dunmeshistash · 2 months
Ryoko Kui Q&A (part of the Autograph event in Shanghai, China)
Here's the full Q&A copied from the post by Minute_Profession_34 on reddit
Original on weibo
About Ryoko Kui
Q: You have created a lot of interesting short manga in the past, do you have any favorite short manga by other artists?
A: A classic choice though, I think it's the collection of short stories by Fujiko F. Fujio. Other impressive works include "Hanshin: Half-God" by Moto Hagio, "Hanashippanashi " by Daisuke Igarashi, "茄子" by 黑田硫黄, "Skygrazer" by Ishiguro Masakazu, and "Tabi (The Journey of Life)" by Irie Aki. However, I haven't really read many short manga compilations.
Q: Do you prefer to create short manga or longer ones?
A: Long manga.
Q: Do you have a game that you highly recommend to fans?
A: Although not a game title, Steam Deck is the best thing I have bought in the last few years.
Q: What kind of music genre do you like?
A: I'm really not a music person and don't listen to music at all. Sometimes I listen to something like Tropical House.
About the creation & worldview of Dungeon Meshi
Q: Is the main storyline of the comics conceived at the beginning? Is the final ending adjusted during the serialization process?
A: I decided everything from the beginning. It may sound overly pretentious to say that, but I am the type of person who cannot move forward with each and every story unless I have decided on the main flow of the story. Of course, there are parts that I changed during the process because I thought, "I was going to do it this way, but it might not be natural," and there are parts that didn't work out the way I wanted them to. However, I think the story turned out to be roughly what I had in mind at the beginning.
Q: Will people outside of the dungeon incorporate the use of magic into their daily lives?
A: It would depend on the region. There are many sorcerers in elven and gnome cultures, but I don't think you will find many in dwarf and most short-lived cultures.
Q: What secrets of ancient magic are the elves hiding? Why would one be punished for doing anything related to ancient magic?
A: It is about the existence of Demon. They restricted that information because they didn't know what effect it would have on the world if the existence of Ddemon became known.
Q: How do adventurers know the time? Is there any dungeon having a different time flow from the normal world?
A: Some people bring things like clocks, but most only use their biological clock. There are also Dungeons where the flow of time is different from that on the ground.
Q: In the world of Dungeon Meshi, how do you deal with natural disasters, what would Laios or Marcille or Canaries do when there's a drought or a storm?
A: I don’t think it is so different from us.
About characters in Dungeon Meshi
Q: It’s about to give the new puppy a name again. Can Laos still beat Falin?
A: 7 out of 10, Laios will win. Or it may be decided by rock-paper-scissors or a raffle.
Q: Who will inherit the Golden Land after the passaway of Laios? The children and grandchildren of Yaad? Or the descendants of Laios? Or will there be a new Devourer?
A: Maybe the descendants of the Laios will inherit it, or maybe it will be passed on to someone with no blood ties at all. Or perhaps the monarchy will be abolished.
Q: Will Laios continue to eat monsters in the castle? And who will cook, maybe someone better than Senshi?
A: Many people in Merini are good cooks, but Senshi's cooking must be special to Laios. He may invite Senshi to cook from time to time.
Q: Where will Falin prefer to travel to?
A: She may prefer places where she can see landscapes and cultures she has never seen before.
Q: Would Marcille befriend a half-elf, such as Fionil? Since half-elves shouldn't think too much about longevity amongst themselves. Or would they not consider race as a factor to make friends but by fate?
A: Because mixed species in this world grow at very different rates and have very different abilities from person to person, there is often not much of a sense of sameness when you first meet them. They may or may not become friends as a result of interacting with each other as we would with any other human being.
Q: Is there any special meaning of Marcille and her mother's ribbons on the neck? And what about Cithis’s ribbon?
A: In elven culture, people with magic tattoos on their necks sometimes wear decorations covering their necks to hide the tattoos (mainly military personnel) This has spread to the general population, and many people wear decorations on their necks even if they do not have neck tattoos. Marcille and her mother's ribbons are just for fashion. While Cithis may have something special.
Q: Why wouldn’t Cithis wear a gorget? Or she’s not afraid of Dungeon Rabbits?
A: Maybe it’s suffocating or simply not liking it? The head-cutting Dungeon Rabbit is a fearsome monster, but it is not the first thing for the rear guard to be on the lookout for.
Q: How will Izutsumi and Falin get along with each other?
A: They may work together if necessary, but I doubt that Izutsumi will actively show interest in Falin (as she does with everyone).
Q: Itsuzumi has a beast soul mixed with a small amount of human soul, and does she shapeshift between a beast-man and a beast form like Lycion?
A: It can be done, but once transformed, she may no longer want to return to her human form.
*This Q&A seems to be strange
Q: What would Thistle do if he attended the former dungeon masters meetings?
A: Perhaps he would feel angry at the incompetence of other masters (their dependence on the devil).
Q: How did Milsiril accept Helki to stay by her side? After all, she hated elves and was bullied by her Canary teammates.
A: In the past, Helki was abandoned by his comrades for various reasons, and she could not leave him alone.
Q: Has Kabru ever had a real relationship with a girl? If so, what race or personality type of the girl was she?
A: I don’t think he cares about race, etc...
Q: What kind of soba will Mithrun make?
A: I hope he can make delicious soba.
Q: I would like to know the name of Mithrun’s brother or his brother’s crush!
A: His brother's name is Obrin (オブリン). I haven't thought of a particular name for his brother’s crush, so I'll name her appropriately now. Hmmm. Sultha (スルスハ).
Q: Since Mithrun used to assist Canary from behind, I wonder what kind of weapons he was good at using? Or was he good at using no weapons? (this is new info from the Korean Q&A)
A: He used a magic staff similar to that used by Pattadol. He was issued with the same one by the team. However, he no longer carried it because he lost it easily.
