sidsinning · 2 years
People are talkin shit about how anti-feminist the Cool Girl monologue is now,,,it's a no from me chief.
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clownhousemargarita · 6 months
Can I request velvette x male reader? Morning after they're done doing the nasty reader teases her un the morning, velvette gets annoyed and tells him to kiss her ass as an insult only to yelp as he actually kisses her there and starts eating it out
"Kiss my fucking ass." -- Velvette.
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------- Summary: You found a way to shut your bratty girlfriend up. Pairing: Velvette x MALE! Reader Warnings: NSFW, Rimming, Mentions of sex the night before. Enjoy. --------
You woke up to shuffling from beside you. The morning light lit your face, making you turn away with a grimace. Your eyes made contact with a woman, that woman was your girlfriend, man were you obsessed with her. “Morning.” You smile, shifting to lay on your side and face her. She mumbled, bending down to pull her panties up that were tossed off the bed due to last night. Your eyes stayed locked on her body, “Appreciate the sight.” You grin. You hear her huff and make a snap noise from her panties to her skin. She begins to walk away from the bed, collecting her clothes on the ground and setting them on your dresser. “Come baaack.” You whine, reaching your arms out to her. She side-eye’s you, then turns away to giggle quietly. You giggle as well, scooting up so you sit on the bed. Velvette put her belongings down, walking up to you slowly with her hands behind her back. “Hi beautiful.” You lean and grab her, pulling her body between your legs. “Hi.” She says simply, setting her hands on your shoulders. You knew how Velvette was, mean, dry, crude, but you loved it, you loved her. You knew she loved you, she had other ways of showing it. She was touchy, loved to grab, pull, disappear into your skin as if she was molding yours together. She loved posting you, showing you off, buying you things she thinks you’d like. To you, and only to you, she was fragile. She actually cared about your opinions and thoughts, unlike everybody else she’s met. She slides her hands into your hair, massaging her fingers into your scalp while looking at you lovingly. You let out a sigh of whatever relief you still had left, groaning at the contact. You hear her giggle again. “You were loud last night.” You break the silence with a whisper, a grin as wide as Alastor's. You hear her scoff and pull away from you. “Shut the fuck up.” She sets her hands on her hips, now glaring at you. She never actually got irritated with what you said, she just enjoyed play-fighting like this. And so did you. “Just spittin’ the truth.” You shrug, falling back onto the bed. “I have full access to your dick you know, I’ll give you a vasectomy with my foot.” She threatens, walking away from you and continuing to fold her clothes that she left upon your dresser. “You wanna ride a broken dick?” You ask. Velvette cackles, “Fuck no, I’d leave you.” She says, picking up some other boxers you had laying on your floor and tossing them in your face. You jumped up, tossing them to the wall immediately. “Fucking rude.” You grumble turning your face away from her, sitting up so your weight is laid on your elbows. You felt weight on the opposite end of the bed, you turned around quickly, ready for her to possibly beat your ass. Velvette crawled onto your lap, hand on your chest, “Say that again?” She whispered. Your breath hitched. Despite her being your girlfriend, you still got so nervous when she got close to you.
“I said you’re fucking rude.” “Kiss my fucking ass.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.” As if a light appeared above your head, you flipped her around, raising her hips in the air and shoving her head into the pillow. She shouts at you, but it’s muffled by the pillow. You pull her panties down, hearing her start to whine. You kiss one cheek, licking over that kiss and bringing your tongue to her rim. She moans, kicking her feet in anger. “You said kiss your ass, didn’t you babe?” You mumble, bringing a free hand in between her legs. You slip your finger in between her folds, lubing your fingers up with her slick. You pull away from her ass, ignoring her moans and pleads. “You get so wet so fast, I fuckin’ love it.” You dive right back in, slipping your middle finger inside her and your index against her clit. She wiggles her hips against your fingers and mouth, “M/n!” She groans, still muffled. “Mhm?” You plunge your tongue inside her hole, moving your previous finger from her clit to inside her pussy -- working both fingers inside her. As you teased about earlier, she was loud. “Please, oh fuck! Please.” “More, darling!” “Fuck, please baby.” “So good, so so so so good--” You let out a quiet laugh, thinking how pathetic she sounded. You pulled away from her ass, keeping your fingers at their pace and pulling her hair back. “Just giving you what you asked for, my love.” You kiss her neck, sucking on the skin as she panted and gasped for release. “Please, M/n, please.” Velvette moaned, drool coming down the corner of her mouth. “So pretty.” She got louder, and louder. You felt her hips push against yours, trying to sync up with the rhythm of your fingers. “Cum..! C-Cumming-..ah-!” You pulled away from her neck, bringing yourself back to her pussy, working your tongue against her. She screamed into the pillow, pushing herself against your face as she finally got her release. You could hear her heavy breathing as her hips fell to the side. “You suck…so..so bad.” Velvette whispers. You giggle, slapping her thigh lightly and falling beside her. “..mhhh..c’mere.” She sighs, opening her arms to you. You wrap your arms around her, setting your face comfortably in her chest.
“Do that again and I’ll sell you to Valentino.” “Yes ma’am”
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trashmouth-richie · 8 months
hi, ziggy! ahhh i missed hih ❤️ could you pretty please do something for jealous!eddie where maybe somebody flirts with tooty because she got that milf glow after she had the babies lmao ily ❤️
anon💕💕 thank you for the req! this took a little spin and has an open ending, but!!! the twins are in this and some other familiar faces ❤️ might get a part 2? who knows!
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a night out without the kids. almost an unheard of event. but tonight corroded coffin were performing their annual concert the night before halloween.
sissy & oz toted their overnight bags up the paved sidewalk to grandma and grandpa’s house— the same house you had once called home when the wheeler’s took you in as a teen.
reaching the front door eddie squats to eye level with the twin three year olds. “okay you two,” he says in his fatherly tone, “last time you stayed the night grandpa said you terrorized the cat.”
“i no do it daddy,” sissy speaks her little voice high pitched and tattling, “ows chaseded hims.”
a frown spreads on her brothers face his brown eyes pleading, “i did not! sissy made tinky swim in the potty!”
eddie bites his lip to hide a laugh and you take a deep breath, “that’s another thing, the cat’s name is bruce, not stinky.”
“but mama,” sissy complains, head held high in a defiant pose— one eddie recognizes as a mini version of his wife, “boose 's hard to say.”
eddie ruffles her hair and stands up, talking out of the side of his mouth, “always arguing like someone else i know,”
his large hand slides down the curve of your ass pinching the leather fabric snug on your skin, giving it a tight little squeeze.
“eddie!” you scold, swatting his hand away, “not in front of the babies.”
he grabs your waist and pulls you back into him before you can rap your knuckles on the front door. his mouth is hot in your ear, “sorry mama,” he purrs, dancing his tongue on the shell of your ear, “you just look so fucking hot tonight.”
sissy and oz are both slapping the door with both palms as it swings inward. “who’s makin’ all that racket?!”
“gwampa! it’s us!”
“issy and ows!”
wayne smiles as big as he always did when his grandbabies visited, “are you sure y’all ain’t no robbers are ya?”
“gwampa’s silly, daddy!” oz squeaks, squeezing wayne tight around his leg.
eddie grins and chuckles, “aww nah buddy that word is ‘senile’”
you smack eddie in the chest and usher the kids inside to play with their cousin, alex. “thanks for watching them tonight, we really appreciate it,” you say to wayne reaching through the threshold and giving him a hug.
“ah, ain’t no problem,” wayne says flipping eddie the bird behind your back, “karen and i love these little turds.”
“u too oh two be good for grandpa and grandma okay? eddie hollers, “be nice to the cat, sissy… i’m talkin’ to you.”
her little nose wrinkles into a pout and her brows furrow together.
“swear to christ himself, that kid is the spittin’ image of you, tooty.”
“god help me.” eddie pouts, “i’m gonna go gray before i’m forty.”
you kiss the kids goodbye and wave from the windows of your jeep before heading to the hideout. eddie looked particularly good tonight, leather pants, a cut off shirt, he even let you smear some eyeliner on his eyelids before tonight’s gig.
“nervous?” you ask, carrying some cords from eddie’s old van that now belonged to big d.
gareth walks past you with an amp, “not really, the hideouts like home away from home, makes me feel 18 again.”
you smile and ruffle his still thick curls, “will coming tonight?”
a sad look replaces his smile, “haven’t talked to him in a week… last i heard from jonathan he was staying with joyce and hopper.”
“he’ll come around man,�� eddie says coming through the back door, “he loves you.”
“yeah, i hope.”
the boys— men now— rocked a killer show, fans still screaming for the band even though half of them were married and the lead singer had two kids.
you were front in center, in your designated spot that you always stood after the first show where eddie sang ‘lady evil’ just for you.
now you were sporting a new homemade shirt, ‘sitter’ crossed out with ‘mama’ his old leather jacket on your shoulders.
a hand sits on your lower back you giggle, “jeez nance, how drunk are you?”
only it wasn’t nancy, but a random guy. burly and tall, a thick beard on his face matching the short hair on his head, balancing a cowboy. you didn’t recognize him from anywhere and you pull back with a shocked face,
he smiles and you can smell liquor on his breath as he leans in real close, “been watchin’ you all night little darlin’ looks like you need a drink.”
you scowl and turn away from him, looking for jonathan and nancy but they’re nowhere to be found.
“hey,” he blunders stumbling towards you, “you like cowboys?”
you don’t want to give him the time of day or even the satisfaction of a tasteful retort so you do your best to ignore him, looking at eddie as he turns to thrash the guitar riff with jeff.
eddie turns back around to continue the song and shoots you a wink, the same time a big sloppy pair of lips press on your cheek, hard and unwelcoming.
you didn’t see eddie’s eyes turn to black or the way he dropped the neck of his guitar hands balled into fist, you were seeing your own scarlet red, turning and slapping the face of the drunk asphalt “cowboy”.
eddie cuts the band and grabs the mic, “hey fucker!” he pushes his lips in a smooch and whistles like a dog, “here boy, up here.. yeah you— the guy who just got slapped.”
cowboy slap face looked up to the band, “what?”
