#SMG you sly dogs
hopesallwegotleft · 1 year
This is a little out of nowhere and stating the obvious forgive me but I just wanna chat and add to the HoA brain trust on Tumblr
Sometimes I think about how Jason could’ve gotten some kind of tattoo to commemorate 9/11. Since he has at least two other tattoos incorporating things that are important to him (the US and the USMC). But he didn’t.
Instead of making it such a fixture and inking it somewhere on his skin, SMG had him draw it on a cap. Which draws people’s focus and showcases his thoughts to everyone, sure, but it’s something he can take off when he wants. Figuratively dressing himself up in chauvinism, putting on a superficial display of being there for an important cause. The cap being kinda worn-out also points to him using it often but maybe not taking good care of it, so he doesn’t hold it that dear. Plus, he repeats himself when Salim asks about it (”It’s a damn good reason. The only reason!”), which we learned earlier means he’s lying.
And I know it’s been said a lot already, but seriously, Paul Zinno did a flawless job as Jason. One time I watched a streamer play the game, and maybe a third into the game (before any serious revelations about Jason’s backstory/character) they mentioned how Jason sounds haunted, like with every sentence he says. That is just such an apt description imo.
...Also makes me wonder how much else I missed/am still missing.
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bigbadwolf619 · 8 years
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Bheriya Smokes/Tawagoto
Age: 48 (Physically looks 21 as she does not age)
{Bheriya: The Ladies love it}
Race: Wolfman/Demigod
{Bheriya: hey don’t mention the God part}
Gender: Male
{Bheriya: You better believe it}
Occupation: Supernatural Hunter/Hired Pirate/Wrestler/Demon Hunter/Mercenary/Universal Hunter
{Bheriya: Does being a sexy dog count?}
Personality: Overconfident, cocky while being a big womanizer, tends to make out with many attractive dangerous women of different races, especially ones he rescues, loves to fire guns of many types, especially his 2 special gun, can be sadistic towards his enemies in fights, doesn’t take life seriously and tend to joke around, quick to anger especially when drunk with Devil’s Rum, loves Remnant for having so many attractive women of different type, even evil ones, he is actually very honest for a killer, loves to get paid and then have sex with women, most of the time does not react to his pain if he gets impaled or hurt as he just walks it off quite quickly while regenerating, gets excited if an attractive woman attacks him and teases them dodging or blocking, falls for Queen Alpha and doesn’t care about her status, dislikes Kurai but cares for her as a sibling, respects Muetre for his power and strength along with his sly ways, even as a killer he is very smart and knows many languages thanks to Muetre and Gus, talk to his imaginary wolf a lot who somehow came to reality so others can hear and see while able to pet him, doesn’t care if the racist term “doggy” or “dog” is used on him, hates his other 6 half-siblings, hates his Father Rougarou the Wolf God
{Bheriya: Eh he was a dick anyway}
Skills/Power: As a Wolfman, Bheriya possesses claws and agility as well as good hearing and sniffing like his kind , but as a Demigod he has many powerful abilities along with being physically super strong and nearly invulnerable regenerating body that most of the time cannot take damage and when he does take damage he mostly shrugs it off as if it was nothing and carries on attacking, he can actually tear time and space and pull out a crazy weapon out depending where he is, it is actually random whatever he pulls out, even he doesn’t know what he is pulling out but does so anyway, Bheriya can move really fast while able to take on any punishment, his power lets his body generate thunder whenever his angry, he has knowledge on the Devil’s Tongue and can speak in it to cause destruction, Bheriya also knows curses and Reaper abilities thanks to Muetre, he can tear an enemies soul out with his bare-hand, use Reaper Vision to see into the past or little of the future, of an area or someone, Reaper Storage where can store anything in another realm and summon when he wants to, Reaper Travel that lets him click his fingers to instantly teleports wherever he wants to go, his greatest power is his Wolf God form which makes him take on the form of a dark wolf that changes appearance randomly whenever he triggers it, something it would be bigger or smaller, sometime it has extra limbs or can even cover the whole sky, he has the ability to summon many spiritual