lotuscontainers · 5 months
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Use of Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) in shipping
Standard carrier alpha code in shipping is a unique identifier given to shipping carriers and transport companies to allow seamless trade with the US. This code is a fundamental component of the transport and logistics industry that helps standardise the identification of all shipping carriers associated with the US import and export business. It facilitates communication and improves supply chain agility. Contact LOTUS Containers for more information.
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theministersdoom · 1 year
Got emotional seeing munly & the lupercalians insta stories 2day I need to hear them live oh my god
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globalmultiservices · 2 years
The SCAC Code is an identification number for carriers in the US. With it, you can automate shipment updates and increase your efficiency. Global Multi Services processes SCAC Code for trucking companies. Get in touch with our expert team today to comply with industry regulations.
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scav-gifs-daily · 6 months
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ID : 269540310
rusty scac.... so eyes
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hellfire--cult · 1 year
So I just finish reading second chance at Cupid and I gotta say I love it and I would love to hear more about those two .
I would like to think Eddie took her to see the place where he grew up and told the reader everything about his past including his band .
And the reader bought Eddie his guitar so he could play for her..
And I just got to say it was perfectly written and a really unique story ..
OMG my first request!
Thank you so much for your words I really appreciate it! I am so happy you liked it! I got a little carried away with the Returning to Hawkins request, so here we go! Prepare you tissues!
SCAC ❤️ - Back to Hawkins
Read Second Chance at Cupid
WC: 4.4K
Warnings: +18 angst, mentions of suicide, depression, nostalgia, mentions of death and anguish, fluff, overall, crying for Eddie.
Summary: Eddie introduces you into his past, but you don't think you would encounter certain people along the trip, and Eddie finally brings closure to his long life.
A/N: I cried while writing this, I am so sorry...
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“Seriously, this takes away the fun of driving darling.” Eddie exclaimed for the tenth time this afternoon. You were on your way to Hawkins, his home town before becoming cupid himself. He had never returned to that place, saying that only bad memories reside in it. 
“Don’t bash on my automatic car Eddie!” You say with a giggle as you look into your gps, signaling that you were close. He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“In my days, you drove with a stick, manually, like a man.” He says and you can’t help but laugh at his words. You sometimes forget that he is actually like 60 years old, but looks 23. You were afraid that time would get to him, as if it was lost in some space and dimension and he would look 60 instantly. 
But it didn’t. It was as if his life cycle had a pause and now it started once again. 
“Sure thing grandpa.” 
“What did you just call me?” He jabbed a finger to the side of your rib, causing you to giggle and he smiled at you, to then get his eyes on the road again. The GPS signaled to turn right, and as Eddie did, he could see the ‘Welcome to Hawkins’ sign coming up ahead. He clenched tightly onto the steering wheel as regret started filling his insides. He didn’t want to face his past, but you lit up so much when he told you about his birthplace, excited to see it one day.
And now here you both are.
But Eddie was anything but excited. He was the whole other spectrum of it. He was anxious, nervous, sad, and nostalgic. Everything all at once. You noticed the whiteness of his knuckles and you looked at him with a frown to your eyebrows. You reached out and put a hand on top of his over the wheel and he shot you a small smile as a thanks.
The first thing you noticed was the amount of woods that were in the area, looking all around. Thank god you didn't bring Dorito with you, because he was such an indoor cat that you were afraid of him getting lost easily. Gladly, Steve offered to take care of him while you were gone, but that's another story for another time.
“In 1983, a little boy called Will Byers disappeared into the woods.” Oh, you heard that story, your dad told it to you so you wouldn’t go running alone through the trees. “It was a fucking mess, people searching everywhere, knocking at every door, and stuff. Turns out, the boy had a broken ankle and couldn’t walk, near the shore of one of the lakes. He was actually very bright, hiding in between bushes in case a predator would come up.” 
“You sound like you met him.”
“I did! Back in 1986, when he entered freshman year with his friends. I had a club, Hellfire Club, and it was only for DnD campaigns!” Eddie had already told you about his dungeon master days, telling you he has an itch to play that can’t possibly compare to anything else. You were sad that you couldn’t play with him, since you have no knowledge of it, but you did indulge him into Facebook groups that organize meetings. He could make friends and make his own guild if that goes well.
But he didn’t want to. He wanted to play, but he said , in a very sad tone, that it’s not the same without his friends.
“Yeah I remember that… I wonder if your club still stands!” You said excitedly and he laughed, shaking his head.
