faithinlouisfuture · 1 year
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delicate beauty ღ
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theirloveisgross · 10 months
I still can't believe he shared Saved By A Stranger with us. And sang it on tour (and only once in Europe).
One of the most fucked up lines he's ever written is in that song.
But for a moment stay with me and let me feel the freedom that you're holding
Rocks me to my core when I think too hard about it.
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elceeu2morrow · 1 year
Saved By A Stranger [FITFWT 2023 Columbia, 7.22.23 / kumaontour]
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phantomswriting · 1 year
Sunshines Bloom After the Storm: chapter 3
"let's get the boys some plant" or also known as the florist side of the author is showing
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probablyahazard · 1 year
just me and my 7 little deity ocs for my little dnd campaign against the world
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emptycharactermp3 · 1 year
the thing about me is that my character playlists always reveal waaaaaay too many secrets
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matthew tkachuk and sasha barkov's relationship is not mum and dad it's dad and his innapropriately young and sexy new girlfriend
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
by Seth Mandel
A hideous article in the Washington Post goes out of its way to flaunt its disregard for journalistic ethics in the service of exacerbating the national anti-Semitism crisis. The piece itself is the reporting equivalent of corking the bat, filling an article with examples that undermine its thesis and hoping nobody looks inside.
The topic of the piece, written by Pranshu Verma, is the assertion that cancel culture is being applied to defenders of Hamas, so now cancel culture is bad. But the most objectionable part of the article is where Verma misrepresents an incident so egregiously that the credibility of the whole piece crumbles to dust.
To be clear, the rest of the article isn’t accurate either. For example, people weren’t being punished for “criticiz[ing] Israel,” as the headline declares, but usually for behavior such as destroying posters or chanting genocidal slogans and the like. Unfortunately, that sort of obfuscation is ubiquitous in media reporting on the aftermath of Hamas’s massacre on Oct. 7. The truly appalling part of the article is in the following excerpt:
Since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel responded by attacking Gaza, groups have poured resources into identifying people with opposing political beliefs, sometimes deploying aggressive publicity campaigns that have resulted in profound real-world consequences. Within weeks of Oct. 7, ‘doxing trucks’ prowled the campuses of Harvard, Columbia and Princeton, displaying the names and photos of students and professors who had signed statements declaring solidarity with Palestinians. In January, a Rutgers Law School student sued the university, alleging that he had faced discriminatory disciplinary action after sharing what he deemed ‘pro-Hamas’ messages from his classmates with school administrators.
So here’s how the Washington Post frames the Rutgers situation: Pro-Hamas people are having their lives ruined by Jews who highlight their public comments, and this Rutgers fellow is an example not only of that but of essentially doxxing. (Doxxing means to reveal personal identifying information that is either nonpublic or requires enough effort to find that it is, in a practical sense, nonpublic.)
Here’s what actually happened. Members of the Student Bar Association sent their group chat anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas messages after the Oct. 7 massacre, and an Orthodox Jewish law student in the chat, Yoel Ackerman, responded. He shared the messages with the Rutgers Jewish Law Students Association. For this, the law school opened disciplinary proceedings against Ackerman, with the law school dean telling her colleagues “we have a Jewish law student seeking to take and publish the names of those he deems to be supporting Hamas.” He was then subject to a Sovietesque impeachment hearing from the Student Bar Association. Ackerman, without receiving sufficient explanation, was berated for three hours in what amounted to administrative harassment. In order to dispense of their troublesome Jew, the SBA then moved to suspend its own constitution in order to expel Ackerman.
That’s when Rutgers University stepped in, and briefly suspended the SBA while it could sort out the mess that Hamas propagandists and their enthusiastic supporters among the deans had made of the school. The SBA was soon reinstated.
This, the Washington Post tells us, is an example of a Jew oppressing the poor gentile.
This is not biased reporting. It is Jew-baiting propaganda with a long and very disturbing history. The rest of the article, meanwhile, is biased reporting: Verma simply launders the exterminationist language of domestic extremists into legitimate criticism of a foreign government.
The whole article is science fiction. But the apology the paper owes Ackerman is very real.