wolves to aid him and when he howls to the Moon he will become stronger and more wild with his senses enhanced, he has the ability to copy the powers and weapons of his enemies he kills quite like Megaman/Skillfully he can uses both blades and guns while able to withstand their effects as Gabriel’s Rage was so powerful  in destroying in it’s shot that it could tear the users arm off, but Bheriya’s strength can withstand it, Joker’s Laugh drives the user to insanity making them laugh so much, but Bheriya’s already insane nature makes him already adjusted with the SMG, Bheriya is very skilled in using in Hooksword which he can duplicate and throw many times as he wants, he can even enlarge the blade to huge or small sizes, this isn’t the blades ability, it is actually Bheriya doing this somehow
{Bheriya: Why have 1 when you can have 100?}
Weapons/Tools: Many supernatural firearms Gus has made for him, Gabriel's Rage Handgun that can decimate a target or object, Joker’s Laugh SMG which starts off weak but then gets stronger from continuous shooting shredding through the enemy and objects rapidly, this depends on the users sanity, if the are mad then the SMG is stronger, the Hooksword Bheriya took from 1 of his Slavers which are used to torture and discipline Slave Wolfmens, he has 2 on him usually as he can duplicate the blades, he has weapons that he also collected from the Demon Lords and Devils he killed along with other enemies
{Bheriya: If you can do it in video games, why not real life?}
Backstory: {Bheriya: I’m narrating my on Bio here, Ahem...}
I'm Smokes, Bheriya Smokes, before I became a badass or the member of Smokes Enterprise I was a slave, like every other Wolfman, in Ravage Wolfmens were common, nothing like Remnant or fuckin Conton, there were also Gods, 5 Gods to be exact who watched over the world and made sure Hell remained closed, though they weren't really Gods they were seen as that as the real God the Creator was basically the "do your owns shit while not helping sort of guy", but besides that the world, was alright, had nothing to worry about...well 500 years ago anyway, something happened, it wasn't only Ravage, but other worlds
Though Ravage got most of the shit put on it, most of the Gods were somehow killed by an unknown force, only 1 survived, the Wolf God Rougarou, but because the Ethereal World was destroyed he could not use his full-power, so he went mad and sort a vessel to use so he can use his power again, to do this he would need to plant his seed in a poor woman's womb to have a child to take over, but to be sure this works, he raped 7 women, 1 had me, her name was Yorokobi from the East, a woman of the Church a pretty woman...but a bitch, I mean I can't blame her she got raped by a mad dog, out of anger and being kicked out of the Church for having me, she threw me away and I ended up in a Slave Camp of Wolfmens Now the reason why the Wolfmens were getting all the shit was because the God that supports a.k.a the asshole Father of mines was causing trouble and they blamed us for the shit he's done, assholes
Because of that we were hunted or enslaved, we were all scared and weak...well except me, I was rebellious, our slavers were 3 Orc Lords, Jason, Grayson and Mason had as builds stuff for them and lift away things, we were only given rest if we did a decent job, we'd get tortured if we did not do well, when the Orcs found me they named me Tawagoto and to all you Japanese folks you might know what that means, I use to try to escape or not listen, so I use to get most of the punishment, this carried on for 10 years of my life, yet I wasn't scared, at all, just pissed, during that time a voice in my head started talking, and I saw a Wolf made of black smoke, he talked to me and made me feel better, I realized he wasn't real after a while, but that didn't matter
I was still there doing shit, I couldn't take it anymore, the cruel treatment, seeing your own kind killed and raped in front of you, it was driving me insane, so I tried escaping again, but once again that bastard Orc Lord Mason got in the way and because he was a fat muthafucker, he was strong but this didn't make him slow, he beat my ass again but said instead of taking me back that he would kill me instead Of course that failed miserably as my anger and desperation woke something inside of me, I saw Wolf again, I thought he couldn't do anything but he somehow bit Mason's leg and not only that Mason is able to see him, I thought I lost my mind and seeing things, but he tells me "Do it! Do it now!" I wondered what he meant before my hand transformed into a dark monster like hand and I slashed the bastard's eye out, while he was in pain I ran as fast as I can in the distance and cried in joy being free finally
