#SF 11: battle circuit
disease · 6 months
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conkmqaz-blog · 4 years
Trim Fast Keto Australia In one examination, weight preparing diminished subcutaneous fat in 78 subjects with metabolic condition. Another investigation demonstrated that 12 weeks of solidarity preparing joined with oxygen consuming action greaterly affects fat consuming than cardio alone. [7] Thus, move your cutoff points further and attempt to do each more redundancy in turn. Increment the heap you lift and don't surrender. Numerous individuals wrongly exercise countless reiterations with low weight when they need to consume fat.
Be that as it may, in the event that you are preparing with low weight, you give your body a sign that you Trim Fast Keto Australia no longer need more muscle and can in this manner use it as a wellspring of vitality. Enhancements like BCAA, creatine or glutamine can assist you with building quality while you consume fat. [2] It might appear to be counterproductive, yet solid fats can assist you with battling muscle to fat ratio. They advance muscle development and furthermore a sentiment of satiety.
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Trim Fast Keto Australia It will require some investment before the body separates fat, so you will feel further for quite a while alleviating your craving and appetite. [10] One investigation found that an eating regimen wealthy in solid olive oil, nut or fish fats is related with a lower danger of weight gain contrasted with an eating routine that doesn't contain these fats. [11] But be careful! Undesirable fat sources, which contain a ton of immersed trans fats, bolster the capacity of muscle versus fat, increment the width of the belt and tummy fat.
Be that as it may, olive oil, fish, fish oil, avocado, nuts and seeds are a wellspring of omega-3 Trim Fast Keto Australia unsaturated fats, which have numerous advantages for the human body, remembering the impact for fat consuming. In any case, it ought to be borne at the top of the priority list that sound fats are high in calories and subsequently should be controlled. Hence, you ought to avoid undesirable fats from your eating regimen and supplant them with sound ones. [3] Lower admission of refined sugars can smooth out the impact of the burner and assist you with losing fat stores.
Trim Fast Keto Australia Refined sugars are oats that have been so handled by the food business that their grains have no wheat or germ. This makes the last item contain practically no fiber or supplements. They have a higher glycaemic list, which can cause glucose changes and expanded appetite. Studies have affirmed that high-refined sugar diets can cause expanding stomach fat. [13] [14] Interestingly,Trim Fast Keto Australia an eating routine high in entire grain items is related with a lower weight file and a decrease in abdomen perimeter. [15] One investigation of 2834 individuals affirmed that the individuals who have a higher admission of refined starches in their eating regimen will in general have a higher stomach fat testimony. Interestingly,
Trim Fast Keto Australia the individuals who ate all the more entire grain oats would in general have less weight. [16] Subsequently, to amplify results, you ought to reject refined sugars from your eating regimen, and in this manner nourishments, for example, pasta, handled nourishments, white bread and breakfast grains. Rather, incorporate entire grain bread, quinoa, buckwheat, grain or oats in your eating regimen.Trim Fast Keto Australia Iron is a mineral that influences numerous capacities in the body. Iron inadequacy, just as iodine insufficiency, can influence thyroid wellbeing and subsequently the emission of hormones that manage digestion. [17] Several investigations have affirmed that low degrees of iron in the body are related with impeded thyroid capacity and debilitated hormone creation. [18] [19] [20]
Trim Fast Keto Australia Normal manifestations of hypothyroidism, or diminished thyroid capacity, incorporate shortcoming, weariness, brevity of breath, and weight gain. In like manner, iron lack can cause weakness, discombobulation, cerebral pains and brevity of breath. Treating iron insufficiency by remembering this mineral for your eating routine can trigger your digestion. It at that point works Trim Fast Keto Australia all the more productively, alleviates weakness and helps increment physical action. One investigation even found that subjects treated for iron insufficiency
Trim Fast Keto Australia encountered an abatement in body weight, midsection circuit, and furthermore a weight file known as BMI. [21] In any case, the truth of the matter is that the normal individual needs more iron in his eating regimen. Ladies, kids, newborn children, veggie lovers and vegans are the most powerless gatherings of individuals for absence of iron admission. This mineral is found chiefly in red meat, poultry,Trim Fast Keto Australia fish, green verdant vegetables and beans. Be that as it may, you can likewise enhance iron with supplements that can assist you with managing digestion and vitality levels..
Trim Fast Keto Australia Rest is another factor that can influence the impact of your fat killer. Don't you trust it? A few examinations have affirmed the relationship between adequate rest and weight reduction. [3] One investigation of 68,183 ladies found that those ladies who dozed for as long as 5 hours per day for a long time had a higher inclination to pick up. Then again, ladies who rested over 7 hours daily didn't will in general put on weight. [22] Further research has affirmed that great rest for in any event 7 hours daily improves the probability of weight reduction by up to 33%.Trim Fast Keto Australia This exploration was led on an experimental group of 245 ladies took a crack at a 6-month get-healthy plan.
Trim Fast Keto Australia Absence of rest can likewise prompt hormonal changes that cause expanded craving, which additionally causes a more serious danger of corpulence. [24] However, rest that endures at any rate 7 hours has numerous advantages for the general working of the body, the invulnerable framework, and to wrap things up, for body weight. Thus, you should deal with enough rest each day. It is ideal to set up an ordinary rest mode, reNowadays, Trim Fast Keto Australia it appears as though an ever increasing number of exercises guarantee to be particularly acceptable at consuming fat.
