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mah-t-wordblog · 1 month
hiiii (^-^) I come bearing another Kanamori and Muichiro comic that I'd like to share with you (^ω^) I really wish I could understand what they are saying, but the pictures help a lot to understand their conversation. IT'S SOO SWEET IT MADE ME SHED SOME TEARS, THIS ARTIST IS KILLING ME WITH ALL THIS KANAMORI+MUICHIRO FLUFFINESS
OMG THIS IS SOOOO CUUUUUUUUTE, I didn’t expect the end, I’m just crying so much 😭😭😭 Mui and Kanamori have the cutest son and father relationship, I don’t have any idea pf what they are talking about but this is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
I’m just going to die 🥹
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mamadarama · 2 months
hallo :D
it's me again, i'm coming here to MANIFEST. that's right, MANIFEST. what if madara is the crossing scout and what if he and keito kiss guys (it won't be him. probably)
um anyway i actually came here to talk about how cute keito is. i yap about madakei so much on this blog but oh my GOSH that unbloomed! HE'S SOOOO CUUUUUUUUTE i love nerds im sorry i produce this guy. i wanna kick him, why does he look like that? i want to pinch his cheeks but at the same time i feel the need to shove him in a locker like you said. so anyways can we get more keito hasumi gap moe it saved me
btw i got him first 10 pull :D i wish you good scouting luck if you go for him or the other crossing scout!
oh my god with the new shuffle already consuming my sanity if the cross scout is madara im exploding my skull apart and adding drawing them together in the outfits to my ever growing list of ideas i will probably never see to fruition but hey i can dream right
ANWYAYS im literally mental over his new unbloomed he looks so sweet and cute amd i want to antagonize him so bad until he looks at me like that . huh who said that.
i only play engstars jus cuz i dont wanna juggle multiple accs so itll be awhile before i get my chance but until then i will live vicariously through you and share in your excitement . congrats on the lucky pull !!!!
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skullcula · 1 year
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hello beautiful🥰gorgeous🥰
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god damn does he look good holy shit holy fuck god DAMN he looks fucking good
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awwwe hes soooo cuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!! i wanna pet him sooo bad AAAAAAAA
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springcloudsmind · 10 months
Taglagas dahil may bagong pagsibol
a 2023 highlight
Life update! I'm a non-major now. With many prayers and humbling times, mama finally agreed. and guess what? she said she was just waiting for me to ask her because she has trusted me already with the Lord. What an answered prayer.
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<if 2023 would be described in 1 photo>
It's the start of a new year!
Recently, I've been very contemplative. Maybe it's my age catching up to me. haha.
"I had a blast this 2023" was an understatement.
When I reviewed my IG stories, I was utterly shocked how the darkest time and brightest time of my life happened in just a year, in this year.
Just now, I saw my journal and my expectation for it a year ago. Never could I have imagined what happened now that it has ended.. It's rly humorous how there was a big "Be more like Him" in the first page. I prayed that I'd be more christlike and here I was; given the biggest fishbone to my throat. haha.
BUt! that was just half of it.
When I reached September, our 2nd sem, everything I wished for happened. It was the greatest time of my life.