I had no idea what happened to me but I broke out after all those years, after that I came to the City of Jibana, the place they claim God watches over, yeah right, he's pretty much left this world to rot what with the Demons broken loose and some living casually in the criminal underworld, sadly the Apartheid was here too and no one liked seeing a Wolfman civilized, so bad that some kids started chasing me for no reason and wanted to kick my ass, I ran but ended up in a dead end, I told them to leave me alone then they end up beating the living shit out of me, 1 even had a bat smashing my skull, they pissed me off so much that my Monster side woke up again and I shredded all those little shits up, now I know how Lucy feels, I ran from there and saw what I'm able to do, this sort of made me more crazy...but happy at the same time I realized with this power I can kill those who wrong me, I picked up a pipe as back up while trying to Master my power, I then went on killing people who tried getting at me, I even killed slavers and rescued some of my kind, of course this meant that the heat would be on my ass
The Order noticed my activity and wanted to stop me, to be honest I was kinda scared, these guys were the hunter of beasts I knew these dicks would be too strong for me, but trying to escape them was impossible, in the end I had to fight them head on with my lead pipe and claws, I managed to beat them and kill them, then put their heads on spikes to spread the word of me, after that I became known as the Butcher of Jibana killing any fools getting in my way, but the Order didn't give up in hunting me and sent their living weapons the Silver Maidens, a bunch of woman who all seem to be attractive, likely because the woman in charge of their transformation was a desperate lesbian or something, they are fused with powerful Demon Blood becoming the ultimate killing machines in Jibana, once they attacked me I thought I could beat the easily...how wrong I was
The girls turn out to be a challenge for me as I take them all on with their speed, strength and power combined, they weren't messing around, I got badly hurt but it only just pissed me off to the point that I started to kick their asses hard, I managed to overpower them but 1 of them went berserk and became an Awakened Being, I nearly got killed but my Wolf side just made me go crazy and I defeated her with my power, this stopped her healing and weakened her, I then shouted to the citizens that Jibana is mine and that no one could mess with me, no one Jibana then became my playground, I could do whatever I want and no one could stop me...except him
The man with the hat, smokes every minute with a cigar that smells like death, Muetre Smokes, during 1 of my time messing around I raided a shop and killed some people while the others ran off, I ate all their stuff and gave some to Wolf too since he was my only friend then, but when I was having fun, in comes the old man himself, it turns out that the Order couldn't actually beat me, so they got him instead, I attacked but only managed to scratch his arm, the old man was tricky and after an intense battle, he beat my ass, I then couldn't take it anymore and waited for him to kill me, but he instead offered me something, offered me a job
After a while I accepted when he mention I could be a free citizen and that I will be treated equally like everyone else, it sounded like bullshit to me but it was either accept that or be put down like a common dog, after being known as dead and renamed to my sexy name the ladies know me by, Bheriya Smokes, during my time with the old man I met up with that blood bitch Kurai, the daughter of Vlad who I hear was the big time of Ravage but got his ass handed to him by Muetre,  I hear that Vlad scared Heaven and Hell so I wondered how the old man killed him and how he kicked my ass easily, I was trained by him and overtime I started to understand how to use firearms and other weapons, made by Muetre’s Engineer Gus who never shows his face, he might be fuck ugly but damn the stuff he makes is crazy, I hear her can make things in his sleep
At first I sucked, I sucked badly at my jobs, my first job was in the world of Remnant where I was suppose to find a Demon posing as a Huntsman in their world, bastard was skilled and kept cutting me up but thanks to my rage I barely managed to kill him, this was too crazy for me, when I did a job in Ravage I was attacked by another Silver Maiden but this 1 was actually tough and powerful so bad she nearly killed me by cutting off my head, I thought it was over but I wake 2 weeks after back in my new home with my head fully regenerated, Muetre had been waiting for me to wake up to say that I was fuckin up, so he said he will join me in a job, the job was to kill the 3 Orc Lords Jason, Grayson and Mason