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Trim Fast Keto Australia By all accounts, that most likely sounds truly great! All things considered, while the primary objective of working out ought to be improving your general wellbeing and feeling extraordinary, numerous individuals unquestionably wouldn't fret the effect it can have on body creation. In any case, since something is marked just like a "fat killer" doesn't really mean it will shave your center— Trim Fast Keto Australia or that consuming fat ought to be your objective by any stretch of the imagination.
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allspark · 6 years
It’s been half a week after New York Toy Fair 2019 and our heads are still spinning, as the annual exhibition saw toy companies give us their best shot as always. Hasbro came out swinging with debuts of their Overwatch and Power Rangers lines, and plenty of Transformers fun that spells certain but sweet doom for our bank accounts in the year to come. Now we get to recap the goodness with some sharp official images from Hasbro!
The first part of the new trilogy rolls on with a head full of steam, as new releases at all the price points bring new soldiers for both sides of the War for Cybertron.
All-new character Smashdown brings the pain as a minotaur/battle hammer Battle Master. This also marks the Siege debut of Sideswipe retool Red Alert, and Springer, who gets a Voyager figure updating his classic triple-changer design. Fan-voted characters Mirage and Impactor get new Deluxe figures, with Impactor receiving mainline attention for the first time since the Fall of Cybertron Generations line (and an all-new mold for the first time ever).
Cybertron‘s fan-favorite Optimus Prime design gets featured as a “Galaxy Upgrade” for Optimus Prime, and the towering Skyfire Jetfire joins the fray with tons of accessories and features, including a swivel plate that lets you tell the story of his switching sides. Finally for the Autobots, the planner of the Decepticons’ obsolescence hits, as 2019’s Titan Class figure Omega Supreme arrives alongside his legendary Micromaster partner Countdown.
Then the tides of war shift — after a strong early showing, the Decepticons get a handful of reinforcements in the person of Thundercracker, a retool of Cybertronian tetrajet Starscream, and Caliburst, a Battle Master that’s perfect for arming your Titans Return Slugslinger or any ‘con who wants a little extra fireblast firepower. Seems like a short roster for the ‘cons… but Hasbro’s official product listings for these assortments mention an as-yet unseen Decepticon Barricade!
A set of 35th anniversary exclusives was also on the show floor — cel-shaded redecos of Siege Optimus and Megatron, and of Siege Prowl (Bluestreak) and Soundwave (Soundblaster). Here’s hoping we get a good look at those soon!
Transformers Toy Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Battle Masters WFC-S31 Smashdown
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $5.99/ Available: Jul 1, 2019)
The WFC-S31 SMASHDOWN action figure stands at 1.5 inches in beast mode and converts into an AirquakeHammerclaw in 6 easy steps. Use the weapon mode to equip other Siege figures (sold separately) with larger mission loadouts and use the included Fire Blasts accessory to simulate the impact of a hammer hitting its target.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Deluxe WFC-S35 Red Alert
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Jul 1, 2019)
The WFC-S35 RED ALERT figure stands at 5.5 inches in robot mode and converts into a CYBERTRONIAN vehicle and comes with a converting RT-15 Particle Beam Circuit Welder weapon accessory with axe and blaster modes.
Transformers: Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Deluxe WFC-S43 Autobot Mirage
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Oct 1, 2019)
Winner of 2018 Fan Vote, the WFC-S43 AUTOBOT MIRAGE figure stands at 5.5 inches in robot mode and converts into a CYBERTRONIAN vehicle and comes with 3 weapon accessories: the C-20 Electro-Disruptor Cannon, Distortion Missile, and the W-15 Armor-Piercing Rocket-Dart Launcher.
Transformers: Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Deluxe WFC-S42 Autobot Impactor
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Oct 1, 2019)
Winner of 2018 Fan Vote, the WFC-S42 AUTOBOT IMPACTOR figure stands at 5.5 inches in robot mode and converts into a CYBERTRONIAN vehicle and comes with 2 weapon accessories: the HP EnergonMineblaster and Trilithium Drill.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Voyager WFC-S38 Autobot Springer
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $29.99/ Available: Jul 1, 2019)
The WFC-S38 AUTOBOT SPRINGER figure stands at 7 inches in robot mode and converts into CYBERTRONIAN vehicle and helicopter modes and comes with 2 W-10 Airslice Chopper Blades, JF-10 Warp Blaster, and C-10 EM Void Blast Capacitor accessories.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Leader WFC-S40 Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime 
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/ Available: Jul 1, 2019)
The WFC-S40 Galaxy Upgrade OPTIMUS PRIME figure stands at 7 inches in robot mode and converts into CYBERTRONIAN truck mode and comes with JF-50 Twinblast Galaxy Pack armor, 2 W-30 Magnetic Inducer Launchers, and JF-15 Gravity Force Laser accessories. Use weapon and armor accessories from the truck trailer to gear up OPTIMUS PRIME figure in his Galaxy Armor, converting to C.O.M.B.A.T. READY mode.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Commander WFC-S28Jetfire
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $79.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
The WFC-S28 JETFIRE figure stands at 11 inches in robot mode and converts into a Cybertronian aircraft. JETFIRE figure comes with 2 JF-25 HS Photon Missile Sky Launchers, 2 HS Photon Missiles, 2 JF-15 HP Jetboost Particle Beam Cannon, 2 SF-M2 Radiograph Boosters, Skyshield Aerial Armor, and Skyshield Battle Mask accessories. Use weapon and armor accessories to convert figure to C.O.M.B.A.T. READY mode. Figure features multiple C.O.M.B.A.T. System weapon ports to attach weapons, enabling custom configurations in bot and vehicle modes. JETFIRE has a special feature where Deluxe figures’ (each sold separately, subject to availability) attach to jet mode so fans can imagine them being deployed into battle from above.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Titan WFC-S29 Omega Supreme
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $159.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
This colossal 2-foot scale Titan Class WFC-S29 OMEGA SUPREME figure features a G1-inspired design and converts to AUTOBOT Command Center mode, made up of a tank, rocket, control tower, and defense perimeter. The included MICROMASTER, AUTOBOT COUNTDOWN, fits inside rocket, tank, and control tower, and can ride along the defense perimeter. Includes 6 Fire Blasts accessories to simulate battle effects on figure and Command Center mode.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Battle Masters WFC-S30 Caliburst
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $5.99/ Available: Jul 1, 2019)
The WFC-S30 CALIBURST figure stands at 1.5 inches toy and converts from beast mode to Oxidation Cannon weapon mode in 5 easy steps. Use the weapon mode to equip other Siege figures (sold separately) with larger mission loadouts and use the included Fire Blasts to simulate blasterfire coming from the weapon mode of Battle Masters or other Siege weapon accessories (not included).