“We were treated like freaks sweetheart, they called us satan worshippers, just because we played a fantasy roleplaying game. It was all over the newspapers too! How Dungeons & Dragons induced homicidal thoughts.” He snickered at that, making you shake your head at how close minded people were back then. Your eyes lit up as you passed the trees, seeing a parking lot.
“Oh my god, stop, it’s your school!” He grimaced at that, but slowed down, pulling into the parking lot of the high school he once attended. He parked on a spot, and you checked your watch, realizing that it’s still school hours and everyone was in class. 
“You know darling, I don’t have the best of memories of this place.” He says to you and you sigh, looking at him. 
“I’ll go in! I want to check something first!” You got out of the passenger’s seat, and he was calling you out to stop you, but you didn’t. You ran into the school’s doors, looking at all the green decorations of the place, looking in awe at all the lockers as you walked through the halls. You looked at the pictures on the walls, looking for something in particular.
You turned the hall and that’s when you found all the pictures of active clubs that were in the school. You scanned all around, basketball team, tennis club, art club, history club, newspaper club, computing club… A smile broke on your face as you stared at one picture in particular. 
“At least this place is much cleaner than the last time I was here.” You heard Eddie turn the corner to finally meet up with you and you beamed at him with a smile on your face.
“Eddie, look!” You pointed at a picture and he frowned, following your finger and then his face softened, his mouth falling agape slightly. He couldn’t believe it.
There, in a nice frame, stood a picture of 10 boys and girls, wearing the Hellfire shirt, his logo, his signature mark. Under it, it read, ‘Hellfire Club, Founded in 1980.’. They even got the date right. He didn’t fund it of course, but he cannot believe that after all these years his club actually got acknowledgement. 
“Excuse me, why are you pointing at our picture?” Someone calls to your side and you look to see a boy, your size almost, probably a senior, wearing a hellfire shirt. Eddie looked at the boy, and stared at him for a long while. A cap on his head, curls all around and he couldn’t stop himself before he talked.
“Henderson?” The boy’s eyes widened and he tilted his head with a sheepish smile on his face.
“You know me?” You knew that this couldn’t really be happening, but you didn’t really know what to say. You were looking back and forth at the both of them and that’s when Eddie snapped out as he felt his stomach turn slightly.
“Um, not you precisely?” Eddie continued, trying to save the situation and then the teenager made an ‘ah’ sound as if understanding.
“You must mean my dad, Dustin Henderson. We really look alike, don’t we?” Eddie’s eyes widened, and that’s when he realized that Dustin must be 51 years old now. He had a family, a future, and part of Eddie was saddened he didn’t even try to see him, how he was doing or anything at all. “I’m Chris!” 
“Nice to meet you Chris!” You beamed and cleared your throat to dissolve the situation. “We were just looking at your picture because Eddie here was part of Hellfire just the year he came as a freshman here. He wanted to know if the club was still up and running, you know.” At that Chris smiled excitedly and nodded.
“Oh! You’re an old Hellfire Club member?! Well, welcome back you brave warrior. What was your role?” He asked excitedly and Eddie almost choked up in tears as he tried to talk, but he gulped the lump down, giving him a small smile.
“Yeah, I was a Dungeon Master.” At that Chris beamed, pointing at himself.
“I am one too! Like my dad was, although I have to say my aunt, Erica? She’s a fucking badass.” Eddie smiled at that widely, now knowing that the Sinclairs are still friends with the Hendersons, and that means that Mike and Will are in the picture too. 
“Can I ask you a question?” At that Chris nodded and Eddie stuttered a bit before continuing. “Don’t you get bullied? For playing this? I remember getting bullied here and there by a few at the time.” Chris chuckled and shook his head at Eddie, making him stand straighter, paying attention to the young boy.
“Nah man, that shit is long gone thankfully. We know about the bullying years of Hellfire, and you know, we put our foot down to the jocks. It was in 2009. My cousin, Elena Byers, was like super done with all the jocks mocking us, so she trained herself in Karate, and chopped their dicks, almost.” He said with a laugh and your eyes widened at that, looking at Eddie’s reaction.
But what you found was pure adoration with a wide smile to his face. They weren’t the small little group like before. They stood up for themselves, marking their territory, their right to be a club, to be considered people and not freaks for liking something different. But now, he felt like crying, he was glad to know his old friends were doing okay, and his children were doing fine too so it seems.
“Well, I’m glad man… We gotta go now–” Eddie started but Chris stopped him, jumping up as if he remembered something.