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luimagines · 2 months
Legend's Masterlist
Sunny, Sleepy Cuddles
Legend Comforting Reader After a Nightmare
Romantic Headcanons
Legend is Using the Bunny to his Advantage
Legend’s Secret Friend (800 follower raffle)  
Mirror Mirror
Jealous Boy
Legend with Affectionate S/O Headcanons
Flour War
His Fiancé is a Tree
Flower Petals
Roommate Hcs
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bouncyballcitadel · 1 month
"Chance Encounter" - A Short Snippet
For raffle winner @riseandshine-pudgey. Vic and Dr. Sloan end up in the same restaurant.
You are not a social person.
You hate parties, you hate crowds. If it were up to you, you'd stay at home - try out new pasta recipes, drink a glass of wine. Small talk is your anathema. Running into coworkers outside of the hospital - the bane of your existence.
Precisely why you eat at Christine's on Mondays. Christine's is already a hole-in-the-wall, which is to your advantage. And, let's be honest - no one goes out to eat on a Monday. This ends up being a perfect combination for you, your very own date night: a tiny pocket of time that's wholly your own.
Just you, a glass of red, and a plate of truffle gnocchi.
...Except today.
Because today, just before you're about to spear your first gnocchi, the bell above the door jingles. And in she walks - none other than Dr. Ivy Sloan.
You're pretty sure Dr. Sloan doesn't think about you. And you don't think about her either. Ever since the...spat you got into your first year, the two of you have stayed in separate orbits. You weren't going to change for her, and she had given up on changing you. You were never going to be the warm and fuzzy type, the type to pull up a chair, to hold someone's hand. You weren't a heartless bastard - you just...didn't believe in adornments.
Competence. Skill. Drive.
Those are the skills you've cultivated during your training. And...fine, you've smoothed out some of your rougher edges too, if only to appease the powers that be.
As you watch Dr. Sloan take a seat at the other end of the room, you fight the urge to shift in your seat. You know she'll see you eventually - you're not exactly short - but you want to delay the moment as much as possible. Once she sees you, once the two of you mutually acknowledge each other's existence, any sense of privacy on your end will be lost. You know, inevitably, that you'll feel perceived. That your chances of enjoying your truffle gnocchi and your glass of red wine at ease will infinitely diminish.
If only it were anyone else. If it were Jay, for example - he'd probably sit with you, but you could tolerate that. Or, if it were Dr. Saxon - the two of you could just ignore each other. But, because it's her - because of what she means to Peter, you can't just put her aside.
It's no secret that Peter and Dr. Sloan are close friends. And, you're sure there's a side to Dr. Sloan that you're not privy to. But if Peter trusts her, confides in her, shows his true self to her - and she can't stand you, then what does that say about your and Peter's relationship?
People tend to surround themselves with similar people. It's no shock to you that throughout your life, you've called more than one Kyle your friend. But you and Dr. Sloan are complete opposites. And, you like to think that you're more than just another resident to Peter.
But, who's to say? Maybe the rumors are overstated, of you being Peter's "favorite." Maybe the way he treats you, spends time with you, believes in you - it's all in the name of mentorship. Maybe the glimpses you think are the real Peter aren't glimpses at all.
You drink from your glass - a larger mouthful than you bargained for - and immediately almost aspirate. You manage to swallow the wine, the smallest of mercies, but you know already when you look back that Dr. Sloan's gaze will have turned on you.
Your eyes meet and before you can strategize what the best next move would be, she inclines her head in the smallest of nods.
Amanda brings her a glass of wine - so she's a fan of reds, too.
You nod back. And she turns her gaze back to her menu.
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 5 months
Joy, what if there's someone else or a family who have similar hair colour and eyes colour see Peter and decided that he belong with their family haha and Tony who heard about that got jealous and declared war to them haha
What if that person/family *was* Tony and it's not until AFTER he has his armor in a twist about it that he figures out it's him. lmao.
Like, one day Peter mentions that there's this person who kinda looks like him and he kinda likes to pretend he's his dad. "Do you think that's weird?"
Tony feels like he's just taken the entire weight of a train to his gut. Because, well- he kinda thinks of Peter as his kid. He knew him first. He called dibs! But Peter looks nervous and a little embarrassed so he forces a smile. "I think as long as that person is good to you, it's fine." But it's a lie. It's a HUGE lie because no one could treat Peter better than he can.
"Well, the thing is- they don't actually know I, uh- think that. They *are* good to me but really, it's just kind of a game I play with them. In my head."
Tony nods, his brain is turning. If he can figure out who this person is, he can ask them to back off. He could let them know the kid has the whole mentor-father figure thing covered. No need to butt in. He clenches his jaw, imagining what that would feel like. "So, is it a teacher or-" He needs to narrow down his options.
"He teaches me stuff."
"Family friend?"
"Kind of. May was a little weird about it at first but he's growing on her."
Great, Tony thinks. If May likes this guy that could create a massive problem because May does NOT like him. She doesn't hate him either but if she had to choose someone for her nephew to internally parentalize? Is that a word? Doesn't matter. If May had to choose. It wouldn't be him. He really needed to track this guy down; maybe find him a job on the opposit side of the planet.
He wants to ask who exactly this person is, but if he's going to declare a secret war on them he needs the Parkers to believe he has no idea who Peter is talking about. So, he doesn't ask. Instead, he spends the next two days coming up with a plan of action. Nothing too nefarious. He comes up with a fake raffle. One that would allow the winner to visit the SI headquarters in China. If that person was then offered a permanent job there with benefits, a sign-on bonus and housing- well, who could give that up?
After that was worked out, he used FRIDAY to narrow down a list of suspects. He made certain to ask Peter about his daily activities, He tried to bring up the mystery person in conversation, hoping to gain some insight. All the while he had FRIDAY analyzing the data.
All of that effort, and by day six he's narrowed it down to two people and neither of them makes sense. Ned's Dad looks nothing like Peter. And that teacher Peter talks about, Mr. Harrington doesn't seem to take an interest in Peter outside of school-related functions.
"Peter- who is this person?" he finally asks, trying and failing to keep the frustration out of his voice.
"What person?"