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Deluxe WFC-S41 Barricade
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Oct 1, 2019)
The WFC-S41 BARRICADE figure stands at 5.5 inches in robot mode and converts into a CYBERTRONIAN vehicle and comes with 2 weapon accessories, 2 HF Siren-Blast Punisher Cannons, that combine to form a larger cannon.
Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Voyager WFC-S39 Thundercracker
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $29.99/ Available: Oct 1, 2019)
The Voyager Class WFC-S39 THUNDERCRACKER figure stands at 7 inches in robot mode and converts into jet mode and comes with 2 HPI Null-Ray Laser Launcher accessories.
Only one figure was introduced for the new specialty toyline, but it was a total surprise: a retool of Siege Voyager Megatron, using an IDW “Megatron Origins” head and sporting the white-and-green tiger-stripe deco of the unreleased G2 Combat Hero redeco. This one is actually available now, and is arriving in the homesof those who ordered it through Hasbro Pulse’s new online storefront.
Not simply limiting themselves to Transformers, Hasbro launched a new series called Transformers Collaborative, a line festuring mashups of Transformers and other iconic properties. The first such mashup is Ectrotron, a Transformer who turns into the venerable Ecto-1 from the Ghostbusters franchise. A Hasbro Pulse/Gamestop/EB Games exclusive, Ectrotron comes with a proton pack and a ghostly translucent Slimer, and will also be featured in a five-issue TF/GB crossover comic by IDW.
  Transformers: Generations — Transformers Collaborative: Ghostbusters Mash-Up, Ecto-1 Ectotron
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $39.99/ Available: Jun 1, 2019)
The iconic Ecto-1 Cadillac from the 1984 Ghostbusters movie is now a TRANSFORMERS robot — a converting Paranormal Investigator, called ECTOTRON! This ECTOTRON figure comes with his own Proton Pack accessory and a Slimer accessory, and converts between a 7 inch Ecto-1 and robot modes in 22 steps. TRANSFORMERS robots have always been More the Meets the Eye, but now, through the TRANSFORMERS Collaborative, fans can experience these larger than life characters as they team-up, mash-up, and meet up with other characters, teams, and people who share this same special quality. It is a world of constant change, where things are not what they seem. It is the world of the TRANSFORMERS…and the Ghostbusters…a world of heroic AUTOBOTS and evil DECEPTICONS…and ghosts! The ECTO-1 ECTOTRON is available at GameStop summer of 2019 and for pre-order on GameStop, HasbroPulse.com and at EB Games Canada.
GameSpot Pre-Order: http://Www.Gamestop.Com/Catalog/ProductDetails.Aspx?Sku=189035
HasbroPulse Pre-Order:https://hasbropulse.com/products/transformers-generations-transformers-collaborative-ghostbusters-mash-up-ecto-1-ectotron-figure
The toyline based on the current “all-new G1 inspired” series sees a spark-fueled explosion of new stuff in 2019. Hasbro’s product descriptions mention a new series for Tiny Turbo Changers based on Cyberverse, which we may see official photos of at a later date.
The main Cyberverse line gets new Scout class figures of a retooled Optimus Prime and a Transformers Prime-style Scraplet, new Warrior class figures of the Sharkticon Gnaw and the Decepticon Deadlock, an Ultra class throwback to classic character Alpha Trion, and a more articulated Ultimate class Grimlock.
One-step Changers get a new Shockwave and the pleasant surprise of the greatest shark around, Sky-Byte!
The new line gimmick, “Spark Armor”, sees Battle class and Elite class figures packed in with partner vehicles that split up to become armor and weapons. Battle class sees Prowl, Sky-Byte, Jetfire, and Starscream, while Elite class features Bumblebee, Grimlock, Optimus Prime, and Megatron. Finally, the immense Ark Power Optimus Prime dons no less than the Autobot Ark to throw down with the bad guys.
