angelfoodscake · 2 years
my mum can sell all my old toys idc but the second she puts her hands on my lps im going insane
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404-186 · 1 year
completely ignoring that he’s w that squad rn
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ensignsimp · 7 months
Jealous VOY Vorik HCs:
A/N: He's so cute when he's angry. Some inspo taken from this post: POST from @spocks-husband
Prompt: Jealous Vorik
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Vorik is (naturally) a young arrogant and naive Vulcan.
He doesn't understand the complexities of human friendships and relationships.
That's why when he sees you acting so causally with your affections towards your friends, he gets overwhelmingly jealous.
He gives anyone you show affection to a cold icy death stare.
Vulcans are naturally jealous and overprotective of their bondmates.
He comes up behind you and hugs you when he feels jealous.
When you innocently ask him what's wrong he just shakes his head and presses a kiss on the top of your head.
He feels reassured through your bond but that doesn't help him when it comes to comparing himself to others.
He worries that he isn't taking care of your emotional needs, that you find more comfort in the arms of others than in his.
When Paris starts flirting with you it really bruises his ego.
He starts to get more agitated and constantly feels the need to keep you safe.
He secretly fears you'll leave him for someone else.
One day while in the Mess Hall, you are eating when Tom comes up to you.
"Hey, if you ever get bored of hanging out with him," Jabbing his thumb at Vorik. "You should join me and Harry in the holodeck tonight."
Vorik nearly flipped the table as he reached across to grab at Tom's throat.
He was almost feral hissing and spitting like a pissed-off wet cat.
You and B'lanna have to drag the two of them apart.
After you pull Vorik to your quarters you find out why he's been acting so strange.
He's been unable to meditate due to the extra workload in Engineering. This amplifies his already fried nerves.
You'll stroke his hair to calm him down and press little kisses to his temples.
He flips you and pins you to the bed.
He starts to nuzzle your face with his.
His breath tickles your ear and you can hear him whispering things.
"T'nash-veh katelau, ashau, t'nash-veh ritsuri-wuh-set'ko." (*My mate, love, my obsession.)
You decide it's best to just let it get out of his system.
After a while, you can hear him purring.
It takes everything in you not to record it.
You feel him relax his grip and fall into your embrace.
You'll make sure he does his meditation in the morning.
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devilcat3d · 8 months
A Trans Womans Guide to Effectively Handling Monsters:
Chapter 176: A Demons Horns Are An Erogenous Zone
demons are creatures that spawn from hell and other fiery places and often are able to harness very powerful and dark magics. they are known for subjugating mortals in their pursuit of power and for making deals with them in order to claim either their souls or other things that they desire. they are dangerous if you piss them off and they tend to have violent tempers. they are very intelligent beings and therefore can be reasoned with. dont try and make any deals with them without a very solid understanding of what they seek. they will try and trick you into selling away important things.
threat level: 7/10 for your average demon but some achieve a staus close to godhood, making some of them an easy 10/10.
but of course, they have weaknesses. they find sex to be very enticing, and although they dont always submit easily, the more you tease them, the more you taunt them with the things you want to do to them, the more sensitive its beautiful horns become. even the lightest touch, a slight trace made with your finger over the length of them makes a previously proud and powerful demon into a pathetic whimpering mess as it moans from the overwhelming pleasure.
grabbing hold of its horns sends a wave of pleasure through its very being, causing it to fall deeper under your spell. you could do anything you want with it and it'd have no way of stopping you if this is done right.
using its pretty little horns as handles while you break in its cute little body, fucking it into the bed while you abuse its holes and make it more obedient with every thrust is almost an unbearable sensation for the adorable hellspawn. its sensitive, aching horns being used for leverage, its ass being filled with every inch of you, causes it to whine and renders it speechless except for the little 'please please please" that comes from its fanged mouth.
not many beings get to see a demon like this. but they are far easier to break when you know what makes them tick. playing with their horns, taking away power from them, making them feel small and ineffectual can cause them to become dangerously submissive. the hard part is getting close to them without her shredding you into a fine red mist. in this chapter, we will discuss how to take advantage of a demons weaknesses and how to keep her powerless against you. we will also explain how to use her dark powers for your own personal benefit and how to make deals without selling your soul.
demons are lustful creatures and are actually rather easy to tame if you take advantage of this fact. just use the hellspawns lust for sex and power to your advantage and youll have your very own hellish monster to do whatever you please with.
cause remember -
A Demons Horns Are An Erogenous Zone
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ghostlightfic · 2 months
um, uhh, um, h, um, how does it, how does it feel to have not one but ☝️ two whole loops?????? sorry sorry everyone seems to be in on some sort of joke that sif and loop are the same person and i dont get jt sorry. is it because you look alike? even though not really? you act really different though haha. are you twins or somethinf like thar? or bodycrafted to look alike? you must be really close to do somehing like that. 👍 i hope your bond staus true through time and space!!!
[Loop jolts, grimacing.]
Loop: Ew, gross. No, we're not related, we're just from the same place.
[They smirk, leaning their elbow on Siffrin's shoulder. He tolerates this, though looks very slightly miffed about it.]
Loop: Or I'm a star come down from the sky to help this one, and I was given a human face as my divine reward for helping to save Vaugarde. Believe what you will~!
Siffrin: Uh huh. And why my face?
[Loop grins mischievously, grabbing Siffrin's face and squishing their cheeks. Siffrin squawks.]
Loop: Well, you're just so cute~! Why not your face?
Siffrin: Augh, stop! You're the worst!!
[Loop cackles as Siffrin shoves them away, laughing. Well, at least you don't have to worry about their bond.]
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akwolfgrl · 6 months
I've had an idea for a while now, but I don't read much one-piece modern aus. (Opps I posted a little to soon lol)
Sanjis life is similar to cannon. He ran away when he was 8 and found Zeff when he was 10 had to return to his birth "family" at 21. He grew up with the younger gang, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper.
Sanji and Zoro were roommates in college, just as they finally confess thire feeling for each other. Sanji dissappears, and no one can find him, and the police are of no help. 8 years latter Zoro after returning home from a major Kendo championship, runs into Nami and a child of 6 years old with curly eyebrows.