"The person you see a- the one you pretend is your dad. I've been trying to figure it out and- who is it?"
Peter ducks his head, his lip goes between his teeth and his cheeks turn five sade of red.
"Come on, Pete. It can't be that bad." Horror passes through his brain. "It's not Happy is it?" He can't send Happy to China. If it's Happy he's going to have to live with it. Miserably.
"No!" Peter looks up briefly. "It's- Mr. Stark, it's you."
That tain is back to hit him in the gut again. This time in a good way. "Me? I thought you said May liked this person?"
Peter laughs. "I said they were growing on her."
Tony thinks back. Peter had also said the person looked kind of like him, was good to him, and taught him stuff. He supposed he fit the bill. His chest, and subsequently his cheeks grew warm. "Pete, I-"
"I'm sorry! I know it's weird!"
"Not weird, Buddy. One hundred percent not weird."
"It's not?"
"Nah. Or if it is, then we're both weird because I've been thinking about you as my kid for a while." He grins. "Is this the part where we hug?"
Peter grins too. "I don't know. Are we there yet?"
"Get in here you little punk!" He and Peter fall into each other's arms. They squeeze tightly and smile stupidly. Eventually, Tony glances up at the ceiling. "Hey FRIDAY? Cancel operation 'Three's a Crowd.'"
"Operation what? Peter asks.
Tony yanks Peter's head back down onto his chest and squeezes him a little more tightly. "Nothing. Don't worry about it. Let's just hug it out, then go do some science."
Peter giggles happily. "Sure, Mr. Stark. Let's do that."
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Transformation Letter: Noah
Hello. My name is Noah and I would love transforming into anything or anyone. I'm an single 20 years old bisexual, who is annoyed by long work days as a german nurse. I would most likely describe me as the boring white boy with brown hair, brown eyes and nothing special. Would love to get out of germany.
It is way after ten in the evening after a long day of work. You are sitting in Ilkan's flat and enjoy a beer with your Turkish friend when he suddenly announces that he will have to return to Turkey soon because of family matters and there's a good chance he won't be able to get back for at least a few years.
For the last years, Ilkan has been a close friend to you, and a welcome opportunity to complain about work - the news is devastating. You even have a bit of a crush on the burly Turk, but since he is straight you kept that a secret. Of course, you can hardly say anything against him leaving, so, you just say "Tja."
You continue to sit there, sipping beer when suddenly, Ilkan appears to remember something.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I got this really strange letter today, do you know what's up with that?"
He fetches a letter from a company named "Artificial Transmutations" and shows it to you. It's just a QR code and a single line of text below it: "If you want to accept Noah's request, please install the app above."
Of course, you recognize the company - there had been an online ad and you decided to write a letter to them. Apparently, there was some kind of a raffle for a cruise or something, you didn't have a closer look at the ad back then.
"I think it's some kind of competition or draw or something where you can win a trip." You reply.
Ilkan nods and just as you are about to go on about data privacy, he has already scanned the code and started the download. Ilkan is refreshingly carefree with all of that.
The app installs quickly, and you are both looking at Ilkan's phone. Besides the logo, there is just a single green button labelled "Claim".
"So, does this mean you have won?" Ilkan asks.
"I don't know. Go on and press the button!" You answer, wondering why Ilkan has gotten the reply letter and not you. You are pretty sure you didn't mention your friend in your letter.
As soon as Ilkan taps the button, you feel very strange all of a sudden. Your dick grows stiff and strains against your jeans, flooding your system with arousal. You absolutely cannot think straight as you look at Ilkan, who is sitting next to you on the couch, legs spread slightly as usual.
Without further comment, you reach over and undo Ilkan's fly and greedily pull down his boxer shorts to expose his ample, but soft cock.
Ilkan is way too surprised of your sudden action to react and just starts to say: "Noah, what ahhhh..."
You interrupt him by closing your mouth around his soft cock, breathing in the sweaty groin and tasting the flavor of his unwashed dick, with all the traces of piss, sweat and dirt that have gathered during the day.
Almost immediately, you feel his hand at the back of your head, but to your big surprise, Ilkan doesn't pull you from his groin. Instead, he pushes you further in, with quite some force actually. Your nose is being pressed into his untrimmed bush of pubic hair, intensifying the manly smell even more as his hairs tickle your face. You cannot see anything since your face is in Ilkan’s groin, but you feel two things: First, Ilkan's cock is slowly raising and second, Ilkan stands up while still having his hand on the back of your head and positions himself right in front of you.
Your arms explore his big hairy legs that are spread widely in front of you, and you pull down his jeans and boxers for good. There is a slight movement as Ilkan steps out of them, all the while your tongue is busy teasing his cock.
Ilkan increases the pressure once more, and for a moment, your nose almost hurts since it is pressed into his groin with so much force. That passes quickly however, and you feel your face jumping forward a few centimeters more. It is like your nose has been flattened against his groin, but you didn't feel pain or hear a noise that would indicate it being broken.
Your mouth is full with Ilkan's increasingly erect cock now and he is bucking his hips lightly into your mouth. You hug his hips with your arm in order to press yourself even further to Ilkan, who now uses the hand on your head to face-fuck you, slamming your face into his sweaty privates with more and more force.
You don't even use your tongue even more - Your mouth is more like a pouch now, a place for his dick to be in, as your head becomes thinner and thinner - and more fabric like with every thrust. Your hands have fused behind his back and turned to an elastic rubber band, fixing yourself to his waist.
Suddenly, Ilkan closes his hand and warps your face - or what's left of it, around his erection. He grips his cock through your fabric face and begins to jerk himself off, warping your pouch that seems to be almost all that is left of you in the shape of his ample erection.
Finally, he cums a thick load of cum into you, which you absorb quietly as the jockstrap that you are now.
"Phew. I didn't know that was what you wanted Noah...". He pauses for a moment before continuing. "Although I suppose I shouldn't call you that any longer. You're just a jockstrap after all, and I'm gonna treat you like the thing you are, my possession."
