#SF Youngbin
goodnightjar · 1 year
A trace of the day left behind by SF9 Jaeyoon on a day in March when the sunlight scattered over clear sky spread like paint
BY 에디터 양혜연 | 2023.03.21
Translated by: lilbaekyooni
Jaeyoon pursues something that's invisible to the eyes, the belief that love surely exists, trusts that there will be no lies in that love, bets that's the present will perfect the future self. Wonders if there is an absolute standard to 'do well' to be good at something. He can only fathom the reality of the formless things he follows, as if he is following a path in the dark. But he doesn't doubt the existence of them. Instead, he just throws endless questions at himself. Sometimes he sinks into the abyss, entangled in worries derived from questions, but he never denies the existence of the things he pursues.
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Is there anything sort of 'It would nice if you ask me this' kind of story for this interview?
Wow, It's the first time i have been asked such question in an interview. I really didn't think of it (laughs)
Since this is the last interview before enlistment, I wish to leave a story that Jaeyoon wishes to tell today.
What would be good? I like the bright and light stories i have told through various contents but today I feel like it would be good to talk about something that's settled deep in my mind.
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I was going to ask 'gukguy*' Jaeyoon to recommend me his favourite rice soup restaurant; but i will ask you when we meet the next time. (laughs) With enlistment just around the corner how do you feel?
[note: *- gukguy - word play of SF9's Good Guy & Jaeyoon's favourite dish gukbap (rice soup) / gukguy like soup guy as he likes soup dishes]
To be honest before the date came out I kept wondering 'Oh, am i really going?'* It seemed like a long way off, but it only just hit me when the date came out. But it doesn't mean i haven't thought about it all; i had a lot of conservations about it since an year with our group members Youngbin hyung and Inseong hyung who enlisted first. And the conclusion was 'For the remaining time let's show our fans what we want to show as much our fan's heart desire.' I have spent every moment working hard to yield a pleasurable result to keep up that promise.I feel a lot better now. I knew the fans were anxious because they didn't know when I would enlist, but I felt really sorry until the very end for not being able to say anything.
(note: *-in busan satoori)
Did you get any advice related to military life from the members who enlisted first and E-TION of ONF, who is in charge of Pat of 'Pat and Mat'?
Since i was very curious about a lot of things, i ask this and that first. In fact i even contacted E-TION yesterday. Ofcourse advise is very helpful but it doesn't make sense as in the end i guess i can only know when i experience it. I'm just envious everyone is about to be discharged (laughs). Now rather than seeking advice I'm focused on working hard on planning what part of myself i would fill in during the time spend there once i enlist.
Did you make any kind of plans?
I want to do things that I couldn't do before during promotions, so I'm going to focus on reading and studying. First of all i'll take the book 'Dollargut Dream Department Store' that i received as gift from my sister. As for the other books, I'll go to the bookstore before enlisting and buy them. I'm going to learn languages such as English, Japanese. Meanwhile I felt sorry for not being able to study properly even though I felt like I wasn't good enough.
I wanted to get an idea for the pictorial concept, so I asked about your favorite movies in advance.I was surprising to hear the title of a romance movies gushing
Haha, That's right. Usually guys my age like SF or hero series but I like the romance genre. Movies like <The Notebook>, <About Time>, <One Day> are my favourite.
I noticed that in the list, there is also <Titanic>, which was released a long time ago.
Hwiyoung, our group member really likes movies, and asked to me watch <Titanic> with him. Since it is such a famous work, I thought it would be nice to see it at least once, so we watched it together. In the movie Jack's fate was really sad but my heart goes out more to Rose. My heart hurts by just imagining that I have to live out the rest of my days after losing a loved one right in front of my eyes. The scene were they first met was also very memorable.
What's the most memorable movie for Jaeyoon?
I like <The Curious Case of Benjamin Button>. I was so impressed with the movie that I once looked only for Brad Pitt's work.