Turns out Judge demanded Sanji marry Pudding (18 not 16) or eles he would charge Zeff with kidnapping and/or ruin his business the reastrunt. Sanji recltuntly agrees to this deal. The Vinsomkes were a once powerful family that are losing that staus but still have enough to get away with shit.
Pudding was in love with someone eles but also didn't have a choice in this marriage and after becoming pregnant (with she didn't want but didn't have a choice) had bad post partom and did receive help from a therapist for it but she kept dissapeing. For awhile, she would evently come back, but one day, she never did.
Sanji was able to get a divorce but had to sign a contract that he would work exclusively for the Charlotte Family. Devopling recipes and useing as many of thire products in cooking vedios as ge can. (They make four, suagr, cooking and baking utnicles, they make premade baked goods. All sorts of things.) Robin was his lawyer In all of this. That's how he met her and Franky. He moves back to town when it's finally safe to do so. He moved back while Zoro was out of town and was finally able to reconnect with his friends and real family.
The reason Nami is babysitting is because Sanji is showing off a new project to Katakuri, his main concatct to the Charlotte's.
Pudding does come back after the divorce and sees her daughter once a month. Part of the reason she dispared is so they could get a devioce. When Zoro is dating Sanji, she makes sure he's good for them both. She did care for Sanji she just was in love with someone else and wanted her own life. Wanted to make her own decisions and be her own preson.
Sanji has a flouting home that he and his daughter live on. Franky designed it with help from Usopp.
At some point, I'm thinking that the vinsmokes show up again. Judge wants to marry Sanji off again to someone eles. However, Sanji is no longer a Vinsmoke, and Robin made sure the Zeff would be under Big moms portcestion as well.
Zeff is very involved in his granddaughters life and definitely thinks Sanji shouldn't have gone, that he should have put up more of a fight, but what's done is done.
I'm thinking something sweet for the little girls name, but I'm not sure what. Uncle Kat is her favorite of her mothers and her father's siblings. She has only met Reiju once but not the other 3.
Zoro-swords he is going to run the dojo with kuina (not dead in wheel chair)
Nami- works as a fashion bloger/model
Usopp- writes and illustrations children's books
Robin- lawyer
Brook- in a band
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
I just wokw up with oc idea and neededwto share so sorry for spelling mistajes or not making sensr D:
But silly dragon hybrid oc, no idea how other speckes live but very curious
Sneaks away to see the pretty elbes and ends up meeting Thranduil ( lovw him :((( wanna kiss pretty elf dilf and wipw away his tearzsd )
Despite Thranduils imitial fear of dragon oc, he's actually quote nice and he's like hmm I supoose you can stau in mirkwood just don't like... Burn anything with fire
But oc doesn't have fire powers!! Theyrs like a poison dragon!! He doesn't twll Thranduil tho because he just doesn't thknk to? Dragon oc is just like yeah ofc I wkmt burnt anything :3
Dragon oc also bery much likes shiny things like dragongs do but he doesn't lkkw understand he can't just take things??? Thranduil really tried explaining but NIW dragon oc just goes "wow that's pretty, can I have it?" And then immediantly snatches it before waiting for permission😖 so silly
Anhwayy going back to beds and hope you have great night/dayy❤
Wait this is so freaking cute!! But what about dragon oc who sometimes can produce fire when they sneeze or when they get startled and they do that quiet a lot and while they walk around to explore they end up setting small bushes on fire and they’re falling all over the place doing their best to stomp out the flames and thranduil is like what’s going on here 🧍🏻
Also to keep dragon oc from getting into trouble thranduil goes out his way to bring them shiny things and you’ll see them walking around the place with 394737 shiny necklaces bracelets and rings
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Really need to get this out in the open so... here's a list of my Oc's and some stuff about them.
- Deathless (Original Species)
- Bisexual
- Relationship status: Married (open marriage)
- Purely Pred, prey in very rare circumstances
- Gives off sumg bitch energy tenfold
- Very tall (6'11) and very well built
- Decent singer and very skilled violinist (Was the one who taught Dax how to play)
- Likes the taste of human food, but it offers her no nutritional value. She specifically dines on blood and raw flesh.
- Is able to gage a person moral spectrum by a single drop of blood (meaning she knows if you're good or not)
- Works as a bounty hunter as she prefers the taste of blood and meat of those who are evil
- Abilities lean heavily into shadow manipulation, magic use, and hand to hand combat
- Kitsune
- Lesbian
- Relationship staus: Married (open marriage)
- Purely pery, pred in rare circumstances
- Is an advid prankster
- Loves to sing
- Very much a foodie (have a curvy figure)
- Tends to be willing for only her wife when it comes to vore. If anyone tries to eat her, expect a very angry fox
- Middle of three sisters
- Abilities lean into very strong, tangible illusions and petty tricks
- Kitsune
- Aro/Ace
- Relationship Status: Not interested
- Never pred/prey
- Has a no-nonsense attitude
- Very easily annoyed/angered
- Very well bluit and lean
- Youngest of three sisters
- Abilities lean into the control of lightning and manipulation of earth and rock
- Kitsune
- Straight/Asexual
- Relationship Status: Single
- Very, very rarely pred/prey. Only lets those who she trusts deeply eat her. She will freak out and have a bad panic attack if anyone she doesn't know well enough tries to eat her
- Is a complete pacifist, fighting when absolutely necessary
- Is a gentle soul at heart, gives off mother vibs
- Very skilled in the Arcane
- Oldest of three sisters
- Abilities lean into time control and ice manipulation
Nariah Goldenfellow
- Half high elf/Half drow (dark elf)
- Demisexual
- Relationship Status: Single (depends on what I'm tossing her into)
- Purely pery, occasionally pred in rare circumstances
- Kind, but also very much a smart ass
- Is not afraid to speak her mind.
- Has a knack for pulling pranks. (Good friends with Astra because of it)
- Is an absolutely beautiful singer
- Is an angel in disguise (died during an epic adventure and was made into an angel for deeds done)
- Is very well skilled in the limited Arcane and Divine magic she has access to.
