#SCP 3160
dipstar1489 · 5 months
SCP Corporal Agnar Dillon
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Name: Agnar Dillon
Occupation: Corporal (Task Force)
Clearance: Level 1
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Disability: ADHD
Associates: Dr. Minerva Dillon (elder sister)
Came to the SCP base two months ago. He and several other MTF members were attacked by SCP-682 in his third week working here. Dr.Dillon appeared shocked when informed about her brother joining the organization. She has requested for Corporal Dillon to never be tasked with SCP-106. We unfortunately cannot keep this request, though he will be our last line of defense.
From his short time here, Corporal Dillon has proven himself to be physically capable, quick-witted, empathetic, resourceful, and the first to arrive. Unfortunately, he is disturbingly impulsive, stubborn, immature, and argumentative, though it’s uncertain if it’s purposeful.
Corporal Dillon appears to enjoy the company of animalistic SCPs, with SCP-6585 being his favorite. Always have another person with him to make sure these SCPs don’t trick him into releasing them. Ironically enough, he does have entomophobia and always carries a can of bug spray. Keep far away from SCP 2401, 3035, 1942, 772 and 3160 at all times.
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tempest-toss · 1 year
Wizard Wally
Everyone knows about SCP 239 and what a disaster that ended up becoming. So what if the Foundation got a do-over?
Enter Wally. A young teen with abilities are all so new to him that may or may not have become a bit deadly. Distressed at the accidental crime he was taken in by his kind grandmother, a Foundation employee. Fearful of groups such as the Insurgency getting their hands on him, she had him admitted as skip, and he was given the designation 3160. Thanks to his trauma and his family being creatively inclined, he was able to view his reality-bending as magic, and dubbed himself as "Wizard Wally"
He was sent to Site 230, which was very bland at the time. He used his magic to spread joy to his melancholy sapients, which caught the attention of a then-doctor Enigma. When said doctor became Site Director, he looked to Wally for inspiration on how to make his plan even more successful. Ask today and he will tell you that the colorful walls and decals wouldn't have happened if Wally wasn't there.
Wally has also helped in other ways. He stopped SCP 952 The Pulsating Pipe (Now named the Poppin' Pipe after a transcribing error) from spewing its dangerous insects and even pacified one its isopods, who he now keeps as a pet, named Ernesto.
Out of the "SCP Squad" Wally is by far the friendliest, as he eagerly welcomed Lily Teca, Yam, and Easel into their group.
It's rumored that he may be a part of an SCP MTF unit similar to how Abel and Iris were. This has yet to be confirmed by higher ups
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SCP-3160 from the SCP Foundation is not microwavable!
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tempest-toss · 2 years
Virtual Archives update in progress. Please double-check the information so that the brief blurbs are accurate.
~~~Updated Contained~~~~
SCP 2198 My Guardians - A boy who, by a single touch, can forcibly shapeshift people into becoming his loyal guardians. Currently banned from watching cartoon shows and reading comic books SCP 670 Nature's Footsteps - Has the uncontrollable power to generate plant life wherever her feet touch the ground. Currently made to wear iron boots.
SCP 3160 Wizard Wally - Reality bender made to believe that he is a wizard. Has successfully dealt with several SCPs prior to and during containment.
SCP 5854-1 "Easel" - One of the 12 great collaborations, he is made entirely of paint, and has taken on a sort of mentor role among sapients despite his size and technical age.
SCP 792 Blood Puppet - Older brother to 793. Saved from the Troupe of Shadows, where he was made to be a living marionette, controlled by his own veins made into strings.
SCP 1926 A&B Orchard Twins - Silent and deadly, these two are guardians of the Orchard. Has seemingly decided that a certain D-Class is their mom.
SCP 204 Serpentine Siblings - Two siblings that can shift into partial serpent forms. Helps produce antivenom in return for more meat varieties.
SCP 888 Spider-Boy - A boy of unknown age with human-sized* spider legs that exit his back. One of the few SCPs to escape the Troupe of Shadows.