“you must be new to town, huh? a drifter maybe?”
he lifts his head and spits on the ground, “what’s it to you?”
eddie laughs a little crazy-like, “… that,” he says pointing to you, “is my wife… and i’m sure you don’t know this or maybe your marbles are a little rattled up there with the cobwebs, but..” he jumps from the stage in a dramatic flare, wet hair bouncing behind him, skin slicked in sweat.
he tossing the mic behind him, standing tall and flicking the brim of the guys hat, toe to toe. “i’m not afraid to kill a man.”
“you’re bluffin’,”
“wouldn’t be my first, and for her,” he says moving you behind him, “won’t be my last,”
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chukys-mouthguard · 19 days
good graces
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you do something suspect, this cute ass bye-bye
featuring -> william nylander x female reader
genre -> angst/fluff
word count -> 1.35k
-> short n’ sweet masterlist
“Have you seen Willy on Spittin’ Chiclets yet?”
Your friend called to you from the kitchen as she started on making drinks while you were taking a bit longer on your makeup than you would’ve liked.
“Fuck I forgot, let me pull it up.”
You and William had been seeing each other for almost nine months now, though not putting a label on it things were pretty serious. Having taken numerous trips together, William constantly spoiling you, all while telling you he couldn’t imagine his life not getting to be your guy.
He’d gotten invited onto the Spittin’ Chiclets podcast and you were excited to watch. It was one of your favorite shows, but you also were anticipating them to ask William some hilarious questions.
“Okay so, we gotta ask. You’re a young guy here in Toronto, dare I say you’re a stud! What’s the dating scene like here in Toronto? You tied down by a lucky lady, what do you have going on?”
William chuckled as you quickly flashed your eyes to the screen of your cell phone, seeing the way he blushed at them asking the question. While you knew this podcast had been filmed several weeks ago, you were still aware of what his answer should be, at least from your perspective. But as he hesitated, and stumbled over his words you could feel your grip on your eyeliner tightening.
“Yeah um, I’m definitely here for a good time. Not really tied down, just enjoying my time here for sure with whoever comes into my life. But, I like to think I do alright for myself.”
Pausing the video you emerged from the bathroom to find your friend with the same look of shock on her face as you currently had on your own.
“Are you joking?”
“He’s fucking dead. Not really tied down? Is he stupid?”
You couldn’t believe William had actually said those words, not really tied down. Had the last nine months been something casual and meant nothing to him? Here you were ready to go out to dinner with him and some friends, but now all you could repeat through your brain was that interview.
“What are you gonna do?”
You headed over to the bar cart, grabbing a shot glass and the tequila. Throwing back a shot before you hurried back to finish your makeup.
“I can’t bail, but he’s going to see a side of me he won’t like if he doesn’t acknowledge it, that's for sure.”
You’d arrived at the restaurant, the few tequila shots you’d tossed back calming your frustrations a bit, though you were still upset with William. Not wanting to ruin the night you figured the least you could do was power through a dinner and not give away any sign you were unhappy with him.
But as the dinner unfolded, it was as if anything William did was coming across as suspect. The way he smiled at the waitress, calling her sweetheart anytime she’d checked in or brought him something. The way he would place his hand atop hers anytime she’d stop by the table and ask if he needed anything. Your anger only building as you thought back to his comments on the podcast, rolling your eyes thinking that everything with him was just a casual fling to him. Despite how much he’d meant to you.
He caught you staring at him from across the table, you’d opted to sit across from him versus next to him so you could give yourself a bit of space to try and give him the opportunity to notice your mood. But he didn’t necessarily catch on, acting as if things were normal other than where you’d chosen to sit.
With dinner wrapping up, you’d all chosen to go to one of the bars down the street. William now noticed how you were walking arm in arm with your friend rather than by his side. He called out to you, simply getting the cold shoulder as you elected to keep walking as if you hadn’t heard him. Your mind focused on getting to the bar and getting some more drinks in your system, needing to channel your frustrations through alcohol and dancing.
William opted to sit with the group, watching you dancing on the floor with your friend. Figuring that he’d done something to piss you off, but he didn’t know what. Usually the two of you could talk through things, but it was clear you had no desire to talk to him tonight. And he knew better than to push you or force anything on you, simply giving you the space you wanted.
His eyes followed you as you made your way to the bar, a guy soon approaching you as you ordered a drink. William fully expected you to kindly dismiss the man, but instead he saw you laughing and smiling. Your hand resting on the man’s forearm as you were clearly enjoying yourself. He tossed back his drink in frustration as he stood up, making his way to the bar to step in before you’d do anything further to really anger him.
“Hey, everything okay?”
William smiled down at you as he rested a hand at your lower back, flashing his eyes to the gentleman with a bit of a glare. Only to be met with a smile as the man had recognized the blonde haired Maple Leaf that stood before him.
“Yeah, William, you know Joey. Joey Loperfido, outfield for the Blue Jays. He’s actually a really big Leafs fan!”
“How are you man? I’m a big fan of yours as well! I was actually at the game last week, great win!”
The two of them shook hands, though Joey sensed some tension and kindly excused himself.
“Really Willy? I was making friends.”
“Friends? Is that what you called that? I saw from a mile away you were flirting with the guy!”
He scoffed as he rolled his eyes, taking the spot in front of you at the bar as he signaled the bartender for another drink.
“Like you care? This is just enjoying time with whoever comes into your life, remember?”
William looked at you confused, unsure as to what you were talking about. Making you laugh as you sipped your drink, rolling your eyes as you found it hilarious he was trying to play dumb.
“I heard you on the Spittin’ Chiclets podcast, don’t play dumb! Has the last nine months meant nothing to you? I mean, you tell me all the time how much you love being my guy, but could’ve fooled me with the answer you gave Biz and Whit.”
William immediately brought a hand to his face, groaning as he realized now what you were referring to.
“Y/n, baby, look at me.”
He brought his hands to your face, despite your trying to push him away. A smile on his face as he looked at you.
“The Spittin’ Chiclets podcast is the last place I would ever want to confirm or announce you as my girlfriend.”
Your eyes went wide hearing him call you his girlfriend, the title not being something he’d ever used before. And while you wanted to be mad at him for what he said, it was hard hearing how amazing it felt hearing him finally call you his girlfriend.
“Wait, like, we are official now? I’m your girlfriend?”
“If you’ll have me as your boyfriend? Though after tonight I’m not so sure.”
Quickly you pulled his lips to yours, feeling amazing to kiss him after being distant from him all night. He smiled into the kiss, assuming that was your answer. And it was a good enough answer for him.
“But so help me god William Nylander, if you ever say some dumb shit like that again, you do not want to bring out my mean side.”
He chuckled at your scolding as he stole another kiss from you.
“Oh trust me babe, tonight I got a taste of it tonight and I’m staying in your good graces if it’s the last thing I do!”
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luvlyycy · 2 months
Can I request a kof x reader? I'm desperate
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GIRLY, MY LOVE, MY LIEGE MY EVERYTHING. I GOTCHUUU , i wrote uhh.. short scenarios for a few guys cus i like every man and woman in kof. <3 also, you cant top any of these men so.. they are all topping (men in here : kyo , iori , k dash , yashiro) n a bonus at the end..
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KUSANAGI . KYO — (≧▽≦)
His smile stretches as he watches you attempt to stuff his cock into you, your palms flat against his chest. His hair is messy— still adorning his signature headband, gloved hands sliding up and down your hips.
" Awww , won't it fit ? " he mimics the face of sadness as he watches your face twist with frustration— "Ugh, Kyo— C-can—" this bet was stupid. Kyo and you had made a bet, saying that you couldn't possibly fuck yourself on his cock as good he could fuck you.
"Can you.. help me.. p,,, please??" you say, wiggling your hips on his dick for emphasis.
He lets out a dramatic sigh, "God, I guess I could." he grins. You lost the bet, as always.
YAGAMI . IORI — (。uωu)♪
"My hands? You like my hands?" he stares at you as you nod. He looks at his hands, nails painted black, the middle finger painted red. "How much?".
He never thought asking you that would result in this debauchery— two fingers stuffed in your mouth as he fingers you with the other hand. Your eyes are rolled into the back of your skull, drool running down your chin as he pumps his fingers in and out of you—
"You really like 'em?" and you once again nod, quickly and messily. "Gah— mmngh, g'nna cuhh— nn!"
He doesn't smile but— you can tell in his head he is,
"Cum then, cum all over my pretty hands."
K , DASH — ヽ(・∀・)ノ
"You can take more than that—" he huffs, hands on the sides of your head as he drills his cock into your stretched out hole as you shake your head no. You had already squirted six times on his cock, what more could he want?
"I haven't came yet. I want more." he breathes, beads of sweat sticking to his caramel skin as he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips— drool sticking to his lips as he pulled away.
"K— .. 'm cuhh—mm— innggg!!!"
He stifles a small laugh as he watches you writhe beneath him, sucking his cock in deeper and deeper before you begin to squirt— now pushing his cock out but he continues to push his cock in, regardless if your pussy pushes him out or not.
"I have to cum inside."
"Fuckin' look at that— Pussy's cryin' f'me." he laughs out as he fucks you from behind, one hand on your ass and the other in his hair. You cry out his name into your pillow, only for him to grab onto your hair and pull your head up— lines of drool still sticking you to the pillow.
"Sl,, slower— puhhh— lease. Please!"
"Slower?? Aww, but your pussy loves this— so" thrust, "fucking–" thrust, "much!" . He's rewarded with your shuddering body as you begin to cum on his cock, further emphasizing his words.
"Thought ya said slow down. Poor baby. Pathetic lil cunt wants more n more of me! So fucking cute." he huffs in your ear, your small hand reaching up to wrap around his neck, thumb caressing the heart charm on his choker. "it's,, too— muhh— chh.."
"Too much, ya say? Yeah fucking right. Says the one cummin' on me like a fucking whore. I doubt it's too much— Think it's jus' enough."
☆ bonus ! ☆
VICE & MATURE — (○_○)!!
Vice licks on your neck as Mature is seated between your legs, thumb circling your clit as she tilts her head at you. She lets out a soft giggle— "Look at you, making a mess." she shakes her head in disbelief, mimicking a saddened tone. Vice giggles into your ear as she grabs onto your perky nipples, pulling, twisting— before latching onto one, her body leaning on one of your arms. Your cries of overstimulation are overlooked.
