charliethinks · 11 months
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michaelnotholden · 1 year
Alert guys alice drew Michael and posted it on her insta story and deleted it 😭😭😭😭😭
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Michael: Man, sure is dark in here. 
Michael: I'm not scared or anything.
Michael: I mean who is scared of the dark these days? not me, no sir. 
Tori: Do you want me to hold your hand? 
Michael: yes please
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skateisawesome · 2 months
happy birthday solitaire! thank u for saving my life babe!
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whalebonereviews · 9 months
Solitaire by Alice Oseman.
This is a book review :)
This is my second time reading Solitaire. I first read it two years ago while coming out of an awful depressive episode, and I didn't understand that Tori was depressed and wanted to kill herself (honestly, it makes sense that I didn't realize that, I didn't notice myself slipping until it was almost too late). So reading it now and understanding what is happening and the characters is refreshing.
Solitaire by Alice Oseman is 357 pages about watching my younger self fall deeper into depression mixed with a John Green YA novel. I love Solitaire (and Loveless omg) and Alice's writing so much, but I would probably never recommend her books to anyone because they are so personal and intimate to me. Reading them feels like being comforted by myself while watching my life through my own eyes again. Tori's slow fall into depression is so relatable because she doesn't notice and assumes she isn't trying hard enough or that she is meant to feel that way. The way she describes her haircut and what led up to it makes me want to cry because of how accurate it is. Seeing Charlie through her eyes is also very painful. I see myself in both of their shoes in those moments when Charlie's mental health gets bad. Micheal is also so so relatable. His quiet undercurrent of anger that we rarely see and his use of clownery to cover up his loneliness make me want to cry all over again. I love him so much.
My only qualm with this book is the unrealisticness of Lucas and Solitaire in the book. Everyone dreams of someone coming to save them, I even daydreamed about a Solitaire-like organization coming to save me before I read the book, but it is unrealistic that Lucas would hold on so long and try so hard to save her. I know it's fiction, but in real life, people don't give a single shit even up to the end unless you benefit them in some way, and Tori didn't benefit Lucas in any way. I admit, some of this may be jealousy or resentment from my past coming back, so take it with a grain of salt. I personally love the characters, but don't care much for the story or plotline.
I also LOVE Tori and Micheal's relationship. The love and understanding they have for each other makes me so so happy. As an aroace, seeing loving platonic relationships and undefined relationships like theirs is my roman empire. I really hope the kiss at the end of the book is a one-off thing from the heavy emotions in the moment and they don't start dating, and instead have a queerplatonic relationship but that may be wishful thinking on my part.
Overall, I love this book and will probably read it again many times. It perfectly encapsulates the hazy despondency of having depression without knowing it, and the characters are beautifully written and crafted. I even like how unrealistic it is because I know my younger self would have done anything for something like this story to happen to her. This book is incredibly healing for me and my younger self and I hope Alice continues focusing on the characters in Solitaire's stories. <3
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queerhoodies · 1 year
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i feel so normal about this.
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jaxypaxyhaxy · 1 year
I had a random thought and wanted to put it out there but like… sprolden right? (Extremely tempted to just post that sentence)
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willthewise85 · 1 year
Sprolden fic master list!
I know many people have trouble finding sprolden fics so here’s a list! I will continue to update when I find/read more! Most of these are one shots so be aware! If you have any more, let me know and I’ll make sure I add them! (Purple=favs!)
Weeping angel- liverhaver
Safe with you- charliestopper
I love them so much it’s sickening
There for you- anonymous
Life Is Hard- kelyiar
Not the Skater’s Best- Strangling_Figs
This isn’t really Sprolden it’s just PURE MICHAEL ANGST RAHHHHHHHHHHHH
god’s very simple and love shouldn’t burn- Frommybedroom
There’s been no new fics in so long that this is like water in a desert
god, you seriously fucked-up his life tori- eli__writes
I lub them sm
I’ll never drink again- charliestopper
THE MOST HEARTBREAKING SHIT THIS FANDOM HAS EVER PRODUCED!!! Literally everyone ever needs to read this. Tw: alcoholism
Lightning in Our Fingertips Today (I Jump Each Time You Touch Me)- lavender_grav3yard
This is for everyone that agreed with me when I said that snow was Sprolden’s thing
Across the tracks- charliestopper
I never thought about Michael not being able to drive bc he’s blind but it makes sm sense
A night for us- charliestopper
Can you tell that I really like charliestopper’s fics?