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rainy-arcade · 1 month
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Cooper design for the starving aftermath fans
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faithinlouisfuture · 1 year
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💀 (x)
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wish-i-were-heather · 21 days
good night i am so ososo tired that everyt time i blunk i start to fall asleep so im trpyugn with ny mane wring ig sghut what the fyck did i just wrtei ok buye
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elceeu2morrow · 1 year
Saved By A Stranger (full song) [FITFWT 2023 Gilford, 5.27.23]
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travisdermotts · 7 months
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phantomswriting · 1 year
Giving a fic its own file is the moment I realize something went wrong with my "let's write a quick sad OS with Sky and Rain". There's nothing close to a One Shot with this story
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azsazz · 2 years
Sugared and Spiked
Cassian x Reader
Summary: Reader and Cassian decide to make chocolate chip cookies after a late night of drinking.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,625
Notes: Mhm…we love a domestic bat boy 🤤
“Cassian,” you hiss, rapping the wooden spoon against his knuckles as he spills over the flour trying to sneak a taste of the sweet concoction you’ve mixed. But that’s all it is: butter and sugars combined with a dash of the saccharine smelling vanilla. Impatient male. “I literally just measured that!”
He yelps, clutching his hand to his chest with a pout, eyes glossy from the fair share of drinks he’s had thus far.
“That hurt,” he whimpers dramatically, lower lip jutting out in a pout.
As if that’s going to make you give in.
“That’s what you get for trying to sneak some with your grubby paws before it’s done,” you retort, giving him a stern look.
He huffs, muttering that he washed his hands you just weren’t around to see. You stifle your laughter with the back of your hand but he catches sight of your upturned mouth, poking you in the side which causes you to let out a too loud squeal. You slap a hand over your slackened mouth, sharing a look with the Illyrian.
You both still, listening to the silence of the house late at night. Neither of you hear anything upstairs, releasing sighs of relief. His brothers had retired to their rooms only a few hours ago while you and Cassian continued drinking, until he’d gotten a craving for chocolate chip cookies.
“Can you crack the eggs please?”
The Illyrian grumbles and turns to the opposite counter where you’d set out the eggs and a dish. Even in your own drunken haze you knew not to trust Cassian with cracking the eggs over the already started batter, knowing that his normally tender touch tends to get a bit more aggressive when he drinks. Not that you’d ever complain when those hands were roaming up your skirts for a cheeky feel, but it won’t do with the delicate produce. 
You don’t want to try and fish out shells in your own tipsy state.
You sneak a few of the stray chocolate chips from the counter, enjoying the sweetness on your tongue. Your mate had been a bit overeager when he’d found them. At first, the both of you were going to share the chocolate, but it was soon decided that cookies would be an even better midnight snack than the candy chips. The bag had burst open, ripping down the middle and spraying the tiny drops everywhere, leaving you and Cassian staring wide-eyed at each other, stifling the roaring laughter that itched at your throat.
There were still enough to go around, most having landed on the clean countertop. The ones that had managed to escape to the floor had been cleaned up by the Illyrian himself, though you begged him not to eat them off of the ground.
“I’m not letting these go to waste,” he’d said, easily able to pop them into his mouth even with you hanging off of his arm, trying to stop him. His muscles bulge and he smirks at the sweet smell that isn’t coming from the chocolate. “It’s just a little dust.”
He’d tossed one up in the air, catching it in his mouth with ease, smirking down at you as he chewed, all while you watched with your arms crossed over your chest, trying to keep your face neutral.
As you measure out the salt you hear a loud clang of an egg being smashed against a metal bowl and the sound reverberating loudly throughout the kitchen has you cringing, praying that the other two Illyrians don’t awaken from the noise.
You smother your laugh at the low curse that follows.
Remeasuring the flour, you add it to your bowl with the rest of the dry ingredients, ready to be added to the wet by the time Cassian returns with the bowl of eggs. You peek into the dish, chuckling when you catch a glimpse of them as he pours them into the bowl with the sugar and butter. One yolk is busted but the other seems unscathed but there are no shells in sight and you couldn’t be happier.
“How long did you spend fishing out the eggshells?” you tease, handing him the wooden spoon to mix. You’ll add the dry ingredients to the wet because you know in Cassian’s state he’d most likely spill the flour…again.
“Quiet you, or I won’t share any of my cookies,” he chaffs, moving the bowl away from you right as you’re about to dump a spoonful of the flour mixture into the bowl. It falls onto the counter, a plume of powder wafting from the white substance and you glare at Cassian who hunches his shoulders with a blush, curling in on himself. “Sorry!”
