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loversj0y · 1 year
am i the only one who has a boiling hatred for fanon ghostbur?
Like--- I'm neutral about canon ghostbur.
But i really really hate how so many people went as far as saying that Ghostbur was all the good parts of Wilbur.
That is just so wrong---- ghostbur has the good memories, but not all the good parts. it just drives me nuts.
ghostbur wasn't good for c!tommy or anyone coping with wilbur's death
it wasn't his fault, but people need to stop depicting him as they do
ohohoho i specifically waited to get to this until i had my laptop because i love me some character analysis! so. lets talk ghostbur!
disclaimer: these are opinions, i didnt write the character, this is just how id analyze ghostbur and audience portrayal of him
so something i think people dont note about ghostbur a lot is the fact that he is not wilbur in a much more real sense than people realize. something that revivebur kind of touches on but people dont really note (in my opinion) is the way the memories and your actions during memories actually shape you as a person. ghostbur could never be all the good parts of wilbur because without the negative memories, he could never have knowledge of how he can be good in negative scenarios, like being good towards tommy in darker times. this is one of the biggest things that makes ghostbur not healthy for the characters around him, and why wilbur being revived is so important to wilbur's overall character arc
ghostbur is the image of wilbur if he never dealt with significant problems, never caused problems or engaged in them, because he only has good memories, he's never seen himself in a negative situation (think to how ghostbur reacts to philza telling him fundy wants to be "adopted" by someone else (i cant remember who at the moment))
when people tell him of his own negative consequences, he literally cannot react in a way of genuine remorse. he feels guilt because he learns that the living version of himself did those things, but he cant actually give any apology that would be beneficial to anyone involved. ghostbur cant apologize for something he cant remember doing because he doesn't know why he acted in those ways.
we can contrast this with when revivebur tries to later apologize (im thinking particularly to fundy) and how when fundy asks why he did those things, he tells him about how he wasn't well mentally. even though fundy doesn't accept the apology (in a very. drastic way), revivebur can actually acknowledge his own motivations, which allows him to actually have a chance as being forgiven.
ghostbur doesnt know any of those motivations, which is why his character is unhealthy. he is literally a ghost of the man he once was, so even though people want genuine answers, before knowing he was going to be revived, they had to realize that ghostbur is basically a punching bag for them to push their issues with c!wilbur onto because ghostbur cant actually respond in any meaningful way in terms of remorse and forgiveness.
also, as for the audience portrayal, i think people got very caught up on the "sweet ghost boy" image rather than what he actually is and how he actually affects the characters. he literally haunts them and reminds them of all the trauma c!wilbur gave them, while knowing that he can't actually answer for any of it because he doesn't remember hurting them
its a very famous philosophical argument (i believe by kant) about the concept of "if someone has no memory of committing a crime, can they actually serve time for it?" because if you have no memory of doing something, can you actually learn from and grow from your experiences?
because ghostbur cant. and thats what hurts the people around him so much. people like c!tommy and c!philza who geniunely care about c!wilbur and want him to be okay know that ghostbur is not that answer because he can't grow from memories he doesnt remember playing a part in, so it hurts to see someone you love be constantly stuck in place of never being able to grow and never being able to answer for all the things you want to ask.
ghostbur is so important to c!wilburs arc because he reminds people not to seek justice on those who can't answer for it. some people actually recognize this, some don't, and some just avoid him like a plague because it hurts.
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solargeist · 9 months
the dsmpburs getting each other gifts for the holidays. They stole every single one to regift to each other.
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cagedblocks · 1 year
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Tallulah has my heart. But I can’t decide on a design for her so I thought I’d let you guys help.!
Also mobile is fucked so sorry if my text here is fucked
Also two other possible designs was Ghostbur influence, Friend influence…. And a third maybe fridge influence (or Mumza to save myself.
Also they’re… somewhat dsmp inspired. But only because from how Wilbur was describing Quackity to Tallulah it seems like for a!Wilbur dsmp exists??? I guess? Idk
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celestesparlour · 1 year
ok. maybe a few crumbs of the apartment complex au so anyone knows what's ahead because that's going to be the default setting for most of my drawings / comics (?) until said otherwise
apartment complex AU is not realllyy that different from the typical bursona house setting; its just that i find the idea of them living in an apartment complex as absolutely strange tenants absolutely funny and hilarious, especially noting the fact that they would have to find out they're versions of each other
so the layout of this is that pogbur, after what transpired in the fight against manburg, is set into this apartment complex where the city is bustling with people— yet the people don't seem to be living beings, they appear to be lifeless blobs, and when she actually gets to the apartment complex, it's even more weirder. she should be dead by now, but ends up winding on the doorstep of the apartment complex and being led to her own personal room.
