#SCP-682 x Reader
scp-enthusiast · 1 year
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SCP-682 General HC'S
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He's like a grumpy kid that never talks
He will cuss at everyone (exept 053) even if he's friends with them
He got used to cussing and hating and all that stuff it's just part of his personality now
If ever think about scaring him he won't talk to you for a whole ass week
Doesn't matter if it worked or not, he doesn't like it
Secretly likes fluffy stuff like pillows, stuffed animals etc.
If you ever manage to get him a big enough fluffy and comfy blanket he will refuse to give it back
It's now part of his containment, it doesn't affect him all that much it's just comfy and much better than the hard floor
Hates TV actually (well except 079 bc he's different than a TV, he's his friend)
Like it seems personal
He will attack your laptop/tablet and try to swipe your phone away
No one knows why tbh, he just doesn't vibe with that stuff
He tolerates radios though
Never explained what was so different about TV and radio that he hates TV but 'likes' radio, just roll with it
Loves to make dad jokes once he gets comfortable around you
He's protective over his friends, he doesn't argue about it he just ignores it when someone talks about it, and no matter what kind of relationship you have with him he will try to at least see you three times a week
Some kind of instinct maybe or he doesn't trust the foundation
Nothing new tbh
If you're human or an SCP that can die he won't let you near 053 because he cares for the both of you and knows (and fears) what can and probably will happen
He's pretty clever actually
He just doesn't really care to use his brain as much as 079 or 049 as an example
What's the use when he's at this place?
He's got this uncaring mood/vibe but it's not in a nice or comfortable way
No, more in a unsettling and 'I don't care if you all die' way
This doesn't teally come of as strong once he accepts you as an equal tho
He thinks of most creatures as stupid and not worth of showing respect towards but when you somehow change his view towards you he won't be as rude to you as to everyone else
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fizzy-fuzz · 1 year
opening requestssss
I've decided that it might be fun to do some requests. So if you've had something in mind involving an scp let me know by dropping a request.
I'll be doing pretty much any scp, as long as it has sort but sentience. If it's for an scp I don't know I'm willing to look it up and then write for it, so the sky is the limit when it comes to that; but I'll only be writing for the scps, non of the doctors/scientists
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
Yandere SCP with a chubby!fem!reader who is a Fairy Entity.
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✧ A/N : its been a while since i dont write because i've been quite the busy here. but now i decided too and recently i've been very interested in scp lore and stories also with the monsters in it and decided to write it on my own within my own style. and + also this was a yandere :). what do you think? if you liked this please gave it a reblog and likes! i will very appreciate it ♡.
✧ Tw : Kidnapping, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Sadism, Carnage/Slaughtering, Blood, Unhealthy Behavior, Unhealthy mindset, Kind of Enemies to Lovers with Scp 682, Worship in 079 and SA in 682 (not from him, but from another person.) lmk if i miss anything. Chubby Reader Fics With No skintone of reader mentioned.
𑁍 Scp 049
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• ugh.. where should i start with this guy? ah.. yes.. he's such a gentleman isnt he?
• first time he realize your appereance he thinks of you as such a delicate creature. he never sees you face to face, he just realize some very Soft and Pleaseable Appereance that was catching him off guard.
• that until he really met you face to face, and if only he wasnt such a cold gentleman he would praise you to death. i mean.. how could he not? you're just soo beautiful. its hard to believe that the facility who basically took you from where you were belong to think that you were some kind of monster when you're literally far from it.
• after he met you he think that he was just simply fascinated by your beauty-appereance, that until he is aware that he doesnt want you to be locked too far from where he was stayed at.
• what he wants is that your cell is to be placed right besides him. not far from him. now this guy is an aware yandere, and not to mention he's a very intelligent one too, he'll be pretty quick to know that his respond towards you snd the facility are far from being called normal because h literally just out burst at one of the scp staff for wanting to take you away from him.
• and the staff was not stupid either, espesially the scientist. they pretty much off guard and very heavily-aware of his action towards them and espesially you. so they start to put you into a different room, besides his cell with a mirror placed into each others wall.
• while the scientist observe from the Cctv, they see that you and 049, both was actually getting along each other.
• this is something the scientist does not really excepting, because well after all they always knew 049 as a very cold yet a gentleman anomaly to ever known in the facility. it was absolutely fascinating to see you - who is more friendly and well not so quiet as him can get pretty much along.
• this makes them hold you within 049 much longer than they actually plan.