  Transformers Toys Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Series 1 Blind Bag Action Figures
(Ages 5 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $2.99/ Available: 08/1/2019)
Receive 1 of 12 CYBERVERSETiny Turbo Changers Series 1 action figures — with these little collectibles, there’s always a surprise inside! Kids can collect and trade with their friends!Each collectable 1.5-inch-scale figure converts in 1 to 3 quick and easy steps.TRANSFORMERS CYBERVERSE Tiny Turbo Changers Series 1 figures include: OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE, MEGATRON, DECEPTICON SHOCKWAVE, SOUNDWAVE, JETFIRE, BLACKARACHNIA, AUTOBOT DRIFT, GRIMLOCK, AUTOBOT HOT ROD, STARSCREAM, and PROWL.
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers Scout Class Optimus Prime     
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $7.99/ Available: 08/1/2019)
This Scout Class OPTIMUS PRIME figure is 3.75-inches tall andeasily converts from robot to truck mode in 7 steps. The last step of conversion activates the figure’s Energon Axe Attack signature move!
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers Scout Class Scraplet
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $7.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This Scout Class SCRAPLET figure is 3.75-inches tall and converts from robot to beast mode in 1 step. The last step of conversion activates the figure’s Saw Tooth Spin signature move!
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers Warrior Class Gnaw
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This Warrior CLASS GNAW figure is 5.4-inches tall and converts from robot to beast mode in 12 steps. The last step of conversion activates the figure’s Mace Mash Action Attack!
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers Warrior Class Deadlock
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This Warrior Class DEADLOCK figure is 5.4-inches tall and converts from robot to car mode in 8 steps. The last step of conversion activates the figure’s Sneak Strike Action Attack!
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers Ultimate Class Grimlock
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $29.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This Ultimate Class GRIMLOCK figure is 11.5-inches tall and converts from robot to dinosaur mode in 17 steps. The last step of conversion activates the figure’s Seismic Stomp Action Attack in both robot and dinosaur mode! Once converted, move can be repeated through easy reactivation steps. Kids can collect other Action Attackers figures, each sold separately, to discover the signature attack moves of favorite characters from the All New G1 inspired CYBERVERSE series, as seen on Cartoon Network and YouTube — one of the best ways to introduce young kids and new fans to the exciting world of TRANSFORMERS! Available at most major toy retailers nationwide.
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers Ultra Class Alpha Trion
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This Ultra Class ALPHA TRION figure stands 7.5-inches tall and converts from robot to vehicle mode in 7 steps. The last step of conversion activates the figure’s Laser Beam Blast Action Attack move!
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers: 1-Step Changer Shockwave     
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $9.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This 4.25-inch 1-Step Changer SHOCKWAVE Action Attackers figure is inspired by the CYBERVERSE animated series and converts from robot to tank mode in 1 quick step.
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Action Attackers: 1-Step Changer Sky-Byte
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $9.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This 4.25-inch 1-Step Changer SKY-BYTE Action Attackers figure inspired by the CYBERVERSE animated series and converts from robot to shark mode in 1 quick step.
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Spark Armor Battle Class Prowl
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This PROWL figure is an impressive 4 inches tall and combines with the included Cosmic Patrol Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode.Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert PROWL toy from police car to robot mode in 8 steps, then combine with his Cosmic Patrol Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers: Cyberverse Spark Armor Battle Class Jetfire
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This JETFIRE figure is an impressive 4 inches tall and combines with the included Tank Cannon Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode. Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert JETFIRE toy from jet to robot mode in 6 steps, then combine with his Tank Cannon Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers: Cyberverse Spark Armor Battle Class Sky-Byte
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This SKY-BYTE figure is an impressive 4 inches tall and combines with the included Driller Drive Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode. Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert SKY-BYTE toy from shark to robot mode in 10 steps, then combine with his Driller Drive Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers: Cyberverse Spark Armor Battle Class Starscream
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This STARSCREAM figure is an impressive 4 inches tall and combines with the included Demolition Destroyer Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode. Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert STARSCREAM toy from jet to robot mode in 7 steps, then combine with his Demolition Destroyer Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers: Cyberverse Spark ArmorElite Class Megatron
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $24.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This MEGATRON figure is an impressive 5 inches tall and combines with the included Chopper Cut Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode. When combined size increases to approximately 5.75 inches tall. Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert MEGATRON toy from tank to robot mode in 9 steps, then combine with his Chopper Cut Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers: Cyberverse Spark Armor Elite Class Optimus Prime
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $24.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This OPTIMUS PRIME figure is an impressive 5 inches tall and combines with the included Sky Turbine Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode. When combined size increases to approximately 5.75 inches tall. Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert OPTIMUS PRIME toy from truck to robot mode in 10 steps, then combine with his Sky Turbine Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers: Cyberverse Spark Armor Elite Class Bumblebee
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $24.99/ Available: 8/1/2019)
This BUMBLEBEE figure is an impressive 5 inches tall and combines with the included Ocean Storm Spark Armor vehicle to convert him into his powered-up mode. When combined size increases to approximately 5.75 inches tall. Easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert BUMBLEBEE toy from car to robot mode in 13 steps, then combine with his Ocean Storm Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Spark Armor Elite Class Grimlock
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $24.99/ Available: 10/1/2019)
This GRIMLOCK figure is an impressive 4 inches tall and converts from robot mode to dinosaur in 13 steps, then combines with his Trash Crash Spark Armor to armor-up figure.
