dnangelic · 2 months
Boy, this human sure is tall! It takes a bit of effort for the kitten to scale the boy. From the bottom of his pants, up his back and onto his shoulder where she then leaps! Once she finally reaches her destination--the top of his head, the feline lets out a pleased mew and kneads her paws against his scalp a few times then ultimately decides to yawn and curl herself up for a nap!
' mmn , wiz ... ' the instant he feels a mysterious weight clambering all over him , daisuke can't help but whine and groan a little . hadn't he already told wiz plenty of times before not to cling to his head , or to suffocate him by splaying out right on top of his face while he was trying to sleep ? it was heavy ! and so peeking a single drowsy eye open , one hand slowly raises and gropes for what he expects to be a familiar patch of fur --- only for a tiny , feline-esque tail to drop and languidly wag in front of his nose .
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' uh ... huh ? '
this ... definitely didn't belong to his pet . although he can't help the way his heart starts to beat a little , ( what was this ? what was this ?! if it wasn't wiz , then it wasn't something dangerous , right --- ?! ) he doesn't swat or shake the unfamiliar weight off and only tries to blindly determine its shape with his gentle hands . soon enough , his head wordlessly drops , lowering at an angle towards his lap --- causing his tiny company to go falling , rolling right into his catch and the careful set of gloved palms that formed a basket .
a soft flush sets onto the boy's cheeks in an instant as he eyes the miniature meowth --- cute ... ah , but !
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' who ... ? u-um , hey , i'm sorry , but my head's not a bed patch ... ' even if it might have somehow resembled a small bed of tall , red grass . what would have happened if he hadn't woken up and he had leaned one way or another ? ' it --- might not be safe up there . ' and with that he sets her gently onto the ground . if nothing else --- he'd have taken being woken up by a pokemon like this instead of gengar pulling pranks or a giant metapod on his head anytime !
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espectres · 10 months
' ... shou-kun. ' a flush in his cheeks as the angel flutters and descends. black feathers shed and the niwa's self-made stage seems to be readied this way, dark's violet receding back into daisuke's red as he removes the tall, decorated top hat from his head. he plainly expends every effort not to hide the boyish flush of his cheeks behind the accessory, his eyes nevertheless shining no less than illuminated jewels, as blissful as bashful, the light of them bouncing off of every complex, golden accent that accompanied the rich style of his clothing. although he had sworn to himself that he would be brave, standing before shou and decorated in another one of dark's dramatic choices still carried a hint of embarrassment with it. even so, his family had considered it a necessity for the occasion, and after a fluttered-cape twirl and bow, a blast of confetti bursts from the apparent empty inside of the hat with a loud, thrilling pop.
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' --- happy birthday ! '
performances like this were one of a kind, witnessed by no one save for only the most select audiences. putting his arm into the inside of the hat, daisuke plainly rummages within at a depth far deeper than any ordinary logic should have allowed. he digs up to his elbow, until, judging by his expression, his fingers seem to finally gasp at what he's been searching for. cards? doves? none of the above. he nigh comically pulls out an enormous stuffed rabbit out from its tiny makeshift burrow, one dressed in a well-done replica of shou's most readily recognized varsity jacket, candies stuffed into its pockets to every brim, a ribbon and attached sealed letter bringing its welcome to completion. 'hello! i've come from the moon,' the elegant script inside would explain, ' where my friends and i sang and danced all day. i'm here to do the same with you, because someone was worried you might feel left out, or start to get lonely. '
the gift of shared rabbits between them, he hopes, was not too poor of a choice. nevertheless, he wasn't finished. with much less struggle, a fresh bouquet is also carefully retrieved. the velvety scent of roses blankets the air in an instant; pink, white, and red mingling with baby's breath, deep greens, and a small collection of sketchbooks carefully embedded into the floral ensemble, the first visible front of which was decorated by various yokai and ghosts to hopefully suit its recipient's tastes. certainly, it had been within the niwa's intention to grandly spoil. ' i ... we thought about a lot of things. dark and i, over what to get you, or what we could do for you. ' in the end, beyond the gift of something that would last and something that wouldn't, they had both agreed that simply spending time, and being grateful for one another's births and the privilege of their meetings, might have been the best. ' ... so i'm not just here to deliver, but also to invite. '
his heart pounding, the sensation of it immense and overflowing, with the motion of someone used to snatching calling cards out from some miraculous pocket, his fingers produce a set of amusement park tickets in an instant instead. an exquisite tenderness remains in his expression even as he endures every usual symptom: the burn of his skin, the soaring weight in his chest, transforming him into the great phantom thief again, though without any fear or terror. not before the one he loved and wanted to love; the one he, more than anything, wanted to dedicate even more of the precious time of his life to.
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' how about it, then? can i steal you away for the day ? '
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CELEBRATION HAS NEVER BEEN REALLY GRAND. With what has been made of his family and the ever changing currents of their lifestyle, such things as marks on the calender could only get pushed to the back of the mind as other events took place, and forced life to move much faster than his careless and often forgetful brain could process, let alone celebrate. There were years when this time of the year mattered, far back in the line of his memory, but much closer it was different. And truly? He didn't mind, he never did, with the difficulties that broke havoc through the life that he has known for himself and others who could possibly care, what can he expect? A text over the phone was more than he could ever ask for, and he never did. 
Eyes widen further as the confetti pops out of seemingly nowhere, snatching him out of the dumb trance of sheer enchantment that overtook him upon witnessing the angel thief's grand descent. The glimmering gold and the feathery black and how Daisuke's eyes reminded him of early morning stars trying to burn such a bright red, gleaming and beautiful in the last hour before the inevitable outshine by the brightest sun. He reaches out a palm for the tiny colourful papers and a few land onto his grip. A blissful grin grows against red dusted cheeks, the colour a courtesy of the cold December weather and every bashful and lovestruck emotion. He is sure nothing can ever outshine these eyes.
His head tips to the side curiously, grin still intact even as confusion makes itself visible in the slight furrow of his eyebrow. Tricks by the confidently powerless were always impressive, there was no questioning Daisuke's lack of anything otherworldly, aside from literally being cursed, but that was different- and thus there was no questioning his fascinating talent. Shou finds himself chuckling at how comically deep that hat was, ❝ Dude ... ❞ now how was Daisuke even doing all this? Shou could only gape and wonder as a plushie so ridiculously large gets pulled into existence and handed to him and oh, what the hell. He holds it at arms length, taking in the adorable look and the soft textures and the undeniably familiar jacket and the fact that it is real, that it has just came out of such a small fancy top hat and it's now in his hands and one could swear that sparkles of pure wonder could almost be seen with how absolutely awestruck Shou is. 
A wave of joy so enormous washes over the young Suzuki, it almost surprises him and his first instinct is to stifle his overjoyed cackles into the stuffed animal's soft body. ❝ It's so squishy ... ❞ He tells the replica jacket and the soft fake fur because he doesn't know if the weak words would reach Daisuke through them, but he really hopes they do and even if they don't he is sure this isn't the last time he'd be saying these silly things. Candies start falling from the full pockets with how tight he's hugging the thing, as though he could hold it strong enough and all the love stored in such a simple gift could seep through the contact right into his heart, even if it meant it could burst like a fickle heart shaped balloon and just kill him right then and there. His face partly shows, now red as the strawberries on candy wrappings. ❝ His name is Moko. ❞ He decides without deeper thinking, despite the embarrassment of confessing such details which he'd usually keep to himself and probably carry to the grave that way. But he needs Daisuke to know, he needs him to understand.
Flowers between them wasn't something entirely new, getting to know the sappiest parts of himself which liked the notions of classic romance seemed a little out of place, but it doesn't make the bouquet any strange nor less treasured as steps closer and takes it into his hands, as he searches and finds thoughtfulness embedded into every detail and every little thing and it all hits him right in the heart and all of a sudden he's dangerously close to what he recognizes as tears, he isn't sure if he could hug Daisuke now or later, it's still hard to expect this level of care from anyone, but it arrived in front of him anyhow and he can’t help but be overjoyed and overwhelmed and everything but over it. 
He places the oversized rabbit on the ground with a little too much haste, tiptoes to wrap an arm around the now much taller Niwa's neck and pull him down with a little too much force, because he has always been that way and maybe he doesn't know why he deserves all and any of this, but he is still trying to do better and it shows, in the form of lips to cheek, so soft in the way so many things about him aren't, but so intense like everything else has always been.
Could he ever truly express how much it all means to him? How does he ever deserve this? How does anyone? 
❝ Haven't they taugh you to be more careful with your heist ? ❞ He pulls back just enough to find the bright eyes and bask in their brave shine and offer a tease in the phantom thief's language, he briefly wonders if this is how it'd always feel like being with one, so whimsical and dramatic and true and so horribly sappy.
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He'd definitely bring that up later, ask Daisuke if he's actually trained for such a performance and for how long, pester him to get some magician secrets to slip, ask him if he could take a photo of him in the extremely fancy outfit and watch adoringly as the sweetheart visibly flusters at the idea- for now Shou simply laughes incredulously, pulling closer and hugging the daylight out of his heart's thief, the culprit behind all of his rightfully stolen affection. ❝ You're gonna end up killing me. ❞
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ariadnasdiary · 11 months
Diatober - Day 12: Mother/Father
Mun Ari: jk! xD
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Here are some headcanons about Ari's parents:
Let's remember their names: Daisuke Koizumi and Morena Martínez
Daisuke is Japanese but has been living since he was "3 years old" in Mexico. He came from Japan with his mother Aura Koizumi and older brother Kai.
Daisuke is a full blood founder and he escaped with his family from Japan, but specifically from the Makai.
I'll tell the story next in Diatober prompt "haunting" before they could be sentenced to death due to their parents crime. They were the product of an adventure between his father Carsten Kobayashi (a married man) and Aura.
They flee just in time before being killed and the begging of Endzeit's epidemic (and the fall of the Founder's realm basically)
Now! Back to Daisuke and Morena: they met while Morena worked in a local cafeteria where she was college of Kai. Kai wanted to present Morena to Daisuke, but she didn't take him seriously.
Morena was 18 when she met Daisuke and he was "21". Daisuke feel in love at first sight for Morena, while she wasn't THAT impressed (Kai was more her type because he was taller lol).
Daisuke tried to conquered her with gifts and taking her everywhere he could think of. Morena belonged to a middle-lower class while Daisuke was more of the middle-upper class.
He had a great job, almost finished with college and had a car (this happened in the 80's-90's) which was impressive.
Yet Morena wasn't an easy catch~ and Daisuke liked that~ (could say it stimulated his predator nature~). And took him 2 years to get her to date him 🤭.
They dated for 2 years and finally married! They married young: she was 22 and he was "25".
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A year later they had Akane and 2 years after that Ariadna was born.
Let me describe now this two as individuals, while dating and as parents~
Daisuke is generally described as: charming, funny, hard working, responsible, patient, love language gift giver, witty, good negotiator, ambitious and overall mysterious. He never told his wife about his nature not even to his daughters. As a father, he sadly was absent: he became a workaholic and spent of the time traveling to attend his various businesses. He never failed to provide, but Morena was left with the raising by herself. He was closer to Ariadna. He became even more absent and distant when he visited his brother Kai and caught the Endzeit from him. Kai didn't survived and now Daisuke had his days counted due to the illness that he perfectly knew took the lives of his people and had no cure apparently. So he went to Japan (Makai) to find it, which caused as a result Ari looking for him and... well she ended up where we are now~. Finally, he always told his story and his roots through "fairytales" to his daughter and Ari didn’t fully get it until she met the Tsukinami (on the tiny note and as you saw in the previous post: Ari is technically a long lost cousin to them 🙊)
Now Morena: a sweet yet strong lady. She was cautious, social and nice. She did study a career, but always wanted to be a housewife, which she did. As a mother she was in charge to raise her daughter by herself. She was highly efficient, responsible, understanding and wise. Not to mention she was very loving and a perfect balance of strict and easy going. She was closer to Akane, but always tried to approached Ari. She is a great mother and always knew how to motivate and love each one of her daughters. It's sad to think that it was due to a discussion/fight that she lost Ari when she escaped home to look for her father. They didn't deserve to end things like that and I really don’t like to think what happened to Morena after she lost both her husband and youngest daughter... is so heartbreaking 💔 🥺.
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Daisuke appearance: brown hair, he dyed it at certain point to add some strands of Grey hair in order to hide his immortality and show time "did" passed on him. He was really handsome, he wasn't tall: 1.54 m (did you see that coming?), striking gold eyes and white skin.
Morena's appearance: long brown hair, white skin more like beige(?, dark brown eyes, 1.56 m (also not too tall, but lucky for Ari she got her height lol), a sweet smile, she was slightly chubby after becoming a mom and she had a great sense of style~ she was very feminine and had a good taste overall 🥰.
*Note: pictures aren't mine, I got them just for illustrative reasons and I got them from Pinterest
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gojo-x-reader · 4 years
Not So Special Now
Relationship(s): F!Reader x Gojo Satoru
Warnings: canon-typical violence
Tags: fluff (at the end), reader-focused
AO3 Link: here
Words: ~4k
Request: “hello there, i love ur soulmate and marriage life hc 🥺 can you make scenario/hc/drabble whatever u prefer where his fem/gn so is also a sorcerer and gets hurt/injured on a mission? thank you!”
“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Your boyfriend, Satoru, asked you. His hands were on your biceps, giving it a worried, yet comforting squeeze.
“Yes, Satoru,” you answered, a little annoyed at how he was treating you. It’s been several years since either of you were in high school; this wasn’t your first mission.
“I can’t help but worry, you know. It’s your first ever special grade assignment.”
“Just because I’m not the same rank as you, Mr. Special Grade, doesn’t mean I’m weak. Besides, there are two others going so I’m not doing this alone.”
“I know, I know.” Satoru pressed his lips gently onto your forehead, then gazed into your eyes lovingly. In a rare instance while on the job, his blindfold was replaced with dark sunglasses. You reached up to shift them down, allowing you to gaze into his bright blue eyes. They were breathtaking no matter how many times you saw them. You moved your hands from his glasses to his shoulders, forcing him down so you could reach up to leave a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I’ll see you tonight,” you promised.
The two of you embraced one more time before you joined your other group members for the mission. You turned back and waved at him as the three of you entered the car to be driven to the location for your mission.
“Sure wish Gojo-san was coming with us,” one of them mused. “He could handle this mission single-handedly and we could just stay home.” He sighed deeply, then put in headphones and stared out the window.
“Why isn’t he taking this mission?” your other group member asked. She stared at you, eager to know.
You had just met these two today (not even knowing their names, except that they were both Grade 1 sorcerers like you) and you weren’t sure how well this mission would go. “Well,” you began, “for one, he works best alone. Second, Satoru fights best when he’s away from civilians.” 
The girl hummed, then crossed her arms in thought. The three of you awkwardly rode in silence for about five minutes, before the girl grabbed your arm suddenly. “Soooo, how long have you been dating Gojo Satoru?” She asked eagerly. There was something about her that seemed familiar, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
You weren’t sure why this was any business of someone you just met, but you decided to indulge her to hopefully make this awkward car ride, well, less awkward.
“Two years, almost three,” you answered. The two of you had known each other since high school, but it wasn’t until almost four years ago that you had reconnected after you moved back to Tokyo, and almost three years ago when you started dating. To this day you still had no clue why he would get a crush on you over all people. There were much prettier girls he had spent more time with, why you?
“Annnnd? A ring soon?” She gushed, gripping your arm harder.
You shrugged. Satoru and you had discussed marriage at some point, but both of you were busy at the moment, especially with Ryomen Sukuna being somewhat revived into the world. While Yuuji was still technically “dead” to others, Satoru had trusted you enough to tell you about how his student had pretty much been revived from the dead. On your days off, you often visited your boyfriend and helped out with Yuuji’s training regime. He was a nice kid, despite his circumstances and being thrown into the jujutsu world suddenly.
The girl let go of your arm and got out her phone, furiously typing to someone. “Oh, my little sister won’t be happy to hear about this.”
“Little sister?”
“Yeah, my sister Momo goes to Kyoto. She’s pretty close with another girl, Kasumi, who I consider almost like another younger sister. She was super excited to meet Gojo-san a week ago. She’s like a superfan of him or something. I like to indulge her sometimes. I think she even made a fan club for Gojo-san or something. Anyways, Momo, even though she’s friends with Kasumi, she often gets annoyed with her talk about Gojo-san.”
You vaguely remember Satoru mentioning a girl from Kyoto that asked him for a picture. It wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence for your boyfriend to be asked to take pictures with, from the jujutsu world or from civilians; he had devastatingly good looks, so you couldn’t blame any of the people who asked for pictures. Besides, you knew his heart belonged to you and you only, so you were fine with others recognizing his allure.
“Oh, Kasumi’s calling me,” the girl said. She answered her phone, only for a younger voice to scream over the speaker. It was loud enough that you could hear it. Your teammate held her phone away from her ear.
“What do you mean he has a girlfriend?”
“Oh, come on Kasumi. You know how handsome he is. Besides, he’s like, what, twenty-eight? Twenty-nine?”
“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine in December,” you confirmed.
“Way too old for you, ma’am,” the girl relayed to Kasumi.
“I don’t like him like that , Sumi-san! I j-just really admire him, okay! W-Who wouldn’t? World’s strongest jujutsu sorcerer in all.”
“Mhm. Anyway, I’ve got a mission today with the said girlfriend of Gojo Satoru. Want me to get you an autograph?” Sumi joked.
“...Could you?”
You let out a tiny laugh. This girl was funny, so you decided to humor her and leaned toward the phone. “One autograph for Kasumi?”
“M-Miwa Kasumi!” the voice on the phone squeaked out. She told you what kanji made up her name as you rummaged for a scrap piece of paper and pen from your bag. You made out the autograph, laughing a bit as you handed it to Sumi.
After you told her you signed an autograph for her, Kasumi said goodbye, hanging up the phone before Sumi could reply goodbye back. She seemed embarrassed about the ordeal.
“You were right, she seems like a good kid.”
“Kasumi is nice. She really balances out how serious my little sister Momo is,” Sumi responded.
For the rest of the car ride, you and Sumi chatted. Apparently, this was also her first Special Grade mission, as well as her first mission after graduating from Kyoto. Their other group member was also from Kyoto; he was two years Sumi’s senior. His name was Takahashi Daisuke. She didn’t know much about him since he tended to keep to himself. But she did know this wasn’t his first Special Grade mission. That relieved you substantially since you were nervous about this mission (as much as you didn’t want to admit to Satoru).
Eventually, the roads transformed from paved to just dirt. The driver turned onto a road on a hill, then began briefing the three of you on your mission. This was a Special Grade, suspected to be awakened by a Sukuna finger. This was just based on speculation, since the last Special Grade to pop up was from a Sukuna finger as well. The Special Grade had taken over an abandoned shrine, supposedly terrorizing the local village just down the hill (which had been evacuated just hours before). As the driver parked the car, the three of you exited the car. The air was crisp, with a distinct chill in the air. You could sense a particularly strong cursed energy in the premises, on par with Satoru’s cursed energy. You shuddered; this was not going to be an easy task.
The driver placed a curtain around the area, the sky darkening. It only made the situation seem even more grave. There was something in your gut telling you to run, not from being scared of the Special Grade, but because something bad was going to happen.
Sumi grabbed a wand from her belt. Her family was a pretty small sorcerer family on her mother’s side, as she had told you in the car. She and her sister have cursed techniques similar to “witches”; hers involved spells while her sister’s involved levitating a broom, among other objects.
Your cursed techniques, however, involved nature. There was a reason why you were selected specifically for this mission; the shrine was in the middle of the forest, the perfect place for you to go wild. Cities like Tokyo were incredibly constraining for you to use your cursed techniques, so you almost exclusively were assigned missions out in the country where nature was plentiful.
Neither you nor Sumi knew what Daisuke’s cursed technique was, but you assumed it was pretty strong considering he had been on missions with Special Grades before.
The mission started off fine. The three of you approached the shrine. It wasn’t particularly impressive, nothing that you would expect to house a Special Grade curse. The stone torii at the entrance was standing tall, unbothered by neither age nor the moss and vines growing on it. The shrine itself, however, was crumbling. One of the pillars holding up the roof was destroyed, so the roof was lopsided. The shimenawa knots were cut in half, the ends completely frayed. Definitely not a good sign.
After crossing the torii , you felt the Special Grade’s presence. It was overwhelming, unlike anything else you had experienced before. It possessed near-equal amounts of cursed energy as Satoru, but unlike your boyfriend, it held malicious intent within its cursed energy. To your left, Sumi was shaking. You held out a shaky hand onto her shoulder and squeezed. While you yourself didn’t feel confident about this mission now, you had a duty as the oldest member of the group here to be strong, for their sake.
The shrine began to shake, then the roof was suddenly blown off. You used your cursed technique to form a barrier of tree roots that erupted from the ground. Slabs of wood hit the roots, then bounced off. After the rain of wood subsided, you controlled the roots back into the ground in their original position.
You finally got a good look at the Special Grade curse. It was humanoid, but only in form. Its flesh was midnight blue, with eyes covering every centimeter of its body. Great, it had no blind spots. The curse had no apparent mouth, yet you were able to hear it let out an intimidating roar.
Daisuke made the first strike. He quickly pointed a handgun at the Special Grade and pulled the trigger. Out came a burst of his own cursed energy instead of a bullet. The blow just grazed the Special Grade enough for it to let out a screech of pain. Interesting, so this was his cursed energy. You wondered if it was limited to guns, or if he could apply it to a bow as well and use his cursed energy for arrows. You’d have to ask him later after this mission was completed.
It was apparent after Daisuke revealed his cursed technique that all of you were primarily distance fighters. There wasn’t much Sumi could do if her cursed technique focused on spells through her wand apparatus and Daisuke seemed to only have a gun on him. So, that meant you had to switch to a melee approach.