as she investigates, she would later find out that this apartment is named the Standby Hotel, which through a strange receptionist sharing the same face as her, is apparently for the "actors and toys on standby." whatever that means, she doesn't quite know.
eventually she meets the tenants, and one by one, they get stranger. one common theme they share is that they all share the same face. it hits her like a truck however, as soon as she meets the past version of herself— l'manbur. this should be impossible, as they are one and the same person. however temporarily for the time being, they decide to investigate together
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Ghost au Cala being so autistic that her closest friends in this au is the fuckin ghosts of the server that committed atrocities HSJSSJ
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cgogs · 2 years
Ohmy god like my gfs little sister (shes 11) got her friend into dsmp tonight and they know i like (c) dream and theyre askjng mewhy like um weell ummmm hes . Gay?
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sing-me-under · 2 years
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Drista claims to be Dream’s sister, but no one knows for sure. He’s never around to agree or disagree.
Some denizens believe she may actually be the Creation God XD’s sister instead. There was a conspiracy theorist that once suggested she was actually a semi-ascended Void God. They called them crazy. After all, the Void is a childish fairy tale told to scare children.
For the most part, the denizens who happen upon Drista worship her as some sort of divine chaos incarnate. It could be a chance at fortune when she happens to gift bedrock or shipments on a whim, but beware if you’re unlucky enough to be trapped in an invisible cage or forked in the eye.
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
i used to say ‘not so poggers’ all the time and i just remembered that i got it from ctommy telling ghostbur, in dead serious loreness, that wilbur was not so poggers
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loversj0y · 1 year
part one because it exceeded the character limit
Thank youuu for the ghostbur response. It read my mind (or my notesapp, rather)! I anonymized myself because I didn't know how ghostbur criticism would be received (since he is VICIOUSLY defended sometimes) but you share my opinion!!!I  think that Ghostbur kind of facilitated the polarization of Wilbur Soot after his death, especially for Tommy. In truth, L’manbur was no saint and Pogbur was no villain, but it’s hard for Tommy to view it that way after Wilbur’s down spiral and death. He would have already deified L’manbur because he’s already associated with much more positive memories, and Wilbur's drastic change in Pogtopia* would have left him a little traumatized at how different his family member/close friend had become, leading him to shift his focus more on happier times (and try to reclaim them, through trying to win back L’manburg and the version of Wilbur he seemed to have lost). Compared to Pogbur, L’manbur seemed like a saint. L’manbur began to symbolize that safety, that kindness that had suddenly “vanished” from Pogtopia Wilbur. And then, of course, that “new” version of Wilbur blows up L’Manburg and any hopes of reclaiming that stability. Tommy would not easily accept that the Wilbur who did all of this is the same as the beloved President Soot. *Pogtopia WIlbur’s change wasn’t that drastic, actually.  Wilbur was canonically a little unstable/stressed during the presidential era, but never opened up to anyone– especially not Tommy, who looked up to him. So to an outsider, Wilbur’s descent looked like an almost sudden collapse. But then Ghostbur is added to the mix. He isn’t L’manbur, not at all, because even L’manbur had suffered and grown as a result (Eret’s betrayal, etc etc), but he’s the closest thing to the Wilbur from the happier memories. He isn’t Wilbur BEFORE the suffering, but he’s Wilbur if the suffering never happened. And Tommy, having just lost a brother figure and been exiled a second time, isn’t going to try to make that distinction. When he or anyone else asks Ghostbur why Alivebur did what he did and Ghostbur can’t answer, Tommy relents– and at that point, Ghostbur no longer is a way to heal from Wilbur's death, he becomes a means for escapism. It’s not Ghostbur’s fault, he doesn’t mean to have this effect on anyone, but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t cause it. You hear this polarization in what Tommy tells Tubbo when they’re going to attack Dream for the last time (in the Final Waltz SAD-ist animatic): “ You know the OLD Wilbur? Let’s make him proud.” ...But there really isn’t an OLD or NEW Wilbur at all. Wilbur has always been Wilbur, yet everyone seems to subconsciously separate “L’manbur” and “Pogbur” into two completely different people. The Saint and the Devil. When Revivebur comes back, he isn’t L’Manbur OR Ghostbur. Revivebur is different, different from what Tommy remembers L’Manbur to be, and Ghostbur is gone because of his return.  