Mature reaches over with her free hand to caress Vice, nails dragging against the plump flesh of her ass as the red head continues to abuse your nipples.
"Ah, they're gonna cum again Vice. C'mere." Vice listens as if she were a puppy, but not before spitting down on your abused nipples and smiling cockily at your fucked out face.
Mature places her hand around Vice's neck, caressing her before pulling her in for a sloppy kiss— now using three fingers to pump into you.
They both turn towards you, Vice a bit more enthusiastic than Mature as she presses more kisses to blonde's face— red lipstick sticking to her delight.
"Aww, you're cumming—" Mature giggles out, as Vice leans her head against the crook of her neck.
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sorryyy for being so late !!! please consider asking for more characters !!! i write everyone except rugal (maybe..) !! <3
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raging-bisexual76 · 1 month
i’m begging you to speak more abt bachira & isagi w a loser!reader
!! Nonnie I'm so glad you asked fr it's gonna be kinda long just tell me to stfu if u need
also they're a lot meaner with reader than their yan counterparts
TW/CW; dubcon/noncon (to be safe), bullying, mention of spitting (sexual style fingerguns), gentle mention of impact play, hard mention of non-consensual picture sharing and can be implied that the pictures were taken without consent
So it's like a college au kinda but also like not? And I'm gonna do it fem reader coded I'm sorry I was trying to stay gn but then my brain was like mmm no
Now obviously the boys are still on the soccer team still and are more than likely popular because they've gotten the team to it's current standing.
Then we have our sweet lil loser reader :) who could do no wrong except standing up against the bullies. She's probably in an unpopular group/club but I'm not entirely sure what one
But reader's all red in the face and jabbing their finger into the boys chest, asking when will it be enough for them and that they're sick of seeing and hearing it. That they should be ashamed, thinking they're big shots when they do stuff like this. And while she's popping off, the boys are just like "holy shit who the fuck does she think she is??"
So as I said, they start moving their bullying efforts to the reader after that. It starts small with them stealing her stuff, tugging her hair, turning her friends against her and spreading rumors, etc.
But the first time they trip her?? And get a lil glimpse of her panties??? Fuuck. Especially as she sits up with tears in her eyes, giving them the nastiest look she can muster as she tells them to fuck off and just leave her alone.
After that though, it gets worse for our dear reader. Instead of just tugging little stands, they grab fist fulls of her hair and pull, just to hear what noises she makes. They'll dump water out a window, or push her into the fountain just to see what's underneath her shirt and flip up her skirt to see her panties. The boys will go out of their way to kick a soccer ball so it hits her, just to see her cry. Pinching her and leaving little bruises on her sides and thighs, groping at her through her clothes as they press themselves against her. They'll start pulling her off to secluded places by her hair or arm to make her give them a blowjob, or get a quick fuck in.
I can see any pictures they have of her in compromising positions probably being shared with the rest of the soccer team. She can't prove it, but the stares from the team say more than enough.
One of the teams favorites is where the reader is on their knees, looking up at the camera with tears and cum running down her face, both Yoichi and Meguru's dicks pressing against her face. Another is a video of reader laying on her back, covering her face with her forearm in embarrassment. She's barely clothed, boobs almost spilling out of her bra with each of Bachira's thrusts. Isagi has her right hand in his as he wraps them around his cock, and with his other he pulls her tits out to abuse her nipples (pinchin, spittin, biting, slappin n suckin my god he'd do everything). And after she thinks they're done, she goes to sit up to gather her things only to be flipped over and pushed back down. Yoichi has the camera now as he steps behind her, running his tip up and down her leaking entrance. Bachira just clicks his tongue with a pout, "You didn't think we were done yet, right, [name]-chan? Yoichi-kun hasn't gotten his turn yet, and I'm still a little dirty. So, clean it." He slides in front of her, lifting her head up by the hair as he presses himself against her mouth.
(m tryin to not think abt if they ((the team)) have seen reader and the boys go at it in the locker room and the showers (((they have))) )
Idk this isn't all the ideas and I'm all over the place with this,, but it's in the making yk? I feel like yan them doesn't want any harm to come to darling, but bully them? They want to see you bruised, broken and hurting, they want to see the look hatred in your eyes and for you to be uncomfortable around them
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chocoblep · 9 days
#11: Spitting
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Prompt: Surrogate
Rhyle looked up at the fat, heavy storm clouds that had rolled in over Quarrymill. He’d been helping one of the hume residents repair a garden box in exchange for a few seedlings that he could practice his abilities on, and of course, now that the weatherproofing stain on the outside was curing, the sky threatened rain. Sighing, he joined the hume and helped her lift the thing without touching the outsides of the box so that they could carry it under the large awning at the side of the house.
“This weather’s been crazy the last few days, I tell ya,” she said, clucking her tongue with disappointment. “A bell ago? No sign of rain. Now? It’s almost spittin’ already! Good thing this thing’s at least halfway dry already; I’d have hated to still be staining it when the rain started.”
Rhyle’s ear closest to the hume swiveled toward her, and he must have been giving her a strange look, because she furrowed her brow in confusion after they set the box down on the ground.
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” Rhyle answered honestly giving her a little shrug as they began to walk back around the side of the house toward the front door. “I am just wondering whose spit you’re talking about.”
The hume blinked owlishly at him, and then snorted. “The sky, of course! When it’s just starting to rain, I call it spittin’! IT comes down a little at a time, in spurts, usually, like the sky’s goin’ PTOOEY!” She exaggerated a spitting motion, like she was aiming for a spitoon, and Rhyle just made a face.
“Ah. So as others say, sprinkling,” he clarified, and she bobbed her head in a nod, brown curls shifting over one shoulder. 
“Sprinklin’. Spittin’. Same thing, justabouts.” After a moment’s pause, she opened the door to her garden shed and retrieved the three potted seedlings she’d promised him, all lined up on a little wooden tray for ease of carrying. “Well, here ya are, Rhyle. Payment as promised.”
He nodded and bade her a good evening, starting the walk back to his burrow with his prizes. He hadn’t made it a malm out of the village when the sky opened up and it started pouring, and he pulled the hood of his cloak up to cover his head and ears. He didn’t mind it, really; the smell was wonderful, and the sound of it hitting the leaves and the ground nearby was soothing. He’d never seen rain before he’d come here, and now he wondered how many words existed for it. Maybe he’d ask his friend next time he saw her.
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thatgoblin · 8 months
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Summary: Despite digging your heels in for months, you finally move in with John.
Warnings: Lots of Scottish swearing.
“Love, why is it so cold?” John asked as he walked into the house. Arms full of groceries, he found me bundled up and on a chair as I tried to open a vent.
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I’ve been muckin’ about with the thermostat for almost two hours and it keeps spittin’ out cold air. I dinna ken to do.”
“Oh, I’m glad I know Scottish people,” John said softly as he set the food on the counter. Coming over, he picked me up to set me on the ground. “Let me see if I can figure it out.”
“I already called the landlord and he said he’d be here an hour ago and he’s not messaged or called,” I said as I grabbed a blanket to wrap myself in.
“He never does,” John grumbled as he took off the thermostat cover to test the batteries. A few more minutes of him checking things out and he too couldn’t figure out what was wrong. “Everything looks good, but it doesn’t make sense. Why won’t it work? Call your landlord again. Tell him it’s the middle of winter and you’re pregnant and need heat.”
“He knows I’m pregnant and it’s the middle of winter. He will be here at some point,” I said.
“Love, you can’t just wait and hope he shows up,” John said, beginning to put items away.
“Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. Part of the therapy we had been going to was focused on my constant road blocking and not letting anyone near to help. I needed to work on being able to instantly say no to things John offered to help with. For him though, he was working on not pushing me when I said no to things that did not need to be pushed. The heating was something we needed to get fixed ASAP though.
I grabbed my phone to give the landlord a call as John went back to tinkering with the heating. His phone rang and rang and rang, eventually it went to voicemail and that was full. I sent him a text as well, hoping he’d get back to me soon.
“No answer,” I said with a sigh.
“I know you want to stay here, but for tonight or until the heating is fixed, come stay at my place,” John said. Taking a moment to look around, I nodded.
“Okay. I’ll pack my bag. If you want to put the groceries in the car then we’ll head over.” It didn’t take long before we were packed up and over at John’s. The last time I had been there, I quickly realized, was when we had hooked up for the first and only time.
“John! Hello! Haven’t seen you in a while!” A woman’s voice called from across the street as John got out of the jeep. Looking over, I saw a tall, blonde with tight clothes that showed off her assets. She quickly crossed over to give him a hug as I stayed sitting in the front seat. “How are you? It’s been ages! Still working long distances?” John was stiff, but returned the hug a bit before quickly letting go.
“Yeah, still working on remote stations,” he said with a nod. Jealousy didn’t come naturally to me, at least in the sense that I got jealous over a partner. This wasn’t jealousy that had me hopping out of the jeep to walk over to them.
“Hi,” I said, standing next to John with a soft smile. My hands rested on my large belly that was hard to miss. “Who’s this, Jo?”
“This is my neighbor, Camilla,” John said, wrapping an arm around my waist. “She checks on my plants and gets my mail for me when I go on long business trips. Camilla, this is my partner.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” the woman said, holding out her hand for me to shake. “I had no idea that John had someone. I guess you’ve kept him all to yourself for the most part. You’re going to have to learn to share.”
“Kinda I guess,” I said, chuckling as I shook her hand. “We have groceries to get in, Jo.”
“Right,” John said. “It was good to see you again, Camilla. We’ll be seeing you.” He gave her a nod and wave before guiding me back to the jeep for us to grab our groceries and bags.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Camilla called before walking back to her house.
After getting everything inside and put away, I turned to John.
“Before you say anything-”
“Jo, she’s fuckin’ on it,” I cut him off with a snicker. “Don’t worry, I trust you. Her, not so much.”
“Let’s just get you settled in,” he said with a heavy sigh. Giggling, I helped him unpack the groceries before we moved my bags to the bedroom. I hadn’t been there since we had first met. “Is it just how you remember it?”
“Is it bad that I don’t remember it at all?” I asked with a wince. John barked out a laugh as he shook his head.
“Considering you were walking out with your shoes in hand, no. It’s fine,” he said, shaking his head. “Here, let’s put your things in the dresser.”