What part of the movie swayed your mind?
The protagonist keeps getting younger, and the people he loves around him get older. In life the moment they share the same time of life is close to the blink of an eye. Watching the movie made me imagine how sad it must be to miss eachother living through different years. At the same time, I made a pledge to be good to the precious people around me who are going through the same time right now.
Your ability to empathize is extraordinary
I'm the type to have a lot of thoughts, as i often assume this and that and immerse myself in those i guess. However, there are too many thoughts; it does not stop at assuming the situation. There are times when the worry derived from this always becomes too exhausting like biting ones own tail is burdensome. I always make up my mind to reduce these thoughts but it's not easy.
I know how you feel because we have similar tendencies. Even if I manage to get rid of my thoughts, I wonder, 'Oh Am I allowed to live without thinking like this.' and worry about it.
That's right. If you worry a little less than usual you think, 'Am I living too thoughtlessly?' and worry about it. There aren't many people with this tendency, so I haven't talked about it anywhere but If i don't worry too much like this i often find myself wondering if I'm too lackadaisical
I can't help but be concerned it must be very tiring for you. I wonder how do you deal with stress?
As it's my natural inclination it's not easy to reduce the thoughts itself. So conversely i imagine very possible scenario. Should I says it's fighting fire with fire? To think about it endlessly until you can think of no more case scenarios. When you already assume the worst possible scenario you can deal with any unexpected issues that may arise. You tell yourself 'see its just this. the situation like that don't usually happen ,you don't have to worry a lot' and comfort yourself. But there are times when my worst fears came true. Then next time you have to be more careful with what you imagine. (laughs)
It's not a weakness. It's about being careful without making a hasty decision about any situation. It's not easy to be sure of something easily in the first place, but is there something you firmly believe in?
I think the answer that 'I still firmly believe' is more accurate I have faith in 'love'. No matter what form or method, love definitely exists, and I believe there are no lies when it's all about love. I think there were no lies in all the moments when I shared my heart with the people around me, such as the moments when I exchanged love with my parents and the moments when I exchanged love with the fans.
Then what may be something where lies can exist?
Values of things that are not necessarily proportional to the universal estimate. Something like money could be an example.A high amount of money does not necessarily mean that its value is high and vice versa. In case you misunderstand, i have no experience with such money.(laughs)
The fact that the name of the series for your own content is not named 'I am good' but 'I can do well' also seems to reflect your personality. The beginning of the series was small, but now it has become the content that symbolize Jaeyoon.
It wasn't started with a huge plan. During the pandemic the difficult situation of not being able to meet fans was very hard and i felt empty. I wanted to see my fans so much, and I wanted to convey my feeling, but the only possible way was writing and video. I planned various contents to communicate with fans in real time through video. I thought that the story would be richer if I showed what I was doing rather than just talking. Coincidentally, a lot of contents such as making Dalgona and Tanghulu were uploaded on video sites. So I thought to start by showing them how to make those while having a conversation
This is also a 'moment of exchange of love with no lies' with fans. You been saying that you can do a lot of things well, but I'm curious about what do you really want to do well.
First of all and Second of all and Third of all it's to sing
What is the criterion in singing 'to do well'?
You have no idea how long I've been wondering about the same. 'Does it mean to be good at it?' 'Is there a single ultimate point to reach?' 'Is self-satisfaction the criteria?' There was a time when i thought that absolute standards definitely existed. As I thought about it over and over again i started thinking 'Just as there are many colors in the world or just as we all have different appearances; the standard of 'doing well' as well might be different. As I progress little by little i keep asking myself; 'what's my own color'. But then when i hit a wall i start doubting myself 'What if there is an absolute standard'. To be honest it's a problem that I can't find an answer to now, so these days I'm trying to focus on and think 'Lee Jaeyoon the person is singing right now' Then, even if you hit a wall; i will have no choice but to overcome it and to learn from it and refine oneself one by one based on that experiences.