Caldax (Dax) Dalana
- Drow (Dark Elf)
- Trans (Female to Male)/Pansexual
- Relationship Status: Single
- Purely pery, pred in very rare circumstances
- Is a very timid boy (particularly scared around his own kind)
- Very easy to make blush and easily flustered
- Very much nearsighted, wears enchanted glasses given by Aurora (his mentor/adoptive mother)
- A heavy bookworm (Will talk your ear off if given the chance)
- Skilled artist and decent violinist
- Won't outright admit it, but is in love with his mentor Aurora.
- Is very skilled with the blade and highly skilled in the arcane.
Kiba (K, Ki)
- Chimera shifter
- Demisexual
- Relationship Status: Single
- Mostly pred, sometimes prey (only for specific people)
- Comes off as an asshole to most... but is a good guy at heart
- Was cursed long ago for royally pissing off an archfea (led to his chimera form), but is on better terms with them thanks to Nariah
- Is the Guardian for a forest with a very prominent portal to the fea relam. Tends to use scare tactics to drive poeple away from the forest
- Good friends with both Dax and Nariah
- Unable to digest live beings at all
- Very much loves tummy rubs, both in and out
- Highly skilled in Druidic magic and knows some arcane (Tends to shrink people in his human form when the mood hits him)
Lady Mea (Yes... you must call her that)
- Arcanaloth tiefling turned Archfiend (Tries her damnist to come off as a Kitsune)
- Omnisexual
- Relationship Status: Single
- Exclusively Pred, never, never ever prey...
- Absolutely hates her ture form and hides it. Will get extremely pissed if it's even so much as mentioned
- Is the very definition of Lawful Evil
- Is a deal maker
- Uses her charm and sex appeal to her advantage
- Despite being Lawful Evil, she lives by a very strict moral code.
- Is very willing to exploit any morally gery loopholes as possible
- Perfers to work with other evil humanoids, but will take on deals from good souls if they are desperate enough
- Nariah absolutely detests her, and she knows it
- Is highly afraid of Dusk for both her sheer raw strength and magical capability. She does her best to hide this fear.
- Very highly skilled in all forms of the Arcane
- She and Dusk are the only two characters I'm willing to explore hard vore/digestion with...
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tothelighthouse1 · 2 years
i’m 10/10 convinced adam parrish is in matthews or thayer.
there’s no way he’s in a union by the books’ description. he’s not in mass or lionel or mower. those are fake dorms (jk love them but he’s not there). weld and grays aren’t giving the right vibe. there’s no way adam is in canaday and managed to get his therefore many roomates out for the night. wigg also doesn’t really fit the description, it’s too tucked away. hollis/stoughton room set up doenst work at all for that night ronan stays over. staus feels too out of the way. holworthy room set up with shared bathroom and too many roommates and detached basement doesn’t work at all.
thayer room set up doesn’t really fit since it’s mostly two rooms too but none of them do and vibes kinda fit?? i think they were playing cards in the downstairs common room and thayer has a nice one. location also fits from what i remember.
matthews fits the vibe then most and the room set up kinda works in terms of sizing and number of roommates. also the fact of having to take the stairs is yep. but the common room isn’t great
ok so this is part 0, all dorm memory analysis part 1, the thayer analysis part 2, the weld analysis
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
It will never not be funny how when Maegor married Alys Harroway while having a Hightower wife and the High Septon threw a tantrum and Aenys said either go back to your wife or exile yourself and Maegor chose exile instead of his Hightower wife, HE HATED THEM SO MUCH 😭
Maegor disliked Ceryse because he thought she was infertile and continued to dislike her when he didn't have kids with his other wives -- I believe -- because 1) she was a reminder of his inability to aire any children successfully and he already pegged her as barren semi-publicly...going back to her probably felt and would be seen as humiliating for him and Maegor was a very proud man 2) her house and the High Septon related to it continually objected to his many actions and questioned or directly challenged his authority for their own desires and ambitions to use his connection through her and, again, Maegor was very proud. I forget which person, but I remember he cut a man in two for protesting his ascension.
I think this was less a case of emotional abuse and more a case of two groups wrestling for power, one his monarchical rule, the other their religious and political authority added to through their marital connection to Maegor and the Targs.
Very Henry the VIII and the Catholic Church except of an noble house was familialy connected to it.
Polygamy as a question (for the Targs) was really never settled by any clear-cut law or decree. It's more like there was this tacit understanding that this was one of the Valyrian practices that could never live in Westeros and Maegor's example solidified the anathema attached to polygamy. Aegon I was already married to his sisters and no one (who was smart or near Aegon or Visenya) suggested that he put away Rhaenys. From there, the Targs continued assimilation except with the ultra-incest (because dragonriding, in the Valyrian mindset/culture, didn't need polygamy).
No matter what the Faith says, first cousin marriages is incestuous by American understanding, of which audience GRRM was targeting, which is why I label Targ incest as "ultra-incest". (This is not to come for anyone who married their cousin in other countries or has loved ones who have.)
Anyway, polygamy is still not abolished or declares unavailable to Targs as the Doctrine of Exceptionalism never specified against it. It says:
the Targaryens were not like other men as they rode dragons and were the only ones in the world since the Doom of Valyria. In addition, they did not have their roots in Andalos, but in Valyria, where different laws and traditions held sway. The Targaryens wed brother to sister as the Valyrians had always done, and as the gods had made them this way, it was not for men to judge
It would not be in a Targ ruler's best interest in survive or maintaining power if 10 generations, even 6, after Maegor they tried to include polygamy and marry another person. Even if they tried to use the Doctrine, since it only talks about Targ incest. Of course they could try...but that wouldn't go well for them after Maegor's reign. Perhaps it would have been better if he hadn't existed (just for polygamy becoming a real and tolerated Targ practice in a similar staus that sibling marriage came to be Jaehaerys made it justified).
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castrateurfate · 1 year
Just stop.
Until republicans lose all of their power, we need to stop saying the two parties are the same.
They are NOT the same.
We're stuck with the two part system. All claiming them the same is doing is unnecessarily weakening Democrats.
If they could get full control for 2 full terms, then we could start focusing on getting a better party. But until then, we need to put an end to republicans!