You weren’t the biggest fan of hand to hand combat. You weren’t very strong, preferring to assist from a distance. Recently, Satoru has been helping you learn new ways of fighting in close quarters. You decided to take the risk and make an attempt at using this still relatively new technique. You reached out your hands, summoning leaves from the trees. They surrounded your fists like boxing gloves, your cursed energy reinforcing the leaves to be almost as hard as the bark from the trees they came from.
You sprinted toward the Special Grade, preparing to land a blow. As you reared back for a punch, the Special Grade disappeared from in front of you. Then you felt a blow land on your back and you were sent through the forest until a particularly thick tree stopped your projectile body. Luckily, you reacted quickly enough to reinforce your front with cursed energy. If it wasn’t for your quick thinking, you probably would’ve been knocked out immediately.
You picked yourself up from the ground, but the world was spinning. You leaned against a tree to collect your thoughts and rest a bit. The Special Grade was insanely fast and had no blind spots. You were panicking; this was well out of your skillset. Perhaps Daisuke was right; Satoru should’ve joined in on this mission. But you knew that wasn’t possible, as he also had his own Special Grade mission to handle today.
You brought a hand up to your face and gave yourself a hard smack. This was no time to doubt yourself or panic. You had two comrades out there fighting a Special Grade curse alone. There was no doubt that the Special Grade would notice you if you tried to rejoin the fight, at least on the ground. Your best bet would be to get the high ground; there would be fewer eyes on the top half, so the chances of you being noticed would be less than if you arrived by foot.
Okay, you had an idea. Now, to get an idea of how the fight was going. You kneeled down to the ground and placed your hand onto the ground, closing your eyes. You sent a minimal, hardly detectable pulse of cursed energy toward the fight through the ground. From what nature informed you, the fight was mostly one-sided in favor of the Special Grade. Daisuke was pretty beat up, and Sumi wasn’t in good shape either.
You got up then hurriedly began climbing the nearest tree. As you climbed up, you manipulated the bark to form grooves for you to place your hands and feet on. As you reached a decent height, you created a bridge with the overlapping tree branches sturdy enough for your weight. You sprinted across the bridge, ignoring your double vision. You definitely had a concussion, but now was not the time for you to worry about that. You didn’t wanna lose your comrades on this mission. Not again.
You wiped the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes. In your final year of Tokyo High, your two classmates were killed right before your eyes on a mission. You escaped out of pure luck, but was determined to get stronger to avenge their deaths. If you let those two die… well, then, that meant you hadn’t gotten strong enough to protect anyone else.
Once you were just out of sight range of the cursed spirit, you closed your eyes to sense the battle again. Sumi was sitting on the ground, back to a tree as she watched the fight between Daisuke and the Special Grade. She was barely conscious, and it seemed like she had lost a lot of blood. You had an idea, but in order for it to work, you needed her help.
Using thin vines, you sent a message within her sight: I am still alive. I’m going to trap the Special Grade curse with branches. Use a fire spell on it when it’s bound.
All you could hope was that she was able to read the message and had enough cursed energy to cast the spell. You began moving branches from distant trees close to the Special Grade, as fast as possible without your cursed energy being detected. Once they were close enough, you waited for the right moment.
As Daisuke finally landed a hit with his cursed energy, moving the curse to the center of the shrine remnants, you launched your attack. The branches extended as fast as you could make them move. The hit Daisuke landed had temporarily slowed the Special Grade, enough for your branches to immobilize it. As the branches gripped the curse, Sumi sent a fire spell toward it, just as planned.
The branches (and the cursed spirit) caught on fire. But something was wrong; normally, you could extract cursed energy from a curse with your cursed technique to exorcise, but that wasn’t happening. Was it resisting? You felt a tug on the branches.
Without thinking, you acted on your own. You re-equipped the leaves cursed technique, as you jumped from the trees above. As gravity brought you closer to the Special Grade, you reared back to prepare the punch you had wanted to introduce it to earlier. As your fist landed on the curse, you allowed the leaves to leave your fist, sending it into the curse’s body. The leaves caught on fire before they entered the curse, imploding it.
So, you managed to exorcise the Special grade. But, doing so took all of your cursed energy and you had no more left to cushion your fall. Luckily, you managed to adjust your fall so that you slid on your stomach parallel to the ground instead of falling headfirst. It still hurt, and you definitely broke a few ribs doing that.
You somehow had enough energy to turn yourself onto your back, looking up at the starry night sky as the curtain was released. Your first Special Grade mission. Everyone lived and you exorcised it without Satoru’s help. Ha. He would be so proud of you.
You began to fall into unconsciousness right as you felt familiar arms lift you up.
When you woke up, you were in Shoko’s infirmary. There was a thin blanket covering your bottom half. Suddenly the events came back to you.
You sat up, gasping for air. Where were Sumi and Daisuke?
“You might want to lay back down,” a familiar voice told you. “Shoko healed you, but the pain might still be there.”
You did as the voice said, laying back at the elevated position you woke up in. You look over and blinked a few times, seeing your boyfriend sitting in a chair next to your bed. He was in his work uniform, including his blindfold. You winced as you felt a pain in your chest; Satoru was right, there still was residual pain.
“I exorcised a Special Grade,” you croaked.
“I know. I’m proud of you.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, giving you a soft smile, showing off his tiny dimples. His smile quickly turned to a frown as he lectured, “However, what you did was risky and crazy.”
“Aren’t you the one who says that jujutsu sorcerers have to be crazy to survive?” you argued.
“Yes, but there’s a difference between crazy and throwing your life away.”
“You saw that?” you asked, much more awake than you were a few seconds ago.
“I hurried as fast as I could with my own mission to come assist you if you needed. I got there right as you pulled that stunt of yours.”
You pulled your hand from his and placed your face in both of your hands, embarrassed that he saw you launch yourself from several meters high, use up all of your cursed energy, then make a hard landing onto the ground.
“How’s the other two?” you asked, refusing to move your face from your hands.
“Alive and doing well. You’re the most beat-up out of everyone.”
You removed your hands, clasping them together in your lap. “Thank goodness…”
“There wasn’t a Sukuna finger either,” Satoru reported to you. “The villagers’ fear of the shrine must have caused it to grow to a Special Grade. Now, come on. Shoko said you could come home once you woke up.” Satoru stood up, then scooped you up from the bed. You screamed in protest, now wide awake.
“Wha--Put me down!”
“No can do, honey. Doctor’s orders. Nothing strenuous for the next week.”
“Satoru, I don’t think walking counts as strenuous!”
He smiled his signature shit-eating grin, then gave you a kiss on your forehead. No fair, he knew forehead kisses were your weakness. You melted into his arms at how tender his kiss was, now docile and less likely to argue with him.
In a flash, he teleported the two of you to his apartment, setting you on the bed in front of him. After placing you on the bed, he yanked off his blindfold and began rummaging through his dresser, looking for a set of his clothes for you to wear. He tossed the shirt and pants toward you, not even bothering to turn around while you changed. You’d been together for so long (or at least, it felt like a long time) that there wasn’t anything particularly embarrassing about changing in front of each other.
You winced while lifting your hands up to take off your shirt, so Satoru was by your side in an instant, helping you take off your shift without much pain. He even helped you out of your bra and put on his shirt.
“You don’t need me to help you with the pants, do you?” he teased.
“I think I can handle it on my own,” you replied, standing up and shuffling out of your pants. Satoru’s pants were much too long for you, so you had to roll not only the waistband but also the cuffs so that they didn’t constantly drag on the ground. Not like you minded doing that; there was just something about his clothes that was infinitely more comforting than your own, and he knew that more than anyone else.
As you adjusted the pants, Satoru left the bedroom to head toward the kitchen, no doubt to start cooking some of your favorite foods. You laid down on your shared bed, happy to be home. It was a long day (Days? How long were you even unconscious?) and you were glad to have such a caring boyfriend, even if he was being a little annoying about this.
About an hour later, Satoru came into the bedroom with a tray of food. He wouldn’t let you even touch the chopsticks, insisting on feeding you food because he didn’t want you to “strain yourself.” You thought he was just being a little too overprotective, but you allowed him to feed you anyway. The look of satisfaction on his face was just too cute for you to deny him this tiny pleasure.
After dinner, you immediately wanted to go to bed. Satoru quickly ate his portion of dinner then changed out of his work clothes into something much more comfortable to sleep in. He joined you under the covers, using his cursed energy to turn off the lights. You felt his arms gently snake their way around your waist, pressing you into his front. You sighed in contentment; he was warm, but not too warm.
After a few seconds of silence, you piped up, “Satoru?”
“Thank you for taking care of me. I love you.”
He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, just behind your ear. “Anything for you, my love,” he breathed onto your neck. You could feel him smiling gently. “Maybe we should just get married.”
You grumbled something, not even quite sure what you said or even what he said completely. Before sleep overtook you, you mumbled out one last final “I love you,” incredibly happy to be in your boyfriend’s arms at the moment.
541 notes · View notes
seijorhi · 4 years
Hi, I saw ur post about requests closing soon so I figured I’d give ya another, but it’s okay if ya don’t get to it anytime soon since you have so many!! Can I request Yandere Suga and Daichi with a fem! darling who’s oblivious to them, and they both maintain the image of friends in front of others but they’re actually fighting each other for your love, but then you start dating someone else and they both team up? I 💕 your writing so much, I’m excited to see what you do 😌
Yes of course bby! Hope you like it 💕
Daichi Sawamura x female reader, Sugawara Koushi x female reader
TW implied non-con, slight nsfw, manipulation, abuse of power (kinda), minor violence, mentions of grief
Tug O’ War
You meet Daichi first, on the outskirts of Miyagi thanks to a blown tyre and a dead phone battery. It’s just after nine pm and you’re ready to resign yourself to abandoning your car and hiking the rest of the way when the police cruiser pulls up, and sitting behind the wheel is Officer Daichi. 
Sawamura, he tells you on the drive into town.
“So I take it you’re not from around here?” he asks, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
There’s a small smile adorning his face, but you know he’s just being polite, trying to break the somewhat awkward silence between the two of you. Truth be told you don’t mind the quiet. With his radio playing quietly in the background, you’re still trying to sort through your thoughts, prepare yourself for what’s waiting for you when you arrive. 
But that’s not his problem, and you don’t want to be rude, so you shake your head with a faint smile of your own. “I am actually… or I was, I guess. I moved away after high school.”
A lone eyebrow quirks, “Oh yeah? So what brings you back to Miyagi then? Family?”
Fingers twist in your lap.
“… Something like that.” 
Maybe it’s because of the nerves eating away at your stomach, or maybe it’s just been a while since you’ve been back, but the drive to your sister’s house feels like it takes longer than it should. Daichi makes easy conversation the whole drive, and by the time you pull up out front of your old childhood home you find yourself glad of the temporary reprieve. 
“Thank you. For the lift, I mean,” you tell him, standing awkwardly off to the side as he lifts your suitcase out of the trunk and passes it over to you. “I would have been up for one hell of a walk if you hadn’t come along.” 
He grins down at you, laughing not unkindly, “It is kind of my job, but you’re welcome. I could hardly leave you stranded, now could I?”
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can speak a word the front door of the house is thrown open and a tiny figure barrels out onto the front lawn. You have a split second to brace yourself before impact, tiny arms wrapping around your middle, “Auntie!!!” 
A bewildered Daichi watches as you smile (genuinely, perhaps for the first time that night), ruffling the boy’s hair. “Hey buddy, how’s my favourite little man?” 
Glancing up, you spy your sister standing in the open doorway and your smile fades a touch. Your nephew’s already excitedly chattering, blissfully oblivious to the situation - a minor miracle in and of itself - as he eagerly tugs you back up towards the house. 
It’s only when you’re halfway up the driveway that you remember Daichi.
A glance back over your shoulder confirms your suspicion - he’s still standing there, watching the odd display with a slightly confused expression, though to his credit he manages to quickly school his features back into something a touch more befitting an officer of the law when he realises he’s been caught.
“Thank you again, really. I appreciate it. You’re kinda my hero tonight.”
He nods, and it might be a trick of the dim light, but you swear you see his cheeks flush pink, “Anytime.”
Just as he promised, your car is picked up by a local towing company the very next morning before you’re even out of bed. The tyre is replaced without too much fuss, but when you go to pay, the mechanic simply shakes his head and tells you it’s all been taken care of.
You make a mental note to swing by the station and thank Daichi (again) in person.
It’s only fitting, you suppose, that you meet Suga a few days later. 
Thursday’s your sister works late, which leaves you to pick your nephew up from school. You’re thankful that they’re already aware of the situation, nobody questions why a veritable stranger is passing through the gates - at least, not after your nephew perks up at the sight of you, shouting your name as he hastily tries to shove his arms through his backpack. In his excitement he almost trips - would have tripped - if not for the silver haired man who catches him before he can stumble, setting him right with a shake of his head.
“Please slow down, Daisuke. You’ll hurt yourself,” he chastises gently. 
Your nephew pouts, and you can’t help but chuckle a little as he ducks his head in shame as you approach. “Hey bud, did you have a good day?”
Hazel eyes regard you curiously as your nephew clings to your legs, nodding before burying his face into your side. 
“You must be Y/N,” the man - Daisuke’s teacher you can only assume - says as he straightens up. 
Considering your nephew had all but screamed it across the courtyard, there’s not really a need to confirm it, but you nod anyway, accepting his hand when he offers it. 
He’s tall and handsome - though maybe handsome’s the wrong word. Pretty, maybe - his features are soft and delicate, with long eyelashes and eyes you could quite easily lose yourself in, truth be told.
“His mother told us you’d be coming by every now and then to pick him up. It’s nice to finally meet you, I’m Sugawara, Daisuke’s teacher.” He pauses, biting his lip for a moment before exhaling quietly. “I’m sorry, by the way, about…”
You’re quick to wave him off, ignoring the painful tug in your chest, “Please, it’s- I-I’m not… It’s fine.” 
It’s very much not. 
Even as you say the words your hand finds its way to Daisuke’s hair, stroking it gently as his grip tightens. You’ve never been good at dealing with grief, your own or anybody else’s, but you can’t stand the platitudes - even those with the best of intentions. 
Sugawara frowns faintly but he doesn’t push you and desperate to change the subject you force a smile on your face, “So, you’re the famous Suga I’ve heard so much about! He absolutely adores you, you know? You’re almost all he talks about at home.”
He laughs, and just like that you feel the tension in the air dissipate. “Oh, is that so? I guess I could say the same about you. I’ve heard nothing but ‘auntie Y/N’ all week.”
Your cheeks heat, and you gaze fondly down at the boy still clinging to your side. “He’s a good kid.”
Daisuke chooses that moment to pipe up, launching into a detailed recount of his day, much to your and Suga’s mutual amusement. 
And neither you nor Daisuke notice that while you’re engrossed in his retelling, Sugawara’s pretty hazel eyes are focused on you, a soft smile playing across his lips. 
Thursday afternoon pick ups quickly morph into Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon pick ups as well as Monday morning drop offs, and you don’t mind one bit. For one, you know that your sister appreciates it more than she lets on and you would do anything to make this even the slightest bit easier for her, and it gives you a bit more time to spend with Daisuke, which you’ve missed more than you care to admit. 
Also because whenever you do stop by to pick him up, Suga - Koushi, as he keeps insisting you call him - makes it his personal mission to strike up a conversation, whether he’s out there supervising the kids or not.
He’s friendly and warm and has a surprising habit of making you laugh at the most unexpected things, and you can’t help but find yourself being reeled in by the silver haired man. It doesn’t hurt that Daisuke thinks he hangs the moon in the sky, but there’s just something about Suga that’s… easy.
He doesn’t push. Doesn’t poke or pry. You still have a few friends in Miyagi, but the conversations inevitably end up circling back to what happened and how you’re holding up. You don’t blame them, you know they’re only worried about you, but it’s exhausting. Suga’s a breath of fresh air, and you hadn’t realised how desperate you were for a friend who didn’t know all the grizzly details.
Though being Daisuke’s teacher, he undoubtedly does.
But Suga seems content to pretend, until the day you arrive sniffling, eyes rimmed in red and unable to muster your usual smile.
That’s when the facade breaks, and he takes you back inside the classroom away from all the prying eyes of the other parents and lets you fall apart on his shoulder. You should be mortified, but you suppose that Suga’s probably uniquely equipped at dealing with emotional outbursts, considering he spends his days surrounded by six year olds.
“He was like my big brother,” you whisper after a while, your voice shattered and raw. “I miss him so much.”
He doesn’t say a word but his grip tightens and he hums quietly, and that’s enough.
A week after you get settled, you swing by the local police station with two coffees in hand and timidly ask the uniformed officer sitting at the front desk if Daichi’s around. The man looks at you, looks at the two drinks in your hands and grins a little too widely. 
“Good ol’ Daichi, eh?” he winks, “Yeah, he won’t be back for a while. Can I help you with anything, ma’am?”
Your cheeks burn. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise considering he’s a police officer and all, but it does and you feel like an absolute idiot. Of course you should have checked before coming, but even if you’d had the foresight to do that, it wasn’t like you had his number.
Thankfully the other officer takes pity on you after you explain why you’re actually there, promising to let Daichi know you stopped by, diligently taking down your number to pass along as well. 
True to his word, it’s hours later - well into the afternoon - when your phone lights up with a notification. Several, in fact.
Hey Y/N.
It’s Daichi.
Srgt. Mokoto said you came to see me today?
Is everything okay??
The corner of your lips quirked up, and you get the sense that Mokoto had likely neglected to tell Daichi the real reason you’d dropped in, probably to make him sweat. 
Hey :)
Yeah everything’s fine.
I brought you coffee as a thank you for the other day! Which I maaay have drank myself when you weren’t there…
But let me make it up to you! I can drop by the station if you’re around on wednesday at all?
The reply comes quickly. 
Absolutely. 10:30 work?
You shoot back a quick reply confirming and toss your phone on the couch with a sigh. 
It buzzes again a moment later, but the text message waiting for you isn’t from Daichi.
So a little birdie tells me you’re back in town. 
“You know, you really didn’t have to bring me coffee. I meant what I said, it’s part of my job. My boss would have had my ass if I’d just left you stranded there like that.”
You glance over at him with a wry smile. “Yeah? And paying for my new tyre and the towing, is that part of your job too?”
Daichi’s cheeks flush pink and he almost chokes on his sip of coffee. “Ah.”
‘Ah’ indeed. “So considering I doubt you’re going to let me pay you back-”
He lifts a hand to stop you, shaking his head adamantly, “Not a chance. I know the guy who runs the garage, he owes me a favour. It was nothing, really-”
“Then coffee is the least I can do,” you say with an easy shrug. “But I know you’re busy, and I don’t want to keep you too long-”
Daichi’s hand - warm and rough - reaches out to close around your wrist, stopping you before you can stand.
“Stay,” he says, dark eyes glimmering.
You’ve forgotten, having spent the last few years living in the heart of Tokyo, just how small a town this really is. 
You’re standing out by the school gates watching Daisuke run around with his friends when Suga decides to broach the subject. 
“What are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Hmm?” You glance up to find him watching you with that same fond if not mildly exasperated expression on his face. It’s not his fault, not really - you’ve just been a little out of it the past few days. 
Thankfully, Suga doesn’t hold it against you, chuckling. “Tomorrow night - are you free?” he repeats.
Your eyes widen a little, cheeks warming. “Um… well I kinda have a… thing earlier, but I should be free by then. Why?”
A silver eyebrow lifts. “A thing?” he prods.
“Just a thing. Why are you being so nosy all of a sudden?”
Suga laughs again, “Well if you’re not still tied up with your thing, I’m having some friends over for drinks for my birthday. You should come.”
Which is how you find yourself standing nervously out the front of Suga’s apartment, a bottle of wine in hand. 
When you knock, however, the person who opens the door is not the one you’re expecting. Tall, broad shouldered and handsome, out of uniform for the first time since you’d met him-
The brunette stares, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape.
“I, uh… I’m- is Suga… Is Sugawara here?” you manage to stutter out, fighting the urge to fidget under his gaze.
His brows furrow, an odd look passing over his eyes, and for one awful moment you think you’ve somehow managed to screw up the address. But before you can embarrass yourself further, a familiar head of silver hair appears behind his shoulder, slapping him on the back.
Relief washes over you. “Suga! Happy birthday!” 
Pushing a still somewhat bewildered Daichi out of the way, Suga’s quick to wrap you up in a warm embrace - which takes you by surprise - with a grin. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Your eyes flicker back to Daichi for a split second, and Suga’s follow. He’s more observant than most give him credit for, but even the most oblivious would have a hard time not noticing the blank expression on the brunette’s face - or the way he was still staring at you. “You two… know each other?” he asks, ignoring the teasing and impatient shouts coming from inside the apartment.
Finally, Daichi snaps out of his stupor. “Yeah. We met the night she moved back into town.”
“Which is a polite way of saying that my car basically imploded and he saved me from having to hike all the way back to my sister’s,” you correct, and Daichi huffs in amusement, though he doesn’t disagree. “Suga teaches my nephew,” you tell him, answering the unspoken question written across his face. “I didn’t realise the two of you were friends, though!”
The two share a glance over your shoulder.
“Small world, I guess.”
You laugh, passing Suga the bottle of wine, allowing Daichi to lead you inside with an innocent hand on your lower back.
There’s a decent few people squashed into Suga’s modest apartment, but somehow you manage to find yourself sitting around his coffee table, Daichi’s arm slung over the back of your seat, Suga sitting opposite you both, discussing - of all things - high school sports.
“Volleyball, huh?”
You can kind of see it. They’re both tall and in great shape - you’re pretty damn certain the muscles Daichi sports aren’t just for show - but it’s more than that. You tilt your head, chewing on your bottom lip. “What school did you say you played for?”
“Karasuno,” Suga says.
It takes a moment for it to click - though you blame that on the drink in your hand that Suga’s dutifully kept topped up - Karasuno… the flightless crows. Ah yes. 
A slow smile creeps across your face. 
“I saw you play once.”
