farwayloner · 7 months
"Sweet Gardenia": The Bloom 🌺❄
Bi-Han X Cold!Reader
F!Reader, Pre-MK1 Campaign, No use of Y/N, Kinda slowburn, Overworking, a lot of flower metaphors, Mention of Starvation Tomas slander :( , Reader being stubborn, Bi-Han being soft.
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For a better experience, listen to this song while reading. :)
Seriously, this is the third time I've had to re-make this. I accidentally uploaded it first then I deleted it by accident.
This took forever to write! But thank you to my friend Gutsie for the feedback :)
I have had other projects that include writing so this not my first writing project.
A part 2 could come out if I have the motivation.
I might open a request page if not.
Expect many metaphors! I use a dictionary to enhance the words I occupy! Yeah i'm so good⁉️
My native language is not English, expect countless grammatical errors.
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Gardenias, flowers that flourish and bloom with an inmense amount of rain, letting them bloom to fulfill their entire potential. Keeping their beauty far away from the sun, in solitude and coldness to fullfill the promise under the white shining moon. In a way to sink down back to the roots.
That is how you can describe yourself as, instead of broken piece of glass lying in a withered flower field that you truly knew you were.
A delicate flower, pushed to the edge by a will of steel. If not, a withered away chrysanrhemum.
You had endless ideas of what you could describe yourself. A total failure.
You saw in yourself a weed that needed to be pulled away by grief, to wither away. And stop existing.
That is what you only wanted. You had fulfilled your potential and that is what mattered the most. What more is there to this garden of existence? Your heart will still be locked away.. a cold persona taking it's place as a façade.. Hiding the true self you have inside. The frozen you, the one that needed to be thawed.
Yet here you were.. The grandmistress of a rising clan, built from the ground and already in the riches spectrum. It was nothing, but honest work.
A work fueled by your frustration of the past events, it already bloomed into success.
Under many stacks of paperwork, graced by the finest silks and materials.. You were yet unhappy. A productive life and success made your way, yet most would call you ungrateful, insecure..
Or ambitious.
You always kept up most nights if you didn't have the exhaustion to fall asleep instantly after a long day of working, to keep the utmost pace of your life. Yet you never slept. Never rested as if you were a.. stubborn camellia.
No one to walk beside you. This wealth made you more than unhappy. But no one was worthy of your affections. Other gardens tried to kindle with you and it caused you to push more away.
In younger years, you were a root that needed to grow, in a healthier way. Winding vines only made you slowly wither away, taking what you had at your sleeve.
Your heart. Locking it down tightly and never opening it again, for the sake of your happiness.
This pace would rather destroy what you have built rather than strengthen the bond.
You were going to last as long as a bee at this pace.
"It is not enough." You always thought to yourself.. keeping it deep inside the roots of your existence. It would forever be locked there until someone pulled the weeds.
A cold heart like yours isn't deserving of love.
That's what you always convinced yourself.
Not enough.
Reassurance wasn't enough.
It never was.
You stood beside your quarter's window, a view right to the beautiful-tended to garden and those foolish blood-colored gardenias outside your window.
They seemed to be communicating in a way to you, enjoying the calming sun as they bloomed and enjoyed the last clutches of autumn. As if their secret passion would let them survive the soon coming winter.
"Beautiful. Yet foolish." You muttered to yourself. Even after being alone, you kept to yourself.
Patience is key.
Flowers were always a fascination to you, you had decorated the gardens with many beautiful flowers that bloom around all year, but those gardenias.. they couldn't stay through the winter.
It only reminded you of yourself.
You knew that those flowers were beautiful, the red color was one of the most beautiful. Yet you felt jealousy at the bloody flowers. You wouldn't indulge in those.. passions that they are meaning to, love.. partnership. The thought made you scowl, your façade falling apart.
Your clan was utmost important. The only sense of independence you had at the moment after escaping your planter's clutches, it gave you the position you have now. And you couldn't afford to lose it.
Yet those frivolous arranged marriage proposals arrived each day at her clan's gates. How foolish to think that she would accept them. They only want her power, and her wealth. It only makes your patience wither away.
With a sigh, you returned back to work. Yet your thoughts kept going back and then. Was love truly deserving of one like you? Or that façade would bring you nowhere near a friendship?
You wouldn't indulge in those senses.. yet. As none have ever captured your heart after it has been locked away. The way to thaw it is unsure to you as well.
This continuous delusional thoughts kept you away from your work. You wouldn't tie yourself until your demise over a man who does not appreciate you. It would be a quick demise.
You are losing hope on expanding the power and control you have over the lands. Even as you keep overworking yourself. You will have no other choice to marry the leader of another influential clan. It would be the true bad end.
But it is not alright to give up, yet. As hope will start. Winter is starting to arrive and it always arises new opportunities.
And your thoughts will always keep you to the bloody-colored flowers that mean passion and secret love. A visible furrow of eyebrows and scowled appeared on your face. You could already hear your mother scolding you due to the
"Not lady-like mannerisms".....
You really started to hate red.