• and of course, this all also come to 049 happiness as he obviously can see you much longer even in a different sell, he would love to meet you, see you, and talk to you everyday.
• theres no one, not even another scp or scp staff or even those great scientist could take you away from him, not even death. he swore to hold you within him just so you can be there, for him and him only.
𑁍 Scp 035
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• now what i notice about this creature right here is that he actually quite the flirty one, and lets be honest - he also has some major anger issues holding him up, also a bit of sadism.
• first he sees you from his cell he just knew that you are the one. and let me tell you, besides from all his flirty personality, anger issues, and those sadism, he definetly also has some serious, Serious possessiveness.
• really become an aggresive hostile once he sees you getting interviewed by a male staff, making him growl from his cell, and of course - this lead to the other staffs attention.
• when they ask him about why was he being so hostile towards the male staff he said that "they do not deserve her. only i deserve her." and when the staff ask him "who do you mean by saying 'her'?" only to find out that "her" was you.
• and after that the staff check on you both, interviewing on you both and this time they ask a female staff to interview you, and 035 is much more calmer than before.
• this will all be kicked out of the window when the staff wanting to place you to an Abroad facility. of course this will make 035 sees red. and what can only be describe after this was a carnage.
• and at the end -- he escaped. with the willing to free you from those fuckers who tried to take away the love of his life (or so he tought) from him. he can and would spill many blood as it need if it can help him getting you again. and he wont stop, no matter how much host it will need and change, his goal is just one; getting you back again.
𑁍 Scp 079
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• the first he sees you he really just over the heels for you. no - i am not joking, this dude here is drooling, even if he cant he can feel so while seeing you.
• absolutely admire everything you had. the way you talked, smiled, and walk is just different.
• absolutely reject the calls scp staff throw at you as a "monster" no matter how much they tried, they couldnt convience 079 that you were indeed a monster.
• really love the shape of your body, that was another thing of why he would take an extra glance at your plump body once he realize your appereance.
• is absolutely dying to have you for himself but how can he? he just there and can only watch you when you walked pass his cell.
• and another one is that he absolutely dreaming about you. wether its a cute one, a bad one, or even a naughty one, he does not care. once he start dreaming about you i recommend anyone to dont ever dare to try to take him away from his daydreaming moment or whoever that person is will have to encounter the out burst of 079.
• and after he's done? nothing would changed.. and at the end, he wouldnt be another different thing more than some unsual computer entity dude who is obsessed over some fairy.
𑁍 Scp 682
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• really cocky about you lmao, and very sassy too.
• at first he actually (kinda) hate/dislike you because your overall personality and looks are definetly and obviously a literal opposite from him.
• everytime anyone sees you besides him they already can see the different. surely we dont have to waste our fingers to write what are your difference than him other than the fact that you both were a living things. but it was just sooo noticable like.. ugh.
• this enemies feeling will turn into lover as soon as some Bastardize staff start to treat you in a very unappropriate tone.
• and this time he just felt like he had to protect you somehow. protect you from getting experimented and other bad things.
• even if he's actually really feeling that way, still -- he is a big Tsundere weird lizard so he would rather simply just bury himself alive than admitting it openly.
• but asides from all of that, he actually really aware about his feelings. about the fact that he actually has some feelings for you. and he doesnt even sure of how to say it to you because he just think of it as a very big embarassement.
• this is just a matter of time before he finally decided to tell you about this feeling. the bad news is that, the same day he convience to you, is the same day that he would take you with him for eternity.
• and not even death can separate you from him ever.
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ijumpbridges · 10 months
Cafeteria incident 🐝
Ft. Scp 035, Scp 049, Scp 073, Scp 076, Scp 682, (Dr Bright Removed), Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki.
Plot: Reader causes an incident in the cafeteria. The reader brings a backpack at the cafeteria, everyone notice this, a strange thing that happens is your backpack seem to be vibrating. It was really suspicious to the point your boss came and demanded you to open your bag. Even if you protested you open it anyway, and that's when everyone around knew this was a huge mistake, a bunch of bees came out of your backpack you look at your boss with a dead stared while everyone scream and run out.