Both men’s eyes widen, “You did?” Suga asks.
“Yep. The guy I was dating at the time, he played too.” You almost laugh when you glance up to find Daichi frowning at your side, an unexpected tightness in Suga’s usually easy going smile, “It’s okay,” you reassure them, ignoring the traitorous flutter in your stomach, “you guys won. It damn near broke his poor heart.” Not that he’d ever admitted as much out loud.
There’s a short silence, then-
“What team?” 
You do laugh at that, “Don’t you think you guys are a little past high school rivalries?”
The ex-captain and setter meet each other’s eyes. Neither speak a word, but something utterly indecipherable passes between them, and when Daichi finally breaks it to glance back at you, there’s a sharp grin plastered across his face.
You shake your head, feeling like you’ve missed something. 
Hours later, fresh from a steamy shower, you stumble into bed and grab your phone from the nightstand. Sure enough, two unread messages are waiting for you.
You looked so damned pretty today. 
Are you gonna let me take you out to dinner now or am I gonna have to get on my hands and knees and beg?
You smile into your pillow, quickly typing out a reply.
I don’t know, you used to be pretty good on your knees.
Your phone lights up a moment later, a familiar ringtone playing out.
Life gets busy after that. 
Suga mentions that Daisuke is struggling in class, so you decide to join some of the other parents and volunteer as a ‘class helper’ one afternoon a week. Dai beams whenever you show up, and Suga seems eternally grateful for the extra set of hands - even if it’s just for craft time. 
And just when you think you’ve managed to patch one hole, another appears. Miyagi might be a far cry from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, it’s not immune to the low life creeps that used to hang around your old apartment block in the city - you’re mugged walking back from the store, a bag of groceries for dinner in arm. The guy only hits you once, a blow to the cheek that sends you sprawling to the ground, grabs your bag - the one with your phone and wallet - and runs. 
Your sister almost bursts into tears when she sees the cut on your lip, and it’s guilt more than anything else that swells through you when she spends the next twenty minutes berating you for not being careful enough.
You know she doesn’t mean it, you know she’s just scared. The promise falls from your lips before you can stop it, but it’s worth it you think, when her face relaxes and she pulls you into a tight hug.
But when you drop by the station the next morning, Daichi takes one look at you, and you watch in perfect slow motion as that warm smile freezes and falls. You expect the police report he makes you file, though you don’t really hold that much hope that they’re going to get your phone or wallet back, but not the words that come out of his mouth next.
“Self defence classes? Daichi, I...” you exhale with a huff, “don’t you think that’s a little excessive?”
The dark look in Daichi’s eyes as they flicker across your face tells you otherwise. “What if they had a knife, or a gun?” 
You would have just thrown your bag and run, you weren’t stupid - your purse wasn’t worth your life, but Daichi doesn’t want to hear a word of it. 
“What if your wallet wasn’t all he wanted?” he presses, and you stiffen at the implication. Gentle hands reach across the table to grab yours, the rough pad of his thumb brushing against the back of your palm, “Just you and me, two hours a week, that’s all I’m asking.”
… What now?
“You’re going to teach me?”
“You got somebody better in mind, sweetheart?” he asks with a cocked eyebrow and a wry grin.
It makes sense, you suppose - what with him being a police officer and all. 
And between your one on one sessions with him, volunteering at the school with Suga, making sure that Daisuke got to school on time, that the house was cleaned, there was food in the pantry and your sister wasn’t falling apart, you were running on fumes.
Yet when you come home exhausted and aching from Daichi’s place and catch sight of him, casually leaning against your doorway with a bag of takeout and that damned smirk you’d fallen head over heels in love with all those years ago, you can’t help but grin.
“Hey, baby. You hungry?”
Thank goodness for small mercies.
They’re more observant than you give them credit for.
Suga notices the way you gingerly stretch to put away the paint supplies one afternoon.
Daichi catches an eyeful of a bruise on your neck as he hovers over you - the makeup you’d used to hide it having rubbed off with the last manoeuvre.
Suga catches you checking your phone more often, smiling softly to yourself.
Where Daichi used to be able to coax you into staying back for a drink, you were quick to finish up and head home, claiming to be tired and hungry. You don’t take him up on his offer for dinner either. 
But the final nail in the coffin came in the form of a drawing.
“Dai, who’s that?” 
Suga’s crouched by his desk, gazing oddly at the picture your nephew had drawn. The task was simple - draw your family. Daisuke had dutifully done just that; him, his mom, you, and-
“Auntie’s new boyfriend.”
Suga’s eyes snap to yours and you curse your heart for skipping a beat. “I didn’t know you were dating anybody.”
Daichi’s fingers tap restlessly on the leather of the steering wheel. 
He was supposed to be home twenty minutes ago but when the call came in, he didn’t really have a choice but to answer it. She’d asked specifically for him after all, and even if she hadn’t, the Sergeant would have tossed the case his way regardless.
Mokoto knew how he felt about you.
Spending an hour and a half sitting in your living room while your sister sobbed wasn’t exactly how he’d planned on spending his afternoon, but he supposed it came with the territory. He knows how to do his job properly, though. Listening, asking the right questions, offering sympathy without promising results - it’s nothing he hasn’t had to do before. 
“Please Daichi, she- she’s all we have left, I… I can’t-”
It didn’t mean he wasn’t aching to leave with every second that passed. 
Of course, it wasn’t a complete waste of time. Through her tears, your sister did manage to give up the name of the guy you were fucking. 
A name he certainly recognised from way back in high school. He knows he’s going to enjoy pursuing that particular lead, but as he pulls his car into the driveway and switches the motor off, Daichi shoves the thought aside.
He has other, far more pressing matters to deal with.
His heart thrums like hummingbird’s as he walks up the pathway, nodding politely at his elderly neighbour as he passes. 
The sight that greets him inside his living room makes the wait worthwhile.
You, on your knees, stripped down to your pretty, lace underwear, arms cuffed behind your back and your plush lips wrapped around his best friend’s cock.
With his long fingers carefully carding through your hair, Suga coos at you between breathless moans, praising you for being such a good girl for him with every roll of his hips. You’re shaking, trembling as silvery tears spill down your cheeks and when he drops his wallet, phone and keys on the bench and kicks off his shoes, your wide, pleading eyes turn to greet him.
Daichi’s cock stirs in his pants, a rush of excitement and something much, much darker and more primal flooding his veins. 
Noticing that he no longer has your full attention, Suga’s eyes follow yours. “You’re late,” he says with a lazy smirk.
Loosening his tie, Daichi huffs out a laugh, “And I see you didn’t bother waiting.”
881 notes · View notes
ha-hatdog · 4 years
haru kato hcs
- what is it like to be dating haru kato?
omg excited about this cuz i want me some haru content. pretty boi needs tons of love and affection. we need more haru kato content. i demand it!
requested by @beef-tomatoes : can you do haru kato dating headcanons. here you have the frog man🐸 < |> /\ the frog man says: have a nice day💖😌✌
requests open
first things first - congrats on getting this man to be your boyfriend because boy oh boy you gonna get the best domestic life ever
haru kato is a simple man with a simple life who knows his responsibilities so expect perfect husbando and waifu qualities
cooking for you is his favorite thing to do. he loves being able to alleviate your stress, especially after a particularly troubling day at work/university
he loves it when you cook for him too. it makes him feel special and his heart just soars. this man will not leave the kitchen just so he can watch you working your magic with ingredients and spice while wearing that dumb dreamy face. he holds himself back from sliding behind you and embracing you because you look so good with an apron for the reason he doesn't want to distract you but most of the time he just does it because you're too cute
if you know how to cook, he'll give you tips here and there but will leave you to your cooking majority of the time
if you can't cook, expect a full blown cooking lesson from him because he said he won't be able to cook for you all the time and he'll be damned if you always order take out or buy those just microwave packages in convenient stores
if your cooking turned out good, haru will eat seconds and thirds, complimenting you every now and then after gulping down what he was chewing. will definitely ask you to cook more for him and if you can't, he'll brush it off saying maybe next time but internally he was pouty because he wants more. probably thinking of marrying you already
if your cooking turned out bad, he will tell you it could use a little more work, offer himself to help you, but he'll still eat it because you made it for him aww. still probably thinking of marrying you
dates with haru is sort of rare. crime doesn't sleep and nor does he so most of your dates are at his place - just watching a movie and eating whatever he cooked
he always has to have a hand on you or an arm over your shoulder. gotta make sure you're really there
but if he does have time, he will take you out on a simple date that benefits both of your interests. haru won't say but he'll always lean more in your interests in dates because he feels so bad for depriving you of his quality time. this is how he silently atones, plys he buys you small and thoughtful gifts
remember when i said crime doesn't sleep nor does he? well, haru gets tired often. it was natural because of his field of work. haru will hesitate to go to your place because he needs some loving and some caring but doesn't want to be a bother so he calls you to ask permission before going
will want to sleep with you once he gets there but you force him to eat because he needs to he healthy to continue being a detective. he will grumble while you make him food but his heart is soft that you think about his well being
"my girlfriend is best girl" he whispers in a slur, trying to keep himself from falling asleep in the dining room while eating
will drag you to your bed after eating and will pull you down with him on the bed. haru will have his arms draped around you and snuggle in your chest. he will let out a content sigh if you snuggle back and run your fingers through his hair
haru just want cuddles with his girlfriend after a hard day at work. spoil him please
haru will be happy if he wakes up and you're still in his arms but will scoff if you are not. haru will stand up no matter how tired he still is and drag you back to bed to continue your cuddle
tell me haru won't try pranking you and feeling bad after it
head pats while saying "sorry babe, i didn't mean to, i'm sorry, yes yes, i'll be a better boyfriend from now on. come here and give me a hug"
whenever you two bathe together, he loves it when you clean his back because he can feel the stress go bye bye with your soft fingers
he washes your hair and he sometimes tries to make stupid hairstyles with your lathered tresses and you'll always rate them
most of the times you take baths together, it is nonsexual. he just appreciates you being there
but haru will slip in a few rounds whenever you two feel like getting it on
soft dom but probs hiding a few kinks
forehead kisses is his favorite because he gets to see your happy face looking up at him whenever he pulls away
haru is definitely a tease whenever you try to kiss him - lips, cheeks, forehead, neck - you can't reach any of them even if you go on your tip toes because he's tall. he won't bend down so you can kiss him because you look so adorable trying so hard to give him love and affection
he'll probably be the one to kiss you after a few minutes of teasing. he can't help it. you look so cute
gah his heart is full
when haru gets jealous, he is irritated. he will come up to you, an annoyed glare on his face, and taking your hand.
haru goer grrr my baby but i won't hurt you or anything because my baby finds it bad but i'm warning you -
when you're the one who's jealous, he finds it amusing
he smothers his grin when you get adorably protective of him
he teases you about it but hugs you after to affirm that this man ain't going anywhere
laundry days are messy, messier than when the two of you have food fights
you two keep throwing drenched clothes or bubbles or water at one another
haru is merciless with laundry throwing fights
expect a shirt thrown swiftly at your face with a resounding SMACK
this boy ain't losin to laundry throwing fights
you always stop by the precint whenever you can just to visit haru
he used to hate it because his coworkers always flock around you whenever you come by but soon grew to love it because you seem to enjoy being around them and you gain nee friends
he'll talk you through his work process and he's very proud whenever you go all ooh ahh so cool because he has an ego and loves that you are interested in his work as much as he does to yours
he tries to be professional whenever at work but he'll sneak in a few kisses if he think nobody is looking. but not you tho, you kiss him whenever you want and wherever you want
someone is always looking so he gets teased quite a lot by his coworkers and he gets all blushy and tsundere aww
hugs with haru are always tight knit. the reason? because he loves holding you, that's literally it
did i mention piggy back rides? no? well, haru doesn't do them unless necessary like you're super tired or got a sprain but jump on his back and kiss him on top of his head and nyoom you are now on a piggy back ride
haru is a huge fan of discounts and coupons so you always have to help him find the best item there is that is discounted or you have coupons for
you gave him a small notebook to keep all his coupons and his face just goes (⊙o⊙)
hand holding in the market while shopping. he won't let you go until you're at the cashier because last time he let you get some items alone, he ended up going to the intercom to call for you
"y/n where are you? i just told you to get a soap and find me at the dairy section."
but he don't mind tho because it's a good excuse to keep you close to him
arguing over which product - any product at all - is better to buy. sorry to say this but haru wins all the time. you swear, this man has a sixth sense for which items to buy
arguments with haru is . . . well maybe that's for another time
but silly arguments with haru is common. fights over who gets to clean the dishes, who makes the bed, which movie or series is better, which cop movie superior, which food to eat, who is the big spoon - but they're all fun snd games
haru will make sure to win as the big spoon tho because again, he has a hidden ego and his heart swells when he sees how tiny you are compared to him
getting drunk with haru is always a rollercoaster. he's a rambling drunk? well, you're the agree with everything drunk
"the floor is too cold. why is it always cold? i just want warmth and peace" cue haru sliding on the floor with a red face because of the alcohol. he's very at ease with you so being stupid and childish is norm for him
"yes, yes, i agree, the floor is always cold. bad floor, you're making haru sad" then you slide with him on the floor
haru turns to you "you don't make me sad"
you turn to him "yes, i make you happy"
you two are just a pair of drunk lovebirds
patch him up when he gets hurt in his work
he won't feel much pain if it's you who's patching him up
he doesn't why but that's that
kiss his boo boos he likes them he's an actual bab for you
haru will always bring you to work/university. it doesn't matter if he is late as long as gets you there
actually it matters that he is late. he just never tells you so you won't tell him to stop. that's why once you're out of sight, after you exchange goodbyes snd kisses, you bet your ass he's speeding through the streets to get to the precint in time (got tickets from speeding but he hides them from you but you'll find out eventually lmao)
since he is a cop/detective, of course he had a gun. he won't bring it to your place but whenever you're at his place or at the precint, he'll allow you to hold it, with him supervising of course, and he'll probably teach you how to fire a gun in a range
will catch you whenever you suffer the recoil of pulling the trigger
will pull a cheesy line like "falling for me now, huh?"
when daisuke joins the precint, haru is less than thrilled
since you always visit him and he became partners with daisuke, that meant you have meet to this rich bastard
and he doesn't like it because
1) he's rich af
2) he's somewhat arrogant
3) he doesn't want to admit it but daisuke is handsome
he is 101% fuming when he sees you talking to daisuke than him. his mind reverts back to all those times you always talk to him in the precint when in reality you were just talking to daisuke for 3 minutes
haru is overdramatic and
he's scared that you'll leave him for daisuke
daisuke has everything. money, looks, fame - he can't even buy you something extravagant. he's still saving up for your birthday, doing overtime and stuff while still buying you small gifts when daisuke can just give you the whole world with a snap of his finger
it'll eat him up alive
he just wants to spend the rest of his life with you but maybe you'll be happier with daisuke?
when you learned this, you just burst out of tears because
this baby is sad and scared of losing you
so you did something to make him assured you only want him and planning to be with him always
haru has always insisted that you move in with him after a year of being together
and then you show up at his place with your stuff and saying "I'll grab more of my stuff tomorrow so help me move in"
haru has never been so happy and excited that he cooked a whole feast for the two of you
you two gets stomachaches the day after
so you stay in his bed the whole day being lazy and snuggling
haru turned off his phone when daisuke was calling him because duh he's spending precious time with his lovely girlfriend
in conclusion, haru kato is whipped for you
oh, by the way, you and daisuke partnered up to mess with haru and now haru has one less braincell because it decided to be best friends with the braincell that always has money in its disposal
"she better be happy i love her"
haru loves you vewy mooch
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kagedaddy · 4 years
confession - haikyuu!
Warnings: none
boyfriend scenarios [4] [masterlist]
valetines is coming up! stay tuned for a surprise hehe!
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miya atsumu
You were in a pickle, it was meant to be fake but you’ve found yourself catching real feelings for the faux blonde setter, your heart fluttered every time you hangout and good butterflies fill your stomach whenever he calls you pet names. Even though you knew it was all an act.
Why did you fall for the obnoxious and arrogant but charming twin?
So you had decide to avoid the male until you could sort out these stupid feelings, everytjme you saw him you would run to the other direction and every time he invited you, you were quick to make an excuse.
You have been avoiding Atsumu for two days now and you’re pretty sure he’s caught on. He’s been trying to get you alone but you had managed to escape him everytime except right now.
“You can’t avoid me forever (last name)-chan. What’s going on, did I do something wrong?”he had a genuinely troubled look on his handsome face and you almost felt guilty but you couldn’t cave in.
He corners you in the halls, your back pressed against the cold concrete effectively trapping you. “I’m not avoiding you.”the male looks at you doubtfully, you look away from his piercing gaze, he takes your chin angling you up, so you’re staring right into his chocolate orbs.
“But you are though, what’s wrong?”his voice was gentle and you melt into his hold,“Miya we should stop this fake dating thing.”tears prick on the corner of your eyes but you refuse to let them fall, as much as you didn’t want it to end you needed it to.
“Because. As much as I hate to admit it, I caught feelings for you. I actually like you and I can’t handle this fake dating anymore.”you spin on your heel cheeks flaming from frustration and embarrassment, you didn't know if he was going to tease you.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught feelings.”his arms find themselves around, capturing you in a warm embrace. Your face is even more red and you in turn wrap your arms around him, his lips press to your forehead, giving you a bubbly feeling inside.
“Let’s end this fake dating thing. So we can date for real.”
miya osamu
A group of girls were gathered by where your locker was located, you huff in annoyance as you try to push through towards your locker but they weren’t having it. “Can you get out of my way, this is my locker!”you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes to glare at them.
They thankfully move out of the way, giving way for you to pass but instead of your locker you’re met with the large build of Miya Osamu. “Miya-san?”you wondered why he was at your lockers when his was at the opposite end.
“I practiced making (favourite dish) and made too much, so I made a spare bento for you to taste.”he hands you over a bento, you can’t help the small smile grace your face as you the take neatly wrapped bunny print furoshiki.
You could feel the jealousy from the crowd and you feel embarrassed taking the bento, he flashes you a smile before heading off. The girls stay crowded and you quickly take your things and leave.
“Nee (last name) why are you so close to Osamu?”One of your classmates eye the bento on your table, leaning over your shoulder as you open the bento. You start to feel slightly uncomfortable, she was practically breathing down you shoulder.
A folded note was placed on top of the chopsticks your classmate stares at it with curiosity hand reaching over to grab but you thankfully take it before she does.
“If you’ll excuse me I’ll be having lunch.”you politely dismiss her, she throws you an ugly glare before leaving. You unfold the note and you’re amazed by his neat handwriting but your face becomes flushed from reading the words.
‘I made this cause I know yah like it but also because I like you.’
Miya Osamu likes you? You read the note over and over, eyes not believing but it was actually there. You think about it the whole day, head flooded with the thought of Osamu, did you like him back? You’ll just talk to him later.
You just got out of your club, quickly bidding your club mates goodbye you dash for the volleyball gym in hopes to catch the grey haired twin. Sighing in relief to see the volleyball club just about to end, you sit yourself on one of the benches outside.
The players pile out of the gym,”Oi Samu isn’t that the girl who came to our house?”his blonde counterpart points at your figure and the grey haired outside hitter jogs to your direction until he stood infront of you.
His tall build towering over you making you feel tiny,“Miya Osamu I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”you looked up to the male and a teasing smile plays on your lips, his hair covers his eyes but his cheeks glow a bright shade of red before he huffs a reply.
“So what do yah say?”
“Well since you made my favourite food, how can I not like you back?”you take the male by surprise throwing you arms around him in a hug, whispering into his chest,”I like you too.” You can hear his teammates holler and tease the poor outside hitter before he turns to them sticking out his tongue.
“Tsumu I got a girl before you!”
hiiya! i’m better today, starting a journal but i’m not really sure what i’m meant to put in it, if yah guys have any advice shoot me a message. anyways i liked writing today’s update i hope you did too, if you did please leave a like and comment. drop by my twitch and give me a follow, have a great day guys. jaa mata!
happy happy birthday daisuke kambe ♥️
my twitch
all the love xx
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pretty-setter-bois · 4 years
elephant in the room
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request; none! this idea popped into my head n i thought it was funny. also, this takes place during episode 4 ღ
summary; sexual tension between you and our resident ‘innocent boy’. but daisuke’s there too.
word count; 2611™
warnings; suggestive themes (no nsfw!), daisuke bby cuts his finger while cutting potatoes, maybe haru not being as innocent as we deem him to be ☛☚
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     DAISUKE’S PHONE RINGS as he walks along the roads on the private property he owned, eyebrows knitting and lips pursing as he looked at the contact calling him, answering nonetheless. “what?”
“you got some time right now?” haru asks. 
wasn’t it his day off?
“yeah.” he leans forward in anticipation. “hurry up and get to the point.”
“sorry, to do this while you’re off duty, but could you help me with something? well, it’s not like absolutely need your help, but...” haru rambles.
“i don’t mind coming over, however...” daisuke looks at the road ahead of him, knowing the journey was long. “why didn’t you ask (L/N)-san? she lives much closer than i do, and-” a small, repetitive beep continued for a few seconds, cutting him off.
haru had hung up.
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     DAISUKE HAD SPOTTED haru on the bench, beginning to fall asleep. “hey. what do you need?”
“hey. sorry about this.” he jolts awake.
“hurry up and get to the point.” he replies, arrogant. “is something wrong with that child?”
the kid runs towards them, pointing towards daisuke. “is this the man?”
“yeah.” haru confirms with a nod.
“mister! please, can you find shiro for me?” he begs.
“what’s going on?” he turns to haru.
“shiro has gone missing!’ the boy exclaims.
“well, basically, a puppy named shiro has gone missing.” haru explains. “can you use your AI butler to find him?”
that was how daisuke got roped into this mess, following a wild goose chase in the shape of a white dog, without HEUSC.
he fools the kid into running off to find his dog, the smug smile playing on his face disappearing as haru drags him after the kid.
they meet an old woman on her yard, finding out that the dog the boy thought was shiro, was actually a cat.
they leave the yard defeated, taking tsuyoshi (the boy) to the police station to find out where he lived, and take him home.