You feel a warm feeling of agreement as your owner acknowledges your inferiority. Soon you're going to leave Germany wrapped around your best friends junk. You don't have to worry about your job anymore and you couldn't be happier.
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Don't forget: If you, too want to send a transformation letter and want to be transformed, consider joining my riot page today!
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missalppy · 4 months
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Tl;dr - trying to escape my mentally and emotionally abusive home. Offering commissions and a raffle to leave.
Hi everyone! My names Haile. Or I’m also known as Mxalppy online. I’m a disabled and lgbtq+ artist trying to escape my home. These past two weeks have been unbearable. Especially the last two days where a ‘friend’ showed my family my posts about them on a secret FB account I have. It made the situation explode. I don’t feel safe and need out immediately.
I’m offering commissions. $50 for a church style drawing you can order through KoFi. There’s also a raffle going on where you can find the information in the trello below.
If you’d just like to contribute to my GFM, it’s below. I put the lowest amount I could as I feel terrible for asking for help. Please share this. Any help is appreciated. If you need more info, I’ll gladly share it.
🌟kofi🌟 https://ko-fi.com/missalppy
🌟raffle trello🌟 https://trello.com/b/gX2hSmDg/gfm-raffle
🌟GFM🌟 https://gofund.me/0404719d
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rafent · 2 months
Ah, there's the fucker. "Hey, Raffles! I've got beef with you!" Now, strolling up to a scary fell dragon is not something she would usually be all gung-ho about doing, but she had a feeling she was...relatively safe in doing so. Trusting in the Alfred who trusts in her, or whatever. Even if she definitely still thought Alfred was way too open and eager with that. Still, she slides up with all the confidence in the world, hands on her hips, and grins at him like he can't turn into a huge ass dragon that could maybe eat her. "So, you're Alfred's new bestie that I've been hearing so much about." Bestie. Right. "Weeeell, as his other bestie, it only seems right that we get to know each other, yeah?" This is the part she's...way less confident about, but she moves to Rafal's side and links and arm with him. As casually as she can, she pulls on his arm until he leans down and she can casually whisper to him. "You're not as trusting as everyone else to think there's nothing suspicious about those organizers, right?"
'Other bestie?' Near imperceptible but telling all the same, a stormy and involuntary twitch in the dragon's brow. Bombarded with presumptions by one who proclaimed to know him in spite of heinously bastardizing his name; Alfred alongside, regardless the fact he'd never seen this stranger in proximity to the prince. Thirdly and finally topped by the bold proposal to 'get to know each other' without so much as a proper greeting. Base curiosity had no choice but to evolve into outright suspicion.
"You proclaim to be friend to the Firenese prince. Now you wish to know me better while misconstruing my name." Arms locked tightly across chest. If a stare could kill surely this one would find leaping rates of success. "If such behavior encompasses the human vice of swindling for money, then look elsewhere. I don't have any."
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Riches Rafal did not have, but sense he most certainly did. His forbidding glare would recede in stages, thunderclouds dissipating, then parted to completion onto a glade of understanding. Such over familiar precursor had been ruse, insurance for the very next question. Equipped with Rafal's ready answer at that.
"Naturally. Only a fool totally bereft of all four senses would miss the trove of suspicious qualities strewn everywhere. Organizers in masks. Unspoken motives. The sensation of being watched. Anyone can suspect there is more to this scene than meets the eye." She had come to him in obvious search of assurance and like minds. Like thoughts. Would his response then be her coveted light at the end of the tunnel? No, far crueler; her hope dangled and snuffed in orderly succession.
". . .But frankly, it pertains little to me."
His patience guttered like a dying flame, or perhaps it was the Fell Heir's trust that hadn't been kindled to begin with. No eager peddler of secrets to those little known, a single effortless tug of draconic might dislodged her grip and with a prim flick of heel that dragon started on his way.
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theonekierce · 12 days
whats crime and cricket? ur fanart looks interesting
ah thank u! 'crime and cricket' is the fandom tag for the Raffles series by E.W. Hornung, since the character name is difficult to use as a tag lmao It's mostly short stories with one novel, all narrated by Bunny who is the old school friend turned partner and accomplice of AJ Raffles, a gentleman thief who uses his fame as an amateur cricket player as a cover for his secret life as a burglar! They were sort of based on Holmes and Watson if they were criminals instead of detectives, but there's a lot more to them than that and they're really compelling stories that i have become completely obsessed with
if you wanna read any, Raffles Redux is my go-to as its full of annotations with extra context and illustrations etc, but the books are all public domain so they're easy enough to find online copies of. I would definitely reccomend reading these in order since theyre pretty serialised - but if you're not sure, the first 'The Ides Of March' and third 'Gentlemen Vs Players' are good intro stories for getting the feel of them
Also, im only about half-way through the first story but i am obligated to boost my own comic book adaptation ive been working on >:)
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lightofunova · 5 months
The Sleepover Has Concluded!!
Thank you everyone for participating in my first ever community event! This was incredibly fun to host and create assets and backgrounds for! I had a blast hosting for you all, and I hope everyone really enjoyed participating in it, or at least watching along!
I will be taking a break from this blog as the event has undoubtedly caused me to burnout a smidge haha. Alotta art in just a short amount of time. I will of course be back as soon as I feel up to it! However you'll catch me running other blogs or doing other things and art in the meantime. (Like the new blog @distorteddiamonds wink wink)
Raffle Winners!!!
It is my pleasure to announce our raffle winners! Thank you everyone once again for supporting me for so long over the past year! I cannot state how much fun it's been to get to know everyone, and the fact so many of you enjoy my work makes me so happy! But before I ramble more...
Congratulations to @hoodies-monster-ranch for winning the gijinka design!! And congratulations to @pokepalsarchive for winning the icon!! Please be sure to DM me so I can grant you your prizes!!!
In Closing...
I will be finishing up a few interactions here that I wish to continue as I stated in my last post, but they will most likely all be text based haha.
Out of all the secrets at the event, 2/4 were discovered! Through interactions or appearances of unlikely characters, they were unlocked!