My classes were soooooo fun. I've made palpable my table and college-ing ideas. I have been receiving high scores in my exams. I also had a very craaaaaazy class wherein we discuss about and dance disco. fUn! And beh, don't get me started on the people I've interacted with! I met many nationalities, became friends with them, and even went to another nation! (side note: I also learned about how exchange students works. hihi. maybe, Lord? Is it ur will, even for a sem? *cute face while on my knees* haha) In that other nation, I saranghae-d everywhere. First time had I experienced a negative degree celcius temperature! As cute as it sound like, hear me say this. It. Was. Not. Fun. hahaha. i wished to experience that when I was a child, but who's laughing now to be eating my words back decades after. I couldn't even take pictures. haha. I really tried my best to screen shot them in my mind for future reference and rly just go back in the summer time someday. for sure. :) When I prayed to get closer to God, he gave me something I super mega really didn't expect. Grabe, siz. I was given a privilege to disciple 4 girls in my campus, and 5 girls in our local church! I became part of the campus core team (who were *chef's kiss*), and even serving as one of the evangelism servant-leadership! I really had no kawala because I've became more accountable to His pips. hehe. a pleasure... Heart wise, it was so cuuuuuuuute! I'm happy these are all buried with me but, gorl! It was my first time to be asked out on a date. For clarity, I declined ah. Pero back in high school I aced that. (kaya God made sure I learned haha) Then in senior high, I protected my heart. Now, it was so funny 'cuz I only see these things in movies. hahaha. Thanks for asking me out, you. Nevertheless, I think I only got 2-3 other crush this year. The most recent ferson was the one whom I first saw on television, loved his testimony, and surprise surprise, he was on the same satelite as my campus and even friends with my team mates. His voice is already a sweet honeycomb in the summer. hihi satin lang to pls. But kidding aside, because of my mature ates and kuyas, it makes me want to be mature as well, and set, and contented in the Lord. So, when God's best come, I can be ready. for sure. :) haha. Lord, take this hart/plez
woop. already 30 mins in and I havent started on what I wanted to share. words cant rly be concise when talking about these things. >,<
Soooo, let me continue.
Recently, I've been very contemplative. Anxious, too. Because of that, I've been indecisive in many things, including on what I should be devo-ing. But the Lords says to just do it. So, I maximized the available resources and found the verse Joshua 1:8-9 for my last day of 2023.
Here are the things I realized:
Josh 1:8 is the same sa Deut 31: 8. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
"What about it?," you may ask. My answer would be, "It's all about it." It was the same promise I held on to back in my 1st year. It just make me realize how God is whispering, shouting even, the same words. It's like, "Child, listen. Just like what wanted and prayed for, I also want that. I want you to be succesful and glorify Me. That is why, I want you to be careful in doing the things I say." Amazing isn't it? Eto yung unshakable, unchanging, and constant shelter, Father, lover, and God. I also came across some verses God used to speak to me in the time I asked if I should really leave Engggg.
in all of these, God was reminding me how he was faithful in His word of last 2 years and last year, and will surely still be this year. How he speaks to me when I give my heart to linger and listen.
My vision for 2024 is to thirst for Him (psalm 63)
Part of my quiet time is look for real meaning of some words, or terms in its origin language. When I was searching about "meditate," I also saw maaaaaany verses that this kind of meditating was mentioned. <Psalm 1:2, Psalm 63:6, Psalm 77:12, Psalm 143:5, and Isaiah 33:18> All of those I read were about a person in a difficult circumstance and forgetting God's goodness yet reminding the self in faith.
That's the power of not letting this this Book of Instruction go out from one's speech and meditating or reciting it or understanding and applying it day and night. How mindful and intentional is the Lord of the littlest thing that he had to mention specific times of a person's day. Note also that it is in perfect tense meaning ~~~ an action started in the past and continues in the future ~ or so. He alone.
God wants me to be successful.
May it be not in my current definiton of it but he wants to. When I searched for what does it mean to be successful, I came across Deutoronomy 28. How beautiful is that painting of God's blessing. The only thing God is asking for His people is to love him. To love him in obedience. To ensure that I do aaaaall that is written in His word by His grace through faith, in all that I can.
This means a lot. All of the things I've written in this blog are all complains if God really wants me to to be succesfull. God is answering me now. He does.
He wants to bless me. He wants to love me with all that He can.
If only I'd allow him to.
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<photo from that trip> hehe
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sleeplessinkdramas · 6 years
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
OMG I'm in love with you DEAN X READER you are amazing, so talented! OMG OMG OMG really freakin out I'm reading all of it, you really got the grip of his personality! Such canon vibes, please keep bringing them on - specially the ones with sharing bed soooo cuuuuuuuute. Thank you!