“You don’t have to clear out a drawer for me,” I said, ready to just pull stuff out of my bags. John snorted, rolling his eyes as he opened several already empty drawers of the dresser. “Oh, well then.”
“I may have had a few things ready for if you came over,” he said, dropping a kiss to my head.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” I said, getting to work in putting my clothes away. “It is a nice house and now I feel bad I never came over till now.”
“It’s okay. I understand why you were hesitant and we’re working to get better together,” he said, carrying my toothbrush and hygiene products to the bathroom. The bed was a full size, something I hadn’t recalled, but then again I had been busy. Putting my body pillow that I cuddled and the super soft blanket that I had to have to pet when I was falling asleep. I didn’t want to tell John he needed a bigger bed, but with just the body pillow on it, it looked pretty small.
Just as I was changing from my trainers to my slippers, my phone rang. It was my landlord. A quick conversation and he would be over the next day.
“What’s the verdict?” John asked, coming back in.
“He said he’d be there tomorrow. Something came up,” I said with a groan.
“I’m not going to push you, but-”
“If I’m moving in, you need a bigger bed,” I said, cutting him off. John grinned as he came over to sit next to me.
“You really want to move in?” He asked, pulling me close to sit in his lap.
“At this rate, the landlord won’t have anything fixed. We’ll have to figure out what to bring in and what can be sold or put into storage, but we need to be in a better home when the baby comes,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Especially if you have to go on a mission and I’m left here alone with the ween. A sturdy house that has a Camilla instead of a flaky landlord.”
John rolled his eyes as I giggled, kissing his nose.
The rest of the evening was spent making a delicious dinner as we planned on what was needed of my things versus what John already had. Lists were made as we talked excitedly about what room to pick for the baby as well. John’s house was a two story townhouse that his parents had left him in their will, which meant our girl would be growing up in his childhood home. It made me a bit weepy because it was something good and warm and happy that we could give her that I didn’t have. I wanted her to have the opposite of what I did growing up and John’s home was perfect for that.
“How do you feel about having a pet?” John asked as I made breakfast the next morning.
“A pet? Like a bird or a cat?” I asked, slicing some fruit to put on the oatmeal.
“Well, like a dog,” he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. I had to abstain from my usual 3 cups for the last five months and I missed it. “I was thinking maybe having a big dog with you while I’m away would be nice.”
“I don’t know,” I said. “That sounds like more work, especially with a baby. Besides, I still need to figure out my own job and what I’m going to do. I’m sure they’re about to let me go because I’ve missed so much work. Pregnant or not, they need someone there and I’m not getting paid.”
“What if you didn’t get another job?” John asked. “You could be a stay at home mum and not have to worry about that.”
“What, so I can be barefoot and pregnant in your kitchen non-stop?” I snorted. “I need to do something, Jo. Whether it’s a job or picking up classes for computer training, just something.”
“That’s fair, but if you need time between jobs and making a decision on what to do, I will support you. If you want to even go so far as to not get ‘free money’ we can say you’re doing my house keeping,” John said. I had to cackle at that. “What? I’m serious!”
“I know and I appreciate it,” I said, moving to hug him. “I know money makes things sticky, but we are kind of bound together by a child and I’m moving in, so I would appreciate the monetary help.”
“We can set up a joint account so you have money for bills that aren’t on autopay with mine. It will make things easy so we both have our own accounts but it’s easier to send one another money if necessary,” John said, kissing my head as he rubbed my back, rocking us as we stood in the kitchen.
“I like that plan,” I said, smiling up at him. We were finding our rhythm and the counseling was working. I actually was realizing how happy I was compared to before him. John wasn’t the sole thing to keep me happy and sane, but he definitely was a part of it.
“Guess who I brought home!” John called from the front door as I came up from the basement having been busy with laundry. We had agreed on a dog and after looking at some pictures and reading up on breeds that were good with kids, we had decided on a German Shepherd/Bernese Mountain mix. He was two years old and at a shelter nearby, we had decided to adopt as well after finding out how much pure bred dogs went for as well as what went into making them. I was in love with the big, goofy looking guy the moment I saw him. He looked a lot like a Shepherd, but his ears were floppy and his coat was thick with more of the Bernese coloring than the Shepherd’s.
“Hello, sweetie,” I cooed, coming to greet the pair. The dog wasn’t wild, but he was clearly excited as he sniffed everything. I let John lead him over, a rubber muzzle on him for the time being. Some training would be necessary, but we both wanted this and knew it would be worth it in the long run. Holding out my hand, I let him sniff it curiously before getting a few kisses through the muzzle. “Aww, thank you Darlin’,” I said, close to tears at how kind and gentle he was being. The hormones had made me mostly sweaty and achy, up until the last week and then the emotions started and I couldn’t help but get weepy over the smallest thing.
“Welcome home, Cromwell,” John said, smiling as I began to pet the pup.
“Cromwell?” I asked, looking up at him with a furrowed brow. “What’s that from?”
“Oliver Cromwell was a general for the New Model Army in the 1600s,” John said, reaching down to give firm side pats. I knew he was interested in British military history, so it didn’t sound odd, but I knew that name somehow. A quick google search had me sighing heavily. “What?”
“The New Model Army, specifically Oliver Cromwell fought against the Scots to colonize them,” I said, narrowing my eyes and pursing my lips.
“Oh. . .” He said, realizing the issue.
“We’re not naming our dog after a fuckin’ colonizer. You’re lucky I’m not holding it against you for colonizing my uterus,” I said with a huff.
“I don’t know about that,” John said.
“The fuck ye mean ye dinna ken ‘bout it!?” I cried, getting a loud bark and awoo from the dog. “See! He’s a Scot! We’re not naming him after the bastard!” John groaned, sighing as I bent over to baby talk and love on our furry son.
“Then what should we name him?” John asked. I stood up straight and settled him with a menacing smirk. “Oh no.”
“Well, I’m from Lochend, so why not Nessie?” I said. “Are you a Nessie? Yes? Is your name Nessie?” I babbled at the dog who began to dance and whine as he became excited with me.
“Jesus Christ, fine, his name is Nessie,” John said, shaking his head at us.
“Are you okay?” John asked, eyes a bit wide as he stared at me and Nessie. I was on the couch with the dog curled up next to me, watching Archer on the TV.
“Yeah, why?” I asked, looking from the screen to his concerned face.
“Your belly. . . Is the baby doing that?”
I had a plate of pickles, olives, and crisps with dip on my belly and my child was making the biggest surf waves as she stretched and moved around. The plate was like a surfboard, riding the waves.
“Aye,” I said. “She’s just gettin’ her calisthenics in,” I said with a shrug, turning back to the TV.
“It. . . It doesn’t hurt?” He asked, just keeping his eyes trained on my belly.
“I mean, it feels weird, but I’ve gotten used to it. She’s been doing this for a while now, Jo. You’re just able to see it more now because she’s gettin’ bigger,” I said, chuckling as he shifted, crossing his arms then quickly putting his hands on his hips. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, looking from my belly to my face then back to my belly. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“Jo!” I screamed from the kitchen. “JOHN! GET IN HERE!” There was a feral growling coming from inside the cupboard as I held it shut. John barrelled into the room with Nessie right behind him.
“What? What is it?” He asked, looking around to assess the threat.
“There’s a BIRD in the cupboard!” I cried, pointing to the shut door as singing replaced the growls.
“What do you mean a bird? How did a bird get in?” John asked, coming over to shoo me off to the side.
“I had a window open to clean it and it just flew in,” I said, looking around him at the singing cupboard. “It came in like a fucking fighter pilot at me head and then it hovered around the kitchen before going to the mugs. I think it might have shit in there.”
“What the bleedin’ hell?” John muttered as he peeked into the cabinet. “Oh Jesus, Love,” he groaned as he opened the door to show a bird the size of my hand with a white head and light blue body in a glass jar. It was bobbing and singing as it literally vibrated itself in circles now and then. “It’s just a little budgie,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s probably someone’s pet that got loose.”
“You can have a bird as a pet?” I asked, looking on confused as John mirrored my expression back at me. “Don’t look at me like that!”
“It’s just until we find the owner or a foster home for it,” John said, pulling the sheet over the large birdcage. After an emergency run to the store, we found ourselves with a dog and a bird.
“Jo, I don’t know how to take care of a bird, not even for a few days. What are we going to do if we don’t find the owner? I’m just learning to take care of a dog and soon a wee babe!” I sighed. “I’m just not an animal person, I’m sorry. We never had any growing up, save for Johnny’s gerbil, Dalglish, that he lost after having it for a week. It never came back.”
“Your brother’s gerbil ran away from home?” John asked, snickering as Nessie looked at the covered cage with worry. At least it looked like worry. He whined a bit, but hearing John say his name and he was quiet. John and I were working hard to train him and it was definitely paying off. Part of me was worried that he’d try and eat the bird, but so far he just stared in concern.
“None of us knew how to take care of anything! No one taught us! It was a gift for his birthday when he was 11 and from one of our aunts. I don’t remember which one,” I explained. “You’re lucky I know how to take care of you.”
“For which I am thankful,” John snorted. “But I’m also a grown man.”
“Which proves why animals are a big step and we need to find someone to take the bird,” I said. “So don’t get attached.”
“Aw, thank you, you wee babe,” I cooed at Bonnie, the budgie, as she walked around my shoulder and made kissy noises at me.
“What happened to you not being an animal person?” John asked as I made posters of her to put up.
“Mind yer own business,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.
The ADHD was really ramping up with the hormone shift. The staring off into space while forgetting what I was doing. That wasn’t the case at the moment. John was grunting and huffing as he was putting together the crib we had just bought. It was supposed to be done in 20 minutes, but the instructions only came in French apparently. So John was doing his best to go off the pictures. I stood in the doorway, watching as he sat on his knees and staring at the large unfolded paper. He was concentrating, furrowing his brow as he rolled up his plaid button up sleeves to get them out of the way. It was a few minutes of standing there, staring at him while fantasizing about doing something else than putting the crib together, before he looked up.
“Can I help you?” He asked with a chuckle.
“You’re lucky I’m pregnant right now or I’d be making you put a baby inside me now,” I said, earning a gruff laugh.