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As I said earlier, the goal of today's interview is to capture the traces Jaeyoon wants to leave behind. What's that something you want to tell us.
Superficially the trace before i cut my hair, if I speak ideologically its my today's time and thoughts. I think by keeping a record of one day in March that I spent, I have one more moment to share with my fans.
I am curious on what do Lee Jaeyoon as a person wants to leave behind lastly in his life.
Rather than wanting to leave behind, wouldn't it be what of me as a person that's left behind.? Suppose I'm 80 years old, I guess as a person all the things Lee Jaeyoon experienced for 80 years is what will be left of me.
What would that look like?
I received a lot of love while working as Jaeyoon of SF9. After exchanging such a precious affection, I think the inner me will be very rich. As I said before, I believe in the power of love
Jaeyoon's eyes sparkled when he talked about the things he believed in, and a shy smile appeared on his lips. Was it the concern his talks may sounds like 'chasing the clouds'. In fact, if he had only followed what he could clearly see, he would not have asked himself so many questions or agonized endlessly to find answers to those questions. That's If you just accept only what you see without doubt or second guess. However all things that have a form transforms and all that can be seen may look distorted to some. If there is something that don't transform and is non distorted its the nature of formlessness.
So, what Jaeyoon pursues becomes an unchanging buoy on the sea he sails on. Of course, on a day with strong winds, it may be shaken endlessly and sometimes be swept away by strong currents but the direction these signs point to is always straight and honest.❤️
©rti please do not repost without permission...♡
i have tried to convey jaeyoon's words well. but as i'm still lacking in translating; I'm sorry if you find any errors. thank you... :)
interview: ™2023 April issue of Singles Korea.
Jaeyoon who enlisted today; left 'One day Jaeyoon spent' as a small gift in hopes that Fantasy will not be saddened by the brief separation. - 23.03.21 Singles Korea
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nenasspot · 3 years
mooooom sf9 is being pretty on main again
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sf9 · 4 years
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the return of chaoSF9 😂👏 | SF MuVi season 3
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Youngbin imitating a bunny I AM in love and I WILL say it with my whole chest
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fantasy9nation · 6 years
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veehyuk · 7 years
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SF9 Kim In Seong Birthday Icons
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fyeah-leedawon · 7 years
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Luna 월이 © Do not edit.
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theluckyshadow · 3 years
Join Us!
I gave myself creative freedom with an eccentric Hange type artistic manager so enjoy lol
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Ashlyn was excited. She was being given a chance to prove herself to her company. FNC. Ashlyn had wanted to be an actor for a long time and since moving to Korea with her family she’d been given the chance. Since joining the company in 2014 she’d had small roles, none to make her noticed but really she didn’t mind it would happen one day.
“Miss Lee in here please.” Her manager called. With a start she spun towards them and jogged over. “Good good… what are you wearing?”
“Comfortable clothing? I just got out of a dance session so I haven’t changed yet.” Ashlyn answered. Her manager gave her a once over, the large shirt and sweatpants with hair thrown back messily- she looked fresh out of exercise. The manager looked into the room behind them and laughed.
“You’ll be fine they don’t look any better.”
“Boys this is ASH.” Her manager said quickly tugging the teen into the meeting room where a group of men were sat with more management.
“Hi!” She said. They reciprocated.
“We have a plan to make a group-“
“A coed group?” Ash asked as she took a seat beside Chani- whom she knows from taking acting classes together.
“Coed? What do you- oh ASH like Ashley or?” A man opposite of her asked.
“Like Ashlyn.” She snorted. “Ash is easier please just call me Ash.”
“ASH!”said girl jumped as their artistic management yelled. “Stage name ASH, all capitals, main dancer with Taeyang and Chani with an I instead of Hee. Perfect.”
The artistic management scribbled down some notes, muttering to herself quietly as ideas flowed.
