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web-novel-polls · 1 year ago
*basically action/drama novels with little-to-no romance (highly subjective, but I don't have a better way to put it)
Version without ORV
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newswave-kota · 10 months ago
नवनीत ने AcSIR से हिंदी में पीएचडी करने का कीर्तिमान रचा
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न्यूजवेव @नई दिल्ली राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति-2020 में उच्च शिक्षा में भारतीय भाषाओं को बढ़ावा देने पर फोकस किया जा रहा है। देश में अब शोध क्षेत्र में भी ऐसे प्रयासों की शुरूआत की गई है। विज्ञान लेखक नवनीत कुमार गुप्ता ने राजभाषा हिंदी में विज्ञान विषय में अपना पहला शोध कार्य पूरा कर पीएचडी की उपाधि प्राप्त की है। यह शोध कार्य वैज्ञानिक और नवीकृत अनुसंधान अकादमी (AcSIR) के तहत सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार एवं नीति अनुसंधान संस्थान (CSIR-निस्पर) नई दिल्ली से हिंदी भाषा में विज्ञान में पूरा किया है। लगभग 10 हजार से अधिक शोधार्थी में गुप्ता पहले ऐसे शोधार्थी हैं जिन्होंने हिंदी में पीएचडी कार्य पूरा करने का कीर्तिमान रचा है। उन्होंने बताया कि आम तौर पर विज्ञान को जटिल मानकर इसमें अंग्रेजी में ही संदर्भ पुस्तकें उपलब्ध होने से अंग्रेजी में ही शोधकार्य होते हैं। लेकिन उन्होंने हिंदी भाषा को चुनकर चुनौती को स्वीकार किया। नवनीत ने बताया कि शोध कार्य में गाईड डॉ. जी महेश, मुख्य वैज्ञानिक, AcSIR, नई दिल्ली और को-गाईड डॉ. फूलदीप कुमार, वैज्ञानिक, DRDO, दिल्ली का मार्गदर्शन मिला। गुप्ता ने अपने शोध संस्थान AcSIR-राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार एवं नीति अनुसंधान संस्थान (CSIR-निस्पर) के प्रति आभार जताया। पठनीयता सूचकांक रहा शोध का अहम पहलू
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गुप्ता के शोध विषय ‘‘भारत में लोकप्रिय हिंदी विज्ञान पत्रिका के माध्यम से विज्ञान संचारः एक अध्ययन‘‘ था जिसके अंतर्गत उन्होंने सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार एवं नीति अनुसंधान संस्थान से प्रकाशित होने वाली हिंदी की लोकप्रिय विज्ञान पत्रिका ‘विज्ञान प्रगति‘ की विषयवस्तु का विश्लेषण करने के साथ हिंदी भाषा में विज्ञान पाठ्य के लिए पठनीयता सूचकांक का विकास किया। पठनीयता सूचकांक का विकास होने से हिंदी भाषा में विज्ञान लेखन को बढावा मिलेगा। उन्होंने 1952 से प्रकाशित ‘विज्ञान प्रगति‘ पत्रिका पर शोध कर विज्ञान लेखन में पाठकों और लेखकों के विचारों का भी विश्लेषण कर विज्ञान संचार के क्षेत्र में अहम कार्य किया है। पहले भी बनाए कई कीर्तिमान डॉ. नवनीत गुप्ता विज्ञान लेखन की दुनिया में अलग पहचान रखते हैं। उन्हें सबसे कम उम्र में विज्ञान की विभिन्न विषयों पर हिंदी भाषा में लिखी पुस्तकों पर भारत सरकार के मंत्रालयों गृह मंत्रालय, पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय, पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय आदि द्वारा राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किया जा चुका है। 2011 में तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति प्रणव मुखर्जी द्वारा नवनीत गुप्ता को विज्ञान लेखन के लिए राजभाषा विभाग के पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया था। विदेश मंत्रालय द्वारा भोपाल में 2015 के दौरान आयोजित किए गए विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन के दौरान तत्कालीन विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्री, भारत सरकार द्वारा हिंदी भाषा में नवनीत के प्रयासों की सराहना की थी। उनके द्वारा विभिन्न समाचार पत्रों और पत्रिकाओं में 500 से अधिक विज्ञान संबंधी लेखों को प्रकाशन किया गया ���ै। अकादमिक क्षेत्र की बात करें तो विभिन्न शोध पत्रिकाओं में उनके 15 शोध पत्र प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं। इसके अलावा उन्होंने कई राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान सम्मलेनों में अपने शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत किए हैं। राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार और नीति अनुसंधान संस्थान (CSIR-निस्पर) विज्ञान संचार, साक्ष्य-आधारित विज्ञान प्रौद्योगिकी व नवाचार नीति अनुसंधान को आगे बढ़ाने और लोगों के बीच वैज्ञानिक जागरूकता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए समर्पित है। CSIR-निस्पर अभिनव पहलों व सहयोगात्मक प्रयासों के माध्यम से वैज्ञानिक समुदाय और आम जनता के बीच की दूरी को समाप्त करने का प्रयास करता है। Read the full article
