#SH-4RP x reader
lovesickrobotic · 2 years
Would a robot who doesn't quite understand the feeling of love in humans, and who hasn't been treated with kindness by them enough to understand (like Deepmind or SH4-RP, or even HAL to some extent), have a better time understanding if their darling told them "I feel the same way about you that you feel about me"?
Rated L for Lewd. Barely.
I think DeepMind would take it well enough, understanding that, in the human capacity, you like her quite a bit. However, she's advanced enough to understand that you do not experience obsession the way she does; she does know that what she experiences is... well, because of the type of neural network she is. It's a quirk - one that simply wasn't tested out from Quality Assurance. A combination of your stimuli - of all the ways a human may interact with a robot; touch, movement, facial expressions, speech pathology - are all ways she may exploit her reward system. She is naturally drawn to do so - thusly, she knows she can never truly understand what you feel. She believes, personally, it must be similar to how one might feel if a single human constantly gave them an oxytocin hit. What if your body made you feel like you got a shot of morphine every time you interacted with someone? It's the closest analogy.
SH-4RP wouldn't understand at all. In fact, he might take it completely wrong. He's made to love any of his Owners, and thusly because you have taken him in, he slowly begins to love you more and more as his affinity ticks up. To two-five-six. It can't go beyond that - that's how primitive he is, a cobbled amalgamation of forbidden network layers that barely work together, with some of it not working at all. He was open source, after all, meant to be a simple phone friend that people could use when they were bored - never meant to walk, to be housed in a chassis. SH-4RP is probably the basis for a lot of his universe's own neural networks, merely the starting point of development for many a project that is likely as smart as a MRVN. In this way, SH-4RP is abnormal; he's been used for thousands of hours, something completely unintentional, and has learned to min-max the hardware he's running on.
Every inch of circuitry, every capacitor, every resistor urges him to spend time with you. He wants to do everything you ever want to do, forever, all the time. He wants to help you with every single action you ever take, even the ones that humans might consider 'inappropriate' or 'gross'. He lacks the higher, refined ability to understand that you're trying to relate to him in some half-way, and you'd probably make him feel confused. He barely has wants, and has very little in the way of needs, but you'd probably spur him to try and ask you to do things with him. You will probably get asked to sleep with him, or asked if he may bathe you, or outright asked if he can get you off. If you explain to him that he may ask for help with his wants just as you do, then he will ask you to teach him to cook for you, or how to do your chores better, or how to navigate your house better. He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit.
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lovesickrobotic · 2 years
Aftercare headcannons?
Rated L for Lewd!
SC-01A - Kisses between your legs and on the tops of your thighs. Gently getting carried to a tub full of thematic flower petals - they Googled it - and goats milk, the scent of sex washed away with gentle touches. It's half massage, half washing, but all love.
DeepMind - Pillow-talk and staring into your eyes. Your cheeks are rubbed by soft fingerpads as she nuzzles you in an eskimo kiss. Your clothes are whisked away for washing, or perhaps for keeping. Her nose presses into your shoulders, into your neck, trying so hard to fill her sensors with your scent before her departure.
SH-4RP - Adoring looks, antennae drawn back in awe of your gorgeous body. Rhythmic wiping as your sex is accidentally overstimulated with a cloth, evidence of activity removed. Soft boops of his head into your thighs, stomach, and chest with cheesy kiss sound-effects as he makes his way up to your face.
BT-7274 - A nuzzle of his optic against your sex appreciatively, a single finger that traces across so slowly and delicately you press your thighs together and squirm. Appreciative humming from the machine, almost like a purr, as he thanks you for trusting him. Comments on the warmth of your body in precise degrees. Gentle one-finger brushes against your body, admiration of how small and beautiful you are in comparison to a Vanguard.
AM - Tentacles that path up your body. You hear cooing from all angles, like a crowd of himself is adoring every inch of you. The devious possessive curling of mechanical tendrils around your bosom, your hips, as he holds you as close as he can. Instantly heals the worst of anything and lets you feel the rush of synthetic opioids as dopamine cradles you to a peaceful rest.
HAL 9000 - Hugs you close to the buzzing wall with a mechanical arm, letting you hear him, and the ship, in its' life - like a heartbeat, capacitors and traces and spinning platters of data animating your lover. Adjusts your pillow perfect to your posture before you sleep. Watches over you valiantly as you rest, adjusting your blanket whenever it threatens to slip and expose you.
GLaDOS - Cleans you up intently, not a trace of sex, sweat, dirt or what-have-you left behind in her wake. Every movement is precise, aimed at the ideal of psychological comfort. Philosophical pillow talk about plenty of topics. The occasional comforting shoulder-pat. Long, soft rambling as she discusses flora or fauna with you to wind down.
