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SIPAT Prefeitura realiza evento com foco na prevenção de acidentes de trabalho
Evento reuniu profissionais da Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento e Serviços Básicos (Semusb) A Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento e Serviços Básicos (Semusb) realizou, nos dias 22 e 23 de novembro, a Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (Sipat), voltado para a orientação dos servidores e a promoção da segurança e saúde no trabalho. O evento aconteceu na sede do Sindeprof, e…
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#acidentes de trabalho#DESTAQUE 2#evento#foco#Hildon Chaves#porto velho#Prefeitura#prevenção#realiza#SIPAT
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Terceiro dia da semana SIPAT CIPA UNIFAN. Muita diversão, prêmios e lanches. #UNIFAN #cipa #sipat (em Feira de Santana) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKM4f0OBjgZPXldS69L-NZQ4ll9_3rloxuklM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Merangin Diduga Mengabaikan Perda No 1 Tahun 2024
Satukomando.Merangin.Com – Sesuai pemberitaan pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2024 tentang dugaan kecurangan pada pengerjaan sumur bor di dinas pertanian. Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Merangin diduga melanggar Peraturan Daerah (Perda) No. 1 Tahun 2024 dalam pengerjaan proyek sumur bor yang diduga tidak menggunakan Surat Izin Pengeboran Air Tanah (SIPAT) untuk sejumlah proyek irigasi air tanah dalam.…
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Foto: Divulgação/SES O Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas (Cepon), unidade do Governo do Estado, vinculada à Secretaria da Saúde de Santa Catarina(SES), está promovendo uma série de atividades voltadas para a segurança, saúde e bem-estar de seus colaboradores ao longo do mês de setembro. A programação, que inclui a Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (SIPAT), entre os dias 2 e 6, visa conscientizar sobre a prevenção de acidentes e doenças ocupacionais, além de incentivar práticas saudáveis no ambiente de trabalho, com foco no bem-estar integral dos funcionários. O Setembro Amarelo, campanha nacional dedicada à conscientização sobre a saúde mental e prevenção ao suicídio, é o destaque das ações promovidas pelo Cepon. A iniciativa incentiva o diálogo sobre questões emocionais e a busca por ajuda em momentos de crise. Dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) mostram que o suicídio é uma grave questão de saúde pública global, com cerca de 14 mil casos registrados anualmente no Brasil, o que equivale a uma média de 38 suicídios por dia. Para o diretor-geral do Cepon, Marcelo Zanchet, as atividades planejadas não apenas reforçam a prevenção de doenças ocupacionais, mas também reafirmam o compromisso da instituição com a saúde mental dos colaboradores. “Essas ações são essenciais para garantir um ambiente de trabalho saudável e seguro, onde o cuidado com a mente e as emoções é tratado com a devida importância”, afirma. Com o tema Mente Saudável, Trabalho Seguro, as atividades promovidas pelo Cepom refletem o compromisso da instituição em criar um ambiente de trabalho mais saudável, consciente e seguro, reduzindo riscos, oferecendo aos colaboradores ferramentas e espaços para cuidar de sua saúde mental. “O evento se alinha às necessidades contemporâneas dos trabalhadores, que enfrentam desafios crescentes relacionados ao estresse e ao equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional. Essas iniciativas são essenciais para a prevenção de doenças mentais e para o bem-estar geral”, reforça a psicóloga Estefânia Dobes, que atua no Cepon, unidade gerida pela Fahece. Setembro Amarelo no Cepon – Programação da SIPAT Data: 2 a 6 de setembro Local: CEPON Público: Colaboradores do CEPON e público interessado 4 de Setembro – Palestra: Envelhecimento Saudável, Longevidade e Qualidade de Vida: 14h30 às 15h30 – Anfiteatro do CEPON Dr. Rodrigo Willens discute estratégias para um envelhecimento saudável, enfatizando a importância da longevidade com qualidade de vida. 5 de Setembro – Palestra: Escuta Ativa e Suicídio: 14h às 15h – Sala de Treinamentos do CEPON. José Vilela Sobreira, do Centro de Valorização da Vida, discute a importância da escuta ativa como ferramenta de prevenção ao suicídio. 6 de Setembro – Meditação Ativa: 10h às 10h30 – Anfiteatro do CEPON Conduzida pela Enf. Cladir Alves, a sessão de meditação ativa visa o equilíbrio mental e emocional dos colaboradores. – Palestra: Superando Estigmas, Unindo Psicoterapia, Nutrição, Neurociência e Esperança para Entender Nosso Propósito nessa Jornada: 14h às 15h – Anfiteatro do CEPON Dr. Rodolfo Fischer explora a integração entre psicoterapia, nutrição e neurociência para uma vida mais equilibrada e esperançosa. Mais informações:Assessoria de ComunicaçãoSecretaria de Estado da Saúde(48) 99134-4078e-mail: [email protected] Fonte: Governo SC
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- Perkawis Sifat 20 Alloh, Ayeuna mah urang dadar katerangan nana, kieu geura :
Hartina : Aya Allah, moal euweuh. - Ari tandana aya teh ku ayana Nafas - Samangsa-mangsa aya Nafas tangtu aya Hirup. - Samangsa-mangsa aya Hirup, tangtu moal euweuh Alloh teh, - sabab Sifat Hirup teh tina Dzat Sifat-Na Alloh.