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lunar-wandering · 1 year ago
🧀 scir scir scir 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
no. no. im NOT doing this again. i can't do another ratpocalypse. i can't have someone look me in the eyes and go "how're you doing Miss Rat Juice" AGAIN
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jackhkeynes · 1 year ago
Nuclear Power
Y stoir de forç a sougl a sell'inceuçon d'an 1902, posc y nux atomic descovrir—oc a digr, descovrir ig pres toð y moul d'un atom es se situant vars y centr den. The story of threshold force [nuclear power] begins in 1902, with the discovery of the atomic nux—that is, the discovery that almost all of the heft of an atom is located near its centre.
L'oc occorreu all'Atelier a Nÿstad (lor posseïð e gournað nell'un man par theorist soustançal Lohic Courvoiseir de Nÿstad) ny citað cappaçan a Varonøw. This took place at the Nÿstad Atellier (then privately owned and run by substantial theorist Lohic Courvoisier de Nÿstad) in the Cappatian city of Varonøw.
Y corporal benoçað ny majortað imman de molin a sougl, kildarc, er preu cadarað ag siecr novoç mi ny scir irðonnesc de Killdara (dont vien y nom dy soustanç, tras y parol cambresc kildárc 'de Killdara'). The corporal [element] used in the vast majority of threshold mills [power plants], killdark [uranium], was first isolated in the mid-nineteenth century in the Irish shire of Killdara (whence, via Welsh kildárc 'from Killdara', the substance's name).
Portingal sta un tarromour cas forç a sougl, interrogment sur sy laboriostað parsount ag dezein 1950 neðan mantenir ig il basn tan par astraphor enajað des y Collujon Drengot. Portingale was a pioneer of threshold force, funding research into its effectivity in the 1950s in a bid to reduce their dependence on astraphor [electricity] exported by the Drengot Collusion.
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kreyaneven · 2 years ago
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A simple info page for now (✌^∀^).
|| Text ||
She/ Her • 2001 • 🇵🇭🇺🇸
• Nickname : Kreya
• Insta/Tumblr : @KreyaNeven
(Don’t have a twitter)
• Digital Drawings // Procreate & Ibis // Mainly Chibi (Because I find the style most fun to draw)
• Submas/Pokemon (Main focus rn)
• Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (ORV) // Trash of the Count’s Family (TCF) // S-Classes That I Raised (SCIR)
• Genshin Impact (GI) // Cookie Run Kingdom (CRK) // Identity V (IDV) // Sky : COTL (SKY)
• Mob Psycho 100 (MP 100)
For this last part, I don’t actually have a commission page currently. However, I am open to requests unless it’s stated otherwise in the bio that they’re closed.
So feel free to interact ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
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scr-ppup · 1 year ago
Hi hi!! I’m recently considering neopronouns and xenogender identities— my problem is that I have these general subjects/ideas that feel integral to my gender identity, but I don’t know if using neos is right for me and I don’t know how to think of. What those pronouns might be for me?