Transformers Toys Cyberverse Spark Armor Ark Power Optimus Prime Action Figure
(Ages 6 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/ Available: 8/1/2019
This Ark Power OPTIMUS PRIME figure is an impressive 12 inches talland features easy TRANSFORMERS conversion for kids 6 and up! Convert OPTIMUS PRIME toy from truck to robot mode in 11 steps, then combine with his Ark Power vehicle to armor-up to convert him into his powered-up mode: Ark Power OPTIMUS PRIME.
The adorable new series still has plenty of surprises planned, as the series 1 molds get new characters and color schemes and are joined by a ton more. Seven new tribes to add to the series 1 set were announced prior to the weekend show, with a surprise addition — the button-mashing Arcade Renegades, available in the line’s first-ever 16-packs. Series 2 launches in April, while Series 3 hits in August.
Transformers BotBots Series 2 and 3 Collectible Blind Box Mystery Figure
(Ages 5 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $2.99/ Series 2 Available: 04/01/2019 – Series 3 Available: 08/01/2019)
Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon came down from the sky and covered a shopping mall. The things inside came to life as little Transformers robots! These bots can hide in plain sight as everyday objects, meaning no one knows what’s a bot and what’s not! Mischievous, funny, and super silly, these are… BOTBOTS!
Hidden inside each TRANSFORMERS BOTBOTS blind box is a little mystery figure with a big personality! Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each blind bag randomly includes 1 of 24 available characters. Reveal the mystery figure waiting inside!You can collect 190 characters in 2019.Convert and see what bot you got!
Series 2 blind bag figures are GRUMPY CLUMPY and ATOMIC FREEZE from Spoiled Rottens, GLITCHFACE, TECHNOTIC SONIC and TV COP from Techie Team, CAPTAIN SWOON and POO SHAM from Toilet Troop, JAVASAURUS REX, KING CANDYHOOVES and SIPPYBERRY from Sugar Shocks, THE IN-SOLE, TROPIC GUZZLERUSH and ICE SIGHT from Jock Squad, SONGWAVE, PINK KEY POP, and DRUMBEATS from Music Mob, SIR BOTCHA and MUST TURD from Greaser Gang, FRIZZLE FRY and OLLIE BITE from Swag Stylers, SANDY MAN from Shed Heads, and HAMURAI, PB JUNIOR and OVER PACK from Lost Bots.
Series 3 blind bag figures are DRIPPY PUP, NAMPY and SHUSHIFIER from Goo-Goo Groopies, GREENY REX and STRIKE FOUR from Lost Bots, SLIMEY SLURPS and DISGUSTO DESSERTO from Spoiled Rottens, MAKEOVER N. OVER from Swag Stylers, TREAT ELITE and CHOC-O-LAWLESS from Sugar Shocks, MELTZ DOWN and HALOWEEN KNIGHT from Season Greeters, CITRUS GUZZLERUSH, TERROR TALE TORCH and RINK STINK from Jock Squad, SENSEI SPINEY, LATTE SPICE WHIRL, and SMERG THE SAD from Fresh Squeeses, DINGLEDEEDOO, AXWELL and CALAMITY KEYS from Music Mob, and D-PAD CHAD, QUACKLES, Q.U.R.O.B.O 6000 from Playroom Posse. Available at most major toy retailers nationwide.
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2 and 3 5-Packs — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2 Shed Heads 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Each Shed Heads collection pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Shed Heads, 1 from the Lost Bots, and 2 from other themed teams! Series 2 5-Pack Shed Heads characters are GRRR’ILLA GRIMES, TOOL BAG, DRILLIT YASELF, and SPOTS THE ROCK!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2 Music Mob 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Each Music Mob collection pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Music Mob, 1 from the Lost Bots, and 2 from other themed teams! Series 2 5-Pack Music Mob characters are PINK KEY POP, DIZZY BONES, DUMBEATS, SONGWAVE and the rare GRAMPIANO!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2 Backpack Bunch 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Each Backpack Bunch collection pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Backpack Bunch, 1 from the Lost Bots, and 2 from other themed teams! Series 2 5-Pack Backpack Bunch characters are BOTTOCORRECT, STEVE FROM ACCOUNTING, SHORT EDGE, and BOGUS POCUS!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 3 Playroom Posse 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Each Playroom Posse collection pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Playroom Posse, 1 from the Lost Bots, and 2 from other themed teams! Series 3 5-Pack Playroom Posse characters are POP-O THE CLOWN, Q.U.R.O.B.O 6000, CUDDLE WUDDLE, QUACKLES, and KIKMEE!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 3 Season Greeters 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Each Season Greeters collection pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Season Greeters, 1 from the Lost Bots, and 2 from other themed teams! Series 3 5-Pack Season Greeters characters are YULE B. BORED, SUGAR BREATH, STRINGALING, and MELTZ DOWN!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2 and 3 8-Packs — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2Spoiled Rottens 8-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures!
Spoiled Rottens collection pack includes 8 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Spoiled Rottens and 6 from other themed teams! Series 2 8-Pack Spoiled Rottens characters are SOUR WING, GRUMPY CLUMPY, ATOMIC FREEZE, and the rare BIG CANTUNA!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 2Swag Stylers 8-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures!
