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vinomino · 3 months
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A Little Link
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Pairing: Sakura Haruka x F!Reader
Warnings: mdni 18+, oral(m!receiving), inexperienced!Sakura, experienced!Reader
WC: 872
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Sakura didn’t even know what to do. Tsugeura had sent a link in the group chat. A porn link. Sure Sakura had seen a few magazines of gravure idols that some of the boys in the neighborhood he grew up in left around, but he hadn’t had the faintest idea that you could watch videos of couples actually doing it on your cell phone.
He was about to go to sleep when he noticed the class group chat blowing up. People were commenting on a link Tsugeura had sent and in curiosity he decided to see what the fuss was about. Immediately prompted with an “Are you 18+?” sign, he clicked yes. Sakura threw his phone across the room when a video popped up and started playing.
What the hell? Is it that CGI something stuff people have been talking about lately? Sakura picked up his phone again, feeling like his head was about to explode from how hot it was getting. Tiny sounds were coming from his phone as he stared at his screen. The woman in the video takes the guy into her mouth and moves her head up and down— the sound of his front door suddenly opening caused him to throw his phone again.
You finished studying and brought some fruit cake to share with Sakura. Eagerly opening the door to his apartment to see your boyfriend, “Haruka! I got some cake, let’s share—“ You rounded the corner and saw Sakura’s phone laying on the ground at your feet. “Hm?” You picked it up, turned the screen and froze. After a few moments you look up at Sakura whose entire body is bright red. “W-W-WAIT!” He shouted and grabbed his phone back.
Sakura had his head in his hands, too embarrassed to look at you. Breaking the silence, “Haruka, do you want me to do this to you?” You tried not sounding too excited. You and Sakura have been dating for a few months, but you’ve only got as far as calling each other by your first names, let alone holding hands or kissing. Sure you were willing to wait for Sakura to get comfortable, but he was so good as turning you on by doing anything you felt like bashing your head against the wall sometimes. You started to wonder if Sakura even knew what sex was.
“W-wha—WHAT?! N-NO!” He flailed his arms around. “Oh, uh, I got some fruit cake for you…I’ll just leave it here…” You stood up and headed straight for the door, cursing yourself as to why you even suggested that. Sakura winced before shooting up and grabbing your wrist. “E—Er, don’t…be upset…you can if…you want to…” Sakura wanted to punch himself in the face, had he lost his mind?
“R-Really? Really?!” You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. You’ve been fantasizing about him every night for the past weeks. Having him in your mouth, his cock stretching you out, and pounding your pussy—
Now Sakura was sitting on his futon with you crouched down between his legs. He was biting his bottom lip that was also red, much like the rest of him. “Can I…?” You looped your fingers in the waistband of his boxers, the front had a little damp circle from his pre cum which had you drooling at the sight. Sakura nodded and lifted his hips for you to pull off his boxers. His erection smacked against his lower stomach when it sprung free, all angry and veiny. His pubes match his hair, black and white. He was a bit bigger and girthy than you’ve been imagining and you weren’t complaining.
He chokes out a whimper when you wrap your hand around his base, “If you want me to ever stop, just say so, I will.” You looked into his eyes as he slowly nodded. Stop? Sakura wouldn’t in a million years say stop when he has your pretty fingers wrapped around his cock.
You kissed along his inner thighs and made your way to his base and length before pressing a final kiss on the tip, smearing a bead of pre cum on your lips. Sakura gasps and muffles a moan as he clenches at the futon below. You give a little kitten lick as he jerks his hips. Giggling you spit on your hand and begin stroking him, taking the top of his cock into your mouth, running your tongue on the bottom side. Bobbing your head up and down and using your hand on what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—“ Sakura starts panting and squeezes his eyes shut, if this was a wet dream he never wanted to wake up. The wet, sloppy sounds of your mouth were sending him into overdrive. He moans when you take his entire length into your mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat and nuzzling your nose against his happy trail. He opens his eyes and immediately cums at the sight, shooting his load down your throat. Tears blurring his vision from how hard he came. You mewl and swallow it all, feeling him soften a bit before pulling him out of your mouth with a lewd pop.
You lick your lips, “Haru, do you know what sex is?” Poof, Sakura explodes.
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I feel like Tsugeura would be enough of a freak to send porn links lol…
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plscallmeeren · 5 months
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Hermione Jean Granger x Reader
Request: yes @JulzLovDraco4Eva
Summary: you've been friends with the trio since first year (You, being Draco's twin sister, sorted into Gryffindor...... ouch) and obvs ur parents don't approve. You've been hiding the fact that you've been dating Hermione for two years now. It's the day before battling Voldemort lol
Warnings: Swearing; allusions to sex; family disowns child
Word Count: 1.9K+
You stared at Draco, groaning when he wouldn't back down. "Oh, come on!"
"Father said I should keep an eye on you, so I will."
"Well, since you like taking his words literally so much - he said an eye. Not both, at all times, relentlessly and to the point of murder with motive."
"You're so dramatic," he scoffed, crossing his legs formerly on the bench opposite you. Beside him, Blaise snickered, nibbling absently on his jacket potato.
"Priss," you spat back. "Don't know why father thinks your 'keeping an eye on me' will do any good, anyway..."
"I don't know, to protect you?" he deadpanned, as if this were blatantly obvious.
"You're a pussy, Draco. And I'm three times as good as you at Charms and DADA."
"That, my dear friend, is definitely true," Blaise added helpfully, smiling at Draco as he glared.
"Okay, well, on that note, I'm off," you announced, standing up briskly.
"Well, I suppose that means I'm off, too," your twin replied, trying to stuff as many beans down his throat as possible before he had to go.
"Don't be stupid. You're not finished, and I need to go to the bathroom, anyway."
"Yeah, but-"
"What are you gonna do? Guard the door? Or are you going to join me? We can go to the haunted one, if you want. I know Myrtle loves you-"
"Fine! Okay! I'll meet you at the courtyard after, alright?" he retracted quickly, throwing up his hands.
You only grinned, taking even prouder strides when you heard him mutter 'I'm never finding her again, am I?' to Blaise.
Walking the corridors, you could feel your shoulders sagging, your fingers fidgeting with the fabric of your robe. It had been a long week. A long month. Maybe a long year. You felt like crashing into bed, Hermione in your arms, doing nothing for days and only really getting up to cook something for her.
You could picture it perfectly: A bed the size of a small room, the two of you surrounded by books that you'd read to each other as the record player lazily hums 'San Tropez' by Pink Floyd. A week spent fucking, eating home-cooked, Mediterranean food, reading, talking, fucking again.
But that was a dream for another life. Maybe there was still hope for it sometime else - a time far removed from war, from exams, from your goddamn father.
"Password?" the fat lady asked coldly.
"Flobberworm," you murmured, stepping through the round door immediately after she swung open.
"There you are!" Harry's voice surprised you inside. "We were wondering whether you had relocated to the dungeons for good now, given Malfoy's insistence on-"
"Oh, shut up," Ron interrupted, slapping his shoulder. "She's tryna get away from him, not meet his fan club."
"Right. Glad to have you back."
"I've missed you," Hermione said sweetly, throwing a leg over your own as soon as you sat down.
"Get a room," Ron complained, grimacing. He had dealt a deck of Exploding Snap and was looking very unhappy about his own cards.
"And here I was thinking you'd turned over a new leaf of empathy," you sighed, wrapping an arm around Hermione's shoulders.
"Yeah, right. Ever since Hermione called me a teaspoon, I thought I'd give up."
"Room for improvement is no reason to forgo emotion entirely. In fact, I'd argue the fact that it bothers you shows that you already have."
He scowled, making a ridiculously bad move to top things off. Harry grinned, giving you a thumbs up.
"Hey, you okay?" your girlfriend asked after a moment, in which your sprightly face must have slacked. "You look a bit... worse for wear."
"I'm fine. Just tired of my bodyguard, that's all. Pretty sure he has less muscle mass than me, though, so I should probably come up with a new title."
"'Tis true," she agreed. "But still... you wanna go for a walk? Just the two of us? We can steal Harry's cloak until we're out of your brother's way?"
"You can what?" Harry piped up, failing glaring at you because of how miserable he was making Ron.
"Well, can't we?" Hermione asked testily, looking unimpressed.
"Of course, I just wish you'd ask first."
"Well, here I am, asking."
"Yes, you're welcome to take the sole material inheritance I have received from my father, also my insurance for survival should one Dark Lord choose to search for me this fine afternoon-"
"In that case," Hermione smiled, "I'll be glad to take it off your hands." The two friends stared at each other momentarily before she took your hand, dragging you up to the boys' dormitories.
Twenty minutes later you were walking by the lake, feet dangerously close to the dark water.
"So, what is it?"
"What's what?"
"Whatever is ruining your mood."
"Oh, so you're saying I'm not delightful? Uncalled for, that is."
"Oh, come on, just tell me," she said impatiently, glaring at you.
You smiled, swinging your arms restlessly. "Well, as I said, I'm not too chuffed my brother is following me around everywhere, making me live in fear."
Hermione only stared at you, unimpressed, waiting.
"Yeah, I guess I just feel guilty still, in a weird way. Not that there's anything remotely wrong with dating you, it's just... it's our two-year anniversary and all I could think about while planning was how to celebrate incognito. It's kinda... tiring, I suppose." You looked back at her, chewing on your tongue. "Sorry, I'm rambling."
"No, I understand. And there's nothing to feel guilty about. If my family were so district, if they would disown me if I told them who I loved, I know I would... well, I don't know what I'd do, but I know it would be hard to handle." She smiled at you, the kind that made the skin around her eyes crinkle and her freckles catch a different ray of sunlight. "Let's just make today special."
"I wholeheartedly agree," you said firmly, placing a hand on her waist and stopping her. "Which is why I'd like to give you this."
You pulled out a small, indeterminate box with a ribbon around it. The size and shape didn't hint at what was within, so that you could watch as Hermione's brow furrowed, clever eyes searching for clues.
"Can I open it?" she asked timidly, quickly untying the ribbon when you nodded. Inside lay a multitude of things: A necklace with 'Hermione' spelt in Japanese characters (へみおね), a small line drawing you had created of the two of you, and a folded list of book recommendations, each addressed to a certain aspect of her. (For example, to her expression when she is in 'survival mode': The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. To her fast-paced wit and love of puzzles: The Collected Stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.)
"(Y/n), I-"
Before she could thank you, you slid off one of your rings from your index finger, one that you wore every day, placing it on her middle finger instead. She stared at it, as if it were a legendary artifact that might still surprise her.
Hermione looked around then, but there was no one. No one to stop her kissing you like her life depended on it.
"Hermione," you murmured, detaching herself from her mouth, ignoring the surprising turn, "you sure you wanna do this here..."
"Thank you," she whispered instead, slinging herself against you. "Thank you so, so, so much."
"I'm glad you like it, darling," you managed between kisses, lips colliding in waves. Your other hand leaped to her waist, holding her impossibly close to your body. Hers travelled the muscles of your back, reaching for the plane of your nape where her fingers surpassed your hairline.
"'Mione," you groaned, hardly gaining her attention.
"Dorm?" she managed.
"Yeah," you panted, reluctantly breaking away.
The way up to and through the castle under the cloak was hard, even while walking past your brother. Hermione kept whispering 'thank you's and 'you're perfect's and kissing you, anywhere, everywhere, and it took a ridiculous amount of willpower not to rail her next to the Hogswatch team.
Your shared dorm was mercifully empty, and the cloak was quickly discarded. You pulled her down onto the bed by her hips, groaning as she grinded against your lap, face connected to yours.
She slipped off her jacket with the box inside the front pocket, followed by her jumper, the heat within you now deafening.
"Are you sure?" she asked, pained to have jeopardized the mood. "I know we haven't done anything since your brother's been following you around and I understand if you're worried he'll find out somehow-"
"I'm sure. I have you, don't I?"
Hermione's lips were on yours again, hungry, insatiable, moaning your name-
A sharp cry emanated from the door, some sort of terrified surprise.
You jumped up, one hand still on your girlfriend's thigh, but Draco was already leaving, running away - his job was done, and it had not been to protect. You loved your brother, but you knew just as well that he would do anything to feel more secure in his own home.
You knew that that home would no longer be yours.
"I can see him in the Owlery right now, trying to understand how this could've happened under his watch," You laughed dryly, staring at the open door. Hermione stepped before you, closing it.
"I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for."
And yet, mere hours later your father's owl arrived - a grey one, shivers of green down the spines of his feathers. The letter was easy to remove from his leg and you knew before opening it that it would be loud. Hermione cast a silencing charm on the room wordlessly, because even she knew.
And the letter lived up to its namesake, a howling cacophony of your father's disappointment. It tore itself apart with the knowledge that it had forbidden you from returning to your childhood home. You did not move to clean the remnants away. You didn't dare look at Hermione, who you could picture with a hand over her mouth and a look of pity in her eyes that made you want to disappear completely.
"You have me," Hermione said eventually, meekly, as if she wasn't sure how much that was worth. "You can stay with me and my family. You know you'll never be alone. I mean, if you want to. I know so far I've already been cause for a howler."
"Yeah," you whispered. You didn't know whether you could manage more in that moment.
"Yes?" she asked, seeking confirmation, but you didn't miss the hint of betrayal in her voice.
"Yeah, that would be great," you stuttered, trying to sound sure of yourself. "Merlyn knows I'll need a new bodyguard with less muscle than me."
She smiled, even though it was watery, and gently leaned in for another kiss.
You knew you had chosen right. You knew this might someday lead to heaven on earth. You knew Hermione was forever for you.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"Night Mama" ~ E. Prentiss
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Summary: Just a cute lil blurb about Emily and her partner as new parents 🫶🏻
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x GN!Reader
Word Count: 623
Content Warning: very mild swearing, mentions of breastfeeding but nothing in detail, mentions of pregnancy, lmk if I missed anything!!
Genre: domestic fluff, what else would you expect from me
Extra Notes: this is one of the cutest things i've ever written and you can fight me if you say otherwise 😤 /j
Based On the Request: "How long has it been since you slept?" (requested by @lcvingprentjss)
Originally Written: 01/29/2023
Beta Read By: @lukeclvez
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
ofwilliamandwalter's 1K cocktail party
🍸 Spencer's Sauvignon Blanc - send me a character + prompt and i'll write you a small blurb!
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It wasn't until I rolled over and felt that the other side of the bed was empty that I realized Emily wasn't there.
My heart raced with panic. What if one of the killers she's arrested has come back for revenge? I thought. Quickly, I decided I couldn't take any chances and reached over on the nightstand for my phone.
It wasn't until I had dialed up 9-1-1 that I heard soft coos coming from the baby monitor. Thank goodness I didn't press the call button. I let out a deep sigh of relief before forcing myself up from the bed and trodding off to the nursery.
A tired Emily blinked at me, her voice coated with a sleep-deprived drawl as she asked, "What are you doing awake?"
"I rolled over and you weren't there," I answered, reaching up to wipe the sleep from my eyes. "How long has it been since you slept?" I asked, noticing the purple underneath her eyes and her near inability to keep them open.
"Nearly five hours since I got a nap in but since I got a full night's sleep? Um, about three weeks. The last couple weeks of my pregnancy kicked my ass."
"Babe, three weeks?" I questioned before walking over to her, holding my arms out for the baby.
"No, it's fine, really. I have to get up and nurse her every two hours like clockwork, just like Dr. Beckett, and Dr. Reid, said. Besides, she just finished eating. All that's left is burping her."
"Then you give Lilly to me and get yourself to bed."
"No buts, Emily. You are working so hard. I am so proud of you. I mean, your body just carried and made an entire human for ten months, you're healing from all the postpartum stuff, you've been trying to get back to work already. Thank God that JJ put an end to that idea."
I took a deep breath, sitting down on the ottoman across from her. "All those things are amazing, Em. But it doesn't make you any less of a mom if you ask for help sometimes. So please, let me take Lilly and you get to bed."
She let out a soft groan, but stood before placing Lillian in my arms and shuffling toward the door. "Please come get me if anything goes wrong."
I looked up at her with a raised brow. "Em, I love you, otherwise I wouldn't have married you, but respectfully, I will not be doing that."
She let out a soft huff but turned and headed down the hallway. I could've sworn I heard her snoring before she ever even passed the doorway.