"we"? WE
you yank cunt, i'm not american and i am NOT a liberal little bitch that swoons at photos of michelle obama. i'm a fuckibg cringelord tranny anarcho-communist. about as far away as your General Hospital brunch watch party bullshit calvacade of a boring Disney-sponsored harry potter choking "life" as you can get. so fuck off with that first of all.
no, the parties are not the same. correct. there's the "pretend nothing's wrong and uphold the staus quo" party and then there's the fascist party.
that might sound like a stark differance but when the current system the "progressives" want to preserve is the one that's known to be fucking awful but hurts less than the fascist one, i can't say that i am firmly in the crowd of thinking that allll problems will go away when the map is blue like a child in pre-school getting hyped over a gold star.
the post i made discussed that voting democrat doesn't make you magically you not a bigot and neither does it make the one you vote for not a bigot. democrats are more pro-police and pro-FBI than the GOP. think about it. who funds the lapd? who funds the nypd? who funds the cpd? who's currently the vice president? answer these and try to tell me that none of these are factual because it must mean that you delusional take of a democrat-run utopia is possible.
you fucking braindead yank scum always put yourself and the people you argue with on a higher pedistal than they actually are.
i am some autistic mentally unstable faggot with a tumblr blog of less than 200 followers from the uk. i am not going to be influential during the fucking 2024 elections, am i the fuck? stop being an egotistical worthless sack of shit liberal and recognise that you nor i hold any influence or power over anything political except petty little arguments. we're fucking ants.
fuck republicans. i hope they all die violently in carnage and shrapnel. fuck democrats too. they don't do shit but uphold the status quo. never shall they do better. that's not their job. because they feed you so much fucking propaganda, you think they'll change. the voices of millions is nothing in the pressence of millions of dollars.
fuck off, liberal liquid shit
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prttydolls · 2 years
Sooo I have a request!!
Draco and the reader are enemies and they live next to each other, no Voldy au but magic is there. Both of them hate each other and when Draco's house gets burnt down or something, he staus with the reader for a few days and ooks for houses he can buy, he then finds a house which is far away from the reader's but slowly reader falls in love with Draco. Draco does feel something for the reader but it's not clear to him. When he is about to move out she confesses to him that she fell for him and then you can decide how it ends!
Reader is female btw
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Idiots Inlove. — draco malfoy
༄ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠[𝐬] : mention of fires, fat shaming (?), love confession, short mention of food.
༄ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : draco malfoy x fem!reader
༄ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨 : modern au
༄ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : I hope you enjoyed this nix<3, also I wrote this while my aunt was near me I'm gonna die rip...... And I kinda mixed a anons rq since its relatively the same(?) so unfortunately draco and reader DID not move in together, I used the neighbour concept by this rq (I can do a fic where they're lovers and living in a apartment if yall want LMAO) [ thank u wi / @dracoslittleangel for proof reading!!]
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“hai!” 8 yearold you greeted your new neighbour in the backyard, “uhm, hi...” a boy who looked like he was 8-9ish with platinum blonde hair greeted back at you hesitantly. “my name is y/n, what's yours?”
“wait... are you Pureblood or a... M-mudblood?” draco replied, when he acted as if being a mudblood, or muggle born is such a bad thing.
“nope! I'm Pureblood— hey! What's wrong with muggleborns?” you asked him curiously, what is his deal?
“well, my father says that muggleborns are wannabe wizards who want to steal our Pureblood magic.” he snapped, “oh and the names malfoy, draco malfoy.” he said, his voice laced with sassines.
“muggleborns aren't here to steal magic silly, I have a muggle born friend in fact! you wanna meet him?” draco stepped back from the fence, he was talking to a blood traitor!
“you're a blood traitor! Purebloods aren't supposed to be friends with-those!” draco replied, stepping farther away from the fence. “you—, you're rude! muggleborns aren't doing anything.” you defended yourself.
“uck, I'm not talking to a blood traitor.”
“and I'm not talking to a spoiled brat!”
As the two 8 yearolds stopped away, and went inside their homes, their rivalry grew stronger and stronger.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ✩. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
it has been 10 years, you and draco still hated eachother. Now you were both 18, and still fight over little things.
You arrived at the nearest convince store in your neighbourhood, you were wearing a croptop with a cute white tennis skirt. You had just arrived and someone decided to ruin your day.
“look, it's the filthy blood traitor everyone!” draco pointed his finger at you, making his friends pay attention to you, “aww, y/l/n is feeling confident showing her fat stomach isn't she?” pansy degraded her. As dracoʼs friends kept degrading you, you just walked away and bought your [your favorite snack] and left the convince store.
“enough about y/l/n, I wanna tell you all about something..” draco said, looking rather nervous. “yeah, what'sup mate?” mattheo asked.
“recently, I've had a feeling that something might happen... like something bad, should I be concerned?”
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ✩. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
— dracoʼs pov
I'm gonna be honest, I had a tiny crush on y/l/n. I would never admit it to anyone, but my self. I saw her coming inside the convince store and I called her out. I never intended for my friends to degrade and fat shame her. she looked really pretty, if I say so myself.
Her [hair color] framed her face perfectly, her croptop hugged her upper body nicely.
I wished that things were different, I wish that I could've just be nicer to her.
— later that night..
You checked the clock, and it was already 10pm. You decided it was best to sleep early, when suddenly you can hear the sirens of a fire truck. In panic you checked your window, just to see draco, his mother and father outside of their now burning home.
You saw blaise ʼs mother comforting the two elder malfoy and letting them stay in her home, you also saw blaise hugging draco.
You wish you could've comforted him too, you like-like him. You were to shy to admit or confess your feelings to him.
Within a blink of an eye, they were already in the zabiniʼs home.
A few days passed by, it had been a rainy day, and you've been hearing that draco was planning to move away.
no.. not yet.. not when you hadn't confessed your love for him, that's your goal for today.
Confess your love for him today, before he leaves for good.
you were getting ready, as you turned your door knob to open, the rain started to pour harder.
splish, splash, spulsh.
