bread--quest · 2 years
havent had any work updates for a while because all my best coworkers have left but uh
work update:
we have lost a coworker
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
It’s Thursday, I’ve got a long weekend - so here’s a new sweater weather chat!
@lumosinlove is the mastermind behind these hilarious characters. I just play around and pretend my life is half as exciting as these guys’ lives are.
@wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer are my best bro’s and always support my crazy ideas with no hesitation. 🙏🏻
If you have prompts - let me know! 👀
Sweater weather chat #4
Dumo panics. Celeste is disappointed. Tyler’s mom is thirsty. Logan has heard too much. Leo is scolded. Kuny is hungover. Nado has been dumped. He is also the king of nicknames. Walker brags. We spend another Sunday in the bat cave. I want to live there now.
Wednesday, 4.32 pm
Nadotheman: @talkiewalkie I’m now at a record 8200 viewers for my live workout. 💪🏻👀
Talkiewalkie: whatever. I’m still more ripped than you.
Russiangod: I read blog. I think old ladies like
Tylerthemighty: my mom asked for your number. 61 y/o divorcee. Her book club wants to come to next match. I gave them tickets 🤓🤓🤓🤓
Eliascookie: 😂 thirsty housewives
Prongstar: nado got them old ladies. Sure you could learn a thing or two!!
Nadotheman: I am epic and my sexual encounters are epic
Russiangod: 5 minutes epic? Americans are strange
Siriously: savage
Nadotheman: fuxk off Evwhiny, Not my fault you’ve struck out for three fucking months. Remmy gotta worry about that wrist of kun(t)y’s
Fruitloops: leave me out. Also @prongstar stop changing my name.
Fruitloops changed their name to remuslupin
Prongstar changed remuslupin to fruitloops
RussianGod: not three month. Ur mom here last week. Show her good time.
Timmyforrealz: 😂😂😂 fucking got you there Nado.
Nadotheman: I hate you all. And he didn’t fuck my mom he’s scared of her. Bitch
DumoDad: language. And fruit loops is cute.
Saturday 11.27 am
Dumodad created a group.
Dumodad named the group: grabby teen boy alert.
Dumodad added: talkiewalkie, newt-leo, carbo’hara, loganTremblayzzz, nado the man, RussianGod
Dumodad: first of all. This group does not exist. You know nothing. Celeste must not know anything.
Newt-leo: dumo you alright?
Dumodad: No! drove Adele to the mall. She said she was going out with friends. When I got home Celeste says it’s a date. She is 14?!?!?! My baby is in the mall with a perverted football player called Chuck? Someone has to go to the mall. NOW. I will give you my 1954 Stanley cup game puck. I cannot leave. Celeste has me under strict supervision.
CarbO’Hara: were already at the mall. @nadotheman got dumped so we’ve gone to watch a movie.
Nadotheman: I was not dumped. I ended things. I don’t get dumped.
RussianGod: she said sex was fine. She not call back. You were dumped also she winked at me when she tied shoes. Also u want buy her stuff. She just using u. Better off no girls. Poor baby Nado.
Nado the man: traitor. I didn’t sleep with that fan you took back to the hotel in philly or tell on you. So what they’re using me? I get more action than the rest of you babies combined. (Not you Dumo, don’t think I haven’t noticed those scratch mArks)
DumoDAD: I married well. Go back to rescuing my girl from that deprived creep. A footballer. Of all the idiots in that school and she chooses a footballer. Merde.
Logantremblayzzz: NO! DONT TALT ABOUT THAT he’s like my dad 😫😫😫
RussianGod: grow up. Where u think 4 baby come from? 🍆🍆🍆
DumoDAD: go back to looking for my daughter and leave my (active) sex life out of it
Talkiewalkie: @russiangod you dog!! Roadie one nighter. I’m so proud. Also go dumo!!!!
Nado the man: she was hot. No idea how he got her. Also @talkiewalkie like you’ve ever had the balls for a one nighter
Talkiewalkie: @nadotheman back off man, you’re just a baby compared to my epic sexual history
Nadotheman: @talkiewalkie huh you didn’t even play the v-card until you were 17
Talkiewalkie: @nadotheman not true. That was my first fan. V-card was my JUNIOR prom with the head cheerleader (she was totally a senior)
Dumodad: @walkietalkie no one cares you lost your virginity in the back of a Buick. My daughter is out there with a BOY. ALONE.