"Come on, Miss Lillian. You think you can give me a big ol' burp, sweet girl?" I cooed, patting the baby on the back.
She was nearly a replica of Emily. She had her brown eyes, the same jet black hair Emily had before she stopped dyeing it, that same freckle on her shoulder that Emily never knew about until I told her. Lillian was just like her mother, beautiful and perfect in every way.
After about five minutes, Lillian finally burped, and just like her mother, she nearly fell asleep as soon as she was finished.
Upon reaching our bedroom, I spotted Emily, who had successfully made it back to bed, quiet puffs escaping her parted lips. I giggled at the sight before placing Lilly back into her bassinet on Emily's side of the bed, leaning down to give her a kiss on her nearly bald head.
I crawled into bed beside the sleeping lump of Emily, leaving a kiss on the exposed freckle of her shoulder. "G'night, Mama," I barely got out. "Sweet dreams."
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I hope I wrote this as gender neutrally as possible. I actually imagined Emily having a sp*rm donor while writing this for some reason because I just love the idea of Emily going through lists upon lists and hating every sp*rm donor because she thinks they're all ugly (because she's a lesbian and hates men) so maybe I'll make a second part about that because I just absolutely love the idea of lesbian!Emily still wanting to be a mom and still wanting to do all the work 🥹
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littlepadika · 3 years
Calling Home (1) | Frankie Morales x Reader
Summary: You are a receptionist at the VA. Frankie Morales keeps calling. Yearning ensues...
Rating: M -> E in later chapters
Warnings: fem!reader, age gap (legal), praise kink, voice kink, discussion of addiction/PTSD/trauma, no use of y/n, no beta reader, reader is bad at Spanish, Frankie has a sexy voice 😩
Masterlist here
AN: My first fic. Pedro writers have inspired me to finally start writing again 🥺. Concept inspired by the movie RED. I hope you like it ❤️Set after triple frontier.
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Chapter One
The first time he called was an ordinary Thursday.
“Veterans Affairs, how can I help you?”
You had been working at the VA office for about two weeks. Fresh out of college you felt lucky to have a job in the first place. You went to school to be a writer but your big idea for 'The Next Great American Novel' had yet to present itself. At least here you had access to the most inspiring stories and interesting people. Men and women who had seen more and done more than you probably would in your entire life. You loved talking to clients on the phone. It was weird but something about only being able to hear people’s voices excited you. You would sometimes write little stories in your head about the people you'd talk to, filling in the details that were unknown.
Your desk accessories reflected your love of books and writing. You had your growing collection of books sitting on your desk sandwiched between baby pink bookends. Next to them was a matching desk organizer filled with your favorite sparkly pens and sticky notes. You had decorated the plain cubicle walls with posters of quotes from your favorite books. You also brought your favorite candle from home. Even though you couldn’t light it you still liked to lift it to your nose once and a while and smell it between chapters. When you weren’t on the phone or scanning documents you would read. You finished To Kill A Mockingbird in your first week on the job and were now halfway through Murder on the Orient Express.
You were starting a new chapter when Frankie Morales called the first time.
You picked up the phone on the second ring already mustering your chipper 'customer service' voice. “Veterans affairs.” You stated your name. “How may I help you?”
“H-Hi. My name is Frankie- uh-Francisco Morales." A deep voice answered you. "I’m calling because I have gotten my benefits check yet. It’s been a month. I was hoping you could tell me if it got sent?”
“Okay Mr. Morales." You flipped on the computer. "Let me check. Can you spell your last name for me?”
“Okay... let's see.” You clicked on his account. You were momentarily distracted by his picture likely taken when he graduated basic if you had to guess based off the uniform. He looked sweet. Sharp nose and strong jaw balanced by kind eyes and a shy smile. You could imagine how age would continue to soften his expression making him even more handsome. The image was a strange juxtaposition to the voice you were hearing on the phone which was much deeper and rougher. His profile said he was special forces. A pilot. The rest of the information was blacked out. Something you were used to seeing on many people's accounts but even his years of service were redacted. He must have been involved in some dangerous stuff, you thought to yourself. The dates that were not redacted were mostly in Latin America. You clicked over to processing requests. “Looks like the check got sent one week ago.” You informed him.
"I'll look again but I haven't seen anything-" It sounded like he was apologizing when clearly it was not his fault.
"No no. It's probably a mistake on our end." You interrupted. With how shitty and outdated the payroll interface was you wouldn't be surprised if there was a mix up. "I’ll go ahead and let payroll know to send another."
"Great. Thanks." He replied sounding relieved. The roughness in his voice gave way to a smooth baritone.
“No problem. I'm sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused. We'll get it sent right away." You hoped he was not relying on this benefit check for anything important. While you could promise you'd fix the problem, the administration was notoriously slow. When he didn't respond you asked, "Is there anything else I can help you with today, Mr. Morales?”
“Uh-no" The roughness back in place. "Thank you." He paused before adding your name onto his thank you which made you smile. People usually never remembered your name.
“Alright. Have a nice day and thank you for your service.” You chirped before hanging up. The smile he put on your face lingered for a few minutes as you returned to your book.
The next time he called was exactly twelve days later.
“Veterans affairs” you answered, your routine greeting cut short as your eyes were still on your book.
“Hi- I’m calling because uh I still haven’t gotten my benefits check. This is Frankie Morales.”
“Oh Mr. Morales.” You recognized his voice even before he even said his name. You quickly shut your book, pushing your hair out of your face. Had you been thinking about him? No! Okay maybe you stared at his picture for a few minutes longer after he hung up. Yes, it was probably very unprofessional but you couldn't fight the curiosity. You were trying to rationalize the contrasting sharpness and softness of his features with his voice. How it all worked together. How one person's voice could change textures and colors so easily. You wondered what kind of things this man might have seen on the job. Most of the veterans you would help day to day did not have so many redacted missions and deployments. You were in the middle of Narcos season one so you immediately thought of drugs or something equally dangerous. After much pondering, you had come to the conclusion that Frankie Morales was both insanely attractive and insanely courageous. “Still no check, huh?”
“Nope.” He sighed the sound making the phone's shitty speaker crackle as you held it to your ear.
“Let me just check that it was approved...“ you found his profile again and scrolled to the status page. “Hmm... it says it was sent out last Friday after we spoke. That’s so weird...”
“Yeah. Really weird.” He echoed your frustration on the other end.
Typical payroll, you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes. “I'll get another one sent to you right away. I'll see to it myself.” You tucked the phone under your chin and typed out a short email to Mary in payroll letting her know you'd be stopping by her office to explain the situation. You realized he hadn't hung up yet.
“Sorry for the back and forth.” You said, trying to fill the silence.
“It’s not your fault." The earlier irritation gone. "You’ve been really helpful.” His voice sounded warm and reassuring. Less gruff than it was last you spoke. Instead it was that rich baritone that you caught of glimpse of last time.
You feel your face warm at his compliment. It was this annoying reflex you had. Praise always made you blush no matter what context but it was worse when it came from a (you assume) gorgeous stranger.
“And just to verify that your address is correct- you’re on Maple Lane in Miami, Florida?”
“That’s right.” He confirmed.
“Okay. Sent!” You clicked send on the email, which caused the window to close and reveal Frankie’s profile page again. “I was curious-" You spoke before you really made the decision to speak. You didn’t want to overstep but once again your curiosity got the better of you. Honestly, you were just searching for a way to keep him on the phone. The day had been so boring.
“Your profile says you were stationed in Costa Rica.”
“For a bit.” He replied after a moment. He didn’t sound too defensive but there was definitely some tightness in his answer that made you feel bad for asking. Like you were scratching a wound.
“Did you like it? The country I mean.”
“Are you planning a trip?” He sounds a little amused.
“Yeah- well- kind of. It's more a trip in my head right now. I’d like to go there one day. It looks so beautiful.” You sighed closing your eyes trying to imagine the heat on your skin.
“It is." He agrees. "Really humid though.”
“Mm that sounds nice.” You would kill for some warm weather after such a long winter in DC.
“It was too muggy for me at times." He grumbled. "If you do go, stick to the costal areas where it’s more breezy or else you’ll just be sweating the whole time.”
“I don’t mind a little sweat” you shrugged, still thinking of the awful east coast winter you were currently suffering through. The sexual connotation of what you said hit you hard as soon as you heard the statement in its entirety. You felt your face flush again, though the man on the other end would never know.
“I’m learning Spanish!" You announced loudly trying to move the conversation past your awkwardness.
“Wow. Muy impressivo.”
“Si” you replied but after a moment you admit “I don’t really know what you said.”
Frankie laughed loudly on the other end and you couldn’t help but join in, drawing dirty looks from the elderly lady, Donna, working in the cubicle across from you. You ducked your head behind a stack of papers to avoid her glare.
“Fake it till you make it.” He chuckled.
“Maybe you should help me out.” You took on an indigent but still playful tone. “You sound better than duolingo” Your smile widened when he laughed again. His laugh was what you hoped it would be, by all your assumptions from his picture. It was an unencumbered, unburdened, rich sound with only a hit of roughness from the air behind it.
“Tell me you’re not using that dumb app to learn.” he scoffed, saying your name in an almost scolding tone.
“I’m got my thirty day streak today.” You boasted.
“You’ll be a total tourist if you go by duolingo.”
“But the owl is so cute every time I get something right!” You argued your voice taking on a more childish cadence.
“That’s how they trap you, silly girl.” He teased right back. Usually such a condescending nickname would piss you off but something about the affection behind him using it made you feel very differently. You felt warm like you were proud to be silly as long as it made him laugh.
“Then you saved me just in time, Mr. Morales.” You bit your lip. His scoffing and laughter died down on the other end.
“Frankie” He corrects you.
“Frankie…” You repeated it, smiling at how well the nick name suited the voice over the phone. Honest, sincere, and not pretentious at all. Way better than the pompous guys you know with equally stuffy names like “Edward” and “Christopher.”
“So what do you want to know?” Frankie interrupted your thoughts. “Dime”
You started asking him questions in Spanish to the best of your ability. Granted they weren't particularly probing questions. What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite animal? What's your favorite book? I am reading Gone Girl. He answered them all with patience and amusement, occasionally interrupting you to correct your pronunciation or explain what a word meant. Every time you’d repeat the word back correctly he would say something like “good” or “there you go” or “you got it”. You hated to admit that his kind words and his praise was doing something to you. You didn't even realize you were clenching your legs together unconsciously, almost in anticipation of his next correction or next answer. His low voice so sweet and encouraging against your ear, more tangible when he was speaking Spanish. You just wanted to hear more of it. Would it be this sweet in other situations? Would it get huskier or rougher? If you closed your eyes it was like he was sitting right next to you. It would be all too easy to slip into that daydream and escape the dull office.
Suddenly out of the corner of your drooping eyes you saw a flashing red light on the phone console meaning another caller was waiting.
“Shoot- i’m sorry, Frankie- I have to take this call.” You shot forward in your chair, legs uncrossing.
“Of-Of course. I should let you get back to work.” He sounded a little sad or so you hoped. You felt bad for interrupting him after you both were having so much fun. You wanted to say he could wait on hold but he killed that idea when he said, "I have work too. Technically I'm five minutes past my lunch break."
Your pout turned to a smile. He was spending his precious lunch break with you? Get a grip! you snapped at yourself.
“You’re welcome to call again if you want.” You threw out the offer in a small voice, scared you would be rejected. You peered over the cubicle wall to see if you were still being glared at. Thankfully Donna was away from her desk. Probably out for a smoke. “It’s really boring here and usually no one calls.”
“Maybe I will.” He replied and you could hear the smile behind those words. You felt your heart clench weirdly in your chest like it didn't know how to process the sudden spike in emotions.
“Bye, Frankie.” You beamed.
This time the smile on your face lasted for hours. Frankie’s laugh echoed around in your head, taunting you, sending your mind to the gutter. His voice went from grit to molasses on a dime. You wanted to be the one to bring out those sounds. You wanted to hear his voice bend and stretch and strain as you fucked him. What the hell is wrong with me? you screamed internally. You had never been so depraved and with a stranger no less! You clearly needed to get laid fast because this much yearning would not end well.
Frankie got the second VA check a few days later and this time he didn’t even feel bad about ripping it in half. He was already reaching for the phone to call you.
Tags: Message to be added 💕 no minors please!
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naoyas90dayfiance · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet | Naoya Zen'in
Naoya Zen'in x GN!Reader
NSFW Alphabet for Naoya under the cut.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After Naoya finishes having sex with his spouse he's going to lie next to them. There won’t be much of a cuddling session or a romantic pillow talk; but, he's going to stay next to you until you feel better to get up and clean yourself up.
The aftercare is more about that he's going to want to stay around you after you're both clean and doing you’re doing the duties around the house. He's going to ask you to stay around him during the day. He wouldn't be able to let go of your presence because he doesn’t want to lose the connection he created with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is everything about himself, he can't decide.
His favorite part about you is your eyes. For him, the eyes tell how others are emotionally, and to see you looking at him with a loving gaze makes his heart melt inside.
This also means he expects a lot of eye contact when having sex with you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is salty and kind of bittersweet, it's because of his diet.
He will marry you again if you put his cum on your chest when he comes in it. Play with his cum and he'll get an adrenaline rush and will feel extreme love for you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Naoya watches porn and hentai. He watches some videos out of curiosity or because they turn him on.
His favorite category on porn sites is related to house duties, by the way. Naoya can't see his spouse sweeping without getting turned on.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Naoya has had a few partners in the past. They were people he found attractive and that they were all over him because of his rank and family. But those encounters didn't mean much to him.
Naoya during sex with his spouse he likes to think that he knows what he's doing, but he doesn't. However, he's going to pretend as he does. Please, tell him what you like. He's a fast learner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary and mating position.
He really likes to look at your face when having sex.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's not serious or goofy.
He teases you a lot in the bedroom. He says things that are related to how the naughty side of you is something others don't see at first glance. He will also say dirty remarks about how you're enjoying his cock so much.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I believe he trims it. He doesn't like the appearance of a big bush. Also, he thinks that trimming it makes his cock look bigger too. His hair is green.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
When Naoya is having sex with you in the bedroom, things can get intimate very fast. During those moments he’ll say that he loves you.
Sex for him is a way to connect with his partner.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Naoya jerks off at least three to four times a week. But he doesn't like to do it; he prefers having sex with his partner or having his partner giving him a handjob.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Naoya's kinks are degradation, breeding, dom/sub dynamics, size kink. He loves absolutely anything involving power play.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom.
However, when Naoya has gotten his ego hurt he doesn't take clever decisions and can take you in public places or where other people can easily run into you two.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Naoya gets turned on by submissiveness, dominance, lingering, teasing, banter, bickering, and anything. It's very easy to get him going once he has chosen you as his partner. He's always ready to go.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Honestly, this dude is freaky. He'll try a lot of stuff.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Naoya prefers receiving head than giving it.
He's the one giving it to you when it's your birthday or it's a special holiday. And honestly, he's very good at licking you and getting messy. Had you seen him using his tongue? He knows how to use it to pleasure you. So, it does feel like a present.
If you get pregnant, he will 100% give you head. If you can't, then he will give you head when you had done something for the clan.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Naoya's pace is rough, he usually gets too excited when having sex so there's going to be A LOT of skin slapping.
He gets a sensual and slow pace when he's feeling down or he's appreciating all that you do for him. It's a very romantic moment when he thrusts to see your reactions and kiss you deeply.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Naoya likes quickies. They usually happen when he sees you cooking or doing house duties. They're very fast, needy, and desperate. There's not much kissing but a lot of fucking. They happen at least five times a month.
However, he still prefers proper sex as he can drag it out for longer and do more things that he wants to try with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Naoya is not the one proposing the risky stuff. If you want them, you have to ask him.
It takes a lot to get him to agree on certain things, but he'll give them one go because why not, knowledge is power amirite.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Naoya has a lot of stamina. Had you seen the training of the jujutsu sorcerers?
He can go as much as you want, baby. The first round always takes him not much to finish, but the other ones get progressively longer. It's a fun night, for sure.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Naoya doesn't like toys, but he has a rope or a pair of handcuffs around. Whatever you do with it, it's up to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Naoya likes to tease a lot.