Something in me pulsed, I felt excited, I was gonna murder the bastards who made my life a living Hell, after getting ready we went to the La Vanille Manor, the Master of the place was a half-human and half-demon named Joie Vanille who own many Wolfmen slaves as workers and maids, the prick had 10 Wolfman women dressed as maids around him all bowing at us, he found it weird that I wasn’t walking around in chains, Muetre explained to him that I was a citizen and I was his adopted son, which he found funny, a dog let off his leash, but after negotiating, Vanille had 1 of his maids show me around the barn behind the Manor where the other Slaves are, I waited for Muetre while he was talking with that dick, I then asked where the 3 Orc Lords were and the maid showed me
I saw them all, doing their usual, Jason the eldest of the brothers and the brains, he usually tortures his slaves to the point where they want to die, he breaks them badly, I would know because I’ve seen the shit he’s done, especially to me, Grayson, the middle brother who usually forced the Slaves even if they’re exhausted or tired he’d make them carry on or kill them brutally, the last and youngest 1 of them Mason, the dick who’s been tormenting me the most, being the strongest of them he usually crippled the Slaves, especially those who tried to escape, I can see the scar I gave him when I escaped, I saw Jason do the usual and attempted to rape Slave that tried to escape, I still remember what he said to me during my torture, “The only thing you will know is pain and agony”, I confronted him
While Jason pulled his pants down I called him out asking if he remembers me before I pulled out a little gun Gus put in my watch and fired at him, it wasn’t any ordinary gun, once it goes in you, you’re already dead, but before he died I said to him, “The only thing you will know is pain and death” before he bursted like a bloody balloon, Mason came out and saw me, because the gun was a 1 shot, I ran out, but I wanted to face him head on, we fought each other and he cut my pipe but I used the cut pieces to stab his knees and took his Hooksword and started cutting him up with it while smiling, it was the best moment of my life, finally payback, then I took his gun and shot his head off killing him, panicking that dick Grayson tried to escape with his bike, but I couldn’t fire at him since the gun at poor range but then I saw Graysons torso get shot off clean, I see behind me that Muetre shot him, of course the douche Vanille wasn’t happy with what we did but Muetre clicked his fingers and we disappeared
I finally felt clear and happy, they say revenge won’t make you feel better, but I felt fuckin great, after that I wanted to get better, I wanted to get stronger, so over the years Muetre has had some old friends show me how to fight, use a gun, know how to use weapons, he even tutored me shit you learn in school, taught me how to be charming, well I can be charming, in my own way if you know what I mean, he taught me how to speak and interact with people along with making me learn many languages just in case our client was foreign, I hunted many bastards down and done many jobs, I started making a rep for myself, becoming the Big Bad Wolf
During my time as a teen, my visit to the strip club when Muetre had to do talk with owner was great, I was glad a Demon was gonna attack the place because during Muetre’s meeting with the client I was kept company by many girls of different races, even Faunas, they showed me many great things and because of that I just love hot babes regardless of what race they are, so long as they’re sexy it’s fine by me, I’ll go for 1 that might try to kill me while looking gorgeous, sexy times are the best time for me, along with killing and getting paid
I found the bitch that cut my head off when I was younger, she actually had my old head on her wall, I was still pissed for that fight, so I fought her 1 more time and boy was she surprised when I ended up mutilating her ass, it was so satisfying, especially when her bravado broke, I didn’t hate the Silver Maidens after that, in fact that 1 I fought and went apeshit actually managed to turn back human, Muetre cured her when she had to be contained out of hospitality, in return she chose to become our maid, I kinda felt guilty for what i did to her by cutting her arm off, so I said to her that if she ever needed me I’ll be there to back her up