Hartina : Alloh ti heula, - moal enya Alloh pandeuri. - Ari nyatana dina Wujud urang sifatna teh Panon. - Ari awas panon teh ti heula, nyaeta anu ngabuktikeun Sifat. - Buktina, waktu Bapa masih Bujang, Indung masih Lajang (Parawan), barang tepung tangtu Pa adu Tingal. - Saparantos awas Bapa sareng Indung, jorojoy manahna duanana ting sereset, nya akhirna Ngajodo anu saterusna ngabogaan turunan. - nu matak Panon heula nu ti heula.
Hartina : Alloh teh Langgeung, moal keuna ku ruksak. - Sategesna Baqo teh Dzat Alloh nu Langgeung, - nyaeta Hirup kagungan Alloh SWT.
Hartina : Beda Alloh jeng nu anyar. - Bedana teh kieu :
Alloh mah ningali teu karana Panon
Alloh mah ngadangu teu karana Cepil
Alloh mah ngandika teu karana Baham
Alloh mah ngangseu teu karana Pangambung
Alloh mah midamel naon bae teu karana Parabot, sareng sajabi ti eta.
Hartina : Alloh Jumeneng ku Anjeun, moal enya anu nga jantenkeun. - ning Indung sareng Bapa urang waktu Sapatemon Rasa, teu boga tekad arek nyieun anak, oge badan urang teu ngaraos di damel ku Indung Bapa.
- ning sidik jumeneung ku Anjeun, - ngan urang mah disarengan ku Kersana Allah, - cukang lantaran ka Rama, - sareatna ti Ibu. - Ari Hakekatna mah estu Kersana Alloh. - Eta wenangna Alloh teh, wenang ngajadikeun, oge wenang teu ngajadikeun.
Hartina : Syah Dzatna–Syah Sifatna– Syah Asmana–Syah Af’alna.
- Tumerapna dina Soca, Cepil, Pangangseu, Baham. - Wiwincikannana kieu :
1. Upama dina Soca
- Syah Dzat-na teh Awasna
- Syah Sifat-na teh Naon nu katingali
- Syah Asma-na teh Warna (Beurem, koneng, bodas, hideung jeung sajabana).
- Syah Af’al-na teh Sasat gawena tara pahili.
2. Upama dina Pangangseu
-Syah Dzat-na teh mun ngangseu minyak seungit, tetep seungit, mun ngangseu tarasi tetep bau. Eta syah na teh tara cidra.
- Syah Sifat-na teh Naon anu di angseu pasti
- Syah Asma-na teh Boh ngaran seungit, ngaran bau, ngaran hanyir, jeung sajabana.
- Syah Af’al-na teh Sasat gawena tara pahili.
- Kitu deui Cepil sareng Baham.
Hartina : Alloh teh kawasa. - Kawasana Alloh teu karana parabot/alat. - ning upama urang boga maksud rek nyieun imah atawa naon bae, tangtu ku urang dipikir heula, dicipta- cipta ku ati. - Upami geus kacipta, eta wangunan imah teh Ngadeg di jero ati (eta hakekatna). - Kapan henteu make parabot teu naon-naon.
Hartina : Alloh teh Sifat Keresa. Upami tadi ku Kawasana eta adegan Bumi parantos kacipta dina ati, kantun ayeuna mah jadikeun “Keresa” arek midamel Bumi tea (Kantun sareatna) ngabuktikeun Irodat. - Tangtu dina Sareat mah kedah ngagunakeun parabot/alat katut bahan-bahan anu diperlukeun.
