stupiditydx · 2 days
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Sans- 1ATK 1DEF
[Its a beautiful day outside...]
[ The room gets colder, Smoke fills the hall, You feel like you're going to have a bad time, the janitor has a job to do. ]
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Skeleton had a really bad accident and was in coma for two weeks. Reaction when he wakes up at the hospital and sees his brother sleeping uncomfortably on a chair, looking like he didn't take care of himself for days?
Undertale Sans - He's not sure what happened, but if it leads Papyrus to lack this much of sleep, it's probably really bad. He's kinda freaking out right now, but he can't really scream because of the huge tube in his throat so he is just whining, like a puppy, in hope it will make someone come and help him. He didn't mean to wake his brother up, but that happened. Papyrus immediately tear up and goes to hug his ribcage, which hurts like hell, but he doesn't complain. He just pets his brother's head as a silent apology for whatever even happened.
Undertale Papyrus - He's looking around, vision all blurry, not sure where he is. He can see Undyne in a seat, looking like she cried a lot, and Sans half leaned on his bed, hugging his arm like he's going to dust. Uh. That's probably bad. He tries to move his arm a bit, which immediately makes Sans jerks, eyes wide open in panic. "papyrus? bro?" "sAnS?" Oh. That sounded weird. Well, not as weird as Sans suddenly crying hysterically screaming he thought he lost him, and then Undyne started to cry too and now he is overwhelmed and confused, petting the heads of his friend and his brother, not really knowing what to tell them because he doesn't have any idea???
Underswap Sans - He just realised he was sleeping and he hates sleeping so he suddenly sits up in bed. But it's not his bed??? Or his room??? He looks at Honey, snoring like hell in his seat, the hoodie wet from how much he cried. Oh shit. Did something happened? He jumps out of bed and immediately faceplants on the floor, waking Honey up. Blue is confused. Why are his legs... not working??? "blue!" Honey panicks and picks-hugs him, putting him back on his bed, not letting him go. He feels like a squeak toy. He tries to talks but all he can say is a weird whine-growl that frustrates him so much. "never almost die ever again. stop getting shoot in service please." ... Oh. So that what happened. Make more sense. Wait, he almost die???
Underswap Papyrus - Blue is not asleep. Though he looks definitely like he didn't sleep in two weeks, with the bigger eye sockets bags Honey has ever seen. He's staring at Honey, not sure if what he's seeing is real or just some another hallucination because of the lack of sleep. Honey looks around, not sure what's going on, then notice the big bullet hole on his chest. Oh yeah, he got shot by some guy who wanted to hurt his brother because he put their brother in prison. He almost forgot. Funny. ... So it wasn't just "not too bad" like he remembered saying his brother. Blue stands up and just pokes his cheek, to make sure he's awake. Honey lifts a non-existent eyebrow. Then Blue just bursts in tears and hugs him. Honey gently pet his head.
Underfell Sans - He growls angrily. There's too much light in the room, he can't sleep. He's about to wake up to just close the windows, but soon realises he can't really do that. It's like all his strength just vanished for no reason. He opens an eye socket and whines when the light hits his pupils. He didn't like what he saw. That looks and smells like an hospital. The hell did he do wrong again. He can't remember. Not than anyone care anyway. Except there's a light press on his arm. He looks down, his eyes widening with shock. Edge looks like shit, clothes dirty and face planted in his matress, gently petting his arm. He doesn't even know what to say. Even when he got almost crushed under a cave in, Boss never came to see him at the hospital. That's new. Was he this close from dying? "a'yrus?" Oof, that was pitiful. Edge lifts his head, confused, then immediately perks up, blushing. "THERE YOU ARE. I WAS NOT WORRIED AT ALL." "sure boss. 'know you're not". He smiles a bit. Eh, maybe he still cares after all.