Her eyes and Words are so icy( oh but she burns)- oceanchild/sofileall
Insomniac!Tori is so real
First kiss and it’s only because I love you- Sprolden
These are technically like a series or smth idrk
Loverboy and hatergirl- fusioon
Yeah they cute what about it
Your Head (and Hair) in my Hands- lost_to_words
Michael says “bloody hell” or smth like that in this and it reminded me how fucking British they are
Green and blue- kore538
Tori and Charlie being THE siblings ever
Matching Costumes- AboveTheFold
Cutie patooties
sprolden’s first pride- charliestopper
The tags honestly say it all
A very Sprolden Christmas- otherpeopleareallthereis
“Penny it’s not Christmas time” I DO NOT CARE.
Days better together- writerbitch_letsgooo
I am a hurt/comfort person @ heart
The Aftermath- ForeverBrainrot
I read this and then immediately subscribed bc I need to know the second a new chapter comes out
there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me- ALilSakuraBlossom
I almost cried reading this ngl
Invisible String- Sprolden
I’m sooooo excited to see where this goes and so happy that the author is back
World Junior Speed Skating Championships- Sprolden
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dsvoid · 1 month
okay so I CANT find them anywhere so who were the people fancasted as sprolden way back then???
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
okay so, sprolden is to me a relationship that's for aroace people only. the way they bond and their relationship feels like an in between of a "traditional" romantic relationship and a qpr, i think this has something to do with Alice not knowing her sexuality back when she wrote them. I'm aroace and they're my favorite relationship/ship ever, i love them so much and i love the way they're written
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allieintrovert · 1 month
(updated) intro !! ☆
this is my intro! not aiming to get much followers on here
u can call me allie or crow I am a minor, so no weird things/comments please ! I'm also both on the a-spec and aro-spec (aroflux?? still figuring myself out) and genderfluid. any pronouns are okay :) if you couldnt tell i love heartstopper and all of alice oseman's stuff, including solitaire. big tori kinnie here. i love omori and im currently getting back into my gravity falls phase lol
i mostly reblog but i also post some of my own art and thoughts. if you scroll far enough in my blog i think you'll find some. sometimes i post vents so just ignore those thanks :) you can send me requests in my asks!! (no nsfw things obviously)
i like listening to sushi soucy, penelope scott, girl in red and so much more
random facts abt me?: - i am an introvert (as said in my user) - i have a weird obsession w birds (its sort of died down now but i still love birds) - i LOVE sprolden!!! - aled and tori are one of my favourite characters but also my kinnies
- i love super tight hugs
anyway, despite my social awkwardness, i dont mind friends :) i dont text a lot (and sometimes i forget to answer im soso sorry if this happens), but if youd like to be my friend, go for it!
send me asks if you’d like! it can be literally anything, i love answering them
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charliethinks · 2 years
i miss sprolden :(
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michaelnotholden · 1 month
mlm hstv sprolden UNLOCKED😛😆
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Ppl say hi to Victorrr he’s back!!! ^_^ and hi to Michael ofc
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chillychive · 2 years
A little Sprolden for y'all
"I'm a little bit in love with everyone I meet, but I think that's normal."
She's giving me this look like "that was bullshit but I couldn't care less.", and then contradicts her own look by asking- no, stating "So you're bisexual."
I grin and lean closer. What I said was true. There's a little something to love in everyone. Some people have a little more than others. Victoria was blessed with so many things to love about her. It's truly remarkable that she still manages to hate herself when she looks in the mirror. God, if she could channel that into something other than being a chronic pessimist or trying to decide my sexuality for me- "You love all these words, don't you? Gay, bisexual, attractive, unattractive-
"No, No I hate them."
"Then why label people?"
Victoria tilts her head at me. She looks miffed. Actually, I'm pretty sure her face always looks fairly bored or sad (I think she doesn't realize quite how often she looks like someone killed her puppy, and I'm not going to tell her.), but I think she's started to get annoyed. I'm still leaning across the table, but I'm trying rather hard not to think about how close I am to her. "Because that's life. Without organization, we descend into chaos."
I can't help myself. I chuckle, leaning back. Chaos can be far more fun. "Well if you care so much, what are you?"
"What are you? Gay, straight, all-around horny, what?"
"Er, straight?" She says it like this is the default option- like she hadn't ever thought about it until this moment. I'm pretty sure I didn't even come with a default setting. I'm pretty sure the defaults took one look at me and went running. I don't care. I like it better this way anyway.