He is afraid of bees
It took her time to realized what just happened you bringing a bag full of bees
He yeets his ass out probably screaming causing a contaiment breach
He is a drama queen so you can imagine what he will say when see you
He will lecture you in the most dramatic way
From the inside he is glad that you are okey but angry for the fuckery you had done
He will say he is hurt even if he is completely fine
Since he is now out of the cafeteria he tried to escape the facility again
Obviously failling
He is now more afraid of you with a backpad than anything beside of bees
He could take advantage of this and also breach with 049
Oh boy he will take advantage of this to 'cure' people.
He seems calm but he is screaming in the inside
He also will be on the loose maybe with 035
Seeing people with bee bruises will make him want to 'cure' them
When he finds out you where the one who was behind them will also lecture you really bad
If he see you with a backpack again he will definitely take it from you
He will ask you if you are okey amd you need to say yes unless if you want to be a 049-2
Thanking god everyday that 049-j was not in the cafeteria in the moment that happen
He will still lecture you for a whole week
He is also glad that you are okey
But will not forget this and out an eye on you
Another bitch who will run for his life just trying not to be afraid
Bess could be really confuse when they try to sting him because of his anomalous effect
He still feel the pain
He has more than 7000000000000000000 questions to asks you for doing that
He might had scream or maybe internally scream
He will search for you and lecture you
He will ask you where did you found those bees
I will take you to the nurse if you get hurt
On the way the two of you going to the nurse he will hold your hand
He will secretly find a possibly excuse for you to use which fails to do
He knows damn well that you are going to be in trouble
He is confused at first
He starts moving around a lot trying to get away from them triggering them
One of the first person who got sting by a bee
He had killed several bees and flee the scene
He will wait for you but not tell you that
Seceretly he is worry since you will be yell at for bringing a bag full of bees
Also wonders where did you find them
He would be sad if he finds out that he won't be able to bath kitten with you, though will never said it.
He is not affraid of bees
But those wonder how the hell did you bring those
He gets also stings by the bees, but doesn't might
He wonder how did you find those bees, but never asks.
He will try to help you to not get stings from the bees but if he fails he is not going to try
He thinks you did something really stupid
He will breach contaiment with you
If he sees 053 or the young girl she might join
079 will also join this adventure
Though would ask several questions about you
You were recontain with the others
There is a high change that they are going to separate you from him
Dr. Clef:
If you see him smiling that's a scan in real life
If is not afraid of bees but he dislikes them
He yeets his ass with you while looking at you with a smile
He really wants to laugh amd cry at the same thing
Since he is your boss you at least your punishment won't be so bad
Kondraki will ask him
If a horse wasn't enough imagine maybe 682 is
682 crush his arm and his neck
H̶o̶w̶ i̶s̶ h̶e̶ s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ a̶l̶i̶v̶e̶?
He will on purpose get you involve "If i fall im taking you with me"
You two got hospitalized beacuse ypu got horrible stings and clef got injuries
Dr. Kondraki:
He looks at you with a face of 'What is wrong with you'
He grabs you and yeets his ass with you
He tries to use his camera to make his way out which it makes it worse
He will lecture you like a mama hen
"yOu ThInK tHiS iS fUnNy!?"
He will aslo get stings because of triggering the bees with the camera
He might use the helo of Clef abd brigt to stop the bees making it worse
We got a horse now we can cosplay texas but kondraki will ride 682
He felt, like horrible felt from 682
He felt above you and broke your elbow and you broke his leg
Now you two help each other to get back to work
Dr. Glass:
He is probably screaming.
He will help the others to get them out including you.
He will get stings, poor babyboy.
If he finds out that three asshole group (coof coof bright, clef, kondraki) are together will go crazy.
When he realizes that theres is a massive breach he will take you to a safe zone or send an MTF to take you out even if you refuse.
He was attack by others scp thank god you were there to save him wo you two team up.
After the team up you two got weapons and aim for the scp and bees.
You both end it up in the nurse's offices.
He will still lecture you.
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scp-shenanigans · 1 year
Just imagine a SCP having to deal with a SCP thats a ghost (you)
Like, you often breach containment just to go pull on their ass, NOT LITERALLY 😭😭
Idk man
Like you just go to 682 and pinch their paw, fucking high pitched screaming commences
049, where you just pull on their garmet, or leg and just stare at whatever they got pulled on. Freaked out but won’t outright say it.
035, where’d you just get ahold of the mask, and whoosh it in the air, all the while they’re scared shitless.
079 where’d you just click random buttons on it, where it just broken monotone screams.
