool. “Ricky?” I nod before Sam grabs me into an air tight hug causing me to laugh even though I can’t breathe. I hear the familiar flutter of wings before Sam lets me go. “We have a lot to talk about.” Sam states smiling.   I’ve always loved that smile. Too bad my best friend got to him first.
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Anakin Skywalker becoming your apprentice and him fully surrendering to you:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine becoming a force ghost and seeing your twin brother Anakin Skywalker again after over 20 years apart:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Anakin Skywalker trying to persuade you to run away with him:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Darth Vader coming to rescue you from the Rebels:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Darth Vader boarding your ship to kidnap and bring you to the Emperor:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine your twin brother Anakin Skywalker feeling betrayed when you side with his master Obi-Wan Kenobi:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Anakin Skywalker coming to talk to you about his thoughts and feelings on the Jedi Order:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Anakin Skywalker being forced to kill you in place of Obi-wan Kenobi to please the Emperor:
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scooby-nubie · 3 years
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Imagine Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi making bets on who will make the first move towards you:
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