He sneaks up behind you to get you turned on, and then he'll leave and pretend nothing happened. And he'll do that again and again until it's finally time to go to your chamber, where he can have his fun with you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Naoya isn't loud. He tries to keep himself very quiet but sometimes a few grunts and low moans escape his lips when something feels very good.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Naoya enjoys it when you do cosplay during your dirty time together. I insist he's an anime fan and I will push that agenda all day.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Naoya has a good 7-inch dick on his pants with a pretty mushroom head. He's uncut.
When he's aroused you can see his veins popping out on the skin, some of them look purple and green. If you uncover his head when working on his dick, you're going to find a gorgeous pink flushed mushroom head. He drips a lot of pre-cum from his slit.
His underside vein pops a lot too. And his hard cock slaps directly to his abdomen. His cock curves upward a little bit too, and it's perfect for that friction.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high, someone please have sex with Naoya. He needs it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Naoya after sex at night falls asleep very fast. He won't mind if you cuddle him when he's snoozing though.
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
Immediate Burnout Tips
We are reaching midterm season and while it'd be amazing to just "take some time off to rest", sometimes we're not in a position to do that so here's what's worked for me so far to pilot the mental plane to safety while it's crashing and burning:
1. Don't Think About It
The second you think about the stuff you have to do your brain gets the opportunity to go "but like. i don't wanna". If it's not an immediate concern do your best to think about literally anything else.
2. Just Start It
This is a popular one but even if it's just (in the context of school) opening the document and putting your name on it and getting a singular line under each heading, it'll be easier to either keep going, or start next time if that drains you (which it did for me at one point). The only thing you have to concern yourself with is starting, not finishing.
One line per day is better than planning to write it all in one day and hating yourself for not having enough gas in the tank to do it.
3. Break Things Down
This seems like such an obvious one, but overachiever pride didn't let me even acknowledge this until way later. Do you have a test in two weeks? Instead of reviewing all of your notes every single day, review like. one section per day. Paper due in a month? Write three sentences per day. Start with the easiest section. To all my overachievers, there is no award for always doing things the hard way.
4. Structure Yourself
In uni especially, there's very little structure, and I find that taking my to-do list apart and cherry-picking just a few of them gives me clear instructions on what to expect.
5. Punch Overachiever's Pride Right In The Face
Idk if it's like this for other people, but one thing that always plagued me was the thought that I "should be better than this". I wasn't. And I didn't lose any Smart Points for that. The only badge I got from that mentality was a red ribbon that says "congratulations, you are resentful, anxious, and depressed, and you smiled through it so no one knew anything was wrong"
6. There's Nothing Wrong With Starting On The Easy Stuff
There's nothing wrong with starting on the easy stuff. There's nothing wrong with starting on the easy stuff. T H E R E ' S N O T H I N G W R O N G W I T H S T A R T I N G O N T H E E A S Y S T U F F.
7. A glass of water, try a hobby that doesn't use a screen, get a singular fruit into your system, and/or do aNYTHING physical that gets your heart rate up by one bpm.
(big thanks to @nomeimporta32 for getting me through my own bouts of burnout)
8. Take Meaningful Breaks
Leave the room, change positions, something to tell your brain that you're shifting gears and not to think about schoolwork. Just switching tabs on your computer and not moving only makes your breaks feel like they're part of the to-do list.
9. Give Yourself A Stopping Point
Even people working a full-time job leave at some point. Studentship is a full-time job. "I am going to do x-thing-that-makes-me-happy for one hour before going to bed and no one is going to stop me".
10. Be Patient.
Your emotions aren't logical, but they hold power over what you can do. Feeling burned out doesn't make you any less hardworking.
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charlie-rulerofhell · 3 years
For they know exactly what they do
Today there was a pretty long article published in the German newspaper FAZ, written by Julia Schaaf. Since there were quite a few interesting topics raised in it and Måneskin talked about some new aspects (or in more detail), I translated the whole thing (it might also have helped me to procrastinate).
Full interview in English under the cut.
For they know exactly what they do
June 22, 2021
Four young rock musicians from Rome are today's hottest band. Måneskin are enchanting Europe. Why? We met them for an interview.
Every romance needs its founding myth, an anecdote from the beginning, something you can tell later in more difficult times for self-assurance.
In the case of the band Måneskin, who first had Italy and now half of Europe wrapped around their fingers, and who are now trying to conquer the rest of the world with their rock music, there is the story of the shoe box. Rome, around five years ago: Four teenagers who are meeting every day after school in their rehearsal room to make music together, and sometimes they play their songs on the Via del Corso in the city centre in front of a changing audience. One day they want to record their own stuff. They find a studio that they can actually afford and as they go there they bring a shoe box, with the name of the band written on it, 'moonshine' in Danish, the bassist's mother is Danish. In the box: around seven kilogram of coins. The things you get from playing music on the streets. Everyone searching through Instagram for photos from that time can find four hippies with children's faces, three boys in batik, the girl is wearing a straw hat.
As they have to pay [for the recording], frontman Damiano David, 22, says that there was this guy, Angelo, and his bandmate Victoria De Angelis, 21, is interrupting: “No, Andrea, not Angelo”, and all of them have to laugh because a rigid studio manager with the Italian name 'angel' would be even funnier for a founding myth. David continues his story: “The guy was completely dumbfounded. 'We can't do that.' We went: 'Sure we can, that's worth the same even if it's just 20 cent coins, it's still 300 euros.” Thomas Raggi, 20, the guitarist of the band, is gasping for air as he laughs, while drummer Ethan Torchio, 20, is smiling dreamily. David finishes: “And then we snuck off before he was able to count it.” [the German text says 'verdrücken' here which is just a colloquial way of saying 'we left', but it entails some sort of a dramatic exit, so yeah, let your thoughts get creative how they left exactly :D].
Four young musicians on the verge of global fame are sitting on a white interview sofa in Berlin, completely styled, babbling across each other like overeager teenagers.
Ever since the Roman band first won the music festival Sanremo and then also the Eurovision Song Contest, carried by the enthusiasm of European viewers, you could say Måneskin has become a phenomenon. “Rock 'n' Roll never dies!”, Damiano David yelled fueled by the adrenaline of winning, and the insinuation that circulated on social media of the singer snorting during the counting of votes in front of a live camera – including their strict denial followed by a negative drug test result – might have given an additional boost to their public interest, their exploding album, ticket and merch sales, and their outstanding success on Spotify.
“We think it's a shit prejudice against rock music that there always have to be drugs involved. We fully threw ourselves into our participation with the utmost professionalism. We give everything for the music. So of course we don't want people to think that we can only do that because we take drugs.” – Victoria De Angelis
Prior to Eurovision, Måneskin was more of an insider's tip outside of Italy. Handmade rock music, not creating something entirely new but paying homage to the good old times with classic guitar riffs and cracking drum beats, being a lot of fun but also quite fragile and vulnerable at times and, first and foremost, conveying a captivating energy. Finally, on the stage of Rotterdam, live after so many months of isolation and renunciation, this wave of energy spilled straight over into European living rooms. It seemed easy to (mistakenly) interpret the winning song “Zitti e buoni” (Shut up and behave) as a declaration of frustration of our youth in times of a pandemic. In fact, singer Damiano David is singing about the favourite topic of the band: the unrelenting need to, against all odds, be yourself, despite or perhaps because you are different. The message fits their provocative sex appeal, which the band uses to demonstrate their independence of gender norms at any given time. But the core essence of rock music has always been the promise of unlimited freedom.
Thus at the first moment, the meeting with Måneskin is kind of startling. It's Wednesday, we are in the top floor of the new Sony head quarters in Berlin. The four Italians have just started their two-week long promotion tour through Europe. In the afternoon there will be a live concert in a queer club [the SchwuZ, but that's not mentioned here] in Neukölln, which will be streamed via TikTok. Around one million viewers will watch the show, some of them even from Brazil, so people at Sony are pretty excited [for Måneskin to come here]. But at first, these stunningly gorgeous creatures [yes, that's the exact wording :D] are standing surrounded by an entourage of people – their management, PR team, a stylist, a photographer, people who can hold a smartphone or a cigarette if needed [this paragraph is worded a little weirdly, especially taking into account that basically their whole team / 'entourage' is just friends of them, but it seems like the journalist didn't know that or maybe they just wanted to describe their first impression]. They seem like fictional / artificial characters out of a Hollywood movie. Transparent frill blouses with blazers and flared leather trousers, even the platform boots, everything brand-new, the makeup makes their faces look like a glossy magazine cover even in person. The smokey eyes of De Angelis and Raggi make them look smug and bored. Later, on the pictures it will probably look cool.
So of course your first impression might be: This band is under contract to industry giant Sony ever since their success on an Italian casting show [X Factor] in Winter 2017. The music industry must have its hand in the game when a band is photographed half-naked by Oliviero Toscani and styled by Etro. Also, one does not simply rent a villa with a pool in Rome to produce new music there, isolated from the rest of the world. And who else went to London for two whole months, shortly before the winter lockdown, just for inspiration? After the TikTok concert in Berlin – De Angelis and David are now wearing fishnet shirts that sparkle with every move, their bare nipples covered with an X of black tape – the band is posing with a few influencers. In the world of social media you would call that 'producing content'. But what does that mean for a band who are preaching their hosanna of authenticity? How authentic is Måneskin? And is their pointedly casual approach to sexuality and gender cliches in today's pop-cultural spirit more than a marketing strategy?
We're in the interview, the recording device is running for not even five minutes, when Victoria De Angelis says: “Actually, we just try to be ourselves and do what we really want to do.” And really: The more you listen to those four how they speak about the early days of the band in their slurred Roman dialect, about the shoe box and their own experiences with being different, but most importantly about their shared obsession [with music], the more you realise that [De Angelis] is  very serious. Ethan Torchio, who got his first drum kit at the age of six or seven from his father because he was beating everything he could reach, says: “For me, music is like food. I cannot live without it.” The bassist next to him laughs at his pathos. Singer Damiano David applauds the otherwise more reserved friend for his truthfulness [it says 'klarer Punkt', meaning 'for the point he makes', but it makes it seem like Damiano is agreeing with Ethan here, although it doesn't indicate whether he agrees that yes, music is everything for Ethan or that he understands and feels the same].
De Angelis and guitarist Raggi already knew each other from middle school and they were the ones who tried to form a band at the age of only 13, a band that actually took music seriously.
De Angelis: “It's just difficult at that age to find other people who really put everything into music and who truly commit themselves and are willing to invest a lot of their time.”
Raggi: “We set strict rules and scheduled fixed times for the rehearsals, for every day.”
David: “Fever, stomach ache, there was no excuse. Even if you were feeling sick in the rehearsal room. At least you were in the rehearsal room.”
The way the four of them talk across each other, completing each other's sentences, taking turns in talking and sometimes joking about each other, seems intimate and playful. Singer David remembers how at first bassist [De Angelis] was merciless towards him when it came to her first metal band project, as she told him that he wasn't committed enough [to the music]: “Back then I was still playing Basketball. I was one of the people that Vic absolutely didn't want [in her band].” Drummer Torchio was later discovered through Facebook, even though there had already been a drummer, a close friend, but he was not good enough. It seems as if even back then music was everything for them. Even if it meant that only Raggi managed to graduate.
And why rock, why rock music of all things? Because it's great, the four of them say in unison. David adds: “Actually, it's a genre that allows you to do everything you want to do.”
When they played on the street, they were laughed at by their classmates. But not only there. De Angelis explains that she never wanted to be a typical girl: “I was always deterred by those stupid boxes that people put you in, and that are just restricting and constraining you, because something is only regarded as male or female. I always rejected that. Instead, I just wanted to do the things I enjoyed doing, I went skating and played football.” Torchio says: “Friends who are not friends anymore were already telling me at the age of ten that those“ – he grabs his long, silky black hair – “were wrong. Because I'm a boy and boys are meant to have short hair, long hair is only for girls. I was bullied a lot for that.”
“Compared to the past, people in our age became much more open-minded. It gets better.” – Thomas Raggi
Frontman David on the other hand, for whom eye shadow, jingling earrings and nail polish as well as his bare torso with the tattoos have become trademarks by now, says: “I was actually more of the average boy.” De Angelis convinced him to try out some eyeliner, which he describes as a spiritual awakening: “I liked myself much more [with makeup]. I saw myself more as myself. As if it had been a suppressed desire of mine.” On a trip to Copenhagen with the others, when he realised that it really didn't matter what people were thinking about him, he got his first fake fur [coat? the article doesn't specify that] in a second-hand shop and let his clothing style be guided by his own love to experiment: “I realised that my whole life I was just going at half speed.” When it comes to diversity all four of them are becoming almost missionary.
At the same time, their success is not only opening doors for them. Back home in Rome they are barely able to go out on the street due to all the paparazzi. “[You need a] hoodie and huge sunglasses”, David says, “the mask is quite helpful, too.” And still, none of them is complaining, and Torchio explains why: “Even if those experiences right now may have sides that are not so pleasant, we still know that for us a dream is coming true. We experience something that we always had in our minds, so we are willing to face every consequence that this entails.”
So is the band facing difficult times, is Måneskin going to change with all the success? Again, all of them answer at the same time.
David: “I'm not worried about that.”
Raggi: “No way!”
De Angelis: “On the contrary. Everything that happened to us happened because we are who we are, so we want to continue the exact same way and stay ourselves.”
Just a few hours later, they are at the stage in Neukölln, bouncing around like pinballs, hammering at their instruments, flirting with each other. “We are out of our minds, but different from the others”, David sings their winning hymn against conformism, and: “The people talk, unfortunately they talk.” Here on stage, the four paradise birds [a German word describing someone with a flamboyant personality] with their half-nude-glittering outfits are radiating an incredible energy with the utmost sincerity, and you begin to wish there was a live audience instead of the TikTok cameras, absorbing and spreading this energy. Måneskin. A cry for a life after the pandemic, a cry for freedom and a better world.
“We do what we wished for all our lives.” – Ethan Torchio
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hermette-historian · 3 years
A Comedy of Errors: The B-Team vs. TEA
You know it's funny, sometimes, how history repeats itself. How many of you knew there was in fact a full on Hermitcraft war all the way back in Season 1? Oh, there was chaos before Grian alright. Have an "abbreviated" summary of events, and see for yourselves just how little our favorite characters have changed.
Part I: The Setup
Biffa2001 is a chaos gremlin. He's has already shown earlier in the season just how bold he can be with threats (however empty) and interfering with other people's stuff. Biffa decides that holding everyone's bases hostage for diamond blocks isn't chaotic enough for him, so he goes in and closes down every shop in the bazaar under threat of foreclosure.
Biffa also has a best friend, our beloved Xisuma. X finds out that his shop has been closed and instead of confronting Biffa goes after DMAC, whom he discovered has not only "illegally" reopened his own shop but has been buying up and undercutting Xisuma's own prices on enchanted iron tools for weeks. (In the meantime, DMAC covered Biffa's entire base in iron golems in retribution for closing the emporium).
Biffa and Xisuma decide that too much shady shit has been going down on this server lately, and that they need to be the ones to bring down the hammer and stop it. They form "The Agency" (later TEA for Tea Eaters' Alliance) and their first target is not DMAC, but GenerikB's Hermits Hurtin' Hurdles from way back at the beginning of the season. The gauntlet has been long abandoned at this point, having been bested by both Joe Hills and Hypnotizd, and parts of it have even been torn down to make way for a slime farm. The Agency decides that it's far too dangerous to be left standing, and bricks the whole passage up with wooden fences. A few days later they return while GB is still out with food poisoning following his vacation. Having decided that the Hermit himself is dangerous to the well-being of the server due to his nasty habit of having a literal hit list, they punish him by filling every air block in his entire underground base with the same wooden fences.
GB, obviously, is pissed. He comes back from his illness to find he's been quarantined, spends several hours trying to tear down the fences by hand, and finally with a heavy heart resorts to burning them. He bricks off as many of the offshoot farms as he can, rescues what important materials he can find, and sets fire to the inside of his base-burning out not only the fences, but nearly a year's worth of carefully placed wooden structures and decorative leaves.
Now effectively homeless until he can hire Topmass to build him a new base, GB decides he needs backup if he's going to go up against The Agency. Within a week the other half of the B-Team (Bdubs, of course) and the "Goon Squad" (Skyzm, Pungence, and Juicetra) join the server and descend on The Agency's respective bases like flies, leaving their calling card: Several extremely large cobblestone Bs.