SCP 919 Clockmaker's Creation - A robot with a design stuck between the past and present. Acts as a walking knowledge source, and emergency generator.
SCP 414 Lily Teca - Daughter of a leader of a GOI, she was almost abducted by the anomalous art gallery. Afterwards, she began slowly turning book-like
SCP 793 "I wanted to be Beautiful" - Sister of 792. A victim of Ringleader Regina, she was forcibly anomalized into becoming fully stain glass. has been stripped of most of her autonomy.
~~~~Updated Personnel (All last names assumed to be false unless otherwise noted) ~~~~
Dr. Fur - Fashionable and cruel, she is never seen far from a dry martini. Frequently does what she wants, but never gets away with it. Rumored to be a member of Marshal Carter & Dark Ltd.
Dr. Night - Originally thought to be 7160's father, this has been proven wrong. Is currently dead.
Dr. Molecule - A sword-wielding synthetic human designed by Prometheus Labs. Has been sent to the Tech Site to await new repairs following an Insurgent attack.
Dr. Marsh - Wife of Dr. Spore. In charge of Environmental division at Site-[REDACTED]. Has taken over transcribing events pertaining to anomalous weather.
Dr. Spore - Husband of Dr. Marsh. Is in charge of transcribing events relating to nature, specifically those relating to the Flora Fighters.
Dr. Warp - Married to Dr. Travel. Has the unique ability to create portals between parts of the world. Was key in establishing the Cross Construct Network
Dr. Travel - Married to Dr. Warp. Clumsy asset to the Foundation; has extensive anthropological knowledge. Often working away on expeditions.
Dr. Acid - Bitter man in charge of the Chemical Lab at Site 515. Despite his acidic nature, he seems to have a soft spot for bugs.
Dr. Matrix -Younger sister to O5-10. Often found distracted on her phone, yet seemingly always has her work finished before dinnertime at the cafeteria.
Dr. Love - Doctor with a heart of gold. She has started many campaigns to help sapients feel more equal, earning her a transfer to Site 230. Is tied to the Mana Charitable Foundation.
Dr. Destruction - [CURRENTLY ON TEMP. LEAVE]
Dr. Construction - [CURRENTLY ON TEMP. LEAVE]
Dr. Inferno - Earned her title through her hot-headedness. Placed in charge of the Pyromaniacs, and made guard of the Gaia Seed. Wife of Dr. Blizzard.
Dr. Blizzard - Earned her title due to her efforts with the Heat Seeking Liquid Nitro. Loving wife to Dr. Inferno. Rumored to have a daughter that she's hiding from the Foundation's knowledge
Dr. Uzk - Traitor to the Foundation, key in brainwashing SCP 7160. Was later betrayed and then crystalized.
Dr. Tower - Dr. Gerald's sister in regards to bad luck. She has a habit of accidentally causing explosions out of her electronics. Currently being looked into for a way to safely apply a Power Inhibitor.
Dr. Fate - Rumored Leader of the Oneiroi Collective. Survivor of the ninth Isolation Experiment. Has a tendency to talk in riddles and avoids direct answers.
Site Director Enigma - In charge of Site 230. Has shown the initiative and drive required to become an O5. Rumored to have received special training prepping him to join the Council.
Agent Derrick - A refugee from another reality, where he burnt the Foundation to the ground. Handles odd jobs and miscellaneous missions. Known for his missions involving the Snapdragon Smugglers.
Agent Sapphire - One of the best Agents the Foundation has. Leader of MTF Unit Omicron-5, "The Misfits". Very serious, few have seen her true self and lived.
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tempest-toss · 2 years
[For clarification, Tempest skips are not all the same as the ones usually on the wiki, keep this in mind. All SCPs will be named in the tags in order of appearance.]
Site 230 was bustling as always. Mondays usually didn't have any sessions booked, so most of the sapients were out and about around the site. In the central inner courtyard, a group of younger sapients were having a small picnic, overseen by a single guard to make sure they did not get into any mischief.