“Accio umbrella.” you mutter, as you casted the spell with your wand, you turned and saw the malfoys were already preparing to leave, you saw draco looking sad as ever holding his box.
Your heart rate quickened, you ran towards him. “D-draco!” you called out, he instantly looked at you, it was the first time he ever heard you call out his name. And god, he never heard anyone say his name beautifully as you did.
“y/n?..” draco questioned, “what-what are you doing here? Its pouring..” he asked concerned on why you came almost wet.
“i-I wanna confess to you about something, right before you uhm...go and leave me..” you mutter quietly, looking at your surroundings making sure not any of his parents or friends were near.
“i like you draco, since we were 14. I'm upset by the fact that we were enimies, and not even acquaintances... I'm so Inlove with you, and I just want you to know before you leave... I'm gonna miss you.” you said shyly hugging his waist awkwardly. Draco blushed at your confession...he was mentally freaking out, the girl who he had a crush on for about two years now liked him back?!
“y/n i—”
You looked at his eyes, pleadingly.
“y/n, I don't know what to say but.. Wow. I love you too, for the past 2 years, and we atleast have the same thing in common..” he chuckled at his last words. “what is it?” you ask. “we are two idiots in love..” he smiled, as he held your body lovingly.
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taglist :: @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard @f4iryluvy @lilytoyourjames @siriusblackstwin @thehalfbloodedwitch
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Monster (Part 2): Taiju Shiba x Fem!Reader
synopsis: as an exchange for favorable trade and staus, as well as a punishment for your previous actions, you are given to King Taiju Shiba as a bride. But will either of you survive being together at all? (this is a three-part series??)
wc: 1.3k
tw: violence
masterlist Part 1
Taiju catches sight of you standing in the windows early in the morning. His men are usually training for anything and everything, and when he looks up, he sees you - his bride - standing and watching from above.
And he knows.
He's known from the second you pulled a knife on him that you've wanted to fight. It's a desire you've had for a long time, as you drew the knife along his side while he pretended to sleep.
So what happened a few weeks later was no surprise to him at all.
You're free.
You catch your breath as you stand next to the stairs descending to the floors below, hand gripping the stairwell as you struggle for air. No more lessons for the day, and perhaps just in time to execute your plan.
You run over your concocted ideas as you slip past maids who curtsy, acknowledge the cook and the baker, and draw closer to the stables with the express intent of undressing and coming out as a new person.
Clangs of metal echo across the field a few paces away, and as you dodge the stable keep, a faint memory of where you stored your stolen treasures resurfaces. Your hands dig in the hay of an abandoned stall and find the chainmail still intact, the old helmet barely touched, and the rest of the armor unblemished.
For weeks, you've been stowing items away under the ruse of being altruistic to the soldiers who had entrusted them to you for "polishing" or "cleaning" or just putting them away. It seemed to be a common thing for a Queen to ask to assist in such a task and allowed. You consider those men foolish, beholden to your whims as you take the armor and stow it away for selfish reasons. Selfish reasons that seem entirely justified when you step onto the training grounds and ask to spar in your manliest voice.
It seems the man you've challenged cannot determine that you're of smaller stature, or he doesn't care. And this isn't the first time you've picked up a sword, so you attempt to use the too-large blade to parry his attacks.
"You fight like an untrained man," the man above you grunts, then laughs. "Is it your first day, soldier?" You grit your teeth and push back, the blade singing against the other man's. You almost miss the whole motion, but you catch the last six seconds of the butt of the sword coming for your face. There's no time to block it, you think, eyes widening as the silver metal comes down on your face.
Ringing reverberates in your ears and the force of the strike knocks you off your feet, sending you to the dirt with little warning. Your back and sides clench as you land, and even the sound of your helmet hitting the ground is harsh.
As you lay on the ground, attempting to recover, you feel your nose begin to swell and something warm trickling down to your lip.
"Oh, shit..." The man you'd been sparring with kneels down to tug at your helmet. Your hands fly to the piece of armor, pressing it back down on your head.
"No, no--"
"Your nose! It's bleeding."
"That's fine," you mumble, sounding more nasally than you intended. The pain begins to settle in and you get white flashes of shock, trying not to pass out as you break out in a cold sweat. You need to get back to your room and figure it out before anyone figured you out.
You stumble back up to your feet, red blood dripping from your chin as you wobble unsteadily.
"I'm okay," you breathe, but a group of men stops as you try to amble off, your face no doubt purpling and bruising underneath the helmet.
"Kid, don't go that way; you need to come to the infirmary --"
"I'm fine!" you toss back, but a hand grasps your shoulder and turns you around, pulling at your helmet at the same time.
The man holding your helmet watches your hair tumbles loose with mounting horror and the others around you step back a few paces. "M-my queen," the man who hit you wheezes, dropping to his knees. "I am so sorry for--"
"Your Highness," another man interjects, bowing his head. "He meant you no harm--"
"Please, Your Highness, have mercy..." Mumbles for mercy rumble around the men until you hear a familiar voice grunt,
"What is the meaning of this?" A chill crawls down your spine as Taiju approaches the gathered group, his brow angled at a dangerous peak. "Who did this?"
"It was my fault," you answer, stepping in front of him quickly. "They were unaware it was me." The grip on your wrist seems to be too kind as Taiju ushers you off the field, his eyes narrowed at the other men coming to take a look at the spectacle.
"Back to your posts!" Taiju growls, sending everyone into a frenzy to hurry out of his way. "And as for you," he grunts, tightening his grip slightly. "We need to talk."
The doctor works on your nose in silence, her eyes flitting to and fro as Taiju sits behind her, elbows on his knees. He's been in thought since he deposited you in the bedroom, ordering the woman to "fix your face". But as she finishes, you find yourself staring at your husband as his eyes are trained on the floor.
"You're dismissed." The doctor curtsies and leaves quickly, gathering her things and rushing out. When the door shuts, you prepare for his rage, but he inhales deeply, closing his eyes.
"If you're going to yell at me, get it over with," you mumble, looking out of the window. Taiju huffs a breath, then stands.
"Is that what you want me to do? You want me to yell at you?" You watch him walk around the room thoughtfully, pacing with his hands behind his back. "You could have gotten hurt worse than you did."