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     THE DETECTIVE DUO were in the grocery store, daisuke pushing the cart as haru gathered the ingredients they needed for dinner. daisuke dangerously eyes the natto haru placed in the shopping cart, not wanting it near him at any cost.
you, on the other hand, completely oblivious to them, were happily shopping among the tiny store. you placed all your items in your basket, unknowingly standing behind them in line.
you had to admit, the crisp-ironed white dress shirt and dark, navy blue vest looked completely familiar. “kambe-san?”
“(L/N)-san,” he turns around casually, revealing haru behind him.
“what are you doing here?” your voice quiets down a little, shocked at the sight of the man behind him as you addressed daisuke.
“shopping. i wish you a pleasant experience while shopping in this... grocery store.” his nose crinkles while he tries to remember the name of the building he was in.
“yeah, you too...” your voice wavers, and you want nothing more but to return to your timid ways.
“you should have dinner with us. it would be nice to partake in an activity together outside of the office. this is what you would call a hangout, am i correct?”
“yeah.” you giggle at his formality and absence of knowledge for casual words, not yet noticing haru’s strong stare towards you.
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     “WHEN I SAID ‘yeah’, i was agreeing to your question about hangouts.” you jog on the side walk, trying to keep up with the tall men in front of you (though you would soon find out that daisuke was a lot closer to your height than you’d originally thought).
“i apologize, would you like to go home?” he asks as formally as he does bluntly.
“she’s already here, so she might as well eat with us, right?” haru says, and it’s the first sentence he’s spoken that was addressed to you.
his voice is so much softer, so much higher compared to the octaves it dropped to last time-
you squeeze your eyes shut, taking a deep breath and opening them as you try your hardest to focus on whatever the pavement was made out of and nothing but.
he was thanking whatever higher power above him that he was walking in front, as every single on of the features on his face was a telltale sign that he was on the verge of breakdown. 
daisuke stops in front of the building, admiring it (or so you thought). you stop behind him, as the pathway to the stairwell was blocked, and you were more interested in what he had to say than being in haru’s line of sight.
“what are you doing?” haru turns towards him.
“this is where you live?” he asks.
“got a problem with that?” haru exclaims.
“no.” daisuke blinks, before the three of you set foot inside haru’s humble abode.
“it’s a bit cluttered, but don’t worry about it.” he motions.
“so you really do live here?” daisuke asks again, and you think about getting involved before haru kicks him out and it becomes just the two of you.
“stop pestering!” he becomes agitated, but leads you both to the kitchen. “i have to cook some rice first... alright, can you chop up the carrots and potatoes over there?”
haru hands his fellow detective a potato, as daisuke stares at it intently. you decide to intervene, feeling bad that you’d ended up in his house without him being able to make a decision. “i’ll help!”
haru nods, taking things out of his shopping bag as you focus on his eyes. they had returned to their usual, golden yellow, and his pupils were normal again. 
they had darkened to a gorgeous light brown hue a few nights prior, his pupils largely dilating to a radius you’d never seen on eyes before-
you move to one of his drawers, the one he kept knives (and corkscrews, which you’d learned earlier) in to help daisuke with cutting vegetables.
daisuke noticed that you’d known exactly where it was without guidance, but brushed it off and focused on the task at hand.
once you’d found one, you stand next to him and begin to cut potatoes effortlessly, humming a small tune you’d heard somewhere on the bus.
daisuke looks over, trying to copy your actions, failing with difficulty. how did you make it look so easy? 
“need help?” you ask with a smile, to which he nods, primarily focusing on the potatoes.
“like this...” you unknowingly stick your tongue out in concentration, sturdying his left hand around the vegetable and guiding his right hand with your own, all while standing beside him.
haru couldn’t keep his eyes off of the both of you, mentally cursing daisuke for using the opportunity to get closer to you. why was he jealous?
“ah!” he yells, being too distracted to notice the hot steam that tickled — and almost burned — his hand.
“are you alright?” you ask, peaking your head through the door.
you’d gotten comfortable with the situation, knowing that you’d be here for a while. might as well suck it up and act like an adult, right?
“yeah...” he breathes, ears twitching at your voice.
it was just as harmonious as it was when he’d heard it then, had you always sounded like an angel? you didn’t even have to speak words, incoherent noises being more than enough proof-
he tries to shake the thoughts out of his head, counting the grains of rice to distract him from being distracted. he was doomed.
you, completely unaware of his thoughts, decided that daisuke had had enough practice cutting and could do it on his own. not even a minute later, he speaks up.
“the first aid box.”
you look up, confused.
“i injured myself. bring me the first aid box.” he repeats.
“huh? like i’d have something like that. just lick it, it’ll heal.” haru shrugs.
you inspect daisuke’s finger, noticing that the cut was larger than an average cut you’d get from cutting vegetables.
you nimbly make your way to the shelf, opening it and reaching for the band-aids. damn it. even on your tippy-toes you weren’t tall enough to reach it.
you feel a presence behind you, one you recognize. you recognize it because it’s the only one capable of making your heart race, the speed of your mind competing against your heart with thoughts-
“(L/N)-san?” daisuke asked, eager for your return as he would not be able to cut the rest of the potato.
“yes?” you squeaked, glad he couldn’t see you trapped in between the sink and haru.
“where are you?” he continues with his question.
“i’m getting band-aids, give me a second.” you manage to speak.
so you knew where the band-aids were, too. he thinks. 
at the mention of band-aids, haru gets them from above you and places them in front of you. you let out a small ‘thank you’, and get back to daisuke.
realizing that you had to get back to the kitchen to return them, and you couldn’t bare another awkward interaction, you place them on the table and continue with your work.
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     “THIS IS ALL you have?” daisuke asks, stepping out of the shower in haru’s clothes.
you couldn’t help but marvel at his appearance, how does his hair feel like? is it as fluffy as it seems? he looked absolutely adorable.
“you know, you’ve been complaining this whole time.” haru points out, and daisuke crosses his arms on his chest behind him.
you were also glad that daisuke took short showers, as being alone with haru made the elephant in the room grow bigger.
said man put your food on to plates, and the three of you carried your plates to a table, you being on either side of them.
“thank you for the food.” you nod, before beginning to eat.
you had to admit, this was much better than the packet-ramen you had originally planned to eat.
he looked at you while you were distracted, devouring something from hunger as he began to-
-eat his own food, shaking his head again. the three of you had finished your food, and you washed the plates and spoons as a token of gratitude for the meal.
you’d arrived at the table after finishing, only to be greeted by an awkward question from daisuke. “have you been here before?”
“what do you mean?” not quite comprehending it.
“haru’s apartment.” he tilts his head towards you. “have you been here before?”
your eyes widen, a shaking fist making it’s way towards your chest as you blushed red. “wh-why would you say that?”
“you know where everything is. the knives, the ban-aids, the sponge.” he bluntly deducts.
you looked at haru, who gulped and tried to avoid your stare. so this is how the night was going to go down?
“n-no, not at all!” you nervously chuckle. “all houses look the same in this area, so it was easy.”
“do all people put their belongings in the same places too?” daisuke asks. what he meant as a simple question became more evidence against your lie.
“um...” you shy away from the question.
“i got something you might like.” haru says, and like that, the conversation is dodged. for now.
dry-cured ham was thrown into the mix (and spit out by daisuke, to which you tried and failed to stifle a laugh).
haru gets up and goes to the kitchen, throwing in a bunch of ingredients to make something he referred to as a ‘kato family special’.
“a can of tuna, bean sprouts... pour some soy sauce with tons of wasabi in it... and lastly, some bonito flakes.” he explains as he cooks.
he serves it to daisuke, and you watch intently as the millionaire takes a bite. was he going to enjoy food that us commoners eat?
“are you going to have some, (L/N)-san?” he asks.
“ah, no thank you. i’ve had some befo-” you cut yourself off, realizing what you had just said.
“you’ve been here before.” he bluntly shrugs. “why hide it?”
you don’t respond, instead excusing yourself for water (and a change of dreaded atmosphere). after you return, you announce, “i think i should take my leave now... it’s getting late, and if i wait any later, i wont be able to leave.”
“your phone.” daisuke simply points out.
damn it. it had died earlier, and thankfully, you had a charger (so you wouldn’t have to ask haru for one). you’d come here walking, and since it was late, you didn’t want to leave without your phone at least at a decently charged number.
“i guess a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt...” you awkwardly chuckle.
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     “INSPECTOR ASANO, YOU are ordered on indefinite leave effective today.” the tv announces, the movie you’d been roped into watching coming close to an end.
haru and daisuke sat behind you, the only difference between you three is that you were the only one sober. you didn’t want another repeat of last time.
haru began rambling about justice, about how some people lived a life with everything given to them. daisuke, on the other hand, was on the verge of falling asleep.
his subconscious self made his way to wherever he ended up, saying that he wanted to sleep. you yourself had gotten up, knowing that you had to get going yourself.
as you were getting up, you felt something tug at your wrist. a drunk haru. “don’t leave. it’s late.”
“well, i kind of have too...” you nervously giggle while rubbing the back of your neck.
“well, i can’t sleep here. there’s no where i can sleep.” you shrug; a lie.
“then sleep on the bed.”
“i’m pretty sure daisuke’s sleeping on the couch, and i’d hate to kick you off of your own bed-”
“i’ll sleep on the bed too.”
your face gets red, your arm gets limp in his and your brain can’t comprehend anything. “wh-what?”
“i said i’ll sleep on the bed too, why should it matter.” his words are slowly spoken. “i mean, we’ve done it before, right?”
haru was always bolder when drunk (proven by last time), and it only left you blushing and limp.
“b-but... daisuke’s outside, how-what is-”
he cuts her off, pulling her towards him as she falls forwards. their lips, the only thing on their minds, being a mere inch away, connect themselves as if having minds of their own.
what was meant to be an innocent kiss soon turned into a heated one, and then a make-out session, and then you staying over. you’d dreaded the repeat of last time to happen, but now that it had, you couldn’t be any more grateful.
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     YOU’D WOKEN UP early, lazily putting on whatever you’d discarded the night before. you dashed to the bathroom to at least try and wash up, before daisuke caught you and questioned you again.
you open the door quietly, almost letting out a shout of surprise. in the bathtub, daisuke was sleeping soundly yet in an uncomfortable position. you quickly scramble for your phone, thinking that he couldn’t get any more adorable than he was now.
you snap a quick photo, deciding that it was all the waking up that you needed, and made your way to haru’s room. you woke him up softly, watching as his eyelashes slowly blinked awake.
you give him a quick kiss on the cheek, before he mutters something incomprehensible and goes back to sleep. maybe one day, the elephant in the room would be addressed.
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NOTES ☀♕❣⁂ღ
so um, this was a ride. i’m glad i finally have a haru imagine! our bby deserves some love! also, daisuke with his hair down, a whole BABY.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Babysitting Aizawa’s 6... no 10 Nieces and Nephews
Hey There! Today we have the second part to the Aizawa fic I posted a few days ago! It can act as a stand alone so don't worry if you haven't read the first one! Ill try to post it here but I'm new at this. Also isn't much Shouta x you in this, just domestic fluff! More a set up for the loving in the next work, I hope you'll still read it anyway. Reader is neutral and I hope you all enjoy!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Aizawa’s mom goes into the hospital for an emergency surgery and all his siblings turn to you to watch their kids, but you don't remember there names let alone their kids.
Words: 2610
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
You look a bit of mess currently. You were sitting at home in your pj’s with about 20 pictures scattered around you and 20 pieces of paper. You looked like one of those crazy conspiracies theorists. When in reality you were only trying to learn your boyfriend's family’s names and likes, in preparation for Christmas of course. It was not going so well all you could remember was Saika was the eldest sister but which sister was she exactly? You looked between the two pictures on the table. None of the Aizawa’s age so that didn’t give away and you couldn’t remember if she had the long hair or the bob. 
“God help me.” You mumbled with a sigh as you threw your head back. By some great miracle a phone call pulled you from the task. Surprised to see it was Aizawa you picked it up with a smile.
“Hey baby.” He said
“What’s up love? Aren’t you in class?” You said a tiny bit concerned.
“Should be but my mom’s going in for some emergency surgery, so me and my family are going up there.” 
“Oh, are you alright?? Do you want me to come?” You rushed out to him
“No, and I’m fine. It’s a fairly low risk surgery from what I’m told. There is of course something you could do for me.” He said lowly
“And that would be?” 
“My siblings need someone to watch their gremlins and I had the perfect person in mind.” He said with a light chuckle. You knew right away who this mysterious person was. Part of you wanted to say no because it was a lot of young kids but the other part of you knew you were gonna say yes.  Even if he didnt say so, Aizawa was worried and he didn’t need to be stuck watching the kids, none of them did.
“Yes, of course! Tell your siblings to bring them to my place. I got a few toys from babysitting years ago.” You said getting up to get ready.
“You're a lifesaver.” He said fondly
“Says the hero, I love you babe, everything is gonna be fine and of course be safe.” You told him
“Love you more, kitty cat. You’ll be great, see you when I get home.” He said hanging up. Well now you were panicking. How many kids were there again? What about their parents? You couldn’t even remember their names. How are you supposed to greet them? Holy shit what did you get yourself into is all you could think as you rushed to clean your house. You were barely finished when the first knock came, you opened the door with a small smile.
“L/N!” A tall black haired man said. He looked like Shouta no doubt but he had an undercut and was taller.
“Please call me Y/N.” You smiled at him.
“Aww, you're too sweet! Seriously, how did Shouta end up with you?! Anyway, This is Haru and Jun, they are gonna be good little boys for you, right?” He paused as the boys nodded. “Thank you so much we should all be back to pick the kids at 10!” He said as he started to leave. You waved him off and showed the boys in.
“Alright! So I’ve got a few toys and I think i've got all the cartoon channels. I want to make sure we get all your cousins here first before we do something really fun.” You said to the little boys who immediately went to sit on your couch and watch the cartoons that were playing. You let out a huge sigh of relief. It was done prematurely as a knock at the door was heard. You opened it to reveal his two sisters which was which you didn't know.
“L/N you sweet little lifesaver! This is the rest of them except Rei, Daisuke, and Maki. They all walk together from school, we let them know to come here so don't worry about walking to go get them. Also, only two of them are still in diapers so you should be fine! Thank you so much, love.” The shorter one rushed out before she left, pulling her sister with her. You looked done at the baby that had somehow got into your hands.  Alright this one was obviously in diapers, the one grasping on to your pant leg barely standing up was probably the other one in diapers. Okay you were now surrounded by um.. 6 six kids, maybe more you weren't sure. 
“Okay, now that we're all here, wanna play a game? It's really fun I promise.” You said with a cute little smile but you were lying. You only wanted them to introduce themselves and say who their parents were. You had no idea how to make it fun.
“What kind of game?” A little girl asked, wait you knew this one! She was the only young girl when you first met all the siblings, it was Nozomi, right?
“A umm…. A… A scavenger hunt! Yeah! We're all gonna introduce ourselves and then get into groups by who your Mama's and Papa’s are and see who can find all the treasures first! Whoever wins gets a super cool prize.” You said hoping they didn't ask too many questions about the game you just made up. Which they didn't they all were giggling and saying incoherent things excited to play.
“We’ll go first since we're the oldest. Im Haru.” The tallest one with his hair pulled back into a ponytail said. “I is Jun! Our papa is Shiori! Can we play now??” The cute little blonde one said. Okay 2 down, Tall and hair pulled back is Haru, Small and blonde is Jun, they are both Shiori kids. 
“Oh us next, us next! I'm Tetsuya, that's Umi, my lil sister, and Yukio is the one on your pants. My mama is Shizumi!” The boy said. He was a cute pudgy boy with black hair that covered his eyes. Umi, the little girl had her dark blue hair in two pigtails on top of her head.  Lastly the little boy holding on to your pants also had black hair but it was super curly.
“L/N, Oni-chans at school and Taiyo is too small.” Nozomi said with teary eyes. Okay so the one in your hand is Taiyo, another one of Saika kids. Okay you got this. You made it through all 7 kids, you would worry about the 3 at school later.
“Its alright me and you can be a team okay?” You said as she beamed up at you nodding. Alright with that you went to place the sleeping Taiyo on your bed. You left the door open so you could hear if he started to cry or moved around too much. You took a sheet and made a makeshift sling for… Yukio, right! 
“Okay so there are 3 hidden treasures around the house! One is a pink treasure chest filled with jewelry and prizes. The other is a huge blue fluffy whale, be careful it may bite! Lastly, there are 2 little lions wandering sound, we gotta catch. I'm gonna get you guys nets of course! First one to get all of these things and show me them gets a super cool prize!” You said as they erupted into cute tiny roars!
“Okay here are your nets! May the best team win!” You smiled at them as they took off. You felt a little bad for the Aizawa cats you had just set up to be chased but something told you they wouldn't mind. They were always so attention hungry this would probably please them.
“Okay then, lets go Nozomi!” You said grasping the young girl's hand. You knew where everything was of course so you just followed her around. Only helping her when you heard kids getting close to the hiding spots or helping her try to catch the cat. You guys had been playing for about an hour now, only needing to catch the cats who caught onto the game and were running for their lives.
“Kitty cat c’mere!” Jun said as he chased the gray cat around.
“Yeah! We jus wanna win.” Haru said following his brother. You laughed as the cat gently pawed at boys. Now that you were thinking about it there were so many boys in this family. Only 5 girls out of all these boys, Aizawa’s genes were strong for boys. You didn't get long to think before you saw a flash and heard a camera click. You turned to see 3 older children one with a camera.
“Oh man, Uncle Shouta is gonna be so happy.” The girl said with a smile. She looked to be about 12 and was blonde, if you had to guess she was Jun and Harus’s older sister. There were two boys next her one was probably the oldest of all the kids.
“Sorry for letting ourselves in, we were just knocking for a while and you didn't answer.” The older one said as they bowed.
“No no it's quite alright! Sorry for not answering, my hands are a little full!” You said as you had Taiyo still slung around your back and Umi squirming in your hands. 
“Yeah, we can see that!”
“Daisuke! Rei! We gotta catch the kitties so I can win a prize.” Nozomi said, rushing off to her brothers. You made a mental note of who was who.
“Oh no problem! Uncle sho’s cats are easy to catch.” Rei said and he was right, you just had to know how. He went over to the counter and got the cat treats and sprinkled a few on the floor. The cats came running and began eating as fast as they could. He then took the blanket/net and put it over the 2 cats and picked them up, they compiled so easily it was almost comical.
“Oh! Yay! I wins right?? I get the prize!” She said dancing around you.
“Yes you do! I should go get dinner ready but you can pick anything you want to take home.” You said booping her nose. She did a little gig before taking off like she knew what wanted.
“Alright, who wants to help with dinner!” You called to the kids you roared with agreement, racing to the kitchen
“Oh you three would you mind helping and introducing yourselves?” You asked as you took out a few different ingredients.
“Oh yeah! No problem! Im Daisuke, the eldest of all the Aizawa’s cousins. First year in high school actually! This is my little brother Rei, he is a middle schooler. Then the girl snapping pictures is Maki-chan she’s the closest to my age! Oh, Saika is my mom and uncle Shiori is Maki’s dad. What can we do to help out.” He said with a smile.
“I think they said introduce yourself but whatever.” Maki mumbled kind of chest fallen. You only laughed and pointed out what they could do while you helped the kids and before long boom, dinner was done. You might have to convince Aizawa to have kids soon cause they were actually helpful. You all set the table and sat down to eat, almost forgetting about Nozomi.
“Can I have this!” She rushed to you holding a black cat plushie that had red eyes. Aizawa had given it to you when he went on a mission that pulled him from home for a month. You gave a small smile to her.
“Of course! I said you could have anything you wanted, I meant it. Let's eat right now then you can go snuggle and lay down.” You said moving to pick her up and help her to the table. Your table of course wasn't big enough so the big kids were in the living room, the younger kids ate with you and the babies you fed first were now napping. You let out a breath, it was 7:30. They should be done by 10:00 at the latest and the younger kids would be asleep by 8:30, so you could say you had this in the bag. Dinner was peaceful to your surprise and now you were all washing up and laying down on the makeshift beds you made in the living room. Maki was taking pictures as you had put all the younger children into your shirts, it was quite a sight to behold.
“Alright everyone lay down!” You yelled as you grabbed the youngest and began rocking him back and forth. 
“We is ready” Umi said as she snuggled into her blankets
“Ready for what?” You asked cautiously.
“When we visit uncle Sho’ta he tells us ‘tories at nighty time.” Tetsuya slurred to you.
“Oh, okay then…. Um. Once upon a time there was a pretty Pink cat, who lived in a kingdom full of all kinds of cats. One day he got curious and left the safety of his kingdom. He went into a forest and everything was fine until he bumped into a big huge black wolf. He wanted to run back into the safety of his kingdom but the icy glare of the wolf kept him still. The wolf slowly opened its jaws…. Showing off its rows of bone crushing smile. The pink cat thought it was over for him until the Wolf smiled at him. ‘Your a little far from home, huh? Its okay I get lost sometimes! I can take you home.’ The wolf said, her tail starting to wag. The cat didn't know what made him say yes but he did. He continued to say yes time and time again, long after they had become friends. He said yes so many times to the cat he thought he might run out of yes’s to give. But when the wolf asked him to leave the safety of his kingdom behind and run around the world with him, though it frightened him. He said yes again without hesitation. And that's how the pretty pink cat learned to fly.” You said, it was a cheesy story with no real plot but it worked. You looked around to see everyone sleeping even the bigger kids. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You looked at the lot one more time before you went to work on something you had been meaning to all day. You continued to work on it even as 10 o’clock hit and you said goodbye to the kids one by one. Only stopping when a familiar set of hands wrapped around your waist. 