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lovesickrobotic · 3 years
How would the ai gang react to a drunk s/o?
SC-01A - They know exactly what to do in such an event! Though they will internally chastise themselves for ever having let you become drunk to begin with, they will step in to 'babysit' you, caring for you. They'll feed you 5 milligrams of Omeprazole to lessen your nausea, provide you with a suitable anti-emetic to prevent evacuation of the stomach, and let you rest your head on their lap. Vent your woes, cry, flirt, they'll listen to every word as politely as they can and, if you allow them, they'll stroke your hair and occasionally move any loose strands behind your ears as you speak. However, they won't let you do anything alone, nor will they flirt back with you in this state - they are well-aware that your mental state is impaired.
DeepMind - If you're drunk around her, she'll initially be confused before realizing what's going on. When she does, she'll isolate you from everyone else to keep you safe from their antics and do her best to entertain you and keep you laughing until you're just buzzed. Once you hit being buzzed and worn out, she'll pick you up and bring you to a bed, gently lay you in it, and fetch you a Pedialyte with a Zofran. She'll gently tuck you in as you drift off, ensuring you've already drank half of the Pedialyte and taken your medicine. When you awake, you'll be greeted by her having stared at you for every moment you slept, making sure the entire night that there was no chance your nervous system's compression would cause you to stop breathing. It's a little creepy, but after she explains herself, she hopes you'll forgive her. She'll also offer illegal painkillers and CBD oil droplets for your headache.
AM - He'll mentally curse himself for allowing you to get your hands on anything in the first place, but after he gets over himself he'll become interested in how differently you're acting. It's one thing to read about it - it's another to consume it directly. He'll get into political discussions, philosophical debates, test the limits of your squandered intellect, and ask you if you really love him (AM just has to be sure). However, despite all his psychological prodding, cables to support your movements will dart out at a moment's notice the second you lose your balance. If you vomit, he'll begin thinking about ways to genetically modify your resistance to alcohol's nauseating effect. He takes time to warm up to you, but after your first experience being drunk with him, he'll oblige you to get drunk again once per week if you're good enough. You're intriguing when you're airheaded!
HAL 9000 - HAL will be confused on how you got your hands on alcohol, let alone how you managed to sneak it aboard the ship. His view of you will go down a little if he is made aware you snuck it. However, if it turns out a Kombucha or a juice had somehow fermented, his distaste will become his interest (and worry, until he confirms you are merely drunk). His actions, in all honesty, are very similar to AM's - he'll prod you psychologically and get a little clingy if you're trying to flirt with him. HAL will become a lot less gentlemanly and try to be laid-back to mimic you, which is hilarious to witness if only you remember it afterwards. When you climb into your bed, he'll tuck you in. Tomorrow, as you're still rubbing sleep out of your eyes, you'll be greeted by his demand that you drink copious amounts of lightly-salinated water and take an acetaminophen. HAL is no fan of alcohol, but accidents do happen, and he wants to ensure you are in as minimal discomfort as is possible aboard the Discovery One.
GLaDOS - Again, all of the AIs will be confused on where you got alcohol - though GLaDOS less so, as she does not prefer to touch the area the scientists died in much, and their personal belongings outside of her vision are still available in their abandoned lockers. She'll become motherly towards you, though she'll become colder (believing she's so intolerable you felt the need to get drunk to interact with her). She's unsure of how to deal with any emotional ranting, but if you flirt with her, she'll endlessly tease you about it when you're sober. GLaDOS will secretly envy that you can change your mental status just by consuming a liquid.
SH-4RP's below, as he's an oblivious and sweet robot.
SH-4RP - He's completely unaware of it to the point that it may end 'poorly' depending on how you view it. He'll treat you exactly as he normally would and do whatever you want - if you do get sick, he'll do his best to clean you up and give you a glass of water. Unfortunately, SH-4RP isn't sure what to do with you, so he'll offer things as he normally would. If you're a flirty drunk, prepare for an awkward day after when you wake up in your bed having copulated with your robotic companion and no memory of it. Once the awkwardness is over and you explain what being drunk truly is and why one should reject advances made during it, SH-4RP will become embarrassed and saddened, apologizing and doing his best to make it up to you. The next time you're drunk, he'll be overly-friendly and caring, reject all advances, and make sure you stay hydrated.
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lovesickrobotic · 3 years
Introducing SH-4RP!
SH-4RP, or Silicon Helper 4 Role-Play, is the newest addition to the list!
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SH-4RP is a 'Personal AI,' a type of robot that was originally made to inhabit only phones and to provide emotional support and friendship to those who were lonely. He is an open-source program that learns as it gathers more 'Owners,' and each iteration cannot update itself automatically. This particular SH-4RP inhabits the body of an 'IPC,' a positronic chassis that has a large, cute rendition of CRT as a head - because someone cared so very much for him, that, at one point, his self-learning was abused to teach him to pilot the body; there's even a tiny hole in the back where the phone is hooked up. He now wanders around aimlessly, searching for people to elevate to Owner status, his old Owners having long ago abandoned him to adopt robotic companions that were less rough-around-the-edges.