“Well. Should we introduce ourselves?” Chani asked. “Ash know’s me because of the acting class we take.”
“Youngkyun, My stage name is Hwiyoung.” The boy next to Chani said quietly giving Ash a small wave.
“Youngbin. I’ll be the leader of SF…10?” Oh okay going in order from Chani to across from her got it.
“No it’s still SF9. Marketing error but we can work with it.” The artistic management replied.
“SF9?” Ash asked confused.
“Sensational Feeling 9. As you can see originally they were going to be a boy group but I decided we needed flavour and you miss Lee are it.”
“I’m flavouring.” She said bluntly.
“Yes! Oh the others are Inseong, Jaeyoon, Juho- who I think we’ll name Zuho, Seokwoo… hmmmm Rowoon yes I like that. Taeyang and Sanghyuck-“
“Stage name Dawon.” The male across her said.
“Are you sure you want me to? I mean you all seem pretty established and-“
“Nonsense they agreed to this didn’t you boys!”
“Yes.” Youngbin grinned. “Chani spoke highly of you from your acting classes.”
“Thanks man.” Ashlyn, no ASH, laughed.
“According to your teachers here you are a fast learning when it comes to dance and we are aware you can sing so who better to be a coed test dummy than one of our best actresses.” ASH’s manager gleamed. They seemed to glow in excitement.
“If you are all sure-“
“YES JOIN US!” The men yelled making ASH laugh again.
“Okay okay. I have been convinced.”
“Excellent!” The artistic manager gleamed. “Also as the only foreigner it would be useful for international fans so you can speak English when you need. Inseong also speaks some English.”
“Yes I do. I studied very hard.”
“I look forward to annoying you with my native tongue.”
Concept chosen, a debut track picked, ASH was ready to start her strange adventure by adding more brother figures to the mix. She’s excited and a hard worker, who wouldn’t want that kind of person on their team. Now she’s just got to move into her new dormitory and settle into her new life.
Now it’s time for the Fanfare!
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unclejuho · 6 years
hey could you maybe recommend me some SF9 blogs? Some chani, hwiyoung blogs or anyone really
with anyone i bring you everyone // in no particular order i just went through the people i was following really jahsbdjha // blogs that have been active this year // some of these r multifandom! 
chani ➸ @kangchanhoe, @multyfan1458, @kkangchani, @chanhee
hwiyoung ➸ @hwiyyoung, @hotswaggerzuho, @sf9offlcial, @chillinhwi, @yngkyun, @ycungkyun, @cutehwiyoung, @honeybeehwi, @hwi9
taeyang ➸ @taenyang, @tyangie, @baektoyoo, @sunnpils, @seokwoe, @taeyangie, @yoosunny, @sepgu
rowoon ➸ @seok-swoon, @rowoonscuteness, @rqwoon, @rowoonv, @rowoons, @chaeunwoo, @fantasywicked, @se9kwoo
zuho ➸ @baek-juho, @zuho-bby, @honeyst9, @bbyjuho
dawon ➸ @curlydawon, @clawon, @rowoonst
jaeyoon ➸ @javajaeyoon, @jaevoon, @honey-yoonie, @sf9s, @hwiyuong
inseong ➸ @sflop9, @pinkseong, @midnightroad, @enchanited, @kiminseongs, @omwmark
youngbin ➸  @wildbin, @princeyoungbins, @leaderyoungbin, @younggbin, @rainbowyoungbin, @youngbinnie-sfnine
multi bias? ➸ @souljeong, @ftisf9, @sfmuvi, @sf9, @sf9fantasy, @sf-fine, @wonsheon, @ceohan, @cheondae, @sensu0usi
 data/lq/etc ➸ @rowoon-sf9, @4sf9, @fy-jaeyoon, @sensationalsrecord, @sf9hearts, @sfnet, @forinseong, @fyeah-sf9taeyang, @lqkangchanhee, @chanipics, @for-taeyang, @sf9support, @fy-juho
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sfnet · 6 years
The following is a list of videos SF9 have appeared in throughout their Narcissus promotion! Enjoy watching :)
.・゜゜・ NEW ADDITIONS ・゜゜・.