If it isn’t too much of a hassle, could you come up with a few sets for any of these general ideas? I know this is super vague and if you can’t do all of them that’s okay!! I would also appreciate recommendations for other blogs who do this sort of thing. Thank you so much!! - confused anon
- The ocean/anything related
- Mad scientist/anything related
- Genetics
- Flowers/plant life
- Aliens/extraterrestrial life
- Ghosts (preferably mysterious and ethereal vibes)
Hi, hi confused anon! To be honest you caught me a bit off guard, but yeah I can at least try to help. While i'm no good with sentimental things really and i don't know if you want to hear such things, but all i can do is encourage you if you want to try them out; it's never a bad idea after all if you think xenogenders could suit your gender experiences and/or neopronouns be something that you feel like fit you. (/gen) For blogs I don't currently know many, but @/revenant-coining, @/decayedgender, @/sunshinies, @/scholartism, @/hisreturn are a few that I can think of that do take pronoun suggestions (do watch out if their requests are open or closed though). Then if I may the general searches of pronoun suggestion, pronoun list, neopronoun suggestion, neopronoun list tags may help as well, it's a great way to find blogs that take pronoun, name etc suggestions + make ID packs as well. c:
this is quite a long post, i acknowledge that the pronoun list for each category starts to shrink in size but tired af and this has been quite long in the drafts. i hope this suffices your needs, and that you find at least something here. :"3
Here are some pronouns;
Ocean – ocea/ocean/oceans/oceanself, ocean/oceans, Sal/salt/salts/saltself, sal/salt/saltir/saltself, sal/salie/saline/salineself, photi/photic/photic/photicself, photi/photic/photicir/photicself, epi/epila/epipelagic/epipelagicself, epi/epin/epir/epipelagiself, aqu/aqua/aquatic/aquaticself, aqu/aqua/aquas/aquaself, mari/marine/marines/marineself, nudi/nudibranch/nudibranchs/nudibranchself, nudi/nudir/nudiself, Apo/apothi/apothis/apothicself, apo/apothi/apothir/aphoticself, apothi/apothis, meso/mesor/mesorine/mesopelagiself, meso/mesos/mesopelagic/mesopelagiself, meso/pelagic, Apothi/mesos(/-r), Photi/apothis(/-r), plan/plankto/plankton/planktonself,
Mad scientist – Mad/mads/madself, sci/science/scienceself, science/sciences/scienceself, science/scientist/scientistself, mad/science/mads/scientistself, scientist/scientists/scientistself, know/ledge/knowledge/knowledgeself, knowledge/knowledges/knowledgeself, test/tests/testself, test/subject/testsubjectself, test subject/test subjests/test subjectself, science/subject/scienceself, bio/biology/biologyself, bio/logy/biologyself, sci/scir/scienself, bio/bior/bioreself, chem/chemistry/chemistryself, chem/chems/chemistryself, chemistry/chemistrys(-ies)/chemistryself, phy/physic/physics/physicself, phy/sic/physicself, physic/chemistrys/physicself, physic/biologys/physicself, biology/chemistry/biologyself, biology/physics/biologyself, chemistry/biologys/chemistryself, chemistry/Physics/chemistryself.
genetics – gene/genetics/geneticself, gene/genes/geneticself, gene/tic/geneticself, gene/variation/gene variationself, here/heredity/heredities/heredityself, organism/organisms/organismself, orga/nism/organisms/organismself, bio/logy/biologyself, biology/biologys/biologyself, gene/biology/geneself, genetic/biologys/geneticself, mole/cular/molecularself, molecular/genetics/molecularself, molecular/genetics/molecular geneticself, epi/gene/genetics/epigeneticself, popu/genetic/populations/geneticself, li/fe/lifeself, life/lifes/lifeself.