“One second!!!” He rushed away in a comical fashion, you and Eddie looking at eachother once as you waited for him to return. It literally took two seconds as you saw him getting out of a classroom, heavy breathing from the sudden run. “Ah, shit, this is why I am bad at PE… Here.” He handed something to Eddie, and the older man looked at it with a confused frown in his eyebrows, opening it up to reveal a brand new Hellfire Shirt, all black, with his logo in the middle.
“Oh, wow…” You say, eyes widened at the gesture but Chris just smiled widely, nodding in Eddie’s direction.
“There’s for some reason this uh… tradition in Hellfire Club, made by my own father actually, back in 1986. He said that there should always be a spare T-Shirt in the club. Not for one of the members, not even if they lose theirs. He never knew the reasoning for the tradition, he just felt that it belonged to someone, and they might pick it up someday.” At that mention, Chris’s smile fell slightly and did a shrug with his shoulders. “For some reason, I felt like giving it to you.”
Eddie was speechless, looking at the shirt in his hands. In the stretch of time and space, there is one part, one small minuscule part, where everyone holds his memory. They always held it there, and embraced it, and this was proof of it. His eyes watered as his throat closed up, biting onto his bottom lip to try to suppress his tears.
“Thank you… This means a lot…” He muttered under his breath, holding back tears and Chris smiled at him while you stared at Eddie with your own tears filling your eyes. He was remembered, in some strange way, people remembered him. “You happen to know the Wheelers?”
“Oh, Aunt Mike and Aunt Nancy? Yeah! Well, Mike doesn’t go by Wheeler, he goes by Byers, but it’s the same thing.” Chris said with a chuckle and Eddie smiled still looking at the shirt, now knowing Mike and Will were married, and they even adopted a kid.
“That’s great… Really great… Thank you for this, really. And send my greetings to your dad.”
“Oh, sure! Your name?”
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As you got in the car, Eddie didn’t shed one single tear. You knew he was holding back from it all, but you still got a long weekend ahead of you, and you knew this part was just the very start of going back into his past.
You can pick him up later on. You’ll just let him have his own pace. 
“That over there, I used that spot to do most of my dealings, now for some reason it has turned into an amazing botanical garden.” He said with a chuckle, pointing at his right side to show you it. You looked on, and there it was, a nice kept greenhouse, with various plants and flowers, carefully treated for different seasons of the year. He continued driving, finally reaching the town of Hawkins and he was glancing at everything in awe.
“For being a small town it sure does have nice shit.” You say out loud looking at all the stores and food chains as well as restaurants. He was stunned to see the amount of lights and how modern everything was. Even his old record store was changed into a more modern one and he was slightly saddened at that thought. 
There’s one place he wanted to see unchanged. One place he really wished nothing had turned modern. He kept driving as the afternoon son started hiding itself, leaving a pink hue in the sky for the both of you. You didn’t question where he was going, you fully trusted him, even after two months of being with him, you felt like you’ve known him your whole life, and even in past lives. 
This trip was all about Eddie.
After 10 minutes of driving, he finally parked in front of a bar. It looked rather vintage to you, rustic even, and the bouncer at front didn’t even give a second glance to you as you both walked in. 
Eddie’s eyes widened when all that’s changed of his old bar, was the fact a few led TV’s hang from the corners, some AC was put up, and the leather has been reupholstered. The rest was all the same. 
“Holy shit…” He walked on into the bar, sitting on one of the stools of the bar, and you sat right next to him as he looked around. You took out your phone and snapped a picture of him without him noticing at all, and smiled as the expression he wore in the photo was that of a five year old seeing Santa. 
“Looks the same?” You asked him, putting your phone on the counter. 
“Yeah… This is where my band and I played on Tuesday nights.” He explains to you as he looks onto the stage, you following his gaze. You could just imagine Eddie playing his guitar on that small stage with his best friends, having the time of his life, and you cannot even have a picture of it.
Eddie explained that when one becomes cupid, all memory of them is gone. That meant, the pictures were also gone or any image format where his face may have appeared. The bartender came up to you both and you took the order since Eddie was still looking around.
“Two beers please.” You say with a smile and the man simply nodded at you, popping two bottles from under the counter and taking the caps off in one swift movement. You thanked him and gave him the money for your drinks. You slid one bottle in front of Eddie and he finally snapped out of his trance, looking at the drink, and then back at you. You were wearing a smile, lifting your bottle up to him.