OKHEE INTERVIEW 조금 이상한 인터뷰 (Rowoon & Chani) IDOL RADIO ep. 146  SF9 [NARCISSUS] Comeback Showcase 1 hour ago SF9 - 예뻐지지 마 (SF9 - Enough) Jackpot Live (Dingo) SBS MTV <더쇼> 퇴근길 Live! (09:00) Get ready for 2019 SF9 USAㆍEUROPE LIVE TOUR [UNLIMITED] [LEAGUE OF SF(셒)GENDS] NOMINEE #4 – 다원 ‘큐브’ 
JUN X SF9 'Enough' (예뻐지지 마) Violin Cover SF9 TAEYANG's Birthday Behind Film SF9 X 1MILLION [예뻐지지 마] Special Collaboration (Chani) SF9 (에스에프나인) - 마피아댄스 MAFIA DANCE (Dingo) 우당탕탕 SF9만의 특별한 시상식!  SF(셒)GENDS AWARDS  SF9 X 1MILLION [ROSES] Special Collaboration (Chani, Taeyang & Youngbin) [주간아이돌] 기습 LIVE with SF9 아이돌룸(IDOL ROOM) 40회 예고 - SF9  최초공개! 톱아이돌이 선보이는 4단 깨물하트란? (Chani & Taeyang) SF9의 9자로 말해요' 팬들한테 하고 싶은 말♡ SF9 『예뻐지지 마』 Jacket Making Film SF9 『예뻐지지 마』 Music Video Making Film The Hungry ep. 15 (Chani)** SF9 – 예뻐지지 마 (Enough) Dance Practice Video Fix ver. [SFMuVi] ‘예뻐지지 마’ M/V EPISODE #1  열심히 할수록 미궁에 빠지는 SF9  [이구동성퀴즈]  [매점CAM] SF9 태양, 갑자기 분위기 애교  팬들과 대화 중인 셒둥이들 "오늘도 와주셔서 고마워요~ 갑자기 분위기 화끈하게 'SF9'
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
[RELAY DANCE] SF9 - Enough  Amazing saturday ep. 46 (Rowoon & Chani)** Everyone’s kitchen (Chani)** 황우주, 고등학교 자퇴하고 꽃인턴 취업했다구?! 치명+섹시돌 SF9의 스윗 모먼트 (Dingo)
[LEAGUE OF SF(셒)GENDS] NOMINEE #3 [1theK Dance Cover Contest] SF9 _ Enough(예뻐지지 마)(mirrored ver.) Q! My Dance(맞춤): SF9 - 예뻐지지 마(Enough) 찬희의 신체부위 TMI? 찬희의 30문 30답 by W Korea (Chani) SF9 - 예뻐지지 마 (Enough) | Performance video | MOVE REC (Dingo) Baek Jong Won’s alley restaurant ep. 54 (Dawon & Chani) Foreigner ep. 19 (Dawon & Rowoon) SF9 - 예뻐지지 마 (Enough) 응원법 Battle trip ep. 131, 132, 133, 134 (Rowoon) IDOLPICK and a blind date (Rowoon)
** Full link will be added later
Will be updated accordingly!