Idk random thoughts
BRUH I FORGOT ABT THIS DRAFT IDK IMMA POST IT ANYWAYS 🗿 kinda corny ngl but whatever 😍
Ay if y’all enjoy this and/or scp 035 x Watch content drop a follow
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ballorawan740 · 2 years
SCP Scenarios: WIP
SCP Scenarios Masterlist/pt 2 | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
SCP 682 x Fem!Scientist!Reader | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When the reader quits her job | FT. 073, 069, Dr Bright, Dr Glass, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki, Dr Gerald (REQUESTED)
SCP 079 x Thicc!Reader (REQUESTED)
When they see you get hurt | SCP x Child!Reader (REQUESTED)
Dr Clef x O5!Reader (REQUESTED)
How they react to a Male!God/Witch!Reader being revived (REQUESTED)
When they get into a fight (REQUESTED)
SCP 001 (Gate Guardian) x Reader | Smut/Lemon (REQUESTED)
When the reader has body image issues (REQUESTED)
When the reader is a Neko (REQUESTED)
When they look after a child | Ft. SCP 1867 and SCP 662 (REQUESTED)
SCP 076 (Abel) - NSFW Alphabet (REQUESTED)
SCP 049-J x Fem!Plague Doctor!Reader (REQUESTED)
Roadtrip Headcanons (REQUESTED)
SCP 023 - Black Shuck (New Character | REQUESTED)
When they meet an Immortal!Winged!Child!Reader | Part 2 (REQUESTED)
When the reader goes missing (REQUESTED)
Reader has powers like Alistor (Hazbin Hotel) (REQUESTED)
Reader is hypersexual (REQUESTED)
Reader has powers like enderman and/or creeper (REQUESTED)
Reader falls into a coma (REQUESTED)
Reader is Omisexual and Omnigender (REQUESTED)
Highschool AU - SCP as Teachers
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worldwide-simp · 1 year
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Um, so I’ve decided to start writing drabbles, headcanons, and silly little things like that on Tumblr
So here are characters you can request for
Dr Jack Bright/Elias Shaw
Dr Gerald
Dr Alto Clef
Dr Iceberg
Dr Cimmerian
Scp 001- (Gate Guardian or Scarlet King)
Scp 035
Scp 040-JP
Scp 049
Scp 073
Scp 076-2
Scp 079
Scp 096
Scp 105-(post Omega-7)
Scp 106
Scp 682
Scp 953
(you can still request for more characters, either message me or comment on this post)
Please remember that I won't get to writing your request as soon as you send it, I surprisingly have a life outside of writing.
Anyways have a good day
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hey are you still doing Scp x reader stuff, if so can I get an alloween version of Scp 682 , like their his mate and they have pups,so he’s like overprotective with them(you don’t have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable) Bye Tale care of yourself ~ :)
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This is the alloween version. Sorry I couldn’t send earlier I was asleep .
Being Humanized SCP 682's Mate
[GN!Reader, implied afab]
[Warnings: I mention pregnancy a few times, but other than that it's pretty gender neutral!]
[AN: I ended up,,, writing it as my own human version of 682. I had reasons, trust me.]
[Reblogs are appreciated!]
My humanized version of SCP 682 holds the face claim of Bayek from AC Origins. I REALLY resonate with the possibility that SCP 682 was once hailed as Ammit. He's pretty tall (around 6'3) with skin the color of warm chestnut! I honestly,,, did not see SCP 682 as a skinny White man,,,, and this is no disrespect to the artist at all - their depiction is valid but clashes directly with mine. He's got locs that fall around shoulder length. He's got scales all over his body!! Greens, golden browns, y'know he was a lizard to begin with. He is COVERED in eyes. They're kinda like gemstones on his body. He's muscular! I feel like,,,, he's also got scars from everything the Foundation has tried to do to him as well.
SO, you're 682's mate? How fascinating. Don't know how you managed that but he's really protective of you and the children the two of you have.
He's a very attentive partner but weirdly emotionally,,,, not present?
In some ways, he views you more as an "object" than an actual partner but you do know he loves you... in his own way.
He's not the worst partner? He's just,,, he's kind of a lizard most of the time so. Y'know.
If you guys are having kids through the biological route, he gets REALLY protective of you. He also starts to speak a bit more! Usually, he speaks in grunts and nods or shakes his head.
But you physically holding and carrying his children? His pups?? That'll be a big thing for him.
If you're having kids through the adoption route, he's pretty on the ball with that too. It doesn't matter that they're not biologically his, he has claimed them as his pups as much as he has claimed you as his mate. He will protect the family the two of you have made, blood or not.