The Lin Kuei.
A formidable yet stealthy warrior ninja clan that specializes in defending Earthrealm.
It's former grandmaster, had been very influential on the up-rise of the Lin Kuei. And brought it to the highest-bloom point.
Even at a low-profile state, the clan bloomed into a successful amount of wealth and power.
But the grandmaster's first-born son: Bi-Han, a snowdrop in a human mantle that was trained his entire childhood to become the grandmaster.
He did not seem to have his father's ideals.
He matured earlier than expected in a will of steel. Cold, calculating and unforgiving. Commonly referenced to a demon in human skin. His childhood being something he is ashamed off.
Bi-Han resents his father for his harsh treatment during his roots: Being referenced that weaknesses are a horrible mistake, relationships and friendships will only be distractions and cause weaknesses.
"Weaknesses are failures. Failures are unacceptable and you know of it." The former grandmaster's words were imprinted in Bi-Han's head. A common echo of reminder in those roots of his. How he resented that.. doddering-old man.
Bi-Han's frustration often caused him to snap at his brothers, who didn't receive the harsh training their father gave to him. Yet he felt guilty at his usual hurting words, but his duties and stress would be constantly eating him inside.
After the former grandmaster withered away, Bi-Han had taken the mantle of his father, wanting to bloom the Lin Kuei into a better glory than to protect Earthrealm.
No time for friendships, relationships.
Or his brothers.
His duty was the most important aspect in his life, trained for it since his birth. Having to constantly work on financial situations, scold recruits and warriors for the unsatisfactory performances. It was a harsh job.
But these recruits needed a vine to pull them back together. To teach them a lesson,
That they wouldn't forget.
Yet here was Bi-Han, in the cold winter of Articka, sharing a meal under the shining moon with his brothers.
He barely made time to "discuss duties" with them. But due to the accomodate weather and temperature, he made an up-most exception. Not that he would admit.
Bi-Han was deep in his thoughts, while his brothers enjoyed the steaming buns right in-front of him placed on the dinner table.
Though he made an attempt to ignore the simple delicasies. Bi-Han's concentrated gaze was staring right into the soul of a newly-grown nearby tree,that increased snow started to fall from.
He had a work-loaded week, and now he could enjoy respite digesting steaming buns with his brothers. A quiet respite if he could just enjoy it.
"Winter is very close by and times will get harsher." Bi-Han though to himself. Even after mastering Cryomancy, he must prepare for the harsh climate.
Not only for himself, but for the rest of Lin Kuei warriors.
Bi-Han was brought out of his thoughts when his blood-brother, Kuai Liang, spoke to catch his attention.
"I was analizing the climate. I apologise for the distractions." Bi-Han tried to dismiss the subject with a wave of his hand.
He despised being seen as vulnerable. As if he was compared to a flower. Bi-Han scowled at the thought.
"Continue, Kuai Liang." Bi-Han said coldly, staring with thorns of long-frozen impatience at his adopted brother: Tomas, for a second.
Then back at Kuai Liang. With the same gaze.
Kuai Liang cleared his throat, his high body warmth due to his Pyromancy abilities, was now warming the garden of the conversation.
The frozen flowers showed cracks and they shattered due to the unusual cold. Which Bi-Han managed to ignore with no hesitation.
"Now that you have become grandmaster,
I believe that someone could join to command the Lin Kuei by your side, Brother." Kuai Liang sounded slightly hesitant.
Bi-Han raised an eyebrow. His icy malice fading by the moment.
"Explain yourself, Kuai Liang." Bi-Han crossed his arms with a questioning look, any more nonsense and he would explode, as a caterpillar out of it's metamorphosis phase. A resentment about to push out in an avalanche.
"..." Kuai Liang sighed.
"A partner by your side... Someone to be there.. emotionally and physically." Kuai Liang sounded more confident. Bi-Han allowed himself to root a strange.. considering glint in his eyes.
But before Bi-Han could respond with a snarky comment as usual, Tomas chided in.
"By what he means, is a wife by your side, Bi-Han." Bi-Han stood up abruptly, startling the two brothers.
Bi-Han glared at the both of them, and more harshly at Tomas. His tone was meant to bite deeply.
"Dismiss that nonsense, Tomas!" Bi-Han said while pointing a finger to the two of them.
"You know nothing of what is good for me."
Bi-Han directed his finger to himself.
"Only I do."
After the harsh snap, Bi-Han sat back down and digged into a steaming bun. His gaze moving away from the brothers.
Kuai Liang gave a "I am used to this" stare, and then gazed assuringly at Tomas who seemed taken aback.
Kuai Liang stood up and approached Bi-Han, placing a warm hand on his shoulder.
"Brother.. It could give the clan more glory. The freedom you truly want it to have.. It is not a weakness, but a benefit." Kuai Liang said reassuringly while Bi-Han only responded with an unamused stare.
Then Bi-Han looked down, considering.
"The Lin Kuei requires my focus more than anything else." His tone was more composed.
