kneipe · 4 months
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leipzig 2024
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nctahousecat · 1 year
continued from here
Under normal conditions, Binx did everything he could as a cat to stay out of people's way during the full moon. Sure, he liked to explore and keep an eye on certain people when he could, but for the most part it was better to lay low. His unpredictable behaviors under the curse however, didn't make this so easy for him. He'd sometimes wake up after transitioning back to normal with no recollection of what happened while he was a feline, his memory often foggy but not always.
Tonight, the black cat recognized Dani's ex as Binx wandered the isle, a question he'd thought about since he first met the guy crossing his mind again. Slightly knew nothing about Binx's curse, but the feline didn't seem to care in the moment as he followed the familiar figure, breaking the silence casually. As Slightly stopped, Binx stopped as well, sitting on the sidewalk with his tail resting behind him. His human and cat mind seemed to be synced, not self-aware enough to stop himself from revealing his ability to talk. It was almost as if he expected Slightly to know who he was already. He hardly paid attention to his shock, instead listening attentively to the answer he'd been waiting for. He wondered if Dani knew this about him or not. "Mine was a mouthful too. Thackery Binx. I really only go by my last name now." @slightlyconceited
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colincubs · 2 years
Cubby and Slightly often met up at his work when his shifts ended, sitting at a booth in the House of Mouse to eat some food and talk about their music. He still couldn’t believe that his boss was letting Slightly perform some nights, but tonight there was already someone else scheduled to use the stage. Instead, Cubby was talking to him about more lyric ideas, snacking on the plate of french fries in between them. He was waiting for just the right moment to mention his upcoming blind date — he’d gotten paired with Slightly’s ex, and he wasn’t sure if it was going to be a sore subject or not.
“Speaking of breakup songs ....” Cubby chimed in, taking the notebook of lyrics and sticking it back in his backpack. “I wanted to let you know that I, um ... I signed up for that blind date thing or whatever, but got paired with Dani? Kinda weird, right? But it’s not a big deal, I just wanted to tell you ahead of time before I went...” There was a small part of him that considered ditching it for the sake of his friend, but even if Dani was Slightly’s ex, he wasn’t going to be rude and leave her hanging. They could just hang out as friends, nothing more. “You signed up too, right? I guess it’s a good thing you didn’t get stuck with her, huh?” @slightlyconceited​
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ellietramp · 1 year
"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." -Slightly
“Strangers? Annette hasn’t even mentioned her favorite sister?” Danielle asked with a playful pout, the alcohol in her system making her feel more upbeat and warm. It was far better than how low she had felt when she first arrived. “I’m Ellie. Next time you see my sister, tell her she’s rude .. Actually, that’s my job. You should probably avoid getting on her bad side.” @slightlyconceited
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monokumafightclub · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every antagonist i know whose driven by a specific emotion and, some time after their death, had their body parts taken by an evil organization, i'd have two nickels
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which isn't a lot but
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sodascribbles · 2 years
me: hey i just got this bt.hb i should work on that
also me: what if instead we made a time travel au
sly 4 isnt real it cant hurt me. with no knowledge of how le paradox's brain or lab or blimp or whatever works (im still on Go West, Young Raccoon, and therefore only know his name via tumblr) i shall run blindly into that good night.
basically: what happens when pre-sly1 gang meets sly2 gang meets post-sly3 gang. ok well post sly3 gang except they (minus sly) stick together and dont fuck off like its implied they did during the beginning of 4 bc its MY found family and i get to choose the found familying.
past - pre sly1 (they don't know carmelita and are like. 15. murray is not old enough to drive in France. how is he their getaway driver)
present - sly2 (like Anatomy for Disaster sly 2. possibly earlier but definitely post-jailbreak)
future - start of sly4 (probably. idk I've thought about the future aspect the least other than the fact that its 3 tired old men w a bunch of kids.)
and they're gonna wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time. literally at the wrong time for the past and future crews.
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cooperific-aus · 3 years
SLY 1 AU where Bentley isn't afraid of everything. He's in Sly's backpack until he has to climb out to do some hacking missions.
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ringtail-and-wizard · 5 years
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Fun Fact: In both the first and fourth game Rioichi and Tennessee Kid Cooper are the first two ancestors to be introduced.