That, obviously, is not enough. While TEA is building their diamond-studded headquarters at a sit e offshore from Xisuma's base, GB puts up a new shop in the bazaar: The Angels with Bent Halos Foundation, where one can become an "involunteer" and donate their items to the poor and needy of the server (himself. He's just stealing Biffa's stuff.) He also decides that Hypnotizd is a suspiciously neutral party, and sends the Goon Squad out to the remote reaches of the server to investigate his massive, technologically advanced base...
Part II: The Escalation
Enter Joe Hills, and the errors with him. Joe realizes his shop has been closed a few months too late, and misreads the "B" on the sign as meaning "B-Team" regarding recent events. In a fit of righteous anger he griefs the AWBH foundation. The next day he realizes his mistake and very quickly shifts the target of his rage, beginning construction on a courthouse in which he plans to put TEA on trial. Meanwhile TEA builds their own shopfront in the second floor of the bazaar, a sort of police station in which neutral parties can leave complaints and report crimes.
Before Joe can realize his mistake and clean up the mess he made, Juicetra arrives at AWBH and assumes that TEA is responsible for destroying it. He rushes upstairs and leaves a very strongly worded message in their dropbox before bricking up their own shop, "a taste of their own medicine".
GB follows up close behind. Unlike Juicetra, he knows who vandalized the shop and leaves a report formally suing Joe for the damages in the form of an involuntary donation-forcing TEA to work on his side. (He also leaves a second report complaining about the noise from the chickens that X hid in the walls of the bazaar, but that has little to do with the situation).
The turnaround time on the complaints is mere hours. TEA arrives on the scene of the crime to help GB clean up the mess and retrieve his missing items from Joe's shop, and promises that justice will be done. In possibly violent ways.
Part III: The Suspense
The Goon Squad senses the impending "shit's about to go down" and retreats to the mountains, building a secret hideaway for neutral parties to use when bits start to explode. Topmass and his build team finish GB's new base in creative mode (we'll talk about the implications of that later). Hypno pokes his head into the rest of the server for about 0.2 seconds and sees that Bdubs has involunteered the decorative emerald blocks at his nether tunnel, but shows little interest in the whole affair. The neutral parties begin to take sides...
Part IV: A Long-Expected Party
Weeks pass, and nothing is heard from either side of the conflict. And then, a spark.
The Agency receives intelligence containing the coordinates of the Goon Squad's base, and deeming them a higher threat than either the B-Team (due to the substantiated squashing of GB's base) or Joe (who hasn't been seen on the server for weeks due to the birth of his child) decide it's time they paid their due. It takes a reasonable level of hunting, but eventually they are able to track down the coordinates and...redecorate a bit. Just to remind the Goons that the Agency is watching.
It takes a few days, but Skyzm discovers the vandalism and on his own swears revenge from the Goon Squad. Word then reaches GB-famous for his fairness and generosity and certainly not killing people-who is righteously angered by the Agency's actions and leaves the Goon Squad a voucher for an involuntary donation to them such that justice might be done.
A few days later, the Goons come back to the hideout and in a familiar move, angrily burn the vandalism out from the inside. They proceed on a tnt-fueled rampage through all of the little marks that TEA left on their home, and in a final act of revenge vandalize the police station as well as the neighboring TEA-owned Tnt shop and chicken farm.
Here's where things take a turn for the IRL. Juicetra enlists the help of his fanbase via Twitter, and asks them one fateful evening if they have the coordinates or approximate location of the TEA headquarters (which, you may recall from several paragraphs ago, is a) full of diamonds and b) severely lacking security). But before the nosy fans that had scouted the location during the world tour could spill the tea, Xisuma catches wind of the possible heist and very quickly moves the diamonds to a safer location. Only he forgot to tell Biffa. Responding to the emergency call of “someone stole our diamonds!!” results in awkward apologies and a trip to view the damage to the police station, and then…to do nothing about it?
Unfortunately, this is pretty much where the story ends. The server was wrapping up at this point, and two weeks after the last installment both members of the B-team left for good. Two of the three members of the goon squad remained active until the very end, but the third was too preoccupied with FTB to focus on any shenanigans. Joe Hills did return from his baby-related hiatus, but the courthouse went unused. And the tension regarding the dictatorial Tea Eater’s Alliance dissolved.
For now.
See you in season 2! /t
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south-park-meta · 3 years
2, 20, 32 for the ask meme
2. Who is the (overall) smartest in stan’s group? I guess given the covid specials I should go Kenny hahaha tbh I think all the kids are about equally smart in different ways and that's why they function well as a group. Stan and Kyle in particular have intelligences and general skill sets that balance each other's weaknesses out well.
20. Name what jobs the main 4 will have when they grow up
I answered this before on my main so I copy/pasted most of it
Kenny and Stan get into a construction-type field out of high school. Kenny won’t go to college. Stan will start college but without a particular goal in mind, and he’ll take a lot of intro classes just to figure out if there’s something he’s really interested in.
I don’t really have a lot of specifics but I’ll try to make like a fanficy heacanon for general stuff :) :
Stan will see some horrible injustice against any x y z thing he’s into, either on TV or just randomly walking down the street and he’ll think ‘We’ve got to do something!’ He’ll drop out of school and start his own non-profit. He’s good at being persuasive and getting people to follow him. I think he’d be enough of a success at it that he’d do pretty good at actually fixing whatever problem he saw. Like the kind of non-profit people actually want to exist and isn’t a giant scam. He doesn’t try and swindle anything to make boatloads money, and putting so much of himself into helping other people is still sometimes an excuse to put off his own mental health needs. But at this point he’s seeing a therapist regularly, is in a better environment, and is doing okay more often than not.
Gerald would want Kyle to go into law school. He might even take courses pretty relevant to that in his bachelor’s, but which he also naturally enjoys, like debate and English, as well as taking practical courses like accounting.
Kyle would get a white-collar internship and realize that the management is corrupt, and he would start feeling guilty about the way his career will take him. Stan’s advice will be 'lol quit’. Kyle will continue thinking he can change the company from within and be disheartened when he can’t. Eventually he will quit but the idea that he COULD have made it a better place will always bother him.
Personally I like Style and I like Stan and Kyle having causes together, and I think if they worked together Kyle would be good at getting them focused, getting them to meet deadlines, managing their budget, etc (Stan’s not the best with money and would want to do a lot of BIG actions to really get their point across. Kyle would focus them on smaller donation requests, reaching out to local people rather than 'everyone’, and do a lot of the necessary e-mailing, calling, etc, that Stan knows NEEDS done but that he doesn’t want to because he wants his feet on the ground DOING THINGS that feel more tangible).
Kyle WOULD finish his degree unlike the others, and would probably do his own thing on the side just to further pursue his interests.
Cartman has something between 'no jobs’ and 'a lot of jobs’. He does not go to college. In fact, he probably drops out of high school the second he’s able to at 17….but then realizes there’s no one around and after a month he starts going back to school without even fixing it, just literally no reason other than to torment the class. His mom won’t kick him out, so he spends a lot of time at home on the couch not working at all. But he’s also the 'CEO’ of probably a hundred companies, and some of them do bring in a lot of money. He also has a dozen different GoFundMes supporting a poor young man in Colorado who has to take care of his mother suffering from herpes, or something like that. He COULD be living rich off of these scams, but he tends to spend the money he makes too quickly for it to last. So he might be buying a Lamborghini one week and refusing to pay for his lunch out with his friends the next because 'all his money’s tied up in stocks’. And part of it’s just being a douche, but part of it is he’s broke as hell and waiting for his next scam.
As far as Stan and Kyle go, one of his businesses is just the for-profit opposite of whatever they have going on. If Stan starts a 'Let’s save the Pandas!’ nonprofit, Cartman will lose his mind in rage seeing it promoted on TV and he’ll start a 'Panda Meat is the Healthiest Meat’ campaign and open a panda meat restaurant. Whatever Stan and Kyle get into, Cartman will do the opposite and it WILL have followers, it WILL make money, and it WILL make Stan and Kyle infuriated. Luckily Stan and Kyle’s stuff will be more sustainable and continue to do well while Cartman’s will be a flash in the pan.
Kenny isn’t really involved in any of this. He rents an apartment at 18 and he and Karen move in together. He doesn’t formally adopt her, but it’s not necessary and her moving out of the McCormick home isn’t contested. He continues construction-like jobs that offer on the job training for a while, but volunteers around town at shelters/soup kitchens/etc, often with Karen. When Kenny’s 21, Karen has started college and Kenny’s old enough to volunteer on a victim response team providing emotional support and crisis intervention for domestic violence victims. He runs himself pretty ragged being able to put his sister through school while still having time to himself, but eventually his volunteer work gives him enough experience to get a paid job as a victim’s advocate.
But that was before Post-Covid lol. I like their jobs well enough in the Post-Covid timeline-- I actually like Stan's Space Army career the least but I've kind of come around to it by basically shifting to it being a more diplomatic position where he's still kind of a treehugger and argues for the rights of aliens with various levels of sentience which makes him an extremely controversial figure across the galaxy.
32. What SP character are you most like? Stan for sure, in the most (complimentary) and (derogatory) ways possible. He's also the character I have the most one-to-one comparable experiences with across any media which is kind of ridiculous considering it's South Park, and I think it tends to be things that even most people who relate to Stan wouldn't actually relate to.
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caramelcal · 4 years
Slow Down
Request(s):  Ooooooo could you do a Luke x reader fic based on the song Slow Down by Why Don’t We?
+  Anonymous said:Luke x reader? He’s on tour halfway across the world but all he can think about is spending time with his girlfriend?
Word Count: 2.1k!
a/n: hey! i know that this doesn’t fully cover the second request so if you want something completely based off of that, just request again! Thanks for requesting anyway and I hope you enjoy! Also did you guys see Madi’s lives today??? The cake decorating??? THE COVER?? MY EARS ARE B L E S S E D  update: not me forgetting to add tags
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Oh, I've been lying to myself and I might know why I miss the way you looked at me before you left New York (hey) I've been tryin' to find help, 'cause I can't deny The way that I feel when I'm with you Oh, I'd do anything to save ya
He could hear the fans screaming in excitement, the overall chatter of them but he couldn’t enjoy it at the moment. How excited they were to see the band. He was filled with nerves, and even though he was born to perform as many would say, he still couldn’t help feeling nervous.
It was no surprise that Julie and the Phantoms had gotten big, their music was amazing. After they played at the Orpheum, they got a lot of recognition and only ten months later they were whisked up on a tour, a new album out only a month ago gone viral. Everyone loved them, and they were finally living their dream.
Luke loved performing, it was second nature to him, but being on tour was very different from playing in the garage with the band like he was used to. So whilst he basked in the glory of the fans, there were still nerves and that’s what he felt right now.
Checking his phone, his foot tapped against the floor at a rapid pace, his guitar sitting to his right. Normally, playing his guitar would comfort him, but it wouldn’t right now, that’s why he needed you.
And thankfully, his worries that you weren’t going to answer as he heard your calming voice through his phone, “Hello?”
“Babe,” Luke replied, breathing out a sigh of relief when he let the nerves out of his body.
“Luke? Aren’t you supposed to be on stage right now?” You started, and he could hear the worry in your voice, “Is everything alright.”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Just nervous, that’s all. We’re just about to go on,” Luke informed you, eyes staying on the ground as he simply focused on you and not any of the fuss around him. Backstage concerts were always crazy like this, especially just before they started. No doubt someone would be through in a second to pester him about getting ready to go on stage.
“Luke, babe,” You said, your voice calming as you spoke to your boyfriend. You knew he was going to absolutely kiss it out there, he did every single time he performed, “You’re going to be amazing, okay? I’ve never met anyone as talented as you and the rest of the band. I’ll be cheering you on all the way from California.”
That brought a smile onto Luke’s face, making him bend down his face so he was facing the ground. He didn’t like everyone to know just how in love he was with you, and the beaming smile on his face would be a clear indication. It wasn’t like he was very good at hiding it anyway, he constantly talked about you, somehow managing to praise you like you were a god even if you did a simple task. He was completely and utterly in love with you, no one could deny that.
“Thanks, babe, I miss you so much. I will find time to see you at some point,”
“You better, I miss you too. Plus, who else am I supposed to jam with in the car when you aren't here?” You joked, laughing lightly with Luke.
Luke casts his hazel eyes up to the figure in front of him after catching on to the very professional shoes that stood just in front of him, catching eyes onto his manager, “Listen I gotta go, but I’ll call you tonight, okay? I love you.”
“Love you too, my rockstar,” You said teasingly, knowing that it always made Luke flustered when you called him that. It wasn’t long before you guys had finished saying goodbye and his phone was turned off and put away, guitar in hand as he was ushered on stage.
Yet, just before he got on stage, he stopped, whispering, “This is for you, y/n/n. I love you.”
And with that, he ran out, and the fans erupted into screams and cheers.
I think we need a little California 'cation We took a shot at this, but maybe we're too wasted It's hard to swallow, but I know we gotta chase it, oh
Slow down, I think that we just need to slow down, slow down  Turn around, things were so simple way before now, 'fore now
Turns out, that even if Luke did want to meet up, that the tour was far too demanding for that. It was two months since the time you called, and you guys still haven’t had the chance to meet up. Hell, you guys barely had time to facetime. Luke was on constant vocal rest, and the times he normally was available, you were in class.
It was safe to say, the distance, and the different time zones were definitely getting to you. Some people were too, saying how people go off on tours and lose feelings if their girl stays back home, they often find flings and extra stuff like that. You knew Luke wasn’t like that, and both Carrie and Flynn have cussed the girls out for putting that in your head when it was obviously not true, but you couldn’t help but think about it sometimes.
Luke barely picked up your calls anymore, and you knew that what he was doing was very time demanding, but you thought that at least he would make a bit of time for you. You guys did text of course, but you often wouldn’t get around to replying to each other until hours after so it wasn’t a stable conversation. You thought about flying out for a weekend, or taking a few days out of school and flying somewhere to meet him, but your college student finances were not stable enough for that and you didn’t want anyone’s help, not even Carrie’s when she offered.
After being deprived of your boyfriend for so long, you often found yourself wallowing alone in your college dorm, but that wasn’t where you were right now. Flynn and Carrie had somehow managed to drag you outside to a party, a red solo cup in your hand and a fancy top on with some nice jeans. You contemplated drinking but found yourself denying any alcohol that went your way, getting drunk probably wasn’t the most responsible way to go.
Yet, as you saw the couples, some sweet ones holding hands or hugging, and some a little more...heated, you couldn’t help but drown in the thoughts of him. This was supposed to be a distraction from your wallowing, but you felt even more miserable here than you did back in your dorm room. You wouldn’t be for long though, not when you found out who was here.
See ya, I wanna see ya, ah  I wish you weren't so far so I could see ya, ah  'Cita, mamacita  We were comfortable, we didn't understand but now we know
Two weeks before the party, Flynn found herself on her bed, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram before her phone went. She quickly answered, seeing Julie’s face pop up on the small screen with a smile. They talked for a while, just catching up and Julie shared some concert and fan stories before she asked, So how is everyone? Carrie? y/n?”
“Carrie’s doing good, Dirty Candy is slowly getting some recognition for themselves, I see a tour in their future,” Flynn said with a smile, trying to distract Julie from the subject of y/n. She knew that most likely, the boys would be close by, and she did not want to tell them how miserable she was without them. That would only damper their moods.
“That’s so cool! I’m really glad, they deserve it. How’s y/n?” Julie asked, a smile on her face but as she looked at the hesitation on her best friend’s face, she knew something was wrong, “Flynn, is y/n okay?”
However, Flynn quickly found out that her silence was not helping her in any way, and when Julie asked about y/n again, Luke who playing about with his guitar in the corner of the room caught onto her concern. He stood up, alarm flooding his features as he walked over, taking the phone from Julie.
When his face showed up on the video call, Flynn could see his concern and worry and it made her eyes go wide. She knew there was no getting out of this, “What’s up with y/n?”
“Nothing, she’s fine,” Flynn tried her best to dismiss, laughing awkwardly but when she looked back to the camera she could tell that Luke was not buying it.
“Really! She’s-”
“Flynn! You do realize this is my girlfriend?” Luke said, raising his voice slightly to get the girl to stop rambling, which she did. Luke was only growing more concerned for his girlfriend and annoyed at the girl for trying to keep something about his girlfriend away from him, “I wanna know what’s going on with her.”