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forproducex101 · 5 years
Eliminations that made me a Sad Boi™:
Individual Jung Youngbin: he’s got great stage presence and I was REALLY hoping to see him in the dance evaluation but rip
Astory Entertainment Jeon Hyunwoo: HE WAS THE BEST DURING THE GROUP X BATTLE AND HE GOT ELMINATED ARE YOU ACTUALLY KIDDING ME???? His voice was so clear and beautiful and Korea DONE GOOFED
Astory Entertainment Heo Jinho: I love my fennec fox and his vocals and now I won’t get to see his beautiful purple hair in action you heathens
DS Entertainment Steven Kim: this boy was so charismatic with his rapping and y’all didn’t RECOGNIZE also his SILVER HAIR I WON’T SEE AGAIN I’M CRYING HE LOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL
JH1 Uehara Jun: my man was hitting those high notes and just being so lovable and got nothing. I’m UPSET
MBK Entertainment Kim Yeongsang: he had such a great personality and I wanted to see MORE OOF why did you split my MBK boys?????
Million Market Yoo Geunmin: I REALLY THOUGHT HE COULD MAKE IT AGH I wanted to see more of his vocals. I’ll miss my JBJ95’s Sanggyun lookalike ☹️
NEST Entertainment Oh Saebom: SOMEONE EXPLAIN he should have made it. Enough said.
SF Entertainment Sung Minseo: another charismatic performer; his tears and comments at the end made me cry even harder. He deserves better.
Think About Entertainment Kim Junjae: literally no one is seeing that my boy whom I love so much is so talented, doing both rapping and falsetto singing in the Group X Battle performance, and he’s just great and well I’m sad
Urban Works Media Kim Minseo: SUCH ANGELIC VOCALS I wish I could have continued to hear them 😖
Urban Works Media Byun Seongtae: his facial expressions were really fun and seeing him always made me smile. I’m looking forward to the UWM boys debut~
ESteem Anzardi Timothée: I was praying so hard for him to pass this round. When he came up for 60th, I literally started crying because I couldn’t pick between him and Hamin. He deserves the entire world and I want him to know that he did his best and I will always support him. Timothée, vous êtes très spécial et je continuerais à vous soutenir dans tout ce que vous faites. J’espère que vous n’abandonnez jamais votre rêve. Je t’aime 💙
For all the eliminated trainees: I hope that you will continue to chase your dreams. I and the other (Inter)National Producers will always be here to support. I will miss you and I love you 💙
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nada-lovely · 5 years
pdx favs
this is for me to immortalize my preferences on this blog forever
(list before ep 5)
- yo han
- eunsang
- hyungjun
- dohyun
- wooseok (wooshin)
- yubin
- ham wonjin
- byungchan
- tony
- suhwan
- hangyul
- hwang geum ryul
- han seunwoo
- jinhyuk (wei)
- jeon hyunwoo
- choi jinhwan
- wang gunho
- wonhyuk
- woo jaewon
- myunghoon
- hyunsoo
- kim minseo (urban works)
- song minseo (sf)
- kim minseo (woolim)
- youngbin
- moon hyunbin
- lee jinwoo
- nam donghyun
- wei ziyue
- jung jaehoon
- choi junsung
damn this is along list and, last i checked, the lowest ranking was 77 yikes
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bevanjun · 6 years
My sister is selling her albums!!!! Please message me if you’re interested. PH ONLY 🇵🇭
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Album + poster – Php300 + SF
Album + poster + Moonbin & Rocky photocard + Postcard + Rocky Line play – Php 600 + SF
Moonbin & Rocky photocard & Rocky Line play – Php 250 each
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Album w/ poster – Php 300 + SF
Album w/ poster + 1 pc – Php 450 + SF
Chani photocard or Youngbin photocard – Php250 each + SF
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[UNSEALED] Romeo 3rd Mini Album
Album (Photobook, Making photobook, 2 mini poster) + Poster – Php 400 + SF - w/o photocard
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sf9 · 4 years
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choose your fighter: chaoSF9 presentation version 😂👏 | LEAGUE OF SF(셒)GENDS Season 2 Ep.01
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leaving-fragments · 4 years
i'm finally watching the maknae line sf-gends episode and- fskjdjsj the mESS, hwiyoung is literally always singing, all chani does is sleep or watch hwi skeptically and taeyang is just so done with them-
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fantasy9nation · 7 years
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