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kingncp · 5 years
The contest has started over on DeviantArt! We’re excited to see what you guys can come up with for the topic, which is the upcoming Sly Cooper TV show! Its up to you to come up with a new/revamped design for one of the Cooper Gang members and/or Carmelita Fox! You also must have a logo designed for the show as well! This contest will be running from September 17th to October 24th! The first-place winner will be receiving a prize created by @fel-fisk! If we can get enough people participating and entering their submissions, we’d be able to hold a second-place prize as well! For more information, just click on the link provided above and leave any questions there! We look forward to seeing what you guys can think up! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! 
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streetfunk · 5 years
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slyturtlegaming · 3 years
Two to Tango Mission when Carmelita shoots wildly at you after flirting just uploaded to Sly Turtle Gaming YouTube‼🦊😄 Link in bio #twototango #slycooper #carmelitafox #theslycollection #sly1
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morglovesbooks · 7 years
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From my favorite video game growing up, I love this lil guy look how cute!!
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irtsu · 7 years
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Cheesy macaroni
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I just realized something.
In Sly4, they age swapped Tennessee Kid Cooper and Salim al-Kupar.
I know it doesn't mean much for the game since the plot is about time travel but-
Tennessee in Sly 1-3:
Older looking
Scruffy mouth (looks like a mustache)
More aged clothing on him
That hat. You cannot tell me that the bowler hat doesn't make him look older.
Cigar too
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Tennessee in Sly4:
Younger looking
No mouth scruff
Sprier actions form such a scarwny boy
Basically looks like a brown Sly, which makes sense if they're the same or similar age
Normal cowboy hat
Also doesn't smoke? He has a Toothpick instead
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Salim in Sly1-3:
Maybe about in his late 20's- early 40's to estimate
Tall and buff
He got a stache but that's a plus, my dudes
Muscles for dayyyssss, makes sense if he hoists that huge cane around
Skipped leg day
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Salim in Sly4:
Clearly in his elder years. ~60 at a youngest guess
Definitely shrunk, but age will compact a person
The stache is his biggest attention grabber beside his hat
Scrawny now, def old
Got the poofy pants so nobody knows (they do) that he forever skipped leg day
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cooperthoughtvault · 4 years
What if you were captured by clockwork? How would each gang member react, how would they try to get you back, and how would clockwork treat you? (Sory avout this bein long)
Oh boy do I love panic and terror!
I’m putting this in the timeline as Sly1, then we can focus on beating Clockwerk and getting “you” back as endgame ‘ u- ///
-Mod Sly
Clockwerk capturing you isn’t a surprise, but it still scares Sly nonetheless.
It was the first thing to happen when Sly was taking care of Raleigh, he just beat the frog to a pulp when Bentley frantically called him through the binocucom to come back as fast as possible!
And what he came back to was a semi landslide, an upturned van, and you were missing. Bentley and Murray are fine! It’s only you that’s gone!
And that’s when they tell Sly about the giant owl that attacked mid-boss fight.
Sly’s first priority is finding you. Even at the cost of pissing off Bentley with his unexpected outbursts and refusal to listen unless you were the focus.
Clockwerk on the other end, he knew that once Sly found someone of interest, he’d had to do something to move along his plan.
You’re basically in a tight, cramped cell that barely has any light. And depending on what species you are, you might be overheated or near freezing for the majority of your imprisonment.
Sly would have to be forced to beating every boss on the way. Taking ‘speedrunning’ as a serious notion of breaking into certain areas and pushing his body way past its limit in hopes of saving you faster.
By the time of beating Clockwerk, Bentley and Murray were there looting the safe parameters of Clockwerk’s volcano fortress and found you in your cell.
Of course, Clockwerk may or may not have taken care of you before Cooper made his debut…
Nah, that’d be too sad! You were basically exhausted at that point and sleeping to preserve the last bit of energy you had. But Bentley and Murray take you from the cell and the new wave of heat from the volcano shakes you from your slumber.
Sly takes his ten-second headstart to run back to the van, ready to find you. But he’s glad to see that you’re already there getting much-needed food and water from his friends.
You all take off into the wind, Sly snuggled up to you with a blanket and slowly feeding you so you don’t throw up.