Though I admit he's a bit more protective towards adopted children than biological children, as he can't guarantee the adopted children (who are anomalies) can protect themselves so young like bio children would be able to.
Hell the two of you (if you are afab and willing) would most likely have a mix of bio and adopted children because lord knows he wants a big brood with you.
There isn't anything he wouldn't do for you.
The kind of love he has for you is a bit odd? It's not transactional but it's not sweet and lovey dovey either. This also applies to the children the two of you have.
He teaches the children the two of you have with deep respect to who they are and fosters a physical growth and strength in them. He wants them to be able to survive and thrive when the two of you are not present.
He listens to the way you speak to them and finds joy in that.
He will always call you the "mother/father" of his children alongside him.
Doesn't like when Foundation staff tries to talk to you. He has to be present.
Does not trust anyone else but the two of you with your children.
The softest you'll ever see him is playfighting with your children!
He purrs,,,, a lot.
Especially when the lot of you pile together to sleep. He's gotta purr!
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05-redacted · 2 years
*Able and Cain arguing in the background*
049:(Annoyed) What are they arguing about this time?
Y/n: (Sipping tea in her chair): They're arguing about who put canned sliced pineapple on the pizza.
049:Just because of- Nevermind I've witnessed pettier arguments
Y/n: Yeah, well this isn't just a petty argument.It's about food. It's gonna be both petty and violent and some innocent bystander is gonna get involved.
049:(confused) What do you mean-
Able: YOU DID IT!!!
Cain: I didn't do it!!!
Cain: ...
Able: *Picks up chair with y/n sitting on it*
Y/n:(Unimpressed) And that innocent bystander is me...
~682 and 035 in the background~
682: You did it
035: Naturally...
035: This whole vibe in the house was getting boring so... I decided a change would be better
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lunaralight09 · 2 years
Pls do if 049,035,105,076,073,682, or any other scps you can do finds out that the reader is an artist and can basically draw anything and drew the scps???? Take ur time if needed!
(It's night and I don't sleep and try to finish this . My brain's literally dead right now .) Srr if it's too short . My imagination died .
SCP 035 When they find/you show them your art . Well ... They'll get really excited that you drew them . Like a child . She won't care about the style of your art . As long as you can draw , it's fine with her . Would totally ask to draw them more often . What can I say they are narcissistic and like attention toward them .
SCP 049 He's quite surprised . And would like to see your drawing if you can/want to show him . And will praise it and yeah , new art styles(if you don't draw in realism) are ... Interesting and little weird to him , but they are better looking than art in his time . If you show art of him , he'll be happy that you decided to draw him out of all people/things/or whatever you usually draw .
SCP 073 His first reaction is ... unsure , then realization hit him . He would be kind of honored , mostly really fricking happy about it . Wants to ask you to draw him again , but he's a little ... hesitant about this idea . You could be not in the mood/busy/tired . So he wouldn't do it ... right now at least . He just needs some time to make a decision . Would be unusual to see you art most of the time , no seriously , he didn't see drawing or anything similar when he was a normal human .
SCP 076 First reaction is ... He doesn't know .He acts like he's not interested . But he's impressed and surprised that you drew him after some time . He may or may not say that this drawing is just - Okay . But trust me in his head he's overthinking about it . And if he was able to sleep like normal(not while he's regenerating in his box)... he wouldn't and would just stare in to the void . And this is what he can actually do . Just stand somewhere alone and dose off . Straight up standing there in the middle of the room/hall , alone and don't move . You could say he's like a statue , but when he hears/sees someone he's back to his normal self .
SCP 096 What ? You did ... what ? Honestly they don't know why you chose to draw them out of all the options that you have , no seriously . They will straight up tilt their head(like puppies do). It doesn't mean that he don't like your drawing , they like it . A lot . And then I say a lot , I mean A LOT . Especially in you art style , but they don't like to look at himself most of the time . And usually ignore their reflection .
SCP 105 She would be really exited and say many 'thank you's . Many times .She even offered to give you some of the pictures she took and give them to you so you can draw/get inspired by it .(Well if you're okay with drawing nature/sea) Would probably try to draw you too . But firstly Iris needs to practice 'cause it's been a fairly long time since she drew something, especially people . Probably took her a 2 week or so to draw you . And will give this to you by first opportunity .
