a-fix-of-muses · 1 year
Currently Listening To: "WAVY (feat. COLOR WHITE)" by KozyPop, COLOR WHITE
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wondawoman007 · 6 months
Seamoss is the best thing since Jesus!
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
No raga cioè little Silvestri ha messo due foto dei fratellini di fila perché ha palesemente capito che Nicolà sta scazzato con lui per qualche ragione e lui continua imperterrito a ignorarlo lui è un pezzo di pane ma se lo fai incazzare non ce n'è per nessuno necessito di sapere se è successo davvero qualcosa o è lui ad avere i coglioni girati a caso o io che mi faccio i film
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angelap3 · 5 months
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“A Roma, dopo la guerra, facevo il contabile in una casa cinematografica: la Rank Film. Non ero riuscito a inserirmi nell’industria edilizia e una cugina m’aveva trovato quel posto alla Rank. Qui lavoravo, o fingevo di lavorare, con cinque donne: in una stanza tappezzata con i ritratti di attori come James Mason, Patricia Neal, Margaret Lockwood, Phyllis Calvert. Forse influenzato da ciò, lasciavo che le cinque donne sgobbassero per me e passavo le giornate leggendo ad alta voce libri di poesie. Leggevo bene. Un giorno, la signora della stanza accanto mi disse:
«Ho un cognato che recita all’università, vuole che gli parli di lei?». «Magari, risposi». Guadagnavo 28mila lire al mese che se ne andavano in medicine per mio padre ammalato. Mai un cinematografo, mai uno svago, tutt’al più un po’ di biliardo. Mi iscrissi all’università, facoltà di Economia e commercio, per frequentare l’Accademia d’arte drammatica. Mi piacque. Recitai due anni mentre gli amici del quartiere mi prendevano in giro: «Ecché, se’ diventato frocio?».
Poi Luchino Visconti mi vide, per caso, e mi mandò a chiamare: gli serviva un giovane e pensava di scritturarmi. Dissi: «Quanto?». Rispose: «2.500 al giorno». «75mila al mese, Gesù!». Lasciai subito la Rank e per mesi non confessai nulla a mia madre: ogni mattina continuavo a uscire alle otto e a dire che andavo in ufficio. Mi ci volle coraggio per confessare la verità. Lei la prese bene ma sussurrò: «Figlio mio, durerà?». Lo ripete ancora: «Figlio mio, stacci attento. Con tutti i camerieri che hai, con quel che costa la vita. Un buon impiego sarebbe stato meglio». È convinta che, se fossi entrato alle Ferrovie dello Stato, ora sarei capostazione e avrei i biglietti gratis per la famiglia.
Io ho avuto tanta fortuna, solo fortuna. La fortuna che a Visconti servisse un giovanotto rozzo come me. La fortuna che la sua compagnia fosse la più importante e allineasse attori come Ruggero Ruggeri, Paolo Stoppa, Rina Morelli, Vittorio Gassman. La fortuna che Gassman se ne andasse e io prendessi il suo posto. La fortuna che mi offrissero il cinema, infine, grazie a questo nasino che detesto. Ma il successo di un attore non è quasi mai legato a ragioni nobili e serie. A me si addice la battuta che c’è in un film di Federico Fellini: «Ho troppe qualità per essere un dilettante e non ne ho abbastanza per essere un professionista»."
Marcello Mastroianni
Marcello in 8½ di Fellini
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telefonamitra20anni · 7 months
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Te lo racconto (al telefono) io.