SCP 670 was kneeling by the edge of the blanket, picking flowers for a flower crown. She had been given permission to remove her iron boots so she could grow the flowers she needed. She used her anomaly to specifically grow some gardenias. She had been told by Dr. Fern that they were horrible choices for flower crowns, and wanted to prove her wrong.
SCP 888 was currently using the spider legs from his back to scale the big tree near the picnic blanket. The tree was an experimental crossbreed brought over from Site-54; the tree was made out of apple wood but bore grapes instead. 888 was eager to try some out, as well as bring some of them down for his friends to try.
SCP 3160 was acting out an imaginary scene for 2198. The former, allowed to go by Wally was using Ernesto, his personal 952-1 instance to act out a scene of a god arguing with a rock. The isopod chirped as Wally swung him around, eliciting laughter from 2198, who didn't have his titular guardians with him. There wasn't a need since the picnic was a safe and comforting place for him. Both boys (and isopod) were having a grand time in their own little world of acting.
The twins were lost in their own world too. SCP 1926-A and B were occupied with origami. Nobody expected the mostly silent orchard twins to pick up origami, but here they were, crafting small cranes. Every once in a while they would turn to Wally and have him animate them, the paper cranes flying around the kids, much to their smile-less joy.
The other set of twins were overjoyed at being allowed access to a barbecue. Both of SCP 204 had been some of the best sapients as of late, eagerly helping those around them. This good behavior put them in positive favor, allowing them to be allowed to operate an open flame grill. The snake-like siblings were preparing instances of SCP 998s for consumption, as well as some other foods for everyone to eat.
Sitting on the edge of the nearby fountain SCP 5854-A was painting a portrait of SCP 792. The former used his innate knowledge to create a stylistic version of the latter using oil paints. Every once in a while -A would lightly scold the forced marionette to stop moving, as it would disrupt the concentration needed for the painting. Every once in a while 670 would use a plant to help set 792's head back upright, since -A couldn't get up to do it himself lest he loses his stride.
Sitting on another edge of the fountain was SCP 919 and SCP 414. 919 enjoyed sitting on the fountain's edge and letting the sound of the water wash over them. She frequently looked over at 414, to make sure she was okay. 414 was just recently the victim of an attempted abduction that led her to begin turning into a living book. Her condition was troubling to her, as her infection was steadily spreading with no one on-site to help her.
However, today was a day when all of their fears could be put aside. Today they were going to have a picnic with nothing to ruin it. No tests, no evals, no worries about a GOI attack. They were going to spend this lovely Monday afternoon with a picnic of friends, and nobody was going to ruin this for them.
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tempest-toss · 10 months
SCP-3160 "Wizard Wally"
Item #: SCP-3160
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3160 is currently housed in a standard room in Site-230. Following the most recent policy change, SCP-3160 is allowed free roaming of the Site, with the old restrictions (Employees Only, Heavy Containment, etc.) still in place. Should SCP-3160 show heightened aggression or deliberately harm personnel or other sapients, this privilege should be removed.
Should an incident similar to what happened with SCP-239 occur, SCP-3160 is to be moved to Floor B, [REDACTED], until [DATA EXPUNGED]
Description: SCP-3160 is a young man of approximately eighteen (18) years of age, of North American and Italian descent. He has no living relatives and no existing prior medical records in any database; despite this, he is very adamant that his name is "Wally". He came into Foundation custody on January [REDACTED] following a public park incident where the fountain became alive and began to shoot out all the coins tossed in. On [REDACTED] he, along with many other sapients was moved to Site-230.
SCP-3160 is a reality-bender who has demonstrated skill in abilities unusual for his age. His "demonstrations" show that he has unlocked techniques usually only accessible by adult reality benders. When asked in an interview it was found out that SCP-3160 has had his abilities since birth.