“You’re finally speaking to your brother because you need him to side with you on this argument?” John asked, pinching the bridge of his nose as I called Johnny.
“Aye,” I growled.
“ ‘lo?” Johnny’s voice was confused and probably nervous.
“ ‘ey, yer on speaker. Tell John he’s a fuckin’ right bastard for tryin’ to name the baby Margaret?”
“What!? Sir! The fuck ‘re ye on about!? Respectfully, Price, what the fuck!?”
“It was a suggestion!” John cried, throwing his hands up in the air.
“A shite one!” Johnny yelled. “No niece of mine will be named after that fuckin’ badger of a cock muncher!”
“Huh? What are you talking about?” John asked, looking confused.
“Margaret Thatcher,” I said, staring at him.
“. . . Do you know your father, Mike, do you know his nickname from SAS?” John asked.
“No, I dunno none of ‘em,” I said with a sigh.
“I’m not opening up this can of worms,” John said quickly walking away.
“So. . . Are we good now?” Johnny asked from the phone.
“Aye, we’re good. Just don’t tell our parents a thing about me,” I said.
“Understood. . . Simon just got me some Irn-Bru, do you want any?”
“I’m offended that you have to ask. I live with John now, so bring it over.”
“On the way.”
“Oh, by the way, John knows about Dalglish.”
COD Masterlist
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @sadslasher13 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @xaestheticalien
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unanchored-ship · 4 months
can you pls give me ur favorite fact abt shrewsbury.... i dont care if i already know it i just wanna knows what fucking Gets you about him
you cant just ask me to give you one 🤧🤧
biggest reason is obv cuz hes a TWINk. A GREAT WHUMPEE. BUUUUT this is too broad since there are many twinks. lets narrow it down.
Tragic backstory, eh? Papa died cuz mummy liked sucking balls too much. Now you are forever cursed with chronic nervousness. Hmmm.
Oh yeah adding onto his papa dying, guess whose brother also got fucked in a duel. Lmfao. Shrewsbury loses. Do I need to discuss the emotional impact this most likely had on him??
Like... the guy was constantly nervous, arguably cowardly, timid, and jumpy.. but at the same time charming, generous, dignified,... you list the virtues. This is a very cool combo of traits!!
Also he was HOT AF but never took advantage of it. so points for that. (Although in the Nicholson/Turberville book it mentions in his younger years he had "moral delinquencies". but i dont know what its referring to i may have to do digging.) (Oh and in Weyman's Romance Berry's "wild and boyish days" are mentioned. Still dont know exactly what that mean..) "KING OF HEARTS" 😍😍
There is something seriously wrong with his relationship with Nottingham. He got sick cuz of personal jealously of Nottingham. Had useless shouting matches with Mr. Finch in the House. He wanted to resign cuz of Nottingham so bad Burnet had to prevent him from seeing William cuz he feared Shrewsbury would GO TOO FAR with William. That man was FUMING. You see where the secretaries ship comes from.
He's such a bitch to his uncle. next
he married such an interesting wifey!! she was known as an eccentric, an outcast in English society. Except Anne and George I LOVED HER. Like she was crazy in the eyes of the people but crazy and genuine is good when you're surrounded by liars and power-hungry ones. I love Adelhida she's my spirit animal.. also her brother is so fucking stupid and I'm here for it. They make a great family :3
Oh and going off of that marriage... Berry and Hida never had children. I have this peculiar thing for aristocracy peoples that don't have children. It's my asexual ass isn't it
He held some rlly powerful positions and was really critical in the government... while at the same time despising high positions. I love it when a non ambitious person is in a position people would die for.
In particular I like how Nicholson/Turberville refers to him as Harley's "tool". like. he's not ambitious. but he's got a massive amount of power(he was known as the nations favorite for a while lmao), which can be used to fucking sway the direction of England when utilized. Harley you lucky shit
So yeah hes got a really interesting personality, really interesting people he surrounds himself with, a tragic backstory yada yada
I just really really really like how he looks okay end of story
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goodnightoilcountry · 4 months
jo's carolina canes fic rec list !
fic rec masterlist: jo's nhl fic rec list !
like my selection of fic recs? have a player who's not been featured? let me know and i'll go on a deep dive for you!
9PM in Vancouver by @ thewintersoldierdisaster summary: on a mini trip to vancouver to watch andrei play, you suffer the worst loss of your life. andrei is your rock throughout the ordeal word count: 7k
sunkissed pt1 + p2 + p3 by @ sydnikov summary: you’ve been in love with Andrei for as long as you can remember. when you first got hired to work in the social media department and met some of the members of the team, just one look at the hockey star’s brilliant smile and you were in deep. your heart truly broke though when he introduced his girlfriend after a game and you had to pretend you were happy for him. now you had to watch as they became happily engaged, knowing you'd never be the light in Andrei's life like he was for you. word count: 16.9k total
fleeting by @ sydnikov summary: every moment with Andrei is fleeting. word count: 17.5k
the one by @ holy-pucks summary: the reader is andrei's favorite girl, but she isn't his only. for awhile, the arrangement was comfortable. he'd show up whenever he was in town, they'd fuck, and then he'd leave. rinse and repeat. so how will andrei react when their routine comes to a screeching halt? word count: 8k
eye on you by @ behoright summary: andrei is oh so drunk, and he needs you to pick him up from the bar. word count: 4.5k
nostalgia by @ pennylanefics summary: you meet jack's parents for the first time over dinner word count: 2.3k
coffee to go by @ pennylanefics summary: while getting coffee one day, you run into your ex boyfriend after successfully avoiding him for the past few months word count: 1.1k
all the pretty girls by @ unluckyhoneybee summary: where Pyotr never cared when girls preferred Andrei until it was you.
this is how it ends by @ silverstonesainz-archive summary: not every chapter ends in happily every after word count: 6.4k
i could love you with my eyes closed by @ matthewtkachuk summary: Sebastian doesn't like your boyfriend - he's forgetful, stands you up, and doesn't know a thing about you. when will you see that he's the right guy to figure you out? word count: 4k
finish line by @ silverstonesainz-archive summary: a resolution where all parties are happy. word count: 4.1k
the olympics are overrated by @ sydnikov summary: Sebastian Aho x reader where the reader is an olympic athlete and the canes are in off season but Seb is staying in raleigh this summer and not going back to finland and all he wants to do is spend time with the reader but she’s super busy with training so he gets super clingy. word count: 5.1k
lover boy by @ sydnikov summary: hockey is a violent sport, one based on luck yet also talent, and most never escape unscathed. you learned that lesson too early, and haven't quite been the same ever since. then Seth Jarvis comes along, tearing down your hardened walls with ease, and, suddenly… You don't feel so alone anymore. word count: 9.7k
being bold by @ sydnikov summary: Seth has a crush on you. a bad one, and he makes it very obvious throughout the years he’s known you, though you’ve still never taken him seriously because of his immaturity and energetic personality. much to his chagrin, you keep denying him—until one night, scorned by thoughts of your most recent ex who never knew how to touch you right, you give in to Seth’s advances. word count: 7.4k
if they woke up, somebody better be dying by @ stormsplurge summary: inspired by the interview he just did for spittin chiclets where he talks about how he usually wont fall asleep until 3am word count: 0.7k
jacket by @ prettytoxicrevolver summary: jarvy sees you in the wags playoff jacket for the first time word count: 1.6k
our wedding (seth jarvis) by @ hockeyboistrash word count: 0.7k
i should've fought harder by @ butgilinsky summary: what happens when you both find out that your messy breakup was the biggest mistake of all? word count: 5.5k
17 notes · View notes
imasloid · 7 months
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"Ya make me an idol and there'll be no one better! Jus' leave it to me!"
This is a project analyzing and taking a look at the fashion design and application in the multimedia series, The IDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors. This section is about the countryside positive girl of the series, Kogane Tsukioka! If you want to jump to a specific section, go here!
(This is a reprint of my thread on Twitter. I put it on Tumblr for easier reading and for archiving purposes. Enjoy!)
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“Kogane is a confident girl who always has a bright smile on her face, stylish with an eye-catching cuteness. Though known for being quite clumsy (falling down & making mistakes while dancing), Kogane’s natural positive attitude allows her to quickly recover from her failures.”
Age: 19
Birthday: February 25th
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: B
Hometown: Nagasaki
Hobbies: “My excellent home cookin'!”
Special Skills: “I can draw the spittin’ image of ya!”
CV: Carin Isobe
Before starting the analysis, I would suggest if you haven’t already, read her W.I.N.G. (introductory) commu (through the broswer game's English patch or on YouTube). If you don’t play the game, I would listen to her image song and read the lyrics to get a better sense of her character.
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Out of all of the Shiny idols, Kogane’s style is the most consistent from her debut to current day. Her fashion is polished and elegant, cutie-sexy while also modest. Kogane’s style is a Japanese take on 1950s fashion, highlighting her figure, fashion sense, and love of pink.
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Most of Kogane’s earlier outfits were in the “girly” style, very cute and sometimes tacky with a bit of a playful edge with oversized floral and bow features and a predominantly pink color scheme. As seen in later outfits, her clothes compliment her figure very well.
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A substyle of her girly fashion, the “cutie sexy” style (as I dub it) keeps her hyperfeminine style, but adds a coy maturity to her outfits that add a bit of sexiness to her cute ensembles. Details include exposed shoulders/cleavage, sheer fabric, & darker/more neutral colors.
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Another notable girly substyle featured is “retro girly,” mostly taking influence from 50s American “housewife” style. A reference to her “countryside hospitality” and love to cook for others, it shows a bit more elegance and class compared to previous style inspirations.
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I want to go more in-depth into the 1950s retro influence in her style, so I made two more graphics detailing the “New Look” style by Dior (made in late 40s but popularized in 50s & beyond) and the “American housewife” influences in her fashion.
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Her final major style influence is “adult girly,” a substyle that still has cuteness that the “girly” style is known for, but leans in more to an elegant/classy vibe. A visual shift that shows her character growth as an idol as well as the leader/center of L’Antica.
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Kogane’s image color is a medium shade of magenta-red, referencing her status of being the center and leader of her unit L’Antica, a trait of pink image color idols. Compared to Mano’s pink, it’s much more vibrant, pointing to her outgoing and larger-than-life self.