“She’s just,” Flynn hesitates, trying to think of a way to make this easier on Luke without lying to him but she realizes that she needs to be straightforward with the guy. Sighing, she starts, “y/n misses you to the point that she holes herself up in her dorm, and only comes out for food and classes. Hell, she hardly gets out of her pajamas anymore, Luke. She’s taking this a lot harder than she’s telling you.”
Luke went quiet, a frown forming on his face when he realized what his girlfriend was doing. He knew that she couldn’t keep going on like that; he still had another two months left of the tour and she would have wasted months of her life locked in her dorm. He casts a glance towards Julie, before looking back at Flynn, “I’ll sort this out. I’ll send you the details once I work them out but clearly, something needs to change.”
And with that, Flynn hung up and Julie and Luke started to plot a plan...
I think we need a little California 'cation We took a shot at this, but maybe we're too wasted It's hard to swallow, but I know we gotta chase it, oh
Slow down, I think that we just need to slow down, slow down  Turn around, things were so simple way before now, 'fore now Slow down, I think that we just need to slow down, slow down (need to slow down, slow down, whoa) Turn around, things were so simple way before now, 'fore now (things were so simple way before now)
“Y/n!” Carrie calls out, grabbing your attention from the red solo cup in your hand. You look up at her, giving her a small weak smile.
“Hey, Carrie,”
“You enjoying the party?” She asks, hands on her hips as she looks around the room with a smile on her face. She had a fitting golden dress on, much fancier than what you were wearing but you didn’t care.
You tried to wrack your brain for what to say, and how not to offend Carrie about her party. Her party wasn’t bad, you just...didn’t want to be there, “Uhh, it’s alright, yeah.”
“Well it’s about to get a lot better,” Carrie says, a wide smile coming on her face as she looked behind you, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
Then, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You whirled around and saw him take a few steps away, a wide smile on his face. You stood there, shocked, this couldn’t be real, he was on tour. He wasn’t here, he couldn’t be.
But then, you sprinted, jumping into his arms, head leaning against his shoulder with your legs around his waist. He held you close to him, savoring the moments of you just being in his arms; something he had not got to experience in months.
Everyone at the party watched on but didn’t say anything, fond smiles on their faces for the reunited young couple. For you and Luke, however, it seemed as if you two were the only ones in the room, because no one else mattered at that moment.
You pulled your head up from his shoulder, eyes meeting his as the wide smiles that were on your faces only growing wider, never fainter. When you next spoke your voice was quiet, almost as if you believed if you spoke too loudly he would go away, you would realize this was just a dream, “Luke, you- you’re here.”
“I am y/n/n,” He whispered back, nodding his head as he leaned in and softly kissed your hips, your hands going to each side of his face, playing with the soft messy hair that he had. With eyes shut, you stayed in each other’s embrace, simply enjoying the moment, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Don’t leave me for so long ever again, I can’t live my life without you.”
Let's just say, you two were never parted for too long after that.
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totallytododeku · 4 years
☁ studying together ( x reader hc's) ☁
characters: midoriya, bakugou, todoroki, kirishima, yaoyorozu, uraraka, + ashido
genre: fluff  <33
I. Midoriya 🌳🍀🌻
this poor boy is so excited to be spending time with you
but he will not take his nose out of his textbook
he can't help it
he's so happy to be in the hero course he takes his schoolwork a little too seriously
however, you can use this to your advantage ;)
normally you're almost as invested in his journey to becoming the next Symbol of Peace and achieving his dream as he is
and you would never dream of doing anything that could jeopardize it
So you were silently bouncing off the walls with glee when you realized he was impervious to distractions when it came to studying
literally anything is fair game
which is why studying with him is your new favorite time of day
pet his hair
kiss his cheeks
climb into his lap
pat his head
hold his non-dominant hand
hug him from behind his chair
rest your head on his shoulder and take a nap
do whatever you want
you can basically do anything to him while he's studying without having to worry about distracting him
he will blush a little bit of you kiss him but but you think it's adorable
lol turn on whatever tv or music you want
but only if you're done with your work!!
hes very adamant that you keep up with your work as best you can do you can graduate side by side and be pro heroes together someday
K. Bakugou 💣💥 📢
he would totally be the one to invite you to study and he would probably want to study in his dorm
it's super quiet and nobody will bother you guys because they know it's that spiky gremlin's room
overall his room just has a really relaxing atmosphere
you love being near him as much as possible
and he's much more affectionate in the comfort of his dorm room
but that doesn't mean he's gonna go easy on u ;-;
he still has his gruff attitude and will make sure you're studying every day
or else he will call u baka and force you to sit down and study until you know all your material
he's actually a great tutor tho
he writes out all the work for each problem and explains them thoroughly
all while holding in you in his arms while you sit in his lap
sometimes you can convince him to play a game with you where every time you get an answer right he gives you a kiss
but you whine when you get one wrong and he won't kiss you
he huffs before giving you a kiss while still trying to look annoyed
stupid girl he mutters
but he pulls you a bit closer to him to hide his blush and moves on to the next problem despite your giggles
S. Todoroki ❄🔥🍜
he doesn't really need to study but he doesn't know how to just .. relax
like he doesn't know how to not do what his dad tells him to do
and his dad wants him to study
it's just easier for Todoroki to do what his dad wants than to rebel
that is, it was
Until he met you and the dekusquad
obviously everyone cares about their homework and wants to graduate well and go Plus Ultra!
but study sessions with Todoroki usually end up just being you guys trying to help him be less hard on himself while you have him as a captive audience
he doesn't really mind, though, especially when it's just you two
the intimacy of studying together in comfortable silence and just
enjoying each other's company
makes his heart go (* ̄∇ ̄*)
like i said he doesn't really need to study so he'll just end up helping you review material
please just ... hold his hand :)
after you're done studying for the day just pull him into a hug and over to your bed
he needs a nap
you feel warm fuzzies inside from how caring he's been to sit with you while you finished your homework and bring you warm tea
you don't even think you just
Time for cuddles :3
it becomes your daily ritual to study together and then cuddle
he always falls asleep in your arms with a small smile
E. Kirishima 🗿🗿🗿
"Okay, Y/N, let's study hard and do our homework like men!" *fist-pumping the air and grinning like an idiot*
"...what's so funny? "
he doesn't care if you're not a man it's his trademark
he likes to study at his desk because he says it's "important to stay focused and work diligently"
generally he is the least focused person, ever. besides kaminari.
however, he's so energetic and enthusiastic that once you sit down and start studying he'll be able to keep your motivation up until you've finished all your homework
GREAT at studying for tests and quizzes (in theory)
he will never give up
like I said he could keep studying for hours once he sets his mind to it
So you have to compromise and get him to study in short bursts throughout the day to help him have a better chance of remembering anything ;-;
his memory is not great but it's kinda cute
you, being the smart cookie that u are, realized the best way to help him memorize things was to study with flashcards frequently throughout the weekend while doing other activities
so you plan to hang out together and do something fun every week while having your study material on index cards in your back pockets
it's a literal study date.
a weekly date out to the mall or the park or a little coffee shop but with math trivia thrown in randomly throughout the afternoon!! :D
Of course he was ready to turn it into a game he's a literal puppy
he just wants to show you you can be proud of him
you giggle lightly when you hear him say that and let him know that you'll always be proud of him, no matter what
M. Yaoyorozu 👑🏆☕
studyblr wants what u have.
studying in momo's room makes you feel like a Victorian young lady studying moral philosophy, writing poetry about the mourning doves outside the garden window, and waiting for her husband to come home from sailing the seven seas
it's your Belle moment where she's in the royal library except it's every day
stacks of beautiful, old books
the smell of the crisp, white pages
soft classical music floating through the air
the window cracked open slightly
and you are the luckiest student in all of UA because you get to study with the smartest girl in the whole school
she's also gorgeous and sweet and perfect which def doesn't hurt
u know that joke that ur teacher can spend a year explaining something and u never understand but then a random indian guy on YouTube explains it in 2 minutes and you finally get it
she is that random indian guy
you will never struggle with a single concept after you start studying with her
And she's so proud of you for every little question you answer correctly
(even thought she's the one that explained it all so well in the first place)
it's the definition of comfortable silence
she insists that neither of you study too hard and that you take lots of breaks to stretch
she says its to help you stay concentrated but really she just wants to feel your gentle hands on her shoulders as you massage out the knots
you take turns kneading the tension out of each other's shoulders
you feel a pleasant tingle down your spine at the feeling of her soft breath on the back of your neck
She pulls away and you share awkward smiles, neither of you realizing the other one of blushing, too
O. Uraraka 🌜🚀🙏
ur actually super productive study buddies
Like u started studying together and then all of a sudden you were almost at the top of your class
she's just so sweet that being with her gives you the energy you need to write that essay all in one sitting instead of procrastinating like a normal person
Shows up at your dorm with snacks and drinks to keep your energy up!! :D
even though she's still going to end up getting sleepy anyway later in the afternoon
You get most of your studying done at the beginning of your study date so it's not really a problem
you know she doesn't have a lot of money to be throwing around so you pay for dinner every night
It's usually takeout but sometimes you guys make your own dinner for fun!
it always turns out almost inedible and burned because neither of you were paying attention to the stove
don't let baku see it or he'll start screaming about how you need to try your best at everything so he can beat you fair and square and that includes cooking too
neither you nor uraraka can handle spicey food so you never eat what Bakugou cooks for the class
You grab a few bags of chips and some sushi and shut yourselves in your dorm to pull an all-nighter study session about once a month
it should make you tired but, again, studying with her is so enjoyable that you don't mind
u two enjoy each others company in studying so much that you sometimes read ahead in your textbooks just to be able to study more
overall, hanging out with her is just lighthearted and filled with giggles
and you just so happen to get all your homework done along the way
M. Ashido 👾👽🚿
"studying" with her is so much fun
Hanging out with Mina in general is so much fun
it's impossible not to smile when she's around so even if you have a huge exam tomorrow, all your worries fade away just from being with her
She is pretty distracting in cases where you actually wanted to get stuff done
But you don't care
Change of plans
you're doing mani pedi's with Mina
No more studying
it's not as bad as it sounds though
You're not slacking off or anything and you can still keep your grades up with help from your other friends like Momo and Iida
you guys are just goofing off in the privacy of your dorm room when you should be studying
"It's not a crime to be young, Y/ N ;)"
she's just so energetic and happy like a little pink ball of sunshine
you can't help but laugh at her silliness and cute antics after a long day of classes
she makes your heart beat faster like you're on a roller coaster but without the nerves
somehow you feel giddy and comfortable in her presence at the same time
it doesn't matter what you two are doing, you always have fun
make sure she goes to bed on time, though, or she might end up baking a seven-tier cake at 3 am and Bakugou will scream at you for waking him up
don't feed her after midnight lmao
i started writing this after i almost died of boredom in my online calc class. my senioritis is already kicking in and it's still September (。-ω-)  
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Surrogate - Chapter 13
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The Surrogate:  A Clintasha Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Word Count:  1687
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: A freak end of the world incident leads to meeting your two best friends, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.  While your friendship with the two Avengers is anything but conventional, they are your all-time favorite people.  When you find out that Clint and Natasha want to start a family but have exhausted all their options, you realize your powerset might allow you to give them what they want.  Having your best friends’ baby might seem like a good idea on paper, but when you are as close as you, Clint, and Natasha are, will doing something so intimate mean feelings get a little mixed up?
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Chapter 13
There was such a feeling of excitement and hope for you, Natasha, and Clint when you went in to do your glucose test and have your 18-week ultrasound.  The pregnancy had now lasted longer than the one that Natasha had lost which was a big milestone.  That had led to Natasha relaxing almost completely about the baby.  She didn’t seem to get panicked about losing them at all, and she had started making plans for how she was going to actually raise them.
Discussions were had about schooling and who would stay home when they were young.  If they should hire a nanny.  If they should move away from the compound.  She made guesses about whether it was a boy or a girl.  She was genuinely excited and that excitement was no longer tinged with a fear of loss.
There was talking about turning the room that had been yours into the nursery and having it painted with a mural.  You still had your apartment with most of your things, but for all intents and purposes, you lived with Natasha and Clint, sleeping in their bed every night.  The three of you had been clicking even better than you had expected.  The close friendship you had built with the side of casual sex had blended seamlessly into an actual honest-to-god relationship.  All those little things that had made you such good friends in the first place; the easy humor, the playful teasing, the protectiveness, and trust - they all deepened and strengthened what you were creating together.  Mornings were spent dragging each other up and out the door in a joint desire to just curl back into bed.  Nights were spent exactly how they had always been spent - grabbing dinner and hanging out.  There would usually be other people around.  Steve and Bucky would come to play cards.  Tony would invite the three of you up for dinner and there would be loud debates about the stupidest things while Morgan came and brought her favorite uncles and aunts things to look at.  Kate would come and just sit on the couch eating pizza while snarking at or with Clint.  The main difference now was there was more cuddling with each other and incidental touching, and at the end of the day, you’d all go to bed together.
As you all fell into that easy intimacy, you began to think more and more long term.  It was a little scary how easy it was to think of the baby as your baby, but you’d already stopped worrying about things not working and were deep into loving the fact that they were.
So while you sat playing cards and waiting for the sugar drink to do what it needed to do so you could be tested for a disease you couldn’t possibly have due to your powers, the three of you made bets on if the baby was a boy or a girl and debated the pros and cons of having a mural of every famous archer from fiction painted on the wall, you felt like this was it.  This was your family.  These were your people.  You were doing this together.
The drawing of your blood was always a complicated affair but you were more than used to it now.  Your body fought things trying to break the skin, so needles had to be held firmly and moved around to stop your body from either forcing the needle out or closing up around it.
When you were finally done the three of you went to the ultrasound appointment practically buzzing with excitement to see the fetus and find out what you were having.
The gel was cold and it made you flinch when Cynthia squeezed it on your stomach.  Natasha and Clint sat side by side next to you.  Both of them holding your hand.  Natasha’s fingers were linked with yours and Clint had his hand wrapped around them both.  They were both looking between you and the screen, waiting for the baby to come into view.  “How’s everything been going?  No more morning sickness?”
“Nope, haven’t had it for a while,” you said as she began to press the paddle down on your stomach hard enough to make your bladder ache slightly.  “I feel really good actually.  Lots of energy.”
“That’s great.  And the baby is kicking a lot?”  She asked.
“Oh yeah, all the time,” you said.  “Always grooving around in there.”
“Well, given who their parents are, that makes sense,” Cynthia joked. The baby came into view.  Because of Natasha’s fear that you would miscarry you’d watched it turn from the weird little peanut shape to something that looked like a human baby.  As they appeared on the screen now it looked just like a baby.  You could see it waving its arms around and the toes on its feet.  “Heartbeat is strong too.  You’re doing good, mama.”
“They’re all good?”  Natasha asked, her eyes fixed on the screen.
“Yes.  Looking fine.  The doctor will have to go over the scans but it’s looking good to me,” Cynthia said, as she took measurements.
“We can find out if it’s a boy or a girl today, can’t we?”  Clint asked.
Cynthia grinned.  “I was hoping you would ask that.”
She moved the paddle around, really pushing down hard against your stomach as she moved to the side.  “Well,” she said as she angled the paddle so the image looked like the fetus was sitting on it.  “It looks like this little one is a girl.”
“Really?  How can you tell?”  Clint said, a smile crossing his face.
“See here?”  Cynthia said pointing between the legs on the ultrasound image.  “Looks like a hamburger.”
Clint narrowed his eyes as his look and his brow furrowed.  Slowly his eyes started widening and he burst out laughing.  “Right!  Gotcha!”
Natasha leaned over and kissed your forehead.  “A little girl,” she whispered.
“Mm-hmm…” you hummed.  “You’ve got a daughter, mama.”
“A daughter…” Natasha repeated, so softly it was barely audible.
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The three of you finished up with the tech and then saw Kelly your Obstetrician.  The pregnancy seemed to be going perfectly.  Perhaps it would have anyway, but you liked to think it was your powers doing what they needed to do.
“A girl,” Natasha said as the three of you left the office.
You took her hand and entwined your fingers with hers.  “We should have a baby shower.”
“We should,” Natasha agreed.  “Maybe Wanda or Kate might like to help organize it.”
“We need to think of girl’s names,” Clint said.  “Kate said if it was a girl we had to name it after her.”