SCP 682 No reaction . Or at least his face don't show it , but would be really glad . And probably try to give you something back as a gift . Well to be exactly ... Death . Not yours . But rather the person you hate the most/your enemy/person who's really fucking annoying . That's literally the only thing he can do as a return(probably the only thing) , because he either accidentally break/hurt the gift or the item is too smol for him to pick it up . But you can expect some quality time(cuddles) with him or what ever you want to do (Be careful he can accidentally fall asleep and crush you if he's really tired , which is rarely , but still . Careful)
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anon-scp-polls · 8 months
If you were to date any SCP, what scp would you choose?
(you choose the options, but include 049 and 035)
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Hi!! Mind if I get relationship headcanons of scp 682 with an scp reader? I’d prefer if the reader was also quad (on all fours) and immortal, just so it’s not awkward. I’d also like if the reader and 682 have known eachother for centuries so they’re super inlove <333 and if you don’t mind, maybe some hcs of them having children? Lmk if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine! a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶t̶e̶d̶/̶i̶m̶p̶l̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶’̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ 👀
~𝕾𝕮𝕻-682 x SCP!Reader Headcanons~
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Note: Reader is shaped like alligator frog lizard too I think and if not then at least on all fours as asked, and are pretty much an evil power couple.
Note 2: There's a lil' bit of heated headcanons ofc 💅
Note 3: Some of the words are black to match 682's theme. I suggest turning on a lighter theme to read.
~Like. he's stupid and in love with you and refuses to let anyone else see it.
~But the security cameras can see, unfortunately.
~Just pokes you in the side with his snoot to get your attention.
~He's a smug and coy bastard who likes to make dark jokes and tease you. He's rude, but in a "I love you but you're stupid but you're really not stupid and I just don't know how to express my love so I'm gonna call you stupid because I love you so you're stupid" way. like he's tsundere but he's not cruel toward you.
~Y'know he's constantly having people on his ass trying to kill him. He's always fine but you like to fuss over him and mutter about humans being scum 💜
~Would cause an absolute damned RIOT if they tried to find a way to kill YOU.
~Gets angry pretty easily, but sitting beside you and grumbling about whatever he's pissed about while you humor him makes him feel better.
~Gets annoyed if you tease him about how grumpy he is, but he ends up chuckling anyway.
~NOW WHEN THINGS GET ALL HEATED aka he's horny, he's a literal animal. I mean. More than he already is.
~Will definitely try to put on a show for you by showing off his ego and resting his muzzle on your head while he tries to seduce you with dirty talk, badically. How the hell is he so human for being such an animal? No one wants to know, honestly 🤡
~SORRY BUT BREEDING KINK. I know I'm like "oh yeah I don't do smut" SO THIS IS THE ONLY THING I'LL SAY.
~Def gonna give you some babies, and all the bitches working at the facility are trying to stop it because they CANNOT HANDLE ANOTHER LIZARD THING THAT LEGITIMATELY WON'T DIE
~Sucks to be them I guess because it happens anyway.
~Nudges them babies around to play around, like he does with you.
~He is violently protective of you and the little monster babies.
~Plans are made to separate you from each other and to kill the babies.
~Doesn't work. Nope. Absolutely not. Half the personnel people or whatever died that day.
~682 does seem to be a lot happier with you and some kiddos- It's a huge difference from how usually pissed he constantly is everyday of his life. He's still rude and annoyed, obviously, that'll never change. You and the babies are the only life forms he likes at all, and he's terribly in love with you c:
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~Love, PinkBoots
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fizzy-fuzz · 1 year
Alright, here's a little poll just for funsies.
For one month you have to stay in a completely blank room with one SCP for 500K
They can't harm you, but if you leave the room you don't get the cash.
I feel like the two most reasonable answers are Cain or 049.
But to avoid getting bored I'm going with 035. Dude has some great stories
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wolveria · 1 month
Any plans for a 682 tries to fuck Reid oneshot?
Oh absolutely, that was one of the first on the list 😏
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ijumpbridges · 1 year
Scp x Child!Reader
This is platonic, dont get yourself confuse.
Looking at all of you proshitters
(Ft. 035, 049, 073, 076, 682, Deleted Bright it can be found on wattpad, Dr Celf, Kondraki, Glass)
Scp 035:
'They good with kids, but don't let them babysit them"~
He is good kids, but bad a babysitting them.
One time he left in the middle of breach thinking you were behind him.
