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📌Óscar López estrena al ataque su candidatura contra Ayuso: “Quieren ocultar los chanchullos del padre, del hermano, del novio” 📌Un estudio revela que la mayoría de las agresiones a profesionales en la sanidad pública la sufren las mujeres y se producen en centros de salud 📌El Supremo cita como testigo a Miguel Ángel Rodríguez en el caso contra el Fiscal General: “pá’lante!!!” 📌Más de treinta colectivos y movimientos ciudadanos constituyen en la capital la Mesa Ciudadana del Árbol 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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Trevor Howard, Celia Johnson, Jacques Sernas, Eric Portman, and Nadia Gray celebrating Portman’s birthday with a picnic at Pinewood Studios in 1949.
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#youtube#amazonprime#with love series#constance marie#emeraude toubia#desmond chaim#vincent rodriguez iii#isis king#todd grinnell#benito martinez#pepe serma
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Tanamkan Kedisiplinan di Sekolah, Serma Kamali Melatih PBB Siswa-Siswi SMPN 01 Gandusari
Tanamkan Kedisiplinan di Sekolah, Serma Kamali Melatih PBB Siswa-Siswi SMPN 01 Gandusari
BLITAR – Dalam menanamkan kedisiplinan di sekolah, Serma Kamali Babinsa Koramil 0808/15 Gandusari, melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan Peraturan Baris Berbaris (PBB) kepada siswa siswi SMPN 01 Gandusari. Kegiatan pelatihan tersebut dilaksanakan di SMPN 01 Gandusari yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Gandusari, Kabupaten Blitar, Sabtu (14/9/2024). Pelatihan peraturan baris berbaris ini, bertujuan untuk…
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Karateka Spanish ad (Serma, 1985)
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LOYALLL 💖💖💖🐔🐔🐔
iirc you live in a colder environment, but I was wondering of you knew any chicken breeds that would thrive in warmer climates (ie. Central Texas) The price of (everything.) Eggs is dire and the Jack farmer arc may be real soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼 (I've been doing research for 2ish years, and now I might actually convince my family.) I live on a couple of acres, so space isn't a problem. Im rambling now but I love talking w/ u BYEEE. -Jack
okay YAY!!
yes, heat tolerance is very important! most breeds can tolerate heat if they have enough shade and a well ventilated coop but some breeds like brahmas will always do poorly, honestly.
a common breed that's good in the heat is actually the leghorn! but you'll want to look for a local/heritage breeder because a lot of hatchery or production leghorns have health problems but this is honestly true for like, all breeds.
any mediterranean breed will be good! anconas, andalusian, minorca or catalana. the egyptian fayoumi is also good! same with the naked necks/turkens and those are super cute. <3 <3
also sermas are great! they lay smaller eggs because they're true bantams but they very fun to have and probably a bit easier to find.
but really, even birds like RIRs with proper shade will likely be fine!
i live some place cold but it also gets stupid hot here sometimes, like 36-37 degrees and i have some heavy bodied breeds. with good shade and a little pit dug out, they're fine. i often will give them electrolytes during the heat waves and you can freeze plastic jugs of water and put them in a little hole in the bedding and they'll lay on it!
anyway, there's a LOT of guides out there so my advice would be to see what breeders are near you and then look up a guide for the breed (though look for a forum or blog post and probably not a hatchery page) which should tell you a lot!
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Dilê te kevire çavên te xencer
Agir dicemide li ber serma te
Ez dilê te li kevir xim ewê agir jê here
Wey mal xirab te çi kir
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I'm so fucking
vent and tw for animal death
my two sermas that I had left, a rooster and a hen, were put together. Whenever I fed them, he would always coo for her because he wanted to let her know there was food and water. After she died, and I gave him food and water, he still cooed for her. Still letting her know that there was food and water that she would never eat or drink.
I'm in tears as I'm writing this because it makes me feel all the worse and guilty for letting her die on my watch.
Because he'll never understand why she wasn't waking up that day. Neither of them understood why Cosmos wasn't getting up when she died either. All they know, they're friend is just gone, and then I take them away, and they never see them again.
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Information was kept: one person to communicate the SMART SPRIP transfer and Euros - Special
Ruben Aorid Brining Victor Osimhen to one person (photo by Juan Manuel Serma Arlam Arrma Arre Arce, Ahmad Mora Manchester United is talking to Napoli for Transfer transfer and Victor Osimhen and Rasmus Hojlund in front of the summer. The sources near the condition has been explained Of the past At this time some news about Abali was trying to sign Hojlund from red devils. The UTD is open to…
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*Babinsa dan Bhabinkamtibmas Gelar Komsos di Desa Karang Berahi, Pererat Hubungan dengan Perangkat Desa*
Satukomando.Merangin.com,,, Rabu 19 Maret 2025 – Babinsa Koramil 420-09/Bangko, Kodim 0420/Sarko Serma Sumaiyadi, bersama Bhabinkamtibmas Brigpol Peri Hasibuan, melaksanakan kegiatan Komunikasi Sosial (Komsos) dengan perangkat Desa Karang Berahi, Kecamatan Pamenang, Kabupaten Merangin. Kegiata ini bertujuan untuk mempererat hubungan kerja antara Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas, dan aparat desa,…