Swag Stylers collection pack includes 8 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Swag Stylers and 6 from other themed teams! Series 2 8-Pack Swag Stylers characters are OLLIE BITE, FRIZZLE FRY, CHIC CHEEK, and the rare PRINCE PERFUMIUS!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 3 Goo-Goo Groopies 8-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures!
Goo-Goo Groopies collection pack includes 8 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Goo-Goo Groopies and 6 from other themed teams! Series 3 8-Pack Goo-Goo Groopies characters are SHUSHIFIER, BOTTLE O-TEARS, NAMPY, CRIB WATCH, and HIGHROLLER!
Transformers BotBots Toys Series 3 Fresh Squeeses 8-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures!
Fresh Squeeses collection pack includes 8 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the Fresh Squeeses and 6 from other themed teams! Series 3 8-Pack Fresh Squeeses characters are BUNCHES, TREND BLEND, AVOCANDO, SENSEI SPINEY, and SMERG THE SAD!
Transformers Toys BotBots Arcade Renegades Surprise 16 Figures – Mystery 2-In-1 Figures
The Arcade Renegades are true button mashers, obsessed with everything about arcade video games. These bots play to win and have the prize tickets to prove it! Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each Arcade Renegades Surprise pack includes 16 figures: 12 Arcade Renegades characters, and 4 random characters from other teams!For a fun unboxing surprise, mash the big orange buttons on the cabinet game-themed Arcade Renegades Surprise pack to reveal the mystery characters inside!Arcade Renegades characters are KNOTZEL the pretzel, DRIVER TED the racing game, CLAWSOME the claw game, TUTU PUFFZ the cotton candy, OLD COOL the cabinet game, BANK SHOT the pinball machine, CACKLE CORN the popcorn, GREED FEED the ticket monster, 24K-BIT the gold coin, TANGRY TART the lollipop, SHERIFF SUGARFEET the doughnut, SWEET CHEAT the candy bar, PIXELFIN the hat, PAPA CLICK the camera, THE FIZZ the soda cup and WRIST BANNED the wrist band.
Not to be outdone, the Transformers film franchise continues to celebrate its first decade and its most recent success with Travis Knight’s 2018 Bumblebee movie. Studio Series continues to spotlight characters and designs from the franchise’s six films.
Deluxe class Decepticon Hightower is the next Revenge of the Fallen Constructicon featured, all leading to the assembly of the immense Devastator. 2011’s Dark of the Moon gets some love in the form of a Leader Class Optimus Prime, a Voyager retool sporting a full trailer that turns into his armory and jetwing flight tech from that film. 2014’s Age of Extinction gets two figures announced this round, with the first Generations-style figure of Cybertronic helicopter Autobot Drift, and a KSI Boss redecoed from TLK Nitro Zeus.
  The most recent of the films isn’t left out either, as announcements for Toy Fair week showed off Bumblebee‘s muscle-car mode Dropkick and classic semi truck Voyager Optimus Prime.
Transformers: Studio Series 47 Deluxe Class Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Constructicon Hightower
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
This 4.5-inch Studio Series 47 Deluxe Class Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen CONSTRUCTICON HIGHTOWER figure converts from robot to vehicle mode in 19 steps. In the Pyramid Desert Battle scene from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the CONSTRUCTICON HIGHTOWER combines with 7 of his CONSTRUCTICON comrades to form the brutal DEVASTATOR combiner. This figure will be part of the left arm of DEVASTATOR as one of the 8 CONSTRUCTICON figures (each sold separately) that will build the ultimate combiner. Remove backdrop to showcase CONSTRUCTICON HIGHTOWER in the Pyramid Desert Battle scene.
Transformers: Studio Series 44 Leader Class Transformers: Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
This Studio Series 44 Leader Class OPTIMUS PRIME figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and converts from robot to truck mode in 44 steps. In the Battle of Chicago scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, OPTIMUS PRIME blasts into battle, using his Jetwing tech to take out the DRILLER tearing through Chicago. Truck trailer converts into Jetwing tech to form JETWING OPTIMUS PRIME. Fans can add parts from the Studio Series 35 Leader Class JETFIRE figure (sold separately, subject to availability) to this figure to form JETPOWER OPTIMUS PRIME. Remove backdrop to showcase OPTIMUS PRIME in the Battle of Chicago scene.
Transformers: Studio Series 45 Deluxe Class Transformers: Age of Extinction Autobot Drift
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
This Studio Series 45 Deluxe Class TRANSFORMERS: Age of Extinction AUTOBOT DRIFT figure converts from robot to car mode in 26 steps. At the sight of OPTIMUS PRIME, AUTOBOT DRIFT dives gracefully off a cliff, converting midair into his helicopter mode to meet him. Remove backdrop to showcase figure in the AUTOBOT Reunion scene.
Transformers: Studio Series 43 Voyager Class Transformers: Age of Extinction KSI Boss
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $29.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
This Studio Series 43 Voyager Class Transformers: Age of Extinction KSI Boss figure converts from robot to truck mode in 35 steps. Figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and detailed hand blasters inspired by the film. The figure is highly articulated for posability. Remove backdrop to showcase KSI Boss in the Hong Kong Pursuit scene.
Transformers Toys Studio Series 46 Deluxe Class Transformers: Bumblebee Movie Dropkick
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/ Available: Aug 1, 2019)
This 4.5-inch Studio Series 46 Deluxe Class Transformers: Bumblebee DROPKICK figure converts from robot to car mode in 26 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase DROPKICK in the DECEPTICON Arrival scene.
