clavicuss-vile · 3 years
HI BESTIE, hope u dont mind me flooding u with questions, im simply obsessed with your ocs. for the in-depth tes questions:
for ime: 2, 5, 26
for kaos: 5, 21, 25
for nep: 6, 14
xoxo from @reachfolk
SO MANY WOAH LETS GO !! This will take a while but tysm i adore u
2) How educated is Ime? Did their parents teach them, did they have a tutor or were they apprenticed to a master, or did they attend a university? What university? What are they educated in? How long did their education take? (Learned skills like blacksmithing count here too!)
Ime received absolutely 0 education of any kind. Their family moved from Valenwood when Kaos was about 7, meaning Ime was about 5? None of the kids got any education after their mum's death, and Ime ran away and was taken in by a cult of Hircine when they were like... 9? After that he spent some time in Sanguine's cult (remember this, it's important later), then Mehrunes Dagon's, where he became Dagon's champion and was adopted as a demiprince. None of which are particularly literate-inclined. Dagon sends him and Atterian (child of a mythic dawn member who's been living in one of Mankar Camoran's realms of paradise since the Crisis) to Solstheim to free Miraak and Ime just straight up cannot read anything. AFTER they free Miraak (and speedrun the friendship-making montage) Miraak teaches him how to read and write in tamrielic, dovahzul, and old atmoran (he's just showing off at that point) and also teaches him everything about being dragonborn jdshjdshjd poor kid entered apocrypha and was just like "why are you all telling me to shout? .....AAAAAAA-"
5) How religious is Ime? Do they come into conflict with others over their beliefs? If their patron deity told them to do something extremely undesirable or against their moral compass, would they do it? Would Ime sell someone’s soul for a corn chip?
He's pretty religious! His patron deities are Hircine, Sanguine and Dagon (obv), and lowkey 3/4 of his fic is just him doing whatever they tell him to- He's scared of being vulnerable and powerless, so having 3 gods on his side is worth the occasional against-their-morals task. Also with conflict, its actually the opposite! When he meets Anaelle and her friends Cinna and Illia, they originally dont trust them at all, but when they mentioned that Dagon literally sent them to make sure the uprising is successful, Anaelle accepts them with open arms because "your gods are my gods, if you've been sent to help, why would i turn you away?"
26) How helpful is Ime, and why? Are they helpful or kind even during difficult situations? Are they pragmatic, or do they have a hero syndrome?
They're helpful if it benefits them, or they've been told to. Where Kaos has a hard time saying no to people, Ime is much more likely to spit on someone shoe if they're having a bad day;; he's also uh. not great at difficult situations - when he saw Kaos for the first time in years on opposite sides at the Battle of Whiterun he uh. panicked and ✨flew away✨ on his dragon JSHDSHD. he is incredibly loyal with his friends though and accepted tracking down every single dragon priest mask on tamriel purely because Miraak was a little worried about them all lying around so i'd say he definitely develops over the years
5) How religious is Kaos? Do they come into conflict with others over their beliefs? If their patron deity told them to do something extremely undesirable or against their moral compass, would they do it? Would Kaos sell someone’s soul for a corn chip?
In the beginning? not at all. It's just him and his bow (and later Lucien) and he's doing what he can to survive and thats all that matters. But after everything with the brotherhood, and meets Paarthurnax, he starts worshipping Kyne. The Voice is her gift, Paarthurnax is her mouthpiece, and as he slowly takes on more responsibility in taking down Alduin, he worships her more and more, and ends up her Champion! He's very devoted to Bird Mom and names his bow Kyne's Kiss and his dagger Kyne's Tears.
21) How picky is Kaos about their gear? Do they have different equipment for different adventures, or is it the same suit of armor for everything (not counting upgrades like from steel to ebony)?
NOT PICKY AT ALL LMAO he will take whatever he can get. as long as its light and doesn't impede his bow-arm, he'll sew it up and modify it however he needs. he's a lot more of a mother hen with his companions though, spent a fortune buying Lucien a proper armor set because he didn't trust himself to craft one protective enough :( he's very very good at crafting though
25) If Kaos is part of one of the more morally questionable or outright evil factions, how do they justify it to themselves? Do they still consider themselves as morally good? How well known is their affiliation to these groups? Do they have separate personas (e.g. Dragonborn to some people, Listener to others)? Do their family/friends know? If they have separate personas, how do they keep their less than righteous activities secret?