This boy is sweating bullets when it happened, you and he were trying to figure out a certain path to Mz. Ruby’s chicken coop for the meetup of the chicken gumbo ghost. It sounds ridiculous I know.
That’s when something large bumped into the van and shook both of you out of focus. A second later the back doors are near torn off their hinges while a muddy hand reached in.
And when you got grabbed up, Bentley nearly lost his mind as his feeble attempt to keep a hold of you launched him into the muddy sludge outside and the cold night chill shocked him solid. When Murray escaped the driver’s side and saved Bentley from the mud, you were gone.
Sly, defeating Mz. Ruby after, finding out through her beaten mouth that she sent her bog monsters on his gang and gave you up to Clockwerk for a small price.
Bentley is on overdrive when they leave Haiti, and turtle boy feels like an utter loser knowing that he failed to save his own partner. But that only steels his resolve to do everything in his power to save you!
Clockwerk knows that you aren’t Cooper’s partner, so he goes a little easier on you. A slightly bigger prison cell where you won’t be freezing or sweating buckets. But you might be starved a little considering Clockwerk knows you’re part of the gang.
At the volcano, Bentley is stuck between saving Sly or saving you. Clockwerk has taken you from your cell and from what little info he’s gotten from his cohorts.
He’s torn, but he’s smart enough to talk circle around Clockwerk enough to hack the gas chamber and free Sly. That only leaves saving you.
Clockwerk takes you to the death ray, Sly makes it to you, using the jetpack to get you to Carmelita before facing off to the metal owl.
Bentley admits he cried a ton when he saw you run back from the gas chamber and into the safe cave where the van sat. He apologized and cried, soaking up your shirt (and ignoring your bad smell). But that was okay, you were safe, and he has you once more.
Mesa City was of course nerve-wracking, as you were the only one keeping him from exploding from fear. He was trying to psych himself up to take over a mission to save Sly some work.
And you were there to help! Even as he took up the starting point and you arrived to take the turret, something goes wrong…
Halfway through the mission, Murray is suddenly alone and he’s forced to call for Sly’s help. When Sly gets to the turret and completes the mission with Murray, he has to tell Murray with pain that you aren’t there. Where are you!? Why did you leave Murray to fend for himself?
Well, it’s only after confirming with Bentley that you didn’t go back to the van is when things get scary. Where did you go???
Muggshot is the only one to answer that question when he comments on bagging a stupid mutt and giving them to Clockwerk as leverage. And Murray’s heart breaks when Sly comes back and tells them that no doubt, Clockwerk has you.
It’s a race from there, Murray wants to toughen up and take more action, but he can’t. The races are one thing since Bentley is there to keep him motivated, but the second turret mission? He nearly breaks down and moves half the speed, more of the time he has to look off into the distance and focusing on stressful amounts to see that Sly is still there.
It all goes down at the volcano when he finished up taking the computers and hitting lava slugs at top speed. He and Bentley are left to do their own things as Sly trudges on, and he slips from the van while Bentley saves Sly.
Clockwerk, similar to Bentley’s S/O, has treated you fairly better and hid you away in a cell to await either death by starvation or get rescued. lucky for you, Murray saves you,
Doing his first real act of power, he uses brute force to tear the cell door open and carries you back to the van right as Sly finishes off Clockwerk.
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Okay I'm thinking about Sly Cooper and I'm realizing how some stuff in Thieves in Time is fucking bullshit so you know what? We're retconning the FUCK out of this one. 
Also some of this is inspired/based on the fic Dressed to Steal but fuck it that fic was good. 
Anyway! Let's start with a retcon to between Sly3 and Sly4!
So like. After Sly3, Sly and Carmelita get their shit together on their relationship and how to balance the thief/cop thing. 
Over the past three games, Carmelita's pursuit has led her to arrest many other criminals thanks to Sly's shenanigans. They're going to work together to take down future criminals. They trade info on targets. Sly robs them blind and makes sure all evidence is in plain sight when Carmelita shows up.  
Technically she is supposed to keep trying to arrest Sly too, but they have ways around it. She can only arrest him if she finds him actively breaking the law, or if there's enough evidence to implicate him. There's never any evidence left behind, and Carmelita pretends not to know. Her coworkers kinda know it's bullshit, but as the Cooper Gang only target criminals and also tend to save people by foiling those criminals' schemes, they're technically helping the police so they also look the other way. 