A Roma, dopo la guerra, facevo il contabile in una casa cinematografica: la Rank Film. Non ero riuscito a inserirmi nell’industria edilizia e una cugina m’aveva trovato quel posto alla Rank. Qui lavoravo, o fingevo di lavorare, con cinque donne: in una stanza tappezzata con i ritratti di attori come James Mason, Patricia Neal, Margaret Lockwood, Phyllis Calvert. Forse influenzato da ciò, lasciavo che le cinque donne sgobbassero per me e passavo le giornate leggendo ad alta voce libri di poesie. Leggevo bene. Un giorno, la signora della stanza accanto mi disse:
«Ho un cognato che recita all’università, vuole che gli parli di lei?». «Magari, risposi». Guadagnavo 28mila lire al mese che se ne andavano in medicine per mio padre ammalato. Mai un cinematografo, mai uno svago, tutt’al più un po’ di biliardo. Mi iscrissi all’università, facoltà di Economia e commercio, per frequentare l’Accademia d’arte drammatica. Mi piacque. Recitai due anni mentre gli amici del quartiere mi prendevano in giro: «Ecché, se’ diventato frocio?». Poi Luchino Visconti mi vide, per caso, e mi mandò a chiamare: gli serviva un giovane e pensava di scritturarmi. Dissi: «Quanto?». Rispose: «2.500 al giorno». «75mila al mese, Gesù!». Lasciai subito la Rank e per mesi non confessai nulla a mia madre: ogni mattina continuavo a uscire alle otto e a dire che andavo in ufficio. Mi ci volle coraggio per confessare la verità. Lei la prese bene ma sussurrò: «Figlio mio, durerà?». Lo ripete ancora: «Figlio mio, stacci attento. Con tutti i camerieri che hai, con quel che costa la vita. Un buon impiego sarebbe stato meglio». È convinta che, se fossi entrato alle Ferrovie dello Stato, ora sarei capostazione e avrei i biglietti gratis per la famiglia.
Io ho avuto tanta fortuna, solo fortuna. La fortuna che a Visconti servisse un giovanotto rozzo come me. La fortuna che la sua compagnia fosse la più importante e allineasse attori come Ruggero Ruggeri, Paolo Stoppa, Rina Morelli, Vittorio Gassman. La fortuna che Gassman se ne andasse e io prendessi il suo posto. La fortuna che mi offrissero il cinema, infine, grazie a questo nasino che detesto. Ma il successo di un attore non è quasi mai legato a ragioni nobili e serie. A me si addice la battuta che c’è in un film di Federico Fellini: «Ho troppe qualità per essere un dilettante e non ne ho abbastanza per essere un professionista».
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mitski-slope · 11 months
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lulamascolumn · 4 months
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stacci ft “our” little blossom, kyoto.
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dinonfissatoaffetto · 5 months
"A Roma, dopo la guerra, facevo il contabile in una casa cinematografica: la Rank Film. Non ero riuscito a inserirmi nell’industria edilizia e una cugina m’aveva trovato quel posto alla Rank. Qui lavoravo, o fingevo di lavorare, con cinque donne: in una stanza tappezzata con i ritratti di attori come James Mason, Patricia Neal, Margaret Lockwood, Phyllis Calvert. Forse influenzato da ciò, lasciavo che le cinque donne sgobbassero per me e passavo le giornate leggendo ad alta voce libri di poesie. Leggevo bene. Un giorno, la signora della stanza accanto mi disse:
«Ho un cognato che recita all’università, vuole che gli parli di lei?». «Magari, risposi». Guadagnavo 28mila lire al mese che se ne andavano in medicine per mio padre ammalato. Mai un cinematografo, mai uno svago, tutt’al più un po’ di biliardo. Mi iscrissi all’università, facoltà di Economia e commercio, per frequentare l’Accademia d’arte drammatica. Mi piacque. Recitai due anni mentre gli amici del quartiere mi prendevano in giro: «Ecché, se’ diventato frocio?».
Poi Luchino Visconti mi vide, per caso, e mi mandò a chiamare: gli serviva un giovane e pensava di scritturarmi. Dissi: «Quanto?». Rispose: «2.500 al giorno». «75mila al mese, Gesù!». Lasciai subito la Rank e per mesi non confessai nulla a mia madre: ogni mattina continuavo a uscire alle otto e a dire che andavo in ufficio. Mi ci volle coraggio per confessare la verità. Lei la prese bene ma sussurrò: «Figlio mio, durerà?». Lo ripete ancora: «Figlio mio, stacci attento. Con tutti i camerieri che hai, con quel che costa la vita. Un buon impiego sarebbe stato meglio». È convinta che, se fossi entrato alle Ferrovie dello Stato, ora sarei capostazione e avrei i biglietti gratis per la famiglia.