"Any weakness or distraction will cause failure." Bi-Han continued still composed, the iceberg seemed about to break. "And all types of failure are unacceptable."
Tomas went in to defend Kuai Liang. His tone more.. Desperate and he gulped afterwards.
"Bi-Han, I am aware that you are seeking perfection.. yet you fear failure more than everything else." Tomas tried to reassure Bi-Han, but the latter responded with a glare and a slam on the table.
He had enough.
"Hold that tongue if you wish to keep it, Tomas." Bi-Han said very harshly. "I have no intentions of discussing this." Bi-Han left the icy gardens.. Leaving Tomas and Kuai Liang with disappointment.
Bi-Han was sat down on his office.. Feeling guilty after snapping again to his brothers. On that same damn chair that he always hunched over and got all his back pains from. How he'd wish to freeze it, and throw it to somewhere else to be never seen.
How he'd wish he'd get out of his head those foolish delusional thoughts. To stop snapping at his brothers and not consider Kuai Liang's proposal.
Bi-Han really thought.. Is he really ache-ing for a love he probably doesn't even know he really requires? Or.. deserves.
If he did, he only wished for a loyal partner.
A woman fit to his needs.. Not someone weak, someone who had a will of steel similar to his. A gaze that defies nature. Someone who he would trust entirely, to the point of worship. Yet he didn't wish to show it as a weakness.
He wanted to nurture those seeds if he did manage to get attached. He knew it was unlikely, but all he wished is for the new blossoms to open.
Appearances were everything.
It truly made him want to rip everything apart.
But his duties are always the up-most important. Nothing will change his ways.
Maybe another day, another life or another moment, he could indulge in those thoughts. But for now, the Lin Kuei were up-most important.
Even if it cost him everything.
You held in your hands yet another rejected arranged marriage proposal.
The sun had fallen, and the sweet breeze of the evening had turned to the strong yet comforting mantle that arrived each winter.
Yet another clan has tried to bring down yours after you rejected their arranged marriage proposal.
It is not a surprise either. It has happened way too many times to count.
"These power-hungry fools." You knew you had no chance at this point. You had to marry into a clan and bloom ever more.
As a clan leader, your duties were always destined to benefit your future and not handle the past.
Yet you had to find the proper one.
You decided to check onto the many arranged marriage deals.. many were asking for 75% of revenue from your clan. That made you wince.
You have denied the blossom of any deep feelings, causing many of your stress and emotional unhappiness.
The gardenias outside your window didn't have the "positive" aura they once had. As if the cold winter had affected their once up-bright bloom.
Reminded you of someone.
And it kept you intrigued, contemplating the idea to investigate flowers once you have cleared your duties out of your schedule.
You will never catch a break at this point.
But for the sake of the clan, you will start to meet the one who will thaw that frozen flower within you.
To find the only worthy one, but only time would tell.
Once dawn arrived,
You would be ready to let the seeds grow.
For your sake.
The Lin Kuei temple was bustling with noise of the recruits trying to blossom their fighting techniques. On the quieter side,
Bi-Han was working on his office, handling important matters that were very indeed important, but not very important enough to mention. When Sektor entered his office with a paper on his hands. Bi-Han welcomed him in with only a stare and let him speak,
Crossing his arms over his chest. His gaze unamused as prepared to hear Sektor's usual ramblings.
"Well then." Bi-Han said slightly impatient.
"Grandmaster.. I assume you had accepted Kuai Liang's proposal?" Sektor said calmly as he placed the paper on Bi-Han's desk, letting him inspect the paper.
Bi-Han quirked an eyebrow.
"This, is a clan that Cyrax and I have been observing for the past 3 months." Sektor explained calmly once again, with backups of evidence slipping by. "Their financial debates and the way they continuously continue to grow is outstanding." Sektor looked Bi-Han, asking for approval on to keep rambling.
"...Very well. Keep explaining." Bi-Han's tone was one of interest. He inspected the paper, and nodded as Sektor spoke.
The lower part of the paper read as:
'The only way to affiliate as such is for the current leaders of the clans to conclude a marriage.' Bi-Han furrowed his eyebrows and then looked at Sektor who continued on rambling about how the clan's leader intellect was one of "other realms".
Yet, Sektor continued to explain.
"It is run by a woman. We haven't managed to collect any information from her. But from what we have.. investigated, is that she is a formidable business-partner.
It would make her intellect run the financial parts, and your strength to run the troops."
"This plan would make the clan bloom intensively, Grandmaster." Sektor added,
As if trying to convince him. Sektor stood tall, a hand to his chest. He was loyal to his Grandmaster, no matter what.
Then grew another sentence asking for Bi-Han's approval. Snapping Bi-Han out of his considering thoughts.
"This is a chance we can't afford to lose."
Bi-Han thought for a moment. He knows he can't refuse. Yet Sektor's proposal echo'ed on Bi-Han's head.
This could be the greater chance for the Lin Kuei to have the freedom it deserves. Growing inmensively in power would bring it to what he always envisioned..
And to... accept Kuai Liang's proposal.. He wasn't completely against it.
It was perfect.