Oh my goodness thank you so much for this! I have at least two different Dean Winchester requests and you've inspired me to start working on them <3 You are so sweet, I am beyond grateful for this. And having canon vibes is such a high compliment, that is exactly what I aspire for and it's thrilling to know that it shows. Once again, thank you. You have absolutely made my day.
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what-if-nct · 3 years
(side note: Xiaojun's Good Time video was great and I love seeing the WayV boys proving that they're all main vocal/rapper/dancer material but. why the girlfriend POV. why the hand-holding and hug and talking. my boy don't encourage the gf stans pls y'all are perfect the way you are)
Yes every member of wayv is the main everything. they do it all. Xiaojun was soooo good and he looked like a little angel. The whole thing was so cute. I kinda hate the girlfriend POV most likely cause I'm just too old to not just cringe at it. But like it was still cuuuuuuuute. I did lowkey gag at the hug but that's just me. I love that they do little things like this. It helps showcase their talents that we wouldn't normally notice during a comeback.
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HIIIIII BAE i’m here for a ship (marvel, dc, star wars!!<3)!!! so you know what i look like n all that sooo here’s the personality stuff!!
i’m pretty quiet so i like being around people who’re talkative. i like sweet domestic stuff, you know, like movie marathons and cooking dinner together, and alllll that sappy stuff. i’m ALL about those hugs n kisses n hand holding and the accompanying things. i’m a scorpio, infp, neutral good/true neutral, slytherin… i love art and fashion and plants and space and documentaries!! time is best spent when around people you love and making other people happy. activism is v important to me, and being gay & nb is a huge part of my life and personality!! i want to go into filmmaking, but people say i should be a politician or lawyer. i’m on math team, and in bioexplorations (science/nature) club, gsa, and i’m gonna be a part of fashion club!! 
as for what i like in a partner….. good at keeping up a conversation, affectionate, tall and a robot u kno?, loves cuddling, etc etc etc
love you!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh my favorite filthy Aida stan. *blows kiss*
Anyway on to dem shiiiips!
Marvel: BIO-FUCKING-QUAKE *grumbling in the background*
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DUde, these girls are a match made in heaven for you. Domestic fluff? Check. Activism? I mean what does Daisy do for a living? Activism. Check. Science shit??? I mean wouldn’t Jemma and you nerd out about everything????
Ugh it’ll be soooo cuuuuuuuute!!!
DC: Cisco Ramon or Felicity Smoak! *coming in to steal yo partner xD*
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Like above, you three would just geek the fuck out together! Felicity always has your back if you need some lady smooches, Cisco is there if you want some of the most cuddly of hugs!
Star Wars: Finnreeeeeeeeeeeey!!!
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Sure both have a bit of a touch aversion at first, as you get closer watch em be giving you hugs galore!!!
Finn (being pretty damn fucking smart) and you would probably be the more science-y of the two and Rey (being Rey) is probably a bit of a daredevil and is there to have fun. Since you love science and all, Rey will be just amazed at your knowledge! 
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legalmargamind · 7 years
Lmao I feel you anon. My exes would cackle if I ever said I was a top at any point in time. Even when you try to switch it up they're always like awwww soooo cuuuuuuuute and you're like 😒 really, can you at least pretend I'm not a lamb right now jeez 💝
😂😂😂😂Ohmahghad I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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umbrellaguns · 7 years
Awwww your Kagura is so cuuuuuuuute, omg, adorable!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words ^^!! I hope to draw even more okikagu in the future and see my art style grow with them. I love the yato family too, even if Kamui and Kagura are brats to each other, lol. I TRY TO CAPTURE KOUKAS BEAUTY BUT IT’S A CHALLENGE -- haha. Thank you for taking the time to write to me!
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i wish i had a phone that wasnt a piece of shit for the new animal crossing game Y^Y
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james-p-sullivan · 10 years
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they look like a little family omg
like rose is the single mom, garnet is the oldest, theres preteen pearl, and toddler amethyst
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You're already one of my favorite blogs bae
WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? You should have seen my face, I’ll try to find a reaction gif because that was just priceless I’m pretty sure of it!!!
(yes that’s it xD)
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