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The main colors in Kogane’s wardrobe are pinks, browns, and yellows and are mostly a constant throughout her fashion through time. These colors are often paired together and with white/black as accent colors. Kogane also infrequently wears blue/purple, mostly in earlier outfits.
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Kogane is known as the leader and center of L’Antica with a huge love for her hometown of Nagasaki. Because of the overwhelming support and love she’s received there, she possesses unbudging positivity. She can say “I am the best idol!” without any self-consciousness.
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Since leaving her hometown to chase her dream, she has went to and failed several auditions but never gave up, strongly persevering. Even after becoming an idol, she tends to mess up often, forgetting dance steps or lyrics, but doesn’t worry too hard and keeps moving forward.
In game, she’s known for having a very cute and “outrageously stylish” image, which fits her perfectly to be a center for an idol unit. Her fashion takes very accessible pre-existing styles like various “girly” substyles and makes a visually clean and unique style that is hers.
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Kogane’s clothes heavily flatter her figure, such as a cinched waist, above-te-knee dresses/skirts to show her long legs, and tops that accentuate her bust. Contrary to assumptions, she doesn’t wear clothes to impress others, but just because she likes the clothes she wears.
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She actually has a sizeable complex about her body type, not liking comments on it or being stared at/touched. Many agencies offered to produce her as a gravure idol, but she turned all of them down. Kogane has even wished to have a smaller frame/body type like Yuika’s.
Though some elements of her fashion are mature, there is a pureness in it seen in the styles it is based off of, especially the “girly” substyles. It balances many contrasting elements (e.g. cute and elegant, pure and mature, sexy and modest) which is quite commendable.
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Though Kogane has such a positive outlook on life, she is not without insecurities. Perhaps as a side-effect of failing auditions due to being a “normal cute girl one can find anywhere,” she sometimes desires traits of others, like Kiriko’s gentleness and Sakuya's dependability.
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Despite this, Kogane doesn’t change herself to appease anyone and wants to fulfill her dreams by being her authentic self. This can be seen visually in how her style evolves over time, keeping the same elements (e.g. silhouette, composition, color) constant with subtle changes.
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Kogane has one of the most consistent styles out of all the idols, a testament to being a steady pillar of support for L’Antica. If you look at all of her outfits, there is little variation in categories like color, composition, fabric, or design elements.
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One variation is how her silhouette changes subtly over time. Her first outfits were very girly and featured more tacky design elements but slowly started to become more clean, elegant, and mature. Her bottoms got less volume but longer, leading to a more linear silhouette.
Symbolically, this stands for her character growth through being an idol. While her positive & strong-minded personality doesn’t change much, her newfound relationships with her unit members & Producer have changed her worldview tremendously, hence a mature albeit subtle change.
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Additionally, due to her family owning a restaurant, she is very skilled in cooking and often cooks for others as a sign of affection. This is a probable reason why there’s 1950’s housewife influence in her fashion, symbolizing her hospitality and love for taking care of others.
Overall, Kogane's fashion style is simple but effective, transmitting her traits of unyielding positivity and cutesy perseverance well. Though it doesn't change much compared to other characters, it shows her commitment to stay true to herself and her subtle development & growth.
This is it for Sakuya Shirase!
If you liked this thread, check out my Twitter and give me a tip on Ko-Fi so I can do more things like this with other idol series! Thanks for reading <3
Next section: Mamimi Tanaka
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luvjsworld · 6 months
Just a lil story I wrote :p
I want her grinding up against me while sitting on top of me. Gliding my hands slowly sliding on up and down her thighs gripping them each time they go up. I feel her shiver as my hands grab her ass squeezing it grippin it with my nails I bring my hands down slowly back to her thighs while her body still moving at ease. I slide my right hand up to her clit and start rubbing it slow gaining speed the more I her whimper I suddenly realized she’s starting to grind on my fingers.
“ This shits starting to turning me on “ I say to myself. My body is starting to heat up and my fingers start feeling wet. Pull my hand back away from her area and pick her up and lay down on the bed. We make eye contact and it stays locked until I started rubbing on her pussy making her fold. I took off her panties & spread her legs open. Grabbing her by the legs and dragging her down the bed a little. As I bent down in-front of her I stared at her beautiful pussy.. knowing I was gonna devour the fuck out of it.
“baby“ she calls knocking me outta my trans.“ mhmm yes my love “ I say while bitting my lips making eye contact again. Suddenly the door bell starts going off s
“ wtf “ I say pausing mid position.
“ who tf is ringing the doorbell “ we both yell outta sexual frustration. After a few seconds they started pounding on the door shouting my name… “ OH SHIII “ I said to myself. I recognize that voice anywhere. I hurried and jumped off the bed and putt my clothes on. I told her to put her shi back and that she gotta go NOW
“TF- WHO TH AT THE DOOR BITCH” she screams at me. I walk up to this bitch real quick grabbed her by the neck and slammed her ass against the wall “ WHO TF YOU THINK YOU YELLIN AT BITCH YOU DO WTF I TELL YO ASS TO DO UNDERSTAND “ I gripped her throat harder making her quiver in fear and shut the the hell up. She nodded her head yes an I let her go. I picked up her stuff and handed to her she ran into the bathroom and hid
“BITCH I SAID GTFO NOT MF HIDE YOU STUPID HOE” I screamed at her again she scrambled out with her clothes on and left out the bedroom door while this mf at the front door screaming my damn name and the banging on the damn door. The bitch so loud I think the neighbor can hear us. As soon I saw the girl leave I sprinted towards the front door and swung that shi open grabbing that bitch and dragging her into the house.
“ CALM TF DOWN WHAT I DO IS NOT YO MF BUSINESS BITCH” I screamed spittin in ha face a lil “YESSS TF IT IS MY MF BUSINESS ION NO TRASHY ASS HOES SLEEPIN WITH MY GIRL” she yelled while starin me down.
outta nowhere she just stopped like deadass the bitch stopped no yelling and words coming out ha mouth. Shiii the bitch almost stopped breathing too. suddenly she look up at me… stared me dead in my eyes sending shivers down my spin. I noticed she was walking closer to me and with her dead silent in this room who knew what this bitch might do. As I was starting to back up this bitch pushed me into the fucking wall. grabbed both of my hands fucking tight ash putting em above my head. Swearrrr this bitch had some fucking strong ass hands the way her grip was tight
“ Fayth aye what ch-“
“SHUT YO ASS UP” I did as told didn’t say shi. I was scared yo Ian neva seen her like this b4 and we used to be together for 4 years but that’s another story for a different day. She leaned in close too the side of my head…
“ Since you don’t wanna own up and say you belong to me I’ll prove it too you” she whispered in my ear making my body feel weak. What. The. Fuck. what is this bitch on is this bitch really gon try to fuck me. Ain’t no fuckin way. But something about her rn tell me she ain’t playin.
“ if I see another bitch in our apartment again just know shit gone be worse than tonight “ she whispered in my ear again while using her other hand rubbing on my pussy. I can’t fucking get away from her my body just won’t move it’s like she’s got complete control over me… I’m tryin to control myself I can’t let out a moan or whimper I’m not giving her any satisfaction.. but soon as I said that the bitch stuck her pants down my pants rubbing me rougher… “f-fuck” I let out a soft moan. Instantly regret wtf I just said. My body felt like it was getting weaker every time she sped up or went slower. I glanced at her and started she look right in my eyes making me fold like a motha fucka.. she let my hands down and dragged me into the bedroom.. she shoved me towards the bed
“strip” she demanded ina cold tone. I did as told and took my clothes off. she walked up closer to me an directed me to get on the bed. I laid myself down on the bed while she bent over to get on top on me. I felt so exposed to her usually I’m the one who would be fucking her but now I’m just in her little trans. As she bent over me she leaned In towards my face for a kiss. I turned away but she grabbed me by the face turned me towards her and kiss me. I gave in and started kissing her back. I left out a soft moan as she inserted one of her fingers inside me “ please Fayth “ I said whimpering like a mother fucker
“ please what “ she said sliding the hand on my face down towards my neck with a tight grip.
“ please fuck me mama “ I said outta in embarrassment like I didn’t just force a bitch earlier today to say dem same words. Now look at me. “mhmm that’s better ma “ she said while kissing me. She let go of my neck and held my hands above my head again. She inserted another one of her fingers making me squirm a lil
“stay still ma” she said while gripping my hands tighter and holding dem down harder. I tried too hold in my moans but the way she kept going slow and than faster had me going crazy. this bitch really finna make me cum.
“babyy ima gonna-“ I said moaning like a damn nut job. She leaned towards my ear again. Her breath tickling it and making my spin shiver. “ you cum when I say cum “ she directed.
I nodded my head yes.
“ speak up ma” she said while pounding the fuck outta my g-spot
“ answers the questions ma “ she says while speding up again causing me to curl my toes and gripping whatever was above my head.
“Ok mama” try my best to respond. as she sped up I couldn’t take it i need to to cum but I couldn’t without permission. She sped up her pace even more inserting three fingers now making me arch my back while gasping for air
“ Who Owns You “ With each word she starts slowing down making me squirm
“ you do mama “ say ruining outta breath and trying my best not to cum. “ she lets go my hands and takes her fingers outta me. she started laughing. leaving me confused now.
“Look who’s my bitch now” she said with a smirk and left the room.
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x-heesy · 2 months
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I've been stuck in my ways (Ways)
Feelin' like I'm gonna explode
I'm already on the verge of clutching a gauge? (Gauge)
Bullet with your name on it, or my name
Just depends how I feel on the day (Day)
All this bullshit I'm just seein' stuck
(Yeah) I just wanna be away
(I don't even wanna be around you)
(To tell the truth, you little shit, I can't stand you)
(See you sittin' with a bitch, that's sick)
(Fat pussy, nice tits, suck a good dick)
I just wanna be away
(You puff your big weed, your shit bamboo)
(The type of flow make a brotha go koo koo)
(A l'il man can't do what I can do)
(I'm the big dog 'round here)
I just wanna be away
666, Misfits
Sick of this shit, cryptic
Even big tips, any sick prick
Thinkin' that he's gonna click-click
For my clique bitch then you need to think big
When you get an inkling tell me what the fuck you wanna do
I'm sittin' here, just thinkin' that I'm gonna bother you
But a lot I've changed 'til you can't stop it no more
I'm just gonna be cookin' up this crack (Gimme the recipe then) Every single days a fuckin' struggle, hustle, bustle
On these motherfucking streets
I bust on someone, cry the one I'm bustin'?