He hella freak out when he turned around and didn't see you.
But a good think is that he is really protective of you and othe scp kids too.
When he expires from a host he worries and tries to hurry you up to get a host because he really is scared something happening to you and not being able to protect you.
He is also a bit of a bad influence, he does stuff like curse infront of you which some of the foundation members dont like even though some of them do the same thing + plus sometimes treat you really shitty.
They kinda have like mood swings too sometimes, so there will be times that he doesn't feel in the mood of you either being around them, or not wanting to play with you or just someone to listen to him.
This doesn't happen a lot cuz you guys don't see each other a lot, but it rarely happens.
But still he is okey.
Scp 049:
Now, he is great with kids, but his problem is that he cannot control himself around you or other scp kids.
If you are immortal or you can regenerate you are fine, but if you are not then you are not safe with him.
Don't get me wrong he is really good with kids, but also cannot take care of them.
He is like 035 they spend some time with you, but can't stay long or babysit you.
Let's remember he goes crazy the moment someone, sniff, cough, sneeze, etc... And even if fall down and you are still fine he chases after.
Because he thinks something is wrong, and he needs to fix it, to cure it and he won't stop himself on doing so.
He will do it, he will try to fix you, but when he realizes he cannot do it himself he breaks down.
He sits in a corner crying because he did something bad to you he hurted you and it was the first time he did it.
He knows it isn't good and he feels bad about it.
Even if he harms you he still apologizes about it.
He is good with kids, he is also protective in a breach he would never leave you alone, might even lock you in his cell with him and other scp kids so nothing bad happens.
Overall he is good with kids, but cannot babysits them cuz he harms them.
Scp 073:
He is good kids and a good babysitter.
If you dont like vegetables you can purposely go near him and say  that they got rotten.
He reads books to all of you.
Sometimes he lets all of you go out for a walk around the facility.
He keeps yall save too in case of a breach.
But his bad thing is that he cannot always be there for you.
You see even if Cain takes care of you, looks out for you, but he is never there, he is a busy man, cuz he does a lot of favors for the foundation to the point that your meetings end that you guys have.
If he doesn't know you at all he makes awkward conversations with you, but he slowly tries to make less awkward.
He tries his best on making a small connection with you.
But still isn't always there for you.
Scp 076:
Just no.
Look, i cannot say he is good, but i cannot say he is bad with them i guess tries, but does not do a good job at it.
Let me remind y'all that he did hit scp 134 because of a fit of a rage, cuz she was too 'slow'. (Y’all don’t know how much i hate him for doing that)
So him with a kid is just no.
More cuz of his anger issues he causes a lot of breaches.
If he was with you, he wouldn't open up to you at all.
But he would definitely keep you and the other scp kids safe.
But if he is the one causing the breach he wont contain himself and might try to harm you himself.
And when he realizes this he will start avoiding all of you.
To the point that he sees you and he is like stray out leaving.
So yeah, not good at all.
Scp 682:
What kind of child are you to let this lizard just simoly leave you alone.
Cuz he is hostile to children, you must be someone hated like abby to be around him.
He would protect you and also causes breaches with you.
He isn't good, but he is patient i wouldn't say he is a good influence.
He doe and wilm manipulate to do some thing for him.
He tries to make a relationship with him and to make you go against the foundation.
Either way you don't get to see him a lot.
He also intimate you and more when he is mad.
You can ride his back and he lest you use him for playtime, like putting him a some nail polish on his... nose?
Overall this lizard will give you some trauma.
(Deleted Bright - it still can be found on my wattpad)
Dr. Clef:
He is in the middle.
He can be really good and really bad the same time.
Let me remind you that he killed 239.
So he has no mercy on you in case if he tries something.
Such as a cruel prank or simply kill you.
Babysitting is not his thing, he will try to carry you and will slip away from him.
And then he doesn't know what to do.
He will definitely leave you at a random corner.
Might not protect you.
Definitely do not trust this man.
He brings you a snack and levaes you in a safety zone.
Also bad influence.
Overall no, just no.
Dr. Kondraki:
He is okey with kids.
But babysitting them is a no-no.
You don't want an alcoholic taking care of you.
Even sober he cannot take care of you.
Although he would protect you from something happening to you.
When he is also drunk he asks you to buy him a tampon.
He does really dumb stuff when drunk.
He might even confuse you with anything that he grabs.
He could grab even air and think.
Had tried to give you alcohol.