I decide to push my luck. "And are you sure you're straight? Have you liked a boy before?"
She blinks at me, then looks at the floor. I'm almost worried, but she says "All right, then. I'll let you know if I fall in love with a girl anytime soon."
I smile. I can't help myself. It's truly, truly beautiful that this girl can coax so much happiness out of me. Most people would think I'm always happy, the way I go around smiling and looking like I'm living my best life. But I'm not. I'm angry so much of the time. The world is in shambles and everyone just ignores it. Sometimes you have to put on a normal face and be normal even when you don't feel very normal at all. But she just makes me happy. I don't even have to try. What a funny thing. What a beautiful thing.
"Are you going to remember what you came to tell me?" Victoria asks, interrupting my musing. She says it like she doesn't care, but I know she does. Victoria Spring is the type of person that cares about everything and everyone, but she builds up walls to keep her heart safe. I think she's built so many she's forgotten where in the maze she hid her heart in the first place. But I'll offer her a mental hint: it's not as deep as you think it is...
"Maybe." I say. "Maybe tomorrow. We'll see."
I'm lying, of course. But Lucas Ryan is paying far too much attention to our conversation that truly should not be his business, and I don't feel like telling the boy who obviously has a crush on Victoria (he's as subtle as a blimp with the words "I'm in love with you Victoria Spring" landing in her backyard- it is truly remarkable that she doesn't see it) what I came here to tell her.
I walk her home. I learn two things:
She hates her name. Everyone calls her Tori. I understand that.
She does not understand why I would want to be friends with her. I'm not sure why she can't understand that people could genuinely like her. I'm also not sure I genuinely like her, but I think she has a lot of very likeable qualities- again, truly a miracle she doesn't have more friends.
So many things are truly remarkable about this girl. And remarkable is a truly fascinating word- something worth taking note of again and again. Tori Spring is certainly worth taking note of, again and again and again and as many times as needed to convince her that she truly is remarkable.
Tori & I are going to get married some day. Since she's the first one I'd want to be with me in the A&E, and I come 2nd on her list after Charlie, and we can't do that legally unless we're married. Also because we're in love. But that's not much of a reason- we'd still be as in love if we were partners forever- it's mostly just practicality.
I think part of it's also just wanting her grandparents to stop bugging her about 'settling down' and 'finding a nice man' and 'what about that Michael lad?'. I don't blame her. When Tori invited me to Spring Thanksgiving (she was going to flee to my place anyway-her words not mine), her nan kept asking me when the wedding was and her Grandfather kept dropping me not-so-subtle threats of murder if I did anything...unsavory with her. I'm not sure how he feels about kissing on top of a burning building after she nearly jumped to her death, but I somehow don't think he'd approve.
Michael grins that ridiculous grin of his as he skates off the ice toward me. He's glowing. I love seeing him like this- riding the post race high. With the cameras still trained on him, he takes me in his arms, and kisses me. His skin is cold from the ice but his breath is hot on my lips.
16 year old me would be fake-gagging at those thoughts. I mentally cringe for her, but I'm laughing a little as Michael pulls away and raises an arm for the cameras, me still tucked under his other arm. I tug on a smile for the cameras, and I pinch him lightly. He squeezes me back.
Then he turns to his bags and pulls out a box. It's small, white, and when he lifts the lid there's an even tinier, blue, box. I gasp, shaking my head at him as subtly as I can manage.
I try to say, not here! with my eyes, but he just grins that stupidly handsome grin that makes me kind of want to punch him and kind of want to kiss him. It's not like we haven't discussed this, I even agreed. But here?? Now??
Michael starts to bend down and before I know it...
Michael Holden is on one knee in the middle of this skating rink, with all the cameras a former Olympian usually garners trained on the little blue box with the tiny bow on top in his outstretched hand and the other hand poised to open it. And who's he doing this for? That's right, Victoria Annabel Spring, also known as me.
"Victoria Spring, Tori. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you." Bullshit- we both know it. But the cameras are eating it up. "Our first kiss was like fire in my soul." No, dear, that was literal fire. "You once dressed up for your best friend's birthday party, and the character you chose was just as wonderful and perfect as you." I am trying so hard not to laugh. "I feel a little bit more like myself when I'm with you, you make me laugh a little harder and smile a little brighter in every moment." I'm blushing now, and it makes me want to vomit a little.