1 of my missions involved me saving a newborn baby from a sacrificial ritual in Yharnam (yes the Bloodborne world, I have been there too), but this was no ordinary baby, oh no, it was a humanoid squid baby, no-no I’m serious, I’m not bullshitting you, I mean he was kinda cute but annoying as hell, very clingy, he seem to like me so much and he kept wrapping around my head and you can imagine how much of a pain it is to shoot while that’s happening, I had to protect the little bastard, but was it over when I got him back home? No, the client then paid us to babysit the little bastard until he grows up, apparently he is a Deity, a newborn God meant to take charge of Ravage and fix it, but the problem was he only becomes 1 year older every century, so you can imagine how long he’ll be with us...fuck
You guys wonder why I hate my Dad so much right, not only did he abandon me and Mum and got her to dump me, not only did he make the Wolfmens take all the shit, he tries to fuck me over, you know how? He finds me doing a job and then tries to take my body away! The only reason he wanted to have us was he needed a vessel because unlike him, me and my half-brothers and sisters can use our power without the Ethereal Realm, because of that I hated him so much that I wanted to kill him myself and 1 day I will!
But just when you think that’s the only bad shit happening, what happens next, I get Satan interested in me, because he recognizes my Dad’s power in me, he thought that he could use me to take over Heaven, but everyone he has sent to take me has been killed by me and sent back, 1 day I was visited by my Mother who wanted to start over, she said that her insanity made her do wrong things, apparently she had another child and wanted me to join the family, but after everything I was thinking about it and after while I kinda accepted, a dumb move but I did, i told Muetre I’d retire and finish, surprisingly he was calm about it and let me off
Before I went to my Mum’s new place I was ambushed by the Demon Lords who wanted to take me to Satan, but I killed every last 1 off them, however this was actually a distraction as they actually were targeting my Mother and baby Sister’s home, I panicked and tried to get there in time, but they were butchered and killed, even after my Mother dumped me, I still got enraged for what they did to her and my sister, I was told who was responsible, a Vampire named Edward Black, after that I searched for the fucker causing a rampage around Ravage
After months of searching I found his place and wrecked it killing and butchering his army and guards, then we fought each other, he was a tough bastard and actually gave me a hard time but I ended up mortally wounding him, oh so I thought, it turned out when his blood spilled on me, it actually took control of me, he had me shoot myself with my own gun and then sent me to Hell, that dick set a trap on me, I later woke up trapped with the Chains of Judas, I couldn’t use my power or strength, Satan had his bitch Tormentum torture me until I swore to serve the bastard to help him raid Heaven, this carried on for weeks but it felt like years, I was losing my mind and getting crazy while resisting, I was even talking to Wolf in my head to calm me, but that wasn’t enough
I then realized destiny and fate can really fuck you over, that it can mess with you if it don’t like you, eventually I thought, fuck fate and fuck destiny, this is my life, I can do whatever I want my way, Chains that drains my power, fuck it I don’t need to abide by the rules or follow logic, I got so pissed that I broke out of my chains and became a Wolf God, using my new form and power I caused a rampage in the whole of Hell and killing many Demons including that bitch Tormentum, after turning back I wanted payback and hunted Satan within Hell, in the end and I found him and after our intense fight and when he tried to use the Godkiller on me, I managed to beat him and murder the son of a bitch, I took his gun and his Chariot, which turned into a Monster Truck for me and got me out of Hell
Muetre was actually waiting for me outside knowing I’d kill Satan and win in the end, after that I joined him again and started to hunt more and more, years passing by I was known by my rep and killed so many fuckers that I have the 2ND highest body count on Ravage, close to Muetre’s, after some time Kurai got kidnapped by her Uncle and the bastard that set a trap for me, I went to confront myself and save Kurai, I found Black and finally killed him, after that I became known in the other worlds too, this wolf wasn’t going to die anytime soon, badass in the hunt and sexy for the babes, oh yeah, Awooooooo!