Zapdos will be leaving the event withouut his orb!! Let's hope he doesn't get scolded by Ryuki when he gets home.
And of course, Reshi has plenty of new friends she adores very very much, and cherishes the ones she already had that much more. Thank you again to everyone for participating!! I hope to see you very soon!! ;))
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sunflawyer · 9 months
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I'm so sorry I've been inactive for the past few days, finals are still making me busy!! @-@ Plus I've been making my secret santas (I got a lot to give!!!) so I haven't really had the time to check Tumblr. I MISSED YOU ALL!!!!
My dearest mutuals... Hope you don't forget about me... Looks at you with my pleading eyes... 🥺
Plus I've been thinking of doing a small selfship art raffle to celebrate my 300 folls!! Yay!!! And also open my commission!!! ☀️🌟🌟
Merry Christmas to you all! Have a holly jolly holiday!! 🎄⭐
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mesaifr · 8 months
Anteros' Secret Valentine's Gift
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Hello dragons of Sornieth
In a week or two it is Valentine’s day and Anteros’ birthday. He wants to celebrate this by spreading warmth and care to as many as possible. So if you want to share your love, romantic or platonic, please visit the link below! What Anteros will do is send a message to your friend with a small gift, this can be anything from a flower to a nice necklace, a familiar or a random piece of apparel. It can be anonymous of course, and you can also leave a message. You can request a certain type of gift and even suggest exactly what to give but he can't guarantee a specific item, sorry.
Please fill out this form to participate! 
This is a simple message/giveaway without a clear winner but feel free to spread the word :3 You can only wish for a gift to another player’s dragon, not your own. Max two entries per user. Maybe you want to cheer them up during these special times that we live in <3
This year the gifts will be sent out between the 14th and the 18th since I have a few things to do on the big day. There is also a raffle for those who enter: you can win a level 25, unbred, gen 1.
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luimagines · 1 year
Legend’s Secret Friend (800 Follower Raffle)
Our second place winner was @ships-lover!
They wanted something similar to Four Gets No Mercy, from the last raffle. Where they have a secret friend that more or less has their heart. I hope you all enjoy.
Content under the cut!
The group stopped in the nearest house they could find. The Veteran was hospitable enough to point the way to where his house resided. After the door was unlocked and the tables with merchandise were cleared, the group finally was able to rid themselves of their layers and armor.
It didn’t take long for the boys to begin doing their own thing. Wild made it his mission to familiarize himself with the kitchen and to take on Hyrule as his helper. Sky and Warrior were both quick to work on personal things. Whether that be item maintenance of supply checks.
Four stepped out, making it quickly known that he was going to check out the forge and do what he could with his blacksmithing knowledge. Curious about the techniques and glory of it all, Wind followed suit.
Time and Twilight sat by the single table left over, talking quietly. They were too tired to look over what the group was doing, nor who was still held accountable. Being in the relative comfort and safety of the town, they hoped that the others wouldn’t do anything that would require a bail out. They wouldn’t vouch for their characters… too much anyway.
There was one person that no one thought to consider.
Legend looked at his warry and exhausted friends. While there were some people that he held some reservations about letting out of his sight, there was one singular person that he had to see no matter the cost.
He takes a silent breath and leaves his home, heading to the back and through the nearby forest.Legend takes a familiar path. He knows it almost by heart at this point. He’s almost certain he would have been able to take it blindfolded at this point.
“Hey!” He whisper yells into the space around him. He was still closer to the house than you would have usually met but he’s excited. “Are you here? I’m back!”
No reply.
Undeterred, Legend walks further down the path, picking his pace up to a jog. “Hey!” He calls your name. “Where are you?”
Then the branch on a nearby tree wobbles and shakes. The leaves fall to the ground in their silent dances and a body swings downward, still holding onto the branch. The person is upside and their hair sticks out at odd angles but they smile brightly. “Link!”
They drop and run to the young man, hugging him fiercely as they collide. “I thought you would be gone for longer!”
“So did I.” He laughs and spins them around for good measure. “I can’t stay for long. I’m only here for a visit but I had to see you again.” 
Legend’s heart dips when the smile falls off of your face at the news. You release him and frown, holding back a long suffering sigh. You grab ahold of his hands and hold them close. “Can’t you stay for longer this time? You’re always going somewhere. Something is always happening.”
“I know.” Legend holds your hands back, tightening his hold on them. “But not this time. We’re not even done with the first problem to begin with.”
“We?” You perk up. “But didn’t you leave by yourself? Who’s this we?”
Legend pauses and his eyes get a little shifty. “I did… But then I met some people. They’re heroes too. Good people. If annoying, at times.” He adds as an afterthought.
You also pause a bit, letting his words drape over you like a blanket. You’ve only ever heard Link speak about people in that tone once or twice before. The first time was when you asked about his favorite memory with his uncle. The second was a bit more recent and it was when you asked about the purple rabbit that takes over his house when he’s gone.
(You’ve spoken to him. He seems nice, if a bit skittish. Although you couldn’t have imagined why.)
Link’s current tone was rare and reserved for the people he came to care about the most. You’re not sure what to make of it. But in the short time that he’s been away from home, they clearly made an impact on him.
Legend notices that you’re not as focused as you were before he spoke. He clears his throat, running his thumbs over your knuckles comfortingly. Although is it because they’re rougher than when he left or is it because he missed your touch? He’s afraid to answer the question himself. 
“I don’t know how long I can stay away from them.” He admits. “Even if this is my home, they might come looking for me soon. I know you don’t want to be near too many people. So I’m warning you now.”
A small whine escapes you and Legend’s heart starts betraying him. “Hey. I always come back. Just like I promised.”
“That’s not fair though.” You say quietly. “You’re always doing something. You just got here. Why do you have to leave again?”
Legend chuckles softly and pulls your close, letting your hands go to wrap his arms around you. “You keep me sane. Honestly, I would have lost my mind without you.”
He hears your breath hitch for a moment and worries that you might be secretly injured. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Hey.” He pulls back, looking over you just in case. “Are you o-?”