“To Corroded Coffin.” You said with a smile and he gulped the lump that formed in his throat, smiling back at you, and grabbing his bottle to clink it to you. You both took a sip of your drinks as the bar started filling with people. 
Eddie told you stories about all the shows they played there, how their fanbase was just three to five drunks and if they were lucky they would turn to seven. He also told you about the fights that broke in this bar, and how he partook in a few of them just for the hell of it. You shook your head in disapproval at that and he just laughed and kissed your cheek, telling you that now he would only fight if it’s in your honor.
“I can defend myself, thank you very much.” You say as you take a swig out of your beer and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Oh really? What if a big mean man comes right now and chokeholds you? Whatcha gonna do?” He asks with a snicker and you were about to reply to him, but Eddie was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder, making him turn around, facing a man with brown hair, a few gray hairs here and there, and with a beard on his face. Eddie squinted as he looked at him, and the man also looked confused himself.
“Excuse me young man… Do I know you?” The man asks and you were baffled at the interaction. Eddie too was surprised by this, but there was a part of him that knew who this person was, but he didn’t look like him, so it cannot possibly be him.
“Um, no sir… I don’t think we’ve ever met.” Eddie replied and the man scoffed, scratching his head slightly.
“I’m sorry, I just… really thought you looked familiar but for some reason I don’t even know who you look familiar to.” He replied with a soft chuckle and that’s when Eddie’s throat closed, swallowing thickly as he continued talking.
“Maybe… What’s your name Sir?” 
“I’m Gareth.” He replied with a smile and Eddie felt like crying right then and there, feeling his chest just crumple into itself as seeing how old his friend is, and imagining how old he was supposed to be now. 
“H-Hi Gareth… I’m Eddie, and this is my girlfriend.” He introduced you too and you were trying to hold your own lump, knowing very well who Gareth was in Eddie’s life. Eddie had described him as a brunette, wild hair, rosy plump cheeks, but the person before you was an aged man, around 55 years old. 
“Nice to meet you both. Are you both new in town or just visiting?” He asked, his eyes never leaving Eddie’s as he talked. Eddie cleared his throat and shook his head.
“Just visiting… My uncle came here a lot. Listened to a band in particular but I believe they’re long gone now.” Eddie say with a sad smile and Gareth's interest peaks.
“Really? Which band?”
“Corroded Coffin.” At that, Gareth’s eyes widen and he almost jumps in excitement as if he were a thirteen year old and patted Eddie on the shoulder.
“Well, I’ve got news for you! You’re looking at the drummer of the former band Corroded Coffin.” He says with a wide smile and Eddie’s eyes twinkle at his joy, a smile forming on his lips as well as tears already burning their way out.
“Really?” He says as if surprised, but Gareth kept smiling, nodding wildly. 
“Yep! Jeff is still on the bass, and Freak on the second guitar!” He says with excitement spilling out of his lips. You were watching the interaction fondly, taking short sips of beer as the two men interacted, but you decided to intervene at that.
“Second? Who’s first?” You asked and Eddie looked at you and then back at Gareth, who’s smile fell and turned into a confused one, with the hint of sadness behind it.
“I… I don’t know really, I knew there was someone… I knew that there was a point where we sounded amazing, excellent even, and then… It just wasn’t the same… We still play at my garage, my kids hate it, but we always try to reach that sound again.” He finished with a shrug and Eddie straightened up in his seat, his voice cracking as he talked back to Gareth.
“I– I uh, live an hour away. I play guitar… If you guys have the open spot I can do a tryout?” He asks, hopeful at the question and your eyes widened looking at him. Gareth’s smile returned and his eyes became full of life as he looked at his old best friend.
“Really? A young lad like you wants to play with old men like us?” Eddie chuckled at that, swallowing the lump in his throat and nodded. 
“It would be an honor to my uncle.” He says and Gareth nodded at that, satisfied as he took his cellphone out of his pocket.
“Who’s your uncle by the way, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Wayne… Wayne Munson.”
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And finally, you came to your last stop. Eddie showed you what once was Forest Hills, his old trailer park, now filled with suburban houses and he scoffed at how everything was done for the rich now. 
And now here you stood. Flowers you thought of buying before hand in your left hand as you held onto Eddie’s right hand, tightly, fingers intertwined. The moonlight illuminates both of you perfectly as well as the engraved stone before you.
Wayne Munson
1942 - 1989
A friend, an Uncle, a Father.