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The Fringe, Episode 7, Part 2, The Cost of War, Part 1
Two Minutes Since First Volley
ACGG Masinov Bridge
   Admiral Harken knew this operation was rushed. The message which ordered the deployment of all available fleets was full of typographical errors, meaning someone was in a hurry to get them out, was scared or both. He watched as his fleet let out another volley, crippling more of the cultist ships. The bridge of the Masinov was alive with the sounds of stations working to synchronize their respective systems. Harken looked around the bridge and reveled in the memories of being a cog in the well oiled machine of a warship.
“Sir, Admiral Raithus is hailing us. He wishes to speak with you in private.”
   Harken snapped back to reality and made his way to his ready-room. The room was slightly larger than a walk-in-closet and was located just aft of the bridge. As Harken slid into his chair Admiral Raithus appeared on a holo-pad. The Admiral feigned a smile as he greeted Raithus.
“Raithus, how good to see you. It's been so long since our last parlé. How is the family? Are the kids well?”
“Can it Harken. You know damn well why I called. You were given orders to make contact and not fire until support arrived. You wish to explain why you failed to meet that second objective?”
“Well, those Doorstep bastards put me in a bit of a bind. They've declared war on us, Raithus. The bunch of religious nuts declared war on the government. We can't have that now can we? So, I opened fire, we've already crippled ten of their ships. Though there are close to three hundred more.”
“What? Over three hundred vessels? You can't be serious. That's absurd, your sensors must have been damaged in transitional-space. There is no way they have a fleet that large.”
“Oh no, my scanners aren't damaged. Three hundred plus vessels refitted with Archurian Gen Two Railgun systems and Carimbus Gen Three Point Defense Laser systems. A work of art to be sure.”
   Harken’s holo-pad went dark, the image of Raithus fading with it. The Admiral went back to the bridge and watched as thousands of small craft poured from his fleet to confront the enemy. Morningstar boarding craft, Rapier gunships and Dagger fighters flowed into the black, only noticeable by their gold trim and wings. From the opposing side came a swarm of fighters and gunships, proudly painted gold with red trim, vehicles Harken had never seen.
Two Minutes Since First Volley
SD Honorous Prayer Bridge   
   Grand Councilman Dokovich watched from the bridge of his flagship, the Honorous Prayer, as thousands of Transcendent gunships and Ascendant fighter craft flew silently across the empty black battlefield. Dokovich was proud of the craft, designed by none other than him, these ships were rated for both vacuum and atmosphere. Commissioning Makirov Heavy Industries to build them was substantially less expensive than contracting fighters and gunships through a PCM. Much to his annoyance they did have to contract through The Archurian Company for dropships. TAC Storks are costly and cumbersome but effective.
   If it weren't for the light of the sun, Dokovich would have never seen the charcoal and gold craft the ACGG had sent. He liked their idea, using dark paint to camouflage vehicles against the inky void. He knew neither the fighters nor the gunners in the fleet would think to look for gold wings. Dokovich calmly swiped the fleet wide alert band on his command chair. His voice was unwavering in the face of oncoming danger.
“All ships be on alert for dark grey craft with gold trimming. Our enemy has camouflaged themselves against the void. We must destroy as many as we can. They shall not stop us from transcending!”