Underfell Papyrus - Stupid. This was stupid. The last thing he remembers is pushing Frisk out the way of the car who was going to hit them at full speed. Then what? He died? If he died, why was he still seeing things around him? There was this white wall, covered with flowers, and this huge bear plushie judging him at the end of the bed. ????. Is he even the teddy bear type? Who the fuck thought he needed some stupid teddy bear? He tries to push it out of the bed with his plastered legs and he almost succeeded, but then two hands grabs the teddy bear and looks at him with a shitting grin. "does little boss wants to hug the big teddy bear?" He muffled screechs when Red puts the teddy bear under his plastered arm, making it impossible to move since his two arms are broken. Red looks so proud of himself. "it's good to see you again. too bad you can't move and i can do anything i want to you for six weeks to make you pay for worrying me so much other your stupid ass". Uh. That's sort of positive? But still! He doesn't want the teddy bear! What if Undyne comes in?! Asshole! Red won't move the teddy bear.
Horrortale Sans - As soon as he realises in an hospital, Oak starts to growl at the emptiness and tries to rip all the tubes out of his chest and arms. There's no way he's staying there. But when he sees Willow wakes up, looking so down, he freezes a bit. Willow seems really bad. What happened? Did the results of whatever exam he did that bad or something else happened? Willow widens his eyes when he sees him. "YOU'RE ALIVE! OMG!" Oak whines when he pushes him against his chest into a suffocating hug. But he doesn't complain much more. Willow seems really relieved, and he hates to see his brother sad, so if hugging him makes his brother happy again, he will gladly do it. For a few hours at least. After that he will try to beg Willow to get out of here, which Willow refused again and again until he gives up, grumpy.
Horrortale Papyrus - Oak is not sleeping. He's standing guard and growls everytime someone passes in front of the door. Toriel is here too. Probably when people actually needs to access his bed. She gently smiles at him when she sees he is awake. "There you are. You scared us." Willow doesn't really understand why until he sees his two broken legs. Oh yeah, he forgot he didn't hesitate one second to enter a house on fire to save a little girl and that the entire house fell on his legs after that. Silly him. Oak turns around when he hears Toriel, sighs with relief when he sees him... And passes out. ... Well, that's a way to do it. Toriel explains he refused to let his guard down until he was safe. Guess Oak considers he's safe now. Willow gently pets his brother's head and brings him under the blanket with him.
Swapfell Sans - He actually woke up because he heard people fighting. He couldn't believe his eyes. Rus, looking like he didn't sleep for an entire month, blocking the way and screaming at Queen Toriel without even flinching, even if the Queen looks pissed as hell. Nox panicks a bit and tries to sit down, scared she mights hurt him, but Rus is not scared. "that's your damn fault he's in his bed! you're an abusing bitch and you won't ever bother him again. he is quitting your stupid guard, go find another stupid idiot to die for you. my brother won't anymore! i won't let him! and if you keep pushing, i swear i will kill you!" Nox feels his soul beat faster and faster as he can see Toriel ready to hit his brother. But then Rus creates two huge blasters, pointing towards her. He's in shock. Is he still dreaming? Toriel seems to reconsider, and leaves, saying this is not over. Rus sighs, relieved, then gasps when he sees Nox awake. Nox smiles at him. "Sorry I worried you..." Rus doesn't let him finish his sentence and crushes him in a hug. Nox stays still a second, then hugs him back.
Swapfell Papyrus - When he wakes up, Nox is awake, arms crossed, looking tired. Rus blinks a few times, then looks around. "... are we at the hospital?" "Yes." "... why?" "Why?!" Rus sweats a little. "You said you were going to do a flip, and then you fell off the root, stupid idiot, you almost died!" "... oh. you're mad?" "Of course I'm mad!" "... oh. uh..." He doesn't want to look his brother in the eyes. "... at least i'm not dead?" "Depends. We'll see in what state you'll be after I gave you the lecture of your life." "come on bro..." Rus whines, but it's no use. He can't move from his bed, and Nox wants this done so he can finally go to sleep, so here goes nothing...