Natasha laughed.  “And what did you say to that?”
“I thought it would be a boy,” Clint said.  “So I said I would.”
“Clint,” Natasha sighed.  “You are such a dumbass.”
“Yeah, but you love me,” Clint teased, throwing his arm around Natasha’s shoulders.
“God knows why, but I do,” she conceded.
“So I’m guessing Kate is on the list then?”  You asked, trying not to laugh.
“I guess so,” Natasha said, shaking her head.  “We should write a list.  I haven’t thought about names before.  Not since… Rose.”
“That was her name?” You asked.
She nodded and pursed her lips, trying not to show emotion again.  “Well, you can think of some now,” you said, gently squeezing her hand.
“We should write a list of all the things we still need to do.  We haven’t prepared at all,” Natasha said.
“Well, I say having the baby shower first.  Then we can see what we still need,” you said.
“That is a very good and intelligent point,” Natasha said.  “But on the other hand, tiny shoe shopping.”
You started laughing.  “I’m fairly certain we could get by with extra tiny shoes.”
“See,  you are smart,” she said and bumped you with her hip.  “And far be it for me to be all sappy and sentimental -” she leaned in close and nosed at your cheek.  “But I love that we’re doing it together now.  All of it.”
“That’s what she said,” Clint teased.
Natasha shook her head and elbowed him, trying very hard not to start laughing.  “Can you not ruin my moment?”
“I made it better,” Clint teased.  “But I do agree.  Feels good, right?”
You hummed and wrapped your arm around Natasha’s waist and slipped your hand into Clint’s back pocket.  “It does feel good.  A little scary though.  I was all ready to be an aunt.  Now I’m picking names and stuff.  But that’s what happens sometimes, right?”
“Hey, I was ready and I still find it scary,” Clint admitted.  “I’m going to be a dad? Me?  I drank coffee straight from the pot today and I’m going to be responsible for keeping an infant alive.”
“Well,” you said as you reached the apartment.  “There are three of us.  So it’s not just you.”
“Good thing too,” Clint joked, opening the door and letting you all in.  “I can’t be trusted with things like that.  I can barely keep myself alive.”
You went and sat down on the recliner, popping the bottom up so you could have your feet up.  Clint looked from you to Natasha and raised his eyebrows.  She nodded and Clint moved to your chair, kneeling beside it and looking up at you.  “In fact,” he said.  “I think it would be good if you properly moved in, don’t you?  I mean, bring all your stuff in.”
You looked at him and then over to Natasha, a little shocked.  It had only been a few weeks since you had agreed to try the relationship thing and this felt like a big jump.  Then again, you had been living in their apartment for months and friends for years now.  Not to mention if it didn’t work out, it wasn’t like it was impossible to get your apartment back.  You lived at the compound, there were always apartments available.
You took a deep breath and let it out, a smile slowly spreading on your face.  “Yeah, why not?  Let’s do it.”
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186 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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s n a k e     |     e y e s     [chapter 5]
pairing; snakehybrid!woozi x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; possessive!jihoon, dom!jihoon, marking, choking, restraints, dirty talk, impregnation kink, cream pie w/ minor cumplay ! whew! 🤪🥴🤤 also this snake-hybrid au isn’t following any of the blurbs/drabble game posts that precede it!! I know I did some drabble posts with snake hoonie but this doesn’t follow the same timeline as those otherwise it wouldnt make sense 🤣 kfhkdh also i do be laughin that this gets posted after the svt anniversary video and gose where jihoon was chan and teasing him bc 🥴 anyway! this is a long ass chapter and almost 6k words so strap in for the ride yall! 💕💕💕💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - x - x - x - x - x
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“Are you mad?”
“What? No, just… I mean, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
You watch Jihoon from across the table at brunch as he picks at his food quietly. Minghao had texted again asking if lunch was still on for next week and you had asked Jihoon as soon as the two of you sat down to eat.
“If you’re uncomfortable with Minghao and Chan coming, it’s okay. You can tell me, Jihoon.” He sits across from you with a pout on his lips. 
“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable I’m just… shy. But it’s okay. Because I… If they’re your friends then they must be nice, right? I’m just shy around new people.”
“Okay, but like, if things feel off… Just let me know?” Jihoon nods, taking a bite of his food. It falls into a comfortable silence while the two of you eat; enjoying each other’s company after last night. The memories flood your headspace in an instant. Right, you needed to talk to Jihoon about that.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
“About last night…”
“Oh. Right. Did you hate it? I can stop if you don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense if we don’t benefit from it.” A flush covers your skin almost immediately as you place your fork down on your plate.
“I didn’t hate it… But I’m just curious… If--I mean, I don’t want you to think this is just a physical thing, I guess?” This time it’s Jihoon’s turn to blush as he meets your shy stare.
“I… I mean we’re still getting to know each other, right? And I like you. You’re nice and you care about me. We can just… think of it as the physical part of getting to know each other.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking about his words. You clearly like liked Jihoon too and you didn’t want to take things too far too fast. But you also knew that he was aware of the sexual tension floating around the air now and the two of you couldn’t really go back to ‘normal’ after last night.
“Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I just don’t want to… go too fast, y’know? You’ve only been here a few weeks...”
“That’s true. But also in fairness, this is the longest I’ve been away from the adoption center so it seems to be going well if you ask me.”
Damn. He was right and you hadn’t even realized it. Jihoon had already been with you for over a month and you hadn’t even noticed the time passing. You feel your heart swelling at the thought.
“Huh. You’re right. I guess we really do work well together, huh?”
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“Ah, ngh, Ji--Jihoon w--wait, my phone’s ringing!” 
Jihoon’s grip on your thighs tighten, his blonde hair peeking from between your legs. Your hands brace yourself on the table where you calmly had brunch just 3 hours ago. Jihoon had clearly still been hungry.
“You can answer it?” He immediately laps at your clit after his comment, fingertips curling inside your pussy as your eyes roll to the back of your head. “I--I ca--can’t!” He smiles against you before applying pressure to the nub with his tongue. “Uh-kay them, dom’t?” Jihoon’s voice is muffled against your skin, a whimper escaping your lips at Jihoon’s unhelpfulness.
“Ji--Jihoon you’re so m-mean!” You whine.
You watch Minghao’s name disappear from your phone screen next to you on the table, a moan on your lips when Jihoon’s fingers curve up into your g-spot. “Oh, f-fuck, right t-there!” You tangle one of your hands in his hair, tugging him closer as you grind yourself against his tongue and fingers.
Minghao [3:14PM]: I tried calling but you’re probably busy?
Minghao [3:14PM]: Chan and I are free on Wednesday, lmk if it works for you.
You can barely catch the words on your phone screen before Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth.
“Ugh, fuck, Jihoon I’m--” Your eyes snap shut almost immediately; thighs clamping shut around Jihoon’s head as you cum hard. He scissors his fingers inside of you, tongue still lapping at your clit until you start to come down from your high.
Your limbs feel boneless once your orgasm fades off, shaky legs unclamping as Jihoon slides his fingers from your pussy straight to his mouth. Letting your legs down as you sit up to catch your breath, you watch him still on his knees in front of you as he cleans your wetness from his fingertips.
“God, Ji. That was Minghao!” Jihoon pops his fingers from his mouth, getting up from his kneeling position.
“What did he want?”
“They’ll be over Wednesday so we have some work to do!”
“Okay but can we cuddle first? We can figure out the rest later.”
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Over the next couple of days leading up, you and Jihoon take the time to clean up the apartment and buy some ingredients for lunch. And since Chan was a bunny hybrid, he was strictly vegetarian which meant you and Jihoon had tried to cook a few recipes to decide what was best.
“Are they gonna come soon?” Jihoon munches on a stray piece of carrot, watching as you finish up in the kitchen. “Mmhmm, but knowing Minghao they might be a little late.”
You and Minghao had agreed on 12:00PM and it was currently 12:04PM; If you were lucky he’d be here by 12:45PM at the earliest. Jihoon helps you tidy up the kitchen once you’re finished, flopping onto the sofa once he’s done. And he won’t admit it but he’s nervous; eyes fixated on the ceiling as he twiddles his thumbs and sighs.
“You okay, Ji?”
“Mm? Yeah… Haven’t really met another hybrid since Mingyu and Seokmin so s’kinda weird. I’m okay though.” You start to make your way to the sofa but the doorbell rings just as you reach Jihoon. You shoot him an encouraging smile, running your fingers through his hair really quick before turning and making your way to the door.
When you swing it open, you're met with Minghao’s cheery face and Chan inquisitive one. In actuality, you’d only ever seen Chan in photos and you can’t help but immediately gush at how cute he is; completely ignoring Minghao’s presence once you take note of Chan’s cute bunny ears atop his head.
“Oh my god, you are just… So cute!”
You refrain from touching the cute caramel coloured bunny ears, noticing they match the colour of his hair.
“Come in! Jihoon’s in the living room!” Chan flashes you a sweet smile as Minghao raises an eyebrow at you. “You didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Rude!” You laugh at Minghao’s comment, giving them enough space to enter your apartment.
“Sorry, I’ve just never met Chan before. He’s cuter in person so I was distracted!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just tell me you’re tired of me, you don’t have to lie!”
“‘Hao! You know you’re my best friend but Chan’s… cuter. I’m sorry.” Minghao feigns hurt, wiping invisible tears as they stand in your hallway.
Now that you think of it, you weren’t sure how Chan and Jihoon were going to get along, if at all. It’d slipped your mind but technically Jihoon was a predator animal hybrid and Chan was a prey animal hybrid. Your mind blanks at the sudden epiphany as you gulp.
“Um, shall we move to the living room?” The two nod, waiting for you to lead the way. Taking a deep breath, you lead them to the living room; eyes meeting Jihoon’s as he sits up on the sofa.
“Jihoon, I want you to meet my friend Minghao and his hybrid, Chan!” You try to put on a cheery smile but you can already sense that Jihoon’s kind of on edge.
When you’d spoken to Seungcheol about him back at the adoption home, he had said that Jihoon typically got along well with every hybrid at the home so far and that the snake hybrid hadn’t gotten into any fights or threatened any of the other hybrids there. You really had no reason to be that concerned, and plus, Jihoon had already told you he was just shy more often than not.
“Hi, I’m Jihoon. Um… I’m a snake hybrid.” You can see the flush on his face, watching as he licks his lips. It was a nervous habit that you noticed he had. And for a second you worry about if Chan’s also going to be nervous about the snake hybrid but he shoots the shorter male a beaming smile.
“Hi! I’m Chan! I’m a bunny hybrid and I like to sing! And I like to dance, too!” Chan moves forward to shake Jihoon’s hand, backing off slightly when he sees the snake hybrid flinch. “Oh, sorry. Do you not like handshakes?”
“Huh? Oh, no I--I was just surprised that’s all.” Jihoon reaches a hand out instead, a tiny smile on his lips when Chan shakes it. “Oh, whoa, your hands are cold!” Minghao scolds him slightly, giving him a warning look as Chan sheepishly scratches his head. “Sorry, hyung always gets mad at me because sometimes I talk first and don’t think.” Jihoon laughs at this and you feel your heart soaring out of your chest. Thank god!
“It’s okay, I know someone else who’s just like that and he’s a big puppy hybrid named Mingyu.”
You and Minghao fondly watch the two interact, glad that they’d gotten along well despite their differences.
“Okay guys, shall we have lunch?”
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Over the course of lunch, Jihoon and Chan talk animatedly about music as you and Minghao delve into your own conversations about work, letting the two hybrids bond. Jihoon calls your name after a while, grabbing your attention.
“Chan and I are done with lunch and I was wondering if it was okay to bring my keyboard out? We were gonna do some music stuff.” Chan looks at you with pleading eyes, lips jutting out in hopes of swaying you.
“Yeah, of course! You didn’t need to ask permission for that.” They smile at you in return, Jihoon getting up to retrieve his keyboard from his work room. “I’ll be right back.”
The three of you watch Jihoon leave the dining area, watching as he disappears into the hallway.
“Jihoon is really nice, Minghao-hyung!” The smile on Chan’s face is sincere, eyes curving into crescents.
“You’re more than welcome to come over anytime you want, Chan! Ji could use the company other than myself sometimes, I think.” You laugh at your own comment, leaning over to pat his head. He leans into your touch, sighing dreamily when you start to itch behind his ears.
“That feels really nice…” You internally scream, face red as a tomato when Chan starts scenting your hand. He rubs his face against your palm, resting his cheek against it. Uh oh, Jihoon’s not gonna like that.
Sure enough, Jihoon round the corner, eyes fixated on the way Chan’s head is on your palm.
“Um…” Minghao’s eyes travel from Chan to Jihoon as he bites his nail; knowing exactly what the snake hybrid is thinking without even saying anything. “Hey, Chan?”
“Mmh?” Minghao clears his voice in a warning manner, Chan’s eyes fluttering open.
“I think Jihoon would like to go do music stuff in the living room now.”
“Oh… okay!”
In an instant, Chan gets up like nothing happened and walks up to Jihoon. “Okay! Let’s get it!” Jihoon on the other hand quietly nods, gesturing to the bunny hybrid to follow him to where he likes to set up by the window. You shoot Minghao a look as you share a sigh. “Shall we clean up?” He nods at you, getting up from his seat as he starts to collect the utensils. And once the two are properly distracted, the two of you move into the kitchen where you start on the dishes.
“I’m really sorry about Chan. He’s normally really up on skinship, I just, I didn’t think--”
“Shh, it’s okay! I don’t think… Jihoon’s mad. Just might be weird to see me around other hybrids since he’s used to it just being me and him.”
The two of you talk in whispers, not wanting the two to hear your conversation about them.
“Trust me, Jihoon is really about skinship too. I know he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s just as bad. Don’t be sorry about Chan.”
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Once the two of you finish up cleaning, you make your way to the living room as well. The two hybrids sit in the sun by the window; Jihoon’s music notes out while Chan tries to sing along to one of his melodies.
You decide to sit closer, wanting to be a part of their music session as Minghao grabs a film camera from his bag. “Might as well, Chan likes keeping the photos in his scrapbook.”
“Oh yeah! I put pictures of me and all my friends in it. All the pictures are from hyung, obviously. Now I can add you and Jihoon-hyung to it!”
The four of you sit on the floor in somewhat of a circle, Minghao and Chan next to you as Jihoon sits in front of you. Chan glances at you once before he shifts closer to you.
“Can you pet me again?”
You blush for a moment, but he inches closer again and you feel sort of bad. “He never pets me when he’s “working”...” Chan draws air quotes around the word, a pout on his lips as he looks at Minghao.
“How can I pet you if I’m taking photos? Do I look like I have more than two hands?”
Sighing, you raise your palm, placing it on one of Chan’s fluffy ears as he leans into your touch. You’d have to deal with the repercussions with Jihoon later; you’d just hope he understood.
Chan decides to lay down on the floor, using your thigh as a pillow as he listens to Jihoon play the piano. The snake hybrid plays a familiar song as Chan sings along, voice stable even when he’s laying down. You check Jihoon’s face for any signs he’s mad but he seems to be okay for the most part, albeit a little quieter than usual. He still makes an effort to speak to Chan and engage in conversation, praising his singing voice as Chan blushes.
You play with the soft fur of Chan’s bunny ears, admiring them as you coo.
“Your ears are just so soft! And so cute!” He nuzzles into your leg, scenting you again as Jihoon seems to flinch. “Thanks~ It feels nice when people pet them!”
He stays like that for a while longer, only getting up when he starts to feel sleepy. “Hyung, m’sleepy now…” Minghao sets his camera down, running a hand through his own hair. “Did you want to head back then? We can just come over another day.” Chan nods, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “I’d like that. Jihoon-hyung is cool and I wanna come see him again!”
Jihoon blushes at the comment, accidentally pressing down the wrong key as he sputters. “Y-yeah, I had f-fun too…”
The four of you get up from the floor, stretching and gathering your belongings. “I’ll show you guys to the door?” Minghao and Chan nod, and to your surprise, Jihoon follows behind as you begin to walk to the doorway. “It was really nice having you guys over! And Chan, you’re always welcome here too. Maybe we can call up ‘Cheol and have him bring Mingyu along as well!” Chan talks animatedly about how much he’d like that, already asking when they could set up a date.
“Alright, slow down, bud. We gotta figure out when ‘Cheol’s got time and we still got work, y’know?”