“Veteran!” The Captain yells. “Are you back here? Don’t make me get Wolfie.”
Legend curses and turns back. “That’s the most annoying one of the bunch. I’ll try to come back later, ok? Time to play, involuntary tour guide.”
You nod, letting him go with little fanfare. Legend isn’t used to it, so he finds himself looking back to stay for longer. 
He groans again. “Until I can get away again. Take care, goodbye!”
Legend waves and jogs away, giving you enough time to go back and hide amongst the foliage.
“What?” He asks upon arrival. “I was looking for something.”
“Did you find it?” Warrior asks with a raised eyebrow. “How far did you go? You usually don’t go too far when there’s something to worry about.”
“No where.” Legend passes him. “Now where’s the fire? Surely it must have been bad if you had to call me back the way you did.”
Warrior doesn’t seem to believe him but he tells him the situation. And while Legend was joking about the fire, he’s right on the money. Although nothing was burned, thankfully, it appears that Legend is going to have to give the resident cooks a crash course on how to work his magic fueled stove if they want to have anything for dinner.
The hours go by and Legend doesn’t stop thinking about you. You seemed so sad the second he said he had to return to the journey at hand. Heknew that you would prefer him to stay home… and if he was being honest, it was getting more and more appealing to do so. Maybe Link was going soft. But there was something in the way you always seemed to brighten when he went to see you.
Would it really be so bad to stay back just this once?
Yes. Yes, it would have, a voice in his head says. These people also have homes and people that are waiting for their safe return and they haven’t had the chance to check in on them like he has. He can’t be selfish.
Legend sighs and shakes his head, sitting by his table. He wants to make you feel better. Maybe get you something nice before they leave again. He just doesn’t know what to do.
There’s a knock at the door and Legend is going to riot. Your point is proven to be true even when he’s in his own house. The second he sits down, there’s something else calling for his attention.
He looks around, waiting for someone to try and make a move to answer it. But they are in his house. He has to go and check who it is.
Legend goes to open the door, his typical half hearted greeting on the tip of his tongue. “Hello- you’ve reached Link’s residence. Please state your business and-”
“I came to see your friends.” You interrupt in that quiet and unsure voice of yours.
Legend steps back in surprise. That’s new. You’ve never done this before. He says your name in a whispered panic. “What are you doing here? What if the village sees you?”
“A friend of yours, Vet?” Sky asks from the other side.
The door opens from behind Legend and Wind pokes his head out from the other side. “Hello!” He says brightly. “Are you the love of his life that Legend’s mentioned time and time again?”
“WHAT?!” Legend takes a swing at the boy. Wind ducks and laughter, jumping out of the way before any real damage can be done. Legend’s face is bright red and he stumbles over his words to clear the accusation. 
You step into the house and wave shyly. There’s more people than you anticipated. They all look at you with varying degrees of interest and intrigue.
Legend looks panicked. “Everybody be nice.” He warns them and introduces you. It’s not like you’ve left with any other choice. “They live…. Nearby.”
“Is that who you went to go see?” Warrior smirks.
“Captain.” Legend’s jaw flexes. “Shut it.”
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Wild blurts, cutting the tension. He’s looking right at you with the pot in his mit covered hands. “I just finished cooking and was about to serve it.”
You nod with a near invisible tilt to your head. “Yes please. I would like that a lot.”
Legend takes your hand. “Are you sure? They get loud.”
“You like them.” You say simply. “They’re important to you. As long as they’re friendly, I don’t mind.”
Legend grits his teeth again. “Alright. If you say so. But no one is going to hold it against you if you need to duck out and leave. You don’t have to push yourself like this.”
“I want to.” You take his hand. “You speak in a way only so often. I want to know why you like them so much.”
“Awww~ I knew he cared.” Four laughs to himself and smirks, leaning in his chair. There’s some char on his sleeves but no one seems to comment on them.
Legend would throw something at him if he could. It’s a shame his house doesn’t have less valuable things. He shakes with his restrained frustration and nerves. Legend looks away to keep his mouth shut. It’s a shame he can’t hide the pink tint to the tips of his ears.
You giggle, taking the spot where you’d normally sit. “Link can be prickly when he wants to be. But once you get past all of that, he’s a huge sweetheart. He’s my favorite person.”
Legend’s blush expands over his cheeks. “Hey- hey now-”
“Would you be willing to tell us more?” Hyrule leans forward. “How did you two meet?”
“That’s a longer story.” You admit, rubbing your forearm nervously.
“Well we have time.” Twilight calls from the other end of the table. “We don’t plan on going anywhere for a while.”
“I hate this.” Legend deflates in defeat.
“You love us.” Wild laughs, setting the pot on the table and bringing over the plates to serve the food.
“I never said that.” Legend fires back.
“But you do.” You say softly, smiling at him. “You don’t have to say it. You show it. It’s in your voice whether you know it or not.” You call him out. You turn back to the traveler and scoot your chair in closer. “We met when we were little. It was before he was wanted by the entire kingdom of Hyrule.”
“I’m sorry- what?” Time frowns.
“Oh…did he not tell you about that?” You blink.
Legend groans out your name, sitting next to you. “Great. Story time.”
You laugh, gathering the attention of everyone once more. “One at a time. We met in the forest and I was busy digging a tunnel-”
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adminnie · 8 months
ೃ⁀➷ 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓾𝓵❜𝓼 𝓜𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓔𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓸𝓻(𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮) ~ ♡
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Ladies and gentlefolk, welcome to our wonderful event 'Seoul's Most Eligible Bachelor(ette)'. I'll be your hostess this month, Ms Bae Irene with my wonderful assistant, Kim Jongin~ don't worry, he's more excited than he looks.
For the next week, small dating profiles will be shared and you, my darlings, get to pick your top three choices~ You will not know who you are picking, you are choosing purely based off the information given, oh, isn't that exciting?~
This is also the last chance to talk to those who will be leaving us at the end of the month and the possibility to talk to some of the newcomers~ but there's two more surprises in store for you, can you guess what they might be?