“1989. Three months later after Wayne’s death, I really didn’t have a purpose in life any longer. I didn’t think anything was worth living for, and I felt utterly and completely alone. I thought that there was no harm in me leaving as well, because no one would miss me, no one would care if I left… The chance of becoming cupid, and to keep living while being forgotten, felt exactly the same, without the dying part.” Your tears were flowing down your cheeks at his words, feeling the despair in the deep center of your gut as he talked.
You cannot even begin to think how he felt, all alone in that trailer park, succumbing himself to drugs and starvation, waiting for the darkness to simply consume him at a point. 
“He would be disappointed in me.” Eddie said through a wet chuckle and then sniffled as he wiped his face with his free hand. “He would go ‘I taught you better than that, I never taught you to quit!’” He tried to say in a lower voice to then end up in a choke as a sob tried to come through.
In all honesty, Eddie had never once cried for his uncle. For his father figure. He just became hollow, void of emotions, feelings completely gone from his heart and his mind, but now, he felt like crying, like a little kid that just got hurt. 
So he did. His sobs could be heard through the cemetery as he dropped to his knees, his hands over Wayne’s name. You bit your lip as you tried to keep your sobbing down, be there for him, bending down to press your hand on his back as he cried out, yelled it all out, years and years of keeping his emotions inside, intact, never once letting a tear out of his eyes.
His shoulders shook as minutes passed, and he finally felt air being thrown into his lungs. A long hidden weight being lifted off his shoulders as his heart felt calm, steady, even with the pumping thanks to his crying. He looked at Wayne’s name and gave him a nod, sighing.
“I don’t know if you remember me in the afterlife. But, it’s me, Eddie… I’m sorry I was never here to visit you. I’m sorry for not keeping you updated… I’m actually here with my girlfriend.” Your heart warmed when he presented you to his uncle and you kneeled down next to him, with a wet smile on your lips, stained rosy cheeks as you looked at him. “I promise I’ll visit soon. I’m aging now, so I better use the most of my time.” He said to the grave stone with a smile to his face as you felt a warm breeze caress the side of your ear.
You placed the flowers on his grave as Eddie told him about his life until now, and you simply sat there, listening intently, letting Eddie talk to his uncle once again. 
Once you both bid your goodbyes, you were walking back to the car, hand in hand. You turned around towards the cemetery and then forward again.
“You know… I can ask for a remote position at work.” You say out loud, catching Eddie’s attention.
“What do you mean?”
“I can work from home… Maybe get a nice house in Forest Hills, saw a few ‘In Sale’ signs up.” You said with a smile. It would take a loan for you to buy a house, but your happiness depended on his. And you knew this was the right choice. Eddie stopped on his tracks and looked at you, turning around to face him worriedly.
“You don’t… You already did so much for me, I can’t possibly–” 
“I want to. I want to, Eddie… I want to be near your family too.” Eddie’s eyes glistened again as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you in a tight hug, embracing you in warmth, in his love, in his adoration for you, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, gripping onto his back with the same devotion.
“I am glad… I am glad I decided to become cupid… If I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t have ever met you…” He said into your ear, the hint of a sob hidden behind his lips as he nuzzled into your neck. A tear rolled down your cheek as you giggled softly.
“Don’t know… I am kind of into the whole sugar daddy thing.” A wet laugh could be heard onto your neck, Eddie pulling away from you with stained cheeks, looking down at you.
“I don’t know if I would have had a lot of money Sweetheart…” He says and you just smiled at him, tip toeing to catch his lips in a soft, wet, yet deep kiss, that said so many words in just one simple touch, a simple grace of skin. I love you, I adore you, I can’t live without you, but one thing you had to tell him.
“I would have chosen you either way, just the way you are, the way you’ve always been.”
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A/N: I am so sorry... At least he gets to play with his friends again, right?
Would love to get more requests for SCAC! ❤️ I enjoyed writing this, even if it was too painful to do so
Remember that if you get inspired or anything, you can always message me with blurbs, or imagines, or you can also tag me in it!
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goldenspecks · 1 year
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i havent posted here in a while but whatever, scac oc
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everyscavever · 1 year
I found this scac while playing arti, named him Little Fella
ID is 7576
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SCAVENGER I.D #7576 "Little Fella"
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Hex codes
Eyes: # 99877f, 63433a Head/hand: #471f16 Horn tips: #370702 Body: # dbcdce Belly: #a58d8a1
Personality traits
Aggression: 0.01
Bravery: 0.01
Dominance: 0.40
Energy: 0.15
Nervousness: 0.73
Sympathy: 0.17
Other traits
Dodge: 0.79
Mid: 0.01
Melee: 0.08
Block: 0.00
Reaction time: 0.11
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dj-wayback · 1 year
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dj you got an opinion of these little crecheers the scavengers scac
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They hate me for my silly swag!!!!!!