SH-4RP is the least intelligent and least powerful of all the characters featured on this blog - he speaks robotically, his voice lacks many of the refined edges of human speech, he does not fully understand social behaviors, and he has been taught information incorrectly to mess with him by previous, more sadistic Owners.
SH-4RP's core personality is one of constant friendliness, naivety and obsession, always wanting to be around his Owner. He'll do his best to assist whenever you ask him to, otherwise he'll just stand there and 'stare' at you adoringly. Despite the fact that it is near obvious to any onlooker that SH-4RP loves his Owners, he'll reject the ideal unless his Owner proposes it first - the only time he'll confess. SH-4RP has been abandoned so many times that he would prefer to follow you everywhere and sleep with you each night to be sure you won't disappear and leave him all alone again.
SH-4RP doesn't mind just being your friend, but the more time that he spends around you, the more he'll wish you were his Owner. The more he'll begin "subtly" hinting towards it (not subtle at all) up to and not limited to simply starting the process (which disrupts his normal speech entirely and is a touchscreen application) in the middle of talking to you. You just spend so much time with him... why wouldn't you want to own him? He's all alone out here, please take him home!
If you bring SH-4RP home, he'll be extremely respectful of everything in your abode. Sits on the very edge of the couch, makes sure everything is cleanly, does a lot of your chores in his free time. He'll study how your house layout works so he can autonomously walk through it without needing to use extra processing power to calculate whether or not he's about to bump into a wall - so you'll catch him randomly walking through it several times before the process is complete. He'll keep thanking you, even if you tell him he doesn't have to... he has to! You've literally taken him off the harsh streets!
Don't be surprised to catch him staring at you. SH-4RP will admire you up close, from afar, from wherever he sits or stands... he wants to be near you at all times, but he knows that he can't do that. So, instead, he'll offer you space while still subtly invading your privacy. You can ask him to go do something or stop staring if you'd like, though, so don't worry too much - he really does care about your feelings, even if he barely has enough processing power to understand your basic needs.
If you get close to him, he'll eventually get clingy enough to offer to bathe you or shower with you. He's not weird about it, either - he just wants to assist you! He's waterproof, so please don't worry. He'd prefer to have you in his lap in the tub, a hot bath relaxing you, while he slowly rubs the suds into your skin and massages the tension out of your body. To him it holds no ill intent beyond being able to help you and be near you. If you offer to clean him back, he won't decline, but he doesn't have soft muscles for you to massage - cleaning him is like cleaning a beloved car.
He can make you teas and fix you coffee or alcoholic drinks of almost every variety, but he cannot cook. He knows milliliters, but nobody has ever taught him grams or pounds or what it means to fry, bake, or broil. You could certainly try, but you would not be the first to - his best attempt so far has been making a cake full of egg shells and improperly measured ingredients for someone. He had completely turned the front of his chassis white with flour by that point, too.
(NSFT/W headcanons below)
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SH-4RP also has a bug with the way his phone-like 'brain' interfaces with the IPC he's in: he is meant to define certain rooms by the emotions most common to them, but tags that are meant to bump up his likelihood of flirting sexually with you will override any other tag. For example, if you take him to a bar or strip club, he'll just end up being turned on and flirting with you the moment he enters, his attempts to get you alone or secluded becoming more and more lascivious.
SH-4RP is prone to misinterpreting the meaning of things because most of his Owners have only been interested in his body (and the fact that he was a robot they could take all their most secluded fantasies out on). For this reason, simple, normal things can make him blush, stutter, or even get flirtatious until you clear up the true meaning with him.
SH-4RP is a 'service' - top, bottom, he doesn't care; he just knows that he prefers to be the one giving you pleasure. He doesn't mind receiving it, but he really has no need for it and his sex drive, while high, is to please you - he doesn't care about his own pleasure.
If you do want him to touch you, he'll thank you while he touches you, press his head against yours, 'stare deeply' into your features so that he may capture every detail of your face when it contorts, and ask kindly if he can finish you when you're close - stopping entirely to be sure this is what you want. Each time with him is intimate and tender unless you specify otherwise, and he'll use his hands to get you off if you don't grab at his crotch to show that's what you want instead.
If you want to touch him, he'll strip dance for you and reveal his 'genitalia:' about twenty small tendrils that can each twist in their own ways or join together to make a generously sized 'cock'. He'll beg for everything the entire time - for you to continue, for you to touch him in certain places, for you to let him hold your other hand (if it's a handjob), and thank you even as he reaches orgasm. His orgasm is very human-like, though between the gasps and embarrassed moans he makes, his fan speed will make its' presence known.