"Last night at 10am i went to put on my shoes cuz i needed to go to the cafeteria to buy a sword, but them when i went in i remembered that they dont sell sheets so that's why the president is a robot"
Overall another no.
Dr. Glass:
He tries his best.
He is a good Caretaker.
Of course he is cuz he is a therapist and also a retired agent.
So, that mean he can keep you safe.
He will give you some activities to do.
He gives you some snacks.
He also tries to check on you too.
In a breach he is able to protect you.
He tries to engage with you.
But he will not tolerate an attitude.
So behave.
And i mean it.
He might seen sweet and kind, but he has a really bad side so behave.
Overall he really is good someone not to worry about in case of taking care of a child.
I feel kinda did this a little sad, while also listening to bimbo y2k music. Im living the best life.
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
SCP headcanons pt2
(how did you meet)
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Scp-682(your a researcher)
You’re normally assigned to Scp that normally wouldn't try to end your life on a daily basis. Everything was fine and dandy until you got a notification for your transfer to be assigned to SCP-682. Now you heard of this scp and are well known about his content ability to break from containment. You were put in a room overseeing his containment and you happened to see him floating about in the acid. Lucky you’re not interviewing him yet so you use this time to make your office space a bit neater. Then you heard a deep growl and the worse part. It was behind you. As soon as you turn to the glass. This overgrown lizard is staring dead at you. He growled at you lowly before heading back to his acidic pool leaving you memorized but terrified.
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Scp-1417( your a regular person)
You don’t have many friends and are pretty lonely.but you were a phenomenal gamer and won many championships. So one day you were scrolling through your phone on the app store to find something new that you haven't installed or reinstalled before. You were scrolling for hours until an app caught your eye ,‘MalO ver1.0.0’. After reading the description you had the idea to install the app and after the first minute after installation you reserved a message. It was a photo of the luxor hotel where you had a tournament for (random game). But there was something about the picture near the Luxor,there  was a dark humanoid figure with a skull head that looks like a canine. It  looks like a furry cosplay if there was a convention. The weird but intriguing part about the photo is how the figure was posed. It was standing up right and was waving or looked like it was saying hey. You couldn’t help but smile at the screen. After a while you fell asleep waiting for a new message from your mysterious friend
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Scp-230 ( your a researcher )
You're a chemist and you were assigned to a case over a new scp that has been contained. You were tasked to retrieve some samples from his skin. You put on a hazmat suit and entered his containment. As soon as he saw you he had a large grin on his face “Hi! You look different from the other doctors that visit me”he said as he observes you “and you must be scp-230 i read your file” you replied “You know me you must be really smart. Oh do you want to play a game?”he asked “I don’t know. I only came here to get a sample of your fluids”you replied “Ohhhhhhh. So like blood or sweat right” he asked “ya exactly like that” you replied “how about we play a game to win my sweat” he offered “...i suppose if it means doing my job-” “exilant lets dance then. Whoever stops first loses'' he said ,cutting you off. He made you do just dance for like 30 minute and he threw the towel “wow dancing takes a lot out of you. You can get your prize now since I'm all sweaty,”he explains cheerfully. You took a sample of his sweat but before leaving he grabbed your suit “you’ll come back right”he asked with a smile. You thought about it and nodded, which made him hug you out of joy. Some security personnel had to help get him off of you.
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Scp-336(your a lose anomaly)
You were an entity that lived in random woods. You were hungry and parched. Out of pure desperation for food and water you broke into a random flower shop and were scouting around the place trying to find something. Then you heard footsteps. To turn to see a pale arabic woman just staring at you. You were about to book it until she held up an apple. You were hesitant but you gladly took the apple and after finishing it you left the building.
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Doctor Alto Clef(your a researcher with anomalies qualities)
You have the ability where you can’t get hurt. If someone tries to injure you, you automatically generate a shield that covers your body. It has proven effective against hostile SCPs and works like a hazmat suit ,and a psychological shield. Now how well does this shield do against 1 too many breaches? Well, what happened was that scp-682 caused a breach which helped scp-076-2 escape his containment which led a series of events and currently the MTF have contained 2 out of the 5 escaped keter class scps. You were currently hiding in a closet clearly not knowing what to do. Then the closest door burst open and a man with a shotgun came in and spots you "you, are you dr.(L/n)" he asked  and you just nod "i was told to find you now let's go" he said as he proceeded to drag you out. Well at least  you got yourself out of that situation
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