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Formerly known as fadetoseven. My creations are under the links below. I enjoy the Marvel universe: Loki, The Falcon & The Winter Soldier, Avengers, the Star Wars universe: The Mandalorian, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Silmarillion, The Witcher series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Hades (the game), history, and world mythology! My blog is junk food. Eat your heart out! Check out my playlists at:
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rockinarounduniverse · 11 months ago
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rockinarounduniverse · 11 months ago
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Athena's headdress in Immortals 2011
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rockinarounduniverse · 11 months ago
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Athena & Zeus in Immortals
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rockinarounduniverse · 11 months ago
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Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can’t carry it for you… but I can carry you!
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: The Return of the King (2003) dir. Peter Jackson
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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Tyler Locke + Messy Hair™
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
Why does zutara has this * moon fall in love with the Sun * name I really love zutara but I'm New to the fandom so i wanted to ask you about it since I love all your analysis about zutara and anti maiko because I damn hate this fucked up pair too lol
Why Zuko and Katara Were Going To Be Soul Mates
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This is a very good question, and I’ve been meaning to do a meta on it for a long time. The reason Zutara is associated with the Sun falling in love with the Moon has to do with the concept of the Twin Flame. Historically, common depictions of Twin Flames use Sun and Moon symbolism. This is because the Sun represents Divine Masculine energy and the Moon represents Divine Feminine energy. Aaron Ehasz seemed to be directly inspired by the concept of the Twin Flame when he envisioned the Zutara romance. I used descriptions from these websites for this meta.
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The concept of Twin Flames developed among the ancient philosophers, mystics, and sages. At the moment of a soul’s creation it was split into two halves, each exploring a different aspect of spirituality or duality. One side is the Divine Masculine spirituality; the other is Divine Feminine spirituality. A Twin Flame is essentially the other half of your soul. This person can be of the same or opposite sex, but spiritually they will encompass the yin or yang essence to complement yours.
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A Twin Flame is like the ultimate soul mate. Although you can gave many soul mates, you can only have one Twin Flame. Twin Flames connections are of a much higher vibratory frequency than soulmates. Even though they are two individual souls, they do complement each other very well, and they understand and connect in a very unique way.
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The koi fish Tui and La represent the Sun and the Moon, as well as the yin-yang. Zuko rises with the Sun, and Katara rises with the Moon. Given this symbolism, Zuko and Katara’s fight at the Spirit Oasis seemed to be a deliberate foreshadowing of their eventual romance as Twin Flames.
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In the depiction of the Kundalini there is the left pillar, representing the Divine Feminine, the right pillar, representing the Divine Masculine, and the spine – the Zero Point, where the two snakes become one in holy union (Divine Oneness). Activated Kundalini flow allows a deep soul-healing, can clear away pain and blockages, and emotes the frequency of Twin Flame Love. Within Twin Flames, Kundalini usually awakens either in both or one of the Twins prior to the Twin Flame Union.
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Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. The Twin Flame is not ‘the other half of your soul’ but one soul (masculine/feminine) in two individual bodies. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally becoming enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be “practice” for the twin, the ultimate relationship.
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Twin soul mates may sometimes share similar backgrounds to each other, and similar life experiences or events that occurred around the same time period. This is because the individual souls are working on similar issues to overcome or complementary lessons.
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Though compatible in every regard, they will find themselves in drastically different circumstances. Their ages may be 30 years apart or they may come from incompatible cultures or religions. This is for the reason that Twin Flames are here to create a new template for all relationships on the planet. They unite to tear down the old societal conventions, traditions and belief systems in order to restore the planet to a state of harmony, balance, and unconditional love.
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Any perceived negative karma between them will be required to be balanced first before they are capable of moving into world service together and the highest service of unconditional love that is capable of being given while in embodiment.
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There are many lessons when one connects with their Twin Flame, but the one main reason is to teach each other about accepting love without fear, and to heal each other of pain and loss to eventually to bring their souls back together again.
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Sometimes each twin soul may have the same emotional issues or karmic energies that need to be healed together, balanced within their own lives, or resolved with people close to them. The Twin Flames will often experience life tests and trials at similar times before and after meeting as their souls reflect each other’s lessons.
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If you are seeking your Twin Flame, you must first work on self-development. When you focus on healing your body, heart and soul, chances are very good that your Twin will find you. Often your introduction to each other may seem coincidental; you will both meet when you are ready to work together. However, your first meeting is Divinely appointed. Twin Flames do not meet by chance, and the only reason that they come together in the same lifetime is to fulfill a shared mission.
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There may be some unusual circumstances and powerful events that occur around the time when Twin Flames meet. Many twin souls may have even crossed paths at one time or another in the past, without even realizing it. There will usually be several signs, synchronicities, or ‘meaningful symbolic coincidences’ that lead up to the meeting of the Twin Flame, often guiding them both to one another initially and onward in the relationship.
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When Twin Flames come together there may be a sense of familiarity between them. They can feel as if they have met one another before, or like they are ‘continuing’ where they left off in the past. Since Twin Flames are always spiritually connected, the feeling of having known each other all their lives can be strong.
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The connection between twin souls is often instantaneous and a deep friendship bond or a relationship can develop quickly between them. Both twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before. The Heart Chakras open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy.
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Often one or both twin souls can be natural empaths and are sensitive to spiritual energy. One’s psychic abilities often manifest for the first time or become more enhanced after meeting the twin soul. Twin Flames can also develop the ability to heal each other on an energetic level.