10. HAYAT.
- Elmu mah ngahiji sareng Hayat.
- Ari Elmu teh Kanyaho, - ari Hayat teh Caang. Pasti ngahiji, sabab Kanyaho teh kudu dina kaayaan caang. - Moal aya kanyaho dina kaayaan keur poek.
- Ari di dunya mah (lahir) caangna teh dina Matahari, katingali ku Panon Jasmani. - Sedengkeun dina Ilmu (Batin) mah, sing tepi ka caang teh dina Jero Ati (Mata Hate).
11. SAMA Hartina : ALLOH Ngadangu teu karana Cepil.
12. BASAR Hartina : ALLOH teh Uninga teu karana Soca.
13. KALAM Hartina : ALLOH Ngandika teu karana Baham.
14. QODIRON Hartina : ALLOH Kawasa.
15. MURIDAN Hartina : ALLOH Kersa.
16. ALIMAN Hartina : ALLOH Uninga.
17. HAYAN Hartina : ALLOH Hirup.
18. SAMIAN Hartina : ALLOH Ngadangu.
19. BASSIRAN Hartina : ALLOH Ningali.
20. MUTAKALIMAN Hartina : ALLOH Ngandika.
- Eta anu 7 di luhur ( Qodiron – Muridan – Aliman – Hayan – Samian – Bashiran – Mutakaliman ), - aya nyatana dina diri, upama ka panggih tangtu hasil, kabuka hijabna Alloh, kabingung teh tangtu leungit. - Malah upama eta nu 7 sifat-sifatna kapendak di sakujur diri, teras Tarekat-na geura pilari. - Upama Tarekatna kasusul, tan wande Ma’rifat Jati kana Dzat Nu Maha Suci, anu Caang Sajero Ati.
- Sifat 20 teh dibagi 4 (opat), nyaeta :
Ari barang-barangna kieu :
1. NAFSIAH - Nyaeta Nafas, Sifatna Irung.
2. SALBIAH - Nyaeta Paninggal, Sifatna Panon.
3 MA’ANI - Nyaeta Pangdangu, Sifatna Cepil.
4. MA’NAWIYAH - Nyaeta Pangucap, Sifatna Baham.
1. NAFSIAH - Barangna Irung aya 1 bagian
2. SALBIAH - Barangna Panon aya 5 bagian :
-Bobodas Panon
-Hihideng Panon
-Kokoneng Panon
-Bebeurem Panon
-Heherang Panon
3. MA’ANI - Barangna Cepil aya 7 bagian :
Legok Cepil aya 6 legok, ka 7 na Liang Cepil
4. MA’NAWIYAH - Barangna Baham aya 7 bagian :
-Biwir anu handap – Biwir anu luhur
-Gugusi handap – Gugusi luhur
-Lalangit handap – Lalangit luhur
- Jadi jumlah sadayana 20. Perkawis Huntu mah, kapan datangna oge pandeuri, saparantos kaasupan aci-aci dunya, oge balikna ge pangheulana. - Eta anu 4 teu papisah kudu gulung jadi 1. Pangangseu – Paninggal – Pangrungu – Pangucap. - Upama kurang 1 moal sampurna, komo upama kurang 2, pasti moal katepi, sumawona upama kurang 3 beuki nyucud.
- perkawis Sifat 20 Allah nuduhkeun kadiri keneh. Paingan sanggeum dalil : “ IQRO KITABAKA KAFA BINAFSIKA ALYAUMA HASIBA”, Hartosna : Wajib pisan manusa ngaji teh masing ngajinis, nyaeta ngaji Sa-Adeging Diri / Badan.
- Nya da ngaji kaluar tina diri mah kapan sanggeum hadist oge bakal kasasar, matak ngajauhkeun Nu Maha Suci, teu ngarasa sasarengan siang wengi ngaliputan. - Ku sabab kitu saparantosna Ngaji Daluang teh kedah teras Ngaji Luang, nyaeta Rasakeun Daluang tea. - Dihartikeun, dilenyepan, dirarapkeun kana diri, sing cocog sareng Sareatna, Hakekatna, terus nganggo Tarekat sangkan tiasa Ma’rifat. - Sabab eta anu 4 henteu papisah, kedah gulung jadi 1, boh dina lakon Agama boh dina Elmu.