Bi-Han placed the paper back down on the desk and signed it.
"Very well. I will be looking forward to meet this.. Grandmistress." Bi-Han said with stoicness laced with unusual interest and handed it to Sektor.
"Send it to the Grandmistress of that clan and report if she accepts an arrangement." Bi-Han continued, he was shivering with anticipation.
This was the best chance he had gotten this far.
And winter had just started. And soon after, it would all bloom.
But together, perhaps, two steel willed lives like a gardenia and an icy snowdrop might shape their lives and their clans into a sturdy netherrock, undestructible and strong.
Only if the meeting went the right path, that was. Only time would tell if an alliance could bloom where only distrust once reigned supreme, or if these two flowers were destined to remain tied forever, until their demise.
Bi-Han couldn't wait.
"Lin Kuei?" You repeated your advisor's words with a scowl.
"You are naming it as if it was stupid. It is not, my lady." Your advisor said reassuringly.
"This traditional Chinese clan is a very low-profiled one. Truly focusing on strength and power." You gazed at the signed paper by the grandmaster, Bi-Han.
Ninjas, you thought. Even though it referred at the members as "warriors."
How old-fashioned. Yet, the accidental grunt that you let out at the word was worth it.
This was going to be.. unusual unlike the other clans that have sent you arrangement proposals.
The Lin Kuei's grandmaster wanted to marry you. Like everyone else. You had to check what he required.. And what he was proposing in return.
He required 25% of your revenue. Acceptable, since the other clans required around 30% or higher. Which this situation caused an unusual tingle in your stomach.
...He required your skills? He didn't specify in the file. It seems it was not even written by himself.
And he was offering in return..
25% revenue of the Lin Kuei's profits... decent, yet acceptable.
Yet other thing caught your eye.
A grandmistress role, a chair-man position in the Lin Kuei... This was strange,
Most clans that came to offer, offered you a rather high rank and role, but none as high as to be an equal with the leader.
This caught your interest, indeed.
"A grab." You mumbled to yourself. Catching your advisor's attention.
You gazed back at your advisor, who was waiting for your opinion on the matter.
You blinked a few times from the lack of sleep. How long ago did you change your pillow's case..?
"My interest peaked. Do tell me more." You said a bit commanding, yet softly. You gazed back at the paper.
This paper had arrived by chance, unlike the many others that arrived at the clan's gates.
This one appeared on your window. The one that had direct view to those.. foolish gardenias.
Those.. Lin Kuei ninjas must have snuck here, how amusing.
You had to call your advisor for information on the matter. This Lin Kuei. Not open to the public eye.. no registry on your clan's archives.. The only way to gain information is having a meeting with the clan leader or a representative.
"The Lin Kuei's grandmaster is said to be a monster. Cold and unforgiving." Your advisor said with a hesitant voice.
"But as you have told me countless times.. You are not forbidden to marry and not blossom any feelings, my lady." You gazed back your advisor.
True words, as long as you helped your clan not falter by any means..
You would.
You stayed silent as your advisor continued to explain many of the benefits.
"I will keep it in mind." You replied with a calm conposture. "Send a messenger. I will have a.. peaceful meeting with this.. Bi-Han." His name sounded bitter on your tongue.
You had to meet a cold yeti, and you weren't afraid.
Only for the sake of your clan.
"Let's prepare some buns. I haven't ate in a few days." You said unamusingly.
Your advisor seemed worried.. You have not ate steamed buns in days..
Or you have not ate in days.
How foolish.
Let's hope winter doesn't crush the lilacs of your excitement.
Which you so try to deny.
The weather was.. emotional dropping to say the least.
The sky a neutral shade of gray smoke, a comforting aura yet taunting with the idea of possible rain.
You considered this weather to be the most.. relaxing. Yet productive. You mostly took days off on this type of weather, considering it a day for full respite.
Even if it quadripled your paperwork.
You were excited to say the least. You prepared your appearance decently. Because after the most work-loaded of days, your face would be puffy and tired.
Yet it was the perfect weather to start a meeting.
The wind was practically non-existent,
And you were preparing to meet the Lin Kuei's grandmaster. An optimal preparation was put in place. While you watched the gardeners arrange the many well-kept flowers..
Including those foolish blood-colored gardenias.
They were pretty to say the least.
Flowers were always a fascination to you. A visual break from the un-aesthetics of the common wither of winter and deterioration.
Yet winter had already arrived.. seeing how most of the beautiful trees had no leaves left in the roots.. The past dealings of autumn had left a temporal mark in their spare.
It gave you more than enough confidence to head through the meeting.
You were dressed rather formally, the room that you had prepared for the meeting was open, a large frame with direct access to the main gardens.
It was embroided with a dark-tone of high quality oak. With tall bookcases covering the walls of the room.
The room's large frame's purpose was only to gaze at which had withered away and which had survived winter's embrace.
Yet your attention kept away at that damned garden. How to not survive a winter?
Life is dependant on will and skill. Even those who do not possess skill survive through will alone. Otherwise, no will, pure skill.