SCP-3160 has shown a lack of emotional control. On [REDACTED] he had an emotional outburst, causing him to turn all the tables in the room to sand and crystalized Agent Mikhail's prosthetic into jade. It is of high importance that anyone interacting with SCP-3160 does not create another SCP-239 incident
To assist in interviews, execrises, and other interactions, SCP-3160 has been led to believe that he is a wizard, and was crafted a "magic staff" that he uses to "Cast spells" in. This facade must should be kept up.
Additional Notes 1: SCP-3160 has shown visible disgust at being referred to as anything other than "Wally", "Wizard Wally" or "His Grand Excellency in all Realms of Mythos and Magic". If you wish to interview him it is imperative that you refer to him by his name, rather than designation.
Additional Notes 2: On ██/██/20██, SCP-3160 and several other scps were abducted and forced to go through the ninth version of the Isolation Experiment. SCP-3160 survived, and based on other individual’s testimonies, “acted as the sun that stopped us from giving up hope.” One survivor, who used a fake name “The Oracle”, claimed that the Experiment involved multiple timelines and that in four (4) of them, SCP-3160 died and in another two (2) his fate was ambiguous but he is presumed to have passed. Additonally he became evil in a timeline, took everyone's anomalies and escaped.
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tempest-toss · 3 years
Site 230, the Happy Home
File #██████
Subject of file: Site information for Site 230, the Happy Home
Date Written 2/1█/20██
Information: Site 230 is the most well-known site stationed in [DATA EXPUNGED] Switzerland and is frequently mentioned alongside a form of praise for its successes in all areas. Founded on 5/1█/20██, the site is often used to help rehabilitate personnel and survivors that are afflicted with anomalous diseases, conditions, or suffering from an anomalous aftereffect after an attack.
Under the new, up-and-coming Site Director, [REDACTED] Enigma, the Site began to take a new direction. Instead of mainly serving as a large medic outpost, it began to focus on the research and study of sapients and humanoid SCPs. While that has been done before, Site Director Enigma stepped up the game by using his background and new authority to authorize (With permission of the council), to attempt a form of group therapy. With different methods for each age bracket, Site Director Enigma was able to successfully pacify several sapient SCPs, as well as learn the backgrounds behind most of them. This program has an extremely high success rate, creating an air of comfort and security surrounding the SCPs that reside there.
Site 230 also serves a third purpose, with an emphasis on the researchers. Researchers and employees that are considered valuable that cannot embrace the coldness required for the job are usually transferred to Site 230, due to its warmer and more positive environment that more often than not transpires there. There the employed can still provide their services without having to deal with constant internal conflicts.
As of now there has been only two attacks on the site and one containment breach in its history of service.
Status: Active
Notable SCPs: SCP 2198 - “My Guardians”, SCP 670 - “Nature’s Footsteps”, SCP 3160 - “Wizard Wally”, SCP 4123-A--C - “Arnie, Holly, Iggy Inclosi”, SCP 5854-A - “Easel”, SCP 1926-A&B - “The Orchard Twins”, SCP 204 - “Serpentine Siblings”, SCP 888 - “Spider-Boy”
Notable Controversies involving site: None
Known enemies: Troupe of Shadows
Please note that for some reason, the original author of the article made a mistake and the information for the site ended up being wedged in the middle of the text. If you come across any other documents showing this form of misprint forward it to me. I do not want mismatching formats in the archives.
O5-1, “The Archivist”
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tempest-toss · 4 years
Returning to file select...
Please select from the following files.
SCP 2198 - My Guardians
SCP 670 - Nature's Footsteps
SCP 068 - Emerald Blade
SCP 364 - Chilly Chili
SCP 2298 - Duality Sword
SCP 3160 - Wizard Wally
SCP 4123 - Shaper's Suite
SCP 5854 - Studio a la Mort
SCP 009- Intrusive Thoughts
SCP 952 - Popping Pipe
SCP 792 - Wonderful Wonderlet  
SCP 1926 - The orchard
SCP 389 - The Station of Bygone Years
SCP 204 - Serpentine Siblings
SCP 998 - Genuine rabbits!
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