lombax-lombardi · 6 years
A Reunion Long Coming~
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Summary: She sensed it. In the air. In her heart. She cried.
She startled the others when she rose from her chair, cloudy blue eyes narrowed.
“M-Maddi?” The somewhat breathy voice of Aerith called out to her but it seemed she ignored her.
All her senses, smell, touch, taste, sight and sound were all focused on what she just felt.
Sensed it thanks to the ruby in her chest.
She could feel him in her skin.
Taste him on her lips.
Hear old whispers inside her head.
That’s when the tears slowly trickled down her face. That’s when she realised, they were saved.
They were coming back to her.
But they don’t know of her change?
What if they cast her away?
How would she explain it to them?
That she was barely the Maddi they remember?
She felt her heart, what was left of it, shrink in slight despair. sinking back into her chair, pressing her hands against the large jewel that rested atop her breast.
Aerith squeaked somewhat, hand shaking slightly. “Maddi? Your....Y-Your eyes..!!!!!!!”
Confused, the woman grabbed a nearby hand mirror, pressing her hands against her cheeks, the cloudy blue pallor that once covered them, the white of her hair also slowly changed to brown.
“M-Merlin!” She cried for the elderly wizard, he came down the stairs, obviously surprised as much as the others. After stroking his beard for a moment or two, he gave a smile.
“My dear, it seems your ruby is giving you a chance to explain. I sensed them two, those kids. They missed you”
“B-But how? I only managed to manifest a proper physical form only a few moons ago and-”
“Ours is not to question my dear. I sense they will be at this very door soon. Including someone who you gave your heart too so long ago...”
The female looked back at the mirror she held in her hands. She looked just like she used to, brown eyes, brown hair.
Well except for that giant ruby but she will explain that.
Tears started to fall again, dropping the mirror from her hands, burying her face into her arms.
“H-He did it....H-He did it....I...” she could barely get anymore words out.
The once emotionless spirit, could cry freely now, without feeling that she didn’t need to.
There was a knock on the wood of the door, her heart rose inside her chest. Good thing she changed from that old dress into something more current for herself.
Her body started to shake.
“I-I’m not-” She felt the old wizard put a hand on her shoulder, turning her head she saw him give a smile. “You deserve this my child. You deserve to see them again.”
She looked down at her hands, the ruby on her front glowed slightly.
“O-Okay....okay okay....I believe I am....ready...”
She hoped anyway.
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