“Yes, hyung…”
You side hug Minghao, only for Chan to launch himself at you right after. He nuzzles into your neck as he squeezes you tight. “Thank you for having us over today!”
When he lets go of you, he immediately looks to Jihoon, shooting him a smile and waving before running out the door.
“I’m really really sorry about him.”
“It’s okay, get going before he bounces off somewhere. I’ll talk to you later, ‘Hao.”
You shut the door once they leave, breathing a sigh of relief when you turn around.
Jihoon doesn’t visibly look upset, but you can see a glint in his eyes that tells you he’s thinking about it.
“Hey, Ji--”
“Mm, I’m gonna work on some music back in my work room. I got some ideas and I wanna hash them out before I lose the inspiration.” You nod, watching him as he grabs his keyboard from the living room and starts down the hallway.
“I dunno when I’ll be done but if you start on dinner, just call me.”
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You leave Jihoon to his work, tidying up around the house before you plop down onto the sofa to watch some TV. You’d figured that Jihoon probably just needed some time to himself to cool off, just in case he really was mad. But at the same time, you were really proud of the snake hybrid for being so civil and kind to Chan despite Chan’s need for skinship.
Not even realizing you fell asleep at some point, you sit up on the sofa groggily. The sky is already dark outside of the windows so you’d fallen asleep for quite a white, shutting off the TV as you stretch. Turning towards the hallway, you wonder what Jihoon is even up to; if he’s even still working on his music.
Getting up from the sofa, you stretch, already walking down the hallway to Jihoon’s workroom. You don’t hear any music and you don’t hear his voice at all but you knock, calling Jihoon’s name softly.
He opens the door gently after a minute or so, sleepy eyes meeting yours. “Oh, did you end up taking a nap too?” You can hear the sleep laced in his voice, reaching up to thread your hand into his blonde locks.
“Yeah, I fell asleep on the sofa. Guess we were more tired than expected, huh? I’m gonna start on dinner, if you wanna come keep me company or something.” He nods, letting you know he’ll be out in a few minutes.
You walk to the kitchen, already grabbing the necessary items to start on dinner. Jihoon joins you a few minutes later, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You smell like him, y’kno?” Jihoon’s voice is soft but gravelly next to your ear. There’s a certain edge to his voice that has you shuddering against his form. “Do you want to know something?”
“They say that some snakes can smell the fear in their prey. Do you believe it?”
“I--I don’t know?” There’s a soft but warning chuckle by your ear, Jihoon’s arms tightening around your body as he presses harder into you. “I don’t know if I believe it either. But wouldn’t it be an advantage? To know your prey is… submissive.” You can’t even tell what your hands are doing anymore when Jihoon takes the moment to lick the shell of your ear. His lips travel down, nipping the skin of your neck as you let out a shaky breath. You can feel the wetness pooling between your thighs as he continues his path, digging his teeth into the junction of your neck before he sucks the skin into his mouth to soothe it. His hands begin traveling up your torso, cupping your breasts in his palms before harshly squeezing.
“Ji--Jihoon the--the dinner…”
“I think I want to eat something else right now. What do you say?”
You moan in response, grinding back against his hardening cock. “O--okay…”
“Meet me in the bedroom in 5 minutes.”
You release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding when Jihoon steps back and starts walking towards the bedroom. Okay, maybe he was a tiny bit mad, if not territorial. You wash your hands, forgetting about dinner as you stand in the kitchen thinking about how potentially dominating Jihoon could be. The thoughts alone are enough to have you moaning out loud as you rub your thighs together. You don’t really know why Jihoon has you waiting but you obey his word, giving him a few minutes before heading down the hallway to your bedroom.
Not really knowing what to expect, you open the door to find Jihoon by the foot of the bed, 3 of your panties already torn and on top of the bedsheets. “Sorry, I didn’t really know what to use for restraints so I had to make some. Hope you don’t mind.” You feel a tingly sensation running all over your body; all the way down to the tips of your fingers.
“Um--Uh, no..”
“Good. I figured we could do a little learning exercise. What do you think?”
“I--Sure?” There’s no denying how wet you are just from the energy Jihoon was exuding. “I--I don’t know what to do…”
“I want you to strip and get on the bed for me. And lay back against the pillows.”
You nod, stripping your clothes off slow and quietly before getting on the bed. Jihoon follows suit, stripping himself bare before he joins you, spreading your legs and slotting himself in between. He scoffs slightly when he notices your wet folds. “You know, snakes aren’t typically known for being territorial. But when they feel threatened, they’re more likely to attack.”
Jihoon leans in, his chest meeting yours as he ghosts his lips above your own. “Chan’s a sweet kid. Such a shame he’s so blind with his actions.” You can’t help but gulp and hold your breath, shaky eyes watching Jihoon as he leans towards your neck instead. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page as he is, I guess I should let him know who really belongs to who, hmm?” He chuckles against your skin, leaving love bites blooming in his path. “Ngh, Jihoon…”
Placing your hands on his forearms, he stops and pulls away. “Oh, right. Let’s try these.” He pulls away to grab the torn material on the bed next to you. “I’m sure Seungcheol-hyung’s already told you specifically I’m a ball python hybrid right? And you must know that constrictor types like to, well, constrict their prey.” There’s a glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips when he drags the torn fabric up your naked torso. It tickles your skin, a whimper escaping your lips when the soft material ghosts across your nipples.
“But before we get started, I need to know a safe word from you.”
“Um, uh… l--lightning?”
“Interesting choice, but okay. Arms up and towards the headboard.”
He takes his time tying your wrists above you, admiring his work once he deems it’s tight enough and you’re comfortable. “In theory, I’d love for you to touch me but this is a learning experience on predators and prey. You understand, don’t you?”
Jihoon smiles at you, hands gripping your thighs hard. “You smell so good. You’re so fuckin’ wet I can smell just how bad you want me to slide my cock right into that pussy. But you know what else? I can still smell that bunny hybrid on your skin.” You moan at his rough touch, squirming when he presses the shaft of his cock against your wet folds. “I can stand it when you come home smelling like other people because of work, but not this.”
He leans into you again, lips ghosting against your sternum. “I’m just gonna have to get rid of it myself then, huh?” Licking his lips, his tongue peeks from between them, already lapping at your skin. His tongue drags across your torso, flicking at a nipple before he wraps his mouth around it. You arch your back, leaning into his touch. He repeats this on the other side, laughing softly against your skin when he feels you rolling your hips against his. “Already so desperate for my cock? C’mon now, baby.”
The way Jihoon calls you ‘baby’ has your entire body flaring up, the breath getting knocked out of you almost immediately. “I have to mark you up all nice and pretty for your friends to see.”
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What you learn in the next 15 minutes is that Jihoon can be mean.
He takes the time to nip at your skin, biting and sucking at it to leave blooming red marks all over your torso and neck. Jihoon takes it even further by skimming across your lower abdomen, sucking love bites onto your hips and even on your thighs. You sob, tugging at the restraints above you as you beg him to do something more.
“I am doing something. I’m marking you.”
“B--But I want… mo--more…”
“Oh? Do predators usually pamper their prey before consuming or attacking them?”
The goosebumps rise on your skin at his comment as you quickly shut your mouth. “That’s what I thought.”
He slots himself back between your legs, wrapping them around his waist.
Jihoon runs his fingers through your folds, watching you squirm as he collects the wetness on his fingertips before inserting two fingers into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so wet, my fingers slid right in.” You sob, eyes wet with unshed tears. The urge to cum is already so strong and Jihoon had barely started. He thrusts his fingers hard and fast, curving them inside of you to hit your g-spot. You can’t help but tighten around his digits, crying out when he adds a third.
You feel impossibly full when he fingers you and you can barely wait until it’s his cock instead. He was definitely much bigger than his fingers and you were slightly worried he was almost too big for you to handle. But he works you open, thumb on your clit while he thrusts his fingers in knuckle deep.
There’s no word of warning before you’re cumming all over his fingers, wrecked sobs the only thing you can manage while he continues to rub at your clit.
“Ji--Jihoon, fuck, I--”
“Mmh, your body is so fucking warm. Your pussy is so wet and hot around my fingers. I need to fuck you now.”
Whimpering, you watch through teary eyes as he brings his fingers to his cock, spreading the precum and your wetness all over the head and shaft of it before positioning himself at your entrance. Your body is still sensitive and your orgasm is still ebbing away when Jihoon starts to push in. 
There’s a slight sting when he does; he was definitely much bigger and wider than his fingers. And without even saying anything, Jihoon caresses your skin, quietly praising you for being so good for him.
“Jihoon, ngh, fu--fuck, your cock feels so good and so big…”
He smiles at the praise, watching as his cock disappears into your pussy. There’s an incoherent babble on your lips when he finally bottoms out; the head of his cock snug against your cervix. “Fuc--Fuck! Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me!”
Jihoon can also be nice.
He starts a slow pace, letting you get used to his size. “Your pussy is so tight and warm around my cock. Fuck, I could stay here forever.” His grip on your thighs tighten, grinding himself into you between thrusts. You can feel yourself start to drool a little at the feeling. If you felt full with his fingers inside of you, this was a completely different high all together. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck! Your cock is so good, I--I can’t…!”
“Yeah? Gonna let me fuck this pussy whenever I want?”
“Yes, god…!”
The sound of your moans and skin slapping are all that can be heard in the bedroom. Jihoon starts a quicker pace, leaning down until he’s nosing at your neck again. He licks at your skin, sucking on the love bites he’d already left and leaving new ones right next to them. You can feel his nails digging into the skin of your thighs, a shaky moan leaving you when you feel him raking them down your skin.
In all honesty, Jihoon never really struck you as someone that’d be into marking. But by now, you realize that it just takes a certain situation for him to really want to.
“Fuck, baby, I hope you’re c-close. I wanna cum in this tight ‘lil pussy.”
“Ngh, pl--please cum in--inside of me… I want your cum…”
He laughs against your skin, pulling away immediately after. “Oh? You want me to cum in your hot ‘lil cunt? Get you nice and full with it? Fuck… fuck! You want me to breed you, don’t you? I’ll fuck my cum into your hot ‘lil pussy and get you nice and pregnant with my babies. Bet you’d love, wouldn’t you? I’ll fill you up with my cum everytime we fuck. Everyone will know you belong to me when they smell you, when they can smell my cum trickling down your thighs. And then I’ll fuck my cum back into you and keep it inside of you ‘til you can’t take anymore of it.”
You could almost die at Jihoon’s words, clenching around his cock impossibly hard. “Yes, g-god, yes please! I want it! I want y-your cum inside of me, please!” You tug on the restraints again, just wanting to touch Jihoon as well. One of his delicate hands travels up your torso, wrapping itself around the column of your neck before pressing down on the sides slightly.
“You’re so filthy. You want me to breed you so bad, don’t you? I can feel you getting so tight around my cock.”
The lightheadedness makes you feel fuzzy, soft moans spilling from you as your eyes flutter shut.
“I want you to cum on my cock, get it nice and wet for me before I cum inside your pussy, baby.”
Jihoon grinds against you, letting the head of his cock push up against your cervix. The feeling is almost too much combined with his hand around your throat and he can see the look on your face that you’re about to cum, thrusting into you hard and fast as you sob; his hand around your throat loosening when he feels your body go rigid.
Your breath stutters and you momentarily black out when you cum, body seizing up at the intensity of your orgasm. Jihoon thumbs your clit as you cry. He continues to thrust into you, groaning at the feeling of your walls throbbing around his cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
He grinds against you, muttering incoherent curses under his breath the entire time.
Your head feels fuzzy but you can feel his warm cum inside of you and you can’t tell if it's a hybrid thing or just a Jihoon thing but there is a lot of it. He stays still while the two of you catch your breaths, his cum already trickling down the slides of his cock that’s still sheathed inside of you.
“J-Jihoon my… my arms p-please…” He nods tiredly after a moment, undoing the restraints and checking your wrists for any marks. The skin is red and irritated where you were tugging against them but you seem fine otherwise.
“The redness should go down in a bit.”
He kisses your wrists gently, massaging your tired arms as he brings them to your sides. And as much as he doesn’t want to, he pulls out, watching as globs of cum pour out of your hole.
“Damn, what a waste.” You tiredly laugh at him, bringing a hand up to wipe at your tear-streaked face. “Push my cum out, baby.” There’s a slight blush on your cheeks at his request, but you oblige, the warm substance dripping down onto the sheets underneath you. Jihoon watches it as it drips down, bringing a hand towards it as he scoops it up on his fingertips and presses it back into your pussy.
“Ugh, Jiho--oon~ I c-can’t anymore…”
“Sorry, must be a… hybrid thing maybe.”
“Is the amount of cum also a hybrid thing or?”
Jihoon laughs, sliding off the bed to get a clean cloth. “Dunno. Think that’s just me. I haven’t… been with anyone for a long time so… I mean, I dunno to be honest.” 
“Yeah, I dunno! Anyway, should we get cleaned up? I think the bedsheets need to… um, go.”
This time you’re so tired you can’t even begin to sit up in bed. “Ji… do you think you can carry me? I don’t think I can feel my legs.” He nods. “Oh, let me run the bath first so it can warm up.” 
You let him, watching as he disappears into the bathroom. To the best of your ability, you sit up, another gush of cum spilling out of you when you do. 
“Ugh, Ji, if you’re gonna cum this much all the time what are we gonna do about the sheets?”
He licks his lips when he walks back into the bed to come get you, scooping you up into his arms as he brings you to the bathroom with a smirk on his face. 
“I mean, we can fuck, get the sheets dirty and then fuck in the laundry room? Or fuck in the bath like I fully intend to do right now.” 
“Oh my god.” 
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541 notes · View notes
dwellordream · 3 years
the best laid plans
day 1 for @wayhavensummer because this is the only prompt I'll have time to do this week!
T Rating (for one brief mention of sex and one brief reference to emotional abuse) Felix x Detective Esme Kingston, 2300 words
The migraine cuts her to her core, and Esme can’t even manage the usual dose of guilt and hesitance she’d feel about canceling plans with Tina. They were supposed to go away this weekend, and Esme hasn’t been on a vacation since uni, but right now she couldn’t even make her way out of her flat, never mind into a car for a seven hour drive down the coast. 
She feels like vomiting, the pain is so intense, as if she’d been concussed. Migraines have been a constant for her since puberty; she has a vivid memory of her first one, when she was thirteen, and the long wait in the nurse’s office at the private school her mother paid so much money for. The same mother who eventually sent someone else to pick her up, ninety minutes after the first phone call. 
Esme doesn’t even remember who it was; some Agency intern? A vampire? A demon? Whoever it was, they brought her home, gave her some painkillers, and told her to sleep it off. She woke up hours later, in the middle of the night, to a still empty house. Rebecca had come home briefly to leave a note for her about some leftovers in the fridge and another one excusing her from school the next day if need be, and then gone straight back to work. 
Maybe Esme should have been outraged or hurt by this, but she doesn’t recall feeling much of anything at the time beyond hunger, when the pain had finally receded enough to think straight. She ate the leftovers cold in their sterile, silent kitchen, and put herself back to bed.
The migraines had intensified through high school, to the point where her mother considered putting her on permanent medication, before receding just before she went away to university. After that they were far more infrequent, which was both a blessing and a curse- it was easy to forget what the pain felt like, and to feel like it was weak, lazy of her to let it get the best of her. 
Bobby certainly didn’t help matters; the first one Esme had during their relationship came around shortly after they’d had sex for the first few times, and Bobby quickly became convinced this was her version of ‘not tonight, dear, I have a headache-’. That she was, for some ludicrous reason, exaggerating her migraines. 
If she didn’t want to have sex with him, she’d never had much of an issue saying as much, bluntly, clinically. Another thing he despaired of- her lack of social graces, her insistence on saying exactly what she meant, in her usual ‘ice queen’ manner. Now he had reason to call her frigid in more ways than one. 
Esme still isn’t sure how things between them ever lasted as long as seven torturous months. She assumes they both had a private masochistic streak- why else would two people who made one another so blatantly unhappy stay together? 
Bobby isn’t here now, of course, to whinge and moan about her ignoring him, but there’s still a little voice in her head telling her to get up and stop acting like a baby when the evening rolls around. The pain has greatly lessened, thankfully, and she’s hungry, which is usually a good sign, but she’s also exhausted and cranky and generally miserable, feeling as though an entire day was wasted, one she could have spent with her best friend, on her way to a vacation. 