“What’s this, kitty?” Aizawa asked as he kissed your neck sweetly.
“Ahh, nothing much! Just a family tree with pictures and the things about your family.” You said as you stated proudly at your work.
“Oh that's sweet. I saw the pictures Maki took and that you let Nozomi have your cat, I know it was special to you.” He said nuzzling further into your chest.
“It's fine, I told her she could have anything and to be honest, I'm wrapped around every single last one of them’s thumb and I would do anything for them so it really was nothing.” You said playing with his hands.
“God, I love you, how did I end up with you? I mean god I just love you. Let's get in bed. I wanna cuddle you, Right. Now.” He said turning you around and picking you up.
“Yes, sir.” You said clinging to him like a koala.
“Oh and babe, you got Shizumi and Saika mixed up.” He said into your hair.
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@sorrowmarked || smoochie prompts || hehehehehe[this is cut bc it is SUPER FUCKING long. This is literally the longest thing I've written for you I think]
His team has had a couple of practice matches against the soccer club from Ken's school since they both entered high school, in part thanks to Daisuke's friendship with him. Even without any influence from dark gears or things like that Ken has managed to remain an excellent player with a wide reputation.
Daisuke is unknown, of course. There was no soccer club at his middle school, after all, so he wasn't able to play competitively. He stayed on top of fitness training, even adopting some of the rigorous conditioning routine his sister had used for prep after being scouted by a pro team. Still, with no reputation to boost him he had to earn his place on the main lineup when he entered high school.
...Which he's done, really. He's far exceeded anyone's expectations, especially his own. His drive, his vigor, and his honest love for playing have earned him a lot of strong friendships, and apparently also skyrocketed the morale and motivation of his teammates on more than one occasion. They went from a club thought of as 'not bad, but nothing special' to semifinalists at the prefectural tournament all within the course of his first year. They'd lost to Ken's school, in fact, by a single point shave in the last two minutes of the match.
At his school, first years who join the club via application and not recommendation don't play starting positions in tournament matches(common practice, really). Daisuke still managed to distinguish himself, though. When he was played as a starter in practice matches against Ken's school he was usually placed in a midfield winger position. It gave him some flexibility for movement while relying on the one thing the coach and captain already knew he had, which was stamina.
When their first tournament rolled around, he was put in as a substitute for their attacking midfielder. The position was considered the playmaker, as far as team structure. They were responsible for helping to direct the flow of the team's offensive play, connecting the defensive positions to the forward ones and managing the support for the striker, who was the primary goal scorer(and the position he had played in elementary). For Daisuke, it felt like a test, an opportunity and a show of faith all in one, and so he'd pushed himself past his limits to live up to those expectations.
His fierce, quick, and precise play style coupled with his apparently 'freakish' stamina and adaptability in the position have since earned him a place as its starter as well as the team's vice captain in his second year.
When he was ten or twelve, he'd have been gunning for the striker position. It was flashy and considered the really 'cool' position in most formations.
Now, though, he's stopped caring about looking cool. He wants to play his best, he wants to have fun- and he wants the rest of the team to have those things as well. Realizing that his play sense and his technical skill are best suited to that position when those goals are in mind, he's both content with and proud of his current place.
Ken is a striker. And in their practice matches this season his team has, as usual, come out on top(even if it's usually close).
In the prefectural finals this year, Daisuke's team drags Ken's into a lengthy and brutal double overtime- in the pouring rain, no less. Everyone is exhausted, sore, soaked and filthy. Losing momentum, losing cohesion, desperate for a goal just so things will be over.
...Daisuke, though, ignores it. His burning legs, the sharp pain of his overworked lungs, the chafing of his drenched uniform, the slick ground beneath him and the way the water impedes the ball's movement. He puts himself in a mindset as if he were playing a one on one scrimmage against his sister. She's a professional player on a high ranking team in the highest tier women's league of Japan's professional circuit and has even earned a place on its national team.
If Daisuke's stamina is freakish, then Jun's entire spectrum of skill is on the same level as a natural disaster. The ferocity and lack of hesitation she shows on the field would terrify any normal high schooler, boy or girl, and even a lot of capable players from the men's league.
Which means that even a casual match against her demands ignoring his body's pleas for a break and pushing past its screaming to keep playing at his top form no matter how exhausted he is.
That's the extent he exerts himself to in that double overtime. He's in a state where he barely even registers physical sensation because he's so focused. He barely even registers the directional tips he shouts to the other mid and forward positions, and he doesn't register at all the captain calling for everyone to follow Daisuke's lead.
There's a single thought in his head: keep moving. If he stops or even slows down for just a split second, he knows he'll keep losing steam and he won't get it back. He has to barrel forward no matter what until the game is over. He doesn't pay attention to the faces or numbers of the opposing team. He focuses on keeping the ball in play, keeping his body in motion and staying at least aware of where his teammates are, though he doesn't differentiate between them very well.
When he scoops the ball right out of Ken's grasp, turns sharp, rockets past him, he doesn't know that it's Ken. He doesn't try to close the full distance to the goal either. The moment he sees a small gap in the defense he shoots. For the left corner and with every ounce of strength he has left.
The ball hit's the keeper's open palms- and blasts right through them like they're made of paper, making a loud snap sound and spinning against the net. Daisuke watches it sail in, speechless, and slowly he sinks to his hands and knees, well past being completely spent.
His awareness comes back to him gradually in the several seconds both the players and spectators are left in shock to process the split second reversal and upset of a team that made it to the nationals last year. Even the referees take a few second to declare the clean goal. But once they do, everything erupts around him.
He hears it, registers the shouting and the celebration, the exhausted and frustrated but still impressed acceptance of the other team. And he lets himself laugh breathlessly in relief, still completely unaware that he left Ken dizzily in the dust a few moments ago. Right at that second, he's mostly glad he still pre-medicates with his inhaler before any kind of exercise and keeps it on hand as a rescue. He's going to need it.
His teammates, bless them, have the presence of mind not to jump on him the way they would normally. The captain and Ken make sure he's not injured and help him to his feet, and once he confirms he can walk with some support they help him to the sidelines. The teams shake hands, exchange congratulations. Both for a hard earned victory and a well played match despite a loss. The coaches and officials are able to get the attention of the crowd enough to let the players have some breathing room for a few minutes.
Ken informs Daisuke of exactly what he did in those last few seconds while he digs for his inhaler and then takes a long drink from his water bottle. Daisuke is a little shellshocked by it all now that he's properly registering it, but he's happy all the same. He's helped carry his team to nationals, a first time accomplishment for them.
Moreover, he had the time of his life with this match, even as exhausting as it was. The frail little kid he used to be would never believe he could accomplish something like this.
He makes a note to himself to call Jun with the news- this isn't the kind of thing he should relay via text. She'd just drop everything and call him to yell about it anyway.
There isn't a formal locker room building at this field, but there's covered areas around the benches and a lot of the seating. Daisuke and a lot of his teammates take some time to rinse the mud and sweat off of exposed skin, towel off, change into dry shoes from their cleats, put their warmups on to keep from catching cold.
Everything is so hectic that when he finally shoulders his bag and shambles off the grounds a half hour later he's completely forgotten that Hikari was planning to try and be at the match.
So when he sees her he's not really shocked, but he does sort of stare at her for a few seconds, brainless.
She's been his girlfriend for less than three months. Having her so openly focused on him is still a new experience. In general he's really not used to being anybody's first priority. He still pinches himself sometimes to make sure he's not dreaming when Hikari ducks under one of his arms to curl against his side on the train or in front of the television.
Still, he manages a weary smile, and greets her. "I'm glad you managed to make it out," he says, and his voice is hoarse, "I know you weren't sure you'd be able to see the whole game, or even be here at all."
He lifts his neck towel and wipes some lingering rainwater off of his face.
...She's a little flushed, he notes. Wearing a decent raincoat and carrying an umbrella. She's just a bit damp, where he's still pretty drenched. (the moisture and humidity add just a touch of wisp to her hair though, lift it just a little from its usual straight line. It's cute.)
A half suppressed laugh trickles out of her as she looks up at him. Daisuke's not very tall- he's right around average height- but he's strong, filling out a lot as he nears the end of his growth period, so Hikari looks almost tiny next to him now. (She certainly feels delicate when he hugs her)
Her eyes are shimmering. It's easy to see she's feeling pretty emotional right now, and she still hasn't said anything. Daisuke rifles a hand through his hair awkwardly.
"...Uh...Hikari-chan?" He asks, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she blurts, beaming, "Sorry. You were just- you were incredible out there. I think you left everyone there starstruck."
"O-oh," he feels himself flush, "Y'think? Those last few minutes I was running on autopilot, so I wasn't really-"
The rest of whatever rambling he was launching into freezes and catches in his throat. If real life came with record scratches or freeze frames, this would be one of those moments.
She's usually the one to kiss him first. He's a little shy, still, not completely confident taking the initiative with affection yet.
But this is- she's never jerked him down by the collar before. Certainly not so suddenly and so sharply that he's actually unbalanced and brought in.
It's a hell of a kiss, to be frank. Firm, held out for so long, her hands moving to his shoulders, pulling herself in as close as she can until he has the presence of mind to lift her at the waist and kiss back.
He's outright dizzy when she finally lets him break away for air, and Hikari is flushed and beaming.
"Uh," he fumbles, "Oh, uh. Okay."
She peppers his face with short, sweet little pecks until he's laughing, and then she hugs him tight.
"I know how hard you worked to get here," She murmurs, "I'm so proud of you. Congratulations, Daisuke."
He tenses just a little in response. Hearing this kind of praise from anyone is always a bit of a tearjerker for him, but from Hikari it's a million times more significant.
"Yeah," He breathes, setting her down and holding his hand out for the umbrella. "...Let's get to the station, though. I want to get somewhere I can change into dry clothes. And then maybe pass out for a couple of hours. I'm beat."
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yyh4ever · 4 years
Oh so I noticed your comment on the YYH wikipedia. I was wondering what are some mistakes that you've notice on the sight? Oh is there an official height for the YYH cast?
The YYH Wikipedia is ok, I don’t remember anything wrong now, the mistakes I’ve seen are from the “Yu Yu Hakusho Wiki”, the articles created by the fandom. Some mistakes I remember:
- The birthdays. Except from those officially stated in the manga like Keiko’s, Togashi has never divulged any birth dates during the serialization of Hunter x Hunter nor in the databook. He even mentioned in an old V-JUMP article that he had no intention to issue the birthdays.
- Genkai achieved the seikouki (Sacred Energy). I guess this one was corrected thought. Apparently, it was mistranslated by some scanlation or VIZ. Koenma says not even Genkai obtained the sacred energy;
- Shishiwakamaru’s real form is the tiny imp. It was never confirmed in the series which one was his original form. Even the databook mentions it on a special note called: Shishiwakamaru’s Real Form!?;
- Kurama’s red hair in the anime was inspired by the red fox. Nobody from the animation staff has ever stated that. There’s an interview with Director Noriyuki Abe explaining the color schemes of the anime. It was a tokusatsu thing to make it easier for children to identify the characters. Even Togashi changed Kurama’s color in the comics’ covers from red to blue on a whim, according to the Artbook (2005);
- Togashi said he named Kurama and Hiei after the mountains in Kyoto. Togashi specifically rejected the "taken from the mountain" theory in the databook. Even though this information has been on Japanese sites for decades, I understand why it hasn’t been updated to english sites as the databook wasn’t released in other countries. I understand the language barrier. I translated Togashi’s comments on Hiei and Kurama here.
- Togashi wanted Hiei and Kurama to be a couple or Togashi denied they would be a couple but could have totally done it. There are no official sources to these information, except fans saying that on the internet and everybody replicating;
- The heights! Those officially stated in the manga are:
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Daisuke Motomoto = 165cm (v.1, p.197)
Kuwabara: 180cm (v.6, p.194, Koto is the one who mentions it)
Kuwabara’s father: 194cm (v.19, p.61)
Hiei: about the height of Medaka Ikeno (actor and comedian), according to the woman who described the ET Hiei (v.19, p.88)
I think Kuwabara also grew taller over the years. He was probably 14 years old in The Dark Tournament and by the end of the series he was almost as tall as his father. Keiko also mentioned in the Dark Tournament how Yusuke had grown taller, he used to be almost as the same height as hers.
Anyway, some fans created cool theories about the heights using Daisuke’s stature as a base and pixels from the manga. Even the animation staff had to create reference drawings for relative heights:
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I also like this thread by @grimtwin and @maiji​  where they discuss the heights and Maiji-san also shared cool things from the YYH Perfect Files like: “The animation team has stated one of the hardest things was figuring out relative heights from Togashi’s drawings”.
Hiei’s height 😆: Medaka Ikeno (actor and comedian), famous for his short stature, they say it’s 149cm.
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Photo taken from @perfumeofficial
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dawnrider · 5 years
Let's get the feels going: #38 "all I wanted was for you to be happy"
So, unsurprisingly, I had something unposted that this line was essentially already in.  Just needed some tweaking and proofreading.  It is lengthy for a prompt, so fair warning. I’m sure you’re all heartbroken.  Thanks for making me drag this one out of the vault, @superpixie42 . @lemonlushff will be so pleased.
The mirror held the visage of a woman she didn't recognize.  Older. Refined. Done up. Kagome sighed as she looked over her reflection again.  She should look happier...  She tried to practice “happy” smiles, but they all rang false. A sound behind her made her whirl around, her loose hair flying out behind her head.  Gasping, she hurried toward the only other entry into her room aside from her bedroom door.  “Yash, you can't be here,” she hissed at the dark figure perching on her window sill.  Her voice lacked the conviction she had been hoping for.  If he hadn't been appearing at her window in exactly the same way for the last ten years of her life, with her happily letting him in, Kagome would have been more inclined to send him away.  As it was, it wasn't because she wanted him gone that he had to go.  “They're downstairs right now.  You shouldn't be here,” she tried in a more pleading tone.  His lithe figure practically poured in through the window, a frown drawing his dark brows together.  Despite his surly attitude, she couldn't help the way her heart leaped at the sight of him.  He was dressed more formally than she had ever seen him, a dark suit over a dark red shirt, unbuttoned at the throat.
He sniffed faintly.  Knowing she was telling the truth, not that she would lie to him, he went to the door and listened.  “They're talking.  No one's going to come up here for a while.”  He turned to the other occupant of the room, leveling her with the full intensity of his golden stare.  “You aren't agreeing to this, Kagome.”  He watched her eyes close sharply at his statement.  He took in the formal kimono her grandfather had talked her into wearing, the white socks that peeked out from under the hem, red cranes fluttering across the fabric.  She looked gorgeous, her long dark hair loose and wavy around her shoulders.  “You can't marry that... that stranger!”  Hurrying over to him to shush him brought her close enough for him to take hold of her hand.  So tiny, so fragile...  She needed someone strong to look after her, protect her.  Someone like him.  Someone who knew her better than anyone. Someone who wouldn't crush her spirit under unrealistic expectations. Inuyasha growled softly.  “Your mother knows you don't love him,” he whispered.  “You barely know him!  Why would she even consider their offer?”
Kagome gulped.  She knew her long time friend didn't agree with the decision her family was considering.  She didn't either.  But the shrine was in need - of money as well as spiritual blood - and the Tanaka family could provide both.  Their eldest son, Daisuke, was a few years older than Kagome, intelligent, kind and an extremely powerful spiritual being.  His power rivaled Kagome's... or it would if Kagome's power could be unlocked.  Something kept it restrained inside her, only allowing for basic protective and the occasional offensive measures.  “The shrine...”
“The shrine be damned!” he spat.  “What about you, Kagome?  What about your happiness?”  He watched her lip quiver.  She wanted to agree wholeheartedly with him, but her sense of duty to her family was so strong.  “Your brother has latent power, same as you.  There's no reason he can't carry on the line for your family.  Hell, you'll be shipped off to the Tanaka compound until you produce at least two suitable brats.  That's over a year just spent being whelped Ka...”
“Stop.  Please stop.”  Her hands were over her ears, her eyes clenched shut.  “You know I don't want to go.  I don't want to marry Tanaka-san.”
“Then fucking tell them,” he hissed, pointing toward the living room.  “Tell them you can't consent to this.  You're twenty-five for fuck's sake. You're more than old enough to tell them it's your life.”  Desperate to tell her the real reason why she couldn't do this, Inuyasha bit back a growl.  He had loved her for as long as they had been friends.  The decade he had spent looking after her, protecting her, being her friend, while she made herself his best friend in the world and made him trust her when he hadn't trusted anyone in years.  It couldn't end with her trapped in a marriage with a man she hardly knew.  She cared for him, he knew that.  But was it the way he cared for her?
Kagome stared up at her friend of so many years.  She had been in love with him almost since the moment she saw him.  Well, maybe after she got used to his mouth.  Inuyasha had a notorious mouth on him.  Sailors blushing didn't begin to cover it.  He knew when to keep it in check, in front of her mother for example, but it slipped when he was particularly upset.  Like now.  Kagome had known for some time now that he was heartily against the offer the Tanaka family had made.  He had been fighting with her over it for months now.  “I know what you think, but my family needs this.  They need me...”
Shaking his head furiously, he pulled her close by her elbows.  “What is it really about?  Is it the money?”  She bit her lip, her dark brown eyes staring up at him out of a face he knew better than the back of his hand.  Her lip became rosy from her teeth and it took more than he expected to keep himself from following her example, taking her perfect mouth with his own.  “Or is it really about the bloodline being continued?”  Her chin wavered nervously.  “Kagome, you can be honest with me.”
“I know,” she whispered.  She sighed, her gaze flitting away from his for a heartbeat.  “It's both.  Mama has started talking about taking on another job.  I'm already working at the bakery and the corner store.  Souta's been refereeing the little kids games...”
“I know, I know.  I've told you before you don't have to...”
“My family can't survive any other way!” she hissed.  Tears were filling her eyes.  “I can't take your charity, Inuyasha.  And you should keep that money to set yourself up someplace nice,” she whispered, her tone changing completely.  “How are you going to make a home for some nice girl if you're trying to help me, huh?”  She smiled weakly up at him, attempting to tease him.  The attempt was not only weak, but unwelcome.  His intense look made the already watery smile melt off her face.  His face dipped lower even as his hands pulled her closer, her arms automatically going around his waist.  Kagome's heart took another leap without her permission.
On more than one occasion in their long friendship, Inuyasha had held her.  Only for comfort of course.  When she had been sure she failed her middle school exit exams.  When her grandfather had suffered a heart attack and the doctors hadn't been sure if he would survive.  The day she graduated from university and had been terrified by the openness of the world ahead of her.  He'd been there for her and had literally and figuratively held her hand through all of it.  He had always been her rock, and in this instance she wanted to lean on him more than ever.
The brush of a warm nose against hers brought Kagome out of her daze.  She could feel his breath mingling with hers, his lips bare millimeters from her own.  “Kagome, you can't marry the Tanaka kid.  You can't,” Inuyasha murmured.  He turned his head slightly, just enough to brush his cheek against hers, before returning to his position hovering over her lips.  He let go of one arm to dig in his pocket.  So entranced by his proximity, Kagome barely noticed when a round piece of cool metal was pressed into her palm.  “Put it on.”  She startled, almost moving away from him to look.  He kept her close, brushing his mouth against hers, barely more than a butterfly's kiss.  Kagome's eyes closed, her chin lifting in hopes for more contact.  “Please,” he whispered.  Without asking the questions she was desperate to know the answers to, she slid the ring onto the only finger it fit on.  Her ring finger.  While the meaning was not lost on her, the reasoning behind it was.  For barely a moment Inuyasha took her lips with his, pressing them hard against her mouth, inciting a quick and fiery response from her.  “Follow my lead.  Don't fight me, just this once,” he breathed when they separated.  Kagome, completely undone by the short kiss, had no will to argue with him as he pulled from her arms, tugging her along behind him toward her bedroom door by her left hand.
Slowly her senses returned and she heard the footsteps on the stairs that made it clear someone had been on their way to retrieve her.  Souta, more than likely, given the heavy fall of the feet.  Inuyasha pulled the door open before her brother could reach it, bringing her along with him as he stepped purposefully toward the stairs.  “Inu-oniisan,” Souta gasped, for a moment the young boy he'd been when he had first met his idol.  “What are you doing here?” he asked in a stage whisper, glancing furtively down toward the living room.  “The Tanakas...”
“Have competition,” Inuyasha growled, leading Kagome dumbly down the stairs and into the living room where the rest of her family and the Tanakas sat talking quietly.  Until they walked in, that is.  Kagome's mother's eyes widened at the flushed look of her daughter and the young man who led her in by the hand.  Mr. Tanaka, a stern looking man in his fifties, and his wife, a willowy woman whose dark eyes took on much the same look as that of the woman across from her, sat stiffly on the couch.  Daisuke stood between the two families, looking at them in confusion.  He was tall, almost as tall as Inuyasha, with an open face and honest eyes.  His dark hair was cut a little longer than most men his age wore it, swept to the side in the front.
Only Kagome's grandfather seemed to have the words to express his confusion.  “What are you doing here, boy?”  Why did everyone keep asking him that?  Inuyasha bit back a snarl.  He knew quite well that the old man didn't like him much.  An idea had struck him a while ago, one that he was quite sure of at this point.  Kagome's grandfather had met with the Tanaka family in hopes that they would offer for his granddaughter and keep her away from him, the hanyou who had grown so attached to her.  “This is a private family affair.  You have no business...”
“I have made my offer to Kagome.  Unless she wishes to retract it, she has accepted.”  Everyone in the room froze, Kagome in particular.  He glanced back at her, begging her to do as he had asked.  He'd asked her to trust him.  Her spine straightened a little more and he smirked before returning his attention to the shocked people he now intended to negotiate with.
“But... but you're youkai!” the old man spluttered.  Inuyasha held up a finger.  Luckily for him it was the appropriate one this time.
“Only half.  And my mother came from a very long line of holy blood.”