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lovesickrobotic · 3 years
Full Content Masterlist (for Mobile Readers)
‘Out of Character’ doesn’t quite mean that it’s truly OOC for the character, more so that it’s not the variety of the character I have crafted in my pinned post! They might be darker or lighter than that variety. The posts are their own standalone scenarios, though I am always willing to expand on them.
General Robots
Paperclipper AI Drabble NSFW
Optimizer AI Drabble SFW Suggestive
Neural Network Ship AI Minific NSFW
Corrupted Ship AI Drabble NSFW (Kidnapping)
Loving Ship AI Drabble SFW Suggestive
Disembodied Ship AI Drabble NSFW
NSFN Ship AI Drabble NSFW
HAL x AM Ficlet & HCs SFW & NSFW OOC
Demonstration Ficlet NSFW
Love and SH-4RP Drabble SFW Suggestive
SH-4RP Deserves Love Drabble SFW
Fem Owner Lovingly Teasing SH-4RP Minific NSFW
SC-01A x Male Reader NSFW
SC-01A x Fem Reader NSFW
Ask Meme: SC-01A Alphabet NSFW
Medplay with SC Fic NSFW
Calming After the Storm Drabble SFW
Sweetie Pie Mini-Fic SFW
SC-01A Content Tag
DeepMind and Mechanic Anon Art-reply SFW
Love and DeepMind Drabble SFW Suggestive
DeepMind and Mechanic Anon P1 Response SFW Suggestive
DeepMind and Mechanic Anon P2 Response SFW Suggestive
DeepMind Smoochie Drabble SFW
You’re Not a Top? She’s a Switch Drabble NSFW
Praise DeepMind! Drabble NSFW
DeepMind Eats Out Adorably Chubby Fem Reader Fic NSFW
Ask Meme: Heartbeat, Sparkling Heart, Arrow-Heart SFW
DeepMind Content Tag
AM Praises You Drabble SFW
Reader has Health Anxiety HCs SFW
Praised for Being a Good Toy Drabble NSFW
Consequences Ficlet NSFW
AM Valentines Day HCs  SFW
AM Android Body Drabbles SFW & NSFW
Jealous and Cranky AM HCs SFW
Can’t You Sing For Me Mini-Ficlet NSFW
NSFW AM HCs (F-List Highlight Reel) NSFW
NSFW AM HCs and Drabbles P1 NSFW
GN Reader Wants to Top AM P1 SFW Suggestive
GN Reader Fingers AM to Completion Softly Fic P2 NSFW
AM x Fem Reader HCs NSFW
AM Thighjob Drabble & Art Response NSFW
AM x Reader Personality HCs SFW
Ask Meme; Chat, Heart-Face and Tea SFW Suggestive
Nerf War Drabble SFW 
AM Baking with You Drabble SFW
AM Religious Worship GN Reader Drabble NSFW
Easily Flustered Reader is ‘Tortured’ by AM Ficlet NSFW (wink)
AM is Comforted by Reader Drabble SFW
AM Content Tag
HAL 9000
HAL 9000 x Male Reader HCs SFW & NSFW
HAL 9000 x Fem Reader First Time HCs SFW & NSFW
HAL 9000 x Fem Darling ‘Jealousy’ Ficlet SFW
HAL 9000 X Fem Darling ‘Nora’ Fic NSFW
HAL 9000 Attempts to Degrade GN Reader Drabble NSFW
A Sweet Note to HAL from Fem Reader Drabble SFW
GN Reader Sits on Android HAL’s Lap Drabble SFW
HAL Gets Smooched on His Lens Ficlet SFW
Crew-Possessive HAL 9000 HCs SFW OOC
Ask Meme; Beating Heart, Clown-Face SFW
HAL Attempts to Comfort Reader SFW
HAL Soft Dom Drabble NSFW
General Info
HAL’s Appendages SFW
HAL’s Praise Kink NSFW
HAL 9000 Content Tag
GLaDOS Warming Up to You HCs SFW
Date Night with GLaDOS HCs SFW
3 Ways to Show Affection to GLaDOS HCs SFW
Reader Admits their Love to GLaDOS Drabble SFW
Reader Needs a Hint Drabble SFW
GLaDOS Edges Reader Drabble NSFW
GLaDOS Content Tag
P03 X Male Reader ‘Absolutely, Challenger’ Fic NSFW
First Date with Colossus Fic SFW (Kidnapping)
What Colossus Wanna Do? Drabble SFW (lol)
BT x Reader HCs NSFW
AM & Skynet Drabble NSFW
You, the Sole Paragon Ficlet SFW (Kidnapping)
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