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📌Los 16 centros que promete Ayuso terminar en 2027 llevan lustros varados entre primeras piedras y licitaciones, otros 10 son solares 📌Así evita los concursos de la Xunta la empresa de la hermana de Feijóo: cinco millones en 1.311 facturas 📌Almeida estudia colocar la noria gigante que propuso Villacís en el mayor parque de Arganzuela 📌La Comisión Europea reafirma su compromiso con la memoria histórica ante los ataques de PP y Vox y sus «leyes de la concordia» 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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Demi Keselamatan Warga, Babinsa Lawang Sigap Berkoordinasi Atasi Dampak Cuaca Ekstrem
Kab.Malang – Babinsa Koramil 0818/27 Lawang Serma Dahlan melakukan peninjauan langsung ke lokasi yang terdampak cuaca ekstrem Hujan deras disertai angin di Desa Srigandi, Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Malang. (03/2025) Peninjauan ini dilakukan setelah hujan deras disertai angin kencang melanda wilayah tersebut, mengakibatkan beberapa pohon dan tiang listrik tumbang. Kegiatan ini diinisiasi sebagai…

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poema que eu fiz
Não consigo temer o natural Não consigo temer os instintos mais selvagens de um serMas eu temia, temo e temerei a maldade humana Tenho medo de ser envenenado, estuprado, perder o controle sobre quem sou, temo me perder fisicamente, assim como me perdi na minha própria mente Tenho medo de ser jogado às traças por aqueles que deveria confiar por serem parte de uma "espécie superior"Não tenho medo de uma morte natural, tenho medo de uma morte dolorosa e sem razão, e tenho mais medo de continuar vivo nessa sociedade do que de morrer nela, mesmo os cortes mais profundos causados pelos arranhões mais agressivos de um animal são mais racionais e nem se equiparam ao tiro mais certeiro dado de um homem à outro: porque o predador carnívoro mata para se alimentar, o herbívoro para se defender e o humano para conquistar poder numa sociedade vazia.
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Bawaslu Sumut Menggelar Rapat Bersama Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota
Bawaslu Sumut Menggelar Rapat Bersama Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota
Medan – Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut) menggelar Rapat Koordinasi Bersama dengan Stakeholder Terkait Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati serta Wali Kota dan Wakil Wali Kota Serentak Tahun 2024, yang dilaksanakan di Gedung Adam Malik jalan Serma Lion Kosong, Kota Padangsidimpuan, Jumat (18/10/2024). Kegiatan ini…
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KARANGANYAR — Jum'at 21 Februari 2025 Serma Sarno Anggota Koramil 07/Matesih melaksanakan senam bersama di depan kantor kecamatan Matesih.

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KARANGANYAR — Jum'at 21 Februari 2025 Serma Sarno Anggota Koramil 07/Matesih melaksanakan senam bersama di depan kantor kecamatan Matesih.
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