"My men are trained to be mercenaries."
"I know this."
"And yet, you went out there without making your presence known."
"I want to learn how to fight."
"Then, why didn't you ask?" Taiju wonders, turning to you slowly. You contemplate his question, then straighten your spine when you find the answer.
"You would say no."
"Don't assume you know anything about me other than where I sleep and what I look like without a shirt on."
"You know nothing about me, either." You counter, raising your chin at him defiantly.
"I know you're eager to fight. I see you..." Taiju murmurs, pointing to the bedroom window. "I see you stand there in the mornings when you should be sitting at your lessons and watching us."
"So you've known all along."
"I don't assume your desires. I can only know what you tell me. And you don't talk to me." You frown, leaning forward and sneering.
"Because you're a monster."
"A monster who is sworn to defend you and give you a better life." Taiju snarls but then regains his composure. "You're even fighting me now with your words. You have endless wit and not a lick of skill on the battlefield to match. Should you expect me to defend your words, then? Or shall I teach you how to defend yourself?"
"Teach me," you quip.
"And what will I get in return, hm?"
"If you're looking for complete obedience, you won't find it here."
"You will only train with me when I am present. No going off on your own and being rebellious. Am I understood?"
"And what if I do what I want anyway?" you wonder, crossing your arms.
"Oh," Taiju tsk tsk tsks, smirking. "You don't want to know what happens to little Queens who disobey." He places an arm on either side of you, the bed dipping low under his weight. Taiju gets closer, ghosting his lips over yours as you attempt to lean back, but then pressing a kiss to your forehead instead. "What do you say, y/n?"
You hesitate, but feel your whole body give in as Taiju examines you with his warm, golden eyes.
"Alright, I accept your offer."
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pvrkacciosan · 3 years
Pvrkacciosan presents...
Last Update: 14 June 2022 at 22:11
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Hello there! I see you have made it to my Masterlist,
To the universe of PvrkAccioSan.
A place where I will teleport you into the world of my writing, an escape from reality.
Will you join us?
please read warnings on posts if they are there, I will not take responsibility for what you choose to read. If I have missed any warnings or have written something offensive please notify me so I can fix it right away.
Hope you enjoy my work, and have a nice day/ night
Series (~Over 10 parts~)
Creatures Within Us Masterlist (Ateez Werewolf AU)
Staus: On hold until (!UNTIL FRIDAY 30TH MAY!)
Ateez X Female O.C
POV : 3rd person
Teaser Trailer
Info: The Fedora Pack is small─ at first. Throughout the years they begin to pick up more members as each of them find their mates, when dangers arise will the boys band together to keep each other and their families safe, even if that means joining with other creatures, of whom they have to befriend first.
Through HELL or HIGHWATER ( Ateez Pirate AU)
Status: On hold (!UNTIL FRIDAY 30TH MAY! )
Ateez X Female O.C
POV : 1st person
Info: Akari Nakamura never had any intention of stepping foot onto a pirate ship, she never wanted to bring one home with her and she never would have if she knew he would be followed by seven more
The one and only Pirate Queen (Ateez female Extra member AU)
Status: On hold (!UNTIL FRIDAY 30TH MAY!)
Female O.C
Info: The one and only female member of Ateez, pretty self explanatory if you ask me
How they met their S/O: Hyung line ¦ Maknae line
Their S/O has a medical condition / disorder: Hyung line ¦ Maknae line
How they react to an suprise/ Unplanned pregnancy: Hyung Line ¦ Maknae line
Seong Hwa
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Nothing yet
Hong Joong
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Nothing yet
Yun Ho
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Post coming soon
Yeo Sang
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Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Min Gi
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Missing Match- Assasin Au
Woo Young
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Nothing yet
Jong Ho
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Nothing yet
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Hello tumblr people, specially those of you who read tons of books and consume a lot of fantastique media, I’m hankering for a specific type of story/setting/theme, etc.
I already consumed The Magnus Archives, The Expanse, Dark, Annihilation/The Southern Reach Trilogy, Mad Max Fury Road and some others, so I really need your knowledge for the less popular and more obscure stuffs.
If there’s a post with a list and you send me a link, I’ll love your forever.
I don’t expect one media to tick all the boxes (that would be too perfect haha) so if something you know sounds like it’s similar or may evoke similar feelings, please let me know.
The Yes Please list:
Sci-fi, surreal, horror or New Weird (this would be a winner). Sci-Fi the further away from our time the better. I’m not into modern day or historic settings without any kind of fantastique. I’m not into european medieval high fantasy, but I’d love to give a try to any other cultural settings.
Female or lgbtq+ protagonist/main cast. Preferably wlw protagonist.
Romance is not the main thing. I like it when it exists but would prefer if it’s a secondary thing. Preferably no hetero romance.
Creatures and/or weird entities exists. If they are not explicitly and  stereotipically hostile (they just exist and do their thing, minding their own business) that would be lovely.
The Please No list:
Preferably not set in the US (this one I can pass, preferably if it’s set from the perspective of non white and/or lgbtq+ protagonists)
No teenage anything. I can’t emphasize enough this one.
The less “The Hero’s Journey”-like narratives/structures the better. No “chosen one” due to birth/genes/condition the person didn’t need to work for.
No fetishistic male gaze.
No sexual violence and preferably no sexism.
No Christian or Greek based mythology/narratives. I will consume anything based on different, less western mainstream mythologies however.
No super-hero stuffs.
You know, media for your typical leftist who likes fantastique and is tired of the dominance of US/Western Europe narratives and exceptionalism (and who also happens to be from one of the myriad of countries colonized by them)
Regarding plot:
Stories that are about the world and its structure/composition, in a cosmic or esoteric or macro scale. Have some kind of trascendental mystery that unravels slowly. Going through some kind of apocalyptic and/or traumatic, extreme irreversible change and/or transformation, either slowly or extremely abrupt. That lovecraftian thing where the fabric of existence is revealed to an extremely mundane person and they go mad because they can’t see or experience the world as before anymore.