Transformers: Studio Series 38 Voyager Class Transformers: Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime
(Ages 8 and Up/ Approx. Retail Price: $29.99/ Available: Apr 1, 2019)
This 6.5-inch Studio Series 38 Voyager Class Transformers: Bumblebee OPTIMUS PRIME figure converts from robot to truck mode in 35 steps. Figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and detailed hand blasters inspired by the film. The figure is highly articulated for posability. Remove backdrop to showcase OPTIMUS PRIME in the San Francisco Bridge scene.
  Looks like there’s something for virtually every Transformers fan this year. What are you looking forward to the most? Let’s shush our weeping wallets together on the Allspark Discord server, on the Allspark Forums, and on the Allspark Facebook group!
  Transformers at NYTF 2019: The Rundown, featuring Official Hasbro Images! It's been half a week after New York Toy Fair 2019 and our heads are still spinning, as the annual exhibition saw toy companies give us their best shot as always.
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streamingstream · 8 years
Bay Area March Dance Checklist
[Theater] Betroffenheit  
By Kidd Pivot and Electric Company Theatre
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Sat, March 11, 8pmVenue: Zellerbach Hall Price: Tickets start at $30 
Two of Canada’s most renowned companies join forces in an emotionally visceral dance-theater experience that examines with unflinching honesty—through comedy and drama, poetry and movement—the shock that besets you in the wake of a disaster. While the work’s extended metaphors encompass weighty concepts like the inability of words to express suffering and the labyrinth of addiction, the overarching message is one of hope and the human capacity to endure. “Utterly compelling…one of the most visually memorable and emotionally powerful performances of the festival."—The Examiner, Dublin Please note: This performance contains strobe-like effects, nontoxic theatrical haze, and strong language. 
120 minutes, including intermission.
Contemporary Voices - Program 5.  SF BALLET 
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FUSION // SALOME // FEARFUL SYMMETRIES This program shows you where ballet is heading. East meets west in Yuri Possokhov’s expansive ballet Fusion. Next is Salome, the first major American commission for Arthur Pita—the self-styled “David Lynch of dance.” Program 5 closes with Liam Scarlett’s physical and deeply sensual Fearful Symmetries which debuted to standing ovations in 2016. Salome deals with mature themes and subject matter. Not recommended for children under 12. ­
3/9Thursday7:30 pm 3/11Saturday2:00 pm 3/11Saturday8:00 pm 3/14Tuesday7:30 pm 3/15Wednesday7:30 pm .  FREE Pointes of View Lecture at 6:05 pm
Must-See Balanchine
Details can be found in the last post:
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater @ Cal performances
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SHOWTIMES: Tuesday, March 14th @ 8pm [ZH] Wednesday, March 15th @ 8pm [ZH] Thursday, March 16th @ 8pm [ZH] Friday, March 17th @ 8pm [ZH] Saturday, March 18th @ 2pm [ZH] Saturday, March 18th @ 8pm [ZH] Sunday, March 19th @ 3pm [ZH] A pillar in the American arts landscape for more than a half century, the revered Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns for its annual residency, with a bold mix of new and recent works as well as timeless Ailey classics, including his unforgettable and uplifting Revelations. "Restraint and release, spirituality and energy: they are all there in Ailey’s masterpiece, Revelations” (Financial Times). Program: Program A (3/14, 3/17, 3/19) BIGONZETTI Deep* (2016; music: Ibeyi) INGER Walking Mad** (2016, music: Ravel, Arvo Pärt) BATTLE Ella* (2008; music: Ella Fitzgerald) AILEY Revelations (1960; music: Traditional Spirituals) Program B (3/15, 3/18 eve) AILEY Night Creature (1974; music: Duke Ellington) AILEY Cry (1971; music: Alice Coltrane, Laura Nyro, The Voices of East Harlem) ABRAHAM Untitled America* (2016; music: Laura Mvula, Joe Andrews, Tom Halstead, Carsten Nicolai Edition, Kris Bowers) HARRIS Exodus (2015; music: Raphael Xavier) Program C (3/16, 3/18 mat) WILSON The Winter in Lisbon (1992, new production; music: Dizzy Gillespie and Charles Fishman) BOYKIN r-Evolution, Dream.* (2016; music: Ali Jackson) AILEY Revelations (1960; music: Traditional Spirituals) * Bay Area Premiere ** Ailey Bay Area Premiere
Black Grace
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Sun, March 19, 2017 at 2:30pm  
Stanford Live
327 Lasuen Street, Bing Concert Hall, Stanford, CA 94305
An inspiring weave of South Pacific traditions and modern dance, Black Grace, founded 20 years ago by Neil Ieremia- a then 19-year-old New Zealand bank clerk- moves with a dynamic athleticism and rhythmic intensity that brings worldwide audiences to their feet. With an international array of superb, risk-taking dancers from Maori, Samoan, and New Zealand cultures, the much-honored Black Grace is rich in storytelling expressed with raw finesse, unique beauty, and power.