Fellswap Gold Sans - He wakes up a bit lost, with a big skeleton hugging his chest like he is some kind of teddy bear. He gently pets Coffee's head, a bit confused why he desserves such brotherly affection. Oh well. It's probably not important. What could he be missing? Coffee lifts his head and immediately cries. "I thought that lion killed you!" Oh yeah. He almost forgot he decided to fight a lion in a circus one-o-one to prove it's just a big kitty to Alphys, and then almost got eaten alive. Woops. That happened. Well, at least he is not dead. He is sure Alphys didn't do it after that. "DID I WIN?" Coffee looks at him in disbelief. "no. alphys beat up the lion to save you." "DAMMIT!" He sits up. Coffee pushes him back in the bed. "the circus is gone, it's too late. go back to sleep." "URGH. FINE." He's pouting, but Coffee is a bit relieved. At least he's giving up.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He thinks he's hallucinating, but now, all of his body is wrapping in bubble paper. ???. He looks at Wine, sleeping in a chair covered too with bubble paper and he is so confused. Where is he? And why? He whines a bit, scared and confused, which immediately triggers his brother who wakes up in panic, before he calms down when he sees he is finally awake. Coffee doesn't really have the strength to talk, so he just asks silently his brother "what the hell?" looking at all the bubble paper on him and around him. "YOU TRIPPED AND BROKE YOUR SKULL SO I DECIDED YOU WILL NEVER TRIP EVER AGAIN." "... isn't it too much?" "NO." "... ok." What else can he even say? Wine won't listen anyway, he's traumatised.
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 1. Sticky bomb!: If you could make a weapon of your choosing, what would it be and what funky name would you give it?
hmm, i dunno. most likely make it weird as hell tho and name it “gun enthusiast!” (lordminion777/wade refernence)
2. SPEED IS KEY: What’s your dream super power?
Psychokinesis or Time Manipulation.
3. Green Pewdiepie: Has anyone ever compared you to someone else? Was it positive or negative? How did you feel?
my sister compares me to either mark or jack for me being loud, annoying or stupid :P (no offence mark or jack) i dunno how to feel about it
4. Antisepticeye: What’s your favorite horror trope? Least favorite?
favorite horror trope would probably be Scream. i dont really have a least favorite, im a sucker for horror! 
5. “Am I recording?”: Have you ever done something to completion only to find you’d done it completely wrong? What was it?
a school test. i studied the wrong fucking lesson.
6. BAYTIN(as of today its a meme ahah): Ever been in a fight? How’d it go?
i’ve been in many, it was a fist fight, they got fucked up pretty bad, you dont fuck with my family.
7. Irish Slang: Do you know another language? What is it? Say something in that language! 
i know japanese and a little korean.  私は両方の言語を話すのが好きです。 나의 한국은 나아지고있다. 배우고있다!
8. Dr. Schneeplesteen: What’s your favorite board game?
9. All the Way: What was one of your most unmotivated points? What got you through that point?
when iwas working on a big school project, my friends  and PMA!
10. Jacksepticeye power hour: Are you impulsive or do you usually think things through before doing something?
a little bit of both
11. Cool Patrol: If you met your idol, who would you meet and what would you say?
@therealjacksepticeye & @markiplier  id most likely have really bad social anxiety and start crying and shaking while trying to explain to them  why their my idol and suck
12. Cuz Fuck you, that’s why!: What’s a favorite insult that you actually use on others?
fuck you
dont fucking come at me you piece of shit! ill fucking stab your parents!
i’ll kick your rocky road and then punch the ever loving strawberry chesse cake outta ya.
Fuck ya Chicken strips!
13. I know what do: When learning something new, do you learn quickly or does it come slow?
depends on what it is tbh. if its something i hate, id refuse to learn it, something i like id learn it fast.