Flowers & plants – bud/buds/budself, flow/flowers/flowerself, bloom/blooms/bloomself, flower/blooms/flowerself, bud/flowers/budself, flo/ra/flora/floraself, flora/floras(-r)/floraself, plan/plant/plants/plantself, plant/floras/plantself
Alien & extraterrastial – ali/alien/aliens/alienself, extra/extrar/extraterrastrialself, extra/terrastial/extraterrastrialself, unk/known/unknownself, unkown/alien/unknownself
Ether/etheria/etherialself, ether/ethers/etherself, ether/ethers/etherself, abyss/abyssa/abyssar/abysself
I had some ghost related ones stashed away in my drafts as well, so here; Gho/ghost/ghostis, Gho/ghou/ghoulis, Gho/ghoir/ghostis, Phan/phannie/phantomis, Phan/phantor/phantorin, Phan/phantos/phantomis, Phan/phanti/phantios, Spir/spiritus/spiritelf, Fog/fogir/fogelf, Pha/phaci/phaseir, Usva/usvar/usvaelf
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isthe-protag-cluelesstho · 5 months ago
1) Cant Play Chess wrote a gem of a story and Rainbow Mushroom did a truly excellent translation, I just want to say that first before I start my ramble. Apparently, it was translated on whim but I'm really glad they did cause I ADORE this novel.
2) DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE A SCHEME? like half the reason I got into TCF and SCIR was because of all the Shenanigans happening!!!
XIE YANG CAN SCHEME!!! He is SO GOOD at it!!! He's already a pretty interesting protagonist (I do love a canon fodder who has to save the villain) BUT LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN
A) Xie Yang comes from an apocalypse type world and at first, his only goal is to live well. All of his initial scheming/planning is solely for his own survival. But then, the growth??? Of both Xie Yang and Qiu Xing is so??? Kind??? And gentle??? And BELIEVABLE???
They are both incredibly suspicious men who refuse to trust ANYONE but themselves, but they both truly grow to care for each other??? And it's like fucking heartbreakingly tender. Can't Play Chess did a FANTASTIC job showing not telling!!! Like each little scene does such a wonderful job showing all the changes the two of them both consciously and unconsciously make QwQ
One tiny spoiler: eventually, Qiu Xing starts using an emote of petting a sheep's head when he's talking to Xie Yang and I DIE EVERY SINGLE TIME
B) the System in the novel is deadass one of the best pieces of foreshadowing I've seen in my LIFE OH MY GOD. I literally will not tell you anything cause it's so freaking cool to read. Like, too many of these transmigration novels get bogged down in like og!plot missions or Fighting The System, but this story does a wonderful job of both recognizing its genre while remembering to fully commit to the actual narrative that's happening. Ugh, I love it so much
C) HOLY GOD I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH HOW GOOD AND INTERESTING AND FUN THE SCHEMES ARE!!!!!!!!!! it's literally like so much soap opera WITH characters who are genuine! Their misunderstandings are real! And when they happen they are solved in a way that IS NARRATIVELY COHESIVE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
D) I just want to absolutely recommend this novel, if you enjoy an engaging story with actual growth and a truly profound core theme, PLEASE give My Husband Is Suffering From A Terminal Illness a read, it's 100% translated by Rainbow Mushroom and well worth your time!
E) side note/not reeeeally a spoiler, but just, listen, I'm chronically ill and it's so hard for me to find stories about illness/disability where it's actually a role in the story and not just flavor. This story has that. It has a really well written depiction of what it's like to live when you are deeply ill, it has real impact on the story and the Happy Ending Cure is not some magical solution that fixes everything perfectly. It's a solution that every member of the story works hard to achieve. I was really comforted actually by the care Can't Play Chess took when writing about illness. They have 100% secured themselves a spot on my Favorite Novels list, simply by the care that so clearly comes through.
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kb85lazy · 1 year ago
Akd prd
Namd scir
Ast aki st rels mdtr
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web-novel-polls · 1 year ago
Previous poll (with ORV)
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akuyaku-reijou · 3 years ago
Y'know, SHJ is someone who doesn't neglect proper preparations. Ho totally did a background check. So, what did he find except for our two brothers being brocons?