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this is such a good analysis
i will say i dont think ghostbur ruined c!crimeboys, i think he was more of a symbol of one of my favorite themes in c!crimeboys which is change:
c!tommy as you mentioned does not like change, so much of his arc is surrounded by this air of things changing before he can really process them, and being forced to pick up the pieces, even though he wasnt the one who caused the change in the first place (this is where a lot of the parallels between him and jesse from breaking bad come in for me, because while he is not an innocent, he suffers the consequences of other people’s actions far too often, with barely anyone actually recognizing that he’s allowed to be upset over how unfair it is)
meanwhile c!wilbur wants change, but only change he can control. control is such a big thing for c!wilbur, and he wants to have control over as much as he can in order to protect those he loves, and often he has to change things to do this. however, change does not listen to someone in charge, which is the major struggle c!wilbur has, and often he creates consequences that tommy has to deal with (especially in the case of when he blew up l’manburg) and in the end, its not something he can learn to accept, and thats why its his downfall (this is a big part of why he blew up l’manburg. he wanted the change, he wanted the control over what he created, but the change wasnt the change he wanted and controlled
so this is the constant strife with c!crimeboys: they are always moving in different directions. c!wilbur embraces change that he controls while c!tommy tries to deny change because its how he feels in control. neither of them really have control over anything, but tommy is the only one who can really accept this, even if he doesnt want to.
so to me, this is what ghostbur symbolizes. he symbolizes the opposite of what c!wilbur is because he can never change, and he cant feel in control of anything. so c!tommy gets a very altered view of c!wilbur because of ghostbur and the way he allows him to cling onto a past that doesnt actually exist, and it largely symbolizes this constant fight they have. they’re brothers, but they’re destined to be each other’s downfall if they actually remain with each other
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solargeist · 2 years
THANK YOU GHOSTLY-TART HOLY FUCKING SHIT i am so glad that im not alone in thinking that the apology tour was god awful. I don’t have a lot to say that actually sounds smart at the moment so i won't bother, but it was so uncomfy watching it like. Bro! Especially the Eret stream. That was just so bad, like, cmon. Eret didn't need or deserve an apology, and also if they're gonna demand a better apology from Wilbur than they should at least give an apology thats better than a fucking two word book. Couldve at least said it out loud!
Sorry i have personal beef with cEret-
bro i hated that stream so fucking much its the worst one LMAOAJKGADJ the apology tour felt like a waste of time every single stream, i didn't even watch niki's, i just read posts and kind of skimmed through it later, and it sucked and made no sense adjkgjkad niki didnt even LIKE ghostbur
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wilburgersoot · 1 year
I want to get Sally something …
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sashboyko · 5 months
Why do you want to kill Quackity, you seem so nice. :(
um. I don’t really want to kill quackity that bad..
but I mean I work for Jira and he wants to kill quackity so I have to. also quackity is not very nice to me anyway.
:/ idk I don’t really want wilbur to hate me either but I have to execute people, it’s my job
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livingmiceonvenus · 11 months
Currently making fem!Bursonas on sims4, once I'm finally done with them I'll probably post them on here!!
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emi-writings · 2 months
More DSMP fans need to be obsessed with C!Niki because while her story wasn't handled perfectly, her character and story explores some really interesting themes.
The first thing she did after joining the server was declare loyalty to Wilbur and L'manburg. The second thing she did was befriend Eret when everyone told her not to trust them. She was the last one take off her L'manburg uniform, long after the founders had stopped wearing theirs.
She was the loudest voice of rebellion against Schlatt, the most violent protester against his reign. She was treated as nothing more than a minor annoyance for this rebellion.
She saw the tnt Wilbur had placed beneath L'manburg, she saw it and kept it quiet because she trusted and believed that Wilbur wouldn't use it without good reason. After he pressed that button, after he died, she went and found one of his old coats and wore it, despite the pain of betrayal.
Wilbur, Dream, Techno and Phil all tried to destroy L'manburg, but failed. They failed to stop people from fighting for L'manburg. Niki didn't. Niki, L'manburg's most loyal and devoted, killed L'mabburg when she burnt down the L'mantree. L'manburg didn't die until Niki declared it dead.
Ghostbur only showed up once for Niki, despite her being one of the few people he remembered, even after all that time.
"We've been overlooked for far too long."
She's been hurt, and her pain is silenced. When she was suffering for her defiance against Schlatt and Manberg, Pogtopia told her to wait, that they had no room for her. When Wilbur died, no one thought to comfort her for her grief, despite that he was the one she was loyal to, that she joined L'manburg for. No matter how loud she screamed and cried, no one heard her, no one cared.
It's about fire and rage and pain and healing. Her pain and suffering went ignored, and she needed at an outlet, a scapegoat. And she tried to do that, tried to hurt others the way she had been hurt, in a blind attempt to fix things in a messed up way.
Then she heals. She heals with those who she joined because of that anger and pain and wrath. She heals and finds peace and makes amends.
Niki's story isn't perfect, but it's so wonderfully complicated and full of beautiful contradictions. Loyalty and Defiance. Hope and Despair. Forgiveness and Revenge. Blind Faith and Paranoia.
I just think this fandom really sleeps on her a lot.
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