Travelling through very different, varied landscapes or distinct locations, the more alien the better, the more traumatic and weird the exploring the better. Intense or extreme feelings of anguish, loneliness, alienation and displacement are explored but do not culminate on a desire for dying. Separation and reunion from loved ones. Grieving, burying and moving on from attachment to the past.
If not a happy ending at least one where peace is achieved. Preferably no death of the protagonist or loved ones. Romantic relationship are not the sole or ultimate point.
Essentially, people going through traumatic/horror fantastique adventure with some kind of cosmic esotertic mystery and making it alive at the end, either ready to face and thrive in the new reshaped world or at least be at peace with it and adapt. There’s no return to the old staus quo.
IDK I kinda feel like reading/watching about a Courage the Cowardly Dog like character going through some kind of apocalyptic environmental and body horror Spirited Away-style adventure, to return to Muriel in the end to an extremely altered looking Nowhere and using knowledge acquired through the journey to adapt and thrive on this new landscape.
Anyways, thanks for reading my extremely specific request.
Have a good day you lovely person.
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
Do you know any sesskag dubcon/rape fics?
Hello anon, thanks for asking.
We decided to compile a list so here are some recommended fics for Dubcon/rape. Some of these even come with Sequels! Happy Reading!
Admin Wicked/k9plus1
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A Curse of Lust by Squash/Fearless miko:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net,  Rating: MA Summary: A lusty curse leaves the females in Inuyasha's group running for their lives...and towards their destiny! 
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A Mere Digression, by elle6778:
Posted on: Dokuga  Rating: M Summary: A digression was what Sesshoumaru called it. ‘It’ being the heated encounters between him and Kagome which took place simply because neither of them could resist. Heed warnings and notes in the first chapter.
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A Woman!, by sugar0o:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net , Rating: M Summary: Based somewhat off the idea of Mulan, staring our fav paring Sess/kags, AU, their both demons, because well it makes it easier, and I don’t want to make Sess human, its not right! [lemon w/a plot] this has 2 points, I want to write a lemon to get more comfortable with them, also I want to explore detailing my writing, I will ask that you give serious reviews/critiques, bc I want to learn from this, not just entertain and enthrall. *COMPLETE as of 9/3/9*
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Acquisition, Possession, Seduction, by Mistress Sianna: 
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net Rating: M Summary: “Do not think for one moment that you can escape me.” he said slowly, deliberately. \"You Higurashi Kagome, are mine! Only I will decide if you will stay, if you will go, if you will live or if you will die.\"
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Alpha, by Lyra/ lyrainthedark:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net Rating: M Summary: Kagome mates Inuyasha...but Inuyasha was reluctant. Why? Pack politics...and his brother, who is Alpha. What that means will take time to learn, if Kagome can only live long enough for the lessons... Finally Complete!
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Bound by Corruption, by BelovedStranger/ Two Hearts:
Posted On: Dokuga. AO3, FF.net   Rating: M Summary: Inside every individual, darkness dwelled large or small. A young woman, cast under her elder sister’s shadow, was bent on proving her worth. A terrible threat hung over her village, giving Kagome the opportunity she had been waiting for. On a mission to save them all from the hearts of evil men, she journeyed to the Inu no Kami’s temple to beseech divine intervention. Instead, danger befell the headstrong woman. Rather than obtaining help from a merciful god, another stepped in to slaughter her enemies, but for a price. An Inugami did nothing for free. Status: Completed
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Detrimental Desires, by Mistress Sianna:
Posted on: Dokuga  Rating: M Summary: The idea was to make Inuyasha kill Kagome. Little did Naraku know, that on the night of the new moon, Inuyasha looses his demonic powers. Instead, Sesshoumaru and Kagome will be forced to succumb to their most detrimental desires.
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Fix It, by Smortz:
Posted On: Dokuga. Rating: M Summary:  When Sesshomaru needs Kagome to help him, she takes advantage of the dog demon now in her debt. As they set out on a new journey, will Kagome be able to overcome the problem that arises? Pun Intended.
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He Must be Breeding, by ChaoticReverie:
Posted On: Dokuga  Rating: M Summary: Sesshomaru requires the perfect female to bear his heir, and Kagome… well, she doesn’t know how she gets herself into these messes.
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Heated Blood by Imani Joain:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net, AO3 Rating: M Summary: Kagome cannot help but try to fix anything she finds broken, even if it is not in her best interest to do so. When she comes across Sesshomaru in dire need of assistance, she cannot deny herself. She only hopes that he won't kill her for it. Rated MA for graphic intimacy. Staus: WIP
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House of Ill Repute, by Aurora Antheia Raine:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net, AO3 Rating: M Summary:  "I will never be yours." // "But you will be, miko," he nearly purred, "you will be when this Sesshoumaru is finished with you."
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Irresistible Temptation, by DestinysTears:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net     Rating: M Summary: Sesshomaru finds he cannot ignore this inexplicable temptation. (Oneshot)
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Just Another Lemon, by Tiegrsi: 
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Sesshomaru has gone into heat, and finds Kagome willing to put up with his antics. Kagome thinks he was unable to find a suitable woman, and came to her as a last resort. Perhaps there are some things Kagome needs to learn
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Lair, Lair, by susie: 
Posted On: Dokuga   Rating: M Summary: After nearly being nearly absorbed, Sesshoumaru's Bakusaiga is forged, and we all know the rest of the story... or do we? In a deal with Sunrise to accelerate the events of TFA, part of the infamous manga was left on the cutting room floor. Though the hack job began well before that. For the sake of public decency, and in accordance with Japan's obscenity laws, the spiciest and most controversial scenes from the original manga were banned from ever seeing the light of day. Until now. On the condition of anonymity, a diligent hacker provided via email a copy of the raw version you were never meant to see. This is Inuyasha Nights – The Lost Chapter *Dubcon
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Macaria, by mythicamagic:
Posted on: Dokuga, FF.net, AO3 Rating: M Summary: Post-apocalyptic AU. Human women were all but wiped out when the demons took over. What few remain have gone into hiding or concealed their true gender. When Kagome hears news of an orphaned little girl, she'll stop at nothing to protect her from the dangers of the world- including the city of demons and the infamous Killing Perfection. But is he friend or foe? Status: WIP
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Not Impervious, by Oroyukae: 
Posted On: Dokuga   Rating: M Summary: He was supposed to be the most powerful demon in existence; one that none could best in any situation, at any time. That was not entirely accurate, it would seem. One error in judgment at the most vulnerable of times, and all that he knows lay in jeopardy. Just what would said being be willing to agree to in the direst of circumstances? {FIN}
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Passion, by CiraArana:
Posted On: Spark, Rating: M Summary: Sesshomaru turned to her and gazed back. He did nothing else, just standing there, looking at her... As he kept his eyes on her, his lust for blood and killing faded away, leaving behind another lust. For her. Status: Abandoned
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Poison of Erised!, by Vyncent:
Posted On: Dokuga, Rating: M Summary: Tomorrow night, brother moon would be witness to the music that he heard, and felt in his very soul, as he howled his conquest to his blood red face. Tomorrow his hunger would be fed by the blood and flesh that he hungered for, and the world would know of his claim. Status: Abandoned
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Poison Within, by Angelic Memories:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net    Rating: MA Summary: *Two-Shot* Due to a nasty bite Kagome is poisoned and fights for her life. Inuyasha can only think of one person who might be able to help her but there’s a problem he didn’t consider.