It was Tanaka's turn to splutter.  “What family?  Who is your mother?”  Prepared for this, Inuyasha slipped a very old scroll from his jacket, handing it over to the blustering patriarch.  He unrolled it carefully, recognizing its age, and scanned it closely.  When he reached the lines that indicated the length of his human family tree, and the power within it, his eyes nearly popped out of his head and he blatantly glanced at the dog ears that twitched on the top of Inuyasha's head.  “Very impressive,” he said reluctantly.  Daisuke was behind his father's shoulder in an instant, looking over the scroll for himself.  Even the young man couldn't deny the long line of well-known and powerful holy people.  Mr. Tanaka returned the fragile piece to Inuyasha, studying him carefully.  “His bloodline is striking.  But surely the security our family can provide you is worth it.  The Sunset Shrine will stay in the hands of the Higurashi family, their second born child to inherit.”
“What if there is no second child?”  It was the first time Kagome had spoken up since leaving her room.  The elder adults all seemed startled by her question.  Had none of them thought of the possibility that there might only be one?  Or none? Or that there might be more than two?  But no.  Of course not.  She and Daisuke weren't supposed to have that kind of marriage.
“Would there be a problem?” Daisuke returned, clearly confused.  Kagome blushed, but stepped from behind Inuyasha to stand at his side.
“Women still die in childbirth from time to time.  I was merely stating a possibility.”  Inuyasha's hand gripped hers in what felt like a reassuring gesture.  Kagome wasn't entirely sure it wasn't out of fear at what she suggested.
Daisuke straightened himself, facing her more directly.  “My main aptitude is in healing.  Nothing like that would happen.”  He was confident, but that wasn't what Kagome wanted to hear.  His confidence and pride was in his ability, no room for the compassion she had hoped for.
“It doesn't matter.  Kagome doesn't have to have any kids if she doesn't want to.”  Inuyasha reasserted himself in the conversation.  “The security,” he paused to level a look at the Tanakas, “the Tanaka family is offering to provide is admirable, but I think that I can do better.”  This time he fished the contract his brother's lawyer had given him to give to the Higurashi family out of his coat pocket.  The old man made a grab for it but Kagome's mother was quicker and quieter about it.  She scanned it, her eyes taking on a sheen that he hadn't seen in them before.  “I assure you it is real.  Signed and notarized,” he explained when she looked up at him and back down to the paper in her hands.  It, to put it simply, made their worries disappear and ensured that their family would never lose the shrine unless they chose to sell it.
“Why would you make a bid now?  Why not years ago?”  This came from an unexpected quarter, Daisuke's dark brows furrowed over his eyes.  So he knew about his friendship with Kagome.  Inuyasha flicked his amber eyes to Kagome's grandfather, even more certain that he must have instigated the offer to cut him out of the picture.
“I was finishing school,” Kagome breathed, as if realizing it for the first time.  “Then I was looking for a job.  You wanted me to succeed on my own first.”  The fond look she gave him made his heart soar.  She approved.  “So I wouldn't feel trapped into a marriage proposal.”  He nodded slightly.  The Tanaka's bid had only hastened his plans.  The Tanakas' faces were tight, watching the Higurashi family closely.  Kagome looked to her mother, unsure.
Mrs. Higurashi gave her daughter a small smile.  “The decision has always been yours, Kagome dear.”  Her answer made the tension slip out of where she gripped Inuyasha's hand in her own.  Looking to the Tanaka family, the young man she was supposed to marry in particular, Kagome contemplated her options.  She knew her mother would support her either way.  The older woman had always had a soft spot for her friend with the little puppy ears.  She knew her younger brother adored the hanyou, and had been hoping for years that they would get together so he could continue to call him brother... and have it truly mean they were all family.  Her grandfather was the only one who would truly object.
“Surely the other side of his bloodline contradicts the purity of his human half.”  Kagome turned the full extent of her most ferocious glare on the heir to the Tanaka family “security” and so-called “purity.”  He tried to put up the act that she didn't affect him for a moment, then shrunk under the pressure of her fury.
Stepping in front of Inuyasha as though to protect him, Kagome stood to her full height (which wasn't as impressive as she probably hoped) and squared her shoulders.  “Inuyasha's father was a daiyoukai, if you must know, and therefore he has some of the strongest youkai blood in the world.”  She paused, taking a deep breath and looking toward where her grandfather was slowly turning red with anger.  “He is my choice.”  She felt him stiffen in surprise behind her.  Turning to gaze at him, she smiled slightly.  “He's always been my choice.”  Inuyasha clearly fought the smile that crept at his mouth, but the way his eyes took her in...  There was no doubt how pleased he was by her decision.
Kagome heard the elder Tanakas stand and she turned her attention back toward them.  Mr. Tanaka was giving her grandfather a fierce look while Mrs. Tanaka had the tiniest of smiles hanging around her mouth and tears lurking in her eyes.  Perhaps she too had been put in this position, forced to choose between what would protect her family and the man she cared for.  Perhaps he hadn't the means to make an enticing bid to her parents.  Kagome flashed her a tiny smile, feeling an ally in her.  Bowing to them both, she thanked them for their time and their offer to her family.  Mr. Tanaka gave her a grim look, but seemed to have resigned himself to the turn in events.
Daisuke looked like he'd been hit by a truck.  Kagome knew he hadn't been truly attached to her.  They'd met a handful of times, had very little in common and never had much to say to one another.  Aside from being young, healthy and relatively good looking people, there hadn't been much to encourage a relationship.  Obviously he hadn't anticipated being rejected however...  “I hope that you never regret your choice,” he said carefully.  Kagome fought a frown and gave him a small bow as well.
“I don't believe I ever will.  Good luck to you Tanaka-san.  I am sure you will find a suitable bride.”  He looked like he wanted to say something more, but bit his tongue and followed his parents into the foyer.  Kagome's mother followed them out, making pleasant farewells and trying not to sound too pleased to see them go.  Kagome sighed in relief when the front door had closed behind them.  Inuyasha pulled her around and into his arms where she curled into his embrace.  “Pushy, arrogant...”
Chuckling at her halfhearted reprimands, the hanyou gave her a squeeze.  He relaxed his hold when he felt the burning of her grandfather's gaze.  Standing up straighter, Inuyasha leveled him with an equally intense look.  “I know, sir, that you are not pleased with the outcome of this evening.”  The old man's lips pursed in clear acknowledgment of his statement.  “However, once you have had a chance to review the contract and my mother's bloodline, I do not believe you will be disappointed.”
“I am sure that your offer is more than fair, or my daughter-in-law would not have considered it.”  He sighed, his shoulders sagging slightly and his eyes turning sad and taking in Kagome.  “What will protect her from the length of your life, boy?  For that matter, what will protect you from the length of hers?”  He seemed truly troubled by the possibility, a motivation Inuyasha had not considered when he had determined the old man didn't want his granddaughter connected to him.
Kagome's gaze shot up to his face.  Clearly it was not something she had considered seriously either, or had not realized would be a problem.  As well she shouldn't.  He had talked with her before, never in reference to himself of course, about the soul-bond rite that most mated pairs went through.  It linked their lives together so they could not be separated unless they wanted to be.  Only the desire to be separated or the existence of a child would keep one of a pair from death if the other were killed.  This very stipulation had been what kept Inuyasha's mother alive so much longer after her mate had passed.  Even then, she had died during a flu epidemic when Inuyasha was young.
“If Kagome so chooses, we will be soul-bonded.  She will live as long as I will.  But only if it is what she wants.”  Her grandfather appeared skeptical while Kagome seemed relieved.  “Such a bond will not be initiated until after several years of marriage, to ensure it is truly what she wants.”
Jii-chan's eyes narrowed at Inuyasha, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening in his focus.  “You speak of it as though there is no doubt in your mind that it is what you want.  What happens to Kagome if you change your mind?  What happens to this family, the shrine?”  Kagome sucked in a breath and held it.  Once confirming there was an option so she would be by his side forever, Kagome had stopped considering any other possibility.  Her grandfather had every right to worry about what might happen to all of them if Inuyasha reneged on his promises later down the road.  By then she would no longer be eligible to accept offers from any holy families and it was unlikely any other man would take her after that.  She felt sure that Inuyasha would never go back on his word. Could she be too hopeful?
Inuyasha took a deep breath, trying to ignore the scent of Kagome's uncertainty in the air.  “I have always intended to mate for life, sir, regardless of the soul-bond.  Should Kagome decide not to go through the rite, then I will care for her until she breathes her last and continue to look after any children we might have until I breathe mine.”  He tried not to look at her either, afraid he would lose the rigidity in his spine if he caught her brown eyes.  “The contract is in place to protect your family.  No matter what happens, your shrine will be cared for.  Even if something happens to me, the shrine will continue to receive the funding it needs and the protection it requires.”  Staring into the old man's eyes to convey not only his sincerity, but his determination, Inuyasha remained as still and focused as possible.  He wasn't expecting his approval, but he hoped at least to gain his respect.
Knowing that her input wouldn't make her grandfather change his mind about Inuyasha, a fact that made her more than a little irritated, Kagome kept quiet.  Standing solidly by Inuyasha's side was the best way to show Jii-chan that she wasn't going to back down either and that she knew she'd made the right choice.  “As long as you keep your vows to her.”  Not the enthusiastic reply one would hope for.  Kagome sighed and watched her grandfather leave the room in slow thoughtful steps.
“I'm sorry about him.  He's stubborn.”
Inuyasha finally turned to look at her, taking in her glowing face and finding himself unable to keep from grinning.  “I know where you get it from.”  Kagome's mouth twisted in a scowl for a brief moment before smiling again.  “You trusted me.”
Kagome quirked an eyebrow at him.  “You say that like I've never trusted you before.”
“Not like that, not with your heart,” he murmured, gently pulling her into an embrace.  Flushing at his words and the softness in his demeanor, Kagome flashed him a shy smile.  “I promise, Kagome, I plan to make sure you never regret it.”
“You say that like you think I will,” she breathed, feeling his breath against her cheek as he moved closer to her mouth.
“I can prove to you now that you won't,” he groaned, one clawed hand burying itself in the thick hair at the back of her head.  His lips found hers waiting and very willing.  Another groan, mixed with a growl, rolled in his chest before he could swallow it.  Kagome whimpered softly in response, her fingers tightening into a fist in the lapel of his jacket.  Her returned passion was somehow unexpected, despite being exactly what he'd hoped for.  Inuyasha desperately hoped this was not simply in reaction to him “saving” her from her fate or infatuation that would fade in time.  He knew without question that he would love and care for Kagome to the end of his days.  Could she love him until the end of hers?
True to his word, the funds necessary to fix and maintain the shrine were provided even before the wedding took place.  Kagome couldn't help the continuously happy grin that tugged at her mouth all the time.  She was marrying Inuyasha.  The fact that it had been a contract agreement to save her family and the shrine in which they lived did little to dampen her contentment.  She knew that wasn't the real reason for Inuyasha's proposal.  He had offered money to help so many times before that she'd lost count.  He'd never asked for anything in return and had been frustrated each time she told him she couldn't accept his charity without some sort of reciprocation.  This arrangement, no matter that it looked like a contractual engagement to the outside world, was the best thing that had ever happened to her.  “You haven't stopped smiling for days, dear,” her mother said with a small smile of her own.  “I'm so glad to see you are pleased with the way things turned out.”
Kagome looked up from the vegetables she was chopping beside her mother in the kitchen.  Mama looked fondly upon her daughter, clearly pleased herself.  “I can't help it.  After feeling so hopeless about marrying Tanaka-san, the idea of marrying Inuyasha is such a relief.”  She looked down at the ring on her finger.  “Of course, there's more to it than just that.”  Her mother tossed her a knowing grin, returning her attention to her pots on the stove.
“I always knew your friendship with him was more than that.  I'm so glad he was willing to take this step to show how much he cares for you.  I don't think either one of you...  You would both have been miserable and that was the last thing I would have wanted for you.  Either of you.” Mama let out an emotional sigh. “All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.”  Kagome gave her mother a grateful smile, finished what she was doing and kissed her mother on the cheek.
“I'm going to go change so I can come back down and take over.  You still need to get ready.”  Kagome's mother smiled, shooing her daughter out of the kitchen.  Trying not to sprint up the stairs, Kagome took them two at a time at a slightly slower pace.  Wouldn't do her any good to break her neck.  She flung open her door and stripped off her slightly sweaty shirt.  Whatever anyone liked to say about cooking, it was hard work sometimes.  Especially when preparing a meal for your fiancé and his family.  Kagome froze when a deep groan came from behind her.  Whipping around, she nearly shrieked when she saw that she was not alone in her room but managed to stifle it when she recognized said fiancé.  “Inuyasha, what the hell are you doing in here?” she hissed, grabbing her shirt and holding it up to her chest.
He was again dressed more formally than she was accustomed to, a nice suit with a fine white pinstripe pattern.  He was wearing a dark green tie this time, clearly against his will, over a pale lavender shirt.  She wouldn't have pegged him the type, but he pulled off the generally feminine color well.  “I got itchy waiting at home.  Sesshoumaru will be here on time... as always.”  Inuyasha's gaze was glued to her, and the sight he'd obviously gotten before she'd covered up seemed to be playing in front of his eyes.  He took several steps toward her while she took a few back, unknowingly backing herself into the closet.  “You smell amazing 'Gome,” he purred.  The nickname rolled off his tongue easily, turning it into a completely different thing than when he'd started calling her that years ago.  It wasn't just a friendly pet name anymore...
His fingers delicately touched her elbows, drawing her closer.  For some reason, in that moment, she couldn't remember why she was supposed to be resisting.  The shirt disappeared from between them and it took Kagome several moments to realize she'd dropped it.  Inuyasha pulled her close enough to finally kiss her, suit-clad arms coming around her waist.  His right hand pressed flat against her back between her shoulder blades, thumb brushing the strap of her bra.  His lips worked hers gently but confidently, not letting her doubt for one moment why he had been itching to get to her house.  “I'm supposed to be getting dressed before you get here, not undressed since you're here,” she murmured when his lips left hers to nibble her neck.  She felt his grin and lightly smacked his shoulder.  
Given they both knew his brother would smell him all over her, Kagome convinced Inuyasha to pull away from her and let her shower and change.  “He's going to smell you on me anyway.”
“I think it's slightly harder to believe I threw myself at you than the other way around,” she tossed over her shoulder with a cheeky grin as she brushed her hair.  He sat on the edge of her bed, watching her hungrily.  “I'm glad you want to be near me,” she mumbled, lowering her eyes to the dresser in front of her.  There were a series of combs she was trying to pick from and wasn't having much luck.  She'd chosen not to wear the traditional kimono this time, as Sesshoumaru had told Inuyasha to wear a suit instead of his own more traditional clothing.  A black sheath dress with a small belt at her waist made her feel both sophisticated and comfortably dressy.  She smiled at herself in the mirror.  She looked like a Japanese Audrey Hepburn.
“I always wanted to be near you.  I just have permission now,” Inuyasha replied with equal cheek.  Kagome turned and grinned at him for a moment before returning her attention to the hair decorations in front of her.  Pulling her hair up into a high bun, she chose a silver comb with delicate scrolled clouds.  Sticking it into the crease between the bun and her head added just the right amount of adornment without looking overdone.  “You're too pretty for your own good, you know that?”  Kagome looked at the hanyou in the mirror.  His face was carefully even, but she could see the simmering light in his golden eyes.  “You don't have time for another shower.  He'll be here soon.”  He turned toward the window, pulling it open and preparing to step back through it.
Kagome scurried over to him, her bare feet padding across the floor.  “Wait,” she breathed as he paused.  Without actually touching him anywhere else, she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his mouth.  He stared at her with a slightly goofy quirk to his lips.  “Be careful.  Don't rip your suit.  I'll see you downstairs.”  He nodded, grinning cockily and hopped out her window, down the branches of the tree and to the ground.  She'd seen him do it a hundred times, but her breath still caught with fear that he'd trip and hurt himself.  He disappeared around the corner of the house and she knew he was going to wait under the Goshinboku.  It was the oldest tree in the city, a sacred tree that sometimes seemed to have a knowing look about it.  It had watched centuries pass under its branches and would soon see another wedding take place.  Kagome fought her own goofy grin, digging through the jewelry box on her dresser for the bangle bracelets Inuyasha had brought for her from India.  They were simple, but she liked the way they sounded when she moved and they were yet another reminder of the quiet care they had held for one another for years.
Back in the kitchen, she found her brother staring balefully at the simmering pots, clearly having no idea what to do with them and not wanting to.  “Mama go up to change?” He nodded.  “Souta, go on, I got this.”  He finally looked at her, slouching against the counter.  “What's wrong?” she asked while turning off the stove and grabbing the serving dishes out of the cabinets.
“You're going to move in with Inu-oniisan, aren't you?”  He wouldn't look her in the eye, seemingly staring somewhere near her kneecaps.
“I suppose that's likely.  We are getting married.  Why does that bother you, otouto?” she murmured, setting aside the dishes and coming to stand in front of him.  His eyes slowly lifted to lock with hers and she could see his upset in direct contradiction to his nonchalant shrug.  “You'll have the house all to yourself with Mama and Jii-chan.”  He scowled.
“It's gonna be different,” he pouted.  She nodded, placing her hands on his shoulders and gently squeezing them reassuringly.  
“Inuyasha is here all the time now, what makes you think we'll stop visiting, huh?  It's not like he doesn't like you guys.  And you're my family.  He knows how important you all are to me.  That's why he did all this, to help our family.”  He nodded slowly, but still seemed unsure about the changes the future would bring.  He was a teenager, not a man yet, but she was still slightly surprised that he'd shared his worry with her.  “Don't worry Souta, I'm sure we'll be here more than you can stand.  Soon you'll be begging us to leave,” she said with a grin just for him, leaning forward to place a quick kiss on his cheek.  “You could talk to Yash about it now, if it would make you feel better,” she told him.  Souta blinked at her and she laughed.  “You know him, he couldn't wait.  He's out by Goshinboku.”  Waving her brother out of the kitchen, she went back to dealing with the food just in time for her mother to come sweeping back in.
Dressed in a cocktail length dark pink dress, her mother looked younger and happier than Kagome had seen her in a long time.  “Oh good, you got out the platters.”  She bustled about, pulling her apron from a hook inside the pantry before attempting to plate anything.  Accidents happen.  Kagome stood back to watch her for a moment before grinning and stepping in where she was needed.  She shuttled food to the table, setting the covers on them to keep them hot.  She double checked the place settings while she was there, making sure everything was perfect.
She'd only met Inuyasha's older brother a handful of times, always in passing and never when she was looking her best.  Inuyasha seemed to have a knack for running them into his brother when she was in the middle of a big project in school and hadn't had time to brush her hair, or when they'd gotten caught in a rainstorm and had been drenched to the bone.  Needless to say, she was surprised he seemed to be supporting the contract without question.  He was stoic, to put it mildly, always precisely dressed and never with a hair out of place.  He was hundreds of years old, so she figured he'd had time to perfect the look of deadly businessman.  She smiled at the image that pulled up, not quite accurately, in her head.  She repositioned the flower arrangement four times before she told herself enough was enough.  Calling into the kitchen, she asked her mother if there was anything else she should be doing.
“No, dear.  Just make sure your grandfather is ready.  They should be here any minute.”  Kagome went in search of her grumpy elder, finding him in his room adjusting a sleeve just as she heard Souta open the front door, asking their guests to come in.
Trying not to panic, nor rush him, Kagome gently asked him if he was ready.  He gave her a long hard look.  “This is truly what you want, child?” he questioned gravely.  Kagome stood a little straighter, lifting her chin.  She gave him a curt nod.  “Good.  I'd hate to sign this contract and make you miserable for the rest of your possibly very long life.”  The young woman gave her grandfather a wry smile, reaching out a hand to him.  He was giving her his apology in his own grumbling way and she had to hold onto it while she had the opportunity.  “Alright.  Is this collar straight?” he asked her, twitching it again and setting the under kosode off from it's proper alignment.
“Here,” Kagome murmured, adjusting both collars.  Once the more traditional formal attire was in place, she placed a quick kiss on his forehead.  “I love you, Jii-chan, you know that, right?”  He gave her a quiet smile.  “Come on.  They're here already.”
The pair made their way into the living room where her mother was engaged in conversation with Sesshoumaru's ward, Rin.  He'd taken her under his wing sometime in the last decade, saving her from finishing high school as a foster child.  Inuyasha was very vague about their relationship, but Kagome felt there was something intense about the older youkai's interest in the younger human woman.  Rin was in university now, studying some sort of advanced biology for her second degree.  Inuyasha was often boastful of the girl, since she'd come from such a rough background, losing her parents at an extremely young age, and had managed to get into two of the best universities in the country for both of her degrees.  She was likely to discover or invent something spectacular.
“Ah, there you are.”  Warm breath on her ear made her grin.
“Remember your brother can hear, see and smell everything you do,” she whispered to her fiancé while dipping a bow of greeting to her future brother-in-law.  The inuyoukai stood near the doorway to the living room, silently observing everything.  Inuyasha growled low, but took a step back from her.  Taking a few steps in his direction, with Inuyasha close on her heels, Kagome went to greet the guest of honor.  Despite the dinner being a celebration of their engagement, no one was confused about who had to be impressed and who could still cut off the contract before it was signed.  Kagome wondered briefly if Inuyasha had proposed to her without the financial obligations involved, if Sesshoumaru would even care that they were getting married.  “Sesshoumaru-sama.  Thank you for coming.”  He gave a short nod in return.
“I am pleased to see Inuyasha tying himself to such a respectable family.”  It took several heartbeats for her to understand and process what he had said.
“Th-thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she whispered.  “The honor is truly mine to find myself tied to a family of such prestige as your own.  I only hope that I do not disappoint.”
