prevnews · 6 years
Syria: 47 anti-Jihadist fighters dead in ISIS attacks
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Syria: At least 47 fighters of a Kurdish-Arab force backed by Washington-led anti-jihadist coalition were killed on Friday and Saturday in ISIS counterattacks in eastern Syria, according to an NGO.  #anti_Jihadist #Basharal_Assad #Idleb #Idleb_province #IS #ISIS #ISIS_attacks #jihadist_groups #jihadists #Kurdish_Arab_force #NGO #SDF #SDF_fighters #Syria #Syrian_Democratic_Forces Read the full article
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prevnews · 6 years
Syria: 47 anti-Jihadist fighters dead in ISIS attacks
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Syria: At least 47 fighters of a Kurdish-Arab force backed by Washington-led anti-jihadist coalition were killed on Friday and Saturday in ISIS counterattacks in eastern Syria, according to an NGO.  #anti_Jihadist #Basharal_Assad #Idleb #Idleb_province #IS #ISIS #ISIS_attacks #jihadist_groups #jihadists #Kurdish_Arab_force #NGO #SDF #SDF_fighters #Syria #Syrian_Democratic_Forces Read the full article
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