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Secret Possession. By SakuraAngel1:
Posted On: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Sesshoumaru is forced to put his mating plans into action a lot sooner than expected, and has Kagome kidnapped in order to fulfill it. When Kagome awakens, she finds herself as the new Lady of the Western Lands...with no Lord in sight… Status: Abandoned
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Sleeping Beauty, by Catalina:
Posted On: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Based loosely on the Disney movie, but darker and a bit twisted. Sesshoumaru is betrothed to a little human princess who is delivered a curse by the hanyou Naraku, Kikyo, Miroku, and Kaede agree to raise the child in safety. Smuts in final chapter. Status: Completed
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Striking a Deal With the Devil, by Smortz:
Posted On:  Dokuga, FF.net,   Rating: M Summary: Does anything sound funner? Kagome needs help from the new Commissioner. A man that gave 'bad reputation' its standards. However, will Kagome be able to pay the price he demands when a life is on the line? Status: Completed
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The Sacrifice, by Catalina:
Posted On: Dokuga   Rating: M Summary: Kagome is lured to a strange village, where she finds herself in an unpleasant situation. She is to be a sacrifice to an as yet unnamed youkai. Semi-non-consensual. Status: Completed
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Trapped, Breeder, by sesshou_lover:
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: N/A Status: Completed
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Virginity of the Soul, by Madison
Posted on: Dokuga, FF.net, AO3 Rating: M Summary: Fresh from a betrayal that shattered her world, she was lured into getting even. Alas, the ones we trust and love aren’t always the ones we should. Semi-PWP. COMPLETE Staus: Complete
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The Western Breeding, By Blackthorn:
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net, Rating: M Summary: The end has come. Demons have found that certain humans can breed pure blooded demon pups. Sesshomaru is leading with Kagome running from the demon lord. Once she is at his side can she learn to love her captor for the sake of her unborn pup or find a way out? Status: Abandoned
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Blood Stained, by Madison: 
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net, AO3  Rating: M Summary: COMPLETE! A sudden loss of control intertwined their fates. It dragged her through hell and he couldn't have cared less. She tried to escape her fears but the only way to do it was to face him through time and love.
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Heat of Exchange, by Catalina: 
Posted On: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: It is that time of year for demon women, but Kagome is experiencing something very strange. Sesshoumaru arrives to help her, against her wishes. Freshly beta'd now.
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Hell’s Shadows, by Catalina:
Posted On: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Formerly named "Ghost of Death" Sesshoumaru lives in hell requiring human women to increase his own power. Kagome falls into his waiting claws, while all of hell is turned upside down by her.DARK. NON CONSENSUAL.
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His Wife, by Aries_heart: 
Posted On: Dokuga, FF.net, AO3,    Rating: MA Summary: "With a kiss on her shaking lips, he would leave for work and once the door was closed she would allow herself to cry once more. And then the cycle will repeat."
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I Don’t Want a Mate, MLMonty: 
Posted On: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Sesshoumaru goes into heat during mating season and rapes Kagome. Now she's pregnant and wants nothing to do with him. Should Sesshoumaru respect her wishes and leave her unguarded while she carries his heir?  Status: Abandoned 
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Kagome’s Trust, by Fire_and_Earth_Sorceress55/Huntress-of-Flames-55:
Posted On: FF.net, AO3   Rating: M Summary: When Kagome is raped by Sesshomaru on the night of the new moon. Kagome goes home to the future as finds out that she is pregnant with pups? PUPS! Now one year later, she decides to go back to the feudal era.
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Paper Cranes, by midori Haru: 
Posted On: FF.net  Rating: M Summary: Meeting, attraction, courting, commitment. For most of the world relationships form in the normal fashion from start to culmination. Naturally normal isn't enough for Sesshoumaru. And he wonders why he runs into problems trying to build a relationship from the wrong end.
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Principal Life, by Catalina: 
Posted On: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Kagome is dating the principal's brother, and he finds out about it. What can an untrained miko hope to accomplish when she is so ignorant of youkai mating traditions? Story is dark and now involves non consensual situations, with more to come. Status: Abandoned
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Rise Again, by Catalina: 
Posted on: Dokuga   Rating: M Summary: Youkai have become weak and feeble but are attempting to strengthen their population. Sesshoumaru leads them, and discovers the solution to their problem in an unwilling human. VERY non-consensual stuff happens. Frequently.
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S t a s i s, by wonderbug: 
Posted On: Dokuga, AO3  Rating: M Summary: Love, he tells her, as he trails a claw along the pathway of her shivering spine, is only a human notion. [VERY dark; drabble-ish CU/AR]
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The Breeder, TexanLady: 
Posted On: Dokuga  Rating: M Summary: There is more to Kagome than anyone could ever imagine. After learning of her destiny Sesshoumaru swears to make her his at any cost. Once forced to his side can Kagome teach him to love or learn to love him. Status: Abandoned
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