What a blossom of thoughts had been keeping away the matters that needed to seed their way to your brain.
Your attention was called, chiding it away from your gaze to the mostly red-colored garden.
The room was finished.
And as you gazed at the many flowers,
As long as you kept denying it,
You could not deny your liking for the red gardenias.
But other flowers had your affections as well.
The room was ready and a table was placed, a chair on either sides. You took the one that had a view to the door and left the remaining one for the grandmaster. Purposelly doing so for the view, and sake of the well-kept garden.
It was a small but thoughtful detail.. Maybe ambitious?
You were never the type of person to show off the things in your pockets.
You sat down in the chair and prepared the documments that you wanted to present, in-case the meeting was successful and the idea of an arrange marriage was successful.
If the so-called "monster" was keen to your ideals or not.
You had a tea set on another table in the room in-case he was in the mood for a steaming cup of tea, many flavors and spices to keep it to his liking.
Your advisor went to encourage you.. The past meetings with other clan leaders were.. unsuccesful and awkward.
He had arrived.
But as you continued to gaze at the garden and the tea set somewhere along the room.. You decided that your idea was gonna take place first.
Bi-Han had arrived at the clan gates, Kuai Liang by his side.
Kuai Liang sighed seeing Bi-Han's confidence.
"I never imagined to see the day where you would try to conquer a woman's affections." Kuai Liang stared at Bi-Han who was gazing at the arquitecture of the place.
Bi-Han was unamused visibly by Kuai Liang's remark.
"Silence. It is for our good." Bi-Han's tone was composed, not meaning to hurt Kuai Liang.
Yet he re-directed his gaze to Kuai Liang with a nod.
"We shall enter. I am sure the grandmistress might be waiting for us." Bi-Han walked inside and Kuai Liang followed silently.
But Kuai Liang did not fail to notice the excitement laced in his tone, yet the raise in his eyebrows.
One of the clan members greeted them with a bow and leaded them to the meeting room..
And once Bi-Han opened the door...
You weren't there.
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han stepped inside in confusion. Was this the wrong room had they just entered?
The room seemed to be set up for a meeting and the scenery of the garden seemed appealing to the eyes.
They were in the according room.
Then they saw a figure, she entered the building with flowers on her hands, placing them with the spices sitting beside the multiple flavors of tea.
Her stance not faltering her resting face seemed unamused, to say the least.
There you were. You were grabbing the roses and jasmine flowers to give the tea flavors more variety.
It hurt your heart to cut off some of the bloomed delicacies, but for the sake of the meeting it was optimal.
You had to address them.. No time to slack.
You cleared your throat and turned to face the two masked men.
"Welcome.. I was not informed of an.. advisor." You said composed while re-directing your gaze to Kuai Liang. "Must we start?"
Kuai Liang bowed his head. "Grandmistress, you are mistaken. I am simply accompanying my brother." You nodded,
noticing of Bi-Han's lack of response and the penetrating stare he was pointing at you.
You stayed silent gazing at them for a few seconds then you gazed back at the tea.
"Tea? Most foreign flavors I have at my disposal." You said calmly as you looked for approval to prepare some tea.
Courtesy at it's finest. Tea was a great start.
"Pu'erh. With Mantao." Bi-Han said coldly, but composed. These were the only words he had said so far,
Meanwhile he stood beside Kuai Liang, who didn't seem to have much faith on Bi-Han.
"No, Thank you for the offer." Kuai Liang said gruffly yet friendly.
You nodded at their words, placing the boiling water into cups and starting to add the bags of tea.
You prepared some tea for yourself as well, Chamomille.. meant to calm your nerves in-case of any disagreement or anything that would stress you.
You brewed the tea and placed it on the table, placing the Pu'erh teacup with a spice of Mantao honey on Bi-Han's side of the table and your chamomille teacup on the side you were destined to sit.
Decent so far. A show of courtesy shown by your part.
"Please, sit down so we can begin." You say down calmly and composed. Your face showing calmness,
But a frigid composture that "can't" be cracked.
You gazed at Kuai Liang who was still standing.
"I apologise for the lack of seating. I was informed that this meeting would be entirely confidential." You let out a sigh at your words.
Kuai Liang hesitated.
"No need to apologise. I wasn't aware of my compa-" Kuai Liang was shut by Bi-Han's gaze.
Bi-Han had his mask on, so did Kuai Liang. But Kuai Liang knew that Bi-Han was scowling under the mask.
After all, Bi-Han had "convinced" him. In reality, obligated him. If not, Bi-Han would have dealt with this matter himself.
Bi-Han wanted none to know this.
He would be hysterical if his brother wasn't there to watch. He would ever not, admit that fact.
Bi-Han sat down, while Kuai Liang was standing awkwardly beside.
The yellow one's eyebrows were furrowed? No.. those were only the marks due to the constant frowning on his part. And Bi-Han seemed to have met the same predicament.
Bi-Han's eyebrows were relaxed. But his eyes, with a stern look were focused entirely on you, as if judging you. You started to speak, gazing back with a tone of admission. As if to show respect.