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wait i misread IS THIS SCAC CUTE
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scarewulf · 3 months
Is it really necessary to go to at least four SCAC shows this month when they tour in Europe? No not really, very expensive, etc. Are we going to go anyway? Absolutely without a doubt
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gts350 · 6 months
Gimme multiples of 3 for that music ask meme
OH HELL YES...might've gone a bit overboard lol
3. Do you listen to more oldies or more current stuff?
More oldies, for sure, but theres some modern stuff I have a lot of love for!
6. Who's an artist you really like but it's embarrassed to admit it?
I have no "guilty" pleasures but if you asked me how often I listen to matchbox twenty I'd change the subject
9. Do you have a favorite band?
I won't cheat and say the E Street Band, so I'll say Australian Crawl OR Slim Cessna's Auto Club
12. Who’s the most obscure artist you listen to?
Definitely SCAC and Munly's other projects, or some long dead country artist who got one song on the Opry back in the 40s lol
15. A song or album from the 60s:
18. A song or album from the 90s:
21. A song or album from this year or last year:
24. Do you play any instruments?
I don't, tried to learn bass when I was younger and it didn't work out
27. Do you enjoy making playlists? If so, are there any you’re proud of and would like to share?
I LOVE MAKING PLAYLISTS!!!!!! I got one for everything I listen to, 80s metal, rockabilly, australian rock, bluegrass, you name it!
30. Songs you love to sing along to:
I love belting out Tanya Tucker's Delta Dawn OR Cold Chisel's Flame Trees after a few too many beers heheh
33. Your favorite artist from your city/state/country?
I already used Aussie Crawl (and they are from Melbourne) in an answer so I'll mention another Victorian boy my goddamn hero Lee Kernaghan <3
aaand i'll stop here. for now. ;)
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jackhkeynes · 6 months
duvar "cheat"
duvar /diˈvar/ [dɪˈvɐː]
cheat, connive, to violate the rules (of a game) in order to attempt to gain an advantage;
sidestep, dodge, evade, duck, to get out of the way so that something cannot hit (or metaphorically, negatively affect) you;
Etymology: direct descendant of Old Borlish duvar, dufar "to duck, dip, lower oneself; to plunge into water", which was borrowed from Old English dyfan "to dive, submerse". In its ludic sense it is attested from the seventeenth century.
Jo saveu mell'amig er duvant a scac. /ʒo saˈvaw ˌmɛ.laˈmaj ɛr diˈvant a xak/ [ʝo sɐˈvaw ˌmɛ.lɐˈmaj ɛː dɪˈvan‿ta xak] 1s know-pst 1s.gn=friend cop.ipf cheat-p.prs at chess I realised my friend was cheating at chess.
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groupalpha · 8 months
Ah, a Scac Scagler Scag Scagvenger Scavenger ...They appear to be Depressed Onward, 'Malgy!
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TA: I... uh... hope you feel better.
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globalmultiservices · 2 years
IFTA Fuel Tax Return
Motor carriers must file IFTA Fuel Tax Returns at the end of every year, and the process demands accurate and timely reports. It can also be stressful and draining because of the paperwork. Global Multi Services help carriers calculate their mileage in each jurisdiction and file their report.
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scav-gifs-daily · 7 months
4469 please it so preeetty
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ID : 4469
o this guy's called bone iirc. you're very right this is a pretty scac. look at those pink highlights
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hellfire--cult · 1 year
b and f from the fic ask prompt thingy 🥰
Thank you for the ask MY LOVEEEEE ❤
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
oof, all of them are inspired somewhat by personal experience. Hooked on You and Do I wanna Know are dear to me, because reader is just experiencing stuff I suffered or suffer daily, but all of my fics except for maybe SCAC and the new one I am writing, they all have something to do with a personal part of my life!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
I can share another!
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I was so proud of this scene, because you can see the mind transition, the psychological leverage reader had ever since she arrived in neverland, to even start considering home, not just because of the loss of memory, but because she knew that she had never been happier.
This is the scene where there's no return for reader to her own world, this scene is where the choice is made, and her feelings are truly shown.
ask me shit
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