This event will also include our lovely friends @darkloversxcb so you will all have a large variety to choose from~ I'm sure they are all just as excited as you to be participating in this event.
The final surprise is small little raffle. A chance to win 1 of 3 completely blank, made-for-you accounts. This is a little harder to win and the details for this will be explained shortly.
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Here are the lovely bachelors and bachelorettes so that you know who are participating:
@clubwnderland: Chan, San, Juyeon, Moonbyul, Jangmi, Yangyang, Seohyun, Johnny, Eunwoo, Chris, Kai, Alice, Seonghwa, Jeno, Ryujin and Mingi
@darkloversxcb: Chris, Seulgi, Soyeon and Jongin
@lunaaofthemoon, @silcntxnight and @coffeexdreamcb
@oppositesattraxt: Hongjoong and Mikyoung
@domrachaa: Chris, Minho and Changbin
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Now that you know who you could potentially be paired with, Jongin will explain the rules~. Listen very carefully darlings because it will determine whether your entry is accepted or not!
Entries must be made by either reblogging posts with the contestants' numbers and which of your character is entering or by sending an ask. A reblog is one ticket and an ask is one ticket. The asks are not answered, they will remain secret.
You can have multiple characters entering but you can only 'purchase' a max of 2 tickets per character.
Remember this does not guarantee a ship or an interest with the contestants. This is all just for fun and if you don't want to play, please DM the admin and you'll be removed off the taglist for the event.
The entry dates are from the 31st Jan - 13th Feb 11:59pm KST.
Winners will be decided through a random wheel generator.
Profiles will be dropped from the 31st Jan - 6th Feb and entries can be sent through until the final date. The profiles will contain their sexuality, whether they are mono/poly, what they are interested in and a short romantic information about them.
Each contestant will get one winner and one runner up. A post will be made on the 14th Feb and the winner has 24 hours to claim their spot before it is given to the runner up.
From the 15th Feb - 28th Feb, the contestant and their winner can interact, send asks and talk to get to know each other. Dealer's choice on how this goes as long as they are giving attention to their winner.
On the 29th Feb, the contestant will send a DM and find out how things went. If they are interested or want something more, they can communicate this and the winner can choose to accept their advance or decline it. This result can vary, it always depends on what the contestant is interested in and who they are. It can end right after, you can still talk to them if you want to, or it can grow - who knows.
Those who are leaving will send their winner a thank you message before leaving on the 1st March.
To enter the raffle, send an ask or DM with a plot idea, character of yours and what you would like to be made for them. All asks and DMs will remain unanswered until afterwards.
Only one entry per character.
The character must be single and not interested in someone else.
You need to make it as detailed as possible. You are trying to gain the admin's interest so make it as interesting as possible. She's a bleeding heart so yeah, make it sad if you want to.
The top 5 choices will be tossed into a random wheel generator.
Entries open until the 28th Feb 11:59pm KST
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Did you get all of that?~ This post will be linked in all of the accounts participating so don't worry if you need a refresher later~ Just make sure to have fun and good luck~ May luck and love be on your side~
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dabihawksluvr · 1 month
Teacher Deku Headcanons (Part One?)
+ On his first day of being a teacher, he was an hour early (he hung out with All Might and they caught up with one another until the students arrived - All Might is now just a substitute teacher due to his declining health and old age).
+ He still collects All Might merch, but now he has a storage shed filled with merch of all his old classmates (he does give some merch away to his students because his shed is always overflowing - he does a raffle for it after every exam and whomever wins gets to choose one merch item they want from a pile he brings).
+ He is really awkward with his female students, but overall he is very accepting and will even stand up for his disabled/LGBT students if they get harassed by anyone (he was very ignorant as a teenager but after the war he became far more open-minded especially after he talked with Bakugou and they both confessed their feelings right after the war ended).
+ He is married to Bakugou, making both the first Pro Heroes to be openly homosexual and advocating for LGBT rights (his old friends are advocates too but not as much - Ochako and Shoji's advocacy often interest with LGBT advocacy/rights so they face it more often).
+ Him and Aizawa are really close teacher friends, often hanging out and talking about their students and/or the war (Deku still has severe PTSD an Aizawa helps him through it - literally the only time Deku ever confronts what he went through and how he's currently dealing with it now).
+ He is writing a novel series about his journey into becoming the 'greatest hero', hoping that one day it will help someone else like how All Might did for him (basically an in-universe version of the manga but if it really was written by Deku).
+ He's still very self-conscious about his scars, they remind him of the war and everything he went through (Bakugou often comforts him by kissing his scars at night and Deku does the same for him).
+ He NEVER gets sick, but he is always tired from his work as a teacher (basically Aizawa except he runs on caffeine and hope 24/7 - he only gets sleep when Bakugou forces him to, and he takes sleep meds as he gets nightmares often).
+ He told the secret of quirks to Hawks, jump-starting the first true advancements into understanding what quirks truly are (mostly in honor of Tenko/Tomura and his sacrifice - Hawks uses this information to hopefully figure out a way to take away 'dangerous' and/or debilitating quirks that inhibit one's daily life).
+ When he gets his Iron Deku suit, he still mostly focuses on being a teacher and is a Pro Hero as a 'side hobby' (he still is glad he can be a hero but it's been 8 years since the war and 5 since he lost OFA so he's content as a teacher - being a Pro Hero is just a bonus for him now).
+ He often visits Inko for dinner, the two talking about his job and how things are going (she fully supports him and Bakugou being a married couple, though she still worries about things because she's still Deku's mom).
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neonthewrite · 3 months
GT July 2023
I really enjoyed this challenge, though I didn't quite finish it and what I did get done was largely very late. Life hit me pretty hard and got in the way more than I ever expected, which is a bummer but I must keep on trying. As it is, I don't want to keep feeling Guilty over this not being finished, so I'm calling it at 28 prompts filled. Thank you to everyone who read, and I hope you'll stick around to see what else I come up with!