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You feel an overwhelming sense of love and attraction. This love is genuine and heartfelt and you feel magnetically drawn to their energy. This is not to be confused with lust or an obsessive love. Twin Flame love is unconditional and transcends the ego.
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When Twin Flames meet, the chakra centers pull them closer to each other and ignites the eternal fire of Kundalini within them. This pull is even felt when you are thinking of your partner and it won’t matter how far away they are. It is often only through separation that their passion for each other becomes internally validated and their egos heal sufficiently to allow the merging to take place.
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Unique conditions can oftentimes prevent the Twin Flames from being together in physical person. There may also be something that prevents a romantic relationship between them from forming, or that makes a romantic relationship difficult to maintain. This separation often also includes an incredible sensation of unconditional love, bliss and desire for our Twin Flame.
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This does not mean that both Twins are ready for union at this point, it just means that the spark has been ignited and everything from this point on is preparation for their final union together. As the Twins adjust and balance their energies on all levels, these entwine and form one single being– with the physical level often being the final icing on the cake. Therefore, in reality the Kundalini Awakening is the awakening of the oneness they once shared.
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Twin Flame soulmates will often share similar important beliefs and positive morals and values deep down, even if not apparent on the surface of the personality (sometimes due to issues with ego). There is an energetic polarization between Twin Flame souls that can be opposite, yet complimentary as a whole. Balance is often a recurring lesson and theme for the Twin Flame souls.
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Twin Flames often share the same personal vision for the future, and may have a strong interest in personal and spiritual development. A common indication of a Twin Flame connection is that both souls may have a strong interest in helping others or serving humanity in some profound way.
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It’s very common for them to resonate with similar or identical social causes and humanitarian issues. The Twin Flame experience only comes when we are at the end of our lifetimes on earth, and when our greatest service to humanity is being birthed.
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Sometimes one or both twins will experience the ‘dark night of the soul’ either prior to meeting, during their connection, or immediately following. The dark night of the soul is a profound period of deep inner spiritual growth and soul reflection that can be accompanied by emotional pain, mental confusion and even physical loneliness.
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The dark night of the soul acts as a type of spiritual initiation, or re-birth and can usually bring about a profound shift in consciousness, soul growth and transformation. Sufficient spiritual advancement is necessary to be prepared for reunion with a Twin Flame.
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Synchronicities will occur throughout the Twin Flame connection, becoming more frequent during periods of heightened spiritual growth or when energetic shifts occur within the union. There are often cosmic and astrological events that occur around the time of the Twin Flame reunion and at major points during the connection.
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Twin Flame souls can bring out the very best and the very worst in one another. When the twin souls are getting along in harmony, it can accelerate positive energy and growth. But when the twin flame souls are not getting along, or when there is constant disharmony, it can have devastating effects. Twin Flame souls can act as energetic mirrors to one another.
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Twin Flames can each bring out the light and dark within each other. They can bring out old unresolved issues or unhealed wounds out from within each other, as well as push each other’s emotional buttons like no other can. Being aware of this Twin Flame dynamic can feel like one is coming face to face with one’s self, for better or for worse.
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One is usually able to completely be themselves when they are connected to their twin. Trust, acceptance and forgiveness are also qualities that come easily in a Twin Flame union (especially as they evolve spiritually and connect on deeper levels). There can be problems in these areas in a Twin Flame relationship if there are any negative issues that need to be balanced in the union or healed within the self.
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In Twin Flame relationships that are in the process of healing and balancing, it can seem like an energetic dance between them as they move back and forth away and towards each other time and time again. When twins reunite, both of them experience an acceleration of their spiritual growth and awakening.
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Twin Flames can often have the most deeply profound and heartfelt conversations that can even last for hours at a time. If one were to meet their Twin Flame in this life then there would be a great level of intimacy, comfort and understanding of each other and a great sense of peace. It would feel like you have returned home.
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You feel comfortable with them and you feel you can truly be yourself with them. Sometimes conversations seem to last forever and there is not much that Twin Flames are not willing to talk about. It’s as if you could share your entire life with this person and there is a level of openness and understanding between you that brings a comfortable yet intriguing sense of familiarity.
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You feel a sense of completion that goes beyond words. This feeling is about wholeness on a soul level that is beyond the physical. Each Twin Flame is still an individual and is not ‘the other half of your soul’ as if you are a complete soul now that you have found them. You are meeting an energetic mirror of your own soul. You share a vibration and you resonate with them.
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One’s life is usually changed in a profound way after meeting the Twin Flame. Romantic Twin Flame relationships can be especially dramatic. One is never quite the same after meeting their twin soul because it may be unlike any other connection they’ve had prior in their lifetime. A Twin Flame connection can transform one from the inside out, or even lead to a total breakdown of their life as they have known it prior to that point.
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Twin Flames are a divine and sacred union being brought together to serve humanity by illuminating the world with the pure unconditional source love which they embody when their two flames ignite and become one. Twin Flames may also experience memories of past lives together or have visions of their mission together on the planet.
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
feeling like that fucking horse from The Neverending Story
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me fr
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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The NeverEnding Story (1984)
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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Thororo in 2023?!
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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PEDRO PASCAL photographed by Beau Grealy for Variety (2020)
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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little royai thing, from a challenge on twitter
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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definitely not thinking about post-promised day royai again, no sir 😤
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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otpsource’s 3 year anniversary ❀ day 2: favorite underrated moment
the Ultra Platonic Touches™ in 10x08
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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bond forged in flames
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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Straight people kiss??????
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rockinarounduniverse · 1 year ago
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Pedro Pascal - Merge Mansion Mobile Game Event (March 28, 2023)
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