Io ho avuto tanta fortuna, solo fortuna. La fortuna che a Visconti servisse un giovanotto rozzo come me. La fortuna che la sua compagnia fosse la più importante e allineasse attori come Ruggero Ruggeri, Paolo Stoppa, Rina Morelli, Vittorio Gassman. La fortuna che Gassman se ne andasse e io prendessi il suo posto. La fortuna che mi offrissero il cinema, infine, grazie a questo nasino che detesto. Ma il successo di un attore non è quasi mai legato a ragioni nobili e serie. A me si addice la battuta che c’è in un film di Federico Fellini: «Ho troppe qualità per essere un dilettante e non ne ho abbastanza per essere un professionista»."
- Marcello Mastroianni
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bajibitch · 2 years
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Chaos Ensues. Souya
Summary: You stop in a town that’s in shambles and upset Souya.
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After traveling for hours, trying to make your way home, you grow restless. Usually, you were met with an unexpected adventure but this trip was less eventful. You didn't have to save someone from a life-threatening creature, helping someone find a missing heirloom would be enough to make the trip worthwhile. As if your wish came true, your horse stops at the entrance of a destroyed town.
Houses were blown apart, and debris from the damage was scattered across the dirt roads. The stores were empty as if the looters found value in every bit they had, the owners cleaning up the mess of glass and ashes left behind. Doctors were stretched thin trying to get to as many people as possible, but of course in the end they could only help so much with the little supplies left. You knew it wasn't your fault but felt insensitive for wishing for someone else's misfortune.
“Excuse me, sir!” You called out to a random man walking around, his clothes were messy and his face had a few bandages. If he had gotten caught in the event it didn't seem to affect him with the way he casually strolled through the mayhem chewing on his cheek. Since he wasn't doing much you assumed he wouldn't mind having a conversation. He stood with his hands in his pockets waiting for you to speak. “What happened here?”
“I'm not sure myself, it was an attack but the people were strange. We had good soldiers that were trained by retired knights but none of them were able to stop the raiders. They moved fast and even when they were pierced they weren't fazed by the swords, it was unnatural.“ His eyes were empty as he thought back to the raid. “When Souya got back from visiting his brother, we thought this would cause him to throw a tantrum but he's just doing what he can to help us restore the town to the way he left it.” Your eyes widened hearing the name, why would someone like him be staying in a place like this, surrounded by people like yourself? Was he planning to recreate his brother's House of Horror?
“Has worse things happened here? Why wasn't he upset seeing this if he has a home here? I don't live here but the sight alone is enough to get me heated if it doesn't have me bawlin’.” You wondered if he planned the invasion but that would be ridiculous since he gets nothing but carnage from the attack, unless he enjoyed the people’s suffering.
“No, this was the first time we dealt with this kind of situation. I’m surprised he isn't doing worse to the people who did this, but maybe he's in shock like some of the villagers.”
“Oh please, the man will curse you out when you add a pinch of sugar more than he asked for in his tea, if he cared about any of us he would've given those raiders the hell he raises on us.” A woman with green and hazel eyes argued with her fist balled. She had on a dark blue dress with an apron tied around her waist, storming out of what used to be a bakery. “Ever since he got here things have been getting worse.”
“Hmm, that seems like an exaggeration. Don't you agree, Peregrine?” Souya stared at the man beside you.
“Stacci’s just upset since we lost our home, she's concerned about our finances since everything either burned in the unnatural fire or got stolen. My sister didn't mean to offend you, sir.” Peregrine no longer held a poker face, his lips turned to a fake smile as he spoke with him.
“I'm not offended, I know this is frustrating for everyone. That's why we need to work together. The quicker you guys help those around you, the faster we can get things back to normal.” The siblings took his warning and left to clean up the mess. His eyes locked on you and you thought back to the encounter with his brother. Even if you wanted to run from him, it was too late.
“They said you visited Nahoya, how was it?” Your voice was steady but your heart raced as you stood in front of him empty-handed. You left your weapon on your horse and she was currently eating grass near the town entrance, you were praying he didn't have a problem.
“He said he’s going to have fun draining you once he catches you, I don't think you should go back there for some time. Not until he finds a new target that intrigues him the way you did.” His voice was soft, but you knew not to let it fool you. “It was funny seeing him like that, he was embarrassed to get beaten by someone of your kind.”
“I wouldn't say beaten, it was more of outsmarting him since he can be a bit cocky.” You didn't expect Souya to laugh as much as he did, but it helped you loosen up.