Now, again, she is alone in a dark room. She slowly rolls over onto her side, bracing for a wave of pain or nausea, then pushes herself up onto her elbows and gropes at her night table for her phone. She has several missed calls and texts. Two from Tina, one from her mother, and one from Felix, which is the most recent, about thirty minutes ago. 
Felix H: omw over to drop stuff off. 30 min???
She checks the time, then jumps, almost bashing her head into the headboard, when she hears a quiet knock at her door. For a moment Esme considers lying back down and not answering it; Felix can be persistent but he would never try to break her door down, especially when he knows she’s ill. 
Then she clambers out of bed, some instinct driving her, a desperate kind of loneliness- for an instant tears spring to her eyes, as if she were a child again, terrified of being left alone, that she will just miss him, that she will pull open the door and he will already be gone-
He’s right there when she yanks open the door, the chain still in place. Esme undoes it and pulls the door open all the way. Felix is staring at her, a small bag of groceries in hand. Vampires have far better temperature regulation than humans but it’s obvious he is feeling the heat; for once he’s not wearing a beanie or any kind of hat or cap at all. 
He’s gotten his hair braided recently; Esme looks at him for a moment, staggered by the fact, as always, that even in the harsh fluorescent lighting of her narrow hallway. Felix’s dark skin has a sheen all its own, magnified by his golden eyes. 
He prods her shoulder gently with the pad of his thumb. “If you faint on me, I’m gonna drop your gifts.”
“My gifts?” Esme shakes her head, leading the way back into her darkened flat. It’s much more cluttered than usual; she never finished packing for the trip she was supposed to take today. 
Felix does not reach for a light switch; he has perfect vision in the dark, and light from the parking lot is spilling through her blinds. Instead he sets the bag on her counter and sorts through it as enthusiastically as Santa Claus on Christmas, or a child sorting through their Halloween candy. 
“Min tea,” he says, “cold packs, squash, sweet potatoes, brown rice, dried cranberries…”
“Did you just look up ‘what to eat and drink for a migraine’?” Esme manages to ask, bemused. 
He looks up, a sheepish smile quirking at his soft lips. “If I say yes…”
“I’m impressed,” she says. “And.. thank you. Very much. You didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t have to supply my ailing girlfriend with nutritious food and drink?” he waves the bottle of mint teat in her face vigorously. 
“Ailing? I’m not eighty five years old, Felix.”
“That’s right, I’m the old man here,’ he cackles, then amends, “Or, will be. Technically we’re not that far apart in age but eventually when you start decaying-,”
“Decaying?” As usual, his word choice both horrifies and amuses her. 
Felix has even less of a filter than her, but with the opposite effect. She comes across as cold and controlling. He comes across as… well, ‘space cadet’ has been used a few times, but Esme likens it to a time traveler. Only, not from the past, and not quite from the future. A parallel visitor. Something out of the Twilight Zone, only… warm and colorful and eager to please. That’s Felix.
He shrugs. “Succumbing to the elements?”
“I’m not a castle,” she mutters, but pours herself a cup of cold mint tea. Will it be as good as if she’d brewed it herself here at home, no, but at the moment she doesn’t care. 
He puts the rest away in her small fridge while she drinks, leaving out the cranberries, then circles warily, as if approaching a wild animal, when she finishes off her cup. “Can I-,” his fingers ghost along the back of her neck. The hairs there raise and she shivers violently, but not in fear or pain. 
“Yes,” she murmurs, then leans back into his embrace as he wraps his arms around her. 
They scuttle over to the sofa like that, and ease down together. Felix is not terribly tall, and she is average height, so there’s scarcely a few inches between them. Esme has always liked that. All the others she’s been with had towered over her, and it made her feel spoilt and delicate in an undesirable, bratty kind of way, as if she were childish, some little princess to be coddled and indulged. Or maybe that’s just her projecting onto everything else that makes up a relationship besides height differences. 
For now, she is content to lie back so her head rests against Felix’s, cheek to cheek. His is silken smooth; she knows he is fastidious about shaving, the same as her. 
“You’re feeling better, though?” he murmurs, and snakes a hand under her pyjama top as if to check. Splayed warm against her belly, it tickles for an instant and she smiles. 
“Yes. It’s mostly passed. I’m just tired. And annoyed. Tina was really looking forward to this trip. She’ll still have fun by herself, but it was supposed to be the two of us, and I’m always canceling plans.”
“You are not,” says Felix, reasonably. “You’re just busy. And you couldn’t help it this time, you were sick. She knows that.”
Esme nods; for all his jokes and quips, Felix is always sensible in a manner that she finds comforting- stating the obvious isn’t such a bad thing when dealing with someone like her. 
“I hate being sick,” she murmurs, rolling onto her side so she can rest her cheek on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around her more securely, even intertwines their legs. Felix sleeps like this too, though at this point he’s only spent the night a few times. 
Esme is taking things as slowly as she dares, given all the other factors at play- her mother, their work, the rest of the team, the fact that he is a vampire from another dimension and she is the human equivalent of dry toast… 
“I kind of like it,” Felix confesses, with just enough lilt in his voice that she knows he’s half teasing.
Esme grumbles vengefully into his shirt. He smells like coconut butter and vanilla. She doesn’t know if that’s his aftershave or just the essence of Felix, refined to the purest degree. Sometimes he smells like cinnamon to her, or lavender and honeysuckle. 
Felix tolerates these assessments but likes to claim that it’s him producing some kind of super pheromones perfectly designed for luring in unsuspecting human prey. Or his girlfriend. Or both. 
Esme has not been anyone’s girlfriend in a long time. Years. It feels very strange. Before him, it’d been so long since she’d even touched anyone, besides Tina or her mother or shaking hands. That absence did not hurt Esme. But being with Felix is like an unexpected delight. Free dessert. Extra sprinkles on your sundae. Any number of juvenile metaphors she should be above, but isn’t. 
“You’re not going to ask why I like it?” He is winding his fingers through her hair, which she let down from its usual tight ponytail to ease the tension on her scalp.
“Because you like to mock me?” she ventures.
“No,” says Felix. “Because you would have gone away with Tina, and now I get to see you. And hold you.” He presses an astoundingly gentle kiss to her brow, like a feather.
Esme feels a queer stab of guilt. “I didn’t know you’d minded so much.”
“I don’t mind,” he says quickly. “I was happy for you to get away for once. I’m not going to third wheel you and your best friend.”
“I think the terms refers to the opposite-,”
“Hush hush,” he interrupts, which gets a giggle out of her. “But this is like… an unexpected delight.”
The back of her neck prickles. “Can you read minds?” she asks, half serious.
“Not yet,” he sounds smug. “I have great intuition.”
“Because you’re a vampire?”
“No, because I’m me,” he boasts. “Look at Ava’s intuition. Terrible.”
Esme laughs again. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“She’s always expecting the worse. And Nat swings in the other direction. Always wants to play nice and hug it out.”
“And Mason?” Esme teases, feeling energetic enough not to raise her head so her chin is on his chest. Their noses are almost touching.
“Eh… he’s alright,” Felix breathes, and then closes the gap with a kiss. 
Esme kisses him back, more passionately than she’d meant to, and only stops it when he starts to sit up so she is straddling his lap. 
“I don’t think I can…”
“Eat some cranberries?” He grins impishly and hands her the bag from the coffee table.
Esme smiles and bumps her forehead against his, something she did impulsively after their first kiss and which he never let her live down. 
“What are we, cats?” he says, on cue, but brushes his nose and lips down her cheek and onto her neck, as if to nuzzle her in turn. “Eat some fruit before your migraine comes back. Do you want me to put some of this stuff away?”
“No,” she says, pushing him back down on the sofa. “Just- stay with me, please?”
“Alright,” he agrees, amiable as ever, and reaches for the remote. “This can be like our vacation, yeah? The Felix and Esme Show. The Fezme Show-,”
“No,” she groans, but wriggles off him to curl up beside him instead, a handful of cranberries rising to her mouth as he flips through the channels.
He settles on an episode of Columbo. Felix hasn’t really seen much in the way of TV, and so reruns mean nothing to him. But it means everything to her. They keep the volume on very low, and he gets up at one point to open the windows more, even as the faint sounds of the parking lot outside drift in- the buzz of the lights, doors opening and closing, the crunch of gravel. 
Esme falls asleep sagging onto him, cranberries in her lap, mouth half open while Felix watches, riveted in the light of the screen, as the detective closes the case.
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peachy-beomie · 4 years
Fellas, is it Gay to Kiss The Homies? <TEN-CENTRIC>
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Genre: Light Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Kunten (Qian Kun x Ten Lee) and implied (Ten x Everyone) [ALL SHIPS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PLATONIC]
Word Count: 1455
Warnings: Fluff overdose, might give you diabetes /t
Synopsis: Ten just really likes kisses and he wants to give them to his friends. That’s it.
A/N: I wrote this wanting it to be Platonic!Kunten but tbh it may have gotten away from me a little bit so believe what you want ig
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30021543
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Ten has always been overly affectionate. In the eyes of Weishennies, Winwin and Yangyang bear the brunt of it. On variety shows and lives Ten can sometimes be found floating around one of his two didis or entirely attached to them. It’s become a joke among fans and members, the way Ten calls Yangyang baby while the maknae responds with countless protests and whines. But something fans are unaware of is that off-camera, the Thai male’s affection extends to all the members. Ten is known to demand touches from most any friend in reach. Even Kun, despite the pairs’ constant bickering. The WayV members have grown used to Ten’s insatiable need to hold and be held. There’s a silent understanding between the 7 roommates. All the boys know that comforting Ten is just more of a physical thing. Each member understands, and some have even become fond of the actions. Most surprisingly Winwin. Though he seems like a total skinship anti, he’s all smiles whenever Ten envelopes him in a hug. 
For the endless love and acceptance of his bandmates, Ten feels so incredibly blessed. But even in such a wonderful situation, there are things Ten can’t have. And lines he dare not cross.
To Ten, there’s nothing inherently romantic or sexual about his lingering touches. To him, spooning with his friends is his way of showing platonic affection. Obviously some things are reserved for romantic/sexual partners: making out and things of the like. But the lines between friendship and partnership are far thinner to him than most. He hasn’t told his friends about his affinity for kisses, having only recently come to terms with it himself. All through his life he’s had these fleeting urges to kiss his friends, and he’d always passed them off as intrusive thoughts. But lately, these urges have become more persistent. When his members are especially kind to him, he feels his attention float briefly to their lips, wishing to give them a small peck. It’s always a peck. A forehead kiss, eskimo, cheek, knuckle, nose; always something innocent. A mere grazing of lips to skin. No matter how innocent the intent or the action, Ten can’t help but feel completely and utterly ashamed. 
Friends aren’t supposed to want to kiss each other, he chides to himself. The dancer already feels like enough of a bother asking to cuddle and hold hands, he fears that by taking the extra step, he’ll lose all 6 of them entirely. So he pushes these feelings deep down, and continues on, hoping the others don’t notice his worry. 
Unfortunately for Ten, Kun prides himself on being in tune with his members’ emotions. Kun first realizes something is wrong during one of the group’s rare off days. He and Ten had opted to stay home, the younger practically BEGGING him to continue watching Doctor Who with him. The two eldest boys have been watching it together for a couple months, and have already plowed through 2 seasons (that’s quite impressive considering how packed their schedules are). Since it’s nearly impossible to refuse Ten anything, Kun finds himself lazing the day away on the couch, carding his fingers through the soft brown locks strewn across his lap.
“Fuck. Everything,” Ten says after they finish the season 2 finale. “Whoever made this episode is a monster.”
Kun giggles, leaning down to wipe stray tears from Ten’s cheeks. “You knew it had to end eventually Tennie.” 
“YEAH BUT THAT WAS SO M E A N!” Ten removes his head from Kun’s lap as the older laughs harder. “It’s not funny!” The Thai man pouts, only eliciting more laughter. 
“Aw you poor thing,” Kun teases, pushing himself off the couch and holding a expectant hand out to the pouting brunette. “C’mon you big baby. Let me make you something to cheer you up.”
Never one to turn down free food, Ten trudges to the kitchen and sits down at the table while his ge gets to work. Ten watches Kun work for 15 minutes before turning to the table and placing a bowl of noodles in front of Ten. The younger looks up at the singer then, an almost indecipherable look on his face. In those few seconds of silence, Kun sees hesitation in Ten’s eyes, an uncharacteristic moment of pause. It’s like Ten wants to do something but he’s restraining himself. Then all too quickly, the look is gone. Ten thanks Kun for the meal before scarfing it down. 
Kun doesn’t bring it up then, or when he sees the same look directed at Hendery the next night while they’re playing Monopoly. He waits a week before finally confronting the boy, having seen the same hesitant gaze 5 or more times by now.
He decided to confront him after their biweekly Just Dance tournament. Kun and Ten were on a team together and kicking everyone else’s asses. After winning their 4th consecutive battle they’d hugged victoriously. When they pulled back, Ten had “the look” written all over his face. And without warning, he pecked Kun on the nose.
Ten stood straight in horror, he didn’t even give Kun a chance to say anything before bolting out of the room. The 5 other members followed him with eyes full of worry and concern. They’re only semi-placated with Kun’s promise of “I’ll talk to him.”
Kun opened the door to Ten and Hendery’s shared room to see Ten facing the wall dejectedly, curled tightly into his blankets. The older made sure he moved softly and quietly, not wanting to spook the boy. He sat himself on the bed across from Ten’s huddled figure, not missing the other boy’s flinch. Kun lays down behind the boy, wrapping his arms around his middle.
“I’m not mad Yongqin, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Kun uses Ten’s Mandarin name, knowing the younger loves the way it rolls off his tongue. “I just want to understand, ok?” The older rubs soothing circles on Ten’s arm with his finger.
“I’m sorry,” Ten whispers, almost imperceptibly quiet. 
“Qinqin I told you there’s nothing to be s--”
“No but I am sorry,” Ten says, turning himself in Kun’s hold to face the older, but still not making eye contact. “I-I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I could tell it was bothering you.” Kun says, raising the eyebrow of the dancer.
“Yeah,” Kun confirms. “So do you have a crush on me?”
“Not at all,” Ten says honestly. He fiddles with his fingers between their parallel chests rather than meet Kun’s gaze. “I just… hhh I don’t know how to begin to explain it.”
“Take your time.” Kun assures which Ten is exceedingly grateful for. Kun has always been patient and level-headed that way.
“It’s kinda like… you know how you hug your friends? To show them you care about them?” Kun nods easily. “Well, for me… kissing is kinda equivalent to a hug with a friend. It’s just...my way of showing affection I guess,” Kun nods again, taking in every word Ten says. “It became apparent a few months ago. But I didn’t want to bother you guys with it, so I kept quiet. And I know it’s weird and it’s really no big deal if you don’t want to I can--”
“Yeah, It’s too much isn’t it? Can we just pretend this never happened? I’m really sor--”
“Look Kun don’t worry about it. It’s really fine. I just want to--”
Ten finally ceases his baseless ranting. Kun rubs up and down the boy’s upper arms.
“Ten it’s fine. I never said I disliked it. If platonic kisses are something you want… something you need,” Kun smiles lightly. “Then I don’t see a problem with that.”
This time Ten actually does look Kun in the eye, cat-like eyes wide with disbelief. “What?”
“Just explain to me what you need Yongqin,” Kun whispers understandingly, and for some reason it makes Ten blush a little. “I’m all ears.”
Ten was left completely dumbfounded. He had just proposed something… crazy.... and yet Kun isn’t running. He doesn’t seem weirded out, or scared, or disgusted. He’s still there. 
“U-um…” Ten starts. “Just… small ones, I guess. Like cheek, nose, knuckles, forehead, hair, that kind of stuff,” Kun processes all this again. “A-and pecks on the lips are nice sometimes… i-if that’s not too much.”
Kun shakes his head and smiles, “Sounds good to me!” And to punctuate it, he places a small kiss on Ten’s forehead, setting the boy’s cheeks aflame once more. 
“T-Thanks,” He says genuinely.
“Of course Tenten,” The older contemplates giving him another kiss for assurance, but he decides that he shouldn’t overwhelm Ten too much just yet. “Anything for you.”
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