“These are never going to get done,” you mutter, watching as he sweeps the flour from the counter into the bowl. Cauldron, you curse, grimacing at the sight.
You’re definitely not drunk enough for this.
“You’re right,” a voice from the doorway startles the both of you. The spoon jumps in your hands and ingredients go spilling once more. You place the bowl down in defeat, brushing the light substance from your hands back into the mixing dish. 
At least you know your hands are clean.
“You two will never get these done without a little help,” Azriel smirks slightly and of course you’d woken the spymaster. You don’t even know why you and Cassian thought you could pull this off without alerting the ever watching male.
Cassian steps aside as Az rounds the corner, taking his place at the mixing bowl. The warlord tries to take the spoon with him, wanting to taste the batter so desperately, but a dark tendril of shadow wraps around the handle, tugging it away from Cassian’s mouth.
The tallest Illyrian grumbles, surrendering the spoon into Azriel’s possession, who shares a look with you that has you chuckling loudly at your disappointed mate. Cassian leaves the room with his head hung between his shoulders, grumbling about getting the unfinished bottle of alcohol from the sitting room.
You help Azriel with the dough, adding the flour mixture into the large bowl while he incorporates it with the wet ingredients. It’s a comfortable silence between the two of you while you work and you’ve just added the last of the dry blend into the crock when something shatters in the next room over.
You cringe, watching as Azriel’s shadows flicker at the noise. He doesn’t so much as flinch, just moves that steady hazel gaze from the bowl to the door that Cassian comes stumbling through, just as Rhysand appears at the bottom of the stairs, his violet eyes blazing.
“I didn’t do it,” Cassian exclaims, bottle clutched in one hand as he raises them in surrender. 
The High Lord lets out a long breath, cleaning the mess with a snap and sending you all stern looks. “Having all the fun without me then?”
You look between Cassian and Azriel, then at the nearly completed batter on the counter. You offer Rhys a crooked grin, holding up the bowl of chocolate chips, “Would you like to add the chocolate chips?”
He cracks a grin, joining you and Azriel at the counter, pouring in every single morsel of sweetness into the bowl, stirring it happily. “Ah, I showed up for the best part, as always.”
“No,” Cassian sing-songs, taking a swig from the bottle. He passes by his brothers, catching them off guard, swiping up some of the completed dough and plopping it into his mouth, finally getting what he’s wanted since the start.
“Hey,” you protest, as he lifts you onto the counter and settles between your legs, “That’s not fair Cass.”
“I’ll give you a little taste,” he winks, chewing, “All you had to do was ask (Y/N).”
He leans in with every intention of letting you taste the sugary goodness on his tongue but you lean back as he moves forward, pressing a hand to his chest. “Gross!”
Cassian makes a face at you, sticking his tongue out. There’s chocolate coating it and you can only laugh at his antics. You waste no time scooping a bit of dough from the bowl and smearing it across his mouth.
“You’re going to get it now,” his grin is wicked, glossy eyes aroused, catching your wrist in his so he can hold you still as he leans the rest of the way in, ignoring your shrieking as he rubs his cookie dough coated face against yours, smearing the batter between your faces.
“Should we leave?” Rhys asks, when Cassian pulls away.
“We should take the cookie dough,” Azriel hums in agreement.
“No,” you exclaim, snagging a towel from the counter and whipping Cassian with it. He laughs heartily, swaying slightly in his spot, rubbing at his arm where you’d snapped the towel at it. You wipe the substance from your face, glaring at him, before opening the silverware drawer between your legs for four spoons.
“Here,” you pass them out, taking a scoop of the dough from the bowl, licking at it. You nearly moan at how good it tastes, the sweetness dancing on your tongue.
Azriel doesn’t hesitate and Rhys watches amused at his brother with the sweet tooth.
“Are we not cooking these?” the High Lord asks even though he’s taking some himself.
You shrug, looking at the partially scooped out dough. “Guess not. I forgot to turn the oven on, to be honest.”
“Me too,” Cassian admits with a smile, already on his second scoop. The four of you will finish it in no time, no point in turning on the oven.
“Next time then,” Rhys answers, both you and his brothers shooting him knowing looks. 
Like that’s going to happen.
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lifesizejosuke · 1 year
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a judgement made can never bend
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