eemmoorrii · 10 months
Man I love your art SO MUCH also early happy birthday
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trlblzd · 3 months
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@kafkaisms sent : hc + 😨 & hc + 🤕 - about fear & pain.
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1.) FEAR IS AN EMOTION that the trailblazer most certainly experiences. though instead of known fears like ghosts or the paranormal, they feel ( ... ) the terror of SEPARATION. it bugs them. it gnaws on them and makes them confused. perplexion & the unknown brings them fear. the fear of the past, the actions that they have done, the future and this distinct urge to overcome and overcome that it may lead to a RIFT within bonds and eventually, the self. while stelle does possess "scaredy-cat" dialogues about the supernatural, it is mostly read as a joke to MESS with the people that they are with who are more frightened than them. facing the unknown is not what brings fright. it is the result of what the unknown could do that brings genuine terror. to not know of the past. to be whispered words related to finality ; all is a mess. all brings terror of what could happen to them. of what could happen to others. the power of the stellaron is unknown to them & it is not housing it that brings forth dread but, rather, but it COULD do outside of their own volition. the fear of bringing pain unto others. the alarm of causing hurt upon all those that they cherish makes their skin crawl. to not be able to make decisions and to be unable to blaze a trail towards their own fate is the biggest SCARE of all.
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2.) PAIN IS ANOTHER STRANGE SUBJECT to them. while stelle is able to experience physical pain ( they cuss when they are hit, wince when burnt, and flinch when struck ) it is not those that truly bother them. BRUISES, injuries, wounds, gashes, scars, & such do not make them flinch as much as their emotional pain. it is difficult for them to feel their past. knowing nothing of it leaves hardships in knowing therefore experiencing. but when hit with a wave of unprecedented NOSTALGIA, as though they are meant to know something that they do not --- they feel increasingly upset. it brings a pang to their chest that is like no other. like a wave of panic and grievance brushing through their frame but unable to truly keep it from happening. the lack of understanding of their own self is painful to them which is why they look for support to those who recall them. which is why it feels like a stabbing feeling when nobody allows them a chance for recollection. MENTAL and emotional hardships pose greater pain to them than any other measly stab wound. such is what makes them so averse to feeling. to distract themselves from their own thoughts is the best way to COPE from the torment of not knowing.
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sharkjumpers · 5 months
a few months ago i saw a cardinal (didn’t get a pic but it looked like this)
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and it really excited me bc we don’t typically get these types of colorful birds where i live, but anyway this + wrens are the birds that automatically pop up when i think of this acc for some reason ^_^ do you have a favorite bird
What a beautiful bird!!! I love birds. I see a pair of ducks every day, and usually some geese. Here's my bird exchange. (And for the record, my favorite bird is Bluejays... they are my friends.)
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apileofmoss · 1 year
ur reputation is lover of trans ppl fat ppl and big noses and i adore it 💚
FUFCCKK YEAAHHHHH THATS SUC HA FUCKIGN HONOR BRO i have the best reputation on this fucking site
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awholeclxwn · 2 years
Me again 😁 ! Anyways this time I'm currently trying to draw Jelly
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possuminnit · 3 months
hai lainey i love u !!! >_<
HI STEVIEE!!!!!! i love you too :D!!!
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thrandilf · 4 months
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you!!! <3
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seraphdreams · 1 year
hi hi
hello !! how are you my honeybunch?
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anonbinaryweirdo · 1 year
you are the silliest of silly
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Me jumping on u 🥺🦶
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obsob · 8 months
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oooooooooough i love you i love you i love you!!!! hand in loving hand !!!!!!
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3-aem · 4 months
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eemmoorrii · 3 months
GuhHH??!?!??! NICE 2 ME,,..,,.
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cherubytes · 3 months
spin this wheel for a random ultrakill character and vote in the poll below
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bluetaho · 3 months
Maybe in another life, another time, another world
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I could have held you forever
(part 1)
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apileofmoss · 1 year
HUGS YOU (from a mutual(
MUTUAL !!!!!! HUGS U BACK <333
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theriverbeyond · 8 days
i love being in love with my friends... i love telling my friends how cool and strong and smart and hot they are, i love giving my friends hugs and picking them up and listening to their problems and going grocery shopping together. i love giving my friends rides to school, i love staying with them while they wait for the bus and making sure they get home safe. i love grabbing an extra fork and saving an extra seat and watching each other's pets and reminding each other to take medication. i love being in love with my friends it makes the whole world worth it RAHHHHHHHHHHHH
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