"Tori Spring, will you do me the honor of making me your husband?" He opens the box. And then Michael meets me eyes and his eyes aren't full of all the love in the world like they always say. His eyes aren't gleaming and not a tear is streaming down his face. He's laughing. A little. His eyes are laughing. And I think for a moment that I should be angry at him, but then I'm painfully aware of how long I've let this silence go on.
I fall into him, and at first I think he's surprised but his strong arms are coming up around me and he's standing up. "Yes!" I say, loud enough for the cameras to hear me. "Yes." I whisper again, for his ears only.
"Yes." Michael whispers into my ear.
Yes, I think. Yes.
And then Michael leans into me and whispers, his breath hot on my ear "Tori- the ring is made of cake. We can eat it later, if you like, and then go find ourselves the perfect rings."
I pull away to look at him. I want to be amused but I'm confused and honestly feeling a little high off all of this. I just settle for kissing him.
When we finally pull away, there are cameras and packing up and Michael getting out of that ridiculous skin suit- I swear to God that's going to be in all the photo albums now, that little shit. God, I love him.
And then we're walking along the path to our car, and I lean into him. "Explain to me how the ring-is-cake." I demand.
"I had a guy make a fake wedding ring already in the box out of chocolate. That way we can still have the adorable photos for your family and our own, stress free proposal later. On our terms." Michael isn't looking at me and I think he's worried I'm mad at him. I squeeze his hand and pull him down to look me in the eyes.
"Thank you." I kiss him. How did I end up with a man who would make a fake ring out of cake to fake a proposal in front of cameras so that we had pictures for my relatives? Or- more importantly, how did I end up with someone so wonderfully strange. God, I love him. And I tell him that. And I keep saying it, again and again and again. I'll keep saying it as we pick out our wedding bands and as we promise ourselves to each other till death do we part and I'll keep saying it until the world stops spinning.
"We're both a little broken. We're both a little messy. Who am I kidding- we're both a lot broken and a lot messy. Love won't fix that. A wedding won't fix that. But maybe being together and being broken and messy is easier than being alone and messy." Michael's rambling now and the only thought in my mind is:
God, I love this ridiculous man. Michael.
It's funny because it's true.
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skateisawesome · 1 year
i will love and support tori spring in everything she does. but even i cannot excuse her drinking lemonade.
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tori, mischa, race for the character thing
We’ll start with Tori!
Sexuality Headcanon: She’s canonically straight and asexual, but I headcanon her to be demiromantic as well
Gender Headcanon: Cis girl
A ship I have with said character: SPROLDEN. Sprolden is my favorite thing.
A BROTP I have with said character: I don’t know, she doesn’t really have many friends besides Michael. But I like the idea of Isaac and Tori bonding over being asexual (and I’m lowkey hoping this happens in Season 3). Also I like the idea of Tori and Nick swapping funny stories about Charlie.
A NOTP I have with said character: Her and David Nelson. Believe it or not, people actually ship this.
A random headcanon: I have two. One: She’s autistic. And two: After dancing to There Is A Light That Never Goes Out with Michael, she starts listening to more of The Smiths’ music, and finds that she actually really likes it.
General Opinion over said character: Words cannot describe how much I love her.
Now Mischa!
Sexuality Headcanon: Biromantic demisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cis guy
A ship I have with said character: MISCHA AND TALIA. I love them, I want what they have, except not long distance.
A BROTP I have with said character: MISCHA AND RICKY. In my head they are best friends and the most iconic duo in the choir. They’re my favorites.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mischa and Ocean. I don’t really understand this ship considering the way she treats him in canon.
A random headcanon: For some reason, people assume he’s a bad driver. He’s not, but he has an ungodly amount of road rage.
General Opinion over said character: I love him so much. Also if it weren’t for Jane Doe, I would want him to be the one to go back (not that it matters because my headcanon is they all go back and get a second chance 😌)
And finally, Race!
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Trans guy (semi-canon? Kenny Ortega confirmed it like three years ago but idk if it counts as canon because death of the author exists. BUT IT’S CANON TO ME.)
A ship I have with said character: Sprace. I love Sprace.
A BROTP I have with said character: Race and Crutchie. I don’t know why I love them so much, but I do. Also, I watched a production of the show where Race and Katherine were besties, and honestly I love that so much. Also Ralbert, obviously.
A NOTP I have with said character: Race x a Delancey brother. But that goes for any Newsie.
A random headcanon: He has ADHD.
General Opinion over said character: He’s one of my favorites. He’s so fun and I love him.
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