Over to your shoes, and you can't move
I'm losing faith again, forsaken them
Mercedes is still a makin' 'em look alien
I lost all my pain in 'em, they make 'em open up their cranium
A stadium of energy cannot hold me on titanium
Come mill these fiends and seize the common
Meaning and fuckin' change again?
What the hell have I be, wait
Hundred percent of the effort I'm givin' is real
Livin' is sinnin' is truly beginnin' to fail
Syllable killers, I call on my witness, it only gets sicker
That's hip from this slip from this robe is really required is minimal skill
Ahead of my time, I'm tellin' you boy
You pivot whenever delivering everything guys
Except for the reason I get for surviving
Incredible legends are giving me life
The minute I finish, the minute she give me
She love me, so give us a critical hit list
I'm feeling so brilliant I'm really pop-friendly
I simply was spittin' these lines
I've been stuck in my ways (Ways)
Feelin' like I'm gonna explode
Am I really on the verge of clutching a gauge? (Gauge)
Bullet with your name on it, or my name
Just depends how I feel on the day (Day)
All this bullshit I'm just seein' stuck
(Yeah) I just wanna be away
(I don't even wanna be around you)
(To tell the truth, you little shit, I can't stand you)
(See you sittin' with a bitch, that's sick)
(Fat pussy, nice tits, suck a good dick)
I just wanna be away
(You puff your big weed, your shit bamboo)
(The type of flow make a brotha go koo koo)
(A l'il man can't do what I can do)
(I'm the big dog 'round here)
I just wanna be away
Pushin' from the pressure from the showers
Feelin' like a minute but I'm goin' on for hours
Then I get, I know I gotta use (Wait)
Runnin' the curve, runnin' the world, doesn't even mean
Running away, never the same, circle back to me
One of the ingrates has landed
None of your minds have expanded
Never the gang is disbanded
Who of you taken redhanded?
I just wanna be away, away from the eyes that judge me
The ears that assume, the mouths that won't shut up
You're losin' focus, you broke us, you know you can't give up
Pick out your part but it's pointless
And now it won't add up, fuck!
What do you want? What is it you really need?
Is it enough? Taking enough, just let it bleed
Like a broken record does, total like we're movin' on
It's only repetition now
It's only repetition now
It's only repetition now
Jesus Christ, gimme a buck, dee on duck
I just wanna move
Who says the devil can't smile?
Who wants to sleep for a while?
Who loves the feeling of denial?
Who couldn't see it for a mile?
Who was afraid of the draw?
Who says the devil can't smile?
I've been stuck in my ways (Ways)
Feelin' like I'm gonna explode
I'm already on the verge of clutching a gauge? (Gauge)
Bullet with your name on it, or my name
Just depends how I feel on the day (Day)
All this bullshit I'm just seein' stuck
(I don't even wanna be around you)
(To tell the truth, you little shit, I can't stand you)
(See you sittin' with a bitch, that's sick)
(Fat pussy, nice tits)
(Suck a good dick)
I just wanna be away
(You puff your big weed, your shit bamboo)
(The type of flow make a brotha go koo koo)
(A l'il man can't do what I can do)
(I'm the big dog 'round here)
I just wanna be away
I just wanna be away
I just wanna be away
I just wanna be away
Stuck In My Ways by Kid Bookie, Corey Taylor 💣
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Some of yall liked the first 2 parts so heres part 3 ig
Dreamling Royal AU King Dream Knight Hob Part 111
To be clear, the draft name for this fic outline is Let Him Be Mine, based on that one poem, you know the one.
So last we were talking about HobMurphy scandalising the whole court and Corinthian being pissed off. Theres a couple of tournaments, short melee sparring, Archery and such, but Hob and the Corinthian end up facing each other as finalists of the Jousting competition.
Hob wins, obv
Corinthian comes to threaten Hob after the game was over, hissing so close to his face hes practically spittin on him, asking how some dumb hick nobody's head of from the Sunless Lands could come to know the Dreaming Monarch so well? Eyeing the ruby like he plans to fucking kill him to tear the necklace off.
Hob s like i dont even fucking know you wtf. Back off. But just before things could escalate Dream came between the two of them to shoo the Corinthian away, flanked by Matthew and Lucienne
He pulls them both away to somewhere more private in the back of the participant tents so that Dream could apologize for leaving so abruptly and of COURSE Hobs his friends please dont freak out. Hobs like i am perfectly calm (not calm). Theres this sexually charged scene where Hob returns the ruby to him while Dream says "what no thats ur ruby now i gave it to u" but Hobs like no its yours. Dream asks if hes going to be unable to recognize him without it Hobs like you could be wearing a completely different body with a completely different voice from a completely different lifetime and i could still recognize you. Its all very romantic. Lucienne clears her throat. Dream is regrettably pulled away, but promises to explain everything soon.
Theres a tournament afterparty the following evening. Tradition dictates that the winners of each tournament must begin the dance with a partner of their choosing. Hob steels himself and approaches the throne (beckoning gasps from all over the court again), and to make it worse, it isnt for Death's hand, which-as she is his queen-should have at least be understandable, but asks for DREAM'S hand. Death gives her blessing with a smile, and Dream lets himself be pulled away.
Once the first dances were over and with the party in full swing, Dream pulls Hob away to a discreet balcony to explain everything, divulging what happened with his kidnapping that led him to seeking solace in the Sunless Lands with his sister. He apologizes for lying, but he'd been too comforted by Hob's lack of knowledge and the comfort of their camraderie. Hob tells him that he never blamed him for leaving, admitting he'd thought it was because Dream had been upset with him labelling their odd relationship as a friendship at all. He'd still come to their garden every day, waiting after training, a combination of false hope and desire to stay away from his own home since he's found more warmth by Dream's side in comparison, since. Yknow. Eleanor. There should be a tense moment of will-they-wont-they-kiss, but Dream's cowardice wins again. Dream warns that hes a difficult lover, capricious and prideful and cold due to his devotion to duty, but Hob says "let me be the judge of that." He never expects anything beyond Dream's friendship, in itself a rare and precious thing. He finally pulls away again, but not before letting Hob bestow one last longing fueled kiss upon his knuckles.
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focsle · 1 year
A little ditty. One of the older shanties in Shanty History, tho I wrote most of my own stanzas for this one. It still is in the spirit of it all! Lyrics under the readmore
In New York there lived a maid, Mark well what I do say In New York Town there lived a maid, And she was mistress of her trade, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid.
A-rovin’ a-rovin’, since rovin’s been my ruin, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid.
Her lips were red her eyes were brown, Mark well what I do say Her lips were red her eyes were brown, Her hair was black and went straight down, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
I danced her all around the town Mark well what I do say I danced her all around the town And to her house, plum drunk, we found, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
She took my hand with gentle care Mark well what I do say She took my hand with gentle care And led me all the way upstairs, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
I took that maid upon my knee Mark well what I do say I took that maid upon my knee She said ‘good sir you’re rather free’, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus] I slid my hand right up her thigh Mark well what I do say I slid my hand right up her thigh She let out such a pretty sigh, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
I thought I had her to me own, Mark well what I do say I thought I had her to my own But then right there her man came home, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
He struck my jaw with quite a thud, Mark well what I do say He struck my jaw with quite a thud And kicked me out all spittin’ blood, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
And as I staggered on my way, Mark well what I do say As I staggered on my way I found that girl had pinched my pay, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
And now I’m on board outward bound, Mark well what I do say And now I’m on board outward bound A-cursin’ girls from New York town, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus x2]
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candied-boys · 1 year
Long Hot Summer
Luke Randolph x fem! Reader
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Part one of two
Themes: small town country life, cowboys & ranching, childhood friends to lovers, separation and reunion, modern AU
Warnings: Implied underage sex (but sixteen seems fair to me because country life). Mentions of neglect and abuse, poverty. This story follows the themes of Luke's route. If you haven't read it this could spoil it and or be very upsetting.
He was a problem child.
Your parents warned you to stay away from him and his family when they moved into the little pink house next door, but in a town as small as yours, a new kid was a rare sight no six-year-old could resist.
Kicking your boots off on the back porch of the antebellum mansion you follow the familiar aroma of a hearty breakfast through the screen door. Just like every morning on the ranch, you're greeted with plates upon plates of home-smoked bacon, buttermilk biscuits, sausages with gravy, grits, steak, and eggs done six ways to Sunday.
The master chef behind the fabulous spread stands in the grand kitchen humming to himself dressed in his perfectly starched and ironed pink gingham apron.
“Mornin’ Yves,” you chirp and he turns to welcome you with a big hug. “Y’ miss me?”
“Did I ever! I oughta try leavin’ you alone for a week to fodder and clean up after seven cowboys! Well, eight now. Lawdy, I had one hell of a time, I'll tell you! Good to have you back, buttercup.”
“Whaddya mean eight? Last I counted there were only seven of y'all,” you query in confusion as you fasten your apron strings.
“Well! You'll never believe what that ol’ muleskinner brought home while you were out of town!!” the blond cook exclaims, one arm akimbo and the other waving a wooden spoon at you.
You raise a brow. “The only thing that snake eyed lawyer brings home is paperwork and lawsuits.”
Switching to flipping two rows of hotcakes across the length of the griddle Yves scoffs, “Oh, this ain't no libel. Not this time. Aw naw. This time he's done gone and found another one of us! Like seven weren't enough!”
“You're not serious?” you counter incredulously.
“Believe me, honey, good as money in the bank; if he ain't that old cow rustler’s son, none of us are. He's the spittin’ image of him when he was our age — strappin’ redhead and tall as all get out, he is."
You never did meet the tycoon who inherited the Rholodite Ranch. By the time you had started working at the ranch after high school he was already in a care facility. But the one thing you do know is that he — for lack of a better phase — had a way with women. More wives than you care to count and a few too many mistresses. It shouldn't be a surprise that there's another offspring, but still. Eight.
You shake your head in wonder. “Why'd nobody know about him all this time?”