The inuyoukai seemed to contemplate his answer for a moment.  “That seems unlikely.”  Completely caught off guard by his easy confidence in her, Kagome could only blush and bow again.  Inuyasha made a soft sound of impatience, pulling her attention back to him.  Sesshoumaru dismissed them with a soft snort before approaching the eldest Higurashi and offering him the tiniest inclination of his head.  They began a soft-spoken conversation, one that Kagome couldn’t hear from their distance.
“Sure we can’t sneak out of here?”
“Inuyasha, knock it off.  You’re going to get us grounded,” she responded with a laugh breaking up her serious look.
“We’re grown ass adults,” he replied.
“With very watchful guardians.”  He rolled his eyes at that, but smiled.  “We’re pretty lucky, you know.”  They looked over their family all in the same place, coexisting despite their reservations, their differences.
“I know I am,” he murmured, brushing a kiss against the back of her neck.  Kagome could only blush, her heart full.
@lemonlushff, @fantastiqueparfait, @heavenin–hell, @clearwillow, @bearpluscat, @thunderpo, @keichanz, @meggz0rz, @disgruntledbeast, @sarah-writes-stories, @zelink-inukag, @rikareena, @cammysansstuff, @mcornilliac, @redflamesofpassion, @superpixie42, @underwater0phelia, @cstorm86, @noviceotakus-blog, @lavendertwilight89, @hinezumi, @wenchster, @lost-castles, @lady-dark-69, @itzatakahashi
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im-a-lonelyheart · 5 years
Second Generation Headcanons
These are my headcanons of how the children from the epilogue would be. I know most folks don´t like the epilogue (For the most part I still don’t know how to feel about it) but I do, however in my head Takari and Koumi are canon (there are people who like the epilogue but don’t like including non explicit canon ships) (I won’t be mentioning them just in case), I really love the design for the kids!!!
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Let’s start:
The following fanart is done by the amazing Mishy (who let me use her art for this post) (go check her out x)
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Sora and Yamato’s kids: (sorry I suck at naming characters so don’t expect names)
The only ones who were fully planned they waited a while to have kids because:
1. Were busy building successful and time demanding careers.
2. Given their own childhood issues, they both agreed to wait until both were 100% on board and could provide a healthy household for their kids to grow up.
Were scared shitless anyways
Yamato is the cool uncle who is an astronaut, all the kids LOVE him, and he loves all the kids. Always brings every single one of them presents from his travels or science/related ones.
The son:
Tiny baby (the takeru of the group), everyone is so protective of him not only his sister and cousins. His Digimon follows the gabumon line and is really powerful so he doesn’t really need the extra protection (but everyone ignores this)
Inherited the crest of light. He is a ray of sunshine
Ok hear me out. I think the chosen lost/gave up their crest sometime between kizuna and the epilogue and while their kids got the same baby Digimon as their parents, the crest were redistributed according to their own personality traits.
That scared his parents, because they saw how it burdened Hikari. Even if the darkness was placated years ago (whatever was after Hikari is gone), it couldn’t be truly destroyed. Still, this crest carries a lot of power and responsibility.
 Hikari came over and took him to the park and over ice cream explained the crest to him and reassured them all that they have nothing to be worried about and they could contact her anytime in case something happens.
The daughter:
Bearer of the crests of Love and Friendship.
Scarily similar to both of her parents.
Loves to play and participate in group activities, but also enjoys being alone sometimes.
Really into art, she is never seen without her sketch book and a pen. All the paintings in her house are painted by her. And her mother also incorporates some of them into her designs or uses them as inspiration.
100% Daddy’s girl. She looks up to Yamato so much, even dresses a little like him and keeps her hair short for a while (she loves it when they tell her she looks like him).
Loves to hang out with Taichi’s son. They are in the same school.
Had an emo phase.
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Miyako and Ken’s children:
The babies having babies. I am emo.
They both work a lot, but miyako does it from home (she works with Koushiro, fight me). They still take them to the park a lot and go on family trips all the time.
Little shit.
Actual genius. Always doing experiments, don’t be surprised if you see the dog with a phone taped to his collar, she is probably trying something. Loves computers but science is her thing. After all these years they let her be as long as 1. She is home, 2. Doesn’t involve the digimons, 3. Doesn’t involve fire.
One time Yamato gave her a chemistry set. They had to move out to another building. After that, Ken asked him to bring her moon rocks from now on. She also loved the rocks
Loves to roast everyone in the family (mostly Miyako). Ken has to remind her not to be so rude to her mom. She adores her parents, but this brings her joy.
Crest of purity. Mimi is proud of her
Don’t be fooled, she is the goggle kid of this gen.
The son
Actual cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.
Calm personality. It contrasts a little from his sister’s. But if she is up to something, he is the only one 100% aware of it and would follow her to the end of the world.
Miyako thought she was coercing him, but no, he loves his older sister’s ideas and plans.
Crest of Love.  He is really in tune with other people’s feelings, it concerns his parents because he can be overly empathetic sometimes and it affects him. He is really open and wears his heart on his sleeve.
He tells everything to his mom, and if something goes wrong, he’s the first one to contact the adults.
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Iori’s daughter
Iori was the youngest to have a kid, he knew it, but he really wanted his grandfather to meet his kid and see him happy and married before he died.
He isn’t sappy or overly romantic, but he believes in love at first sight, meet his wife on his first day in college and didn’t look back.
Lives in the same building as takeru. They drink tea together in the afternoons like old british ladies
The kid
Looks like a cinnamon roll but is Little shit 2. Best friends with little shit 1 and Takeru’s son.
Again, Ken has to make sure they aren’t overly mean to Miyako and Iori.
Crests of knowledge. Wants to know everything about the digimons and the digital world.
Has Iori wrapped around her finger since day one, but he is the first one to call her out her BS.
Isn’t into kendo but likes to try different extracurricular activities (still hasn’t found what she likes yet), but Iori is her #1 fan everytime.
Jyou’s son
Jyou moved around the country for a while, so his kid didn’t grow up as close to the others. He still made sure they all hung out together whenever he was in town.
“I have to make sure you don’t miss me” 
“oh, it isn’t like you were around much when we were young” 
The kid
Gomamon’s biggest fan. He and his own Bukamon were his only friends for a while, he can’t wait for bukamon to digivolve so he can be with TWO gomamons.
When they moved back, He got close to Takeru’s kid. Doesn’t get what the fuss about his father is about.
He knows a lot about digimons but is more into engineering. Doesn’t like blood.
Inherited his father’s lack of chill. Has a little crush on iori’s daughter (hasn’t figured out how to act around her, yet).
Crest of purity/reliability.
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Takeru’s son
He is with Hikari and their kids are siblings. Please let me have this.
Takeru really loves his nephew and niece. He totally would spoil them rotten.
Designated Babysitter. Since he is a freelancer, you can say he has a lot of free time (not to his face tho), he likes to take the kids to amusement parks, go for ice cream, etc.…
After his lonely childhood he is loving having such a big family now. I CrY.
The kid.
Grew up listening to his father’s stories every night.
One thing he learned about them was the importance of being prepared all the time and think before he acts. He is thoughtful, so he really related to Jyou.
Not only that, Jyou is his hero. Takeru was really amused at first when his son would ask him questions about him after his bedtime stories. He is fond of his son admiration for his friend, who also saved him when he was younger, and knows that Jyou being away contributed to this.
Carries a backpack with him all the time. You want water? He got it. You need tissues? He has some. Some kid at school is being mean to you? He would show up to walk you home. (doesn’t like violence)
Crests of reliability. The kid was ecstatic.
At first, he got close to Jyou’s son so he could talk about his dad but ended up really liking the kid. (he likes to be friends with everyone)
Best friends with Iori’s daughter. And hella overprotective of his cousins.
Hikari’s son:
Designated babysitter 2. She is really good with kids, tho she also helps organize plans for only the adults.
Tailmon disappeared one day when she was heavily pregnant, she looked for her the whole day and finally found her in her mother’s house. Tailmon told her she was worried that when she had the baby, she wouldn’t like having her around anymore.
Hikari reassured her that she would love them all equally and she will need her now more than ever. They cried and made up, then her water broke.
Taichi totally cried nonstop the day she gave birth. She still teases him about it.
The kid:
Healthy as a horse, athletic and tall. Total opposite from his mother except for his looks. It amuses Taichi to no end.
Behind the scenes leader. He loves to bring out the best in everyone and always makes sure they are all fine. He specially loves to hang out with Miyako’s kids, Daisuke’s son and Takeru’s son his sibling (they have to deal with the shenanigans of LS1 and LS2, god bless them).
Crest of Fate. Hikari always suspected that like her, he wouldn’t get a normal crest, still cautious as to what exactly this one means.
Hates being alone, isn’t used to it. Tailmon slept in his crib with him when he was a baby. He is always with his plotmon and has got in trouble several times for bringing her to school. He hasn’t told anyone but his Nyaromon digivolved because he ran to the street without looking and was almost hit by a car. Plotmon saved him.
Loves having sleepovers at his uncle’s house, despite their age difference he really loves to play with his cousin.
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Taichi’s son
Always said he’d rather be a cool uncle than being a father. But the more he thought about it the more he wanted it. He realized he was the only one without a kid, but his travels still made him hesitate.
Still goes over to Yamato and Sora’s house all the time. One time when Sora was pregnant Yamato arrived from work and found Sora sitting in the sofa and Taichi cutting fruit in the kitchen.
Yamato and Taichi sat down, Taichi handed Sora a bowl of fruit and whipped cream and started eating it with her.
���You didn’t bring me a fork?”
“oh, I am sorry, was the baby growing inside you pushing your organs too?” Taichi and Sora laugh.
“no. but then why are you eating?”
“I cut the fruit”
“well, I bought the fruit!”
“Sorry… but seriously what’s the matter with you lately?”
“I don’t know what are you talking about… hey Sora how did I do it?”
“the fruit? Fine I guess… why?” both Sora and Yamato stared at Taichi waiting for him to spill.
One time he got emotional after seeing his little sister’s son taking care of his son.
CREST OF FRIENDSHIP *not pictured: everyone laughing about it for years.
Baby but doesn’t like being treated as one. Super independent, dresses himself since he is two. Loves to challenge himself.
Instant best friends with everyone he meets. Loves to hangout with the Ishidas. They are his best friends, also his cousin, also is everyone else. Doesn’t mind being around adults as well, often called matured for his age. This amuses Hikari.
Apart from his parents, Hikari is his favorite person in the world. Right now, he wants to be a teacher like her. (Last week he wanted to be a Chef like Mimi)
He and the third Ichijouji kid will probably lead the next gen.
Daisuke’s son
Daisuke travelled a lot, meet a lot of people and ironically, he married one of his neighbors. He went one time to visit his parents and ran into the girl who lived upstairs, whom he knew since he was a kid, but holy shit. He visited his parents everyday for a month until she asked him out.
When she got pregnant, he asked Taichi for his goggles.
The kid:
Prankster. Did you expect anything else? (his chibimon has a really deep voice and he loves to use him to prank people)
Don’t leave him alone with the Ichijouji girl if you value your home or your life.
Crest of Courage. Loves a good adventure, well for him everything is an adventure: from running errands with his aunt to going with his father to one of his restaurants around the world.
He is a handful; however, he has a big heart and is such a happy kid.
Admires the older chosen a lot and it’s always asking them questions about their adventures. Dreams of being an explorer or changing the world. Yamato patiently answers all his questions about space since his own kids don’t seem to be interested.
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Mimi’s son:
She totally married koushiro, bear with me on this.
She has a multifaceted career, although not in what you would expect (she wasn’t interested in acting or singing professionally). She ran a lot of business, selling them when she lost interest. Is not afraid of taking risks. This meant she travelled a lot.
Eventually got tired (yes, I know. Mimi, tired? Yes) and came back to Japan. At first, she was promoting her new cooking book in a tv show but she got offered her own show and has been living her best life ever since.
The kid:
He is quiet, introvert but observant.
Ironically, he speaks 4 languages (Japanese, English, French, and Spanish), he is learning german now. He loves reading so that’s why he likes languages a lot.
He bonds with the other kids over the digimons and card games, ends up going to school with most of them and they eventually bring him out of his shell. He and Jyou’s son are kindred spirits.
Calm kid, but if you mess with him or one of his friends… you will see him angry. He is honest and loyal to his friends.
(you know how each baby Digimon has multiple evolution lines? I read in the Digimon wiki that one of Palmon’s ultimate forms is a cherrymon. Imagine Taichi saying something like: “Well kid, one advice: never tell someone to kill their friends” and the kid being like: “…ok?”, whereas Mimi and Yamato glare at him “I’ll fucking end you Taichi”)
Crest of knowledge/courage, of course.
Last but no least: 
Koushiro’s Daughter.
By this point You know what’s up
Koushiro first thought when she was handed to him for the first time was: “wow, she looks like me.” What really got to him (even though it shouldn’t) was how he had someone related to him by blood.
He adores her and is really proud of every little thing she does. Remember the “do it for her” scene from the Simpsons? He totally has one like that in his office.
Tentomon didn’t tell anyone that he spent a whole day watching Youtube hair styling tutorials. No, none. He didn’t tell Palmon and Gomamon who told everyone else, no.
The kid:
Actual ray of sunshine. (i know i seem to say this about every kid, but listen they are my kids too)
She is the nicest kid you’ll ever meet. Koushiro says he’s never had to deal with a temper tantrum.
Crest of Kindness. Loves animals, got her dad to donate money to the oceans and animal shelters.
Sora gave her stickers with cute animals and smiley faces for her birthday and now if she sees someone sad, she gives them a sticker. “Dad, you look sad today. Here!” she puts a smiley face on his forehead, he smiles and hugs her. He didn’t take it off and “accidentally” went on a meeting like that. Miyako took pictures and sent them to the group chat.
Closest to Ken’s son and Mimi’s son her brother. Also loves to hangout with Taichi’s son, and Yamato’s kids.
Loves music, actual prodigy. Plays the piano and the violin (she plays violin most of the time). Wants to compose a song for each Digimon. Invites everyone to her concerts.
Ok, this was long. I didn’t talk about the baby, but i think he would be Hope (since he is the last one) (wrote this in an hour and english is not my first language, so yeah. Sorry)
I think these people love each other so much, they might’ve drifted apart in their youth, but with the years they all got close again. Since most of the kids don’t have siblings, they set up playdates, so they don’t feel lonely. They don’t regret the events that brought them together, they knew they had to let their kids experience it when the time came.
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animemangasoul · 4 years
I'll Be There
Summery: Tamaki needs to know if Eijirou is ok.
In which Suneater and Red Riot are caught in a trap and Tamaki's unable to fight back until he knows Eijirou is alive.
“How do I know he’s even alive?”
“He is.”
Tamaki glared. Fists clenching behind his back and chest heaving because.... because....
The gun pressed to his forehead was cold, dangerous, life threatening.  
It didn’t scare him. Not fundamentally. How could it. He had the ability, the quirk to apprehend these criminals. To put a stop to everything.
Briefly glancing around, Tamaki again fixed his eyes back on the ringleader. The man was tall, scruffy to put it politely and slightly on the edge of deranged. Tamaki could have worked with that if.... if....
“I want to hear his voice.”
If they didn’t have Kirishima.  
“Let me talk to him.”
If they didn’t have Red Riot.
The villain scoffed, dirty hand running down his chin as an ugly smirk cut across his lips. “You think me stupid, Suneater?”
‘Yes, yes I do.’  
“No,” Tamaki said, keeping his gaze steady and his voice firm. “No I don’t.”
“Then why the hell do you think I’ll just let him talk to you? You want him to tell you he’s location, is that it?” The gun is pressed even harder against his face, and Tamaki stills momentarily. Catches his breath, and steels himself.  
He wasn’t afraid of this quirk less grunt. He could potentially disarm him in less than five seconds, and with a minor distraction, all these three criminals would be down and out for the count, but.... but....
What if they killed Eijirou for it? Wherever he was in this warehouse, Tamaki didn’t know his condition, didn’t know if he was dead or alive. Anything he did now should have to be weighed with Red Riot’s life in the balance.  
“I know you’re not stupid,” he finally said, making sure to keep his voice calm. “But I also know that you know I’m not stupid either. Red Riot could be dead. I need to find out that he isn’t. Because if he is--” And there, he lets the calmness slip, let’s the edge of fury break through and.... The villain pales.  
That moment of fear only lasts a second before the butt of the gun meets his temple with whip, and Tamaki’s head snaps back. He grunts but doesn’t cry out.  
A metallic taste fills his mouth, and Tamaki frowns, turning his chin slightly to spit it on the ground. “Unpleasant,” he muttered. “Very unpleasant.”
“I’ll make it even more unpleasant if you don’t--”
Tamaki shifts, one knee of the ground and a hand redirecting the gun to the wall behind him before the villain can even take a second breath. “Listen to me,” he hissed. “The only reason you’re not a bloody smear on the ground is because I don’t know if my partner is still alive somewhere. So I suggest you get him on the phone and have him talk, or this deal is over and I’ll do with you as I wish.” He almost stands, almost. But he doesn’t want to make any of these trigger-happy crazies do something he would regret. Not while Kirishima was still unaccounted for. “Understood.”
Scruffy snarls, looking even more deranged now and two more guns are pointed at him, but after a second of contemplation, the man fishes his phone out of his pocket and.... and....
Being a hero came with its own drawbacks, its own concerns, its own fears and Tamaki was fine with that. He’d signed up for it, he’d accepted it, he’d grown to love it. But, he also hated the uncertainties. Hated how they made his stomach coil and his breath hitch. The unknown always managed to scare him the most and the fact that the last thing he’d heard before being surrounded was a pained yell from Red Riot.
Red Riot who was supposed to be bulletproof.
It.... Tamaki may have been Suneater, but all that was eating at him now was the bone chilling terror that these buffoons might have seriously hurt his partner and if they had; his fists clenched in their broken chains at that thought. Tamaki was going to make them pay.
He just needed to know that Eijirou was ok. That he was in the clear. That he would live if Tamaki took these goons out. That’s all he needed. That’s all he wanted. A reassurance. A promise.
The second pistol whip doesn’t come as a surprise, but Tamaki still let’s out a tiny grunt of pain. Scruffy chortles. Tamaki doesn’t dignify him with a response. It was clear the crook wanted to take back some form of control now that Suneater had practically threatened him into giving him intel.
Blinking slowly, Tamaki tried not to gape at the criminal who was currently snapping into his phone gun still pointed at him.
“Daisuke! You there man? I need you to put that Riot guy on the phone for a sec. He awake!”
Was this man just... Did he just say his companion’s name out loud. For all to hear? For Tamaki to hear?  
‘An idiot,’ he decided.‘He’s an idiot.’  
“Here!” A phone is suddenly thrust at him and--
His heart stops.  
“Red Riot.”
Because it’s Eijirou’s slurred voice on the other side of this phone. Eijirou who’s so out of it he doesn’t even refer to him by his hero name.
What had they done to him.
“I’m ok sen.... Suneater. So Do it.”
Do it.
Tamaki knew what that meant.  
“Do it? Hey! What does that mean?”
He just had to trust that Kirishima was telling the truth.
“Oi?” A slap. “If you don’t talk--”
Suneater surges forward. Quirk activating before the criminal can even blink and in a matter of seconds, he has the yelling man tied down with tentacles. Shots are fired and brief flare of pain blooms at his side, but his shell protects him from the brunt of it and Suneater has the other two down and out in a few minutes.  
Making sure all three villains are fully secured, Tamaki rushes towards the phone, fingers almost shaking as he picks it up and presses it to his ear. Already stumbling his way out of the dark room. “Red Riot! Red Riot come in!”
“Red Riot!”  
He’s running now. One foot in front of the other as he barrels down the stairs; vision swimming, head aching and breath coming out in short bursts.
‘Did he have a concussion?’  
‘Did it matter?’  
Trying not to let his thoughts stray, Tamaki keeps a firm hold on the phone as he runs and runs and attempts to keep his worry at bay.  
“Red Riot!”
And then--
A gun shot. Another, and another.
Color drains of Tamaki’s face and his heart races. Oh God. Oh God. The sound comes from his left, down the hall. He could---
A scream this time, but this one is faint, muffled and coming from the phone. No, God, no.
A grunt.
Suneater is all but sprinting at this point. No splitting headache, no pain, no nausea able to slow him down, not when his heart was in his throat and his mind was screaming for him to do something. Anything.  
He rounds the corner and skids to a stop in front of the closed off storage room, arms extending and banging open the door. “Red Riot!”
The scene in front of him makes his blood freeze.
There at the very corner, Eijirou is curled up. Coughs wrecking his body and bare chest showing dents, bruises, cuts and there, a single bullet hole, a single bullet that had managed to get past the ultimate defense and....
Tamaki attacks before he can even think. A vicious sort of instinct taking over as he lurches himself at the four assailants who’d been shooting at his friend. Shooting at him and laughing, knowing that the toxic gas he’d inhaled before would make even the invincible Red Riot vulnerable.  
He’s angry. He’s so so angry, and if Tamaki hadn’t been a hero for as long as he’d been, he might have done something unforgivable then and there, but he doesn’t. He grabs two of them by the throat and slams the other two against the wall; perhaps breaking a few bones, but he doesn’t kill them. He doesn’t.  
Throwing the last two aside the minute they go slack in his grip, Tamaki practically throws himself next to Eijirou. Body only stilling when the other flinches away from him.
“Hey, hey,” he says softly; ears on alert, trying to listen for any noise, any sign of rescue. “It’s just.... it’s just me Red Riot. It’s--” His throat is dry and his lips wobble and-- Tamaki hates how uncertain he sounds.  “It’s gonna be ok. I’m here now. It’s going to be ok.”
Eijirou whimpers. Curls even tighter against himself and.... Tamaki just wants to reach out and touch him. Just wants to make sure the other knows that he’s there. That Eijirou isn’t alone anymore.
But he doesn’t do that. Because he knows it’s not what Eijirou needs right now. And Tamaki has to make sure he does exactly what Eijirou needs. He can’t get this wrong. He refuses to get this wrong. He’s already failed him. Eijirou is hurt, afraid, in pain and suffering and Tamaki.... Tamaki needed to make him feel better, to feel safe.