Talkiewalkie: @dumodad wrong username and it was a CAMRY and she was a SENIOR
LoganTremblayzzz: were at the mall. Finn and Leo scouting food hall. I’m covering first floor. @nadotheman any luck on second floor?
RussianGod: someone having sex in the bathroom
Logantremblayzzz: @newt-leo @CarbO’Hara behave. Also don’t leave me out.
Newt-leo: she’s in the food court. Also @russiangod they’re not having sex they’re fighting
Newt-leo: stress texting? Calm down they’re just talking
Newt-leo: okay he’s got his arm around her
CarbO’Hara: abort abort she saw us
Saturday 11.54 am
Adele: MAMA! Leo and finn and kuny are stalking me. You promised not to tell dad. Charlie is terrified and he wants to leave and he didn’t ask me to prom
Mama: sorry mon Cherie. Your dad is in big trouble. Please call me
Saturday 12.01 pm
Carb’OHara: @russiangod just got scolded by guard for sitting without a tray and Adele is yelling at him too 😂😂😂😂😂😂
*pic of kuny sitting looking guilty while tiny Adele is shouting*
Dumodad: gentlemen. Why is my daughter calling me, crying cause you scared off her date? I don’t care what my imbecile of a husband has told you. You are all going home and you are all going to think about this. And NO DESSERT FOR ANY OF YOU. I am sorry you got dumped @nadotheman. @talkiewalkie don’t brag about losing your virginity in a car.
Saturday 2.43 pm
Logantremblayzzz: shit! Celeste is furious. Dumo is def sleeping on the couch. Oh fuck. She’s grounded him 😂 this is hilarious.
RussianGod: 😛
Logantremblayzzz: don’t have to worry about baby #5. He’s in the dog house for a month 😂😂😂
Dumodad: she wasn’t kidding. I’m banished to the couch for the foreseeable future. Don’t think you’re not in trouble, Logan. She wants to talk to you now.
RussianGod: nice knowing u Logan.
DumoDAD: 😬🙏🏻🥺😫
Saturday 3.44 pm
Celeste: Leo, I am very disappointed.
I expected this from the others but I thought you were better.
Leo: I’m so sorry!!
Sunday 11.34 am
Kuny: my head hurts. I need food
Nado: it’s your own fault dumbass. Chucking vodka like it’s fucking water. Not gonna feel bad for ya
Kuny: I was homesick. U not feel bad today?
Nado: nah I can handle my liquor, you sad excuse for a Russian. What if I told your fellow countrymen you’re currently whining like a baby...
Kuny: I drink better than u. No one believe that.
Kuny: need water pleas. Also want fries
Kuny: pleas i pay.
Nado: stop texting me, I’m trying to watch a movie. Also you’re disturbing my sexting go away
Kuny: who u sext? Girl from bar? Pretty one or scary one?
Nado: I’m not telling you and maybe it’s both. Also quit texting me. Can’t keep this clever dirty talk up when I have to deal with your whining.
Kuny: I can help
Nado: you’re not helping me fucking sext now go back to sleep you big baby
Kuny: stupid also don’t wank with door open
Nado: then go fucking close it you ungrateful dick. Also you know wank but sergei and I had to sit there and help you fucking answer interview questions. Your little game of pretending not to know English is sad. Also your whole “baby face Russian giant with cute accent” bit is getting old.
Kuny: my accent is cute and I know wank cause walker told Me. Am not ungrateful u are. I not tell team lots of things
Nado: oh don’t even go there.
Kuny: I thought u busy sexting
Nado: u fucking ruined it ok. Are you clothed? I’m coming in there now.
Kuny: not naked also u lie about sexitng girls. He he. now bring me food. And Diet Coke.
Nado: ungrateful fucking hungover Russian waste of space. I hate you.
Kuny: u love me. Bring more blanket for room we can make fort and see Disney. I like little green eye
Nado: ordered some French fries and shakes now. In season. So naughty. Also We’re not watching monsters inc again. You’ve got a weird obsession with that film. Moana or the Scottish one.
Kuny: rude. Ok. Just bring food and blanket.
“You’re such an ungrateful roomie, scoot over you big lump. You’re hogging my blanket”
“No am not. U love me - DONT TOUCH MY CURLY FRIES”
“Funny you can speak English when people are stealing your food. Stop yelling. I don’t love you. I tolerate you”
“Shut up. Funny chicken, look like peanut When he drink”
“I’m telling him you said that”
Did they build a massive blanket fort in their epic cinema/game room? You bet. Does drunk Leo look like the chicken from Moana? I think he does.
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