Shall it start.
"I am curious of the fact that a low-profiled clan seeks an alliance with one as mine." You crossed your arms over your chest. Bi-Han's gaze still piercing.
"The Lin Kuei especializes in stealth, force and commitment." Bi-Han didn't even acknowledge his tea.
The steam slowly fading away as the room's temperature went down by the minute.
You nodded at his words. He didn't mention power once. Most of the clan leaders mentioned how successful their clans were, yet the Lin Kuei were thriving with a health and development unlike any others and a humble response had surprised you.
"...It is great to hear. My advisor had informed me of the achievings of your clan." You drank the chamomille.. The soft yet strong flavor making you relax.
Meanwhile Bi-Han..
Bi-Han was feeling.. concerned. The Lin Kuei never had any sort of meetings like this in the past. His father had met his mother during a skirmish, saving her life and taking her in to the Lin Kuei.
As long as he knew, it was a tale that his mother used to tell him and his brothers to fall asleep.
"Foolish. That old man surely kidnapped and forced her against her will." Bi-Han's thoughts were always aggressive, to no surprise.
Yet Bi-Han stared at you as you spoke over the documents, speaking about possible benefits and the downfalls that could be caused.
He appreciated your determination for your duty.
It was rare to not see leaders slack off and live off their wealth. Yet you took that, threw it on the ground and set it on fire.
Your will was fascinating to Bi-Han. Even if he wouldn't show it. He kept his piercing stare.
You continued to speak, thinking that Bi-Han had absolutely no interest.
You kept your conversation. You seemed to be speaking alone as Bi-Han only gave back nods and barely spoken words. It unfuriated you yet it seemed to be progressing well.
"I am affirming that this agreement will not only bring power. Prosperity and humility are the most important aspect of a clan. Peace through framework is preferable than an endless chase of power."
You said calmly. Noticing how Bi-Han's gaze darkened.
He instantly furrowed his eyebrows.
"Power brings respect. More power no conflicts to being with." Bi-Han's tone was unintentionally harsher.
You narrowed your eyes.
"Power is not by any means a weapon. A word that exists on your mind to cause you ambition." You sighed.
"It is a true sense of strength that must be taken care off, carefully."
Bi-Han notably got more and more furious. It was obvious he was attempting to hold his composture in.
Kuai Liang seemed concerned too,
but knew nothing would calm his brother's rage.
It didn't stop Bi-Han.
"You work off weakness."
Bi-Han's true speech had risen up.
"Might alone will bring the 'humility' and 'prosperity' you seek. Only through wars and struggle." He continued.
"And if you are against violence then you are not fit to work with the Lin Kuei. Simple as that is."
Bi-Han spat out coldly. The disagreement had escalated.
You could barely keep your snarky remarks from your composture.
You had to end this.
"I am aware that the Lin Kuei work off might and power alone." You stood up abruptly.
Bi-Han's eyebrows both raised. It was a funny sight, to say the least.
"I was expecting a façade to get in my good side, grandmaster" You stared directly to in-between his eyebrows.
Your tone meant to show disappointment in the outcome of this meeting.
"Yet you have only shown your true colors."
Kuai Liang seemed panicked, looking at Bi-Han in a way to tell him to salvage this.
"This meeting is concluded. Leave."
You left to the gardens.. Passing by the red gardenias and letting out a grunt.
Even this garden was enough to fuel your anger.
You headed into the outsides of your clan..
In a way to soothe your nerves..
To the hidden forest glade within.
No distractions.
Bi-Han was distraught to say the least.
He had managed to ruin the chance to win the woman's affections and approval.
Now he had fully-lost the chance to gain it.
This could affect the Lin Kuei in a sort of way? If she decided to become an enemy.
Bi-Han simply stayed sat, he realized that he did not gaze even once at the cold tea in front of him.
He had been unintentionally having a lack of respect.
He hated this.
"Brother." Kuai Liang spoke after a minute of awkward silence. "If you don't go after her- You might lose your chance." Kuai Liang was nervous.
He had seen the entire disagreement pass by like a mannequin.. It hurt seeing how Bi-Han was messing it all over and not being able to intervene.
Bi-Han looked up at Kuai Liang.
"I suppose so." Bi-Han stared to the gardens, the multiple colored gardens with varieties he had not seen at the Lin Kuei..
A high-quantity of flowers that grow in gardens with higher temperature.
He had never seen a lotus flower. Only from the pictures his mother had shown him.
"Beautiful". He thought.
Bi-Han remembered the many topics his mother used to ramble about.
Flowers, especially.
He had acquired a great knowledge for gardening due to his mother's teaching.
He couldn't help but reminisce.
"Bi-Han, dear. Come here." Bi-Han heard his mother's voice call him out of the training with his brothers.
He would get scolded for leaving, but spending time with his mother was more important to him than anything.
"Come here." Bi-Han's mother took Bi-Han lithe form in his arms. She held a book and sat beside flowers on the well-tended to gardens in the snowy terrain that the Lin Kuei temple resided in.