14. The gauges: Is there anything you’d ever want to do to ‘decorate’ your body? Tattoo/gauges/hair dyeing/piercings?
all of the above.
15. That’s a stup: Do you get bored easily?
16. Robin’s edits: Do you think you’d ever be a video editor? Are you currently? What’s your favorite edit to do/favorite edits to see?
maybe. no, but i do like editing. mostly things i like.
17. Signe: Do you have a significant other? How long have you been together? If you are single, have you ever had a significant other? How long did it last?
yes, for a long time. ive been in many and the second longest was 3 and a half years
18. The hat™: Do you have a favorite peice of clothing? What is it?
i dont think so?
19. The Undertale series: Do you have a favorite game? What is it?
I dunno! theres so many video games that hold a special place in my heart!
20. High fives all around: Is there a special greeting/parting gesture you give to others? What is it? 
ye. its normally either a meme reference like “ WhaTs uP fUckerS?’’ or a nod “sup?’ but there are ones where by greeting them i say nothing and just give them a gentle hug, but thats for close friends.
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i-am-avacado · 8 years
Jacksepticeye themed asks
I haven't seen these around before so I'm making one!
1. Sticky bomb!: If you could make a weapon of your choosing, what would it be and what funky name would you give it?
2. SPEED IS KEY: What's your dream super power?
3. Green Pewdiepie: Has anyone ever compared you to someone else? Was it positive or negative? How did you feel?
4. Antisepticeye: What's your favorite horror trope? Least favorite?
5. "Am I recording?": Have you ever done something to completion only to find you'd done ot completely wrong? What was it?
6. BAYTIN(as of today its a meme ahah): Ever been in a fight? How'd it go?
7. Irish Slang: Do you know another language? What is it? Say something in that language!
8. Dr. Schneeplesteen: What's your favorite board game?
9. All the Way: What was one of your most unmotivated points? What got you through that point?
10. Jacksepticeye power hour: Are you impulsive or do you usually think things through before doing something?
11. Cool Patrol: If you met your idol, who would you meet and what would you say?
12. Cuz Fuck you, that's why!: What's a favorite insult that you actually use on others?
13. I know what do: When learning something new, do you learn quickly or does it come slow?
14. The gauges: Is there anything you'd ever want to do to 'decorate' your body? Tattoo/gauges/hair dyeing/piercings?
15. That's a stup: Do you get bored easily?
16. Robin's edits: Do you think you'd ever be a video editor? Are you currently? What's your favorite edit to do/favorite edits to see?
17. Signe: Do you have a significant other? How long have you been together? If you are single, have you ever had a significant other? How long did it last?
18. The hat™: Do you have a favorite peice of clothing? What is it?
19. The Undertale series: Do you have a favorite game? What is it?
20. High fives all around: Is there a special greeting/parting gesture you give to others? What is it?
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ginnythe7thweasley · 6 years
I stg can you all stup with this fucking undertale bullshit for at last a second!?
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floralcrownjack · 8 years
that's a stup and the undertale series for the ask thing!!
15. That's a stup:Do you get bored easily?
Oh my god! I get bored so super fast! Even if I am watching movei or so, I just watch It witch split parts... Really rare I am doing something from start to finish because I just loose interest and get bored... BUT! I am never bored, I can always find something to do. Because I noramally do 3 things at the same time... I just get use to it and I have system :D
Imagine how hard for me was sitting in work for 8 hours makeing adds.... OMG! I was working at the computer and I had sketchbook in front of me... I was makeing short stops... like going for water, makeing tea, water plants, just go up an down stairs. I have worst job for someone who can’t sit in one place for too long... so stupid!
19. The Undertale series: Do you have a favorite game? What is it?
Funny, but it’s Undertale! haha!