Minoi (1999)
Pati Pati (2009)
Crying Men – Excerpt (new work)
Mother Mother (premiered 2013)
2017 Dance Downtown Season
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Two Weeks Only: March 23 - April 2, 2017
Thu 3/23 at 7:30pm | Opening Night (Program A) Fri 3/24 at 8:00pm | Gala (Special Program) Sat 3/25 at 7:30pm Sun 3/26 at 5:00pm | Balcony Talk Thu 3/30 at 7:30pm | Opening Night (Program B) Fri 3/31 at 7:30pm | Balcony Talk & LGBTQ Night Sat 4/1 at 7:30pm Sun 4/2 at 5:00pm | Balcony Talk
“The dancing is always excellent: full-bodied and expansive, without being showy or brawny.”                                      ——– The New Yorker
San Francisco’s internationally acclaimed contemporary dance company ODC/Dance celebrates its 46th season with two world-premieres, live music, and the reprise of Brenda Way’s Walk Back the Cat and Kate Weare’s Giant.
“Blink of an Eye” (World Premiere) by KT Nelson
“Giant” (2015) by Kate Weare
Gala Special Program: March 24 only
Blink of an Eye explores our ephemeral place in time, space, and history, through the use of historical costume accessories, hand held theatrical lights, and music from divergent historical periods. It was influenced by Ms. Nelson’s six-week pilgrimage to the Camino de Santiago, a route to the shrine of the apostle St. James the Great in northwestern Spain.
Blink of an Eye is made possible by contributions from the Amphion Foundation, Richard Grand Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Bernard Osher Foundation, and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Giant plays with perceptions of the heroic body by fantasizing out loud about potency and valor. Playing with scale and feeling, Giant flips from idea to idea, toying with our assumptions of where — and how — power lies. Dubbed “the voice of the ‘it’s complicated’ generation,” by Dance Magazine, Weare charts her own humanism by tackling head-on the violence, sensuality, and yearning for intimacy that mark our age. Giant is made possible by White Bird’s ‘Barney’ Creative Prize and ODC’s Artistic Venture Fund.
Celebrate ‘Women on the Move’ with an evening of cocktails, dinner, spectacular performances by ODC/Dance, and an after-party at the St. Regis and YBCA. This unforgettable night will feature the performance of Kimi Okada’s Two if by Sea, as well as excerpts of KT Nelson’s Blink of an Eye, Kate Weare’s Giant, and Triangulating Euclid, Brenda Way and KT Nelson’s collaboration with Kate Weare. More info here.
“Walk Back the Cat” (2016) by Brenda Way
“What we carry What we keep” (World Premiere) by Brenda Way
Way’s Walk Back the Cat excavates the circuitous journey of the choreographic process and arrives in a world inspired by Thomas Hart Benton’s muscular and vital murals of American City Life in the 1930s. With live music by Paul Dresher, Emily Packard, and Doug Morton. Walk Back the Cat is made possible by contributions from The Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Bonus Event: 
Luminary: Art, Tech, Music
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The Midway SF 900 Marin St San Francisco, CA
Future Fires & The Midway Present:
Luminary, a first-of-its-kind Bay Area event premieres on March 18, 2017 at The Midway, offering a unique and immersive live experience. Explore the visionary work of creators and musicians from around the world using emerging technologies: immersive audio, drones, VR, projection mapping, and more. Future Fires and The Midway are thrilled to announce this groundbreaking collaboration, the first in an ongoing series. Luminary presents the emerging domain of code-based art in a spacious environment, showcasing brilliant music and installation pieces from local and international creators. Featured musical artist is Shigeto, whose music “carries searing emotion and is cross-wired of a host of different musical influences.” (Pitchfork). Experience three dimensional spatial audio in an early preview of Envelop at the Midway’s 32 speaker sound system, featuring live music created by one it’s founders, Christopher Willits, and other special guests. Artists-in-residence Can Buyukberber and Yagmur Uyanik premiere a stunning, large-scale projection-mapped piece in the Midway Gallery. Experience performances and exhibitions representing a wide range of genres throughout the evening. More information and tickets: futurefires.com/luminary LUMINARY Featuring- Shigeto (Ghostly International) Can Büyükberber Christopher Willits in Envelop Yağmur Uyanık Joey Verbeke ecco screen Karen Marcelo Graham Plumb Marpi Mikey Disko Aerial Sports League Alex Andre NANO Special Exhibitions- Flying Robots International Film Festival Building, the Future with Britelite Immersive Nature / Unnature - VR with Dream Logic The Moshi Project - Hip-Hop & Code Live Music in ENVELOP at The Midway by- Christopher Willits in Envelop Mark Slee in Envelop The Ride in Envelop Snuise in Envelop Manitous in Envelop ENVELOP at The Midway: Envelop will have an early preview at Luminary on March 18th. Envelop at The Midway is an immersive sound environment, consisting of an 8-column, 28.4 channel audio and lighting system running an open source software toolkit. As You Like It in the Gods & Monsters Room (10pm-2am)- Fort Romeau (Ghostly International) Patrice Scott (Sistrum Recordings) Tyrel Williams (Housepitality/ Secret Studio)
Event schedule
Most Luminary exhibits will be continuous throughout the evening.
5:30     VR - Tilt Brush by Google, Artist Demo  (Producers Pass)
6:00     Envelop - (Producers Pass)
7:00     Flying Robot International Film Festival
7:00     Nature / Unnature  - VR with Dream Logic
8:30     Moshi Project
8:40     NANO
8:55     Marpi (Interactive)  
​9:30     Shigeto - Headline Musical Artist
10:00   As You Like It - DJ sets
10:45   NANO / Marpi / Moshi  
0 notes