Bi-Han was in for a long teaching.
"That, is a roseroot. Grows only in the highest of places. We occasionally place some of the leaves on our dishes." Bi-Han let himself root out a face of disgust and his mother chuckled. She stared lovingly to Bi-Han's interest.
She knew a break from his harsh training might do him well.
Bi-Han gazed at the droopy flowers close to his mother and then back at her.
"Oh? Those are Galanthus. Also known as Snowdrops, dear. You will see them all year, they surely love the snow."
Bi-Han paid attention to the entirety of his mother's teachings.
If Bi-Han couldn't admit it, he had such knowledge for such things as flowers. Which he would call "weak."
Now all he had left for the memory was his mother's flora research in the Lin Kuei's archives.
He would make usage of it one day.
He was sure of it.
Bi-Han was shook out of his memory and noticed Kuai Liang staring at him disapprovingly.
"Brother! You have to find her!" Kuai Liang seemed more desperate. Unusual due to his mastered patience at his brother's stubborness.
Bi-Han nodded and stood up. Running after the ominous clan leader.
He would make ammends.
It was for his clan after all.
You were sat in a tree trunk. The smokey gray sky still haunting your patience and you façade slowly dropping out. Your face in your hands.
Your hands felt like burning steel.
It hurt.
What did go wrong? You gave the up-most courtesy that you learnt over your entire life.
You knew respect was something primal, necessary for every lifetime interaction. Yet any fools that spoke to you were lacking of such formality.
Were you too cold? Maybe it could be cause.
He stared at you as if you were garbage,
A lifeless doll.
Like everyone else.
Your fury was undeniable.
As long as you kept it inside that locked heart, and no one tried opening to see the one memory hidden inside, it would maintain the peace you always kept.
You must not fracture.
This was only one of the many meetings that were to come.
This wouldn't let you down even once.
The rooted façade would not fall apart.
Yet you felt the icy presence behind you. You did not move an inch but his menacing aura was enough to sent a shiver down your spine.
Letting yourself bloom a sigh.
Your trail was left right open it seems,
He was here.
Bi-Han stared at the woman in front of him.
He knew that sneaking behind her while she tried to keep her emotional turmoil at bay would only cause her even more distress,
But he wouldn't be caught yet.
He only heard your voice besides the sounds of the harsh wind.
"Have you come here to taunt me? I am not emotionally available for yet another pointless debate." You said gruffly.
Fighting the tears that were trying to come out.
"No. I only wish to.. make ammends." Bi-Han said a bit hesitantly.
You stared up in confusion.
"Yet another scheme to make me fall. Your ways of treason are not affordable." You let out, meaning to bite.
Bi-Han sighed.
He knew he could not deal with an emotional woman that tried to hold her rage.
"There are other ways we can join together. Other than power." Bi-Han said quite lowly.
He wanted to make it clear.
"I wish the best for the Lin Kuei. And I have observed that you have the same ideal for your clan." You stared confused,
Not knowing where he was heading to in the conversation.
"I wish to make a change in the contract."
You nodded at his request. Raising your eyebrows.
"No marriage ceremony?" You said confidently, guessing that was his idea. He seemed uncomfortable at the idea of a wedding.
His shoulders tensed, he sighed.
"No. I want your clan to join the Lin Kuei. As a branch." You seemed more furious at that.
You could not take this lightly.
"I would not wish such fate to my clan. I blossomed day and night for such path." You said coldly.
Your emotions rising up once again.
"I am still offering the chair-man position. You and I will be equal. You will remain as a grandmistress." Bi-Han said,
His gaze looking at you with a convincing glint.
"I am not against the idea." Bi-Han sighed at your words. He had to knock some sense into you, but he would not yell.
You were a stubborn mess to deal with.
"So be it." The grandmaster said with a huff.
"To clear your stubborn soul that you possess, let's have a fight." Bi-Han stepped back and put himself into a ready'ed battle stance.
You had not put your self-defense abilities to the test in a long time. Approximately around last summer.
Yet you were confident. A good match, isolated?
No unwanted attention would be brought here.
Just what you wanted.
Bi-Han noticed by the determined glint on your gaze as you stood up from the trunk you previously turmoiled on.
You were ready.
And you were ready to blow off every steam you needed.
A mean of justice that would not be forgotten by him. A way to break the world and the law of your heart.
A broken heart once filled with tenderness.
Would that break his rule? Surely not. But it would be an amazing way to de-stress.
You were panting heavily, so was Bi-Han.
This spar quickly transformed into "who can break eachother's nose first." You weren't against the idea but the experience that Bi-Han had at hand-to-hand kombat was higher than yours.
You could tell he was going easy on you.
You hated it.
The trees shaked as a foul amount of punches were exchanged. Bi-Han covering his fits in ice to catch you more off guard.
You tried to not break your composture seeing that he was a cryomancer.
You could not hold back the scowl that you blossomed out of your face.
No way you're losing this.
You ducked and evaded most of his "pulled-punches". Though your emotions remained turmoiled, you mind was only on the battle. Even with the heavy drag of your heart.
