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SI 506: Programming I (Python)
One of my proudest assignments from this course, being able to code the M.
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SI 506: Programming I (Python)
Here is my Final Project Code to create a Rest API with New York Times and the Guardian searching for Rugby articles and creating a CSV file.
To view my code on creating the CSV file above click on ‘Keep reading’
#Angela Chih #SI 506_Final Project
import json import requests
#Use that investigation to define a class `NYTArticle` and a class `GuardianArticle` that fulfill requirements, and that you can use as tools to complete the rest of the project. #Access data from each source with data about articles, and create a list of instances of `NYTArticle` and a list of instances of `GuardianArticle`.
CACHE_FNAME = "cache_file_name.json"
# if I already have cached data, I want to load that data into a python dictionary try: cache_file = open(CACHE_FNAME, 'r') cache_contents = cache_file.read() cache_diction = json.loads(cache_contents) cache_file.close()
# if I don't have cached data, I will create an empty dictionary to save data later except: cache_diction = {}
def params_unique_combination(baseurl, params_d, private_keys=["api_key"]): alphabetized_keys = sorted(params_d.keys()) res = [] for k in alphabetized_keys: if k not in private_keys: res.append("{}-{}".format(k, params_d[k])) return baseurl + "_".join(res)
def get_from_NYT(a): # put together base url and parameters baseurl = "https://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json" params_diction = {} params_diction["api_key"] = "TakenOffDueToRestrictions" params_diction["q"] = a
unique_ident = params_unique_combination(baseurl,params_diction)
# see if the url identifier is already in cache dictionary if unique_ident in cache_diction: # if so, get data from cache dictionary and return return cache_diction[unique_ident]
# if not, make a new API call using the requests module else: resp = requests.get(baseurl, params_diction) # Or as: # resp = requests.get(unique_ident)
# save the data in the cache dictionary, using unique url identifier ## as a key and the response data as value cache_diction[unique_ident] = json.loads(resp.text)
# convert the cache dictionary to a JSON string dumped_json_cache = json.dumps(cache_diction)
# save the JSON string in the cache file fw = open(CACHE_FNAME,"w") fw.write(dumped_json_cache) fw.close() # Close the open file
# return the data return cache_diction[unique_ident]
def get_from_Guard(a): baseurl = "https://content.guardianapis.com/search" params_diction = {} params_diction["q"] = a params_diction["show-tags"]= "contributor" params_diction["api-key"] = "TakenOffDueToRestrictions"
unique_ident = params_unique_combination(baseurl,params_diction)
# see if the url identifier is already in cache dictionary if unique_ident in cache_diction: # if so, get data from cache dictionary and return return cache_diction[unique_ident]
# if not, make a new API call using the requests module else: resp = requests.get(baseurl, params_diction) # Or as: # resp = requests.get(unique_ident)
# save the data in the cache dictionary, using unique url identifier ## as a key and the response data as value cache_diction[unique_ident] = json.loads(resp.text)
# convert the cache dictionary to a JSON string dumped_json_cache = json.dumps(cache_diction)
# save the JSON string in the cache file fw = open(CACHE_FNAME,"w") fw.write(dumped_json_cache) fw.close() # Close the open file
# return the data return cache_diction[unique_ident]
cache_NYT = get_from_NYT("Rugby") cache_Guard = get_from_Guard("Rugby")
###Citation: Retrieved from Week 11 Discussion problem set
class NYT(object): def __init__(self, times_diction): self.title = times_diction["headline"]["main"].replace(",","") try: self.author = times_diction["byline"]["original"].replace("By","") except: self.author = "Not Available" try: self.subject = times_diction["news_desk"] except: self.subject = "Not Available" self.publication = "The New York Times"
def words_title(self): total_words = 0 title = self.title.split(' ') for word in title: total_words += 1 return total_words
def __str__(self): return "{},{},{},{},{}".format(self.title, self.author, self.subject, self.words_title(), self.publication)
class Guard(object): def __init__(self, guardian_diction): self.title = guardian_diction["webTitle"].replace("\r\n","") self.author = guardian_diction["tags"][0]["webTitle"] self.subject = guardian_diction["sectionName"] self.publication = "The Guardian"
def words_title(self): total_words = 0 title = self.title.split(' ') for word in title: total_words += 1 return total_words def __str__(self): return "{},{},{},{},{}".format(self.title, self.author, self.subject, self.words_title(), self.publication)
list_NYT = [] for data in cache_NYT["response"]["docs"]: list_NYT.append(NYT(data)) #print(str(list_NYT[0]))
list_Guard = [] for data in cache_Guard["response"]["results"]: list_Guard.append(Guard(data))
finalprj = open("articles.csv","w") finalprj.write("Article Title, Author, Subject, Number of words in Title, Publication\n")
for data in list_NYT: data_string = str(data) finalprj.write(data_string) finalprj.write('\n')
for data in list_Guard: data_string = str(data) finalprj.write(data_string) finalprj.write('\n') finalprj.close()
###Citation: Retrieved from SI506F18_ps11.py -- problem set #11
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