“What brought you out here? Are you running errands for Manjiro’s grandfather again?”
“I never ran errands for him, I just brought him stuff from my trips because it's an excuse for me to see him often. Why are you staying in this town instead of living with your brother?”
“Because he wants a different environment. I'm sure you noticed how he likes having all his meat bags in one place.” The name made you shudder, you knew it was their way of living but it still made you uncomfortable. “I rather live in a town amongst them where they act like themselves.”
“So you're feeding on them?”
“No, I care about them so I don't drain them and leave them for dead, I take what I need from the people who aren't from here. If I was eating them the town would be in shambles.”
“But it is.”
“Because of someone else.”
“Hmm, well, why did you guys get attacked?”
“I have enemies and they know if I'm around they can't do much, so I guess this was their way of trying to get back at me. It sucks, but I can fix this place up and deal with them later so it doesn't happen again.” His eyes emitted a glow as he stared at the destruction in front of him. You’d hate to be on the receiving end of his anger. He cleared his throat and turned back to you. “Not everything was ruined, you can stay at the inn for the night if you plan on sticking around.”
After a simple breakfast of toast and fruit, you went through the town helping them clean up the damages, and surprisingly things were going faster than you expected. Peregrine and Stacci were fixing up the outside of the bakery, they looked better than before.
“How’d you guys manage to get the furniture so quickly?” It looked beautiful, the cozy setup made it easy to forget about the ashes and scorched walls. A few people were already settled in eating some of the goods; they looked happy.
“Souya gave it to us. Even when the town fell asleep he was still fixing the place up, he can be restless once his mind is set on the goal.” Stacci stood back watching her brother finish placing the sign above the entrance.
“I'm surprised he didn't help us last, with that mouth of yours you could've gotten hurt.” Peregrine jumped down from the ladder and started putting the tools away. His face was unreadable like before, but the tone of his voice showed he was bothered.
“I was just frustrated, he even said it himself.”
“I was too but I didn't put our life in danger. You got lucky, if it was any other day you would've gone missing.”
“I'm allowed to react negatively when my family business burns down Peri!” She huffed, crossing her arms and turning her back to him.
“You can, but don’t come crying to me when you're another missing person.” Stacci breaks away in tears, going into the shop and you shake your head.
“That was nasty. For your sake, I hope that doesn't happen. You can care about her without being a jerk.” He shrugged his shoulders but you knew he would crumble if his sister were to vanish.
“I didn't care about her being upset. I hated that she added the lies about Souya when we know how he gets.” He sat on the bench placed in front of the store and you followed. “He isn't a mean person until he feels like someone is going against him, so when she made it seem like it was an everyday disturbance it could've looked like she was on their side and not his.”
“What would've happened if she was?”
“He’d take her away like he does the others. Every few months someone makes him mad and he loses his temper. He destroys the person's home or whatever's around him, then drags them out of town. They never come back.”
“And he does this over petty squabbles.”
“Souya can be a nice person but his mood changes when he thinks someone's trying to go against him. He takes it as the person being ungrateful even though he’s made plenty of contributions to improve our lives. No matter how old they are, or how long they've stayed here, he bans them for his peace of mind.”
“Does the person try to reach out to their families once they're gone?”
“No, and it's strange because some of the people that were banned lived here for their entire life. You’d think they’d try to call their friends to catch up, but they don't. It's like something bad happens and whatever it is I don't want Stacci to share the same fate.”
“I’ll ask around for pictures of the missing people. If I come across them during my travels I can ask them what happened once they were alone with him. Souya probably threatened them aft-.” You felt a strong presence and by the way Peregrine froze, you knew Souya was beside you.
“What’re you doing?” He growled in your ear.
“Asking questions, to know more about the town.”
“Liar, you're only tryna make things worse, like you did to Nahoya!” His voice was getting higher, almost near that of a child's.
“That's not true, I just wanted to help.”
“No you don't! You want to cause problems for us. That's why you're making Peregrine uncomfortable, trying to turn him against me. I saw it!”
“That’s not what I was doing but I'll leave if it makes you feel better.” You didn't want to have another battle, especially when Souya seemed a bit unstable. Besides, you could ask around about the missing people and get answers.