Everything was dragged away by the wind.
Two souls connect as one only for such intense fight.
Their eyes connected and with that one glance..
It was finished.
You fell down to the ground exhausted.
Bi-Han offered his hand to help you stand up.
"I understimated you, woman." He said panting, with a barely noticeable tone of admiration.
You gazed up at him for a few seconds, narrowing your eyes as you took his hand to help you.
"I am glad we have made the ammends you wished. Yet, I am not convinced by your proposal."
You didn't want your clan to be disregarded as a branch inside the Lin Kuei.
"Then, we shall meet at dawn tomorrow. A meeting to the Lin Kuei temple will take place." Bi-Han said with his back turned to you.
"I will be waiting, grandmistress." Bi-Han said lowly but softly and left the glade.
"Very well..." You said hesitantly.
As for all that mattered... Nothing did.
Tomorrow you would see if everything was worth it, or to throw it away.
This Bi-Han had fished your attention. And you couldn't escape from it.
But it was enough.
As long as it helped you too..
You were more than happy to let your heart blossom for just that man.
Even if you were delusional enough.
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Not the cliffhanger, but yeah.
This is too long for my liking.
(I'll try to upload this to AO3 as well..)
A part 2 is guaranteed! No idea when it'll come out though. 😭
This took forever to write and any reblogs are appreciated! Feedback is also to be accepted, don't be shy :D
Thank you so much for reading :)
-Shigu 💖
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moronkombat · 11 months
Mk 1 men reacting to someone insulting their s/o right in front of them? Aka how to commit suicide in 12+ different ways
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Reiko would not tolerate any slander to his partner and would instantly get up in the face of the person who dare insult you
He doesn't do the pleasures himself. Instead he advises you to beat them into submission while he watches with a coy smirk
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Is very offended and doesn't sit idle when he hears it. He'll move past you tell them to try repeating that again
He's threatening but only in body posture and and facial expressions. If they were to throw a punch his way, he'd catch it and headbutt them
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He's upset at what he hears and feels like lashing out towards the one who insulted you
Syzoth regains his composure and instead comes to your side and gives you a compliment and tells you not to listen to fools who like to bark like dogs
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He laughs, maniacal and wicked. He tells them, through chocked laughter to repeat what they said
Once they do, he laughs some more before beginning to viciously beat them to death, screaming at them to never insult you again
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Raises a brow and asks them to try and say that again because they must not be talking to you, his perfect partner
Trips them with his staff before spitting on them and leading you away with a caring smile
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Hums a laugh, while looking them up and down. He claps his hands telling them that was a good attempt at an insult but Shang Tsung will show them real hurt
Absolutely eats them alive with his words. Tearing them apart and absolutely destroying all their confidence with just his words alone
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Sneers toward the one who insulted you and walks over to them slowly. He looks up them up and down very quietly
His hand finds their neck and he squeezes tightly until they can no longer breathe before dropping them to floor
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Gets up in the person's face and begins telling them to say that again and more than that while he begins to back them into a corner
He corners them and threatens them. Tomas tells them if they dare say another word, he'll have them choking on their tongue
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Raiden tries to defuse the situation and is then insulted too. He doesn't mind, he simply nods his head
But then he quips back with something witty which angers them and they go to hit him but Raiden is too quick and dodges it before easily subduing them
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Isn't one to stand idle after hearing someone insult you. He calls out to them, calling them an asshole before pushing them
Kung Lao begins threatening them and says if they're gonna try and be a tough guy then try to be one with him and see what happens
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Absolutely furious. He can't hope to contain his rage and he's grabbing them by the collar and shoving them against the wall
He lashes out at them with his words and nearly crushes their throat but he sees you from the corner of his eye and you look scared. Bi-Han stops then, dropping them to the floor and rushing over to you before the two of you depart
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Asks if he heard thar right and wraps on arm around their shoulder. He shakes his head and gives them a hardy slap on the back
Johnny offers some "friendly" advice by saying that if they dare say anything like that again, they'll have no more teeth left to talk with
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Any insult given to you is an insult to him. Shao does not take kindly to insults
He doesn't say a word to them, merely crushing their head with his large hand before returning to your side as if nothing happened
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Furrows his brows. He wants to get you out of that situation as quick as possible He leads you away from that person.
When the person who insulted you tries to follow, Geras is quick to freeze them in time and break their nose before continuing on his way with you
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Tells them it is unwise to insult the lover of someone powerful and when they laugh in Liu Kang's face he sighs
He had hoped for a peaceful ending but it seems that not an option. He sharply kicks them straight in the gut, sending them colliding into the wall
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His heart hurts knowing someone has disrespected you. Kuai Liang gets between the two of you and stares them down
Tells them if they are looking for a fight, they'll find one quickly and that it will not end well. Flames will engulf his fist as a show of power
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Baraka has had many insults thrown at him but hearing one being thrown at you? He will not tolerate that
He grabs them by their shirt and begins threatening to turn them into minced meat if they dare insult you again
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