yun-jin-noona · 1 month
When you wake up next to him (in the middle of the night)
It wasn't invited in, you promise.
But...it wasn't necessarily shooed away either.
Mark was a dick, he knew it, you knew it, everyone outside the relationship also knew it. He wasn't like that from the start, he was a nice man- romantic gestures and dates were aplenty, and he never asked for more than he gave.
Then he pulled a ring out.
It was a complete 180 after the engagement, it was like he was someone different- someone far, far worse.
Now it's happened again. But this time it's...strange.
Mark seems to have forgotten a whole lot. About you, about him, about us. He always denied it when his abuse was brought up, but now its like...he genuinely can't remember?
Not to mention his speech is so...weird, now. Stunted, as if he somehow had a stroke that nobody knew about.
But the change is fine, he doesn't hurt you anymore- doesn't hurl insults for the smallest things, doesn't stop you from going out, he's even letting you make new friends! Well, letting is a strong word, he actually isn't stopping you at all.
But today, he just seemed...off. He was twitchy, but also lethargic. His posture was worse and he seemed not to talk so much.
You thought he was just having an off day, but then you heard something outside- it sounded like an animal, crying out.
You're not sure why you felt compelled to investigate, maybe to save the creature if you could?
The sight that was presented was...not anything you'd imagined, not in your wildest dreams.
The raccoon was dead, yes. But hunched over it was...Oh my god, is that Mark?
But he's different, his body is contorted, it looks broken, and- oh hell, did tentacles just come out of his goddamn back?
He, it- whatever the fuck, turns to you as you begin to dry heave, its a miracle nothing came up, really.
"Sorry...sorry...you weren't.. supposed to...see...this." He says. Its not Marks voice anymore, but it also...sort of is?
You don't know what's going on, but when he begins to rise and step closer to you, everything goes black.
You wake up the next morning, still cuddled close to what has to be Mark, there's no way he's anything else. It's not as if there's actually something out there that snatches people's bodies and pretends to be them and-
"Good morning sleepyhead~"
Speak of the devil.
"How'd you sleep? I think you had a nightmare last night, do you want to talk about it, love?"
Bullshit. No way that was a dream. Your throat still hurts from trying to evacuate yoru stomach contents.
"I...I can't quite remember, sorry."
He frowns- more like pouts, comically, and kisses the top of your head, patting your side gently where his arm curls around you.
"C'mon, at least let me make you breakfast, I went to the butchers on the way home yesterday- what do you say to some sausage?"
"I think I'll pass, my stomach doesn't feel quite right- I'll just have some toast."
He looks genuinely concerned. "Oh? Do you want me to go pick up some medicine?"
"No- I'm sure it's nothing, just feel uneasy is all."
Mark pets your head with his other hand. "My poor sweetheart, take it easy then today, alright? If you need anything, call me, work isn't as important as you."
He seems genuine. He seems to care. You almost think he loves you again.
"Alright, thank you."
You swear you can hear a cracking as he gets up out of bed- it's probably just his spine, right?
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