lxndonorris · 2 months
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pretty boy
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marieflorent263 · 3 months
CatNap & DogDay
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jeweledstone · 20 days
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Art of two of my old Alton Towers ocs I made for an animation meme I’m hoping to finish by the end of Pride Month
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justwatchmyeyes · 17 days
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Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said. ~ Mark Twain
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stardustfrin · 9 months
OKOKOK SO. im putting this all under a cut because its long as hell. this is mostly how i think they'd function in the game, but includes minimal details [it was not minimal god help] on why shits fucked
Keuoh's unlocks first out of the two, and after the middle layer Sephirot's cores have been suppressed.
What I focused on here is his ability to open and close the doors of containment units. His responsibility is usually to keep these shut. He doesn't here, the fucker.
Throughout the day, he will cause sporadic qliphoth meltdowns, and cause things to breach at certain meltdown levels. This selection is random.
During his event, the trumpet borders that show at the corners of the screen show indefinitely until the core supression is over with, the warning level gradually going up as the day goes on. Keuoh your core suppression would be awful if it were actually in the game. Hod bless.
This is the song I've kinda associated with it,, I associate Keouh with many an Everhood song. This one specifically I imagine playing in the background tbh.
Peirché's core suppression unlocks after Keouh's core has been suppressed.
Peirché has a hostile breach!! Like An Arbiter and Red Mist. I've been calling it Pink Smoke [after the Scary Jokes song] as a placeholder, but this is subject to change lol
I don't have specifics sorted out for his yet. All I have down is that he has a chainsaw. Bro got into the Residential Departmen's supply closet. It's harder to work out specifics as quickly for him JDHJAFJ
These are the songs I associate with his core suppression, though they're subject to change as I figure more stuff out. Ordered based on how early/late I think they'd play.
For Keouh I already went on my whole spiel about him. Angela is waiting for him to die or slip up in some way that gives her an excuse to terminate him. He is also extremely broken, in a literal sense. His problems boil down to not wanting to die yet and grappling with the fact that it happening in the near future is an inevitably in his eyes, whether it be him getting terminated or succumbing to his damage. He's given up, and yet he doesn't want to let go.
Peirché hates it here. That's the short version. It's all just bubbled up to the surface and come out as an infuriated outburst. He seems to be the type to get used a lot, though he isn't naive to this fact. He simply lets it happen, even if he isn't exactly content with it. Kindness requires sacrifice or whatever.
As this went on, though, resentment started to build up inside him. Resentment for the people who do take advantage of his kind will. However, hearing about how Keouh, literally his best friend, had been treated is what pushed him over the edge.
Well, it's that combined with the fact that he was expected to have his work shoved onto him, being forced to shoulder someone else’s burden again just because the idea of giving those duties to another department was 'a waste of space'. Plus the fact that Keouh didn't trust him enough to tell him. He doesn't hold any anger towards him for it, they do end up talking about it, but it's definitely at least a bit of a factor here.
Basically, mostly unrelated things cause Peirché's emotions to overload, and become the catalyst for a completely different problem. He's tired of being treated like dirt by his peers. Why should he have to suffer for being nice? If the simple act of being kind means being trampled over, maybe he'd prefer to be mean and scary instead.
mentally ill robots yaayyy!!!!
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saw2goth · 1 month
You said to send asks, so anyways:
Asks <3
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Ermmm!! And I answeeeeers! <3
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brokeoneptv · 9 months
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Artist: BROKE PTV (@MoreBeerLessWork)
- 1x1.5 inch  - High quality Hard Enamel Lapel Pin  - With a Two Deluxe Clutch!
The enamel paint is baked into black nickel and then polished smooth to a jewelry quality.
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whiteshipnightjar · 5 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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girlstressed · 6 months
can’t stop smiling in inappropriate situations
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feminineambrosia · 2 months
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Makes me want to cheer
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eyepatch-1 · 1 month
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jeweledstone · 13 days
Finished that Alton Towers meme I said I was gonna do let’s gooooo
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justwatchmyeyes · 2 months
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No garden is without its weeds. ~ Thomas Fuller
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silentstar · 2 months
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This meme except they're nice friends supporting each other :)
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memeuplift · 13 days
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