“No! You wanted to help!” Your movement is constricted and suddenly it feels as if you're no longer in control of your body. “So you can’t leave till you're done fixing the town.”
No one around could tell that he was manipulating you like a puppeteer. They smiled watching you go through cleaning up the debris and building up homes. Some even spoke to you and to your surprise, Souya had you speaking back fluently. By the time he was done having you complete his task, it was nightfall. When he released you from his control your body dropped to the ground. Your arms, legs, feet, everything was sore and you were exhausted from going on for so long without sustenance.
“You can leave, but don't come back if you plan on creating problems.”
“Why would I come back?” You raised your upper half, supporting yourself on your arms to look up at Souya. “Why would anyone want to stay here when you're controlling them?”
“I'm not controlling everyone, they do what they want.”
“Until it upsets you, right? So what, did you run the missing townspeople into the ground? They disagreed with your decisions and you took their free will?”
“It got the point across. They rarely go against me these days and the town gets what it needs. When they listen to me things go well. I'm helping them.”
“No, you're not. You‘re making them play out their lives how you see fit. This isn't what they used to do before you got here.”
“Before I got here, this place was in shambles. Just a broken-down town that people passed through during their trips. Nothing special. Now it thrives as one of the best places to visit. You can be upset about how it happened, but I did good for them.” He left you where you laid and soon after Peregrine was kneeling beside you. He carried you back to his home and prepared a room for your stay.
Even though you were still aching from the hard labor, you were up early packing your supplies onto your horse. There wasn't anything for you to do, the town was fixed, and with Souya being present there won't be any vicious attacks. You’d only come back after finding the missing family members to see what all he's really been doing, there’s no way he stopped at controlling them. As your horse began to trot, the reins are pulled and she stops shaking her head as she neighs.
“What Souya?” He was holding onto the reins since he figured you'd be bold enough to leave while he was talking.
“I know I said you could leave but now that I'm not angry, I want to apologize for using you. I could've hurt you, pushing you past your limits like that. I won't do it again.”
“If you mean it then I could consider forgiving you, but you should apologize to the others too.”
“No, I’m apologizing to you because I wanted things to be different. I thought we’d end up being friends since the others like you. Also, you're important to Mansaku and I don’t know if he’ll take offense to me doing that.” Your eyes rolled hearing the explanation.
“If they aren't just meat bags to you then why can't you show humility? It's one thing if you were doing it to get food or stop them from hurting you, but you're doing it for personal gain.” For a moment he was quiet, looking at you with a blank stare.
“What if they hate me?” The question caught you off guard. You didn't think someone like him cared about the opinions of people like you. “I don't wanna find somewhere else to stay when I put a lot of effort into making things better.”
“If they hate you then you can try to make up for it by treating them better. Once they see that you've changed they’ll start to trust you again.”
“Can you go with me? I don't know what I’d do if things go bad.”
“...sure.” His hand dropped to his side and he walked with you back to the town.
Whispers were going around when the two of you walked toward the plaza. Peregrine must've shared what happened to you with some of the townsfolk because as you stood on the large fountain you noticed the scared looks in the crowd. Even though they had their theories, maybe they never thought it could be this strange. Despite the uneasiness, Souya called for their attention and took a breath before speaking.
“I’m sorry for mistreating you guys and hurting you when I got frustrated with the conversation. It was wrong for me to control your body and threaten to take your free will if you wanted something different. I did some good by helping the town thrive, but it means nothing when everyone’s uncomfortable with my behavior. I can't prove it until there's an instance where I'm upset, but no matter how annoyed I get, I won't do that to you guys again. Can you forgive me?” The whispers grew once more as they turned to one another, unsure of what they should say.
“What about the missing villagers? You took some of our family members and for all we know they could be dead. If we forgave you, would you bring them back, even if they got banned from something you deemed treasonous?” Everyone looked at the woman and back at Souya murmuring in agreement.
“I’ll bring back the ones that are alive, but I fed on the ones that went against me countless times. It was easier to get rid of them at the moment, rather than go back and forth. Most of your family members should be fine though.”