This leads to Sly staying in contact with Bently and Murray the whole time, Carmelita getting to know them too, and all four of them becoming close with Penelope as well. I'll get to Penelope's plot later. 
Eventually we get to the beginning of Thieves in Time. Penelope has disappeared, and the Cooper Timeline is being fucked with. 
Sly's decision to keep Carmelita out of the loop is because… she just found out she's pregnant! Like literally just found out before all this started. So Sly wants to keep her and the baby out of danger. (And yes there is a wedding on the way but that's irrelevant).
Of course Carmelita says fuck that and is going to continue doing her job as long as she can. So she investigates the museum, sees Sly is up to something, gets pissed that he didn't tell her, and is captured by Le Paradox. 
The first two Episodes go pretty much the same, with Rioichi and then Tennessee. There is some difference in that we do get to see their allies/families. Because what the fuck shouldn’t they have allies/families that could be NPCs that help with missions or at least give the world it’s own feeling of depth??? Anyway!
They pick up Carmelita in the wild west. Carmelita is pissed that she got left out of the loop, and her and Sly do fight about it. But it's not the same as the Canon fight since they both have legit reasons for what happened, but it is a back and forth argument. 
Now… I decided that in retconning this I'd be replacing two of the Cooper Ancestors with ones I found to be cooler. And… Bob was in the bottom two. 
So! Instead of Bob, we get Henriette, the Pirate! I will definitely be making a post outlining this part of the plot, so I won’t go into her story here too much. 
I will say that Henriette does help Sly and Carmelita resolve their fight, as she has a unique perspective. She's a woman who had to balance having a child while continuing to do a dangerous job, but she's also a Cooper. She understands both perspectives and convinces them to talk. By calling them idiots and then locking them below deck for an hour. (Speaking of kids, her son is a teenager beginning to make a name for himself, but is laying low until closer to the Boss Fight).
Anyway! After that they get to Sir Galleth. And a lot of that is similar, though again adding in his wife and their kid to flesh out the universe. 
However, let's focus instead on Penelope!
Penelope did originally get suckered in by the promise of money, beginning work for Le Paradox. She didn't know he was going after Sly, but she did feel guilty about her actions and left the gang without explanation. 
However, once she finds out Le Paradox's intentions, she attempts to back out. It's only now that she realizes she's in over her head, and is forced to continue her work. 
The rest of the Gang find out and while they're upset at her role in this mess, they know her. And they know she wants to make things right. 
They get out of Sir Galleth's time, and they end up in 1990, with Conner Cooper, his wife Dahlia, and six-year-old!Sly. 
Sorry Salim, but he was also in the bottom two. 
Not to mention like!!! They totally should've had Conner be the final Cooper for the showdown!!! For so many reasons!!!!
The story! The angst! Sly meeting is dead parents and the struggle of wanting to save them but knowing he has to preserve the Timeline!!!
I know they expected Sly5 since there was a cliffhanger, but having Conner would've brought it full circle. Sly1 started with Sly avenging his father's death and regaining his legacy. Sly4 could end with Sly meeting Conner, working together, preserving the Legacy throughout time, and just. Letting Conner know that no matter what fate has in store, Sly will be okay. 
Le Paradox's whole beef with the Coopers was that Conner stole something that his dad was trying to steal, leading to Le Paradox's dad getting arrested and overall fuckery that led to this Time Travel Revenge Plot! Le Paradox teaming up with his father to change that night so that they pull off the heist and Conner gets arrested while Sly and Conner have to fight to keep things as they are would've made so much sense! 
So yeah. This is the heist that started all this. I have plans for this one so like the Henriette chapter I'll make a seperate post on it.
There’s no cliffhanger with Sly being lost in Egypt. The Gang defeats Le Paradox and goes back to their own time. We get a joke about how ‘wedding planning is going to be a piece of cake after this!’, and then the epilogue jumps ahead to after Sly and Carmelita’s kid is born and it’s adorable. 
This leaves things open-ended enough for a Sly 5, but closed enough that the story isn’t fucked over by Sly 5 not happening.
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