1 - Enchanted - Interrupted at Work - The miniature wizard Colfax is grabbed (rather rudely) from his lab to employ his services as Court Wizard.
2 - Bird - Gilded Birdcage - Adrian, cursed to live his life as a small bird in a cage, contemplates his life as a witch's would-be familiar.
3 - Impulsive - Nailed It - Chase Lisong, tiny king of impulsive idiots, has a close call in the kitchen while on a borrowing mission.
4 - Stargazing - Grey Landing (part 6) - In which Isaac Grey gathers some supplies for himself and also learns he's definitely not in the same world he recognizes.
5 - Caught - Orange You Glad - Borrower Chase's close calls finally catch up to him and he gets caught out in the open.
6 - AU - Landing Grey - Introducing ... Isaac Grey, an unlucky sailor who has somehow shipwrecked and washed ashore on an island of tiny folk.
7 - Thief - Almost a Thief - Borrower Chase makes a good bid for freedom, but doesn't quite have the speed to get away from a human that's set on catching him.
8 - Dream - At Odds with Himself - In an AU inspired by a dream, two versions of Colfax butt heads. When one is a powerful wizard with a shrinking spell in his arsenal, the resulting chase is frightening and strange for the other.
9 - Rainy Day - Learning to be Friendly - In the cyberpunk Elias Dawn AU, Elias' miniature droid buddy is learning some skills for how to talk to a friend.
10 - Ancient - The Forest Walks - An ancient forest entity laments that she is no longer friends with the wee folk, though her luck may be turning around once more.
11 - Melancholy - Missing Freedom - Jacob, a giant, is captive to some mysterious organization that is trying to train him into a soldier.
12 - Video Games - Let's Go, (Tiny) Gamers - Adrian and Colfax wander Sawyer's apartment and stumble upon a video game controller. Colfax decides to show Adrian the ropes.
13 - Banter - Wrong Place Wrong Time - Hype, a deaf fairy, has wandered into a scout's camp by accident. The scout is not keen to banter with this apparent tiny spy.
14 - Instrument - The Keys to Happiness - (Pet GT Trope) Mindy was a raffle prize to a giant she's not sure is cut out to take good care of her. Despite her resentment, though, Alban has a surprise for her. Set in the FFH world created by @therealbrigeedarocks
16 - Celebrating - Lies Under Duress - Borrower Chase tries and fails to make up a good reason for why he was stealing oranges. The human that caught him isn't convinced.
17 - Home - Grey Landing (part 7) - The giant fishermen that have captured Isaac bring him home with them.
18 - Fire - Grey Landing (part 8) - Isaac is brought to a giant cabin where he has to deal with yet another giant, as well as wonder what they have planned for him.
19 - Trickster - Crisis Averted - Elias Dawn has finished up a fight and she's tapped into her more devious nature to do so. Eral has to talk her down before she heads off to cause trouble that no one deserves.
20 - Intimidate - Grey Landing (part 9) - The giant fisherman attempts to intimidate Isaac. The lady of the house, however, intimidates everyone into calming down, and Isaac is put in time out with some much-needed food.
21 - Secret - Shoot the Breeze - Borrower Chase has a chat with the human that caught him, and learns his name is Jacob. He does not quite manage to convince Jacob to send him on his way as a benevolent hallucination, alas.
22 - Garden - Bowman of the Garden - A brand new AU of Bowman of Wellwood, in which the wood sprites of that story reside in a lush garden near a human home rather than out in the woods, isolated from all human contact. Bowman is still and always the reckless patrol sprite.
23 - Weapon - Two Thieves - A pair of thieves think they have the perfect mark in Elias Dawn, until they notice the pixie with him and remember some of the rumors about how dangerous that pint-sized powerhouse is.
24 - Memory - Grey Landing (part 10) - Isaac makes a little progress talking to the giants. But things still aren't perfect. He's got to win them over a bit more.
25 - Pajamas - Ducky Pajamas - Little Oscar has been adopted... by a human! He reflects on his nice pajamas and how soft and comfortable his life is despite the unexpected circumstances.
26 - Tangled - Office Fae - Simon, a house fae making things work in an office instead, hears about a new hire in the office.
27 - Jewelry / 28 - Cursed - Shackled Forest - Morrel, a giant of the woods, is bound by cursed jewels that have woken again after many many years dormant.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Harvest
On the morning of 12 October 2021, Hex woke up. He was expecting to go to work at St. Gart's in London as normal and, that evening, have a great time in the bar of the White Rabbit, celebrating his 23rd birthday.
But after his ex-flatmate is wheeled into A&E following a bike accident, and the strange young woman from Human Resources tries to chat him up and an eight-foot-tall guy in a Merc tries to run him down, Hex realises things are not going quite as he expected.
Then in a Shoreditch car park he meets the enigmatic Doctor, who explains that he's an extra-terrestrial investigator and something very strange is going on up on the thirty-first floor of St. Gart's.
Therefore, aided and abetted by the Doctor, and his other new friend, 'Just McShane', Hex decides to investigate. Trouble is, everything that goes on at the hospital is being observed and noted by the occupants of the thirty-first floor; occupants who are none too pleased that people are poking their noses into business that doesn't concern them; occupants who will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that no one discovers the truth...
creepy cybermen! also: hex (anonymous)
Seasons of Fear
On New Year's Eve, 1930, the Eighth Doctor lets Charley keep her appointment at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore. But his unease at what he's done to time by saving her life soon turns into fear. Sebastian Grayle: immortal, obsessed, ruthless, has come to the city to meet the Time Lord. To the Doctor, he's a complete stranger, but to Grayle, the Doctor is an old enemy.
An enemy that, many years ago, he finally succeeded in killing. And this is his only chance to gloat.
The Doctor and Charley desperately search human history for the secret of Grayle's power and immortality. Their quest takes in four different time periods, the Hellfire Club, the court of Edward the Confessor, and the Time Vortex itself. And when the monsters arrive, the stakes are raised from the life of one Time Lord to the existence of all humanity.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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