- Sifat 20 terasna teh janten Aksara. Margi Aksara oge kenging nyutat tina Adegan Manusa.
- Aksara teh kanggo ngauningakeun (ngabuktikeun) Qu’ran anu jadi dasar Hukum Agama sakuliah Dunya, - pikeun pituduh dina Cara Ibadah Jalma ka Nu Maha Suci. - Sareng pikeun ngamankeun dunya, sangkan manusa di lahir, hirupna bisa waluya, repeh rapih sareng sasama, nangtukeun pikeun kasalametan di Akherat engke.
- upami didamel aksara dina Al-Qur’an, naha cekap ku huruf anu 20 teh kitu ?
- Tangtuna cukup, moal kurang sanajan ngan ku huruf 20 oge, malahan ari Hakekatna mah ku 17 (tujuh belas) huruf oge cukup .
- Ari huruf Al Qur’an bisa cukup ngan ku 17 huruf mah, asa teu acan kahartos, kapan sadayana oge parantos pada terang, yen huruf Qur’an mah aya 30 (tilu puluh) huruf.
- 30 huruf mah sareng rangkepannana, da ari bibitna mah pasti ngan 20 (dua puluh). Lantaran Sifat 20 eta, nya Sifat Gusti Alloh, moal ngalangkungan atawa ngurangan tina Sifat Nu Maha Suci.
- malahan Hakekatna mah ku 17 (tujuh belas) huruf oge cekap. Atuh beuki ngirangan, kamana sapalih deui ?
- Ari sumurupna mah pasti aya, kieu geura :
- Syareatna kanyataan aksara dina Qur’an anu teu aya teh nyaeta aksara tja, Aksara Nya, Aksara Nga.
- Ari Sifat Alloh teh aya 20. Sedengkeun dina ibadah oge, cekap ku 17 (tujuh belas) rakaat sadinten sawengi teh.
- Tarekatna mah, anu 17 rokaat teh pikeun nyusul anu 3 (tilu) sifat tea. Sareatna tja – Nya – Nga, - ari Hakekatna nyaeta Dzat – Sifat – Asma Alloh.
- Sakali deui, anu 17 rakaat teh tegesna ngudag Dzat – Sifat – Asma Alloh atawa merik Alloh – Muhammad – Adam. Tah eta anu di tareangan teh.
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Baraya, hayu urang mikawanoh sipat kalakuan jalma.
𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘋𝘪𝘨𝘪, 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦.
SundaDigi, layanan panyungsian digital literatur Sunda.
#sundadigi #sunda #kebudayaansunda #unpad #pdpbs #pustakajaya #aplikasikesundaan #kamusbahasasunda #bahasasunda
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The Adani Group Acquires the Mahan-Sipat Transmission Project from the Essar Group
The acquisition covers a fully operational 400 kV 673 circuit-km interstate transmission line which links Mahan in Madhya Pradesh to the Sipat pooling substation in Chhattisgarh. It is one of the biggest acquisitions taken up by the Adani Group after the Adani CBI Investigation.
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Terceiro dia da semana SIPAT CIPA UNIFAN. Muita diversão, prêmios e lanches. #UNIFAN #cipa #sipat (em Feira de Santana) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKMwmrulD4yH0Oy5FnGne6r5OsmypAtmnB-3M0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Mari Nuntaskan Ngebet Pingin Win Bertaruh Adil Link
Banyak yg terjadi kesalah kaprahan yg mana meminta utk mengdisain sbuah penampakan dan jg visual itu amat lah pnting guna bkn utk biar nambah elok dan sedap di mata terpandang saja namun ini jg bisa di pakein sbgai alat atau penunjang sekaligus sbgai sbuah dongkrak dan magnet tuk bisa memikat arah dtg nya pelanggan retjeh dan minat menaikkin pola daftar tiap slot hari nya syg nya msih byk wawasan yg terlacak ckup minim dalam lokalisir game yg tlah tersebar hingga detik ini msih aja judimaxwin15.com cuek dan dingin prihal mempercantik modal rawat diri situs nya sndiri pdhal ini brupa aspek ckup krusial bayangin ktika org dh punya juang dan smngt utk cepat aktipasi vip dan emas akun eh gaktahu nya ngeliat btapa loyo dan jg lusuh nya webinar dan kasino bertajuk nuansa agak dark ini sperti thriller dan mutusin keknya nurutin pirasat dan kabur gendeng aja deh bocah nya tentu lucu.