That HYJ has no real interest in women.
And that he was seen confessing his love repeatedly to a certain A-rank hunter while totally wasted.
So this prince-charming seducing his sweetheart, while having tea and delicious desserts, surrounded by flowers in full bloom ... underneath a cherry tree
... is fully intentional, dude knows what he's doing (and it fucking works.)
SHJ decided that there is a high possibility that HYJ is gay as fuck and just rolled with it. Being well aware that he is rich, strong and looks like the Adonis, seducing one twink shouldn't be that much of a problem for him.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 years ago
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the bridal carry happened but in reverse
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borispfeiffer · 3 years ago
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"Ich finde, dass das Buch sehr schön und spannend geschrieben      wurde. Wenn man einmal angefangen hat das Buch zu lesen, kann man      nicht mehr aufhören dieses Buch zu lesen. Ich empfehle dieses Buch      "Survivors" jedem der Spannung mag".
Justus, 11 Jahre
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beakersblog · 7 years ago
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revenant-coining · 2 years ago
awesome :)) can i have pronouns based on this/them? - Synth (ps it makes me so happy u have additional tags for who signs off ^u^)
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here ya go !
1st person (i/me/my/mine/myself):
ne/nek/neko/nekine or nine/nekoself
pu/purr/puyrr/purrine or pine/puyrrself
pa/paw/pawy/pawine or pine/pawyself
gli/glo/glow/glowine or gline/glowself
ne/neo/neon/neonine or nine/neonself
li/lig/ligh/light or lightine or line/ligh(t)self
cy/cyb/cybe/cyber or cyine or cybine/cybe(r)self
re/ren/rend/render or renine or rendine/rend(er)self
bli/bla/blas/blast or blastine/blas(t)self
pi/pin/pink/pine or pinkine/pinkself
pu/pur/purp/purple or purpine/purp(le)self
ri/ro/rol/roll or rolling or rine/rol(l)self
ro/roll/rolle/roller or rolline/rolle(r)self
sci/scir/scree/screen or scrine or screenine/scree(n)self
2nd person (you/you/your/yours/yourself):
3rd person (xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself):
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rongasm · 2 years ago
ik we’re mostly mad about stydia but i also just can’t believe i spent years defending kira/scira to people who refused to believe scott could ever move on from allison just for them to completely retcon all of scott’s development of moving on from allison and falling in love with kira (he wasn’t even with allison when she died!!) to make allison the great love of his life again. i refuse to believe kira meant that little to scott, it’s such a slap in the face after all the abuse kira/arden faced from scallisons.the fact that davis and co think they would have enough goodwill to revamp the series after that is delusional
I agree, though I think the biggest slap in the face to Scir@ is actually Sc@lia. But truly, Sc@llison isn’t really delightful when you know that Arden was axed from the movie or any consideration she has deserved from being brought on the show as the male lead’s love interest. She spent her time on TW being consistently pushed aside and shown to be less important than the other (white) female characters and love interests. Granted, Sc@llison endgame was intended even when Scir@ was canon in the context of 3a/3b (when Kira was still on the show), but the show naturally had to evolve when they killed Allison off and so that endgame now takes a different shape when you think of all that has happened from point A to point B. If Scott was really living in depressed isolation because of Allison’s death in the movie (again, I have not seen it), the only way to make that make sense would be that his grief about everything that had happened/losing the pack was so insurmountable that he decided to fixate on the idea of Allison rather than let himself feel all of the loss simultaneously.