Because this game I am here in this community! :D 
Jacksepticeye themed asks
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nerdqueenkat · 8 years
Jacksepticeye themed asks
1. Sticky bomb!: If you could make a weapon of your choosing, what would it be and what funky name would you give it?
~~I wolud combine a lightsaber and a crossbow and Call it a Zwoomer. (IDFK)
2. SPEED IS KEY: What's your dream super power?
~~I would say something like dreamwalking. that seems cool.
3. Green Pewdiepie: Has anyone ever compared you to someone else? Was it positive or negative? How did you feel?
~~ My younger bro and I get compared a lot. (It’s cuz he’s pretty lol)
4. Antisepticeye: What's your favorite horror trope? Least favorite?
~~OOOH! I love so many!  um.. ok like I love the whole night fog means evil thing. I love fog! LEAST fave is when they tell someone to stay put AND THEY DONT!!
5. "Am I recording?": Have you ever done something to completion only to find you'd done to completely wrong? What was it?
~~OMG YES. I was once supposed to do all Even Numbers on the page for math and I did all Odd Numbers. I was livid....
6. BAYTIN(as of today its a meme ahah): Ever been in a fight? How'd it go?
~~ Don’t know if you would call it a fight. She spit in my face, I punched her and she cried. 
7. Irish Slang: Do you know another language? What is it? Say something in that language!
~~~ok ok! Sheesh! lol um I can speak latin, my father taught me so Volo Tuum Corpus ;) (it means I want your body)
8. Dr. Schneeplesteen: What's your favorite board game?
~~Sequence! its a bit nerdy but i love it!
9. All the Way: What was one of your most unmotivated points? What got you through that point?
~~ I think i am actually at that point.... I am trying to write a book but I feel like no one cares...
10. Jacksepticeye power hour: Are you impulsive or do you usually think things through before doing something?
~~~oh no! nooooo I HAVE to plan things out. I can’t NOT plan
11. Cool Patrol: If you met your idol, who would you meet and what would you say?
~~I would probably cry and have a panic attack. But god i would love to meet Mark and Jack. They have help and inspired me sooo much! I would probably try and thank them but you know they don’t like that lol
12. Cuz Fuck you, that's why!: What's a favorite insult that you actually use on others?
~~I call my friends all sorts of things but I think I use the word Cunt the most lol
13. I know what do: When learning something new, do you learn quickly or does it come slow?
~~ I think I learn pretty quickly especially with languages.
14. The gauges: Is there anything you'd ever want to do to 'decorate' your body? Tattoo/gauges/hair dyeing/piercings?
~~I’ve got my tongue and lip pierced but I want SOOOO many tatoos! (all Nerdy of course :). )
15. That's a stup: Do you get bored easily?
~~Yeah but I am pretty easily entertained lol
16. Robin's edits: Do you think you'd ever be a video editor? Are you currently? What's your favorite edit to do/favorite edits to see?
~~I would love to learn to edit. It seems like a blast! I love the Anti edits but the Darkiplier edits were badass as well!
17. Signe: Do you have a significant other? How long have you been together? If you are single, have you ever had a significant other? How long did it last?
~~~I have been extremely lucky to find my husband. He is seriously my other half. This year we will be Together 7 years, married 6 years, and ouur son turns 5 on the 25th of this month. :)
18. The hat™: Do you have a favorite peice of clothing? What is it?
~~My Game Grumps hoodie o.0 no touchie!
19. The Undertale series: Do you have a favorite game? What is it?
~~Ok don’t judge me but i would have to say  Kingdom hearts2 I still freaking LOVE that game.
20. High fives all around: Is there a special greeting/parting gesture you give to others? What is it?
~~ I have always said Toodle pips. I don’t know why but yeah. :)
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stupiditydx · 1 day
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this fangame is NEVER gonna happen lmao
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stupiditydx · 15 days
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have some old art ig
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stupiditydx · 1 month
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More Undertale soon ig :p
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stupiditydx · 9 days
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bad habits die hard
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stupiditydx · 10 days
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That stupid grocery store clerk
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