“Well, you know Sareil’s been tryin’a settle the estate since the ol’ man kicked the bucket? Turns out that the will was changed at the last minute to include a potential unnamed eighth recipient. All that was written was the first name of the mother, so Sariel's been on a wild goose chase ever since.”
“And now he's found the kid?”
“He did. And sure ‘nuff it's another brother. Would you believe it? Eight of us. What I'd give to have just one sister like you, peaches.”
“Awww. You're sweet, Yves.”
“Not as sweet as you. Now run along and set the table for me, will you?” he insists and loads up your arms with as many plates as you dare to carry.
While you busy yourself arranging heaping platters of hot vittles all around the boys start filing in. Chattering on or proceeding in silence, they each greet you in their own way as they take up their usual seats. By the time you're on your third round laying out dishes most of them are seated and you've started pouring coffee.
“There she is!” a boisterous voice rings from beside you as your shoulders are wrapped in a one arm hug by the oldest. “We sure missed you, doll. Grub just don't taste the same without your purdy face ‘round.”
“It's good to be home,” you smile as he kisses your cheek.
“Oh, Luke, got somebody for you to meet,” he calls behind you over his shoulder.
You flinch at the name — a million memories passing through you as swiftly as a breeze in the boughs of a willow tree — but just as quick you fix your smile and turn around to greet the stranger.
It's been five long years, yet you remember that gentle, verdant gaze like it was yesterday.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
He was a problem child.
Your parents warned you to stay away from him and his family when they moved into the little pink house next door, but in a town as small as yours, a new kid was a rare sight no six-year-old could resist.
Wary, and unsociable, the redheaded boy was skinny and unkempt. Try as you might, you couldn't wring a word out of him while you waited side by side for the bus in the mornings.
Still, for some reason you never quite figured out, you were always catching yourself looking at him. Checking over your shoulder on the bus to see which seat he took, side glancing in class to check if he was paying attention, peeking out your bedroom window to watch him poking around in his backyard.
It didn't take more than a week to realize he never brought a lunch to school. You didn't have the vocabulary to put a name to the abuse at your age, but you could sense it. Between his neglected appearance, silent and solitary behaviour, and how boney he looked under those baggy clothes, you just knew something wasn't right.
While your mama was busy getting ready for work after breakfast, you started sneaking into the kitchen to fill another brown bag with whatever you could and shove it in your backpack before she caught you. Yet the boy was no friendlier for your unsolicited offering.
Stubborn as a mule, you weren't discouraged. At some point, something changed, though you can't remember what anymore, and by second grade you were best friends. You spent your afternoons playing with him and his baby sister in your backyard, building sandcastles and pushing her on the baby swings in your playset.
Years passed like this. The next distinct memory you can recall is from when you were both finally old enough to go to the county fair together without your parents. You must have been about ten or eleven because you remember Leyla wasn't in school yet.
You pet the baby goats and ponies and ducks and sheep and looked up at the llamas in awe as if they were giraffes. If it weren't for him hauling you off and promising to make you a better bear, you would've got roped into those lousy carnival games and lost all your pocket money. Instead you spent it all on the kiddy rides watching Leyla squeak in delight and strawberry candy apples that were as red as his hair.
There was so much laughter then. Comparing whose tongue was the brightest colour, gleefully watching the kids entertainment shows where dogs and pigs to tricks, beaming in amazement at the wonders the face painters could do with so few colours.
Those were the best days — when you could spend all day in and after school together. High school was different. Kids get vicious. By thirteen the others had figured out why he looked so different. They called him a bastard, said his mother was a whore, and took turns mocking his oversized clothes and lanky physique. He didn't give a lick, but they got him good when they started talking shit about his little sister. It didn't take long before he got expelled for knocking out a few teeth.
After that, he was working all the time. If it wasn't full-time he'd be working two jobs. He grew a lot taller for finally being able to buy his own food, filled out a lot too for eating well and stocking shelves all day.
You missed hanging out at school, but he seemed happy. He often told you how he loved spoiling Leyla with goodies he could now afford, or how much she loved his cooking with all the new ingredients he could buy. Once he confessed he had started putting away what he could for her to go to college. He figured with more than ten years to save he'd make it work.
His first goal though was to get a better job and for that he needed a truck.
It was the year you both turned sixteen. A hot day in mid August. The crunch of gravel in the driveway wasn't the familiar roll of the sedan. You knew without looking through the window what it meant and rushed out, letting the screen door bang shut in your wake.
“Luke! You got it! You finally got it!!”
“Sure did. ‘94 Dodge Ram half-ton with a V8 engine. Older than both y’ or me, but she still runs good,” he tells you with pride as he hops down out of the driver's seat. “Wanna take ‘er for a spin?”
“Can I drive it?” you ask, eyes alight and pleading up into his verdant gaze at least a foot above.
He chuckles with that soft smile he only shows you and his best girl.
“When we get out on the backroads I'll teach y’ to drive stick. This ain't y’r mom's station wagon, sugar,” he teases and easily picks you up by the waist to put you in the cab before he climbs in after you.
Riding shotgun you watch as he shifts into reverse and backs out of your driveway. The way he throws one arm across the headrest to look over his shoulder is candid, unposed, and yet…
The concentration in his face, no longer as round and boyish as it was even last year…
The sharp angle of his jaw where it meets his shaggy, rust-red locks…
The line of carved marble guiding your eyes down to the neck of his faded t-shirt…
Each one has your heart beating in your throat, but you're a second too late to avoid getting caught staring when you glance at the dashboard. As he pulls out onto the road, you glimpse his lazy smile tugging a little wider from of the corner of your eye and hunt for anything else to pay attention to.
Turning the dial on the stereo and popping in the cassette you relax into the seat as he drives out of town, but by the third song in your heart is racing again.
“Is this the mix tape I made you a couple years ago?” you ask during the silence when the tape needs flipping.
One arm out the window he hums, “Mmhmm,” in his slow drawl. “There’s more in the glovebox if y’ wanna listen to sommin’ else.”
As fast as the breeze whipping through the rolled down windows, you crack the box to discover every tape you ever gave him over the last ten years and nothing else. Closing the compartment and gazing out over the corn fields coming into view you hide the smile stealing across your lips.
Half an hour later you're in the driver's seat, hip to hip with him where he keeps one hand around your waist and the other on the shift stick so he can handle switching gears until you get used to the clutch.
“Gettin’ purdy good, sugar. Think y’ can do it by y’rself now?”
You shake your head, wanting to keep him close just a little longer. But Luke's a tease, and next thing you know he's dropped his grip on the drive shaft and refuses to take it back even as you squeal in panic.
“C’mon. Y’ can do it. Just keep one hand on the wheel and the other on the knob,” he coaxes next to your ear in that ever-calm tone.
When you’re forced to reach out and change gears at a crossroads you find his hand over your own as you make the switch down two speeds until you stop, then back up with each press of the clutch. Even at full throttle his hand doesn't leave yours.
The sky has donned her gold and vermillion chiffon by the time Luke takes the wheel again, but just as quickly she's doffed her gilt embellishments in favour of shimmering silver stars.
The silence of the stereo is soon interrupted by the rush of a river when he pulls up at the end of a dirt road and shuts off the engine. Darkness thickens as the headlights fade until the moonless sky is cut in half by an ephemeral streak of glitter.
“Luke! Did you see it?! There was a shootin’ star!” you chirp and eagerly hop out of the truck for a better view.
He jumps out too, but doesn't seem to share your enthusiasm. After spotting another and still getting no reply, you go around back of the tailgate and find him busy laying out sleeping bags atop a roll of foam in the bed of the pickup.
“This is just the beginnin’. There's a meteor shower tonight.”
You can hear the gentle smile in his voice better than your unadjusted eyes can see it, and you can't resist the way its warmth draws you in. Climbing up and kicking off your shoes, you flop down on the makeshift bed with a giggle.
Before he has a chance to do the same you snatch his sleeping bag and unzip it all the way, then do the same with yours and zip them together.
“It'll be warmer this way…” you mumble at his quirked brow and “What'd y’ do that for?”
“Yeah, a’right,” he murmurs back and slips into the space next to you, but he keeps his distance unlike the way he kept you so close this afternoon.
Maybe the driving lessons gave you a confidence boost, or maybe you're just a little tired of waiting for him to make a move. Either way, you know you want the years of flirting, bashful glances, and this crush going nowhere to end. Tonight if you have any say in it.
“Um, hi?” he breathes when you manoeuvre his arm over your shoulder and under your head to nuzzle into him.
“You forgot pillows…”
It's a lame excuse but it's true.
Tentatively you lay a palm on his chest, and just as hesitantly his free hand covers it. You snuggle in until there's no space between your bodies. The arm around your shoulders tucks your crown under his chin. His pulse racing beneath his ribcage echoes in your ear and your sure yours is pounding just as hard.
“Maybe I shoulda just brought one sleeping bag, huh?” he makes an awkward attempt at conversation.
Hopeful and nervous you choose your words carefully. “Next time.”
He only nods. There in his warm embrace you watch the stars fall to the soundtrack of your beating hearts and the crickets singing.
“Aren't they pretty, Luke?” you whisper after a while and reach out a hand to the heavens.
“I'll catch y’ one some day if y’ want,” he whispers back and stretches out his arm to entwine his fingers oh so gently in yours.
“Put it on a ring where it can shine real bright…” he says as he finds your gaze.
His name hardly makes it past your lips for the emotion welling in your throat.
Even under the midnight sky his pale green eyes are as captivating as sparkling dew caught in meadow sunshine.
“I know they say we're just kids, but I don't think I'll ever find somebody else I could care ‘bout like this…”
His gaze is coloured with the lingering pain of sixteen years of neglect and rejection.
“Y're the only one for me…”
The truth you've known for a long time now bubbles up easily with a smile as you lean in to kiss him.
“I love you, Luke. So much.”
Soft, tender pecks quickly gave way to deeper and deeper kisses as if he longed to make up for all those love-starved years he'd suffered. Yet he was so gentle, worshipping every inch of your body, never letting his eyes stray from yours as you drowned in each other's love.
In that warm afterglow, he held your trembling form beneath him so tight you were pressed cheek to cheek. Looking up over his broad shoulders, you made a wish on a shooting star that this love would last forever.
The next day he was dead.
Part two
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