Demi mengcapai sbuah benturan dari perfeksion kita bkn Cuma ngarsir dan naksir serta menginfluense dari hal yg bntuk nya makro saja kita hrus menajam kan kejelihan kita utk ngeliat lbih teperinci kpd hal yg sipat nya msih mikroskopis mksud nya sperti membuat sluruh tenaga kerja lbih gak layani pelanggan dgn muka dan kesadaran yg nahan kantuk misal kan beri lah gaji sdikit tinggi dan sogok dgn beri gratis snack shngga nanti hnya akan berbalik menyervis awal nya cuman mampu nurutin dan atasin kendala dari dua org kini smua di serobotin ama dia dan mulai terminimalisir sluruh bintang negatif. Maka dgn ningkatin jg dari ngeliat scara telanjang bhwa pengonsepan dari visual itu mnjdi parameter pling garda depan dan jika dah lolos censor baru lah gradasi dari mulai benahi keprcayaan itu makin tumbuh dan grow pesat, meringkai dan buat antarmuka serta design multi dimensi yg lbih terpadu jelas akan buat awalnya agak skeptis akhir nya mulai terbuka utk ingin lamar konstelasi slot brada jauh bumi.
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SIPAT Prefeitura realiza evento com foco na prevenção de acidentes de trabalho
Evento reuniu profissionais da Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento e Serviços Básicos (Semusb) A Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento e Serviços Básicos (Semusb) realizou, nos dias 22 e 23 de novembro, a Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (Sipat), voltado para a orientação dos servidores e a promoção da segurança e saúde no trabalho. O evento aconteceu na sede do Sindeprof, e reuniu profissionais entre encarregados, garis, operadores de máquinas pesadas, diretores e servidores do departamento administrativo. O foco dos dois dias da Sipat foi a Norma Regulamentadora 38 (NR-38), que dispõe sobre segurança e saúde no trabalho nas atividades de limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos, e a da Norma Regulamentadora 1 (NR-1), que trata sobre o gerenciamento de riscos ocupacionais. Leyla Correia, servidora e presidente da Comissão Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes (Cipa) da Semusb, explicou que os servidores da limpeza urbana estão suscetíveis a acidentes de trabalho, e a Sipat visa conscientizar e orientar os profissionais. “A Sipat é uma semana interna de prevenção de acidentes. É uma obrigatoriedade das empresas ou do setor público, que tem uma demanda acima de 100 servidores, exercer esse tema. Geralmente é uma semana, mas aqui a gente está fazendo por dois dias. É um trabalho de conscientização com os servidores a respeito da prevenção de acidentes de trabalho. Como a gente trabalha na limpeza pública, estamos suscetíveis a acidentes na varrição, na poda, na capina. Tem colegas que limpam os esgotos, bueiros, enfim, são vários riscos que a gente corre, e estamos aqui para exercer essa conscientização”. Durante a programação, os servidores foram orientados por técnicos de enfermagem, técnicos de segurança do trabalho e a perícia médica da Secretaria de Administração (Semad), que abordaram explicações sobre o registro de acidentes de trabalho, por meio da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). O evento também contou com uma palestra ministrada pela Total Life, empresa especialista em saúde ocupacional. “É uma questão que a gente estava muito em defasagem. Nossos profissionais se machucam muito no trabalho, mas não tinham o hábito de registrar esse acidente. Então, o servidor ia se machucando, e, quando ele estava debilitado, tinha medo de não poder trabalhar, queria procurar ajuda, mas muitas vezes já não podia ser mais ajudado, porque estava muito debilitado. Foi muito bom essa explanação sobre o registro de acidente de trabalho, para que nossos profissionais sejam amparados”, finalizou. Texto: Taís Botelho Foto: Felipe Ribeiro Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO Read the full article
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PROTEÇÃOPrefeitura realiza Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho
Ações relacionadas à NR 38 serão implementadas já no próximo ano A Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento e Serviços Básicos (Semusb) realiza nesta quarta e quinta-feira (22 e 23) a Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (Sipat), com objetivo de proporcionar mais segurança aos servidores, com foco na NR 38. O local do evento é a sede social do Sindeprof, à rua Pastor Messias Barbosa,…
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Back Focus & Boss Bitches
To be an older millennial is pretty much like being in war zone and in strawberry fields, forever.