“Eijirou? Can you.... Hey- Can you hear me? I’m here.”
The redhead just lowers his chin even further into his knees and whines. That sort of whine that makes your very soul shrivel.  
It tears a whole through Tamaki’s heart.
“Eijirou.... Please look at me. You’re safe. You’re safe and I’m here now.”
He doesn’t know for a long he keeps on talking, for how long his eyes linger on that sluggishly bleeding bullet wound, but slowly, ever so slowly, Eijirou starts to look up and... Thank God. Thank God. Tamaki hurriedly blinks back the threatening tears as he scoots closer now that his friend’s eyes are clearer. “You with me?”
A hesitant nod.
“Yeah?” He has to make sure.
Another nod.
Tamaki smiles; it’s soft, worried, but Eijirou smiles back and it might be just a ghost of his usual brilliantly sunny expression, but it’s enough. It’s enough for now, so Tamaki's smile grows, and he reaches out. “Can I?”
The redhead follows his gaze and lands on the bleeding hole in his shoulder. He nods.
“Ok, ok good.” Fishing out the small med kit in his left pocket, Tamaki draws himself even nearer and gently touches the edges with a finger. Eijirou hisses. “Sorry,” Tamaki says, voice no louder than a whisper. “I’ll make it quick.”
By the time he’s done, wound wrapped up and other cuts dressed to the best of Tamaki’s ability, Eijirou has calmed down enough to actually answer his questions albeit only in single words and mumbles.  
“Ok,” he says, moving back. “All done. “I’ll just--”
An arm latches onto his wrist and it’s all Tamaki can do not to act on instinct, instead he takes a sharp intake of breath and looks at his friend. His friend who’s got an iron grip around his arm. “Eijirou?”
Tears are trailing down the redhead's cheeks and the teen shakes his head viciously; sharp teeth biting into his lower lip till blood is trickling down his chin. “Don’t go. Please don’t go.”
Tamaki stiffens.
He’d never seen Eijirou like this. Not this vulnerable. Not this scared. Not for the first time he feels the anger boiling under his skin burst into flames. How dare these low lives make someone as bright and brilliant ad Eijirou look like this. How dare they.
He tries not to show that on his face. Instead scooting closer and covering Eijirou’s shaking hand with his own, squeezing it once. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’m right here. Right here.”
When Eijirou reaches out and folds his arms into his suit, practically clinging on for dare life, all Tamaki can do is wrap his own arms around him and pull him close; eyes itching with tears and lips wobbling. “I got you,” he says; fingers running through red hair and body swaying Eijirou’s slightly. “It’s ok now. I got you.”
Eijirou’s sobs are heartbreaking and the teen is shaking, body practically quivering where it’s glued into Tamaki’s side and Tamaki pulls him even closer and rests his chin atop of his head; his own tears finally spilling past his cheeks. “Shhh,” he mutters. “I got you. You’re safe now. I got you.”
He holds him till he cries himself to sleep, he holds him till help arrives and he holds him all the way until Fatgum is gently lifting him out of his arms and putting him on a stretcher. And then Tamaki holds his hand, never letting go. He’d made a promise after all. He was here now and that meant Eijirou was safe. He was safe.
The End
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Meaning of Choices:  chapter 4 [end]
Akogimon’s words scraped against Ken’s mind. To decide if he were human or not – that would settle all of this, one way or another. Either he was Piemon’s son or he was human. A human couldn’t survive the poisoning but being a Digimon meant that he’d be what he never wanted to be again. There had to be that middle ground, the way through it all that only he could chart.
But he also knew his time to do so was running out. In here, inside of his own mind, he couldn’t quite feel how hard he struggled to breathe, but he was aware of it, when he turned his mind that way. He didn’t dare take his attention off of Akogimon for a second to focus there, though. He had to do this here and now.
“Time’s ticking away,,” Akogimon pointed out. “Akigaramon won’t be able to bring Sorcerimon. Sorcerimon doesn’t care about helping the spawn of Piemon. Especially not you, the spawn of Piemon that already tried to capture him once before. You’re all on your own here.”
“That’s wrong,” Ken replied without a moment of thought. But even as he said the words, he knew they were true. “I’m never alone.”
Oh. Yes. How could he be, when he had Wormmon? When he had Daisuke? When he had all of his friends? He hadn’t always been sure that they were his friends, but now he knew the truth. They were there for him.
More memories filtered in – of the day not that long before when Koushiro gathered them all together and told them. Told them that some of them weren’t human, that some carried the blood of Digimon. And that he was one of those, second-born son of Piemon.
That had been shocking in and of itself. Not just that he wasn’t quite human, but that he had a brother – that Ishida Yamato, Chiguumon, was that brother.
“His name is Anbumon,” Akogimon spat out, and Ken’s head jerked up. He hadn’t known that he’d said the name, let alone how revolted Akogimon would look at the sound of it. “The least that you could do is refer to him by his true name and not that.”
“That is his real name,” Ken murmured. “He told me so himself. Anbumon is the name of his dark side – like you are for me.”
“We are your true selves. The parts of you that you seek to deny.” Akogimon shook his head, sneering. “But you can’t do that anymore. Your time is up.” He began to stride forward. “And my time is now!”
Ken raised both hands, but not in surrender. “No!” He dug his heels in, certain now of what he could do and of the path that lay before him. “You’re part of me, yes. You’re the worst parts of everything the Kaiser ever was or could be.”
“Glad to see you finally admit it,” Akogimon said with a smirk. “Now are you going to let me out or do I have to take over and fix this mess myself? Don’t think I won’t.”
Ken smiled. “Oh, that won’t be happening. I said you’re a part of me – but you’re not all of me. All of me is made up of everything I’ve done or could do, the good ad the bad. I am human – and I am Digimon. I’m both.” He set his feet and raised his head, certainty flaring from the deepest parts of himself. “My name is Jinshinmon!”
Cold. So cold. Daisuke knew that this was far deeper than any natural snowstorm would cause – that was part of Sorcerimon’s power. It had to be. But what he couldn’t get his head wrapped around was how it didn’t feel cold. It did but it didn’t – he wasn’t sure of how to think about it, so he didn’t bother doing so.
He straightened himself up and blinked. He couldn’t see through the snow but he knew that somewhere on the other side was Sorcerimon and somewhere deep inside him lurked Akigaramon, waiting for the chance to do some damage, and far closer than Daisuke really wanted him to be.
But he didn’t care. Akigaramon wasn’t going to get out because he wasn’t going to let him. Sorcerimon wasn’t going to stop him because he couldn’t.
His inner virus screamed and wailed and snarled in echoing rage. Let me out! Let me do this! Do you want your precious Ken to die? That’s what you came here for, isn’t it? And he’s not helping! Make him help! I can do it! I can!
“No, you can’t,” Daisuke replied, biting off every word. “Because all you would do is kill Sorcerimon and that’s not going to help at all.”
Huh. It normally shouldn’t have taken so little effort to speak with a snowstorm raging all around. He raised one hand and pushed forward through the snow, then glanced down. There was Wormmon cuddling against his feet, staring up at him with large and terrified blue eyes.
Clarity had come with the cold. He felt it but it didn’t bother him anymore. He could only hear Akigaramon has a faint screaming voice now. He wasn’t cold at all – it was like a small sun lit inside of him, burning away everything that he’d feared.
He bent down and picked up Wormmon, holding him close. “Are you all right?”
“It’s cold!” Wormmon chattered. “We have to get out of here!”
“We will,” Daisuke promised. Another name whispered itself in the depth of his heart. He didn’t say it, not yet. But he moved forward until he crossed out of the blizzard and caught sight of Sorcerimon.
The ice mage stared back at him, then stared at his snowflake staff. “That should have frozen you,” he said, more than a little dumbfounded. “My cold is too much for any human to bear.”
“Well, you’re probably right,” Daisuke agreed cheerfully. “And it was kind of annoying for a little bit there. But I think you forgot something – I’m not human!” He grinned and Sorcerimon stepped back. He gripped his wand tighter and started to raise it, tiny swirls of pale blue energy forming around it.
But Daisuke shook his head. “Nope. Wouldn’t advise that. See, there’s something I figured out in all that cold. It’s a little weird, but I know it’s true. And you do too – I’m a Digimon. I’m the crafted offspring of Apocalymon.” He’d never said it before, not out loud. It felt oddly good not to deny it anymore. He still needed to get used to it but saying it made it easier. “And nothing you can do is going to bother me in any way.”
“Don’t you want me to heal Akogimon?” Sorcerimon demanded, fear lacing through his voice. Daisuke nodded.
“Of course I do. But you also said he won’t need it – because he’s a son of Piemon and he can survive the poison. But he’s what he is no matter what. He’s not going to die if you don’t come.” He hadn’t known that before. He didn’t regret having come on this mission and it would certainly make everything easier if Sorcerimon did come back with him. But Ken would survive regardless. Daisuke wasn’t going to think otherwise.
Sorcerimon continued to stare. Then he slowly lowered his staff and the snowstorm faded away. He met Daisuke’s eyes with his own.
“What is your name?” He asked it quiet and firm, and Daisuke grinned back at him.
“Motomiya Daisuke – but you can call me Taiyuumon. I need you to come help Ken. Will you do it?”
Sorcerimon’s gaze flicked from Daisuke to Wormmon to something in the distance. Then he looked back at Daisuke. “Yes.”
Daisuke’s grin widened. “I thought you would. I think we should hurry, though.” Deep within, a sensation he’d never felt before unfolded itself. He’d been told he could evolve. No one knew what would trigger it – until now. Now he knew what he needed his wings or – he needed them to get to Ken. He gently set Wormmon down and turned his attention inward. There was the power, waiting for him. Akigaramon still existed, but could do nothing.
For now, his dark self whispered. For now.
Daisuke ignored that. He touched the power within and the data that created him now changed, light enfolding him, and then his wings spread outward. The world seemed smaller, or he’d grown larger.
“Taiyuumon evolve to Giyuumon!”
Behind his mask, Sorcerimon’s jaw dropped. Never before had he seen anything like this. Angels were known to be beautiful, but often hid their faces behind their helmets. Now he knew why.
All the Chosen were there by now. Those who couldn’t help stayed back out of the way, keeping a watch to see when Daisuke would return.
Jou stiffened. Everyone turned towards him at once.
“Something wrong?” Taichi wanted to know. Jou looked down at Ken. He didn’t have the equipment that being in a hospital would get him, but he and Koushiro had a few special devices built to help those of mixed human and Digimon blood. Now he stared at one of those readings.
“He’s – not as bad off as he was,” Jou said at last. “He could still use help but – I don’t think he’s in danger of dying. Something changed.”
Yamato’s lips quirked. “I wonder what it was.” That, they all noticed, was in the clear tones of someone who had a good idea of what that might have been.”
His eyes shifted quickly from Jou to Sora, both of whom nodded ever so slightly. They too were Viral Breeds – they knew what someone like them had to go through at some point.
Daisuke had been gone for hours. He’d sent the occasional message back but so far nothing to indicate that he’d found Sorcerimon. All of them were a lot more worried than they really wanted to show.
Without warning, all of their Digimon started to look up. Jou, Koushiro, Miyako, Sora, and Yamato did as well, with the human Chosen a breath afterwards.
He came from above, a glorious angel that had to stand a good seven feet tall, covered in red and blue armor, with flames embossed on the shoulders and lightning wrapped around his waist. It should have looked ridiculous. It didn’t. His wingspan could easily have enfolded the entire team, and his smile was as bright as sunlight and as familiar as morning.
“Daisuke?” Miyako gasped, staring in shock. “Is that – you?”
“It is!” V-mon declared, leaping up from where he’d been nuzzled next to Ken. “It’s Daisuke! And he evolved!” For a brief second the little blue dragon pouted. “I wanted to see that!”
Daisuke’s grin didn’t fade as he landed, setting Wormmon next to Ken. “Sorry. But I wanted to make sure that we got back here in plenty of time.” On his shoulder there rode Sorcerimon. He slipped off and moved over towards Ken, who had just begun to move, as if Daisuke’s return stirred him.
Perhaps it did, because even as Daisuke moved closer, Ken’s eyes opened. They were a little fuzzy at first, but they cleared within moments, especially as Sorcerimon began to chant a healing spell. The pain still visible faded and the wounds faded away. Ken looked down at himself, then at Sorcerimon.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. “And for what I tried to do when I was the Kaiser – I’m sorry.”
Sorcerimon sniffed. “I have been assured that you won’t try it again. You had best not.”
“I won’t.” Ken assured him, then glanced over to Daisuke, his eyes widening and he swallowed briefly. “Oh. Daisuke.”
“Giyuumon right now,” Daisuke corrected, flexing his broad wings. “I figured out how to evolve! And I know my real name!”
Ken ducked his head and smiled. “So do I. I – it was interesting. I’m not even sure if it really happened.”
“If it involved your dark side, then it probably did,” Yamato told him, moving forward. He regarded ken for a few seconds. “I’m Chiguumon, brother. And you are?”
Ken stared back and swallowed. “Jinshinmon – brother.” He raised one hand tentatively and Yamato took it. For a few seconds they simply stood like that, before Yamato nodded.
“Any time you want to talk, let me know. Anbumon can be a pain and I bet your dark side’s not any better. At least mine knows how to shut up most of the time.”
Ken’s lips twitched a fraction as he unsteadily got to his feet, leaning on Daisuke. One giant wing folded around him in support as he reached to pick up Wormmon.
“Are you all right?” Ken murmured. “You went with Daisuke, didn’t you?”
Wormmon nodded, curling against Ken. “I was worried about you. I wanted to stay with you, but…” He ducked his head. “I should’ve protected you better. I’m sorry.”
Ken raised one hand to rub in between Wormmon’s antenna. “That’s all right,” he assured his partner. “You did the very best that you could and I’m fine now. Better than fine.”
He tried his best to hold back a yawn but didn’t do very good at it. The rest of the group looked much the same way, except for Daisuke. He was probably riding high still on the euphoria of his first evolution. Ken tried not to stare too openly at him, and suspected he wasn’t doing all that well at that, either.
“Well, if everyone is alive and going to stay that way,” Taichi said, pushing himself to his feet, “then I think we should get to bed. This has been a long night.”
“What about Alarumon?” Ken asked, glancing around for the Digimon in question. “Where did she go?”
Daisuke frowned. “I don’t know. I think she ran off before the others got here.”
“We’ll keep an eye out for her,” Palmon promised. “She’s kind of like a cousin of mine so maybe she’ll listen to us.”
Ken wasn’t so sure if he believed that. But he would make a note of the area here and try his best not to come back. Maybe Alarumon would be better if she didn’t have to see him. And it wasn’t as if he needed to be here anyway.
But he’d bring that up another time. For now, he leaned against Daisuke and took careful steps towards the exit television. Then he paused and shifted to whisper into Daisuke’s ear.
“Do you think – you could take me flying tomorrow?” He loved flying with Stingmon but this was different – this was Daisuke. And some very beautiful wings.
And an amazing smile that Daisuke smiled back at him, familiar even in a slightly unfamiliar face, and Daisuke whispered, “Whenever you want.”
The End
Notes: I was really tempted to have their dark alter egos take over but I’ve done that before, so I opted for a happy ending instead.
When I chose Ken's true Digimon name, I started with the definition of "kindness". While the direct translation is "shinsetsu", I chose to go with "jinshin", because that means "human nature, human heart, sympathy, human spirit", and all of those are exactly what Ken needed here. And what he needs in general.
Daisuke's true Digimon name means "sun". As in that which banishes (bad) darkness. Could there be a better name for this guy? Probably, but this is the one that I like the best. His evolved form’s name means “prosperity”. The opposite of what Apocalymon would want for him.
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late-stagechosen · 5 years
Muse Meme
Stole from: @twistedstarlitspirits
Tagging: @notsobubbly (well, you two have known each other longer, so provided you haven't already done this)
Name: Ichijouji Ken
Aliases: none he can even stand to be called anymore.
Gender: male (trans)
Age: 21 at blog default
Date of birth: 17 January 1991
Place of birth: funny story, Papa Ichijouji used to develop weapons with Oikawa (per the clipping he kept in his desk in the final arc of 02). Per me, it was a private firm that pretty much sold to any country with an active military (so all international sales) Ken was born in St. Petersburg, which was still legally in the Soviet Union at the time. Japanese citizenship is de sanguis, so there were no citizenship problems, but he was born in a place he's otherwise never been, in a country he doesn't even remember the existence of. His family register always brings up awkward conversation, but at least it can deflect from his deadname being on there.
Hometown: 江戸っ子 www mun is a history nut. Toukyou. Everyone ever knows what Toukyou is, at least.
Spoken languages: Japanese (native) Spanish (conversational), English (conversational, albeit with frequent pausing), Mandarin (fluent, native-level), Hindi (fluent, near-native) (why yes, I did just pick most spoken languages)
Sexual Preference: Um, you mean "orientation"? Pansexual. Otherwise I'm not sure I know what this question means.
Occupation: at default, flunking out of being a full time student at Toukyou University. Due to depression. Same reason makes it hard to hold a job. Eventually, planned: nurse.
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 180 cm. Even without regular access to T, this isn't implausible. I once knew a Yamato Japanese cis woman who was about this tall. And Ken has had *some* T. (Yeah, it's hormone dependent as well as inherited traits, specifically hormones during growing years)
Scars: He's got a fair bit from Digital World activities, as well as sports. That one from his first game against Daisuke Did scar thanks to not getting it treated and being deep enough to bleed so long, bit it's pretty faint. He's got newer ones here and there, though.
Burns: Er,well, I think that'd be a type of scar for this purpose
Overweight: no
Underweight: unfortunately
Favourite colour: I don't think all adults have this (I think most all kids do) Ken kinda...he has a lot of trouble connecting to things that make him happy.
Favourite hair colour: This seems like a strange question, because different colours look good with different other colours and face types and so on.
Favourite eye colour: Same
Favourite song: I do have a character for a fic project that has a favourite song, but only because he spent most of his life captive, and so only knows under 20 songs. I kinda can't imagine having a favourite single song otherwise.
Favourite movie: Explained below. Ken's only begun to explore non-instructional media. None yet.
Favourite TV Show: Star Trek. When he was his parents' invisible inconvenience, he stumbled on Enterprise one day. He was since restricted from any media that wasn't educational/instructional, and finally living on his own in college, he hasn't been able to get a TV (though he has been able to get a record player to explore music) Star Trek was the only thing he even had that was something he just genuinely liked once he'd firmly grown out of Anpanman and Gachapin and Mukku. It's a great show, sure, but it's also something that's his thing.
Favourite drink: Can vary by verse. If he associates something with a loved one, it would be that. Otherwise, he's pretty copacetic towards food and drink.
Favourite book: non-fiction, he owns everything trans advocate since1995 and former Congress rep Kamikawa Aya has written to date. Fiction: He did really like the historical tech romp of Mori Hiroshi's "The Strange World of Dr. Kisima"
Passed university: At default, he's got no way left to pass. He's toast. He got to year three, though. Mun dropped out of junior college and considers that pretty good, even had Ken's studies not been at Japan's most elite science school
Had sex: verse dependent. Probably with Daisuke, if I had a Daisuke RPer.
Had sex in public: Nope. Nope, never. Dysphoria, and on top of that, former child celebrity trying to get away from catching notice of tabloids and fans.
Gotten pregnant: could be verse dependant. Planned digimon project, he does at 17, miscarries, which is bad because he and his partners, Daisuke and Miyako,were really looking forward to being parents, even despite their ages. I was a teenager during the teen pregnancy boom in the '90s, and saw parents do horrible things to their kids in a time of need. Deny abortion, toss out on the streets, rehouse with abusive relatives. I work social issues into my play. So sue me.
Kissed a boy: I really just should write my own stuff with an offscreen Daisuke, shouldn't I?
Kissed a girl: well, the project is slated to have Daisuke, Ken, and Miyako as a triad, so I can see Miyako with enough build up.
Gotten tattoos: No
Gotten piercings: Earlobes. He has worn tiny pearl dot earrings in the past.
Been in love: Daisuke
Had a broken heart: Does it have to be romantic? His parents' disregard for him unless he could be a cash cow counts. And also coming home after the Dark Seed's influence was broken and realising how much he hurt his brother.
Virgin: Verse dependent
Cuddler: Yup, and not only romantic. He loves nuzzling Wormmon or being hugged by Osamu.
Kisser: I guess. I mean most people who aren't asexual like that. (Some asexuals also do, it varies. I'm just thinking of five minute kissing scenes in movies being everywhere)
Scared Easily: He's a Chosen Child. Little is scarier than what he's been through. The only things that scare him are potential harm to loved ones. I headcanon that the difficulty in opening the Dark Sea portal was actually really bad physical pain from something something Dark Seed, not fear.
Jealous Easily: If he thinks you've found a new friend or something, he'll be glad you "did better than" him. He has horribly low self-esteem
Trustworthy: In all but actually telling you something is wrong with him. One day, this'll probably wind him hospitalised or permanently physically damaged
Submissive: Fandom, so this probably means sex, but I'm gonna take it outside of that. He doesn't have the confidence to lead anything. Intelligence, yes he could be a great team leader at some kind of academic or sciencey type of work. Sports-wise, he still has the muscle memory of his Dark Seed days. (That being said, the underweight problem hampers his stamina in sports critically) he'd pass rather than take the shot. He could lead, but he just doesn't have the confidence.
Dominant: See above
In Love: Daisuke, willing to also consider Miyako, But that'd be a slow burn
Single: Verse dependent
Siblings: Osamu
Parents: That he really needs to cut off because they're pretty toxic.
Children: I guess this could be verse dependent. None at default
Pets: None. I know some might put Wormmon here, but digimon have the minds of humans, and most are like playmates to their partners in canon. Wormmon in particular canonically comes across as traumatised little brother put into big brother role.
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