Mission Clock T+ 00:30:45
ACGG Morningstar 0D997 En Route to Honorous Prayer
   Lieutenant Seraph glanced at the mission clock on the lower left of his HUD. Army Special Forces was supposed to be a fast paced career. Quick insertions followed by precise action and a swift extraction. Seraph never thought he’d take a ride on a Morningstar that lasted over thirty minutes. The blocky ship tilted and he could feel the deceleration in his gut. Morningstars essentially bit into the target vessel with four clamps and then magnetically sealed themselves to the host’s hull making sure it's airtight, much like a tick. Seraph began to check his gear before keying the team's com line.
“Listen up ladies, we've had a long ride but we are finally arriving at our intended target. I want all of you to check your gear, your oh-two lines and repeat before checking your buddy’s shit. Understood?”
   Five green acknowledgement checks popped up on his HUD. Morningstar boarding craft don't have the room for an atmospheric generator so anyone taking a ride needs an O2 system, hence the want to ensure the safety of everyone's lines. The four soldiers in the troop bay with Seraph began checking their gear. Weapons made clicks and snaps that went unheard in the vacuum. A fifth trooper came down from the cockpit and began to rattle through a black duffle bag.
“Well El-tee, like my flying? The ship’s on autopilot, we’ll be dug into our target in just a moment.”
“Can it Marco, get your shit ready and let's kill these assholes.”
   Seraph’s weapon of choice today was a CG-18sf, a select fire variant of the SMG the Air Patrol was known for carrying. While the Lieutenant would give anything for an assault rifle, he knew the SMG would be more effective in the close quarters confines of a colony ship. The ship came to a sudden, grinding halt that Seraph felt rattle his combat armor. They had finally punched into the hull of the cult flagship. As for the five other teams there was no way to tell. Seraph knew his team well. After years of working together Charlie Six was a well oiled machine capable of performing complex strategic maneuvers with little to no collateral damage. That however came with exceptions. Operations with little to no intelligence can have snags and unpredicted risks and Seraph was not a fan of snags.
Forty Five Minutes Since First Volley
ACGG Masinov Bridge
   Harken reviewed the tactical screen. Since the arrival of the First, Second, and Third Combat Fleets Harken had moved the Masinov toward the back of the growing flotilla. The First Expeditionary Fleet had created the forward left corner of what was becoming a phalanx of warships. From the back of the phalanx Admirals coordinated ship rotations, firing solutions, fighter and gunship strikes, and all manner of tactical calculations to ensure their victory.
   Harken looked at the Destroyer holding the forward position within his fleet. Its shields faltered then failed as a slug from one of the cultist vessels hammered it. The Admiral moved its position on the tactical screen, swapping it for a Cruiser with full shields. As he did so an order was sent to the two ships and they compliantly switched positions. While the Destroyer had bigger guns, he would rather save the vessel from being disabled. Cruisers are smaller and more expendable than Destroyers.
“Harken,” Raithus yelled. “Well played, I raise your Cruiser a Frigate and deploy an attack wing of gunships to take out their fighters.”
“Raithus you sly dog. I raise your attack wing a Company of Special Forces in the hostile Flagship,” Harken replied with a smug grin on his face.
“You what!? Harken?! You can't be serious. You have a Company of Special Forces on board that thing,” Raithus exclaimed.
   Raithus was the Admiral of the First Combat Fleet. He was a man of audacity. He had made maneuvers, astrogational and political that no man would try in order to get his title, but what Harken had just claimed was more audacious than anything he’d heard. His jaw was slack, as were the jaws of Admiral Jackson of the Second Combat Fleet and Admiral Orthose of the Third Combat Fleet.
“Scans confirm his claim. Six Morningstar boarding craft burrowed into its hull. Each one registered to a-cee-gee-gee Special Forces Third Regiment, Fifth Battalion, Charlie Company,” Orthose stated.
“When the hell did you send them,” Raithus questioned.
“Two minutes after my initial salvo,” Harken replied. “I’m surprised you didn't notice them. They took fairly long to get there.”
To Be Continued...
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