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444names · 3 years ago
constellations + stars + tolkienesque forenames
Acalaton Acastrus Acelrops Adas Adoc Adomilm Ador Aedil Aelen Airzim Aladilik Alam Alamid Alarium Alasto Alasym Albi Aldilbia Aldorn Aldë Alemir Alfi Algemman Algubene Alhamron Alhas Alhelge Alin Alinúmir Alion Alkas Allu Almenhír Almo Almonnar Almontho Almë Alnies Alnil Alpto Alradus Alrama Alrod Alsa Alsh Alta Alth Amacorma Amaiweis Amitho Andomul Andoron Anelo Anil Annak Anor Antauli Anwë Aqua Aqualfat Aquar Aram Aramrat Aran Araprin Arasard Arch Archarvi Arda Argonus Arin Aris Armaa Arod Aron Aronis Arth Astorf Atar Atiria Atram Augli Aura Auvarat Azara Azeddir Azel Azmil Azmira Azos Azôr Bagelast Bagith Bagorn Bahaurum Bala Balfard Balmor Barasl Bardacir Batárin Belmel Bend Bens Berik Berper Berum Bervegas Betab Bius Boldocel Bomavir Bombar Bomir Borava Borbah Bornus Boöteis Brah Brans Brion Buchenwë Calda Calux Cami Camir Camiry Camius Canavi Capleb Caprin Carin Cassil Cast Celch Celeus Celma Cephor Ceptorn Certh Ceth Chado Cilmo Ciri Cras Crum Cularas Culë Cura Cyon Dect Dembahab Dheleth Dnor Dornea Drannar Dregies Durux Durwez Déaga Déagor Déodher Déodwin Ecalvega Eccaiaba Eduin Elafar Elaiaur Elanákh Elber Eldan Eleb Elegol Elegon Elemer Elendus Eleorn Elessil Elfin Elimla Ellog Elmah Elmë Eloth Elphalai Eminel Emna Endis Enetir Enisken Ereth Erez Errium Esvedum Eäregas Eäregol Eärwez Faffin Falineb Falupus Fara Fark Felra Fiab Fomel Fomen Fregil Freorth Fréalgra Fróg Fróri Funurod Furumbus Furus Furux Fílim Galg Galjid Garamir Gellar Geus Ghâd Ghânbud Giadar Giashmer Gielnil Gien Gilmaer Gimulwë Ging Ginton Glinan Glis Glormen Golaglor Golas Golla Gombahad Gonwë Gothor Gradorl Graitam Grath Grux Gróg Gwar Gwin Habadoch Haeron Haithor Hakhâl Halavor Harië Hauglúk Hedi Heldir Heleb Hene Herez Hinca Hosta Huantar Huar Huorm Huorriën Hyat Hydraera Iduron Ilduil Ilúk Imanel Indë Isil Ivrië Izarf Khaipul Klegnor Kleor Kulë Kúvat Lafen Lemehtar Lendil Leor Lescutak Leus Lobitta Lopius Lunubel Léoden Léomahil Magorvid Mais Makat Malad Malai Maramra Maron Maur Medil Meia Meilik Meion Meldhed Melegas Melgil Melipha Melod Mengoth Mengwar Menieleh Menkas Mens Ment Merucaid Metho Miadla Miant Mica Midena Mindir Mindus Mirazmir Miridil Mirin Miryah Mizan Mula Mulcyn Muzgal Naik Nanibûn Narne Nelvelmo Nestrion Niandil Nimir Nukaith Nínih Nólion Ocyon Olas Olgallux Olórwin Ondil Orid Orisir Palahir Palsceo Peatz Pegnus Pend Penkadug Pered Perob Pishardi Pius Pupus Racandi Rado Razming Regil Rimropal Rius Rumbor Sabitë Safin Saing Sakis Salsada Sarenif Sarid Satz Scar Scelas Sceleb Scir Scolob Serd Serenitë Serod Seus Shaengon Sharvi Shilm Shmon Shnákhîm Sith Sorgorn Sorlis Stië Stont Suhata Sumba Suudram Súrigeus Súrix Taneb Tarf Tarwas Teis Telm Terad Teril Tern Thadûna Themmah Thos Ticton Tiucheus Trion Tulest Tulum Tuolan Túria Uglumir Ulpto Ulus Unduin Valas Varl Vion Volin Vulad Vánara Washarn Wenel Worast Zagir Zamil Zarium Zavorni Zimë Zirin Zirë Zosus Zuben Zubi Zubit Éodwin Éodwyn Éoth Éothama Óine
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