The people grew scared, and upset and started shouting the words monster and cannibal. They screamed about how they wanted him gone and began to throw things at him. He looked at you as if he wanted to say he knew this would happen. You say his name, pity evident in your voice because they were right to be upset about what he's done. There was nothing you could do to save him, not that you would. His eyes shined a bright blue as the noise grew louder and there was a blur of red, you're surrounded by screams trying to catch a glimpse of the being moving around you but it passes by with haste. When the dust clears you’re stunned to see the torn bodies on the ground.
“Did you expect them to accept you after you said you ate their families? Why’d you kill them? You said you wouldn’t hurt them any more!”
“I know but since they only saw me as a monster, they wouldn’t be able to move forward. They would only live in fear when they saw me, you know that.”
“So now what?”
“I’ll clean up the town and get rid of all their belongings. When everything is fixed, I’ll bring back the people I kept in my home and used for errands out of town. Together we can start over and make something new.”
“But they’ll hate you for killing their families?”
“Only you know, and because you wouldn’t want them to suffer the same fate, you won’t tell them. I’ll let them know that the village was raided when I left and no one survived.”
You were standing still while he cleaned up the mess around you. This was never going to be a feeling you got used to, realizing how easy it is for vampires to do heinous things to humankind without hesitation. Would things have been better if you didn't stop to help?
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tulipanico · 7 months
No vabbè sei figa allora.... Non nasconderti dietro alla macchina fotografica... Stacci anche davanti più spesso.
Ma io dietro alla macchina fotografica ci sto benissimo 🥹
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wondawoman007 · 8 months
Happy Birthday to ME!
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crazy-so-na-sega · 11 months
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Tu ha’ ‘l viso più dolce che la sapa,
e passanto vi par sù la lumaca,
tanto ben lustra, e più bel c’una rapa ;
e’ denti bianchi come pastinaca,
in modo tal che invaghiresti ‘l papa ;
e gli occhi del color dell’utriaca ;
e’ cape’ bianchi e biondi più che porri :
ond’io morrò, se tu non mi soccorri.
La tua bellezza par molto più bella
che uomo che dipinto in chiesa sia:
la bocca tua mi par una scarsella
di fagiuo’ piena, sì com’è la mia ;
le ciglia paion tinte alla padella
e torte più c’un arco di Sorìa ;
le gote ha’ rosse e bianche, quando stacci,
come fra cacio fresco e’ rosolacci.
Quand’io ti veggo, in su ciascuna poppa
mi paion duo cocomer in un sacco,
ond’io m’accendo tutto come stoppa,
bench’io sia dalla zappa rotto e stracco.
Pensa : s’avessi ancor la bella coppa,
ti seguirrei fra l’altre me’ c’un bracco :
di che s’i massi [?] aver fussi possibile,
io fare’ oggi qui cose incredibile.
You have a face sweeter than boiled grape juice—
it looks as if a snail had walked across it,
it shines so much—and prettier than a turnip;
and teeth as white as parsnips,
so much so that you could entice the Pope;
and eyes the color of a medicinal brew;
and hair whiter and blonder than a leek;
so that I’ll die, if you give me no relief.
Your beauty seems much more beautiful to me
than any man that’s painted in the church;
your mouth, it seems to me, is like a sack
filled up with beans, just like my own is;
your eyebrows seem tinted from the frying pan,
and curved more sharply than a Syrian bow;
your cheeks, when you sift flour, get red and white
like poppies in fresh cheese.
When I look down upon each of your breasts,
they look like two watermelons in a bag,
so that I’m set on fire just like tow
even though I’m worn and broken by the hoe.
Just think: if I still had the cup of beauty,
I’d follow you through the other girls like a hound;
so too, if getting blocks of stone were possible,
I would make incredible things here today.
— Michelangelo
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rraskolnikovv · 1 year
“stacci male quanto ti pare, io so che ho fatto la cosa giusta”.
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luigi771 · 5 months
Si fumo 3 Pacchetti di Marlbor rosse , stacci tu fino alla mia età sempre solo e poi vedi che ti fumi 4 pacchetti al giorno.
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gnaga37 · 8 months
cioè, imo, la serata cover è un modo come un'altro per dimostrare che gli artisti sanno cantare altro oltre alla canzone che portano in gara. PERCUI al televoto voti per chi vuoi veder vincere 💁‍♀️
SE il piano sarebbe votare per la miglior cover ALLORA il punteggio non dovrebbe contare in finale. MA, non è così quindi. stacci
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