autism-swagger · 2 years
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I thought about Azula for too long and now I’m sad
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sttoru · 4 months
I think a relationship I will never get over is mamaguro and toji😕😕 LIKE WDYM THEY COULDNT HAVE A HAPPILY EVERY AFTER AND TOJI COULDVE RAISED MEGUMI NORMALLY
I’d like to keep this short so pls tell me how u feel abt them😞
ITS SO TRAGICCCXXX 😞😞😞 . thinking about mamaguro and toji makes my heart break eughhhhh . like? she literally fixed him yall. he was willing to change for her and even took her last name, showing his eternal devotion to her :(
i bet toji forgot about all of his problems and traumatic childhood experiences whenever she was near. all the maltreatment from his clan was erased from his brain whenever she hugged him or coddled him 😓 . im so sadddddddddd
and yeppp ik toji would never think of selling megumi to the zenin clan if his wife lived :/ they’d have their own little apartment and live life like a happy familyyyyyy
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harryfeatgaga · 6 years
omg ok. so you know how Christmas is coming up? I know I'm getting ahead of myself but picture you & harry dating & you spend this christmas at his family's place. You guys stay at his house in London for the majority of the trip, sleeping in until 9am & you'd be wearing a soft cashmere pajama set he bought for you a while ago & he'd either be wearing flannel pj pants & a shirt or just boxers. But regardless, he'd end up wearing just pants in the morning because he wants to cuddle with you. 1/?
& so when you guys wake up, you can feel his soft skin behind you, his arm slung across your chest & you pull it in to cuddle it, his other arm above your head, fingers bare. & you guys would lay like that, silently, & he’d press kisses to your head. & if you want to fall back to sleep, you’d turn around so you’re facing him, your head pushing into his chest & he’d drape the duvet & blankets over you, letting you get an hour more of rest. & you guys would make breakfast most mornings, usually making pancakes or french toast, music playing throughout the house on his speakers. 
& you guys would either sit at the breakfast nook or on couch, the tv playing something while you guys talk. & then you guys would get ready for the day, which would consist of meeting up with friends & doing some last minute Christmas shopping. & tbh, when you guys are getting dressed, he would sneak up behind you to cuddle you while you’re putting on your clothes because he wishes he could stay in with you & he’d sometimes be a pouty bub, kissing you while you’re gently scolding him to hurry up because you have plans. 
& when it comes to like 2 days before Christmas, you guys drive down to his mom’s place, overnight bags packed in the trunk. & you guys spend a few nights there, staying in his old bedroom & sleeping in his bed that’s a bit too small for you guys but he cuddles you close & goes “good excuse to cuddle, yeah?” & you’d spend nights laying in bed, pressing kisses to each other’s faces (harry more than you because he’s always affectionate). 
& on Christmas Eve & day, family & friends would be over, both of you splitting time between the adults & babies, drinking some eggnog or spiked apple cider. & harry would be carrying around his baby niece, dressed in christmas colors & a bow in her hair, around the house, showing her off to everyone as if she’s his baby. & he’d bring her over to you & you’d be cooing at her, holding her chubby hand in yours, which immediately wraps around your finger 
& she’d have a gummy smile, squirming in harry’s arms because she wants you to hold her & harry would pass her off to you & you’d bounce her gently in your lap while she’s looking up at you with big doe eyes before looking over to harry, her hand jutting out for him to take ahold of & you’d see how tiny her hand is in his & he’d press the tiniest kiss to it before kissing her head & fixing her little bow. 
& later that night, maybe when he’s had a bit too much to drink, he’d murmur in your ear how his baby niece loves you & how he can’t wait to start a family of his own one day. & you jokingly go “wow, hope you find the right person” & he’s giggling behind you, going “it’s you, love” as if it’s the most obvious shit. & you’re grinning like a fucking idiot & he’s mirroring you & then you guys stay up for a bit, talking a bit about your future because it’s the first time you guys have spoken this much about it. 
ugh & you guys would be listening to some music, one headphone per person, while he tells you how he wants to have kids & when you ask him how many, he goes “as many as you’re comfortable with” & you guys talk about whether you want to send them to private or public schools & harry would say that he would want to send them to a public one because he’d want them to have as much exposure & he’d want them to live as much of a normal life as he could give them & he doesn’t want them to live in a bubble 
& after every answer he'd give to your questions, he’d finish it off with “but we can figure it out” because he obviously cares about you & he wants you to be comfortable. & after a few moments of silence pass by, except for the music playing in your guys’ ears, he goes “I hope they look like you” & you go “well I hope they look like you too” & you’re giggling because it sounds silly. & he’d go “I don’t care if they look like me. I’d love having babies that look like you" 
& he’d tell you how they’re gonna be his most prized possessions (right along with you) & he starts going on a rant about how he’s gonna decorate their nurseries & how he can’t wait to dress them up, which is when you guys get into a playful argument about how you don’t want to dress them up in designer clothes because if they throw up on it once, it’s done & goes in the trash, whereas harry’s saying it doesn’t matter because "you could just wash it, love” with a roll of his eyes & you’d call him crazy because it’s gross. 
& then it’s quiet for a bit until he says “they’ll be very lucky to have you as their mom” & you can tell he’s in one of those soft moods so you tell him they’ll be lucky to have him as their dad while pulling him close so he’ll cuddle you & you fall asleep with your head on his chest while he’s still up thinking about how he’s going to marry you one day & all the babies you guys will have :( - Pompeii Anon 
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