#SL!Faunus Winter
a catuintgion of snow leoper winter
Winter: *Leaps on Grimm, Bites the base of it's neck*
Marrow: Damn, You're hardcore.
Winter: *Spits out Grimm dust* Watch your mouth Soldier.
Marrow: Hey, Do the other's-
Winter: No. They fear me too much to make jokes over my trait.
Marrow: How did you know what I was gonna Ask?
Winter: Tortuga asked me the same thing.
Marrow: Hmm. really filling Their role, aren't I? Ugh.
Winter: No.
Winter: Marrow, You can never, no matter how hard you try, to fill the shoes They have left behind. You'll carve you own niche in time.
Marrow: ... Thanks Schnee.
Winter: Don't worry about it. At least your more amicable the Bree usually is.
Fun Fact! Snow leopards are ambush Predators, and their large flat paws allow for incredibly quiet stalking. There has been documented traces of Cape Hare in their fecal matter, meaning they prey on the mountain lagomorph.
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