It's very curious to see myself in deep, dark and delulu conversations with my progressive boomer second dad and my soul sister who's faring really well in the face of The Great Rigodon featuring hyperinflation. Such stark contrast which is a really good way for my time off.
You see my second dad is my OG marketing guy. As in. Antaba ng utak even at 70; but as of the moment, tawang-tawa kami kasi gusto na niya mag-AI. Sakto, I'm swimming and sinking as a hopeful pioneer to build a good case and bulletproof my folio for the next 3 years. AYWAW. May forward-planning na yarrrnn? LOL. LUL. I keep telling him that while the channels are crazy AF, the message and the maker of the message will power up or poop up the bots. Sorry. I'm that kind of bitch... an old soul thriving in a dystopian world. Also, it's my way of paying forward and iwas-fog brain. Sabi ni Jim Kwik, teach the lessons you learn agad. Don't gatekeep. <3
As an aging Atenista, my second dad's English and Tagalog are both spot on. E akong dyslexic girly, hiyang-hiya pero 'di naman din ako mahiyain 'pag dating sa mental battle. Saka, he always bashes me and assures me at once. LOL. LUL. I like picking brains of the OGs kasi iba sila mag-isip. Solidong totoo ang framework and operationalization and mabilis din mag-execute and iterate. I always remind him to slay his way and translate his marketing, branding, operations, finance, leadership and kayabangan to online content pieces. Gawa na kaming Second Life niya. CHZ. After wasting his time, este, spending his time in the grand corporate world, he's in the grassroots washing his blue stains. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I actually don't give a fuck sa schools; but this second dad and his boomer Jesuit homeboys keep bringing up AMDG which I had to search pa and read so many times kasi ang hirap basahin. Tawang-tawa ako. Like, guys, 70 na kayo, bakit parang college pa rin kayo umasta. Wala po tayo sa ideal world. Paki note with thanks. HAHAHAHHAHA. Pero the idioms, the analogies, the euphemisms, buttery baby! Pero, sobrang ayaw patalo na may alam silang marami at malalim. Me: Hold my goblet of wine. I'll spread wild fire na bursting in dark blue and maroon. Gusto niyo 'yan e.
One of his Jesuit homies told me: You are a bright and creative girl. Me: Pinagtibay lang po ng panahon, paggapang sa lusak at pagkakataon, sir. WAG AKO. DON'T FLATTER ME. Hahahahaha.
Si second dad, loud and proud pa 'yan na oo, mayabang siya but he got the ammo to back each yabang up. Super impressive ng folio and lived realities niya and that to me is solid, in your ass OK. Hahahaha. I won't list down na lang but he's one of the youngest expats in pharma, then. Living in Bali and searching for underrated beaches back in the 80s. HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Tae niya. Hahahahaha. Sana all. Folio and experience-wise, siya ang benchmark ko for mentorship. Please duly note with thanks. Thank u, next. Hahahahaha. Pati yata sa pag-sipat ng XY dates and prospects, mix of real dad and second dad ang hanap ko. Pero sa chixxx, bring the red flags, babe. PASOOOWKKK. HAHAHAHHAHA. Sorry...not sorry.
He keeps reassuring me that my career path is doing okay and that I'm taking the road less chosen. POTACCAAA. Galing kasi netong magsulat. Hindi syempre optimized sa digital but, seryoso, moving for this RBF at times. Of course, hadlang sa LS dreams ko pero mature na ako. I know that he's watching out for me lang bilang sabi nga ng nanay ko matalinong gago ako.
Goal ko for my second dad is to be a marketing OG cyborg so he can help more grassroots kasi ang ganda ng mission niya. Sabi pa, basahin ko daw Ikigai. Me: Already did. Done podcast. Now mo pa lang babasahin 'yan? Keep up, second dad. Slay it. Hahahahahahahaha. Siya: Okay. Will do. Ganyan kami mag-basher-collab mode ngayon. Saka may assignment ako sa kanya na dapat lahat ng decks niya, gawain na niya with AI soonest. Next week daw siya share ng progress.