This is a tough one for him, but like the most perfect question for him from that whole list. He does the entire Dark Brotherhood questline, and ends up it's leader. When he starts doing more of the dragonborn stuff he has less time to be listener so he asks the night mother to hand that duty down to Cicero, but he does still do it at first so it still applies. He's always seen himself as a survivor - not good or bad, but he does what he needs to survive. A member of the dark brotherhood (Cicero) helped keep him and his little siblings alive when they lived in Bruma, so he always wanted to pay back that debt and say thank you to the brotherhood. obviously its not public knowledge, but he never hid it from Lucien and Inigo (his only companions at the time), he was always incredibly transparent with it; they would even come on contracts with him (but they'd just stay on the sidelines). They didn't like it, but they understood that Kaos felt like he owed them, and the brotherhood gave him a sense of family that he hadn't had in a while. Lucien really doesnt like Cicero, but again, Kaos is painfully loyal and once he realised it was Cicero that saved him all those years ago, they made a blood-pact in the dawnstar sanctuary to always protect eachother, so again, Lucien just puts up with it. tldr of that is Kaos is stupidly stupidly loyal
im also gonna include the stormcloaks in here because thats definitely morally questionable, he joins them purely because he blames the Empire for not keeping him and his little siblings safe, and believes Skyrim is better independent. he does NOT agree with Ulfric or any of his goons, and he assassinates him almost immediately after the war is won. Ulfric gets replaced with Brunwulf and Skyrim and the Reach gain full independence (and the Reach especially is recognized as an official country)
6) Does Nephthys have a family of origin? How many members of their FoO are still living? Do they have a good relationship? How much contact does your oc have with their FoO? How in-the-loop is your oc’s FoO about your oc’s being Dragonborn/HoK/Nerevarine?
SO, NEP IS IME'S SON. i cant believe i just completely forgot to mention that whole thing, but yeah. remember how i said Ime spent a few years in a cult of sanguine before moving onto Dagon's? Nephthys' mum realised she was pregnant shortly after Ime left, and had no way of contacting them. He's AFAB in case i somehow forgot to mention that too, and his birthname was Idonea Indarys (his mum's name is Persephone Indarys bc its a pretty name-). Persephone felt incredibly guilty for bringing a child into a life like that (re: a cult of sanguine) and her way of coping with that was ✨pretending it didnt happen✨. Nep pretty much grew up in that cult completely ignored by his mother, until he ran away, was taken in by Azurah, became her Champion and was adopted as her demiprince, where she physically transitioned him and granted him the name Nephthys Breath-of-Rose-and-Stars. Quite lengthy so he just goes by Nephthys JHSDHSJ but yeah! that's why he's so devoted to Azurah btw. But yeah, Ime is his dad. Kaos is his uncle. Ime and Kaos do not realise this until MUCH later. This makes Azurah sending him to go fetch the Black Star from Kaos so much funnier.
14) How well-liked is Nephthys? What is their reputation, if they’re well-known? Are they simply liked/disliked, or are they respected but feared, or personally liked but not taken seriously, etc? Do major factions consider Nep an important player?
Already answered this one for Ffrogey so seeing as we're on about Nep's family, I'll do it with him and them! Nep simultaneously wants nothing more than Ime's attention but also wants nothing to do with him, Ime is awkward as shit and has no idea how to deal with a child;; they try and eventually they get to a somewhat-friends stage but Icarus and Azurah will always be who Nep considers his parental figures. Kaos keeps getting dealt psychic damage poor think sees his little brother who he thought was dead, then a few years later turns out SURPRISE you're an uncle! Then again later SURPRISE ime had ANOTHER kid he didnt know about---
Bonus! A list of their whole(ish) family:
Ameridan Ytarade & Valenthera Ytarade - Parents - Farendir Ytarade - Eldest son - Aryiell Ytarade -> Kaos Aemaris (mother's maiden name) - Second eldest son - Ime Ytarade -> Ime Morningstar - Middle child - Thalia Ytarade - Youngest daughter
Ime Morningstar & Persephone Indarys - Parents - Idonea Indarys -> Nephthys Breath-of-Rose-and-Stars - Son
Ime Morningstar & Cinna Màiri Dragondancer (Anaelle's bestie) - Parents - Fáelán Mochánn Greentoken - Child
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