We also have this eternal debate about boomers and the Gen MZ which he had to search pa. LOLOLOLLOOLL. He reminds me that one can never stop growing and pouncing but with full intentions. Amen. CHZ. Honestly, I like collaborating with boomers. Hindi madali pero, they have so much wealth (hahahaha) and they can be taught, in general. Not all boomers think and vibe like my second dad.
Anyway, my soul sis and I are defying LAX and MNL time. Sabi ko one time, bakit parang nasa Gatch ka pa rin except that your language is sooooo buttery, may twang na even your Tagalog. Sagot niya AMP. She works in one of the mega tech corps and handling a mega brand I will not name. Baka ma-hit kami e. LOL. The lay offs are her nightmares and her glimmers. She'd most likely be off to a promotion that she dreads so much. Pareho kasi kaming behind the scenes girlies. LOL. I told her that she needs to fucking pay up the mortgage and be a solid gold mom to her cat, my inaanak who has an auto-immune condition. HAHAHAHA. Fuck talaga auto-immune. Trigger warning. IYAK-TAWA na lang kami kasi she has this geriatric nurse personality na dalisay. She is manning her post and doing malalang project management. We've come full circles and I'm showing her the way, the truth and the life on how to be a boss bitch. Hahaha. Let me be super clear. I fucking hate titles. :D Sinabi ko na 'to sa boss ko. Gusto ko IC lang na malaki sweldo. Baga, taga-hataw sa behind the scenes. Boss bitch is a mindset, a game plan, a daily grind.
Being an XX in the the digital corp set up is no joke. Lambasted on the get go. In general ito a. Thankful ako na I'm in an org na progressive. LOL. Aywaw. In fairness naman talaga kasi. Walang school wars and even our Head of HR is going big on diversity. Also, we're a girl-dominated team and most of our XY team mates are totally supportive. Hindi lahat pero most. Saka may mala-tito kami sa group na sure akong will fight eye for an eye meets Eye of the Tiger when push comes to shove.
My soul sis is on full swing transition. Sabi ko sa kanya, siguro eto 'yung dahilan bakit nagkakilala kami back in nursing school nung 16 going 17 kami. She has so much talents and her KPIs are spot on. She is one of the very few Pinays na earned her spot the right way talaga. HUHUHUHUHU. And in the name of pagtaas ng bandila ng Pinas at kababaihan, she has to fucking shape up. She has to put her finger on things na too white and too mythical male-dominated. Sobrang galing neto sa Philo classes namin and sa lahat ng classes. Sobrang daming talents. Lahat na talaga. Kaya she is on her way to be a boss bitch forda bills and for my inaanak. HAHAHAHHA. In between non-stop memes/reels and rants and skin care and Shein and hair colors, we're training her negotiation skills. Sabi ko kasi, lahat kahit ng bagyo, sunog, sakuna at kabobohan at feeling katalinahuan, nadadaan sa magandang usapan. When someone can thrive in the seas of being lost in translation, lifeskill 'yan. Lifeline 'yan. And there's no such thing as not rocking the boat. E boat nga e. Sea nga e 'di ba? This friend seems to be a Type 3 or 5 Enneagram, so need niya talaga ipower up wings niya. We're going deep dive as to how she'll pan this out kasi nga, si accla, tanggap ng tanggap ng work. I mean, yes, walang problema doon but do not fucking do all things ad hoc. Do not fucking work on weekends. Nadaanan ko na 'yan and look where it got me... muntik na akong mamaalam sa digital nung nasa Palawan ako for a year. POTA. Always go for the sustainable and the scalable. Always MVP. Always on beta test mode.
Tawang-tawa ako when she says na I'm indeed a dark blue maroon boss bitch. Sabi ko naman, I'm but a donut seeking peace of mind. Sabi niya, she's proud of me. Sabi ko, 'pag nagka-beach house + Vespa + foundation for aging millennials + pick up na ako, dun ko masasabing proud na rin ako. CHZ. Hahahahahaha.
The days and nights are longer; but there's more to life than beating deadlines. I'm in a state where I know how to set boundaries and check my 7 ft ego out the door. Going with nothing but full intention Ikigai x Kanal na mala-Shirakawago style. :) Anyhow, TMI na naman ako. Let's do this Friday. A very, very curious weekend is coming up. 'Di ko nga nalabas basura nung nakaraan kasi nga daming labada tapos full blast pa PL ko. DMB, kasalanan mo 'to. Pati ikaw Jim Kwik.
To turning triggers into glimmers!
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